Beantown Podcast - 06302019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: June 30, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from the North Side of Chicago to discuss the Elizabeth Warren townhall, eating taco bell late at night, and other great stuff...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinty of Furnace and it's time for the Beam Town podcast for Sunday, June 30th, 2019. Last day of June, summer solstice month. It's a month without a federal holiday, would you? Believe that I'd say every month should have a federal holiday. And even if that means making, you know, Valentine's Day, a federal holiday in February or St. Paddy's Day, which should obviously be a federal holiday. In March, I say go for it. Full steam ahead, boys. This is Quinn. This is my voice. I'm the director creator, owner, co-host and best boy and all that stuff on this show, Quinn David Furnace Presents, the bean town podcast. And you know, we've done this maybe once or
Starting point is 00:00:52 twice before, but it's been a while. And I'll tell you what, this is going to be a bean town podcast. So when you're listening to it, you're probably in the morning with your cup of coffee, a meal a day, whatever. But I'm out here late night doing a podcast for the beaners because that's how dedicated I am to you all the listening base. It's late. I'm coming to you live about 11.30 p.m. and get a podcast in for those faithful listeners. You might have heard that we got some buttons, button, B-U-T-T-O-N-S, not the buttons, not the Mormon family from Branson, but the buttons with a B as in boy that say, I heart bean tone on them. If you want a button, come by to beautiful Rogers Park where we are recording life tonight and we will be happy to hand you one of those buttons. Otherwise this is my show.
Starting point is 00:02:01 It's one of the better shows in the North Side of Chicago. And it is your number one source for misinformation across the internet and interwebs and all subsequent networks. I'll listen to your discussion as advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some late-night language. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible as voted by you The fans well what's happened in my name is Quinn and this is my show and I mean some Taco Bell And in fact, I haven't even started yet again. It's Taco Bell It's a popular chain of Mexican fast food restaurants that you can find
Starting point is 00:02:42 Scattered throughout the country and I mean some right now and I tell you what, I ordered some last week last Saturday and I was out celebrating with friend of the podcast Sean who's been on before. Check out the Faroele episode from summer 2018. But I was out celebrating Sean who was earning his master's degree and congrats to Sean. Anyways, we were out drinking after that ceremony. And you know, the tequila comes out, yada, yada, yada. Well, then I ended up at a bar. And y'all haven't heard this story.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I say y'all because sometimes I like to say y'all because we did our podcast. Oh, there goes my taco bell wrapper. Hang on. Man down. it's like Frickin Saving private Ryan over here saving private Taco Bell rapper Because we when we recorded with JP last for the last episode are in be draft up
Starting point is 00:03:37 So that is actually Thursday night, so it's been about 10 days So last Saturday night. I oh boy. I I drank, drink, drank, drunk, and you might be thinking to yourself, well, when will you're kind of drunk right now? No, that's not true. I have a light buzz going. I'm about four to five drinks in. But that's, you know, we're talking like legit, a seven to eight hour span. So, I, no, had a couple, I feel good. Going to bed as soon as we finish recording, et cetera. But last Saturday night, so after all the festivities and I was feeling, you know, like Superman,
Starting point is 00:04:19 Hercules, if you all was like, no, I'm not done yet. So I go out to the local dive bar. And it's me and it's three K-Uggers. Again, that's Cougar, C-O-U-G-A-R, who are like putting money into the jukebox, ABBA, Foreigner, Alton John, all the hits, they just keep coming. And, you know, I'm pretty toasted at that point,
Starting point is 00:04:45 so I ordered a couple of PBRs, and we just danced the night away, like Van Halen once said. Next day, I know they're ordering a pizza for my former local joints, and I moved about a mile south now, so it's not really my local joint anymore, but JBL burtos for the curious
Starting point is 00:05:08 kinds. And next thing I know, yada yada yada, the pizzas at the bar were munching down and having a good time in dancing. And before I know it, the three ladies, shout out to Bill Burr, have gone, have vacated the premises, and I'm sitting there by myself. It's probably like 1.30 a.m. at that point by myself of this bar last customer, and I quickly packed up my things and went home. But that was, you know, I don't usually drink a ton, nor do I go to bars by myself to eat pizza with cougars, but we had a good time. You know, you never know what you're gonna find
Starting point is 00:05:53 Saturday night in North Side of Chicago. So let me get some Taco Bell here. Oh, I remember how Taco Bell factors in. So after that, I go to the talk about some like any dinner which is sort of what I'm doing now and I got I was a little bit more toasted than I thought and fast forward to about 9 30 a.m. on Sunday morning wake up with a burrito on my hand two more in the bag and I'm like damn man what happened last night. And I remember that I went to
Starting point is 00:06:32 Taco Bell after the Cougar bar but then I was like I had pizzas so why did I I don't know you know the mine thinks what it wants to think. So that was Saturday and boy was I hung over on Sunday. Wow, and my older years here, the hangover 7 creased by quite a bit. And this wasn't even my worst hangover because I've had some really bad hangovers before you're just like crazy nauseous and you throw up once or twice. I had one of those after a wedding in April in Chicago coincidentally. But this one was just like, man, I don't want to do anything. It reminded me of being a little kid when you're like either sick or pretend to be sick as a little kid and all you do is like line bed all day and watch TV and that's kind of
Starting point is 00:07:39 your day. Which now being a doll that's like released with my agenda kind of unheard of. I mean I'm either at work on a weekday or on weekends I'm like out and about since my one time to do things. So just like lying around and watching stuff between the hours of you know like 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. is just like what the hell are you doing? So I'm not used to it. Anyways, that's what I did on Sunday. I finally was able to get up and get something to eat by like 8 p.m. I made some supper.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Supper, that's a great word. I love using that word supper instead of dinner. But yeah, it was rough. Anyways, I use that term anyways quite a quite a number of times already, but I think it adequately Captures the rapid progression of the story. I'm trying to encapsulate so You know Workweek starts that sort of thing. I tell you what I was trying to find something to do last night Friday night, which I I was trying to find something to do last night, Friday night, which, well, it wasn't last night because this is Sunday now. For those of you listening to you live, for those
Starting point is 00:08:51 listening to me live, not you live. I had to get some more talk about. Apologies to those of you who listened last week to my 45 minute improv jam session with John Paul Pundowski. You're like, hey, the bean-tongued podcast is actually doing something good for once. And fast forward to this week. You're like, oh, kind of back to the crapper. I agree with that. I went to see, I didn't have any plans last night.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So yesterday at work I'm kind of poking around Facebook which is good for events still. And I just casually come across an Elizabeth Warren town hall like a block from my workspace. And I'm just like, okay. I see you Betsy. What's the catch here? Is there like ticket price? Was this sold out? Once ago, like what's the deal?
Starting point is 00:09:59 Nope. Come on in, have a good time. Listen to Elizabeth Warren. So I did. And they advertise it as a town hall, which to me, town hall is like, maybe the candidate makes an opening statement of 10-15 minutes, whatever. And then they spend like an hour plus answering questions, right? That's what a town hall is.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So I go to this event, Auditorium Theater, downtown Chicago, Wells and Wabash, and there's an intro speaker who's like fine but speaks for 10 minutes which is a long time when you're like I want to seal as with Warren. And then Elizabeth Warren came out and she spoke for a long time, man, like 45 minutes. And the whole time, she's sitting there thinking like, because they already started about 20 minutes after they said they were starting. And I'm just like, hey, I want to hear like,
Starting point is 00:11:02 I already know your policy and your platforms because it's online, I can watch you on TV, whatever, it's good stuff, I'm with it. But I want to hear how you respond to hard-hitting questions. They got two, maybe three questions, and they just rushed them right at the end. And they did that, so they had the system where they you know raffle ticket essentially Not raffle, but like those tickets they used for raffle tickets. You know the tarot way ones. That's what they're using
Starting point is 00:11:35 So at the very end they're like calling numbers randomly for people to ask their questions And they're like we we're gonna do three. So they called to whatever they got them. They called the, and they're doing them, they were calling all at once and then moving to the asking questions. So they could get like three people lined up.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Well, they call the third one. And this is a dumb, down version of the story because this happened multiple times. But they call the third one, you know, whatever. Six, two, four, one, eight. No one responds. So they say you know, whatever. 62418, no one responds. So they say, okay, whatever, they call the next one. 63718, that person is like, oh my God, I got my ticket. But she's all the way on the other side
Starting point is 00:12:17 of the auditorium for more than Mike is. So it's gonna take her while to get there. So the first two people ask their questions. The third person allegedly was someone who's take it number had previously been called, but they didn't like announce themselves. They were just like casually hanging out. And so then that person asked their question, and the fourth person who like they actually announced and chose didn't get to ask her question because they're like, oh, we're only going to take three questions. person asked their question and the fourth person who liked the actually announced and chose didn't get to ask her question because they're like oh we're only going to take three questions.
Starting point is 00:12:49 So that person got her ticket number red live on stage, by Elizabeth Warren and then it was like oh no we're not going to take your question which frankly I felt was kind of like a low blow. So, I felt bad for that girl. She was kind of cute too. And it's like, hey, Betsy, you know, what's the deal here? I don't know. But then she was like, you know, e-worn. It was like, come on up after we finish up here.
Starting point is 00:13:30 It takes us selfies. Which as you can imagine, in a 5,000-seat auditorium of which there were probably only 100, 200 empty seats. The line to get a selfie was particularly long so No, I did not because I was literally up in the nose bleeds. I Did not wait in line for an hour To get a selfie with Elizabeth Warren although I probably could have And I thought about it for a hot second. I was like, hey, you know, Elizabeth Warren becomes president like
Starting point is 00:14:04 You know how big a boost on social media this could be for me if I had a selfie with Elizabeth Warren, president Elizabeth Warren, but then I was like, yeah, but I could go home and like make dinner and watch TV. So I did that instead. Happy Friday, TG-R-F. You remember that song last Friday night by Katie Perry? It's Katie Perry like, she on American Idol or what? I just feel like she's not relevant anymore. I don't know she had that string of like five or six years From probably like I don't know what like 2008 to 2013 14 something like that Where I feel like she was queen
Starting point is 00:14:59 California girls I kissed a girl Firework teenage dream, last Friday night, you know, you know the other ones, dark horse, where she was just like on top of stuff and I apologized because there's probably, you know, two or three hits that I left out, but I don't care, you know what I'm getting at? And now it's like, she changed her hair. She's kinda crazy, T-B-H. I've seen her like, I've seen an interview once or twice, lately and she's like, oh, wait, you're kinda like,
Starting point is 00:15:40 you're kinda a weirdo. She's not with Russell Brand anymore, I think that's a big mistake. Because when she was with Russell Brand, then she was the normal one. Not just single, it's like, oh wait. Suddenly, I'm not the normal one anymore. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Hey, KP88. Assuming that's her birth year because I don't know. If you're out there listening to the Bean Time podcast, if you're one of the seven of us listening, hmm. Shoot us a message and we'd be happy to chat with you on the podcast. I think that could be good for both of our social media images. All right, let's get to some ads here. It's gonna be a shorter podcast because I'm literally like, one, I'm eating. Two, I wanna go to bed. What, you know?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Last Saturday and I didn't get to go to bed until prepolic three. I slept on my couch. First time. And I would say like, oh, I don't remember a thing it was comfortable. But I was like 12 drinks and so I don't think I can accurately judge something. Let's go ahead and read some ads here maybe get some
Starting point is 00:17:15 water first. Well I got one bite left one bite if you had bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum if you had one bite one bite Bum bum bum Palms are sweaty mom spaghetti taco bell my ready That was the last bite so Let's get to some add Add. I oughta check my text first.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Alright, I'm good. Here we go. Let's rumble. Home Pride Oregon. Oh, you know it's gonna be good when home Pride Oregon rolls into town. Simple water, then I'm ready, I promise. Let's spill a little on the couch. Quick shout out before you go to the Humpard Overn. Quick shout out to Jack Links. Uncle Andy at the wedding.
Starting point is 00:18:17 For those beaners, you know the pictures in the video by now about hoisting the jerky hoist. Also included in that package deal, though, were two Jack links growlers. And I had been storing them at a friend's house and she finally got back from a work trip a couple weeks long and I was able to acquire them, reacquire them. So now I have the two Jack links growlers at my apartment. And you know what I like to do? I get home after a little while being out.
Starting point is 00:18:48 It's hot and psych, so no American is shitting. I pop out a number of ice cubes, usually six. And these babies are like cubes and they're thick. Like one inch by one inch by one inch at least. Probably more than that. I pop them all in there, I fill it up with water. And I've got, how much is a grower, like 40 ounces, something like that?
Starting point is 00:19:10 I've got 40 ounces ish, a fresh ice-cold, Rocky Mountain spring water. And that's really what life is all about. So thanks to Jack Links. It's great after a hot run or hot yoga or hot anything. I love it. Kiss me. Cool and refreshed. So home pride organ. I'm not wearing my glasses. So reading this ad could be challenging. But I think I know it by heart. Are you tired of selling your home for less than a quarter
Starting point is 00:19:48 of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, there is good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central, Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and, and it's very important, home inspection certified. So you know you're getting a good stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:19 If you're tired of big real estate, or angle hold on, I heard my neck doing that, on the home inspection market, and you want a safe, certified home inspector that you can trust, fireworks, fourth of July's coming up, maybe we'll do a special or something.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Cause I'm a communist, I suppose. Call Steve at 541-140316. I always love looking at the 031-6. Excuse me, so that's my birthday. Or visit That's 541-14036 or visit HomePrideOrgan, it's Spaction. Perfection. Shout out to the TV guide, which I think we're at a point, beeners, we're about to hit the three month mark, where I think we can maybe go rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I don't know. I think next week, I'll probably do an official burial of some kind, but I got four TV guides. That was it. It's just like, I don't understand. Because for the first month when they stopped coming, I was kind of just like, oh, it's a joke. Like, oh, they'll be there. And then the second month, I was just like,
Starting point is 00:21:51 oh, what happened? And now it's like going into month three, I'm like, oh, wait, they're probably not ever coming, right? It's frustrating. Quinn is frustrated. I'm distraught. I've lost sleep over this. Makes for great air time, but bad memories. I don't know. It's just like you put your trust in a TV guide and then you physically go out and buy a TV to show your dedication to
Starting point is 00:22:27 it. Next thing you know, you know, it kicks you to the curb. Like, why not even gonna come to you anymore? So, I don't know. It's in a emotional time. Let's, I prefer if we move on. Samson, Q2U microphone series for all your podcasting, recording, and just general life needs. Samson's there for you.
Starting point is 00:22:49 That crisp, clean audio quality makes sure that you're always sounding good to whoever in, whomever. And don't forget that when God speaks, he uses a Samson. Here's a little Bible trivia factoid that not even a factoid, it's a question. But something that I post to the beeners because I actually have no idea, you know, what book is Samson in? Is that like a first Kings sort of thing? Is it second Kings? Could it be Chronicles?
Starting point is 00:23:33 I don't even know what happens in Chronicles. What's the deal with Chronicles? If there are any biblical or any theologians out there. Please reach out to the bean-town pod. Oh, perfect time. This worked out perfectly. Perfect time to advertise our email address. That's address, A-D-D-R-E-S-S. You know where to find us. We are cuts. Nope, that's the wrong email address. We are bean-town podcasts. You know where to find us.
Starting point is 00:24:05 We are cuts. Nope, that's the wrong email address. We are beantown podcast at That's beantown, B-E-A-N-T-O, doesn't podcast at Complaints, concerns, questions, all that stuff. You know how to find us. This might be the podcast with the most dead air in between like word slash phrases.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And that's okay. Sometimes you just got to take a load off. We got one more ad to read here though, and it is Cuts by Q Bob and we've, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it. And I'll mention this, and this is a completely true story. This morning, which was Saturday morning, June 29th, I looked at myself and then me and I said, hey, this guy needs a cut spike you.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Actually, first I was like, this guy needs a shave because I've been riding kind of the same like, as much facial hairs I can grow minus a neck beard look for like a month now which might not sound like a lot of time but for me who like I get complacent pretty easily I'm just like uh whatever let's try something new I always ever you like month or two months or so I completely shave thinking that maybe now that I can pull off like my baby fat look.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I'm still not there. Maybe when I'm like 50, when I grow into these cheeks a little bit, but still, and I just shaved clean this morning and I look at myself in the mirror and it's not even, I'm not even like, oh my god, you look 17 because I don't. It's just like, where did all that pudge come from? It's the biggest question. And it's very white. But I also then I'm looking at myself and actually had been thinking of this for a couple of days when I'm like, you know, I might,
Starting point is 00:25:54 it might be time for a little trim on the sides and the back. So I go out and actually on my back porch, I use an extension cord to connect into the kitchen. And I'm, you know, using my phone as a mirror classic cut spec you set up. Get myself a little bit on the side, a little bit on the back, and then I'm like, guys, looks okay, but now, and a common problem I have is there's,
Starting point is 00:26:20 it's too long on the top. So I'm like, oh, let me trim some of that. So I had to try to predict which number to use, do you use like a four, a six, and eight, whatever with a hair trimming. The local or the fellow barbers in the audience will know what I'm referencing. And so I think I picked a four, maybe I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:26:43 But I give my top a trimming out. It's a little bit shorter than I wanted and the sides are all buzzed. So when you combine the side sping buzz with the beard and the stash gone, now I look kind of like peasant boy 2000, but what I was all growing into it, but it's all courtesy of cuts by cue.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Bob and we all know the hairstyle, we all into it, but it's all courtesy of cuts by Q Bob and we we all know the hairstyle. We all love it. But how many midtown Baltimore based nope, I got it changed this ad. North side of Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Samman but completely different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving the North Side of Chicago and Cook County, Illinois. From B. Hives to Bangs, Fowl Hawks, the flat tops and everything in between called cuts by Q8152987200 or email cuts by That's cuts.
Starting point is 00:27:49 QUTZ by Oh, and sing it with me if you know how it goes. Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and new, just call the expert at cut a spa EQ. I got a little while at the end. Cut spa EQ. All right, how are we doing on time here? 28 minutes. I tell you what, that's kind of where I wanted to be. And I'm trying to think, do I have anything else?
Starting point is 00:28:22 You know, sometimes you kind of go through all your material and then you read the ads and next thing you know, you're like, hey, we're at half an hour. And if you'll recall, for those beaners who've been with us since the beginning, all two and a half of you, if you recall from the beginning, I think my first episode was like 20 minutes and I was like, oh, it's the perfect time. I don't want to be longer than this. Next thing you know, you're putting out year-wind specials that are four and a half hours. oh, it's the perfect time. I don't want to be longer than this. Next thing, you know, you're putting out year-wind specials that are four and a half hours. Wait, that got I hand quickly.
Starting point is 00:28:50 But, you know, that's all I got. And sometimes it's good to just be like, you know, you don't need an extra 15 minutes of air time if you got nothing to say. The beaners might be like, oh, this one's only 29 minutes. Maybe I'll take a listen versus the ones that are 45 minutes and you're like, I don't have time for this. So sometimes you just cut it short.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And that's really all I got to say. Thanks everyone for listening. Apologies for the weird structure. Ed's come right at the end, but I'm comfortable if you're comfortable. This has been Quinn David Furnace, this is my podcast, Bean Town podcast. And don't forget to check out my new
Starting point is 00:29:25 project the white noise podcast with friend of the podcast Matt Feeder. We host that you can find it in I anchor Spotify, I suppose Apple podcast, whatever. It's kind of tough to find so just type in white noise and then Matt or Quinn whatever and then hope and pray and it'll it'll come up eventually. So that's what we got for you. Thanks for tuning in and everyone. Have a great week. We'll check in on you, Fourth of July time. And hey, I'm going to see the killers and death cabbets
Starting point is 00:29:54 some are fast and Milwaukee. Next Friday, so I'm sure we'll have some tails from there. But yeah, oh, I remember one thing I wanted to say after I was hanging out with a friend today and then after that I went to a bar by myself Which I'm a big fan of and I know some people are like, oh, why would you ever go by by yourself? And I'm just like to experience it man. You don't have to always be and this is I'm not judging I know who does want to go to a bar by myself. But the way I feel is like, if I'm feeling like I always have to be someone, be with someone, excuse me, to go out, then I'm not going to go out very often
Starting point is 00:30:33 not because I don't have friends, but just because, you know, it's a lot to like, I can either just like decide him going to put on a shirt and go to a bar or it can be like, texting people, trying to figure out when to wear to meet them, yada, yada, yada. Sometimes it's a lot easier to just be like, hey, I'm gonna pack up my stuff myself and I'm gonna go to this bar and have a drink. So I went to a bar and it was literally, it was crazy because this is a fairly not like jam and bar but usually pretty popular. And this is a, this was just hours ago. This was Saturday night at about 6 p.m., 7 p.m. maybe.
Starting point is 00:31:10 So a bar that like should be pretty popping, right? It was me and two other people plus the bartender. It was crazy. One was this older black lady who had just gone to the target to get a wireless charger for her phone But she was having trouble figuring it out. So we set it up for her And she was overjoyed like the Stevie Wonder song that she could charge her phone wirelessly I don't know why I said it that way because there's no each and
Starting point is 00:31:42 wireless but But you know it got me thinking like, hey, sometimes going out by yourself, you get to meet people you would never meet before. And they're not people who are gonna be my best friends, but they're like neighbors. They live in the city, they're hanging out. They just wanna have a good time,
Starting point is 00:32:00 have a drink like it's a nice summer day. And you just have some conversation for 20 minutes. It doesn't matter if it's about the Cubs game, if it's about wireless charges, about the system, if it's about women. Who cares? Just go out, have a good time. You don't have to exchange numbers. You don't have to follow them on Instagram. Just be in the moment. You're not building anything. You're just experiencing each other's company. And so all to all my friends out there who are glued to their Instagram pages every night and day just sometimes it's nice and I'm not even like unplug whatever you do what you want to do. But just go be
Starting point is 00:32:39 with some people for a little bit. Go to a bar by yourself. See what happens. Have a good time. Live your life. Okay, that's all I got for you on the Bean Tum podcast. Everyone be kind to one another. Have a good week. Don't shoot off your fingers with fireworks. Like John, what's the same? Jason Pierre Paul is going to say John Paul Pindowski. There's like, no, that's the wrong person. Jason Pierre Paul, if you want, I want to say gruesome image, Google what his hand looked like. He's down to two fingers. Kind of got a claw going poor guy.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Those Frenchies are hiled. They seek him here, they seek him there. Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? Is he in hell? That damn delusive pinfer, no. For $100 in bean-town cash, for the listeners out there, let me know where that's from, and I'll hook you up with some buttons. All right, until next time, have a good one.
Starting point is 00:33:36 This is Quinn DeVivference. This is my podcast, the Bean-town podcast. Have a good week, everyone. Happy Fourth of July. And we'll check in on you next time. everyone happy for it that July and we'll check in on you next time.

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