Beantown Podcast - 07072019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: July 7, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from beautiful Rogers Park to discuss USPS not ringing your bell, noisy adolescent Italian youths, and the fascinating conclusion to the 2004 World Series of Poker...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quindy with Furnace. This is my show. Quindy with Furnace presents Being Tom Podcast. First Sunday, July 7th, 2019. What's going on? How are you? This is me. This is my voice. I own this show. All rights reserved and no one shall redistribute or re-dissiminate this show or its broadcast without the whatever they say, authorize consent of Major League Baseball or in this case the expressed written consent of Quindude Furnch presents the Bean Tom Podcast and Bean Tom So there you go. This is me. We are the number one source for misinformation across the internet. In fact, they got a lovely message from a fan on SoundCloud. We don't get a lot of messages on SoundCloud. They're usually through the website, but we got a message on SoundCloud this morning
Starting point is 00:01:09 fan asking, hey, Quinn, if you're bean town podcast, watching this Cubs game and their second basement just made a horrific air and what should have been a double play, the fan asks, hey, if you're the bean town podcast, but you're located in Baltimore, it was a little play. The fan asks, hey, if you're the bean-town podcast, but you're located in Baltimore, it was a little outdated. But if you're located in Baltimore, what's the deal? And I just smiled and I sent a nice message back explaining the situation, but it was great because you know, that's what really what we're here to do is spread that misinformation far
Starting point is 00:01:42 and wide across the internet. We are the bean- town podcast and we are one of the better podcasts on the north side of Chicago. We're coming to you live from the beautiful Rogers Park here is a Sunday afternoon pretty picturesque. Congratulations to the women's National team winning the World Cup just a couple hours ago in France. That was pretty awesome. The game itself, I didn't find, and this is a controversial opinion. I didn't find it to be that exciting outside of like the 10 minutes late in the first half when the Dutch were really pouring it on. Otherwise, I was just kind of like, I didn't feel like the penalty was a penalty shot. There's another double play opportunity there it is.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And the second goal, obviously, was great. But I don't know. Especially in the second half, once a repeano hit the penalty, it never really felt close. So I don't know. Hey, congratulations to them. Not complaining about anything. Everyone was saying how amazing a game was. And I didn't know. hey congratulations to them, not complaining about anything. It was just everyone was saying how amazing a game was. I didn't, I don't know. I thought it was a good game. It wasn't like the most boring game of soccer we've ever seen, but it was just kind of like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:54 whatever. And now we're watching the Cross-Town Classic, Cubs White Sox, Cubs have been playing a terrible game, but they're still, they're still hanging in there in the seventh. So we'll see a terrible game, but they're still hanging in there in the seventh. So we'll see if they can stick around. And then tonight, Gold Cup Final, USA vs Mexico, actually from Soldier Fields here in Chicago, if you're curious, no, I'm not going because tickets are about $200. Also the games at eight on a work night takes me about our 15 to get to Solz refueled so not Not not planning on it, but I'll be watching it from the confines of my beautiful Rogers Park apartment
Starting point is 00:03:37 Quick shout out before we do anything else to Uncle Andy and everyone over at Jack links. We are knowing Uncle Andy and everyone over at Jacklinks we are knowing knowing GNA W and G is a Garand Garand G E R U N D. That's when you add I N G to a verb knowing on a little chub and You guys you follow me on Instagram Q dot Queen D you know We receive some big-time jerky hardware from Uncle Andy and our friends at over at Jack Links. And included in those two others, I got two growlers.
Starting point is 00:04:11 One of them I'm sipping from right now, drinking some H2O. But when they were handed to me, they were full of gifts, including Jack Link sunglasses. One of those portable fans that you hold hand held fans you hold them it blows on your face like the after-party at Steven Tyler's house. A whole bunch of little chubs, a whole bunch of fake or whatever they're called tattoos, extraneous tattoos. Is that the terminology we're using? And Droginus Tattos with Sasquatch on them.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And the 10 pounds of jerky. As well as a jerky windbreaker. That's something that I haven't really gotten to use much because it's been balls to the wall hot, which I'll talk about in one second here, but nice windbreaker. So Uncle Andy, shout out to you and all our friends at Jacqueline's really coming in clutch there.
Starting point is 00:05:08 This little chub man does it smell good. When you take that first bite and you rip into the casing, you just get that beef. All up in your old factories, let's take a bite, I'll give you the flavor profile. It's delicious. But it is definitely summer here in the Chicago area. Humidity is high.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Temperatures as we speak today are not bad. It is cooled off significantly, but so my new apartment, which I've been in for just over a month now, doesn't have air conditioning. So, fourth of July rolls around. You know, it's a Thursday of this last week. And I'm not usually hanging out at home, excuse me, during the day, because usually I'm at work
Starting point is 00:06:11 or if it's a weekend, unless it's a day like today where there are like a ton of things, a ton of athletic events that I want to watch, I might usually just like line around on the couch watching. But boy, I had been out really late on Wednesday and I didn't come get home until about 2 a.m. or on the couch watching. But boy, I had been out really late on Wednesday and I didn't get home until about 2 a.m. And then I watched an episode of Stranger Things
Starting point is 00:06:30 because it dropped at 2 a.m. on Thursday morning. So I didn't go to bed till honestly about three years old. So woke up pretty late, probably around nine. And I was watching a little bit more Stranger Things and then I was watching a little bit more stranger things and then I was watching there was something else I was watching you know what I call what it was but I'm just lying here in my apartment just getting toasted you know I got ceiling fans which are nice and I have a small portable fan homes is the brand and the model is the Blizzard the Blizzard But boy, it just wasn't really doing it for me side note I went on Amazon and I splurged a little bit I ordered a pretty happy duty tower fan. I get an email from
Starting point is 00:07:18 There's a high fly ball into left. That's a home run For Garcia, I think the guy who made the error earlier that I was complaining about. I was going to use a choice term, but I realized I haven't given my listener discretion as advised tag. When you're listening to the bean tub podcast number one, we'll occasionally use some bitch in language, which is the word I wanted to use. And number two, is podcast is ejaculate terrible. But so I get an email from Amazon like via usps literally this morning at probably I don't know 10 a.m. right when the soccer game is getting started and I've been here all morning except at like eight o'clock I went out and I got some coffee and I'm confident
Starting point is 00:07:59 that usps is not delivering packages at 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I got an email and it says, we tried to deliver your package, but no one was home. Look for a note on your door explaining next steps. So first on my, well, this is BS because I've been home and they didn't ring the buzzer. And the thing about my apartment
Starting point is 00:08:19 is the way they're stacked. You can, there's six apartments per say in my building. And you can hear when any of those buzzers are buzzed from downstairs. So they didn't, you know, they didn't bring any of them. And the other thing then is okay like so they left a note, right? And I ordered this specifically to come Sunday because they knew I was going to be home all day. No note, nothing on the door.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So I don't really know. You know, we're just kind of kind of hanging out here. Apparently they tried to deliver the package, even though I've been home the whole day. And they didn't deliver it, but there are no no notes on next steps. So that's fun. Thankfully, it's not too hot out today, but moving ahead into the dog days of summer here when it will be chilling out in the 90s, that fan's going to be something I want because they don't have AC. So I don't know if USPS is just like hanging on to it if they're just, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:26 like using it for themselves or, or they decided, hey, we're just not going to deliver it. I don't really know what their plan is, but, you know, should it happen today? I've been here. No call. That's the other thing. Why don't they just like either leave it outside call Buzz but what you can't do is drive up to the person's apartment not call not knock not buzz and
Starting point is 00:09:56 then drive away and say we tried to deliver it it doesn't really add up it doesn't really compute so I'm not too hot today because it's a it's a beautiful day in the mid 70s outside and my apartment doesn't really compute. So I'm not too hot today, because it's a beautiful day in the mid-70s outside. And my apartment doesn't tend to run too hot until you get up into that mid-90s range. But fourth of July was very hot. Eventually get out, invited to a friend's get together, which is very generous of them, and went over there ate a lot, drank a bottle of wine,
Starting point is 00:10:25 and we were gonna go see fireworks at Fullerton Beach, and we had been misinformed by somebody, I don't know who, about the time. We were told that they were starting at 9.45, so we get there at 9.45 and everyone's leaving because we missed them. That was the end of that. It was a solid fourth of July though.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I don't know. I was kind of mentally delirious the first half of the days because it was so hot. And then the second half of the day was good. It was good to be with friends. But also, it was a type of thing where you drink a lot, but you also eat so much that you're not really getting buzzed or drunk or anything, so you end up just like being terribly full of everything and a little bit dehydrated, especially because it was so hot. So it was like, it was a nice get-together,
Starting point is 00:11:23 but you know, I didn't really, nothing really that interesting happened, which is a good thing. I ended up working on Friday. Yes, for all of you out there, Quinn went to work on Friday, talking about myself in the third person now. And I was the only one there for my office held down the fort, new kid on the block, gave an info session. Actually, I had a couple people show up for my info session. I was like, WTF are you guys doing here? Like go, excuse me, go enjoy your holiday weekend, but they came anyways, like the aforementioned party
Starting point is 00:12:01 at Stephen Taller's house. And then left a little bit early to catch a train and went up to Milwaukee. Had been to Milwaukee since, I don't know, April or so. That was good. And got to be with a dear friend of the podcast and former roommate of mine, Sam J. Anderson. One of the funniest people I know are going to get him on the podcast, one of these days, talk about something, maybe
Starting point is 00:12:31 about the Milwaukee milkmen who play down in Franklin, where the Karmex factory is. But Sam and I went to Summer Fest, or they got a blonde lady singing God Bless America, the Sumpth. It's not Julian is obris, though. Oh boy. Controversy. Whatever happened. Ben's Overs has just been like gone for like two plus months. Maybe more than that like three at this point. He's just like gone. It's the weirdest. Has there ever been anything else like this? I'm sure there hasn't. It's didn't know about it. But where players just like, usually if there's like a, I know it's not, but if there's a death in the family or something,
Starting point is 00:13:14 the player's gone for maybe one day, two days. But this Ben Zobris is getting divorced and he's been gone for two and a half months. And it's just like, what what what what I don't understand so it's so weird isn't it um what was I saying though oh we went to summer fest I hadn't been to summer fest since summer of 2016 it was great to be back and what did she know last time I was at summer fest it was to see death cab for cutie and And this time, guess who I saw? Death Cab for Cutie. Oh, boy, straight out of Bellingham, Washington, Great Band, Ben Giverd, Loveham. Of course, Chris Wall has left the building, but they're still good. And it was really nice to see them. Second time seeing them live. And then right after that, the killers,
Starting point is 00:14:09 by way of, how does it? Beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. Is that the edge of these? I think so. I had never seen the killers live. It was great. They're awesome, man. Those guys knock it out of the park every single night.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And man, they tore like crazy. They were just doing glassassenberry last week. They of course played Milwaukee on Friday and then yesterday they were in Cleveland to do something for to like kick off the MLB all-star week so yeah they're just man they just go go go but it was cool because they're their current touring guitarist Ted Ted Sable, who's been playing on and off with the band for like 13, 14 years now. But he's from Fondelac at the base, the southern base of Lake Winnebago up there in Eastern Wisconsin. Too far from Milwaukee and it was great to see Ted kind of return home to play for the hometown crowd.
Starting point is 00:15:07 It was great. We had a really good time and then actually saw another dear friend of the podcast and a hashtag brother of the podcast, Jack Fernandez at another concert right after that. Also at Summer Fest. So it was a fun Friday. Yesterday saw Spider-Man far from home. Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Oh boy, I almost sent Andrew Garfield. Jake Gyllenhaal and of course Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury, whatever the name of the female leaders I don't know. And then Ned of course. It was fun, I'll always be a Sam Ramey-Man guy myself, but enjoyed it. None the less. It was a solid entry. Jake Gyllenhaal is excellent. Mysterio is a great character. And, uh, hey, I think I've probably seen almost half the MCU movies now. You know, I still have to see, uh, let's see. All pretty much all of them.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And I've only seen the first Avengers. There are three other ones now, which is crazy. But I'm still catching up. So cut me some slack. But came back last night. Little chub. I just did want to say again, thank you so much to my friend Sam for hosting me.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Stopped on his blowup bed. Oh, and we watched World Series of Poker. That was crazy. So we were watching this, and it was probably from like 15 years ago, a final table, the Serenian-born English guy named Surrender, SUR-I-N-D-E-R, was playing in the finals against Tony G. You gotta look up Tony G. I'm gonna chew here for a second. Tony G is this Lithuanian former professional poker player
Starting point is 00:17:01 who's not like a politician, and still plays like one poker match a year. Who was just like this fat piece of lard with an Eastern European accent who was crazy irritating and just talks a ton of shit to try to get in your head. And he had a huge lead over surrender and he totally should have won, but he really blew it. He did not. He made some really poor choices when he was in the driver's seat to allow Surrender to get back into it.
Starting point is 00:17:34 And then Surrender grabbed him by the balls and he just, he took him to downtown. He took him downtown. So, congratulations, Surrender. I know I'm about 15 years late on that one, but big win for him at the final table. And there's this, so I don't know what sort of TV kind of soft where my friend Sam is running with, but he has like, select free channels. And one of them is the, I don't know if it's called the World Series of Poker Channel but it's essentially that and they just show old tables and they've got these two guys who like host the television program so
Starting point is 00:18:17 they'll like talk for a little bit and they'll cut to a clip and they'll come back to them but these two guys were characters man one of them had this wild hair and then of course because it's like a very specific channel, they run the same, like three commercials, every single commercial break. So it gets really old after a while. But it was fun. We watched the game for an hour, which I actually growing up, but used to do. for an hour, which I actually growing up, I used to do. So grew up, we didn't have really cable, but we had network television, and then there are the free public channels, which would have been like, I don't really know how it worked, but we got like WGN, PBS, C-SPAN, C-SPAN II, and then there were these random ones. They were numbers like, oh, there was WB, which is CW now,
Starting point is 00:19:11 but then there would be like 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20 or something would be like these super random ones. And then occasionally, the cable people for internet or something would come out and make a tweak. And there would be these moments of glory, not moments, but like long spans of like multiple months into years probably growing up as a kid where we would just get like random channels. And my family members listening to this one remember this we get there's one point where we got ESPN in like it was like in static like you're something out in 1984 or something where you're like watching it and there's no sound and you just get a static picture so you have to well there is sound it's
Starting point is 00:19:58 whatever it is black noise white noise whatever you call that static noise noise. I remember one time, we were watching a Monday Night Football game with the black and white static on mute with the radio down and we just listened to the radio and watched the like terrible picture quality. But that's what you do growing up, but another channel we had was I don't even know what it was. Oh man, I'm trying to remember, if Chicago Sports Network, I'm not sure if that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:20:31 It was something like that that they had back in the early to mid-2000s. But they would do a lot of poker on there. And we would get to see some good poker matches occasionally. And I think the CW or the WB used to do like Friday night smackdown too. Oh wow, this cup's pitcher just got nutmeg done at ground ball. That's embarrassing. And almost hit him in the nuts. Yeah, I used to watch some of that as well.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Undertaker and I don't know. Oh, who is that Kimbo slice? Yeah, there's some good guys on there. But a little bit in nostalgia here, watching World Series of Poker. Let me get a, let me finish off this little chup here, and then we'll get to the ads. Forge of the I-7th,
Starting point is 00:21:21 couples are making a pitching change. Looks like Steve C-check is coming into the game. Cubs with six hits stay, only one run. That's embarrassing. But that's sort of what's been going on with me. Very busy week. Super social. Just a social guy.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Super social. Just a social guy. Social network, Andrew Garfield. Okay. Here we go. Let's pull up the ads on my phone. Are you tired of, oh, Home Pride Oriental? Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth? All because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, Oregon listeners, there is good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is bends. Or excuse me, the way I can't do this ad today. It's on my phone, so the text is smaller. I'm used to doing's on my phone, so the text is smaller. I'm usually doing on my computer,
Starting point is 00:22:27 but I'm kind of in a weird position today on the couch and the phone is just that much more convenient. All right, let's start it over. Home Pride and Inspection Services and Ben Oregon is Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider. With inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing,
Starting point is 00:22:43 and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real stays to the rainbow, I'm the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust,
Starting point is 00:22:59 call Steve at 541-410-0316 or visit That's 541-410-0316 or visit That's 541-410-0316 or visit HomePrideAugion inspection perfection. I wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series, Rain, Shine, Sleep, Hale, Fire, and brimstone. Brimstone, brimstone, B-U-R-I-M-S-T-O-N-E. I don't know what that is, but it sounds cool. The Samson Q2U series is going to stick
Starting point is 00:23:37 it out with you whether you're in first, judges, second judges. Are there multiple judges? Am I remembering that correctly? I don't know. There's a first and second Kings, first and second Chronicles. First and second Corinthians, there's three Johns, plus the original, the Gospel of John. Boy, isn't that confusing. How would you like to show up to the New Testament and be like, there are what, like 20 some books.
Starting point is 00:24:01 One of them is John, and then another one is first John, and then there's second John and then third John. That's just great. Kind of confusing. What I'm trying to get at here is that when God speaks, he uses a Samson. Cuts by Q, here we go. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many midtown Baltimore based?
Starting point is 00:24:24 Damn it. Every time, okay, this is real talk for a sec. Every time I start the ads, I think to myself, I gotta remember to change these ads when I finish up or just change around the wording when I start reading cuts by Q, and then I start talking about Samson. And anything I say about the Samson Q2U series is just improvised.
Starting point is 00:24:45 So, I never, my mind, like my brain waves, moved to a different way of creative thinking. And then I start the cuts by QIT and I'm so excited because I know I get to sing at the end of it. And then I completely botch it. And of course, I never change it. So, let's try it one more time. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many north side of Chicago-based independent
Starting point is 00:25:11 barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve, just like the after-party Steven Tyler's house. Enter cuts by Q. It's like an or Sandman, but different cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Cook County, Rogers Park and Chicago and Illinois. From B-hives to Bangs, Fauxhawks to Flat Tops and everything in between email cuts by Q at That's cuts!
Starting point is 00:25:47 Q, you, too, to you, to Z. That's wrong. To Z, Q, you, TZ. By Q at Oh, when you need a fresh, do something snappy and new, just call the experts at cuts. By Q. Nappy and new just call the experts at cuts by Q White socks got runners at the corners two outs That's not good. See shecks not not pulling his weight there Steve
Starting point is 00:26:19 the little side hurler All right What's going on here? Bottom of the seventh, white socks up three to one. How the cubs only scored one one one one running against white socks pitching. That's just like, you can't do that. They're starting pitching is so bad. The fact that they only put up one in. It wasn't even it's no vote against their bullpen like.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Come on. All right. Got to stop complaining. What else is going on? Let's see here. What else was I going to talk about? Oh, I remember now. I've had a couple of interesting public transportation rides lately.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Not really mishaps, but more frustration. So Wednesday night, that's a straight three. Wednesday night I'm riding the red line up because I was at the White Tox game. They're playing Detroit and game two of a double header. And I'm riding the train up to, went apart to meet someone there for a drink, my old stomping grounds. Actually, that's where this podcast coming full circle, my former roommate, Sam, and I used to live up there. Now, no one lives up there. But I was meaning another
Starting point is 00:27:40 friend up there for a drink. I'm riding the train up and we get into the loop, probably Jackson or Monroe, and this flock, again flock, FLOCK, not Glock, it's a gun, Glock and spiel, it's an instrument, a flock of young adolescent Italians, packs into my car or my train, and they are rowdy, and this was mind you probably nine o'clock
Starting point is 00:28:08 at night. I don't know if they were on some sort of Spider-Man far from home reverse school tour or what the plan was but they were probably about 20 Italians from the ages of, I don't know, they looked like probably like 15 to 18. And maybe one chaperone who looked very tired, mom, I'm a Mia, I don't blame her. And these Italian youths were very loud and erroneous. A lot of Angiomo and no nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim nim Boy, they were, they were really going for it and they, they, I got off before them up around Sheridan. I don't know where they were off to. Maybe, maybe the Italian American Community Center on the North side or something, but boy, they, they were allowed. I'm just like, man, I get it.
Starting point is 00:29:20 When I was young, I was probably loud too, but like, I think there's something about Italians Italians and here I come on a stereotype But I feel like Italians are a little bit louder just like as a As a culture and as a way of talking, you know the Chinese they have different tones and stuff Americans can certainly be loud, but I think Italians are extremely loud to them. Trying to think, what are some other loud languages, you know? By just ground it out first pitch. That sucked. Loud languages.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I don't think of Spanish as being terribly loud. I certainly don't think of French as being that loud. German I could see being a little bit loud. Dutch maybe? I have a history with the Dutch and it involves a bowling alley and cagalli or one. That's a separate story. But I don't know. I'm thinking Italians might take the cake for being loud. So sorry to So I started to in alienate all our vinesian listeners, but hey, I saw Spider-Man, Fire from Home, and that was partially in Italy, and I liked it. So in the worlds of salad and the worlds, man, I can't talk to this, been rough. In the words of Salah Field, you like me.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Then the other thing I was taking the Amtrak home last night from Milwaukee to Chicago and I go back to the quiet car just because like why not you know all I'm going to be doing is like resting my eyes and let's say my iPod. So I'll go for that quiet location. So I sit probably three rows from the front of the train as you're walking back into it. three rows from the front of the train as you're walking back into it and Right before we're about to take off these two guys who seem pretty Whatever innocent at first they they come walking back and they sit
Starting point is 00:31:20 So the seat in front of me is open and then that seat across the aisle is open as well So they sit in those two seats and boy It was quickly revealed not only by how they're acting but literally by them saying we're drunk, that they were drunk. And they were like coders or something or developers of some kind and they both had their laptops out. And apparently they were doing work. And they, the one guy who was in front of me was like, man, I don't know if I can code this stuff while I'm drunk. And the other guy was like, dude, I code stuff drunk on the weekends all the time. It hasn't failed me and I haven't gotten fired.
Starting point is 00:31:57 So I don't know how well you actually can code while you're drunk. We'd have to get a, there's Anthony Rizzo going to go into another double play. Wow well there's the end of the Cubs 8 that sucked. Boy this game has been frustrating. I don't know if you can I'm sure if you practice enough you can get pretty good at coding well drunk, but it just seems like a challenging thing, you know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Maybe we can get someone to chime in on that. If you want to ask us a question or answer any of our questions that we have for you, you can always email us, Again, that's beintown, B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast at We love to hear from you whether it's complaints, grievances, or you just need to bitch a little bit. We are happy to listen to those comments. And thank you to our fan, our friend of the podcast,
Starting point is 00:32:58 who messages on SoundCloud, because you can always do it there as well, as well as direct message on Instagram, Q.Q.D., or Twitter, Bintowncast, or the website So long story short with these two train stories, watch out for Italians and watch out for drunk coders. They were probably talking very loudly to one another for the first 30 to 40 minutes of
Starting point is 00:33:24 my train ride, which just really pissed me off because when it was the quiet car, two I was in a mode where I'd just been like go, go, go for a while. And I was mentally just like in pretty exhausted. And so I really just wanted like peace, right? Tranquility. And they were just not giving it to me. Not giving it to me the way I deserve cuts by Q-style so eventually they did quiet down and literally you know for the last hour so there was no problem so it wasn't the whole thing which I was very thankful for but you got to watch out imagine oh boy oh Oh, but imagine if it was a gang or a flock of drunk Adelis and Italians who were also coding, that would be the ultimate beat down.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I've never, you know, I've never gotten into battery or salt, but I don't know. You know, I don't know what's going to happen if those, if, if, you know, the adolescents were drunk and they were trying to code because I might have just smashed their computers. Who knows? It's all a retrospective. No. Estalgic as well. Well, how are you doing here? 35 minutes. I think that's about good for an episode that's actually about nothing to get up this far. I can live with that. Let's see. We covered all our bases here. We recapped the week. We're hoping to get some guests on pretty soon here because we've got a couple things. A couple people lined up. we just haven't found the right time to record yet, which is too bad.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Not next week for the week after I'll be in Washington, DC, we might try to broadcast from there. We've done some work in DC before, most famously on my Instagram, you go to q.coo.d. There's a great highlight. It's a collection of probably 15 or 20 pictures slash videos with some fun texts and some fun voiceovers from this past winter when we are on assignment in DC for the day. So we're going back there in two weeks, we might try to get back in on that political action. Otherwise, just right now in summer, you know, and maybe, maybe USPS will deliver that fan at some point, or maybe they're just holding on to it, or maybe can you imagine if it was
Starting point is 00:35:56 just like, we're not going to deliver your package, what would I even do? I mean, they didn't even try the first time. Again. No knock, no buzz, no call. They, no note. That's the other thing that you know, usually they'll even note that says like we'll try again tomorrow Which wouldn't work or they'll say like your package is being held at this address, whatever. No, no, just casual. So IDK, you know, it's your classic IDK. I say IDK because it saves some time. I don't know IDK. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Last thing here, I'm still waiting for the library. It's been like a week now, which is disappointing, because I was hoping to have it this weekend for ample reading time, because I've had three days off in the last four days. But Pat Cemetery by Stephen King. Courtney Stephen King is scariest book. I have never read it, and I am looking forward to reading it
Starting point is 00:36:54 once the library acquires it for me. I finished Dr. Sleep, wanted to read the book ahead of the movie coming out this as in October, November, something like that, you and McGregor and Rebecca Ferguson. Book was okay, that's a shining sequel, if you don't know. It wasn't my favorite Stephen King, I didn't dislike it, it was still good in terms of fiction, like it's actually still great. But it's not really a horror movie,
Starting point is 00:37:24 it's more of a thriller, but even then, I don't know, it was kind of just like a story and stuff happened, like a fantasy, supernatural type thing. It wasn't really a horror book the way the shining was or the way like vintage Stephen King was. It reminded me a lot more of the stand. So I'm looking to get into or not get back into but
Starting point is 00:37:48 dig into some horror Stephen King I read most of his big hits now, but one of them I haven't read his pet cemetery The other one would be it, but that is such a long book that I feel like it got a Set aside a couple months for that Tbh. say TBH sometimes saves time to be honest TBH So that's what's going on with us at bean town again, don't forget to share us with your friends We've got our bean town buttons. They should be arriving any day now ready to distribute to the fans We got a hundred count I believe or 50. I don't recall what kind of when we get here and we'll let you know
Starting point is 00:38:25 But if you see you're running to me on the street, you say, hey, Quinn, I love a bean town button to support the show. Let me know and I'll let you have one. That's what's great about this country. All you gotta do to support us, listen to the podcast, wear the button. God bless America, God bless the bean town podcast. All right happy fourth of July to everyone
Starting point is 00:38:49 Don't forget all the ways to contact us also plug the white noise podcast hosted by my dear friend Matt and me and you can find new episodes Weekly except for this past week was a holiday week and Matt was traveling and then there's also Some personal stuff going on so you'll catch us a new episode this next week at some point. But if you haven't listened to any episodes yet, go listen, they're fun. We have a good time. And I think it's worth your time. So that's all we got here. Bean Tom podcast. Thanks for tuning in. You can find us anywhere podcasts are sold. iTunes, Apple, podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube,
Starting point is 00:39:36 Player FM, not Cast Box yet. I got to do that manually and I'm still getting around to it. And maybe some other places. Who knows? Hey, if anyone finds any exotic places where you can find the Bean Town podcast, let us know because we would love to promote that as well. Thanks to Uncle Andy, thanks to Jack Links
Starting point is 00:39:55 and all the little chubs out there. And thanks to our sponsors, cuts by Q Home Pride Oregon and the Samsung Q2U series. And not an official sponsor because they haven't responded to my messages yet. Maybe I'll give them a bean-town button. Thanks to Sam Anderson for hosting us up in Milwaukee. Thanks to everyone for listening. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:15 For Quindy with Furnace and the Bean-Town podcast, everyone, thanks for tuning in. Have a great weekend. Be kind to one another. And we'll check in on you later. be kind to one another and we'll check in on you later.

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