Beantown Podcast - 07292018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast (Baked Alaska) ft. Jack & Walt Furness

Episode Date: July 29, 2018

Quinn, Jack, and Walt come to you live from ANC airport and oh doggie did this podcast have everything: Technical difficulties, airport announcements, and Travis Webb (known locally as the Big 3). Lis...ten as we describe our Alaskan adventure, bitch about Denali buses, and talk about the best Doritos we've ever had

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, I hope everyone's waiting for the most travel-tastic podcast yet, this is Quinn David Furnace and here with my two brothers and we're coming to you live from Anchorage National Airport, something like that. From Anchorage, Alaska, where the local time is 10.45 pm and it looks like about 8 pm outside. It's awesome. What's awesome. What's going on? This is Quinn David Furnace. If you can put up with the noise,
Starting point is 00:00:29 this is going to be a fun podcast because we got a lot of, a lot of laskin facts here for you. So if you don't know too much about our 47th state, it's going to be a good podcast, I think. This is my podcast, the bean town podcast here, the people's podcast when a Baltimore is top 500 podcast. Listener discretion is advised when you are checking
Starting point is 00:00:52 out the bean town podcast number one, brothers swear like sailors, so that's coming to you. Number two podcast is objectively terrible. And yeah, I think it's going to be fun. It's, I'm sure all you out there saying, oh man, this reminds me of Memphis. I'm like, yep, you're right. It's just like the Memphis episode where we were by Mississippi River, except instead of ducks and birds and Gibson's donates, now we got tourists from all over the Arctic Circle,
Starting point is 00:01:24 converging on the airport. So it's gonna be a fun time. Walton, Jack, Fernis, what's going on? How are you guys doing? Hey, doing great. Thanks for having us on. Let's be back for the second time. Jack Fernis is joining the podcast lore.
Starting point is 00:01:44 He is now the second person to appear on Two Beentown podcast. He's joining John Paul, John Bulls Pendowski. Shout out to John Paul. He made a cameo on our Chicago podcast. He's in for the last 30 seconds. It's pretty awesome. It's kind of like, I got a spoiler coming.
Starting point is 00:02:01 It's kind of like when Barbosa steps down. At the end of Dead Man's chest. He's got the apple and the monkeys there and it's everywhere I'll have in a laugh. The little sleep deprived here. It's been a long four and a half days. We're at an 18, 19 hours of sunlight every day, which is really interesting, but it's also Exhaustings it makes you want to stay up late and by late I mean you know midnight one o'clock is when it finally Actually starts to feel like night
Starting point is 00:02:37 And then by about seven a.m. Or so the sun's out and you're ready to go. So it's exciting because you get to see a lot of stuff but It also means that you're trying to pack about 47 We're just gonna keep what's going on. I don't know. I don't know if this Podcast is gonna gonna work I don't know if this podcast is gonna work, but Symbolous. Check it out. He's coming.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Audio from this one. I don't know if you are from here. Yeah, well, no, it's coming from both, because I can see that, but I don't know why it stopped, and I don't know what that stop is just gonna mean for the recording. I was probably talking about something cool, and it stopped. You're fine. I picked up. Well, I don't know when it stopped.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I wasn't paying attention. Technical difficulties here. Anchorage airport. That's OK. So we're having. Yeah, no, it's OK. It's supposed to look like that. Corning level is super low.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I don't think it's supposed to be that way. Yeah, I think the levels are a little wonky. And we're back. You might do some editing on this. No, well, no, there's no editing and bean town podcast. Not until so we did our pleasure I fundraised our last February. Raised about $80, which everything went towards launching the podcast on iTunes. And now I have what like 35 stars on iTunes, so that is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I think we'll make our fundraising goal closer to a thousand this next February. It's going to be a big event. If you're listening in from the Boston or the Baltimore area, you probably saw my promoted post on social media this past week. Facebook offered me a $30 ad credit to run promotions for the Beentown podcast. So, you know, a new wave of, you know, a couple thousand listeners, welcome to the Beentown podcast. I would love it if you would like, share, rate, subscribe, all that good stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You can always email us for the Beentown podcast,, that's Beentown, B-E-A-N-T-W-N podcast, And we always love listener feedback, grievances, gripes, relationship questions, love all that stuff. Anyways, what's going on? What's happening in your life? Let us know, tweet at us, we're at B at bean town cast always love hearing from you
Starting point is 00:05:06 So as mentioned we'd have some fun Alaska facts for the podcast in Walton Jack I have you guys chime in at any time with with some of your favorite Alaska facts But I like to get us started here one of my favorites that I learned on this trip and I should mention that some if not all of these facts are either halfway true or not true at all or partially true or somewhere in between those three, but I'll go ahead and get us started here. So the state of Alaska, you know everyone knows it's big, it's a big place, you know, about half the size of Canada, all that good stuff. Did you know that the state of Alaska is actually larger than the rest of the 49 states combined? And here's the thing, so if you're looking at a map
Starting point is 00:05:54 all of a sudden, you're thinking, hold up, that doesn't sound right. It's because in school, you probably learned about maps. And the way they're drawn, you can look at a map. And depending on the longitudinal effect, you might see Greenland. And it looks like it's the size of about Vermont. But in real life, Greenland is a big place.
Starting point is 00:06:14 So it kind of works the same thing with Alaska. When you get up here, it's pretty large, pretty tough to navigate. There's only, I think, 12 highways. So there's your first fun fact of the day. Another go to one we learned. We were spending some time at Denali National Park. This week, Denali is the tallest mountain in North America, about 20,000 feet high in that range. You can actually see three continents from Denali, which is really exciting.
Starting point is 00:06:45 North America, of course, Asia, because you just look across the way, and there's Russia, and then actually, a lot of people don't know this, but if you're up there and the Earth curves long enough, you can actually see Europe. I think it's down to Iceland or something. It's good stuff. We weren't able to get up to Denali. It's usually takes from what we read about three weeks to do it.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And we were only there for about two days. So it would have been a trek. It would have had to hire some sled dogs, but maybe next time. I don't know. You guys got any fun facts you want to throw out there for the listeners? Walt is a PhD student in geography, so he should know some of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:25 What do you guys think? One thing that I think you might want to mention since you're talking about how long it takes to climb Denali is the great story we learned about the expedition that was actually the first to climb Bartos. Bartos. Part of Denali. Yeah, not the highest point is the South Peak. That's about 20,300 feet, 320, something like that. But there's a North Peak that's about 900 feet lower, still very impressive, just under 20,000. And there was an expedition, I don't know, do you want to lay into this or should I go ahead?
Starting point is 00:08:05 So I was just reading about this afternoon. So in 1925, there was an outbreak of diaspora on top of Denali. And if you've ever seen the movie Balto, you kind of know the story. He takes the serum from around the Fairbanks area, I think it was called, it's not Nirvana, but it's similar to that. And it takes it to the top of Zanali, I think. Is that what you were talking about, Walt? No, I was actually referring to the expedition.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Yeah, I can't remember the name now, it started with an S, but. Shackleton. No, no, no. That's a different one too. Wait, no, I think it's Shackleton. No, no, no. That's a different one too. Wait, no, I think it's Shackleton versus Brawl Doll, race to the South Pole.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So no, you're thinking of the South Pole. Yikes. No, I'm actually thinking of the Stinali expedition. It was like 1910 or 1913, something like that. And these guys were ballers. It was like a couple of miners. I think it was only like three guys. And then they decided that this one's a true story.
Starting point is 00:09:11 They're carrying this giant spruce tree flagpole and they just decide they're going to climb the mountain. So they started at like 11,000 feet. That's their base camp. They grabbed thermos, some coffee, bag of donuts, and maybe it was hot chocolate. Who knows, you know, legends. But anyway, they do this return trip, 8,000 vertical feet in 18 hours, which is just mind blowing. Up and down.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah, yeah. So, to me, that was maybe the funnest, if you will, fact from the couple days in Denali, I think. That's a pretty fun fact. I was trying to think of another one. So in the movie The Grey, Liam Neeson stars with a whole bunch of wolves. A lot of people think that that was filmed in Alaska, but it wasn't. That was another fun fact that I learned on this trip.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Here's one that I think the listeners might enjoy doing a sort of trivia question. So there's this thing it's called baked Alaska. Now a lot of people don't know what this is so here your choice is A, B and C. A baked Alaska is a fish commonly halbut but sometimes cod or maybe salmon you know kind of in a casserole style a lot of like crumbly golden stuff on top really delicious delicious. That's a, okay. B, baked Alaska is a show about stoners and fair banks. And tell you, you drive through some of these, some of these seas in Alaska,
Starting point is 00:10:54 and you never know where you're gonna find it. So it was an adventure, I think we'll be more on that shortly. So that's B, baked Alaska. And C, for baked Alaska, it's a dessert, kind of like a creme brulee sort of thing, a lot of coconut. If you get in a really nice place, it'll be dusted with some like alpine moss. So there you have it, A, B, and C, maybe we should reveal the answer later in the podcast.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I wanted to mention that coconut, a lot of people think, okay coconut, tropical, tomhanks, castaway, coconut, actually originally from Alaska, which is pretty cool. If you get down by the glaciers because of the, I think it's El Nino current, you'll actually see some, some ball mirror weather. You saw a lot of seagulls. We didn't see any palm trees, but I don't think it's in season in late July. But that is a good fact. This is a little bit kind of like trivia time or quiz time, whatever they call it on the Car ride Convro's podcast.
Starting point is 00:12:01 So, Ryan and Kristen, when you, if you make make it this far a little homage to you guys you're inspiring Podcasts all across the world. We will reveal the answer in a little bit here I think Walt was hinting at a little bit of an adventure that we had last night so We're leaving Denali around and then I'll seven o'clock or so and in Nali around, and then seven o'clock or so. And we're not super hungry yet, but at some point, it's closer to a four hour drive to Anchorage. We're gonna be looking for some sort of food along the way. So you get going and you're driving down,
Starting point is 00:12:37 and a lot of people don't realize this, but there aren't as many towns or people in Alaska. You might think, oh, it's Alaska, it's kind of out there. It might be more like the suburbs. No, it's a little bit more retro. It's not the word I'm looking for, rural. It's a little retro too. It's seen some cool BW vans.
Starting point is 00:13:02 But anyway, so we're driving along, and we've got the iPad, which goes in and out of 4G LTE service. So we're looking for potential places to go. And the first problem we encounter is that even though it's a Friday night, there aren't that many places in the state of Alaska that are open past nine o'clock. Sometimes you get lucky, you see one that are open past nine o'clock, sometimes you get
Starting point is 00:13:26 lucky, you see one that's open till 10 o'clock. So this is kind of what we're up against here. And we find a couple of different places dealing with a lot of closures. Eventually we identify the Willow Trading Post, which is kind of like a dive bar with food that has no website, no menu or anything, but really good reviews on Facebook mostly. So we're saying okay we'll do this, it's about three hours, two and a half, three hours from Denali, so we hop on down there and everything's good. We find it fine. We get out. We're walking in.
Starting point is 00:14:09 It's like, what is this? About 9.30, 10 at this point. Because I think our problem was that the kitchen ended up being closed at 9. So we walk in super excited to get some food. And immediately before we even get to the door, this lady opens the door, and my first thought was that she was just leaving, but no, she says,
Starting point is 00:14:31 I don't even remember what her opening line was, but something about this guy named Travis Webb, and there were a lot of exploatives thrown in. Something like Travis Webb, you f and something better, you better not come into my bar. And we were all taking a little back. I think there was a little bit of nervous energy already going into this dive bar in very rural Alaska, not quite feeling like we fit in. I had been wearing my Baltimore Raven shirt, which had caused a lot of trouble among the local browns.
Starting point is 00:15:06 A lot of consternation fans. Fun fact, another fun fact about Alaska, people do not like the Baltimore Ravens. Been wearing my central Oregon community college Bobcat sweater without any issue, but people do not like the Baltimore Ravens. But anyways, thankfully, I am not Travis Webb, I'm Quinn David Furnace, host of the Bean
Starting point is 00:15:25 Town podcast, which I told her and so she said all right that's okay you guys come on in I thought you were Travis Webb so we get in there and she's the bartender and I think owner and the town drunk everything of this bar and so we grab a table and I've never seen the movie, but according to my brother Walt it's similar to the Patrick Swaisy from Road House. Road House. Yeah, we're going to have to watch that next week. And so we sit down and of course we're really excited for food and our lady comes back over and
Starting point is 00:16:07 And we ask her about the food. She says no the kitchen's closed at nine, but we have chips Which my first thought was like maybe maybe this is a British bar Maybe we're actually getting some french fries Turns out they were fun-sized bag of Doritos Which we were not expecting at this bar. So we all get some bottles of PBR, and we've got a bag of Doritos, and it was a pretty, ended up not being our full dinner, thankfully, but it was a pretty sad first dinner. This bar was crazy. There was an old guy playing pool with this middle-aged hottie, let's say, and this other younger guy who's kind of zoning in on it
Starting point is 00:16:48 like a polar bear watching a charming in parade, which we'll get to in a little bit here. You can put that in the good idea, and a list of charming in parade. And I'm trying to think if there's anything else really good from this story. Oh, we asked her about Travis Webb, who this guy was, and I was doing my best to not pay attention and listen to the Alton John that kept playing from the jukebox surprisingly. There were some big Alton John fans at this bar. And apparently, there's just this guy who had slept around quite a bit and made a few enemies. So, I mean, a similar profile to myself, but I'm an East Coast guy. Travis Webb is an Alaska guy, so we'll try to hook up with him next week, maybe get him
Starting point is 00:17:34 on the podcast. I think that would be fun for a phone interview, but we had our PBR in chips, which, it's got to be a good name for something, PBR in chips. And we paid our bill and got out of there. And that was our experience at the Willow Trading Post. So if you ever find yourself in Willow, Alaska, you know where you should go. Get some PBR, get some chips, ask about Travis Webb. Because they'll have some stories for you.
Starting point is 00:18:07 We ended up driving all the way to Anchorage into town to get our dinner at about 1 a.m. Rest of our dinner, you mean? Rest of our dinner. Yeah, the good stuff. We went to Leroy's 24-hour diner. Actually a solid establishment. We didn't really have any issues. It was good food, fairly priced, diner-type stuff. So nothing amazing, but it was solid, you know? So the built-in
Starting point is 00:18:32 placements on the table were a real nice touch. Yeah, some good colors. If you google Leeroys and Anchorage, you can see the colors. It's kind of like old-school San Diego chargers, that bright blue and bright yellow. It's good stuff. Anyways, that was our dry last night. We ended up getting back to our hotel and anchorage. Pretty late. They didn't have a room for us because they overbooked. We ended up staying in a room that was supposedly out of order.
Starting point is 00:19:01 We got in there, no toilet paper. There was a pretty significant blood stain on the floor. The beds didn't have mattresses. They just had a sheet. Anything else super fun about that place? The disappointing thing was that we had stated this place on Tuesday and Wednesday nights it's it's an in and suites and we found out after last night that yes there there's an in and a suite because we were in a suite it's a lot more in than sweet if you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:19:39 we were in the suite on Tuesday Wednesday no everything was fine, good Wi-Fi Last night we were in the end for sure And yeah, the Wi-Fi couldn't quite reach where we were if you seen Florida project it It looked a lot like that. It's basically the type of place that we were staying in last night So it was a little rough But I woke up this morning got some toilet paper and they even gave us a light check out. So that really made the big difference for us. So yeah one other fun plug I want to make is for AK alchemists. It's this, I think there's stories to be told about that. Yeah it's this fun little place on sixth street I think there's stories to be told about that. Yeah, it's this fun little place on sixth street, I think, and our third street, I don't remember
Starting point is 00:20:28 which way the streets go. But, Jack, you wanna talk about group ons and vouchers a little bit? No, I do not. So, there's, I've heard a group on. I know some people buy through it. I've never used it myself, but we were looking for some places to eat on Wednesday night because we had been
Starting point is 00:20:50 befuddled by a sick trivia host. We were gonna go play trivia on Wednesday night. There was no trivia, so we had to scramble, reassemble and find some new dinner spots. So, Brother Jack picked out a nice place called I keep calling it AK Alaska but it's AK alchemist. And it's this tiny little I don't even know how to describe it. There's kind of two buildings. How would you describe it? It was a converted shipping container that was well there were two different ones, kind of side by side.
Starting point is 00:21:27 One of them was like a coffee shop, a little cafe with a drive-through. And the other one was a restaurant bar with outdoor seating. Yeah, so we get, I don't know how you found it, but there's some good group on action going on for that. And first thing we do is go to the bar to order some drinks and some dinner. And what were we trying to do? Use four group on. Yeah, we had bought four vouchers for $10 eats.
Starting point is 00:21:59 So in my mind, that was just $40 worth of merchandise. But there were some stipulations that we weren't aware of. And this was tough too, because our server was a real honey. She was nice, look her, very personable. It's good stuff. It's what she go to Alaska for, the people. But she says we can only use three group ons. So after some finagling, it doesn't say down the coupon
Starting point is 00:22:28 anywhere, but we oblige because it's we're nice guys. And what was the thing? She said, OK, we're only going to use three. And she actually only used two. But we got the price for three. Yeah, I'm not sure. I think she she rang us up for like two and a half. There was some there it was like two and change at discounts but only two of them
Starting point is 00:22:54 got redeemed and so we had two left over I think is what happened and we could only use it for food not for drinks. So anyways we had our dinner we had our drinks. That was all good. But we've still got two group ons for AK Alchemist. And we're going to be in Tinali the next two days, and then we are in Anchorage today. So we really only had one other day in Anchorage.
Starting point is 00:23:17 So we woke up very early on Wednesday morning to drive to Tinali, and said okay we got two ten dollar vouchers so let's go get some breakfast from AK Anchorage and so we drive through there and Stomach Block number two we got a new honey who is not quite as good looking but very nice just you know a solid moral fiber type of girl and we pull into the drive through there and searches some chow, because our hotel doesn't,
Starting point is 00:23:49 the sweets only had coffee. And now according to her, what's the issue? We can only use one. I don't know if that's the answer. One voucher per order. And apparently, driving around the block and going back through is frowned upon.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Yeah, so Tuesday night we could use three not four. Wednesday morning we could use one not two. So we use our one, we all get some coffee, doesn't cost us anything after using the group on voucher. We go to Denali. We still have another voucher. And Walt's coffee cup came with a $1 off any hot lunch item. So I just printed right in the sleeve.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Something tells me that AK Alaska knew exactly what they're doing and they were just trying to keep it going here, but we're savvier than that. So this morning we were in Anchorage and we go back one last time, third time's a charm. And there's the third and final honey work in there. Probably the youngest of all of them looked like she was maybe high school senior college
Starting point is 00:24:51 freshman. And she was nice. We used our last voucher to get some muffins. Well, we had apple, oatmeal, cider, coffee, crumble, tastic, and pumpkin spice, I think. And we use that, everything was good, no issues. So we still have the $1 off coffee. So if there's anyone listening to this live
Starting point is 00:25:17 in the Anchorage area, Gate B2 area, let us know. We don't have it anymore. But come say hi. And that was those were a couple of fun things that we'd done today. We drove a little over four hours round trip to see a glacier today, which was exciting, because actually global warming scientists
Starting point is 00:25:43 will estimate that in the year. 2021, all the glaciers will be gone. So you got about three years left to see your glaciers. There's another quick little tidbit for you all to listen to this. Shout out to all my listeners from Alaska. It was beautiful to see your country for the past couple of days. Backcountry, front country, all that good stuff. And hey, come on down to bean town sometime.
Starting point is 00:26:11 We'd love to have you, show you around. I don't know, you guys got any other good fun facts that you want to share on the podcast? The entire state of Alaska has only one hundred miles of paved roads. That is a good fact. That is very true. The reason it takes you know four hours get up to Denali, not because it's super far away. They're actually only about 25 miles apart, but it's a gravel road the entire time. That is just brutal. It is tough. You can actually, I mentioned you can see Denali from three different continents. You can actually see from all four hemispheres as well.
Starting point is 00:26:56 That would be pretty cool if there is a mountain you could see from four hemispheres. This has been fun. I'm eager to listen back to this, when I get the chance, the ambient noises have been interesting. We had a lot of... Especially those quick cuts in the beginning. We had a lot of issues in the beginning, which I've never had before. We've never had a podcast that's like going to cut in and out like that.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So we're going to see what it sounds like if you made it this far. Thank you for putting up with it. Yeah, no, you guys have any closing thoughts, things that you guys want to plug while you're talking to America here and the world for that matter? Well, I think there's a couple things we'll definitely want to address before we sign off. The podcast will have to get back to our trivia question. And also, you know, now might be a good time to talk
Starting point is 00:27:51 to some of the potential sponsors, the podcast. I think, you know, Quince got a couple of long-standing flames usually pursues in this segment, but, you know, we might broaden the field, especially now that we're on our trisca. Well, you want to get to your trivia answer? Okay, yeah, we can start with the trivia. So, believe it or not, baked Alaska, this is my third choice out of the three. Baked Alaska is actually the dessert. Choice C, can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:28:24 I know I couldn't. So the more you know. Well, it makes sense because we're flying to Seattle. So there were clues, you know, kind of sprinkled in there if you were listening. Yeah, um, um, um, steep onto the podcast. Speaking of sponsors, Jack Links, I know you're out there. I know you're listening to this.
Starting point is 00:28:44 This is my voice, my podcast, I kept it clean. We've had a good show, we've had a fair play last couple of weeks. Benel Loblos. Direct message, me on Twitter. That's a good way to contact me. I emailed you. I'm pretty sure you received it.
Starting point is 00:29:03 We'd love to have you on the podcast. Here's a little story for you at J-Links. So our office goes to the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club once every summer for our Beach retreat. Is that the fire alarm? I hope not. No, I think that thing would be flashing if that was a fire alarm. Oh, yeah, it's something with the gate door. Okay. And
Starting point is 00:29:29 Last year I wore my pink Jack links polo courtesy of my uncle Andy who was an upstanding employee of yours. I might add. This year I wore it again. So it is now a tradition year two looking forward to doing that in the future. I got my Jack links Polo. I got my Jack links cup. I don't know what else you want for me. Just like the Adam number. It's time to mention the season to Sist Letter. Haven't haven't yet received that all. You guys know where to find me. Lost in the meal. Excuse. Yeah. Anyways, so Jack links we love to have yet. I didn't want to go this far, you know, so soon in the podcast,
Starting point is 00:30:09 I think this might be episode 30, maybe 29, maybe 30, Hey Slim Jim, you know, if you're out there. I'd be happy to leverage my offer from Jack Links, and this something nice with you. So you guys just let me know, you can always find me on Twitter, I'm at Beentowncast. Email is a great way to reach me. I check it once every other week.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Beentown podcast, is Beentown. Be into that podcast, Anyways, yeah, I think that would be good. I was noticing I was going to the bathroom in the airport about an hour ago. I walked past one of their screens and the screen was advertising, advertised with ANC international airports. So I'm thinking that if we do well enough on the bean town
Starting point is 00:30:51 Pleds drive fundraiser spectacular next Next February that could be fun. We might get in some airports Another cool thing I was thinking of doing and I might take a special in my kitchen on this What if I pitched the bean town podcast a shark tank? I Another cool thing I was thinking of doing and I might take a special in my kitchen on this. What if I pitched the Bean Tom podcast to Shark Tank? I think there's potential there. Shark Tank is still a thing. It's you. It's like CNBC's number one show.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Barbara Corcoran, I think you've got what I need. But Damon, I'd like to work with you too. Mark, you just seem like a cool guy. So, who is a cool guy? Tony like a cool guy. So who is a cool guy? Tony is a cool guy. That would be fun if I could get the show on Shark Tank. If I have to work on my pitch probably need some models, but just go check out the the nice waitresses and bartenders at AK Alaska because I like the regular people. You know, I don't want to go through the agencies. I want to get the everyday, everyday Sally, everyday Sue.
Starting point is 00:31:47 And speaking of Willow, Willow Trading Post, we haven't forgot about you. Now that Olive Garden has moved on to new slogans and stuff, you guys can probably just pick up the, when you're here, your family bit, and you run with it. It's already got some good brand recognition. Yeah, Willow Roadhouse. When you're here your family just sounds good.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Here your family anymore? Did they switch their slogans? Oh yeah, I think it's Postola Vista. Ha ha ha. No, we haven't had good authorities. From a sister one time, maybe still employee of the OG, I don't know. Hospitaliano, it's on all their buttons.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Say Hospitaliano? Oh yeah. Spanish word, it sounds like Italian to me. It was Spanish, you wouldn't pronounce the H like that. We're out of my hotel room. Yeah. Comies. Franco really messed you guys up. Let's see. Oh, I want to make an important
Starting point is 00:32:47 plug. We are doing a very fun special this next week. I know Bruce Willis is trying to steal my thunder. It didn't actually plan the two to kind of overlap with each other, but the roast of Quinn David Furnace, probably the more high-profile roast in our country this coming week is gonna be happening we're gonna be having a grandpa Dave on I've heard he's got some good singers Walton Jack have been working hard this entire vacation on their material I feel pretty confident that we're gonna be able to get my mom on there have been a lot of people reaching out asking when is Mrs. F coming on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:27 There is a great chance that it is happening this next week. So stay tuned for that. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. We're just, yeah, we're going to get one of those big chairs all sit in the middle. Maybe to me more will come out. I don't know. I haven't, you know, I'm not the one planning this, so if you guys have cameos, don't tell me, don't spoil it, but I think it would be fun.
Starting point is 00:33:50 If we got maybe like a high school teacher or something going in there, I don't know, I think it would be a good time. You're gonna get Travis Webb. Travis Webb, if you're out there, reach out at Bean Town Podcast, that's a B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N, at something at, yeah, you know, you just just press rewind for a little while or whatever you do. Yeah. What a day. Oh, hey, by the way, I know we're kind of in rapid mode here, Barry, you're gonna talk about the buses at all in the park. Oh, sure. Eric Mark, if you're listening, screw you. This is a PSA for anybody going to Denali or planning a trip to Denali. You'll see plaster throughout their
Starting point is 00:34:38 website and their materials. If you need to ride somewhere, you just flag a bus down and they'll be very happy and accommodating fresh drinks, hot dinner, all that stuff when you get on the bus. And we had a different experience in Denali. Constantly trying to flag down buses, not them not stopping, not even stopping to say, hey, you should do this instead. Yeah, it was frustrating at times. We spent about an hour by the side of the road, throwing rocks at a sign.
Starting point is 00:35:20 So that was our vacation in Alaska. Before we eventually had to walk a little ways to finally find the bus, which we then had to wait 45 minutes for. So then we were at the end of a hike the other day. Plenty of buses went by. We had to wait for one specific one, even though they're all going to the same place.
Starting point is 00:35:38 So a little bit frustrating at times. Overall, I had a great experience in Denali. The bus service was a little bit less than ideal, but I just told my brothers, hey, now you know what it's like to live in Baltimore. So, and that is sad, but true, sort of joke. So, anyways, we were at minute 36, minute 37 here, a little bit longer than last week, but not quite as long as some of the big ones we've had in the past. Feel pretty comfortable with where we're at.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I don't know, you guys have any closing remarks? Anything you want to plug while you're here? I don't know, you got anything Jack? Don't drink and drive. Don't drink and drive. It's very good advice. Yeah, watch out for those tarmigans man, they'll mess you up. Yeah, we were, we were having lots of imagination, fun, concerning wildlife and the part of drugs. One thing we... yeah no we actually didn't do any drugs in Alaska. One thing we really wanted to see was a tarmigan parade. You don't know what a tarmigan is. It's really cool because you don't even hear the pee. But yeah I don't know. We're kind of like a Mr. Popper's penguin sort of thing. Waltz and down the road. I like to imagine them wobbling back and forth,
Starting point is 00:37:06 but the lead one's got a top hat and the baton and he's twirling it. I don't know. I think that would be fun. Just imagine them at the head of a marching band playing some snappy numbers, man. That would be, if that's not a thrill, I don't know what is. If we had enough mushrooms, I'm sure we could experience that for ourselves. But, no, the only thing we ate in the park were blueberries. I don't think we really tasted anything else. Very refreshing. There were a few times when we encountered some animal droppings,
Starting point is 00:37:36 and I was going to try to do the Jurassic Park thing, give it a little taste, but ended up not doing that. So, but yeah, Alaska is a good time. You know, track some some wolves and moose and stuff and you know, let them go because not a lot to hunt in the park but they know a little bit of psychological warfare. Anyways, I hope you all have enjoyed the craziness of the Alaska Anchorage Airport. Hopefully the audio has been okay. I know you can hear those overhead announcements pretty clear.
Starting point is 00:38:16 So, maybe there's going to be some sort of like FBI case and they'll have to use my podcast and the announcements in the background. That would was good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good.
Starting point is 00:38:30 That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good.
Starting point is 00:38:37 That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. That was absolutely good. Who needs cereal when you could just kind of stumble and your way into a FBI investigation?
Starting point is 00:38:47 Anyways, that's about all we got. We're gonna be coming to you live Middle and next week, sometime to the roast of Quinn David furnace And then we are gonna try to get in a podcast live from the Pacific Northwest before we head back to To be in town and get back to work. So, busy week. Yeah, it's going to be fun. Nice to relax and do some podcasts and get as many people on the podcasts as want to be on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:39:15 So, anyway, this has been Quinn Davis Furnace. This is my podcast, Beantown Podcast. It is the People's Podcast, one of Baltimore's top 500 podcasts. Don't forget to like, listen, rate, and subscribe. We can bump us up from the 35 stars we have up to, you know, 5,000 even, just from this next week. So anyways, you know where to find us. Thank you for listening. I hope everyone has a good rest of their week, and I will catch you next time.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And with our guests sign-offs, thanks for having us on. Appreciate it. And stay cool into webs. Thank you very much. I'm excited that the board service is in Denver. Yep.

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