Beantown Podcast - 08182018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast ft. Uncle Andy

Episode Date: August 18, 2018

This week, Quinn is joined by special guest and Jack Links employee Uncle Andy to discuss how many subscribers it will take for Jack Links to sponsor the podcast: ONE BILLION. Quinn and Uncle Andy als...o discuss fantasy football commissioning, the news around Rice Lake, and NDT reunion tour rumors. Opening song is "Brothers on a Hotel Bed" from Plans by Death Cab--I do not own the song, just a cover. Follow us on Twitter: @whitebunz Subscribe on Apple Podcasts:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You make tire of me as our December sun is setting, as I'm not who I used to be. No longer easy on the eyes, but these wrinkles must have played a skies, they youthful boy been low I would turn to Wayne's saw, something he was not looking for But they were beginning and in end But now he lives inside, someone he does not recognize When he catches his reflection on accident On the back of a motorbike With your arms outstretched, trying to take flight, leaving everything behind, but even at a swift speed, we couldn't break from the concrete in the city of history's eyes. And I've learned that even that dark love is your
Starting point is 00:01:52 for the seal like Navy men. Because now we say goodnight from all separate sides, like lovers on a hotel bed You may tire of me, as our December sun is setting, as I'm not who I used to be. Welcome to the Bean Town podcast. This is Quinn David Furnace, your host, your creator, your best boy. This is my voice. This is what I sound like. Thank you for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:03:10 A very special episode we're going to have an amazing, previously unannounced guest coming on. We're really excited about that. We'll get to our dear uncle in one second. Listener discretion is advised when you are checking out. The bean town podcast number one, occasionally we will use some 21 plus language or 18 plus in Europe. And number two, we will just be putting out pretty objectively terrible content. I will say I've been in
Starting point is 00:03:42 Kahoot's with my friend Ryan Ligan from the card. Kind of was podcast. We've been sharing some ideas. Well, he's been sharing his ideas with me for how to promote your podcast. You know, I'm trying to go from that, you know, like 50 subscriber range up to the multi million. It's kind of I'm kind of looking for that middle step there. He suggested going on Reddit and exploring the world of podcasts there. So we looked into that my post got taken down this morning because I didn't format it
Starting point is 00:04:10 Exactly right away. So that's going to continue to be a struggle for us, but Struggle is nothing new for us on the bean town podcast You know, we've been trying to get sponsors for a long time and you know, we this is episode number 32 I think and then a couple specials excuse me it is pretty exciting that we actually have a guest from our white whale itself coming on very excited to have that I'll make one other note before we jump into that you heard the song right before that was death cat for QDM still on my kick that was Brothers on a hotel
Starting point is 00:04:46 bed from, excuse me, plans. The album Thank You for Today is coming out in about six minutes. We're recording this on Thursday night. So look out for that. I'll listen to it a couple of times already through a pre-release. And you know know, it's never gonna be the same old deathcap, but I like it more than Kansugi actually. It's kinda up there in terms of how much I like it with Koz and Kis. So go check it out. Thank you for today, deathcap, for QT.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You're welcome for your free promotion. We're sitting here, A1-7 St. Paul Street, come to you live from Beentown. We're drinking some old or or you'll park the, let's see, what is it? Peabody Heights, brewery, just off campus there, North Central Baltimore, it's good stuff. We're having a good time in one trivia tonight. It's all coming together for the Q Master. And to
Starting point is 00:05:42 top things off, the cherry on top, which is what they called him back in high school. We are very excited to be joined by special guests. It's all in the family here on the Beentown podcast. We are being joined live, coming from Northern Wisconsin, our dear old Uncle Andy, Uncle Andy, how are you doing tonight?
Starting point is 00:06:03 Very good Quinn. I am honored and humbled to finally get a chance to share the stage as it may be over thousands of miles with you tonight. And you'll notice that clear, crisp sound quality coming to you from the Samson Q2U microphone, triple X collectors edition series, Samsung, if you're looking for a sponsor, you know where to find me. You can always tweet at me at white buns.
Starting point is 00:06:32 You can also email me,, that's beantownBEA and Tudon podcast at But back to the main event, very happy to have my uncle Andy here on the Beans on Podcast. And we're not going to beat around the bush here. We know exactly where this is going. This has been an immovable force against an unstoppable object for 32 episodes now.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Uncle Andy, you have been an employee of Jack Links version years. Why don't you tell us a little bit about what you do over there at Jack Links? Okay, you're right. It's been almost 14 years since they moved. You're in Wendy and you're due a little cousins from Wasar. And I am a sales manager, analytics manager at Jeff Lang. So think of it as today I was working on corporate budgets, it's budget season. So I get the fund for probably the next two, three to four months of budgets, helping out with budgets, revising budgets when corporate
Starting point is 00:07:42 decides they want to change things after months and months of preparation. That's one of the things I do. A lot of numbers, accounting, financial stuff, I know all the dirty secrets, the company out there, multi-billion dollar company, unbelievable I've watched you grow into that. So a lot of that, previously I was in supply chain and demand planning forecasting, essentially, helping the company know what to build, when to build, and how much of it. And I kind of moved into more of the analytics.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Think of it as big data, things like that. I don't know the specifics of the algorithms that go along with what you're buying, when you buy your jackalinks, and what else is in your market basket. But needless to say, there's a little bit of big brother going out there with that. But that's enough for what I'll need to tell you without getting into the board details. You mentioned, you, that's what your great uncle Andy does. You mentioned big data. Now, let's talk about big podcasts and big sponsorship.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I noticed something you didn't mention in your sort of day to day is hooking up sort of a nepotistic relationship for podcast sponsorship. Could you speak to the radio silence that we've been getting from Jack Links and maybe why they don't want to associate with what's probably going to become a multi-billion dollar podcast. Yeah, I'll say what, actually I had something set up that was going to be quite tasty for you.
Starting point is 00:09:15 A sponsorship that I know you could really get behind. Unfortunately, your cousin Sawyer, right about what else going to pull the trigger, was going to go over to Japan, which he's over in right now, and I needed to shower him with as many gifs as I could since the cultural over there is to share gifs, you know, to reciprocate. So I sent a lot of things, a month that was going to send you in there, currently in Tokyoこのスインフルーズが キュープを 見ることがあるので、 私は 私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、 私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、 私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、
Starting point is 00:09:55 私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、 私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、 私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、 私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、私は キュープを 見ることがあるので、 to Jam and here and one of the things I'm really working on art is everybody's favorite little job. Just a few things to wet your appetite and maybe coming down the road so we're working on it but I'll just defer and say blame it on soy in a strip to jam. That's always a good answer. Blame it on soy.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You could write for Sarah Huckabee Sanders in some of those White House press briefings. I'm glad you mentioned the little chub and not just because that was my nickname in Lil League. I'm thinking, you know, you suspended these some of the time in Northern Wisconsin and I recall very well the first time I ever sank my teeth into a little chub.
Starting point is 00:10:44 It was spicy, it was refreshing. It really filled you up well. It was a great snack. What have been some of your favorite Jack Link's products in the past couple years you've seen rolled out? Well, I'll tell you what, I've always enjoyed their sticks. You know, Jack Link's does make very high quality products. I've watched it being made in the floor. It's not even that pink paste stuff that you see sometimes.
Starting point is 00:11:17 The thing's like, it is as long as you're okay with looking at good, you know, high quality, you know, beef from the United States in Brazil. It's great stuff. So I've always liked sticks. I like those nice, kind of longer dry sticks they're called. Another thing I've always liked they're called tender bites. They used to be called nuggets. They're these little cubes. They're almost like popcorn size nuggets. And my favorite that I love for years was a Buffalo stat. That's really good. Obviously jerky is always everybody's favorite. The top three flavors are original teriyaki and peppered. My favorite jerky of all time and unfortunately it's discontinued was chalula and the chalula hot sauce that you see in the
Starting point is 00:12:02 grocery store. They had that for a few years and that was a fantastic product. Unfortunately, it didn't quite carry the mustard for, you know, the demand that they need for a high volume operation like Jekyllink. So it's discontinued, but I think they still might be able to find a bag of it up at the cabin and a bag of the fridge or something like that. So those are my favorites.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I assume you got a big heap of it buried under the hot tub up there somewhere, but I don't know. You know what's interesting about that is anti-watt, he's not a big fan of me, even she says, oh, you shouldn't need a bunch of process, maybe even though it's, you know, really high quality, 100% beef. So I don't eat too much of it, actually. I always take a few samples with me in my bag. So if I'm going to, you know, like shop, getting my oil change or something like that,
Starting point is 00:12:53 I always hand a few out to the people that are helping me there. And I'll tell you what, that is a great icebreaker. So carrying it around is a great way to make friends. But yeah, I get some for friends now and then from the company store. And yep, that's a good way to make friends. But yeah, I get some for friends knowing in from the company store. And yeah, that's a good way to keep on the good side. Well, and it's good to have for breakfast too on your commute. I can tell you about a slew of times when I've needed to have 100% beef for breakfast.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It happens frequently. You got cousin Sawyer over there in Japan. I'm thinking, what about a Kobe beef jack links product line? It would be like $30 for a stick. I don't know, I think jack links needs to tap into the high end meat market. Just an idea, you know, I'm not getting paid, but maybe I should be.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I don't know. I've got some ideas. I'll throw it by marketing and I'll watch it as it probably goes right out to the other window. You can't get all that's okay. I've got one other thing I want to mention here about Jack Links, then we got to move on. I'm going to give you a number of subscribers
Starting point is 00:14:00 that it would take to have people subscribe to my podcast for Jack Links to start paying attention and you just tell me when okay 50 1 million 1 billion Okay, we've got okay, I think this is official Jack links Spokesperson Uncle Andy going on record to say bean town podcast with one billion subscribers Maybe the most popular podcast of all time and we will get into talks with Jack links
Starting point is 00:14:38 That's very exciting. That's that's really all I wanted out of this interview So the rest is just gonna be icing on the cake, but That is excellent to hear Fantastic. I know that you had there's a couple other topics that I want to touch on I know that we did the roast of Quinn Davis furnace plan and executed so Wonderfully by myself if I if I could add that So just wonderfully by myself if I could add that. But I know that you had some material that you wanted to get in. And I want to make sure that we get it live on the air before we do anything else.
Starting point is 00:15:14 So if you want to take the stage, it's all yours. I mean, there's probably not much that you could roast me with. But I want to give you that opportunity just in case. So Uncle Andy, if you're looking to get in two weeks later on the roast of Quinn David Furnace, the time is yours. All right, I'll start off with just a few. I've got a good list here,
Starting point is 00:15:39 but maybe we'll sprinkle them throughout the podcast or same for later. But okay, here's what I've got. Quinn's parents didn't like spending a lot of time with Quinn I'm not sure if everybody knew that when Quinn was young and Jane and Steve moved around a lot He always seemed to find them. That was always kind of perplexing for them Quinn looked up his family tree and found out he was this out, but then that's for Granpa D That's our maple syrup joke there.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Queen was not the brightest bulb. Queen's fan stay in Steve's bought a new Japanese car and just as they were going to turn the radio Queen's turd woman said don't bother I don't understand what they say anyways. Oh, no. His favorite radio program while growing up in Rockford was the Sunday night all homage Oh, you know. Baltimore. And I'll end this part with this one. Queen was so ugly, Jane used to feed him with a slingshot.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Oh, man, I didn't catch most of what you said, but that last part was pretty funny. So, I didn't know if the listeners are going to pick up on that. I don't know exactly where it went. You can let us know in the comments. You can tweet at us. We're at white buns. That's with the Z email us. Beantown podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:21 This beantown B.E.A.N.T.A. in podcast. Yeah. Who. I guess half jokes is what I'll call them sprinkled into the rest of the podcast. Boy, you, uh, just when we thought the bar couldn't get any lower with Abbey's roast of me, then Uncle Annie comes in and he says, here I'll do you one better. So thank you for that little introduction. I want to talk, we are as of tonight, three weeks away from the start of the NFL season and I haven't really talked about it much on the podcast
Starting point is 00:17:59 because I haven't really needed to because I started the podcast during like championship week or something of the NFL last season. The NFL season starts in three weeks and for those of you who don't know, we have a family league made up of Furnite, Denison, Rue and I guess Johnson's now. The great white North is going into season 13 unbelievably and what promises to be the most spooked, tackler season yet.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I'm pretty confident that the Gary Bucy, Halloween, Kia commercial is gonna pop up and at least one or two notes a week. But we're very, we're very blessed to be joined by the commissioner himself. It's kind of like being the queen of England, you know, it's more of a title and you don't really have any power, but we respect you anyways. So Uncle Andy, if you could, tell us a little bit about what it's like to be a fantasy football commissioner for those of us listeners who've never had that experience before.
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's an almost unbelievably weighty and stressful position. I mean, every year it takes months of preparation. You know, a lot of flag from every side. No one's ever happy. You know, but you do it because you love the game. You do it because of the family. You do it because of tradition. You do it because you just are the only one that really can do it because nobody else is good enough.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I guess it's a way to put it, but I'll tell you what, thinking back, I'm 13 years, we've had a lot of fun. And you've thinking back 13 years ago, you and Jack and Waltz, I mean you guys were kids and you know when, and I remember when I used to do the recaps, you know, tried to do the recaps, the pre-game, you know, prognostications and, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:02 the games when they were done and that this was, hey, we did everything online, but there's a lot more things out there now that will auto-populate with a lot of pseudo, like newspaper column recaps, but we've had a lot of fun and boy, you guys have done a great job of taking it. You and Walt especially, once in a while Jack will get in there. Usually he's not as verbose, but when he does jump in,
Starting point is 00:20:28 you know what's high-quality. It's great. I think I recall, yeah. It's been an awesome, awesome time. I honestly look forward to it. I can't imagine actually not having it now. That's something we're going to have to make sure we do, from here to the turnip.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah. I'm glad you mentioned that about Jack. I think I recall one note, maybe six or seven years ago where he did a little rappers delight, sugar hill gang, something going on with fans of the ball lyrics, but yeah. It doesn't post a ton, but when he does, you can tell it's quality content.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Speaking of good memories or great moments, what have been some of your, excuse me, as I belch into the microphones? What have been some of your favorite memories or moments from 12 years of the Great White North? Any specific as you want or as broad as you want? You mentioned some things already, but what have you really liked about it? I'll tell you what, the year that Grandfathers team won, I think it was 2009, won the Super Bowl. That was pretty fun because, you know, Grandfathers, you can never have enough tight ends
Starting point is 00:21:32 and not fully understanding how things could work. You can get a little day's fee, but year-to-one, that was a lot of fun. Oh, the games where you would have something like 176 to 161 or something in wall would be able to rattle off, you know, probably the year and week of whatever season it was, but some of those games where you're like, everything was just hitting on every cylinder for each team. Some of those, you know, credible high-scoring games were a lot of fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:22:03 The ties which once again Walter always seems to fall into King of ties. Yeah, it's like a trap, you know He just can't help but walking to some of the controversy as things just too strong for work We've been in the playoffs. We've had time. We have to go to the rule book and then we're gonna go on Yeah, the rule book is a little bit ambiguous even on this one. Those have always been fun in the fact that we've always been,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you know, really very competitive, but good sports throughout it has been great. I think the comments, like we were talking about, you go back sometimes, you read some of them. I mean, just laugh. And I have to tell you this, Quinn, you're anti-wendy who isn't a football fan. I mean, she's like, okay, great to backers one,
Starting point is 00:22:47 but who really cares? Excuse me, as I've read those sometimes to her, she's always been very impressed. And she said, Quinn really should become a sports writer. He's so good at this. That's what he should be doing. So I'm just telling you, if you ever fail miserably at all these ventures in your life, just remember anti-wendy things. you'd be a great sports writer you know kind of a
Starting point is 00:23:08 dayberry for the NFL or something like that so so hey we're all we're all rooting for you and especially your auntie there so she she's always appreciated your your wit and insight but those are some of the things that come to mind from a 30,000 foot level over the years. Well, I appreciate hearing that and speaking of handsome and industrious, I will mention that I opened up my first ever, this is a true story. Today, I opened up my first ever CD online, you know, because I've been, you know, wasting my life with savings and checking's accounts for, I don't know, almost 10 years now. And now here come the big bucks.
Starting point is 00:23:51 It's gonna be huge. So when you come out to bean town and you see my mansion and my big screen TV and a winning fantasy football team, you're gonna know where that came from. Go check it out. CDs, that's the way of the future. That floppy discs, so that's what I'm investing in.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I have a kind of a specific pointed question for you. Who do you think your most handsome nephew to have never won at all is? For comparing me versus Jake, where do you think it falls? Wait, your question is who is the most handsome? That's correct, to have never won it all. Oh, who is the most handsome that has never won it all? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Of my nephews. Well, let's see, that kind of narrows it down just a tad. My default, I have to sadly admit it's you That's that's the answer we were looking for next question Tips are advice for any up-and-coming commissioners out there I'll tell you what if you don't have a group that is willing to engage with each other have a little bit of you know fun you need you gotta you gotta crack you know few ribs but you know not so much
Starting point is 00:25:12 that's a blood sport now you know seed that commentary you've got to have that because that makes it all the fun I know some people who say oh there's no money involved how can it be fun. I know some people who say, oh, there's no money involved. How can it be fun? And I completely disagree because our league obviously, Quinnis, you know, exchanges no money, it's all on pride. But I can't imagine having a more fun league. So I would say definitely make sure you get that going. Be willing to be creative with the points. Some people are real sticklers, not, you know, you know, PPR leaks and things like that. I would say don't be afraid to put a little bit more splash into your scoring, for instance, our field goals. They get up to us at five points. If you get about 50 yards or something like that, yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Quite robust and scoring. Yep. And what I like about that is it even things out because it's not just all sense or just make sure you get your running back and then if you don't get a good running back or fall lucky with picking up your free agents and you know you're kind of out of luck. They have definitely been some
Starting point is 00:26:16 sleeper teams through the years because we're a little bit more equitable as far as how we have some of the scoring could put a couple bonus points out there if you get above let's say what is it like 175 years of rushing or 150 years, something like that. Yeah, and I think that makes it fun. I'd be willing to let people in the league have input.
Starting point is 00:26:36 We've had sometimes where we've talked about some things that you know what, I think that's a good rule of change, that's fine. Be flexible, make it fun. Don't be a stickler. I think everybody understanding that, the more that you are able to make it fun, oh, and also another thing else, hey, is that we have a 10 team league,
Starting point is 00:26:56 and going to the playoffs, it's the top four. I think it's the best. So, as far as the wild card is something, we are all for the wildcards and even As we go into our playoffs We have just about every week every team is still involved with it some teams don't give a damn And I keep you from quitting you buddy in their roster whatever But we have you know the toilet bowl the first flush second flush and what is it?
Starting point is 00:27:20 Don't certain won't flush. Yeah So we keep things going even if it's just for silly fun, but I like having it at the end of the season. You could be, you know, five in eight or something like that, but hey, if your team's getting out at the right time or your quarterback didn't blow a knee out, hey, you're still in this thing. Yeah, it's pretty rare. Pretty rare in our league for the dominant team did us walk into the playoffs and clean up. That happened this past year.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Walt's had a team that was just unflappable and had no major controversy or no major issues except I think he did tie new Steve in the opening around and we had a little bit of a controversy with the rules. But then after that, he just, oh no, that's not right. That might have been two years ago. Last year, I, okay, now it's all coming back to me. Last year Walt finished way ahead of everybody else
Starting point is 00:28:20 and standings and point scored all that stuff. I was second in point scored, but somehow that in the entire league, but that came out to fourth in the division magically. So I had the pleasure of playing the Juggernaut himself in the first round and that was quickly the end of that. So yeah, it... I'll tell you what, I think if you have a good philosophy to win, like we talked about grandpa drafting, four or five six tight ends, and it doesn't always work for you.
Starting point is 00:28:52 My attitude is, hey, you draft, you immediately find out they're all losers, they get injured, they were, you know, you were reading from a 2006 draft, you get a lot, you know, I'm on my decade, my mistake. But then, thank goodness that we don't have these stringent rules on pickups and free agency. It's wide open, it's like the dark web, and anything goes, that there's no cost. You can't do it any time, there's no, hey, it opens at Thursday at 8 o'clock, now, you know, 3am on a Tuesday, time to pick up a new player, you know.
Starting point is 00:29:27 With all those things, my philosophy has got me two super balls, which is drafting who needs it, you know. Hey, just find out who's scoring, you know, some points around the second week. And you might get lucky when a super ball. There you go. This is from the man who once drafted Andrew Luck and Tony Roma in the first four rounds and ended up winning a Super Bowl with Blake Bordel. So anything is possible. I got one last question about fantasy football before we move on here to a couple other topics. Let's pick the brain of a 12-year veteran commissioner and a two-time Super Bowl champion.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Who do you like in the draft this year? Who's standing out to you? I know you do a mock draft once every day or so. So you've got to have some good ideas at this point. I know you're a big mock drafter. Well, I'll tell you what, one of my things has always been, pick a quarterback or something big mock draft. Done more analysis on some of the upcoming running backs You know looking like it Come on stuff like that like a Cadillac Williams type. Yeah, I feel yeah I'm going to hope that I can get at least one decent running back that you know doesn't fall off the face of the earth
Starting point is 00:30:59 I've never really subscribed to that now there was there was one year. I think that you went after never really subscribed to that. Now there was there was one year I think that you went after someone's guiding a lot of wide receivers. You know I remember that right? And it sounds like every year yeah. Yeah. And you're thinking that you're gonna stack up on them and people are gonna come to you like you know you've got you know all the lollipops that the kids want. I don't really pin down for you but you know sometimes I think maybe that might be another philosophy. Try to get all the top running backs in the first couple rounds. Oh wait a minute, Thorie, be gone.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I guess that won't work. But yeah, my thought this year is try to get at least one decent running back. I am really bad at picking out a running back that will be tried and true throughout the years when I very first started way back when I was in Wasa. There's a work leak and I had Lidian and Taumun and just as he was coming on and I rode that guy to two consecutive super balls and I haven't learned from him doing that so you know if there's another you know LBL there that I can find before he becomes an you know a great star that there's another, you know, LDO there that I can find before he becomes a, you know, great star.
Starting point is 00:32:06 That's probably my key victory, but I would say, yeah, don't play smart. The first couple rounds don't get too crazy. Go go for a sure, you know, like Antonio Brown, if maybe he's, you know, Vailboard, was it Hopkins last year? I think was our number one library. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I would go for some of that stuff and that, hey, you know, in our league, a defense in the fourth round, maybe not such a stretch of it's going to be like Jackson the last year. I mean, those guys ran the table with points. It was not. It's true. Yeah. I will say, if you didn't know, Frank Gore is playing for
Starting point is 00:32:40 the dolphins now. So if you're looking for those young fresh legs, that might be your guy back up. Bernie's back for the dolphins. He was doing your telecommercials. OK. Might be doing both. I don't know. I think his contract is for $75.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So this is an interesting topic that I don't think has ever seen the light of day on any podcast anywhere. You've gone by the name NDT for your fancy football team for all of the great light North and maybe for other teams. We'll never know. But talk to me a little bit about NDT. Where does this name come from? In high school, my group of friends who we thought we were ultra cool cool, which means we were incredibly nerdy
Starting point is 00:33:31 We called ourselves Indity and not that we were any great band or anything like that But we were in DT which stands for and this isn't gonna make any sense to anybody but non-dugous tokers don't ask and any sense to anybody, but non-Dougas, Tokers don't ask. And that's just what we call themselves. We have certain shirts and stuff like that where we use our characters playing a very senseless, like I play percussion, so I was being a drum set. Some of them definitely did go on to play, you know, true music, like Uncle Kyle,
Starting point is 00:34:03 was in our league. He actually does play with one of the other guys in our group And they they have a two-man band in there. You know, I guess he could say professional but Yeah, he was just kind of what we call ourselves our group in school. We actually did have a Business for a while where we were DJing we got sick of the music that they were always playing we thought it was to Oh wish you watched it too, too weak. And we wanted to hit bang and stuff like that. So we did have an MDT, DJ business that we would,
Starting point is 00:34:34 we had what we were in high school. And then first couple years in college. So that's kind of where that came from. But there's not really too much to talk about as far as it been, you know, it's not like we, you know, went from that to being the yard births to being the talcats, nothing like that. You guys make like five bucks a gig or something? I'll tell you what, I think I've got our, our, our accounting book. I used to keep it. I actually was from the back side of our tape case because we did everything back to set tape. And I think we made
Starting point is 00:35:01 125 bucks our first, our first gig and we thought that was pretty cool. We went with that, we went to drags, the pizza place in town, and that became a tradition. Everybody would follow us after a dance to drags. And of course, we'd always be paying because, hey, we had cash in our pocket. So we'd probably have about 20 people following us there and we can close your eggs down and eat pizza and drink prepare So I didn't know about the I didn't know about the whole DJ aspect before you really got into that when in terms of sort of playing your own music What what types of songs did you
Starting point is 00:35:36 Covered you guys to originals what was going on there? No We We like to come up with Okay, and I don't know if you remember this, but Dr. Demento back in the day would play a lot of parodies like Weird Al Yank and Vic and stuff like that. And so we would take songs that popular, we're talking more about like Dockin and Metallica and things like that.
Starting point is 00:35:58 We'd make up our own lyrics, for instance, for those of you that would remember Metallica in 1986, their album Master of Puppets came out and their song of the same name. Well we think we have a song called Platter of Crumpets. We have at least lyrics about it and it's like Doc and had a song called Truth and Nail and we made up the song called Jose Jose Malfe. So this was really lame. And we, we, we have there for the entire song all the way down. I mean, if there was a scream in the middle, we included it. Yeah, we were, we thought we were pretty cool. Are you telling me that you never got invited to headline aquifest?
Starting point is 00:36:40 No, and you know, what even when we went to monsters Iraq where we saw like we were screaming our songs to them but they just must not have heard us that no no we've never had like when you got a great podcast and you're trying to
Starting point is 00:36:57 get jack links to sponsor you and no one seems to be listening. I understand where you're coming from. What is this? What is this? I hear about a possible reunion tour. Well, I did have my 30th class reunion just earlier this summer. So most of the guys were there.
Starting point is 00:37:17 My one friend Eric had a wedding. He couldn't make it to. But, yeah, we usually pose for a picture. In fact, I have not seen that. You don't have to ask, yeah, Wendy. But we always fact, I've not seen that, you know, I'll have to ask Aunt Wendy, but we always kind of pose in this angry everybody, you know, with their fists and their, you know, flexing your muscles for what they are and kind of the angry are looking their face.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And that was our, that's our traditional, you know, getting together and trying to pose, you know, through the years. So you can see younger, we were, look like maybe we were actually tough now, we just like, we're just old, you know, out of shape guys that look pretty pathetic. But yeah, our reunion tour is when we get a chance to see each other for a classroom in every five years, actually, Ante, Bon and O'Clairent will be having their 50th wedding anniversary party here around Labor Day, so we'll have some of them back here, especially Uncle Cal and I. It's gonna be the party of the century. So, you know, reunion is kind of a term, but yeah, we do like to get together and we can, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I would imagine there's going to be a lot of meat taking place at that 50th party. Yeah, and I'll tell you what Uncle Jim was actually supposed to be manning the barbecue. And he is actually going out to Baltimore to see Jake. So he'll be in your neck of the woods. So although I'm not nearly the professional barbecue or like Uncle Jim or Kyle or Uncle Ronner, but I'm probably going to be helping out with doing that. So probably ribs and brisket and all that fun stuff I'll probably be helping out with. So yeah, there you go. There will be a lot of meat consumed. And that's by the way, that's a whole other topic. If you tell my gosh, those guys are nuts for burbicant.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You can't believe it. It's fantastic. It is so delicious. Uncle Ron did all of it for starters graduation this year. Pulled pork. It's to die for, but they go crazy about it. So, but not a bad thing to have in your family or people who love to barbecue. It's pretty damn tasty. It might mess up your septic if you have one of those, but it's worth it in the end
Starting point is 00:39:25 I think that's what we've learned over the years I've got let's see I got two other topics. I want to cover here One year semi-prepared for the other. I promise you're not The last thing here that you are probably prepared for Rice Lake, Wisconsin. It's where Where many of the denizens hail from, goes way back. Any good news from around town these days, I heard there was some sort of money laundering
Starting point is 00:39:57 or embezzlement happening in the school system, a couple, maybe two years back. But is there any good stuff happening, anything you see in the chronotype that really catches your attention these days? Well, I'll say what, Auntie Wendy was reading the police log out of the chronotype, our weekly newspaper. And it is always entertaining.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Sometimes we just read it to each other. I think we can't even stop laughing. All I have to start taking snaps of it and send it to you. And that's really it to each other. I think we can't even stop laughing. All they have to start taking snaps of it and send it to you and that's really easy to do. No, it is hilarious. It will range from everything from, you know, woman outside a bar, lost her skirt, calling the cops, you know, if they possibly might know where it is, it could be farmer browns cow, is headed down highway 53 and you know on the lookout It ranges from sometimes the pathetic to sad to usually just whole hilarious
Starting point is 00:40:54 So there's always that part. Um as far as in rice like Um rice like spend doing a pretty good job lately They're the working on I think replacing the pool and you've been to the pool, I believe. Oh, yeah. And getting it so it's no longer at 11 feet, but I think the 12 or whatever they need to bring back to diamond boards. So that's one of the projects. They've done better with making bike paths and things around the lake. I just played in the band show, which was made from a lamco your your grandpa's company.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Sure. Grandpa Dave, a podcast fame. Yeah. Yeah. We were playing the foreign church. They were playing that. That's under the head. And so that's always means through the years.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I played to you just for the right. Like Symphony or the Red Sea or Symphony. I'm sorry or the community band. I've been a part of for many years in playing underneath that. That's always neat because I remember when that went out, there was a picture in your Grandfathers company's calendar that had Walter underneath the brand new band shell kind of running across the island and zoning out with neat. Let's see what else is going on in Rice Lake. Not that this is everything, but they, might kids who, your cousins who have been
Starting point is 00:42:08 going through high school over these last years and on because the senior this year, they've had a lot of success with and putting swimmers to stay at their football champions last year but in the state a few times, they went to the state number times for basketball. So they've had a lot of success, whereas when I was there, we were at the bottom of the heap. So we've had a lot of success. Whereas when I was there, we were
Starting point is 00:42:25 at the bottom of the heap. So we just grew with the stasers and anything so these kids have been able to go to because they're all in the band as you know. They can't brand all to a coal center. They just came back from Boston and New York with the band. They got to play on the aircraft carrier out there. Went through Boston, the Freedom Trail lots, and things like that, two or three years ago, they went to the Disney World London Florida for the advancement, they're doing all sorts of things that I ever did. So, the school and those programs have been,
Starting point is 00:42:58 doing really well. The band program is great, the music is always fantastic, to listen to, the kids, your cousins have always been great going to stage for singing, playing, you know, they've always been exceptional with that. So I've enjoyed a lot of great music over the years. They're right-flick. It's going along, I mean, it's doing well. There's always a few things about it that I'd like to see them be a little bit more progressive about especially when it comes to funding things like the library like they're working on a quick and library and that's been kind of slowly coming along but There's gonna be some big improvements this year. They're going to redo the dam and the bridge over it They're going to take the main street and make it into a more friendly environment for
Starting point is 00:43:44 The stores along there make it so that instead of a, you know, for lane right down the middle which it does need to be make it or if it's too late and expand room for along the stores so there can be room for cafe and things like that so some of those things are changing but other than that as far as anything really extraordinary I can't think of anything else but but yeah so that's what's going on in there so yeah well for those of you who are listening out there, you might think, Rice Lake, I never heard of this place. Well, for all my NBA listeners out there, Henry Ellenson, Detroit Pistons, Rice Lake High School fame played basketball for the Warriors and did a little track and field for you guys as
Starting point is 00:44:27 well. So, if you don't know Rice Lake, you're going to want to put it on your radar. It's about an hour north of O'Clayer, which everyone knows, you know. So, yeah, of course. Well, thank you for sharing that. If you've never checked out the Rice Lake chronotype police log it's kind of like garrison killers lake woe bagon days except trash here and not quite as entertaining but but it's still a solid five minutes per
Starting point is 00:44:57 read of good material so thank you yeah I've got one other section here I do want to make a make a point of this before I move on because things are about to get wacky. Were there any other roasts or zingers that you were saving up that you wanted to get out there before we move up into our concluding section here. No, absolutely. And I'll have to predicate this one with. Quinn has also been known as Driz. There's kind of a longer story behind it, but it goes back to our fantasy football. So I affectionately refer to you as Driz.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And I believe Driz, you've never taken any offense to that, right? Absolutely not. No, so Driz is just one of my nicknames and the denizens love nicknames so you know hey why not you know add a couple more to it. So here we go. I don't want to say Drizz was unattractive as a kid. But when he played in the sandbox the neighbors cats kept covering him up. Wasn't very good as hygiene either.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Queen had a rough complexion as a kid. One day he fell asleep in the library and when he woke up a blind man was reading his face. Quinn was the black sheep in the family too. One time the whole family played hide and seek. Quinn finally found out three weeks later that they had all moved to Pittsburgh. Uncle Steve, your dad was unfortunately not very fond of you. Quinn, I don't know if you knew that or not. One day he asked, your dad, how can I get my tight into the air and he essentially said, just go run off that cliff. Another time he asked his old man if you could go ice skating on the legs he told Quinn
Starting point is 00:46:47 I'm too late until he gets warmer Quinn is also had a tough time on Tinder and I've heard this is true Okay, and of course you say okay how tough the audience says One girl he met said coming over. There's nobody home. He went over and of course There is nobody home. He went over and of course nobody there is nobody home Recently I don't know if this is known, but Quinn was stranded at the altar When he announced to his bride that he had recently completed his first successful bodily fluid transfusion with an unknown member of the Kardashian family
Starting point is 00:47:24 And I'm sorry about that, Quinn, that's got to be tough, but I know you're an argumentous man, a man who doesn't want to, put out your feelings, but that's what I've got for you. I thought you were going to say they left me at the altar, am I christening, but that's just as good. They left me at the altar. Am I christening? But that's just as good. OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Well, let's hope that you can dish it as good as you can take it. Not that I'm about to roast you. But I got some rapid fire questions that I think might just keep you on your toes a little bit here. So I got five questions for you. None of them are hard hitting. None of them are about jack links, but I think you're gonna enjoy them.
Starting point is 00:48:10 So just answer them to the best of your ability. We'll go ahead and get started here. Number one, Scott Walker, verse Paul Ryan, verse Randy Bryce, verse Rod Blagoievich, and a cage match. Who do you like? Probably in and of itself is is worth at least a body slam right? Well, and let's not forget he's had what almost 10 years now almost to Yeah, we'll hit out in prison
Starting point is 00:48:57 Absolutely, and I saw a picture from recently. He's got the the gray hair going so Yeah, I think he's a little silver fox action. I think he's ready to go. Don't sleep on Randy Bryce iron stash always ready to go. I think Paul Ryan's more all talk. Not a lot of walk. He's got the P90X stuff without his back in 2008. Yeah. Yeah. He's retiring like an old man. Number two, what is your favorite John Philip Suza March? Su-Sum March. Ah. Probably lever Messiah. Oh, that's unforgettable. It's so unforgettable I don't even know how it goes. Now I know what I'm listening to all day to tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Number three. Lloyd. Bo. Or Jeff. Who is the most attractive member of the bridge's family? Oh, Lloyd, Lloyd, Lloyd. For sure. Number four, if you could drop an atomic bomb on the city of Dallas
Starting point is 00:49:56 or Slim Jim headquarters, would you... I mean, just would I, if either one of them? Yeah. You know, I'm just freaking about Dallas today and how it's the girls is just, you know, stratospheric. So, you know, the kind of, and the concern was about how the, the, the fact that it's obviously a very red state and how it's population, I think they were saying by 2050 will be the famous California in New York at this time. The Electoral College, you know, stands to be, you know, really starting to sway in that one direction. So, you know, I think any sort of nuclear bomb in the middle
Starting point is 00:50:36 of Texas would, you know, slow things down a little bit, so there's that side. But then there's the whole thing with Slimgem, which by the way, there was a time that actually one of their own plants blew up and Jack Link swooped in and was able to fulfill the orders and that was obviously for Judas for the company. I'll have to say just based off of history, Slim Jim will probably blow themselves up again at some point so they probably will you know Be self-destructors and let's just go down. It's not a bad call you get rid of a A lot of issues that way
Starting point is 00:51:13 Number five and last one Yeah, no more uh no more Jerry Jones. Last question and I'm hoping you know who this is. What do you think is next for Kurt Manifiz career? Oh, gosh. I don't think I know who that is. Tell me about it. Kurt Manifiz hosted the Fox NFL pregame show for the last I don't know 10 years or so
Starting point is 00:51:49 He's the African American man. He does it with how we long and straight-hand and Jimmy Johnson and yeah I would see when I was thinking about this question. I was thinking maybe Competitive pet grooming, but I wanted to see if you had anything in mind. Gosh, that's a tough one. And since we've clipped our cable 10 years ago, if it's not like Podsave America or my fart newsletter, something like that, I'm really off the grid, except for, of course,
Starting point is 00:52:23 the fantasy football. So you're asking like, what's next for him? Yeah, just just in general, what's next? You know, you probably gonna be working down the street here at what's called the Alcan Trass, where you bring in your your MTs and you'll be a Cancrosher. I know there are a lot of middle aged African-American males in rice lakes, so I think he'll fit right into the population. So that's probably a good suggestion. I would think he would enjoy it and you know what, what I would say to him is he's feeling a little bit out of place.
Starting point is 00:52:55 We'll just go up to the moon like, we'll go fishing, we'll catch some blue wheels and bass, and you know, just have a smart end of the night. Smooth everything over. That sounds pretty good to me. Oh boy. Well, that is what I prepared for this podcast. We're up to 54 minutes here. Before we do anything else, and we'll try to keep it quick, because it is about 7am now, Eastern time, midnight central.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Uncle Andy, before we do anything else before we get going here do you have any parting thoughts closing words anything you want to plug any red cedar concerts coming up, but you got anything going on? Let's see Your aunt and I are probably going to be going up to Big Top Shatakwa and Bayfield to see the Nidikiri Dierpan. We love seeing them, we've seen them before so that's probably the next big thing coming. I can't believe it's already been this long. I have just a plethora of topics that we haven't even touched on. Family history, you know, disparaging stories of yourself, changing your diapers. I mean I remember a lot of things. All I can say is,
Starting point is 00:54:06 this has been wonderful. I hope I get a chance to come back on. Absolutely. We would love to do that. Yeah. We are going to have plenty of fantasy football, just like talk and action and updates. Literally, the next five months worth of podcasts is going to be a whole lot of that stuff. There will be a lot of whining, complaining, gnashing of teeth. Walt did this. I was going to say, you know what? Abby scored 130 points without a tight end, that sort of deal. So you know what's coming in.
Starting point is 00:54:42 It's great white North season 13, which is shaping up to be as crazy as it gets. I don't know. Have you heard anything from from our dear uncle Jim about whether or not he'll be participating? You know what that's interesting. No, I haven't. Although I did talk to him earlier today. Usually with him, it's it's beekeeping, you know, from the time I leave my driveway until I walk into the office. But I do see that he is signed up. Everybody from our league, I believe, is signed up. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:55:11 So, that's a good sign. And, you know, I think it's just imperative. In fact, it really shouldn't even be a choice. It's just, it's a mandatory you guys to. And, so I think everybody's back I haven't talked to Mr. Johnson for a little while, but I know he's always anxious especially probably getting some revenge I think he's been building up to trying to make some real noise in the league and I think last year's a little disappointing So so that that's kind of on draft night. I think we're looking at the fourth of September right now
Starting point is 00:55:42 We're gonna think that's a time to beat we haven't heard anybody I think we're looking at the fourth of September right now. We're going to think about that. I think that's the time to beat. We haven't heard anybody dissent against that. So that's what we're looking at potentially. That would be, I think, by far the closest cut we've ever had because season starts with the seventh is it? Six.
Starting point is 00:55:57 No, no. I think you're right. I think it's the seventh. No, it's the sixth. I'm looking at it now. Six is the sixth because the fourth is the Tuesday. And then we start Thursday night. Yep.
Starting point is 00:56:07 So you're going to have less than 48 hours to get those roster set which Jack will inevitably have a snarky comment about. But it's all fun, it's all part of the experience. I can't imagine anything better. This boy, that is a great time. We're currently all there that play fantasy football and they don't live draft. Yep. Yeah, I can't imagine anything better. Just boy, that is a great time. Pretty good. We all do that play fantasy football, and they don't live draft.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And so we easy to do these days, you got to do it. Yeah, we had the dark ages, probably something like seasons, I don't know, around like four through seven in that range, maybe a little bit earlier, where for whatever reason, that was just what we decided to do. And I always remember not knowing when, like you had set off the autodraft, and I would wake up every morning,
Starting point is 00:56:50 rush to the computer, see if I had a team yet, and nope, next morning. So I am very happy to leave those days behind us in the rear view mirror. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I want to thank Uncle Andy very much for taking time out of a
Starting point is 00:57:10 work night for both of us now to come on the podcast for an hour and share some of his thoughts. We'll definitely be having you back in the future because there are absolutely a lot of things that we we didn't even get to scratch the surface of. You have your number here, folks. You heard it. One billion subscribers to the Beentown podcast to get Jack links in talks for a sponsorship deal. So that's the number we got to beat.
Starting point is 00:57:39 The good news is I'm only 23, so I got at least another good 15 years before it really starts to go downhill. So that's the number to beat. Uncle Andy, thank you so much for coming out of the podcast. Really appreciate it. No, thank you so much, too. I can't wait to go back and listen to it and hear my horrible voice and then ask you to take it off. You too, but yep.
Starting point is 00:58:01 It's been a good time. We'll keep you on the line for one second after we finish our podcast here. This has been Quinn David Furnace, presents the Bean Town podcast. The People's Podcast won a Baltimore's top 500 podcasts. Thank you for listening. This was a fun night, fun experience for everyone.
Starting point is 00:58:23 If you're listening now, it's probably the weekend already. I'll try to get it up at some point. Tomorrow, for now, I'm going to bed. This is Quinn David Furnace signing off. Thank you for listening, and we will check in on you next week.

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