Beantown Podcast - 12302018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: December 30, 2018

Quinn comes to you LIVE from deep in the West Virginian forest to discuss how to cook frozen pizza in a frying pan, why salami is the best christmas gift, and a look ahead to Year Two #FriendsofthePod...cast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to the bean town podcast. For Sunday, December 30, 2018, last podcast of 2018, what a year it has been for the podcast. We are coming to you live from West Virginia deep in the forest deep in the mountains where the US government cannot touch me. Why? Because the government is shut down and I'm in a national forest. You're welcome. How is everyone doing today? On a little mini vacation, myself here. Got some stories to tell. It's going to be fun. As you might have noticed, I am close to a babbling brook per se. It is a
Starting point is 00:00:51 beautiful river. If you could see the picture right now. It's lovely surrounded by roto dendrons. I feel like I'm in Middle-Earth or something. Sitting here on some rocks doing the podcast live from the outdoors. One of the few times we get the opportunity to do that. But I've been having a good time spending some time putting together the best of year one special. That's going to be coming out next weekend if I can get my button gear and it's been a lot of fun going back through old episodes and
Starting point is 00:01:33 splicing clips and figuring out what to do. I will say that editing if you hadn't noticed already is not my strong suit. I don't really do any editing in fact on the Beentom podcast. So it's a whole new venture for me and we're just kind of kind of play it by year but that should come out next weekend right at the start of the new year and then after that we will be in two year two officially. So that's what is coming up. This is the Bintam podcast. It is the People's podcast, one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. And for this week only, I assume West Virginia's only podcast. You don't hear about West
Starting point is 00:02:16 Virginia and podcasts in the same sentence too frequently. So I'm just gonna assume if I may that I'm the only podcaster streaming live on a Sunday morning. Everyone else is in church. In fact as I was driving out here from my Airbnb in not West Virginia but Western Virginia. Passed a lot of, I don't know if they were Amish or Men andites or Philistines or what it was, but they got the horse and buggy. I always wanted a buggy. I don't even really need the horse because that sounds like a lot of upkeep, but I just
Starting point is 00:02:56 want the buggy. Speaking of words that I just like saying, we're here by a stream, a river here, a run as it is officially known, but we are also overlooking a beautiful quarry, say that it's going to quarry, deep here in the forest. You know, quarries were really big back in like the 70s and 80s, but you go now and now it doesn't seem like they're doing as much Some people down there in the boats fishing Presumably, but you know good for them. You don't need have a fishing license right now because the in our can't come get you
Starting point is 00:03:39 Because they're not working So yeah good for good for the fishermen for gaming the system. We came out here yesterday afternoon, rented an Airbnb, was pretty excited to get away from just the city and all that jazz for a little bit. So I rent this Airbnb about a month ago. And you know, there are certain features you wanna make sure you have, when you're renting an Airbnb, one is Wi-Fi. That's a big thing for me to have.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I went to Shenandoah over Memorial Day, got a cab and I didn't have Wi-Fi. And my at the time, lady friend was not too pleased with that, whatever. But so we got Wi-Fi at this place. Everything's good. Another feature you're looking for in your Airbnb is a kitchen. I like to cook. I don't want to just eat out every day. It's expensive. It's unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I don't know. I like cooking. So the Airbnb I get says, yes, we have a kitchen. Come stay with us. It will be lovely. So I say, am I not mind if I do? So I show up yesterday. I had stopped at an Aldi on the way there.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I had gotten at an Aldi on the way there, gotten some supplies for breakfast sandwiches, eggs, bacon, cheese, bagels. And then I got a big frozen pizza. And you know those Aldi frozen pizzas? It's like 16 inches or something. This baby's big for 5 bucks. You won't find a deal better than that. I guarantee you 16 inches for 5 bucks.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You have to go to Amsterdam to get that. But I show up to the Airbnb and what do I find? And you all know where this is going. No full kitchen. So here's what we do have. We have a fridge, which is always good. There is pretty much nothing else. There's not even a sink. You have to go to the bathroom for a sink. And there's like one of those plug, plug it in stove top.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's got two burners. It's like the griddle that you make pancakes on. And there's nothing else. There's no oven. There is a microwave. I was talking to a friend of the podcast, Matthew Feedloy last night about it. He said, just go get ramen. Make a microwaveable ramen. And I and I say no thanks, Jack can't bring myself to have ramen on my vacation. So here's what we end up doing.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I plug the stovetop griddle thing in, and I break out the frozen pizza and you know because this thing is so because the pizza is so large and the frying pan is just average size. I can only fit one slice of frozen pizza in there at a time. So we fired up, it's taken a long time to heat up, this thing is probably pretty old. And we get a slice of frozen pizza on there. Each slice is taken about five minutes. It's working out okay the temperature is decent. The crust is still a little bit uncooked but you know it's better than nothing. I'm about two slices in. Woo! If you were trying to figure out what that was I'll do it again. Is the son I was making there goes the fuse oh Jesus I had accidentally plugged and this is the one that always gets you the space heater because this place is
Starting point is 00:07:37 cold as hell and plugged it in to the same outlet as I had plugged the griddle in now would be a good time to say listen to discretion His advice when you're listening to the bean Tom podcast number one will occasionally use some West Virginia Esk language number two the podcast is objectively terrible and saying it for one year Never more true than today But regardless So the fuse blows And so I lose power in about half of the outlets half for the lights. I still have it in the bedroom area though
Starting point is 00:08:11 So now we're at down to our last resort. We bring the the griddle into the bedroom. I Know you're thinking while Quinn. Why didn't you just reset the fuse? I couldn't find the fuse box. I Did some more snooping this morning. It was behind a painting in the bathroom, not the place you expect to look. So we're back in business, but for the time being last night, had to improvise. So take it to the bedroom and we then have frozen pizza on a frying pan, on an electric griddle in bed as I'm watching college football. It was pretty, it was, it was okay. It was okay. We cooked half the pizza, got half of it.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I guess we're doing the same thing later today. But it tasted okay. Nothing special, nothing fancy. I think the worst part was just how long it took to cook. It's about five minutes per slice. Which I guess in the grand scheme of things, you know, for forced slices, that's the same amount of time it would be to just cook the whole thing in the oven.
Starting point is 00:09:30 But I don't know, it's worse when you can have a little taste and then you have to wait and then you have a little taste and you have to wait. So that's the story of cooking frozen pizza in a frying pan. Yes, it is possible. No, it is possible. No, it is not advised. But I say, next time you're getting an Airbnb,
Starting point is 00:09:51 even if it says it has a kitchen, you got to email those guys. Check out, see what's happening. Thank you to my family members last week as we were in Texas for coming on the podcast everyone had some good insights to share we were able to get everyone in the immediate family on the podcast that was exciting how is your Christmas you get any good gifts I got some some good stuff probably the number one prize. I got a box of Swiss cake rolls
Starting point is 00:10:27 from my mom in the mail delivered right to my door That's that's love right there But no, it was it was good. Texas was fine. The weather was nice Texas cowboy Christmas was fine, the weather was nice. Texas cowboy Christmas was a series that I was really excited about. If you haven't had the chance to see all of it is on the YouTube page. If you follow me on Instagram at q.coindee, all that stuff is on there,
Starting point is 00:10:59 but it was a lot of fun. It was only there for a short time, but made the most of it. And you know, I got my cowboy hat. So that's really what I came there to do. But I also gave a really special gift. So my dad, my dad's side of the family. This is who we go to see. And my aunt lives in Des Moines,
Starting point is 00:11:23 but she came down to Texas. My uncle lives in Austin. He came down to Texas my uncle lives in Austin He came down to Corpus for a couple days. So in terms of gift giving Ants and uncles they they can always be tricky. They can always be tricky. That doesn't make any sense. They are tricky You know these are people I see probably like once every other year I Don't know them very well. So I never lived in the same town as them. We're Facebook friends, but still that doesn't really do a ton. So we're thinking, okay, what do we get? Well, for my uncle, it's easy. He's a big fan of beer and
Starting point is 00:12:00 just anything fermented in general. and just anything fermented in general. So we get him, my brother and I go to the liquor store, get him some fancy beers, I don't know, I let my brother pick that stuff out because he knows all about that and I don't have any knowledge of that stuff. But my aunt is the tricky one, she doesn't drink. And I don't know what else. So my siblings went on and on and on deliberating amongst themselves over what to get Aunt Stacey
Starting point is 00:12:36 for Christmas. And you know, honestly, after like five conversations of like, well, we could do this, but she might not like that or we could get that. This group needed a leader and not the German song type. I'm talking about Quinn David Furnace host of the Bean Town podcast. So I step up and I say, you know what, fam? I got you. I got you. So I go to the grocery store and I'm thinking, okay, what are the Christmas gifts that really leave a lasting impact that you really enjoy years after that Christmas has passed? I'm thinking, you know, it's the type of gift that you're never expecting, but it makes you laugh it has long-term health benefits and it's absolutely delicious so it wasn't Swiss cake rolls it was salami I'll repeat
Starting point is 00:13:35 that again if you didn't hear me salami because here's the thing about salami you don't have it too often you don't really feel like you need it. But then when you get it, you realize, damn, salami is delicious. You can pair it with cheese and crackers. It fills you up. It's protein. It's perfectly salted. It's a win-win-win-win situation. So, anti-stacy, I hope you're happy with your salami. Now, I know the next singer, thinking, well, Quinn, how is she supposed to get that back from Texas to Des Moines, Iowa, if she's flying?
Starting point is 00:14:19 This crossed my mind. Here is my justification, if you will. Antistacy, from the time we gave, gifted her the salami to the time she was flying, she had a full week. So I'm thinking, you know, if I'm me, I'm in a whole row of salami in one sitting. Antistacy, maybe she's a quarter of that pace, she's still got a whole week to do this salami and turns out she did not have it while she was in Texas she took the risk and went through TSA with it. Now here is where my responsibility for the Christmas gifts ends because you had a full week anti-stacy if you're listening to this to to eat the salami, even had grandma salon, grandpa Dave there to help you out.
Starting point is 00:15:06 But I digest. She takes it through TSA, this is according to her Facebook post, and gets buzzed, gets dinged, which I didn't even know TSA was working through the government shutdown. Good for those guys. But, she's a long story short, yada, yada, yada, yada. She's able to get it through everything works out okay, But, long story short, yada, yada, yada, she's able to get it through everything works out okay,
Starting point is 00:15:29 everyone's happy, so that's the story of anti-stacy's 2018 Christmas gift. Hope you're happy, hope it's delicious. I have to readjust here, So I'm sitting on a rock. And as oftentimes happens when you're sitting on a rock, my butt is really sore. So let's free position here. Give me a couple minutes. Alright, that wasn't so bad.
Starting point is 00:16:12 You get up in your arasas numb, Hashtag 16 inches in Amsterdam. 16 inches, Sausages, been a very sexual podcast. I'm not standing if you're trying to paint the picture. In your head. Again, we're coming to you live from beautiful West Virginia, a God's country, the natural state. And we're just kind of enjoying nature out of the city for a couple of days. Here was my justification for taking this trip. You're saying, well, Quinn, you just went to Texas.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Well, I was there for like four days. Here's the thing. Once we start reading applications, and I've already started, that's what I was doing at work this week. But applications start, and then yield stuff happens in March and April. I don't even have like an approved time to leave the office until mid May. So, this was kind of our last shot for the next five months. To do something, it's a pretty low key vacation, rent to the car,
Starting point is 00:17:28 take it out here to Virginia. And now we're just kind of relaxing, having fun with it. Going to go back, watch some football, watch the Vikings game. Tomorrow I'm going on a big hike, about 10 miles. Should be fun. So yeah, let's see.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I told the stories I wanted to tell, the sausage, the Airbnb kitchen, best of year one special coming out next week. Pretty much covered all our bases here on the Beentom podcast. I'm trying to think if there's anything else I wanted to touch on in today's entry. I knew going in, it was gonna be a shorter episode, just overall, I didn't have a ton.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I wanted to talk about, we've been running along the last two weeks, we've had family members on, two weeks ago, live from New York, class week, live from Texas, this week, live from West Virginia. We've been all over the map, literally, and figuratively. I tell you what, if you ever get the chance to come out to the Appalachian Mountains or any of its subsidiaries, the Alligainies, the Great Smokies down in Tennessee, Shenandoah Valley. It's beautiful. It's not, it's not the Rocky Mountains. You don't have mountains with, you know, cragly peaks and 14,000 feet of elevation, but it's beautiful, heavily covered in forest,
Starting point is 00:19:21 and it's very quiet, not as much traffic. Although Shenandoah and great smokies are both traffic pretty heavily, but you know, you go to something like the George Washington Adjevres International Forest. This is like beautiful hiking trails. It's not terribly strenuous. If you're looking for all day crazy mountain climbing
Starting point is 00:19:47 experience, no it's not the best, but you know for guys like me who are more just looking to get in touch with nature a little bit, it's not too bad. I'm just sweating my balls off. Just going for a hike. I don't know. I'm in that good home-yo stasis right now where it's about 35 degrees outside. But I got my coat in my hat on and see my breath. Sun coming through the roto dendrin's dappled light, if you will. It's a pretty picturesque scene. So yeah, that's what's been going on with me.
Starting point is 00:20:38 If you have any good Christmas stories or new year stories that you want to share, you can always tweet at us. We are at Beentowncast. We are on Facebook. You can send us an email, It's Beentown, B-E-A-N-T-U-D-N podcast at Check it once a day. You have any stories or advice questions or math questions you want us to help you with on the air. We are happy to do that
Starting point is 00:21:07 but Yeah That is what is happening in my life so There's a squirrel Sneaking up on me. I Should have brought some nuts. Nuts, sausages, 16 inches, Amsterdam.
Starting point is 00:21:34 It's a palindrome. Coming up, looking ahead to year two. I'm just a reminder of some things that are happening. We'll kick it off next week with our recap. Best of Year One Special. Talked about that already. January looks to be pretty quiet. No big plans for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And then once we get into February, we will probably try to bring Ryan Austin-Ligan, co-host of the Carrade Convo's podcast, back on for some Oscar predictions. We do that last year. There's a lot of fun. And we'll be doing it again this year, hopefully. Try to get Ryan on for that. February is also when we do our pledge-strive, telephone, fundraiser, spectacular.
Starting point is 00:22:26 So I think we went through the numbers about a month or two ago on the podcast. I have to go back and see exactly what there were. I'm pretty sure it's about $230. Is what we're looking to raise. We're already about $30 of the way there. I think you do our generous sponsors. We knew this year, and this is something we'll be introducing
Starting point is 00:22:51 next month in January when we get ready to start gearing up the flood stride, but we're introducing donor tiers. So, you know, if you donate something like $5, you get a, you know, a memorial pin, or like $100, you get a memorial pin or like $100, you get a back massage, you know, types of different tiers to kind of give back to our supporters. So again, we're looking to raise $200, I believe $230. That goes all 100% towards one hosting the podcast and number two starting the new website.
Starting point is 00:23:28 We won't start the new website until we finish the Pledge Drive fundraiser because the hosting aspect is much more important than the website aspect. But those two together, it's about 230. That's what we're looking to put into the podcast. We're gonna have some specials. Like I might be matching donations for a certain period of time. Last year, we just kind of did like a one show with the Pledge Drive fundraiser. This year, I'm thinking of making more into like a week-long thing, much more involved, kind of the way radio stations do it. So it's not just one hour call in,
Starting point is 00:24:09 you have this one hour, you know, for people listening in like Taiwan or Ethiopia with time zones, it could be a little tricky or Winnipeg. So we're making it a week-long thing to support the listeners, but we're gonna have donor tiers, some incentives packed into that will be announcing those next month. March rolls around. We will have Matthew Feedler back on the podcast, our
Starting point is 00:24:35 accountant at large. He will be walking us through doing your taxes. That was one of my favorite shows from this past year. We will definitely be looking to get back for that again this year. So those are a couple highlights for the next year, but just kind of looking back as we're kind of in reflection mode here, reflexive as well. You're one, the Bean Town podcast. Started it, the second weekend of January, it was begun sprouted out of a conversation that an ongoing conversation I had with good friend of the podcast, don't
Starting point is 00:25:27 forget to use hashtag friends of the podcast on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. I'm Matthew Feeder, who we talk on the phone one or two, once or twice every other week if you will, that doesn't make sense. But just about maybe trying to do something together, some sort of projects, quickly realize that there wasn't any great way to do a podcast with two people who live in two different parts of the country, the time zones are different, yada yada yada. So, nothing ever really came from that conversation in regards to the two of us doing something, but I decided To invest in the Samson Q2U series and
Starting point is 00:26:12 You know said hey, let's do it So I started Back in January It was a good time. We've got guests come in here. We're gonna pause for one set Okay, well, suffice to say I think we got some new subscribers to the Bean Town Podcast. There was a traveling troop, a large family, who seemed very interested in what we had our little operation going on here, but it's five new subscribers. Maybe, I don't know what is that, 25 stars. We'll try to do that.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Reminder, if you haven't already, friends, please like, share, subscribe. You can go on your podcast app, leave us five stars and a positive review. We would love that. Helps us in our quest to take over the world. But yeah, your one kind of just kicked it off, didn't really know what we were doing, even from like a technological standpoint, it took a long time to like optimize everything Optimize everything and get it started, but Yeah Been to a lot of different states. I don't know. I haven't done account, but we've done podcasts from Maryland New York
Starting point is 00:27:37 New Jersey Massachusetts Man, where else have we been South Dakota Illinois Kentucky Tennessee It's, man, where else have we been? South Dakota, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, all over the place, pretty much everywhere. Alaska, Washington, Washington State, pretty much everywhere geographically we've covered West Coast, South, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, Midwest, Texas, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:11 So we've done a lot of crazy stuff. We've done my taxes live on the air. We've done bourbon tasting live on the air. We've munched on Gibson's Don, slide from the banks of the Mississippi. We've interviewed friends about mental health and grad school. We've ranted against God on Easter. Oh, man, we've done two. We've done a road trip. And then a fall 2018 tour. We went to Harrisburg. We were in Memphis, Sioux Falls, Rockford, Illinois, all over the map with all sorts of different fun topics. So thank you to all the fans who've stuck with me throughout year one. It's been a lot of fun. I hope you've had as much fun listening as I've had creating it, which would be about a mid-level of fun, because honestly, some episodes I really enjoy doing and others are
Starting point is 00:29:09 just like, well, I guess we're doing another podcast this weekend. But yeah, thanks for sticking it out with us. Here's for great things to come in year two. Thank you to our sponsors, the different ones we've had throughout the year. Joaquin, the last go, Home Pride Oregon. I don't have the ad sheet with me, so I can't give Home Pride Oregon its full advertisement, but Home Pride Oregon inspection perfection. You know, tired of real estate, stranglehold on the home inspection market, that sort of stuff. You get the gist, call Steve at something, something, something, something,
Starting point is 00:29:49 something, something, yada yada yada. Okay. I think half an hour is a good, good, uh, um, mark for this podcast, not too long, not too short, perfectly mid-size. So with that reminder, outside of, I haven't exactly figured out how I wanna format this. I'm thinking maybe a live intro, live outro
Starting point is 00:30:21 for the best of year one special, but there's not gonna be a full live podcast next week because we're doing the year one special, but there's not going to be a full live podcast next week because we're doing the year one recap. So we will see you in the new year. It should be about this January 13th, 14th in that range, 12th, 13th something like that. When we'll come to you live presumably from bean town, don't know what we'll talk about yet but it'll be the kickoff to year two. Look out for our year one recap special next week and thanks to everyone for listening again we've been coming to you live from banks of a river deep and the forest by a quarry from West Virginia it's been a lot of fun time to go back to the Airbnb.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And you know, we still got four slice of pizza left to heat up on the frying pan. So wish us luck in that endeavor. And happy holidays to everyone. Enjoy your New Year's Eve. Go crazy, get a little champagne, tell them a quintessentia, and dance the night away like Van Halen said. So with that, this has been Quinn David Furn's in my show The Bean Tom Podcast. The people's podcast won a
Starting point is 00:31:29 Baltimore City's top 500 podcast. Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, use the hashtag friends of the podcast when you are talking about us on Twitter and insides, etc. Thanks everyone for listening. Happy New Year. We'll see you in 2019. Thanks everyone for listening. Happy New Year. We'll see you in 2019.

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