Beantown Podcast - 2020 Christmas Special ft. Steve Furness (12272020 Beantown)

Episode Date: December 28, 2020

Quinn is joined by father of the podcast and Home Pride Oregon CEO and Owner Steve Furness to run through a blind test of Hostess and Little Debbie snack cakes while reminiscing about Christmases past...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Sunday, December 27th, 2020, the Christmas special. Dad's getting a feel for his hat there. What's going on how are you what's happening my name is Quinn and this is my show and we are coming to you live from Oregon the 41st state I don't know say you know what number it was one after Minnesota one after Minnesota earlier than 41. 37, that's my guess. We are coming to you live with a very special guest in a very special holiday episode.
Starting point is 00:00:55 First, he needs no introduction. Friends of the podcast know his company very well. We're gonna be talking about that in a little bit here, but my dad, Steve Fernis, welcome to the show. What's going on? Well, it's great to be here, Quinn. Appreciate you having me on. Wow. You could come to see us. This feels like the SNL sketch with Molly Shannon and what's her name? A delicious dish
Starting point is 00:01:20 or whatever it's called. Anna, something guest-ears, that her name. Yeah. Except instead of tasting holiday balls from Alec Baldwin, we are doing a little Debbie hostess crossover blind taste test. And we're going to be jumping in in just one second here. I just want to go over the ground rules and then one other thing before we get started. So it's kind of imperfect. It could be better, but basically I went to the grocery store and bought four different kinds of snack cakes. Two hosts is too little Debbie. I didn't really know which ones I wanted going in.
Starting point is 00:02:00 It was kind of a limited selection, but that's okay. And we, so I know the four that are here, I prepared them. They're covered with these nice little red napkins here, very festive. And we're gonna be blind taste testing them. And I don't know which order they're in. So I know overall what's going on, but I am kind of curious to see just how it goes.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Sometimes you watch like the Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmare shows and they do blind taste testing and there are ones that you think are going to be really easy that are really hard and vice versa. I think there's one where it's like potato and she says hard-willed egg or something. So I don't know, it seems embarrassing, but we're going to see how it goes. I've got my hat here and we're going to be getting ready to get started in just one second, Dad, have you ever done a blind taste test before? Well, I will tell you a story about when I was in fifth grade, we did a, we did something about taste in my fifth grade class and our teacher came up with the idea of having us
Starting point is 00:03:04 blindfolded and tasting different things and then trying to figure out and write down what they were and I remember specifically eating something that I really didn't like and having to go to the lavatory is what they called it back then and throw up. So I threw up in fifth grade after my taste test. Hopefully this one won't be quite as dramatic. Was it a snack cake or something different? No, it was like boiled egg or coffee,
Starting point is 00:03:36 or I don't remember, it was kind of gross. Yeah, it doesn't sound like fun. Okay, well, I know we normally start off our shows in the past month and a half or so with our real housewives of Salt Lake City recap I do just want to briefly mention it so that the fans aren't freaking out There was a new episode on Wednesday night festivist I think it wasn't terribly exciting and started off I didn't even look at a recap before I started recording this way. I can't really recall But it started off the like part two of Sundance.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Brooks was walking, Meredith was walking, Whitney was walking. So that was kind of cool. There's a lot of drama between Brooks and Meredith and her strange husband Seth, who wants him to move to Canton. And it was just like not as dramatic as it should have, or as more dramatic than it should have been. Anyways, not that much happened. There wasn't a lot of Gen Sha Mary, Cosby drama. And then the big like teaser for next week is apparently there's rumblings that Meredith has a boy toy on the side that we haven't been introduced to yet, which might be why they're separated.
Starting point is 00:04:44 We don't been introduced to yet, which might be why they're separated. We don't really know. But I'm not sure in the next episode is going to be I'm not sure if they're taking any breaks or anything. Or if we'll just go full steam ahead. Although next Wednesday is what the 30th. So we'll see if there is a new episode on missing because I'll be flying. But I don't know, dad, who's been your favorite housewife so far? I have no idea what you're talking about. That makes sense. Okay, that's a perfect time.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So we've got the plate here, and I have no idea which one is coming up first, but I'm gonna put my, do it yourself blindfold over my head, this hat that dad or mom probably got for me about 10 years ago, and it just lives out here. And I think I have a good sense to reach. And again, I did my best to cut them up into smaller pieces because it would be a dead giveaway with, you know, one or two of them.
Starting point is 00:05:39 If you didn't do that, I think. But yeah, we're gonna go ahead and get started here. This is their first test. Dad, are you all set to go with the blindfold? Quite a bit. Have you ever done the show blindfolded before? Nope. This is my first time. We are breaking ground in our second to last episode year three of the bean town podcast. Okay, I'm ready. Okay. So I'm removing the napkin and the plate is here, you can kind of hear it, you'll just have to reach around your computer there and I assume I'm still talking to the microphone I hope. Okay, I've got my piece and I'm going for the bite. I think I hit my microphone with my snack cake.
Starting point is 00:06:20 All right. Viewers on the YouTube stream can probably already see what I'm doing. My microphone fell. Okay, dad, give me a description. What do you taste in there? I'm just putting it in my mouth. Okay. Well, I'm getting, it's kind of fluffy airy.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's a nice vanilla. Probably lots of high fructose corn syrup. Not getting a lot of natural flavor, but let me get a second bite, and dad feel free to hop in here. Well, I tell you, as a veteran of 58 years of snack cake eating, I'd put my money on a twinkie there. All right, let's remove the blindfolds. That sounds good to me. Yep, we've got a hostess twinkie as our first one. And I haven't really had too many twinkies. Wasn't there the thing like three years ago
Starting point is 00:07:13 that they were going to stop making twinkies? And people started hoarding them, or am I misremember them? I did some research, and there's been a ton of bankruptcies and change of names in the snack cake industry over the last few years. It's been tumultuous. And nobody knows who owns what or who makes what anymore. But yes, I remember that vividly.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And I also know that if you left those twinkies there on that plate in 100 years, they'll still be there. The house will be gone. But the trinkets will still be there. That is high quality engineering right there. There's a famous scene in a movie we love, not, I can't really say it's famous, but a scene from a movie we loved growing up, Weird All Yankovic, 1989, UHF,
Starting point is 00:08:01 which if you haven't seen it, it's pretty slapstick, but pretty entertaining, it's got haven't seen it, it's pretty slapstick, but the pretty entertaining. It's got a lot of stars in it. And towards the beginning, he's in his apartment with a guy actor's name, I can't remember, but Bob is the character's name. And he makes a Twinkie Weiner sandwich, which is a Twinkie with like a 99 cent hot dog, 99 cent for the whole six pack, like Oscar Meyer. And cheese was on top from the can. And I think he dunks it in milk too.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And it's, I've never tried it. I could see I would be good, but it also would be like 3000 calories per bite. So it could be kind of rough. I've got my seasonal egg, egg nog here to wash down each bite. I wanted to get a nice thick mucus going in between each bite of more thick mucusy stuff. Dad, what are you washing yours down with? I believe this is Marion Berry vodka or something similar. I wanted to keep a local flavor. Yeah, we're going to be toasted by the time we finish here. You know, I did an episode once from Louisville or Lexington, Kentucky. I think I was in Lexington where I did a bourbon taste test live on the air.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And we had like four or five different mini bottles. And by the time I finished, I think it was a work night too. I was pretty out there, but you know, you got to do it for the fans. Okay, so dad, I wanted to ask you before we move on to our next taste test here. We are commonly plugging your new business venture, Home Pride Oregon on the podcast. Why don't you tell us a little bit more about your business,
Starting point is 00:09:46 why you decided to start it, and why people need a home inspection? Well, home pride inspection services is a full service home inspection business. We offer a variety of services for those people who want to, are selling their home and want to get an idea of if they have any issues they need to take care of before they put it on the market or mostly idea with buyers who are
Starting point is 00:10:14 buying a home and in most cases when you purchase a home you're required to get it inspected. You normally have a short period of time so I get a lot of calls from folks who are in the process of closing on a house and need to get an inspection. So I've done this now for about three years and I really enjoy it and I look forward to continuing to grow my business in the future.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Nice, and how many hours of preparation and testing work and certification did you have to put in to be fully certified? I would say probably well several hundred hours it took to go through all the training and get certified and then I had to take the state test which was very difficult. Even though I passed all my tests through the training program, I felt that the state test was quite tough. And yeah, and then there's also, I think, about 50 hours a year that I have to do in training to keep my certificate going. So, I'm always trying to use some of my spare time to learn more about home inspection and every time I do want, I learn a little bit something new and see something maybe I've never seen
Starting point is 00:11:30 before. That requires me to dig in and do some more research. So I'm still learning, but it's a great business. Yeah, and have you ever found anything really spooky or gross or anything like that or is it usually pretty PG. I have not had anything really really bad that I would say at this you know that would cause a homeowner to turn and run. I did one out in the boonies once it was on the side of a hill and had to get up under the porch and and look and see if the if it was you know gonna not roll down the side of the porch and look and see if it was going to not roll down the side of the hill.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And that's kind of a tough call. So in that particular case, I told the prospective buyer that they needed to talk to a structural engineer. And so a lot of cases I'll do that. I'll refer them to a specialist who might know more about a specific situation. A lot of times you'll hear people say that a home inspector is kind of like a general practitioner when it comes to being a doctor. You kind of know a little bit about everything, but you don't have maybe have specific knowledge about HVAC or things like that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And so if you have questions, definitely tell the perspective buyer that they should get a professional in that particular area to really look into it more deeply. Good stuff, thanks for sharing. And my last question before we do our second taste test here, you mentioned structural engineering. What's the last math class you took in your life? I believe it was called a short course in calculus, which was a calculus class for business majors at O'Clayer.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And it was kind of a dumb-down version of calculus, basic calculus, but I was also dumb-down, so it was a battle, but I made it through a pass. Was that the only calculus class you ever took? It was, yeah. I had Advanced Algebra, or Advanced Algebra, and I had to take a lot of, because I was a management major, I had to take a couple of finance classes, which were very math heavy, but dealt more with different, not necessarily calculus, but yeah, I don't
Starting point is 00:13:49 remember much about it, but it was tough, I remember that. All right, good stuff. Yeah, I took the first part of AP calculus in high school and I did not really like that. Math for me was always interesting because after you figure it out, it makes perfect sense. But until you get there, it was always a real pain in the butt, which is what physics was like for me too. I wish I was better at it,
Starting point is 00:14:13 but I can add numbers in my head really good. Yeah, there you go. All right, we are moving on to our second snack cake here. Again, our first one, if you're just joining the livestream was Twinkies from Hostess and so now we have one remaining Hostess product in two little Debbie products I don't know which one is coming up next But let's get our hats back on here and Here's the plate. I'm removing the napkin. Hopefully it won't knock down my mic this time.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Here's the plate and I'm reaching in to get it. I already know what it is, unfortunately. This one has a very unique or distinct texture. Very different than the other ones we're dealing with today, but here we go. Very tasty nonetheless. So the texture on this one is, you know, it's not quite as soft and doughy as a twinky. It has a distinct flavor. There's only one thing this can be. What do you feel, Dad? Boy, it's a lot easier because I already know what I bought. I'm trying to rack my brain as to what the hostess or little Debbie.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It's definitely not a Swiss cake roll. That's correct. Yeah. These were ones we had quite a bit growing up. Um, I like them. They're pretty simple, still very high in calories, so you're not getting cheated. There should be, yeah. I need to maybe try another one. It feels very thin. Yep, it's thin, there's a little bit of a kind of unique flavor that's not just straight sugar.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Just hit me. What do you think? That's an oatmeal cream pie. That's two for two. To change. All right, you can remove your blindfold. Pops is hot. Yeah, I'd be there for a second.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Even more impressive because he had no idea other than a quick glance into the bedroom by accident. But yeah, you see these oatmeal cream pies have got the distinct texture and just the slightest oatmeal flavor, but that cream in the middle is also a little bit kind of thicker than I think a lot of these, like a twinkier something.
Starting point is 00:16:40 So. Yeah, I've been having one of those for a long time, I'd forgotten about the classic oatmeal cream pie. You have, did you have any nicknames in high school like oatmeal cream pie or something? No, no, but I do have a story about being in college. And when my last year of college, I lived on far well street in O'Claire. You lived on a far well street? It was called far well street.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I lived on a far well street in grad school. I remember. In college? In grad school, yeah. In grad school. I lived on far well street in O'Claire and we lived about half a block from Johnny's 76th station and you could buy a box of little Debbie's Swiss cake rolls for $0.89. That's good value. And when you're starving college kid, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:32 that'll go a long ways. So we had a wall in our home. I guess I used the term home loosely, but our rental house just with empty little debbie with cake roll boxes. And like that, you go down and for a buck, you could have little debbies. And if I tried to do a whole box of little debbies now, I probably wouldn't feel so good. It's just too much sugar, the diabetes with chicken. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:02 But yeah, ate a lot of little debbies. You know, for a lot of people, I can only speak to living in Chicago, but I assume this extends to a lot of like hip trendy urban cities. The cool thing is to have your alcohol bottles, wine bottles, vodka, etc. Once they're empty, you put them sort of on top of the counter or not the countertop, but the cabinets. And it's just kind of that way. I don't really know why. We never did that in any of my apartments, but my girlfriend's apartment is that way.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I don't really know why you do that instead of recycling, but that's kind of what it was like for you back in the late 70s, early 80s there except with hostess or little deities. Yeah. So we, most of us like to have a box occasionally 80s there except with hostess or little devies in the house. So we most of us like to have a box occasionally and we stack them up against the wall and I think eventually we got tired of looking at it and threw them away. But what was your rent per person like in that house? I think about $130 a month. Nice.
Starting point is 00:19:02 That's a good way. Yeah. It was my previous location on Niagara Street. It was only about 85. But I was sleeping on a piece of cardboard, a piece of plywood that was bolted into the wall. So it sounds uncomfortable. For 135, I got my own bed. There you go. Nice.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Nice. I want to give a quick shout out to friend of the podcast, Matt Feeler, who's commenting on our live stream on YouTube and saying that he would quickly run out of cabinet space. I understand. I will too. For those who don't know, today's what day 360, one, two of the year, leap year,
Starting point is 00:19:46 so we had an extra one without alcohol for yours truly. And I am very much looking forward to New Year's Eve once the ball drops. And I'm not gonna cheat. We're doing central time, not East Coast. Seacrest can take a lap. I will be having a champagne toast. I want to bottle a champagne in a trivia game back in June and it's been
Starting point is 00:20:10 aging in my fridge ever since so I'm very excited for that. Did you you have any memories of New Year's Eve and in college? You guys ever do anything crazier is it pretty? Oh, we we always did something fun. I had a lot of good memories of New Year's Eve's. But yeah, nothing particular that I could bring up at this time. Good time. Do you remember the last time you made it to midnight on a New Year's Eve?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Oh, I think it's about every year. I try to make it no matter what. It's hard being on the west coast because by the time the ball drops at 9 p.m. Yeah understandable. But yeah, I always enjoyed staying up to new years and seeing in the new year. Hopefully 2021 will be a vast improvement over this past year. Yeah, well one fewer day, so hopefully it'll be just a lot more straightforward. Okay, I think we are ready for test number three here. So again, we have already had, we started off with Hostess Twinkies. Then we had a little
Starting point is 00:21:26 Debbie oatmeal cream pie. There are two left. I know which ones I've bought, one Hostess, one little Debbie. So I don't anticipate this being too much of a challenge. I will say the texture between these two is pretty, it's a sharp contrast. And I don't think we're gonna have too many issues. I was worried maybe between two of them, they're being a texture similarity, but I'm not worried with what we have left. So let's get the blindfold going. And this is number three.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I'm removing the napkin. Here is the plate and let's dig in. Mm-hmm. It's very good. Cream filling on my finger. I'll get you the napkin. So it's very chocolatey. There's some cream going on. It feels dangerously sugary.
Starting point is 00:22:41 So again, we gotta be thinking here, I didn't do any deep cuts and it could be little Debbie or it could be hostess. I obviously know what it is. It was too easy for me, unfortunately, but for Dad, we'll give you some more time to discern here. Go for it. Very, very sugary. I had a lot of snack cakes when I was in high school. Once I got access to a car.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Very dangerous. Especially during swim season. Oh man. Pull into the McDonald's drive through a couple of McChicken's back when they were a dollar maybe a McDouble and I did a lot of big gulp equivalents from gas stations. I figured if I was spending 50 bucks a week on gas
Starting point is 00:23:40 I might as well throw in a 69 cent 40 ounce drink. And a lot of grocery store, you know, $1.99, Swiss cake rolls, etc. I needed my fuel. How's it going over there? Well, it's, my first thought was a Swiss cake roll from Little Debbie, but it seems like it's a little too A little too dense for that
Starting point is 00:24:10 Sometimes when you leave your Swiss cake roll These ones have only been exposed for about 10 15 minutes It doesn't quite have that little Debbie Swiss cake roll taste Yeah, it's not a little Debbie Swiss cake roll. So it's got to be a hostess equivalent. Mm-hmm. Maybe along the lines of a ding dong? You're right with hostess.
Starting point is 00:24:35 It's not a ding dong. Think more just generic, like classic boring hostess. What would the grocery store stock? They have something that's a ding dong is the circular one that's mixed up that's similar to a ring ding from Drake's. But there is also hostess drawn up blank on what that one is. I mean this might might be what you're saying is a ding dong. That might be what it is. That's not how it's labeled.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I might just do not familiar with that term. Ding Dongs are more like a hockey puck. Okay, no, it's not that. This is a little bit more 3D. This is more like, looks like a Swiss cake roll, but it's the version, the hostess version. So I'll say it doesn't look like a Swiss cake roll. It's more of a 3D object that has some volume to it.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And it's, appearance is notable for what's on top of the sort of chocolate exterior. Could it be a ho-ho? Mm-hmm. You might not even know the name because it's really generic. It's not like a weird thing. It's just super basic and boring. Any other chocolate one I can think of from Hostess is a Susie Q.
Starting point is 00:26:01 No. Got me stumped. Well, I'm eager. I'm going to remove my blindfold. I'm eager to see what your reaction is to this. It's just the classic cupcake. The classic cupcake. Again, super easy for me because I bought it. But yeah, it's just a, I didn't even know until I saw it in the story that it was just called a cupcake. I don't think I've ever just straight up bought these ones before. But yeah, if you can see on the live stream here, it's chopped up already, so it's kind of tough. But you can see it's just the little cupcake with the white swirl, like the spiral swirl on top is what we were dealing with there.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah, I, you know, interestingly enough, in the top 10 Host of Snacks of All Time ranked, thought Cupcake didn't even make the top 10. That's surprising to me, and I'm not as in Sconston snack kick knowledge as I probably could be, but to me, when I think of Hostess outside of the Twinkie, I probably could be, but to me, when I think of hostess outside of the Twinkie, in terms of like classic, what is this brand known for? I'm thinking of a hostess cupcake, at least in terms of looks, maybe not in terms of name, but that's like that image to me is very
Starting point is 00:27:18 distinct. I was never a big hostess cupcake guy, so I don't't they were always a little too dense, a little too chocolatey for me. Sure. Yeah it is very chocolatey, very sweet and that kind of cream icing in the middle is not doing us any favors. Yeah but yeah that that kind of swirl that spiral on top to me is very iconic, unique, distinct, et cetera. Oh, it looks like we have a special guest coming in with a white claw. Straight from the car, that is dangerous. Yeah, they do things different here on the West Coast.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Sister, do you want to make a quick guest spot appearance on the podcaster? No, it's your call. Come around. You say hi and we'll see what you're drinking. This is Sister. She's been on the podcast before. Hey folks, how's it going? Oh well, there's a livestream. That's cool. What flavors did you get?
Starting point is 00:28:13 Ooh, off brand, good stuff. Costco brand and it's better than white claw. Better than white claw. Wow, well only 100 calories, so you know it's got to be good. Great fruit. I have a great fruit flavor and the lime flavor. I couldn't decide so I brought two depending on what I've wanted later.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Are you able to drink two and then get in the car and drive home? I'm not drinking both of them. I just didn't know what flavor I want when I left the house. I understand. But now I know what flavor, by the time I drove over here I want grapefruit.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Okay, so you're just gonna take the lime back with you or are we gonna chug it or something? I can leave it here so I have a hard cell serone I come over. Yeah, that's smart. Give her a reason to come back. Two one down. We're going to get to our last one real quick here, but I just wanted to mention, Ab, you're doing quite a project.
Starting point is 00:29:03 You have physically built your own room. Tell us a little bit about that. Well, we've had contractors help us with that, with the actual building of the room. But I painted the baseboards. I just built my bed, a print together my bed right before I came over here. Pain in the door, put up drywall. Not today, but door, put up drywall,
Starting point is 00:29:26 not today, but I've put up drywall and insulation, stuff like that, so. Wow, that is pretty cool, and it's your bedroom, right? Correct. Wow, how many square feet is it? It fits a full size bed in it. She lost her tape measure, so it's kind of a unfair question. Well, any yes, in around 150 feet, 150 square feet. Okay. Very good. Not bad. Oh, it's nine by
Starting point is 00:29:52 or 10 feet by 12 feet. That was just telling us about calculus. So he can do the math on that one. Make sure you carry the one. Multiply the two together. You should be able to do that. What's 10 times 12? 120. There you go. Square footage of your bedroom. Math live on the air is always trickier. It says we don't need math. Sister, anything coming up in 2021
Starting point is 00:30:19 that you wanna plug on the show? I heard there was gonna be pizza over here. There's pizza coming up in about 10 minutes, so. We won't get that live on the show. I heard there was going to be pizza over here. There's pizza coming up in about 10 minutes. So we won't we won't get that live on the air. But thanks for checking in sister. There's egg nog in the the fridge. I know you love dairy. So help yourself. Thanks so much for letting me pop in. Yeah. Good to see you sister. We have a couple of comments here from friend of the podcast Matt Fiedler back when we were talking about bad food choices. He says, and a lot of highlander sandwich cookies in high school too.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Absolutely. And I just want to quickly mention, let me make sure our stream is still going here. Those highlander sandwich cookies, you get them for like $2, 250. And if you've never invested in sandwich cookies before, if you're looking for sheer value, amount of food, pounds of food per dollar spent, you really can't go wrong with sandwich cookies. They are, they get old fast and in more ways than one, but boy, you'll get those three long sleeves for like two something. It's hard to beat that value.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And then Matt Feather also says, I know a guy that does home inspections if Abby needs one. Oh, that's good. It's probably a mutual acquaintance. Thank you to all the friends, fans, and followers who have tuned into our Christmas special here. Dad, did you have anything else about hostess in general or cupcake specifically that you wanted to share before we move
Starting point is 00:31:50 on to our last little Debbie taste test? I was just thinking back to when I first had enough money to actually go to the store and buy something for myself. And I remember on Sundays we go to church and after church I used to walk up to the corner grocery store and I used to like to get hostess snowballs. Okay those have coconut, they've got coconut, they're like a big white ball filled with chocolate and a little bit of cream filled with chocolate and a little bit of cream. And when I think back about it now, I probably would never eat them again because I never
Starting point is 00:32:30 liked the thinking back, the surround, the stuff that had the coconut on it, sort of stuff that surrounded the chocolate was kind of like chewy and kind of thick. It was good back then, but I've kind of grown past that. I've grown out of snowballs, but I used to eat a lot of snowballs and a lot of cherry pies. Cherry pies, yeah, that's a whole stuff. Cherry pie.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Cluster all city. Yeah, I never got into the snowballs anything, because I don't really like shredded coconut. I remember one time, I think grandma, salad, grandpa, Dave, either brought or had, they were like baseball, baseball is basically they had the little, um, not seems on. Yeah, seems as the word I was looking for. And I was really excited to bite into it, because it was a baseball and I loved baseball growing up. And then when I realized it was shredded coconut, I was really excited to bite into it because it was a baseball. And I loved baseball growing up. And then when I realized it was shredded coconut, I was less enthused. But it's okay. It just kind of, they're just kind of all these little particles that get everywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I like coconut flavor, but the concept of shredded coconut is not my favorite thing. That reminds me, there used to be one week or slash night per year of sunlight kids, what, what want to call it, Wednesday night children's programming at rock church for the game section where whoever was in charge Tom Perkins, Commander Bob, whatever they would bring in a coconut. I don't really remember why, what the purpose of that coconut was for, but I think one year we got to bring it home, which was a really big deal. I don't know if you remember what they used the coconut for, but I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I remember the frozen, whatever turkey, ice hockey. A lot of good memories, a lot of rug burn in the old fellowship on a rock church. Boy, that is, yeah, you get, you play days of the week trying to get that big bowling pin in the middle fellowship on a rock church. Boy, that is, yeah, you play days of the week, trying to get that big bowling pin in the middle of your, your shins are toast. But that was good stuff, a lot of fun memories, many, many years ago at rock church. Okay, we are moving on to our very last one,
Starting point is 00:34:42 that's about all my old MacBook can handle power wise. So let's don our masks or our hats one last time. Our third one, the Hostess Cupcake was rather tricky. This one I have a little bit more confidence and so we've narrowed it down. We know that it's little Debbie a little bit more confidence and so we've narrowed it down. We know that it's little Debbie and here is the plate and let's imbibe in our last one of the Christmas special. So I can't really say anything because I have to say no what it is but to me this one's pretty distinct up there with the twinkie in terms of how kind of straightforward it is for me at least, based solely off of taste and texture.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, that's a classic little Debbie Swiss cake roll. Oh yeah, good stuff. And we have plenty for mom who just walked in and everyone else in the living room, there's lots and lots to go around. And this is just from the one or two that I open. I'm gonna, I hope that TSA is okay with me traveling with a lot of snack cakes. I don't know how often they get that, but I will say that last year I got my aunt Stacy a summer sausage and she got that through TSA. So I think if we could
Starting point is 00:36:03 do summer sausage, we can probably do some twinkies. I bet if you offer the TSA guy a Swiss cake roll and you'll let you through, no problem. That is next level of thinking. I will say Redmond is where I have my TSA record, 17 seconds from handing over my driver's license to grabbing the bags off of the belt, whatever you want to call it. And thanks to TSA Precheck, unofficial sponsor, plug $85, I think for five years, not bad.
Starting point is 00:36:40 But yeah, the Swiss Cake Roll, I think, is a classic, pretty easily recognizable. You have anything that you want to share about the Swiss Cake Roll? No, no. They just, they never changed. They're always the same. You can always rely on a good Swiss Cake Roll, know what you're getting going in. And they're awesome. Yeah. It's good, good stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I know you've had your computer open and ready to go with a whole lot of facts and figures and stuff Was there anything else in general that you stumbled upon that you wanted to share that you thought was important? One thing I came across which was interesting was a Reference to Drake's cakes, which is a brand of American baked goods, been around since the turn of the last century, not this past century. Very popular in the east especially, they're known for their ringdings, yodels, and coffee cakes, which were made famous in a sign-failed episode, Drake's Coffee Cake. And I believe there's also an episode where George wants to bring Ringdings and Pepsi to a dinner party.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I was just talking about that episode where he wants to bring the jug of Pepsi instead of wine. And there's a whole big conversation about cultural norms. And sometimes I find myself agreeing with Elaine and the wine and then other times you know the games on or something you want some Pepsi So although Pepsi would never be my choice. I know you you drank some RC cola back in the day I don't is that your preferred cola brand. I like RC. It's I think definitely underappreciated It's good stuff. I will take RC over Coke in a day. Yeah a little tough to find and I don't know if you heard Coke has discontinued tab the probably the first ever diet soda they finally stopped making it this year or
Starting point is 00:38:37 announced plans to stop making which is too bad. I don't know if you ever had tab before. You know grandma sale drink a lot of tab back in the day. And I never could really get into it. So yeah, we had a teacher growing up who really liked tab. And one time my friend Matt, who's just commented, thanks for watching Matt. We brought her a 12 pack as a gift.
Starting point is 00:39:01 And we stumbled upon another teacher in the parking lot of the store who had never had it before and we shared a can with them. And I think that's what the holidays are all about. Sharing warm tab. Oh yeah, warm tab with friends and family. Well, this has been a great grand old time taste testing hostess and little Debbie's snack cakes. We started with the hostess Twinkie, then we moved on to a little Debbie oatmeal cream pie, third we had the toughest one of the day. We had a hostess cupcake and we finished with the classic little Debbie Swiss cake roll straight from the Alps, so you know it's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Thanks so much, Dad, for coming on the show. I really appreciate it on your day off. Yeah, any last things you want to share or plug or any horse races that are a lot coming up that we should know about. Nope, just wanna wish everybody a happy 2021. It's a tough one to say. Healthy and happy 2021, and thanks for having me on, Quinn.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Absolutely, you kinda feel like Pat Hughes and Ron Cumer like this or something. Did he hear about Len Casper? No, he's Jail. No, he Len Casper, for those who missed it about a month ago, announced that he's moving from the Cubs TV broadcast booth to the White Sox radio booth. He's taken over for Ed Farmer, which was obviously a big loss disappointment for us Cubs fans. I don't think they've announced a replacement yet, but Len's been doing Cubs games for about 20 years, so that will be a disappointment. But we'll still have Pat Hughes, which is good stuff for a couple of years more.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Well, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We got Walt commenting on the live stream from the other room. I actually don't know what that comments about. What about Mr. Green? We're playing Clue later, so maybe it's like a prequel sort of thing, I'm not sure. But yeah, we're going to get that all sorted out, maybe turn on this Packers game. And that's what we have. So Mary Christmas, Happy Holidays,
Starting point is 00:41:19 Kwanzaa Chanuka, for you Smokey Robinson fans out there. And thanks for tuning in, really appreciate it. And I think we got our garage band, knock on wood, to cooperate the whole time, which is very exciting. New episode of Real Housewives, maybe next week, I'm not sure, but I will be back next week, the year three recap, it's going to be like last year when we just do a general, you know, hour long Special or so, not like year one where I edited all the clips together because that took days and it was really painful. But yeah, we're gonna have some supper here and
Starting point is 00:41:56 Thanks so much for tuning in. If you are listening to the SoundCloud stream or your podcast app, you can find the live stream on my YouTube channel Quintay with Vernice. You can watch the whole video. I think it's better for taste testing, but yeah, that's what we got. So we'll come at you next week with the Year 3 recap and then we will kick off Year 4 after that. Thanks again to Dad for coming on the show and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Let's get our outro music going and we will check in on you next time. Bye! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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