Beantown Podcast - 2022 Beantown Podcast Holiday Gift Giving Guide (11292022 Beantown)

Episode Date: November 30, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to preview some of this year's top holiday gifts. I love sandwiches....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Tom Podcast for when it's technically Tuesday, November 29th, 2022, just what two days after our last recording the Bean Tom Podcast. Kind of crazy, but that's just sort of how the cookie crumbles sometimes. I got a college basketball game. I am potentially going to tomorrow, and by the way, I've got a extra ticket to Paul Samford. Not Stanford, Samford. So anyone wants to go down a Winchester Arena and then Thursday and We're kind of out by Said Tuesday night. It is Rachel's Gone. She's in North Carolina now is a good time to do a little recording for you all I Haven't decided as of it's 6 p.m. 6 30 p.m. No, just 6 p.m.
Starting point is 00:01:05 On Tuesday night here, the 29th, if we're gonna release it just two days after a last episode or if we're gonna try to do a delay at all, last time I tried to do a delay with SoundCloud release, it really messed things up and the episode ended up not getting released the way I wanted it to. So TBD on that, we're gonna see,
Starting point is 00:01:24 but I figured this would be the best time to get it in for you all. I'm drinking my cooking wine here. I made a bowl in East sauce yesterday and it required a cup to, two cups of red wine. And it was like, well, the recipe called for a cup, I think I did like more than that, but who measures these days?
Starting point is 00:01:46 You know, I live a go, go, go, go lifestyle. And there is no time to measure. So I just pour in a dash here, a little bit of slosh there. Hope it cooks down. Hope you don't get drunk from your bowl and ease. I gotta say, it was pretty good. I used some good, like like I don't even know
Starting point is 00:02:05 Papar Delae P-A-P-R-D-E-L-L-E. I don't think that's kind of pasta it was though. I just wanted to try to say that Pasta from Cheddar Joe's but it was stuff I don't usually get it. Wasn't your boring old rigatone or Macaroni or I Don't know other Pasta's Farfali or any other pasta for folleil. That's the little bowtie one, I think. It's something a little different. It was organic pasta, so it was healthy. I was pretty proud of it.
Starting point is 00:02:35 The flavor wasn't quite right. I think it just needs a little bit more salt on the reheat tonight. And maybe a little bit more, like I could go for a little bit more like garlic flavor I think. Right now it's kind of wine, wine centric but also that I think that it, you know, when you're making a bowling e-sauce, B-O-L-O-G-N-E-S-E, I think a lot of it comes
Starting point is 00:03:00 down to the tomatoes you use too because I just use a because I just used one of those jumbo cans of diced tomatoes. Not, you know, didn't use tomato sauce or anything like that. And that's just, you know, that's the only thing they have at a, you know, at a trigger, this is not like your, you're in mama's kitchen in Italy and you're picking between five different types of tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:03:19 You're really, you got this and that's about it. But the wine we're drinking tonight, we're, it's the rest of the cooking wine is a delvet moon, Cabernet, Solving Yon from California 2021, A.K.A. that cheap stuff. And boy, remember when we had that birthday episode of the Bean Tum podcast, where I just read the back of the wine bottle.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And that must have been a ball tour. So I guess that was year two probably, where I was just lost Read in the back of wine bottle eating the serally freezer section cake Which speaking of which I've never actually looked you know the only place where I'm need that would actually carry something like that It's the Julesco, which is a division of Albert sins, but I haven't bought a cake in a long time I was however up at Devon Market just about five days ago,
Starting point is 00:04:07 no, I guess a week ago tonight, seven days. And I was getting some stuff for a friend's giving that was up in Rogers Park, just a block from our old apartment up there. And I walked right past the freezer section, didn't even think of the serially cakes, but man, I love those things. I would have them in Baltimore,
Starting point is 00:04:23 I'd have them Rogers Park. There's like chocolate, which was probably my favorite vanilla and then coconut, which I never got, because who wants coconut? But man, I'm not even lying. Like, you know, this is terrible and all you nutritionist people out there are going to want to cover your ears, but there would be times, especially probably more living in Baltimore and in less so living in Rogers Park, but times were maybe I was just feeling down on myself and my mental health was in a different place back then and I didn't have, I still don't think I have a
Starting point is 00:04:54 like amazing relationship with food, but I think it was way worse back then. It's definitely gotten better over the years, but I would just pound an entire one of those and is sitting like no shame. Well, there was shame, but I would just pound an entire one of those and is sitting like no shame. Well, there was shame, but you know, you say no shame to make yourself feel better. Yeah, I would just do it. No regrets. I guess this is a better way of putting it. And you know, I think about pounding an entire serally cake, not a pound cake,
Starting point is 00:05:19 but but similar. And there's still pardon me. that's like, yeah, that's obviously a ridiculous amount of cake and sugar and fat and carbs, whatever. But also, that's pretty badass to still open up one of those babies and eat the entire thing. And I would recover just fine, at least. It wasn't like, oh, the next day I couldn't move because I ate an entire cake, I was, you know, it wasn't like, go the next day I couldn't move because I ate an entire cake, I was, you know, iron stomach.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Between that and the Baltimore Christmas Village, German-American weekend, there's a lot of nouns and adjectives, Broughtworth's Eating Fest, which is probably happening this weekend at Baltimore's inner harbor. Ever since I moved away from Baltimore, I guess this is my 19, 2021,
Starting point is 00:06:07 this is my fourth winter away from Baltimore now. Ever since I moved, I've always had the idea in the back of my head of like flying back to BWI just for that. And it's kind of a pipe dream, but it's also one of those things where I would totally love to do that one day. Even if I'm not part of the competition, just to watch and observe, because it's a hell
Starting point is 00:06:29 of a time. We just cussed live on air, and I've been thinking this entire time, I've been rambling about cakes and bratwursts and wine. I've been thinking, I can't forget to do our listener discretion's advice, or else the FCC is going to be all over my booty. So I'll mention it here before we finish our thought. Listen to discretion is advised when releasing the Bington podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Number one, we'll occasionally need some language to this podcast subjectly terrible. But man, there are a lot of things that I really didn't care for living in Baltimore, but both years when that German American fest, or German American weekend, part of the Baltimore Christmas Village came around and I got to do that hot or the Broward City in Contest. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Not only was it free dinner, but the second time I had friends come out to, I think I think I had one or two friends come out the first time, but the second time was when he got in on video, which was a shame. The first time was, it was a smaller thing, but I performed better. The second time, I really just ran out of steam, but you can actually go find that on my YouTube channel. We are at Quinn Furnace, I guess. I don't know, just search it.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You'll probably find it. I feel like YouTube channel names are tricky sometimes. I don't even know what I am. Am I Quinn Furnace, Quinn David Furnace? Who knows? sometimes. I don't even know what I am. I'm like, when furnace, when David furnace, who knows? You can find some of our bean time podcast episodes on there. I really should pay like a DePaul digital media freshman,
Starting point is 00:07:56 like 10 bucks a quarter to, and I'll just share the MP3 files in a Google drive and have them upload a YouTube video. I'm all for a pinch and pennies and stuff, but I also wanna try to get bean town on YouTube more often, which I used to be really good at, just doing using iMovie, but it's just kind of a hassle. And frankly, I don't have that much confidence
Starting point is 00:08:24 in my Mac these days. Still going strong, though. You're five of the Bean Town Podcasts, and we are guys, we're like five, six weeks, something like that away from entering year six. So there's that to look forward to. It's a fun time, though. It's the holidays,
Starting point is 00:08:42 and that's what we're gonna be chatting about today. On the Bean Town Podcast, It's a fun time though. It's the holidays and that's what we're going to be chatting about today on the bean town podcast It's the bean town podcast holiday gift giving guide for 2022's holiday shopping season. I just accidentally licked the Samson Q2U series and speaking of which I meant to mention this at the top of the show. It's good to be back with our Samson shout out to my refurbished iPhone 10 that carried the load last week. We've been all over the place with our recording setups. We've done it straight into the work laptop, but then my work laptop stop working and it's
Starting point is 00:09:18 with the genius squad being fixed right now. I decided to go with the iPhone last week and we of course were able eventually to get it up to SoundCloud. It was a little bit of a production, a little bit of a hassle. And this week we're back to our regular setup we've got. The Mac is running, it's looking good, knock on wood, we've got the Samsung Q2U series going. So even though it's a Tuesday night, it's kind of like Tuesday night football,
Starting point is 00:09:49 it just doesn't feel right. Tuesday night, bean town. It's a little strange. We're just rolling with it. Because that's what I do. I give you the fans the chance to tune in. It's a listener engagement is encouraged. And I also like to keep this educational.
Starting point is 00:10:09 So before we jump into our holiday gift giving guide, which I definitely prepared extensively for, even though all I did at work today, more or less was watch the World Cup, PS Go USA, they beat Iran, Iran, and they will advance to the round of 16, which I didn't think was going to happen if I'm being completely honest. They will play the Netherlands, a land full of nethers, or Holland, as some of you may know it as, they will play them Saturday at 9 a.m. Central, which will actually be 10 a.m.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Local time for us because we will be in Michigan. So we might need to parlay a little kind of brunch, booze, mimosa World Cup soccer kind of thing. I think it's gonna be a disappointing result. I think Netherlands is gonna kick our ass, but I mean we haven't been to the round of 16 in what eight years, what happened in 20, we weren't in the, we weren't in the 2018 World Cup 2014. I have no idea. I do not, I do not want to spend five minutes going down the rabbit hole of USA Sackery's Alls was 2014 Belgium that they lost to in the round of 16. That feels right. Let's go to the Wikipedia stage.
Starting point is 00:11:33 It's a qualified for sure to get to the round of 16. And then in the round of 16, I think they lost the Belgium in extra time. Let's see. Yeah, two to one. That's what it was. That was a nail-biter game. And then in 2010, they lost a ganna, I think. But as I promise you, we're not gonna go into the history books more than that.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I wanted, because I mentioned this in a fantasy football note earlier this afternoon. And I was sure as a way we could more seamlessly merge my fantasy football notes with the bean-town podcast. Maybe we could more seamlessly merge my fantasy football notes with the bean-town podcasts. Maybe we could make a new section of and just copy and paste on my fantasy football notes. Here's a thing. I'm not so egocentric that I think what I write as part of fantasy football notes is
Starting point is 00:12:21 something that the whole world has to experience. I think my, the way I think about it is though, you know, that's my primary outlet for writing actually creatively and, you know, for fun and stuff and, you know, anything not work related. That's how I do where I do 90% of my writing. And it just goes on our little league page, the Great White North, which is an institution 17 years strong now, but there's assuming everyone in the league reads all the notes, which I am 99% sure is not the case. That's nine people, a max audience of nine, maybe 18 if you include spouses.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You're lying in bed, you're checking your fantasy football lineup for the next morning. You see, oh, Quinn wrote this great note. Let me read it to my partner or whomever. So 18 Macs. And I, you know, we're just trying to expand the bean town podcast or Quinn's creative abilities beyond that. And since there's only nine people with email addresses who have access to that, maybe we could throw it into the public eye on It's not a bad idea. Something to consider in the future, but the reason I mentioned that is because today, kind of randomly, I thought to myself, while I was writing this note, because I mentioned
Starting point is 00:13:42 this word in my note, the word juggernaut. And it's a word that I think most people know what it means. They know how to spell it. J-U-G-G-E-R-N-A-U-T. I love any word that ends in not. Cosmonaut. Astronaut. Juggernaut.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Argonaut. Jason and the Argonauts. Right? I think it's kind of cool. It might be German Dutch Danish. I don't know. But the etymology, ETY, M-O-L-O-G-Y, not entomology, we're not talking bugs, we're talking etymology. I, for juggernaut, I've never thought about it. I said, I got a research this today. We're going to share with the world. So I shared it in my fantasy football note. I wanted to share it with you all during today's educational segment. This one's for the kids. What's the background? What's the history of the word juggernaut? It's not
Starting point is 00:14:40 entirely clear. And in the explanation I posted, which was from edemau edemau, this is what they say. And it's may or may not be entirely clear, but this is what it is. So it's from the Sanskrit. And it's kind of a portmanteau. So jagat j a g a t meaning the world men's and beasts literally literally the moving, all that moves. It's the present participle of jigati, meaning he goes. So it's jigat and then plus nataas, N-A-T-H-A-S, nataas, meaning Lord, master, from n Natat, N-A-T-H-A-T-E, meaning he helps, he protects, like, pro, like, you're protesting. No, protects. The first European description of the festival, there's some sort of fest, like, Hindi festival that it was originally in reference to. The first
Starting point is 00:15:42 description of the festival is by a friar in the year 1321. So again, juggernaut from Jagati and Nautas, meaning he goes, he helps, he protects. And so it's essentially some sort of Hindi festival made up, or originating from two Sanskrit words. And it's some sort of festival for a Hindi deity who protects and is sort of to be revered. So, and I'm not bullshitting you, that's actually what Juggernaut is.
Starting point is 00:16:14 So, if you had asked me to guess what part of the world Juggernaut came from, I don't think Sanskrit or Hindi would have been high on my list, not because I think that Juggernaut came from, I don't think Sanskrit or Hindi would have been high on my list, not because I think that Juggernaut doesn't necessarily sound like that, but just because who's ever going to guess something is Sanskrit, right? I don't, you know, there's a lot of languages out there, German, French, English, Apache, Comanche, you know, some of those ones they speak up in none of it, where I'm like, oh yeah, obviously that's none of a tease. But Sanskrit is not one where I can just immediately place it
Starting point is 00:16:55 based off of how a word is spelled or looks or sounds. So juggernaut would not have been one I would have been able to get as know as final jeopardy if you will But now we all learn something if there are any other words that you would like me to do an etymological break down on On bean-town podcast live on air you can email us bean-town podcast. Yeah, who that coming as bean-town be in podcasts at Yahoo Dot com and we would love to break it down. I actually love etymology. I think it's genuinely interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:31 You know, our language is just built off of other things that have come before. And I think that's pretty neat. Before we would dive into our holiday gift giving guide, I wanted to just briefly mention not to a full ad read, but briefly say thank you to our unofficial sponsors. Thank you to Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspector in the central organ, you want to call the experts at Home
Starting point is 00:17:56 Pride Oregon, try 54410-03016 or go to Call and ask for Steve. He'll get back to you within two business days, typically. Tell him, Quinsentia, ask for the discount. If he says there's no discount, you didn't hear it from us. Okay, so don't put that back on me. And when you need a fresh house, something snappy and nice, call Home Pride Oregon. I think that's a slogan. Oh no, Home Pride Organ inspection, perfection.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Caught it at the last second. I also want to welcome back to the Bean Time Podcast, the Samson Q2U series. It's been, you know, Samson's been getting some time off and around the holidays that you know what you need to take that time off. The Samsung Q2U series has fresh, crisp, clean, and clear audio quality. So whether you're looking at Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, the Pentateuch,
Starting point is 00:18:59 or, you know, those minor profits who are pretty sneaky, you gotta use Samsung. God speaks, he uses a Samsung. And finally, of course, a good friend's cuts by Q getting ready for a little neck-beard shave in about half an hour here as we wrap up the program or after we wrap up the program. Kind of out of, I'm not in a shaving rhythm right now. You know, I've kind of been all over the place
Starting point is 00:19:23 and I guess that's just gonna continue with the holidays and then a good friend and brother of the podcast, Jack Fern is getting married and a month, a month from tomorrow, that's crazy. What was it? Five weeks, it's four weeks from this Friday, I think is right, and this birthday will take this opportunity to say happy birthday to brother Jack. He turns the big three oh on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:19:49 He's a frequent collaborator on this program. He's probably, it's a three sum right now between brother of the show, Jack Fernis, and then good friends of the podcast Matt Feather and John Paul Pendowski in terms of who's been on the most. And it's not something we keep track of, not something that we've record or publicized, but they've all got to be around 10, maybe more like eight or nine, but yeah, that wedding's coming up. And I don't, I completely lost my train of thought.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Oh, we're not in a shaving rhythm right now So we're just kind of doing out in an ad hoc basis But you know we're gonna trust the experts at cuts by Q and you need to fresh do something snap your new someone who's independently owned and operated called the experts at cuts by Q email us cuts by Q at Yahoo dot com or go to Bington podcast slash cutstash by dash Q for all your holiday needs, looks and needs. No happy endings. We're not that kind of establishment. All right, the Bington first ever Bington podcast,
Starting point is 00:21:04 holiday gift-giving guide. And like any guide, let's start off with the things that you shouldn't give someone. Number one, any sort of like digital assistant, Amazon Alexa or Echo Dot or Google Home or Pixel or Apple, you know, AirPods, anything that can listen to you. And here's why. First, when I go to play Tune Blast on my Amazon Fire Alexa or whatever and about an hour here as I'm watching Jeopardy. It's going to be giving me ads for Velvet Moon Wine.
Starting point is 00:21:43 It's going to be giving me ads for It's going to be giving me ads for Homebite Organ. The reason is because it's always listening and it's creepy. But I'll take it a step further and mention that I've done some software testing in the last couple of months for a specific tech company that I won't name, because I'm under, probably under some sort of, excuse me, terms of endearment or something that I can't disclose who it is for fear of my life, but basically they're testing out,
Starting point is 00:22:19 they're testing the waters of users, et cetera, to ask, do you want your digital assistant to proactively tell you things reach out to you, et cetera? And my answer to that is a resounding hell no. Look, this kind of like cool robot virtual assistant, whether it's your Google home or it's Siri or it's Alexa, whatever, whoever it is, whatever company doesn't matter. Like, it's cool in the movies, right? It's cool when Iron Man walks out of bed
Starting point is 00:22:57 and his digital assistant is like, hey, what's going on? How are you? But it's creepy as fucking real life. I do not want to walk into my living room at 6.45 in the morning Half awake no coffee yet and all of a sudden have a random voice From the shadows be like hey here are your top, you know new stories for the day or Hi, what's going on or You know your mother called,
Starting point is 00:23:25 like these are all things that would be frightening to me. I do not wanna be proactively reached out to, I only want my virtual assistant to speak when spoken to, is will there be a world, world, there'll be a reality in the near future where like that thing is just more kind of normal and less creepy probably, but I am not there yet. So please do not get me any of those, you know, echo shows or Google Homes or, you know, Samsung legacies, whatever they are. I don't want them, okay? And I do not endorse them as part of this program.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Other things to not get people, any sort of Chick-fil-A gift card because those guys are kind of whack and also with the Joe Biden's inflation prices these days, you get someone a $25 Chick-fil-A gift card that's like one combo meal. get someone a $25 Chick-fil-A gift card that's like one combo meal. You know what I am? Both excited to see in more of a curiosity sense and also a dreading to see if you will.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Well, there's two different restaurants that are about to open up here, but you know, Riglyville prices are crazy. Like the Diet Coke Stimic Donalds are like $1.89. There's no like value meal or anything like that. You click on it, it says this doesn't exist. So we're about to take it up a step and really find out when the Chick-fil-A opens on Clark, and then also they're doing mega construction right now on the culverts, which is opening quite literally down the street from us on Addison.
Starting point is 00:25:02 But can you imagine what those rigly-vill prices for those two things are going to look like? I'm less familiar with the Chick-fil-A menu, but even now you go to a, I'm not really complaining about this, I'm just more just like a comment. You go to the culverts, in rural Wisconsin along the interstate, and a regular, if you want to get a double, and this is a lot of food, but if you wanna get a double butter burger combo, so you get your burger, your fries, your old-fashioned root beer, whatever,
Starting point is 00:25:32 that'll run you like eight bucks, which again, not complaining about it. It's just kind of the way inflation goes and rising prices. So what do you think those prices are gonna be like when the Chicago, I mean, there's already one up in Ravenswood, or North Center, wherever that is, but you add those Rigglyville tax prices on top of it,
Starting point is 00:25:53 the unofficial Rigglyville tax. Dude, you're not gonna be able to get a combo basket for less than like 12 bucks. There's a Raisin Keynes at Clark and Wavelin, which I run past in the summers, but I've never actually been inside. I've only had raisin canes maybe once or twice. But I think those were already, if you go to the suburbs, those were already like 12 bucks for like a three-piece chicken, you know, meal or something. So I can't imagine what their rigly price is like probably like 16 or something. I
Starting point is 00:26:29 This is a man's man's age old problem, but it is For me personally being amplified right now one because I am like getting ready for much bigger more expensive life things and then Second, you just noticing and more because I'm like actually working in full-time job also living in Chicago where prices are rising quite a bit, but the rate of which things are getting more expensive, everyday things, groceries, related to inflation, but also things like rent. Compared to the lack of raises, basically, I'm receiving is a little bit startling.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And I know it's nothing new to be like, oh, I work in education, but I also want to try to have a family and own a house and stuff and that's gonna be challenging. Like, that is not a new problem, that's not something that's unique to me. But I just keep seeing these prices go up and up and up and not seeing my salary go up and up and up.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And it's a little bit shocking. Maybe not shocking, more just disconcerting, DISCOMCERTNG. And it really makes you wonder, am I going to just naturally become priced out of a city I love? And the crazy thing is Chicago is still kind of, of a city I love. And the crazy thing is Chicago is still kind of, yeah, average in terms of prices. I could never pull off what I'm trying to accomplish right now in like DC, Boston, San Francisco area, not that, you know, a ton of people can, but it's just, whoo. I mean, I honestly feel that the salary I was making when I started this job three and a half years ago, the relativity to how much things cost and all that stuff is
Starting point is 00:28:14 noticeably different than where it is now even with a couple of, you know, cost of living raises, whatever. So living raises whatever. Part of that is I was paying $9.75, $9.50, whatever it was. In Rankton Rouders Park, and now I'm paying a lot more than that, but I don't know, man. So hopefully that helps you pick out, you know, things in your gift-giving guide. But I didn't want to just talk about things to avoid as we near the half of our mark of a bean-tongued podcast episode. I'm trying to give you a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Last week was short. I apologize for that. I was out of my element, and I did not prepare. I had all that time off for Thanksgiving holiday. And we were talking about this and a staff meeting this morning was like, oh, did you drink a lot? And I actually had to stop and think like, no, I didn't. And that's usually that type of situation
Starting point is 00:29:10 where you're just like kind of at home or with family in the suburbs, you're not doing a lot. Like we didn't do a lot. That usually leads to drinking a lot for a better or for worse. But it really didn't this time around. We just weren't really in a go crazy getting hammered kind of mood. I don't think once during the Thanksgiving holiday
Starting point is 00:29:32 from Wednesday night through Sunday night, did I ever even really get a buzz going? I mean, I had maybe like three drinks on Wednesday. Thursday I started early because you know, you wake up, you get your run in, but then next thing you know, it's like family stuff's happening and the thing with Thanksgiving,
Starting point is 00:29:51 it's hard to be buzzed at most after you have Thanksgiving dinner because you're just gonna gorge and have a ton. And I even only had one plate and I did not overindulge at all, but it's like, man, once you get all those potatoes in you and all the Polish stuff too, there's no getting buzzed after that.
Starting point is 00:30:18 There's just way too much food in your stomach. And I didn't really want to necessarily either because I wanted to be up in alert for that Vikings game at 7pm Which they won to beat the Patriots on Thanksgiving. How do you like that? And then Friday would have been a good good chance to do that but I don't know we just Did other stuff actually Fridays when the soccer game was it was US first England and Went to a bar believe it or not at one o'clock in the afternoon, it was US first, England, and went to a bar, believe it or not, at one
Starting point is 00:30:46 o'clock in the afternoon, which was kind of neat. That felt like a thing that only happens on like the black Friday, essentially. But I was driving home, and so I didn't, and then just, you know, didn't drink much when I got home. And then Saturday was a football game, and as Rachel will be gorgingly tell you now, there's no alcohol right in field. And then Sunday it was just kind of like, you know, we want to be ready for Monday. And I had to drive
Starting point is 00:31:11 Sunday. So it just never happened. Not that I think you have to get like buzz or get drunk to enjoy your holiday. It's just for somewhat for for me, that tense and naturally happen. Just because there's a lot of alcohol around and, you know, it just kind of happens, but it really didn't. But there's no real social commentary to that story or anything like that other than just, it's what happened.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So we'll be back for Christmas. I'll tell you that much. The number one thing on the bean town podcast gift giving guide this year is a sandwich. I know that's not what you're expecting to hear. I know it's not your Fitbit watch. Okay, it's not a needed scarf. It's not a year long subscription to Spotify premium. It's a sandwich and here's the thing. Look guys, we're not kids
Starting point is 00:32:08 anymore. Just the little tinker toys or the picture books. It's not really doing it for me anymore. I don't need the physical plastic. Here's what I want. I want to be surprised by just out of this world sandwich. It's Christmas morning. You know, you maybe had a little bit of breakfast, but you didn't over-indulge because you got a big day of eating coming up.
Starting point is 00:32:42 You're hanging out, you're with family, you're opening gifts. Everyone's laughing there in their pajamas, you're having a good time. You're thinking, you know, I'm probably gonna get, you know, I'm older, I'm aging out of my 20s, probably get some nice socks, which will be great. But it's, you know, it's not, it's not sexy.
Starting point is 00:33:02 It's not gonna, you going to turn you on. When you open up that last gift under the tree with your name on it, you're thinking, oh, I guess this is going to be another encyclopedia, or it's going to be a puppy or something stupid. You open it up and it's a sandwich. And you know, it's the end of the gift opening kind of process. Maybe it's already 11, 11, 15. You're thinking, I might want to snack on something after this, because I'm not going to make it all the way until that 3.30 p.m. dinner on Christmas. When you get a chicken club with melted sharp cheddar and an a-only mustard and Chris fresh lettuce from mama's garden and maybe a big old pickle spear and you take a bite and it's freshly toasted flatbread and you take the perfect
Starting point is 00:34:01 bite and you've got that flatbread with that multi-sharp cheddar, a nice hunk of fresh chicken directly from the poultry farm, or for you vegans out there, it can be you know tuna or something, I don't care. And you get it all the lettuce and the aole mustard is dripping down the side of your mouth. Tell me that's not the best Christmas gift you've ever received because 99% of people who have sandwiches are expecting to eat a sandwich. You're thinking, let me go to subway. You go to Jimmy John's. Let me check out Jersey mics for all the great things
Starting point is 00:34:39 they do for our community. You're excited about the sandwich, but you're expecting the sandwich. I'm here to thesisize that your joy could be tripled or quadrupled by biting into a sandwich you never expected having any business of encountering, especially if it was an unmarked sandwich, because if you're opening up Jimmy John's,
Starting point is 00:35:07 you're like, I've had Jimmy John's before I kind of know what I'm getting myself into and same goes for all these big sandwich chains. But if it's just kind of nestled in a napkin there and you take a big bite and you don't have any expectations and it blows your mind, that's what Christmas is all about dude like
Starting point is 00:35:26 Tell tell Stevie tell Sealo. That's what Christmas means to me So the number one Gift this year on the bean-tum podcast Christmas gift giving guide a nice sandwich It doesn't have to be chicken cheddar cheddar, lettuce, pickle, a-only mustard, toasted flatbread, it could be anything, but you want it to count. Okay, so don't hold back. Feel free to spend 50 bucks, 60 bucks, whatever. Make it a nice sandwich. Another thing on our gift giving guide, something that I personally appreciate a lot more in the last couple of years, I used to buy these but now that I'm rich I can a
Starting point is 00:36:10 Nice Douglas for Pine hybrid Nordic pine if preferable candle, okay, we're not talking the Quote unquote cheap stuff you can buy at the target or CVS. We're talking handcrafted Amish or Men and Night or that third one, Mormon. You know, something that was handcrafted made by people who know candles, made by people who know furs, F-I-R, and you want it to be potent. I want that smell of fur and pine to be wafting through the halls of Dalga deer.
Starting point is 00:37:05 No, what's the, what are the Game of Thrones halls? Game of Thrones, House of Dragons, those places. I can't remember, let's Google House of Dragons Hall. Oh, it gave me, House of Dragons Halloween costume. I just want House of Dragons Hall, who is me a house of dragons Halloween costume. I just want house dragons hall. Who is Jefferson in house of dragon? Maybe hall was in the best scene in Google. Like where do they look? Where are they located? House of
Starting point is 00:37:36 dragons, Kingdom. That would be good. The hilarious West eros West eros, that sounds like a good one. Targaryen, is that a place? I think that's a last name. The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. But there's one where like that blonde, incest guy went to rule this time around too. And I don't really know what it was called. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Kingdom of the North. No, these are are these names suck. I wanted I wanted the things they talked about in house of dragon and we're not getting that. I don't know why this stuff is so hard to find. Lord of the seven kingdoms protector of the realms. Well now I now I'm fixated on it. Damon, that's his name. Damon, House of Dragons. Where did he get kind of banished to with his sexy cousin? Because he's, well, I don't think she's sexy.
Starting point is 00:38:39 He thinks she's sexy. But where does he go to rule? The tunnels a dragon mont that doesn't sound right kings landing. That's one of the ones I want to remember But that's not the place where he goes What's Damon's dragon's name. I don't know Google you're asking the wrong guy Dead air I Don't know I don't know. I don't know. Queens landing, Queens Gambit, something like that.
Starting point is 00:39:09 He goes somewhere. He gets banished. Let's say, Damien House of Dragons banished. Exile, this probably a better word. But where does he go to rule? Where does Damon rule? Let's Google that. Okay, let's go right for the heart.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Where does, this is the last, it's all or nothing on this one. I promise we're done talking about this. Where does Damon rule? Filarion, steel tribe, king of the stepstones in the narrow sea. I think that's what it was. Granted, the last episode of House of Dragons was like a month and a half ago, so I kind of forgot. And I really didn't care. I was just in it for, uh, got sclery, gravy, just like my fantasy football team.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Which is a really good idea. I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just, I was just, I was just like, I was just like, I was just like, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just like, I was just like, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was like, gravy, just like my fantasy football team, which is playoff bound by the way. Great way north officially stamped my playoff ticket and in my school league, not I don't think technically officially stamped I think if I lose out and some shallub down at the bottom of this hole, and pull winds out, I could still miss. But there's a lot more kind of complicated math that goes into
Starting point is 00:40:30 with tie breakers and all that stuff. And so I know you all were, you know, for the last 40 minutes, hanging out in the edge of your seat, saying, well, Quinn, you haven't updated on fantasy football yet. Well, there is your update. I'm in fourth place. The top 16s make the playoffs. I'm the only one that's seven and five. There's one team that's six and six.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And there's three that are five and seven. So two of those three are gonna miss the playoffs. I think I'm pretty much good. Definitely if I have one, if I have one more win at clinch, the only way I don't go is if I have one, if I have one more win at clinch, the only way I don't go is if I lose out. But even then other things have to happen. I think two of those five and seven teams, yeah, two of those five and seven teams would have to win out, which may or may not be possible
Starting point is 00:41:20 if they play each other. I don't know. Other things on the 2022 season of giving Bington podcast, Holiday Gift Guide, which I obviously prepared for significantly before this, Treasury bonds. And this is gonna be an opportunity for us to get even more educational here because as I mentioned that, it's really one of those things that I've just been reading, seeing mentioned even on like Reddit all the time.
Starting point is 00:41:54 People are saying treasury bonds are up to 4% now. And I have the whole time and think that I have no idea what that is. So let's walk through this together. Let's learn together for a second time. We already learned about juggernaut here in the Bean Tom podcast 15 minutes ago. Now let's learn about what treasury bonds are. And I'm going to make an educated guess before we dig into the Google machine, based off of what I understand about those two words and then putting them together. So a bond, when you buy a company bond, James Bond, I'd never bought a bond before it.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I don't have any in my portfolio. My understanding what a bond is is essentially, whereas a stock is like you own a certain x percentage of the company, that's why companies you know, companies go public, meaning they're owned by the public, to some extent. A bond is basically like, you give your money, it's say I bought a $5 bond with Apple. You give, I don't know if that's a thing, but for sake of argument. And this is again, this is not confirmed at all by anyone with any sort of financial literacy.
Starting point is 00:43:09 This is literally just me shooting from the hip. I think a bond is if I buy a $5 bond for Apple, that means that I'm giving Apple $5, they can do whatever they want with it. But there's an interest rate, for example, in this treasury example, 4% is what I've heard. And at the end of, or probably, you know, quarterly dividends or whatever,
Starting point is 00:43:35 that whatever that period agreement is, if there is one, 12 months, 24 months, 36 months, whatever you want, you are going to get back whatever you, you landed, you loaned $5 plus the interest. So 4% of that, you know, whatever that comes out to, 20 cents or whatever it is. I think that's how bonds work.
Starting point is 00:43:59 So let's take it a step further. So if you buy a treasury bond, treasury, the US treasury, aka bond, Treasury, the US Treasury, AKA all the money that the US has, if you bought a $25 bond for 12 months for the US Treasury, my understanding is for 12 months, the US Treasury has an extra $5 in their, $25 rather, in their pocketbook to do whatever the hell they want to do with it.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And at the end of 12 months, they're gonna give you that $25 back plus the 4% interest, which for $25 would be an extra dollar. Asking myself to do an unnecessarily amount of really easy asking myself to do an unnecessarily amount of really easy Division of multiplication here live on the bean-town podcast, which is what you all tuned in for. I'm sure That's my guess of what a Treasury bond is, okay? Great gift for the holidays Definitely something your families can enjoy Let's go to Google. Let's see if it's actually right
Starting point is 00:45:05 This NPR article is titled, government bonds suddenly became a sexy investment. Okay, just tell me what a T bond is. Oh, invest a PDA, you know these guys are gonna have it, right? Okay, here we go, straight from the source, Treasury bonds are government debt securities not helpful, issued by the US federal government that have maturities greater than 20 years.
Starting point is 00:45:24 So, to buy a Treasury bond at 4%, so you're buying it at 4%, but you don't get it back for 20 plus years. I don't know if I want that. T-bonds are in periodic interest until, oh, so periodic interest. Maybe you're getting the 4% like every year maybe? I don't know. At which point the owners also paid a par amount equal to the principle, oh that's confusing. Treasury bonds are part of a larger category of US sovereign debt
Starting point is 00:45:52 known collectively as treasuries, which are typically regarded as virtually risk-free since they're back with the US government's ability to tax its citizens. I think I understood that. Treasury bonds are fixed rate US government debt securities with a maturity range between 10 and 30 years. They pay semi-annual interest, okay, so every six months, a total maturity at which point the face value of the bond is paid to the owner, along with Treasury bills, Treasury notes is getting too confusing.
Starting point is 00:46:19 More of the story here, maybe Treasury bonds are good for you. story here, maybe treasury bonds are good for you. More importantly, they might be good for a gift for someone else. In case you're wondering, I just looked it up and fantasy football in my school league. Two of the three five and 17s are playing each other, which means someone's going to be five and eight at the end of this. The other one's going to be six and seven. That doesn't really solve anything because there's be five and eight at the end of this. The other one's gonna be six and seven. That doesn't really solve anything because there's another five and 17 out there. They could both go, win this week, be six and seven. Essentially, the loser of that five and seven
Starting point is 00:46:57 versus five and seven game is out of the playoffs for sure. I think this is unnecessarily complicated. Okay. So we're not going to talk about it anymore. You know what we need? We need a pull of our velvet moon cooking wine, which is almost gone. And we'll proceed to conclude this episode of the Bean Tumbaka. Cause we are in our 48th minute, and speaking of 48, I wanna give a shout out to my beautiful and lovely GF Raychi, who is on a work trip related to NASCAR more or less right now
Starting point is 00:47:40 in North Carolina where NASCAR is born and bred, kind of also Tennessee. The number 48 Jimmy Johnson lows car from Hendrix Motorsports will live on in infamy. Six titles tied for most all time along with Dale Earnhardt Senior and Richard Petty. I think I just kind of made that up but I think it might be right too. So that's you, that's a good kind of secondary slogan for the bean-ton podcast. We're not only the people's podcast, but it's where I just kind of made it up, but also I think it might be right.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Your number one source for misinformation on the internet. Guys, I could ramble on and on and on about more gifts, but chances are you already know what you're getting, your loved ones, your significant others, your charitable endeavors. So really just you do you, but I'm a big fan of sandwiches, big fan of candles, a big fan of anything, etymological, really, maybe a subscription to etymological weekly the only magazine that just talks about words for 100 pages. So do what you got to do but those are some of my top picks for this season.
Starting point is 00:48:59 That's about all I had for you here on this episode the special edition this Tuesday night edition of the bean town podcast. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and there's only what 26 shopping days left to Christmas. I always was fascinated by just that like term like oh there's only X amount of shopping days left with Christmas like I don't give a shit just buy what you want to buy buy when you want to buy go buy something on Christmas if you really want the CVS will be open people got to get their drugs except I don't think pharmacies open. And actually the store might not be open. So we'll see. Check your local listings to see what's open and stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:50 But that's what I had for you. I'm going to have my bowling a's night too. I'm going to maybe place in Piano, watch my jeopardy, go do a cuts by a cute shave, and get ready for our fun trip to Michigan, where we will not do a live episode, because that is sacred sacred precious time. And that's that. I'm going to check out some more Sogutok brewing, mitten brewing, perhaps, and then New Holland has a tasting room that I want to check out on downtown Sogutok as well. Anyways, everyone, I, a special shout out,
Starting point is 00:50:26 I mentioned Brother of the podcast, Jack Gett, and Mary, end of December, Brother, older Brother of the podcast, Walt defending his PhD dissertation on Friday, good luck to both of them. Good luck to all of you in whatever you're working on, your holiday gift giving guides, your fantasy football push for the playoffs,
Starting point is 00:50:43 you're coming out of the closet, whatever it might be, I don't care, I support you. It's a very supportive show. We are the basically if a podcast was a bra. That's what I got for you guys. Let's go ahead and cue up our outro music everyone. I hope that you stay safe, you stay warm, you stay sane. I will check in on you next time. Bye! I'm just going to sit down. nd Thank you.

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