Beantown Podcast - 2022 NFL Playoff City Power Rankings

Episode Date: January 15, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to breakdown the 14 NFL playoff cities and also check in on the Housewives of SLC. Watch out for some sound effects too!!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Saturday, January 15th, 2022. Welcome to year five. if this were a higher budget show, this is where we would have had all sorts of sound effects and fireworks cheering. You know what the bean town podcast needs? And this could, you know, this would add significant time to the editing. But maybe heck, maybe I'll just do it like every once in a while when I have time or a battery life on my God Bless at 2012 MacBook Pro 10 years old. Now they're coming up. I think I opened it up in 2013 but I think it was a 2012 model something like that. You know what I'm trying to say those bean-top podcast needs a studio audience. Okay and you don't even, it doesn't even have to be a real live studio audience just a laugh track, okay? I think a laugh track on the bean-town podcast would really take this thing to the next level and Maybe I'm just watching too much sign fell but it could be fun
Starting point is 00:01:14 My name is Quinn David furnace and this is my show We are the 112-th ranked comedy podcast in the country of Pakistan. Hello Middle East If you're listening to this live, what are you doing awake? It's 2 30 in the afternoon here. That makes it like, oh, we figured this out the other day on the podcast. I think Pakistan is like 10 hours ahead, something like that. So it's midnight, practically out there. But hello to all my friends out there. Thank you for supporting your five of the Bean Tom podcast. We are one of the top 500 podcasts in the Lincoln Park area. Okay, I know it's it's kind of heavily populated. So maybe we'll say North Lincoln Park.
Starting point is 00:01:51 But we always have fun and it's it's a good time being on the show. I was actually thinking about this, you know, I mentioned the MacBook MacBook Pro already. As I was firing this baby up, opening up garage bands, inserting the audio track, the entertainer played by yours truly written by Scott Joplin. Get all that set to go. The thing that popped in my head, the most surprising thing about this whole production, I definitely didn't think when I started this show out of my studio apartment of Baltimore, I definitely did not think that we would be,
Starting point is 00:02:29 doing that show or this show four years later. But perhaps the most surprising thing is that I'm still using the MacBook Pro, I'm still, we're still rolling it back with that. And I gotta say, the Mac was my primary computer, my only computer through grad school, and then once I moved out to Baltimore, I got a work laptop, and I don't recall exactly,
Starting point is 00:02:58 but at some point, probably in the first year of working out in bean town, I really transitioned away from the Mac being the primary computer into the work computer. And now I mean, we've taken it to, you know, like Billy Joel said, I don't know why I go to extremes. We've taken it to extremes where I quite honestly, the Mac book has its, designated place on my kitchen table. I only open it up, whip it out for the podcast every week. So maybe that's the secret to its health and longevity.
Starting point is 00:03:35 But I'll tell you what, the year one Christmas special, which we did, I think it was year one, maybe year two. I think it was year one. I have to go back and look, which we did live from Baltimore on Christmas Day. It was gonna be 24 hour Christmas Day special. The sort of centerpiece, the cornerstone of that show, if you'll recall, was a live on air laptop surgery.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And it was legit. Like my Mac was having issues. It was a problem with a ribbon or something like that. I don't know the, you know, all the technical behind the scenes stuff, but I researched it. I figured out exactly what I needed. I bought the tools and you can watch,
Starting point is 00:04:17 if you go to the YouTube stream. I know this is, you know, everyone wants to see it. You can go to my YouTube feed and still watch the video. You have to jump to like 11 hours into the video, but it is there. I promise. And I did live surgery on the back of my laptop. I unscrewed it. I was pulling wires out, left and right, removing ribbons, this and that, and something else. And it worked. I have not granted, I haven't used the laptop much, you know, in the three or so years since then, but
Starting point is 00:04:47 I mean, it's been every once in a while it gets a little bogged down, bogged down, but otherwise, I mean I Repaired it. I fixed it. It's running like new If new was nine years into it. So that's where we're at long ramble to open up the show But that's what that's what this show is all about. And I'll also mention that this show sometimes is made for kids. Sometimes it's not regardless. We say listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this show. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two is podcasts. Sometimes uses, uses explicit language. It's usually not too off the rails, though. Just
Starting point is 00:05:23 the occasional drop here and there, and it's typically justified. Speaking of which, I didn't even, I wasn't even intending to mention this, but justified, which is an FX show based off of a short story. If you don't know Timothy Ollifont plays a US Marshall, he gets assigned to a Harlan County, Kentucky, which is kind of like Eastern Central, Kentucky and all sorts of, you know, shenanigans and stuff he gets mixed up in. Including Walton Goggins plays Boyd Crowder. It's a fantastic show. I really liked it. If you're looking for sort of that Southern vibe, if you like shows like, you know, breaking bad or the shields or Ozark where, you know, your main character is like, you know, you're still rooting for him, but it's definitely he's not an angel. It's a great show. The reason I mentioned it is they just announced that they're bringing it back. It's, you know, justified colon something else, but it's based off of another story written by the same guy. I think they've got the same production crew and everything. I'm looking forward to it, especially since I think FX,
Starting point is 00:06:36 which is the TV show that RUN that carried justified, produced it. I think they're smart enough to recognize that justified the original series ended did on the perfect note like You couldn't ask for anything more And so I don't think they would bring it back unless they knew what they were doing and Yeah, I mean I also don't think that Timothy Ollifant would come back to the role unless you know He had read through it and thought it was going to be fantastic. So I'm hyped for it for those reasons.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I have a lot of confidence in the show. And speaking of shows and what we're going to get to today, I promise, is also on television. But we did, you know, we're going to get to this in a second here. Last year, we introduced our NFL Playoff team city power rankings We did that just about this time last year as well We're gonna bring it back for this year and I promise if you're listening right now You're about to tune it off. I can assure you you don't need to know anything about sports We're football in particular and in order to have fun because it's much more of a US
Starting point is 00:07:44 culture geography and just musings from someone who's been to 49 states, you know, about these different cities. And you can decide, hey, these rankings are awesome or these rankings are shit like that's up to you. So we're going to be getting to that in a second. But first, I wanted to check in on real housewives briefly because I haven't read a recap from last Sunday and we watched it live. So it's been six days at this point. I also mentioned I'm sipping from my welcome to fabulous Las Vegas Nevada plastic, orange plastic cup that I bought from a CV greens on the strip back in 2019. And I've got, I've, I've, we have a resurrected the soda stream from the dead. I had not used it since I moved
Starting point is 00:08:34 into this apartment all the way back in mid May. And with dry January happening, we're halfway done with it, by the way, which is fantastic. I decided, hey, let's whip it out. So let me make in some lemon bubbly water. I got a new ice tray. They make these spheres, SPHER and they're, it's just fun. You know, I got it on Amazon for like two bucks. So we're drinking that and honestly doing well from a dry January perspective. For me, it's the sort of thing we're like, once you get into a habit, once you do it for, you know, five or six days, it's just kind of, I don't even think about it. And I have, you know, much like when I took, you know, 2020 off from drinking, which I, I can't wait for like, I mean, it already feels this way, but in five to 10 years, when, you know, I tell that story,
Starting point is 00:09:26 and it's like, oh yeah, I took 2020 off from drinking. People are gonna be like, wait, that was the one year like you definitely should not have taken off from drinking, and I did it. And it's obviously when I started it, you know, COVID-19 didn't really go wild until like end of February. But in, I think in hindsight, it's gonna be hilarious.
Starting point is 00:09:44 It already kind of feels that way. But what I was saying is, you know, the dry January thing isn't too, it's really not too bad once you sort of get over the hump, which for me was just about five or six days. And I'm looking at my my countertop right now. I literally got a little bit of vodka left. I have some whiskey from or I can't remember if it's bourbon or whiskey I think it's whiskey from Rachel's boss Which is crazy stand I've never been I'm speaking of which Rachel is at a nail appointment right now She'll be back soon probably not on the show But she did request a special shout out. She wanted me to say how much I love her
Starting point is 00:10:18 So I was coerced into it, but also that's how I feel so Rachel love you And then I have a bottle of Scotch that I got for Christmas as well. I've never received Scotch before. So that's all just chilling on my counter. I'm looking at it right now. I also got a white claw on the fridge and I stub one more peanut butter porter
Starting point is 00:10:36 from Soggettuck Brewing. And I'm not feeling, I'm not like, oh, fight the urge, like, no, I got my lemon water. I got the space heater going. I just finished up some hash browns and eggs. Like, I'm gonna turn on the playoffs, and if I'll play off some about an hour here, even when we go to supper tonight with Rachel's parents,
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'm kinda just like, yeah, I'll have, you know, they got diet coke or something. Hey, that's cool. I don't drink that much soda, but I love a good diet coke. It's crisp and it's refreshing. So, I'm doing well, thanks for asking. And if you did want to ask, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:08 it's tweet at us, we're at Beentowncast. Email us beentownpodcast., it's beentownpodcast at Same it's been, and it's 50 year now. is where you can find the new and updated homepage. I updated the website for the first time in like seven months earlier this week. So no significant updates, but it's fun, okay?
Starting point is 00:11:30 I think it's fun. Real House is a Salt Lake city before I forget, is it's, we got like five episodes left, something like that. They're going on a girls trip at the end of this episode. We just finished to Zion. Apparently, okay, so we're kind of working backwards here, but Andy Cohen just went on his radio show and he's saying that there's going to be some gigantic bombshell that
Starting point is 00:11:58 was, it like hasn't been teased before, it hasn't been shown in any of the like trailers or anything and He just mentioned it because apparently they just shot the season two reunion Of real houses of Salt Lake City and they showed the ladies Because they don't get to typically see the episodes before they air But they showed them the last like five episodes Before they shot the reunion sometime this past week. And apparently the ladies were just shocked, blindsided. So I'm looking forward to that. They said it's going to actually, you know, you're
Starting point is 00:12:35 going to see it on film either this week or the week after. And because they said that they means it's not going to be this week, it's going to be the week after. Because why would you say this week or the week after if it was going to be this week? So they're just teasing us. But so we're looking forward to that. But basically this episode is, happens after the Whitney had had a launch party at for new rebrand, the episode prior.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And then this episode specifically, I'm trying to remember what happens. I should have looked it up beforehand cause I'm really just kind of remembering the end. Basically at the end, it's like a rehashing of the time Jen Shah gets arrested. They all get on a bus. Again, Mary's not there and Meredith isn't there, but now Jen Shah is on it. So it's Jenny, Heather, Whitney, Lisa, and Gencha. And Gencha is just kind of like talking casually,
Starting point is 00:13:28 kind of it's a Lisa kind of kind of to everyone. But it's like almost like a 10 minute scene, probably not quite that long, maybe like five or six minutes, but it feels long, so it's just kind of like an extended cut. Where Gencha just goes from like talking basically by herself to like yelling and screaming and attacking Lisa over. God knows what, no one can even really comprehend it. And at the end, they cut it off cliffhanger style teaser for next week,
Starting point is 00:13:53 but she is all up in Lisa's face. And it wasn't like Lisa was arguing back with her or anything like yelling. Jen Shah was just like, I don't, she's, she's, she's supposed to be trying to do like good PR for her trial coming up in two months, but boy, this was a step in the wrong direction because it was terrible. But okay, oh, I remember what happened in this episode. The primarily saw I really need to share because it was just mind bogglingly mind bogoggling. Seth Marx married its husband. Remember, they were estranged, less separated last season. He wanted to sell tires and Akron. Anyway, he's been back this season. He gets a birthday party. I think he's turning 49 or something like that. So, the first part, the my favorite part, when the husbands get to go out, so we get a husband's storyline this up. So they're going golfing. It's Seth Marx, Justin Rose, Whitney's husband,
Starting point is 00:14:49 Dewey, the new guy, the doctor, wants to sister wife, and I think Lisa's husband, John. And so they're playing versus each other, and they decide that they're, you know, Seth's gonna have a birthday party. So they throw the birthday party. It's in like this kind of backyard patio area. There's a pool or maybe it's like a rooftop. I'm not sure exactly what it is. But everyone's there
Starting point is 00:15:12 except Meredith and maybe Seth, I don't know. But I think this was Meredith's doing. Doesn't invite Gen Shaw, which is heartbreaking not because anyone cares whether or not Gen Shaw is there, but because Coach Shaw is like part Jen Shaw is there, but because Co-Shaw is like part of the bro gang part of the husband gang and so he doesn't get to be there with his bros And so that was just this disappointing to see because like I love it when those guys get together Mary was there she did not bring her grandfather slash husband But she was very just like out of place the whole time But this this party was bonkers. The fashion was crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And it's they've literally got a pool or a hot I think it's a hot tub, but it's very large. And there's like steps going down into it. And they literally hired a dancer. Who's like clothed, you know, we're in some sort of like skin tight, you know, swimsuit, body suit, whatever, like a one piece, but you know, it's not like she's a stripper or anything, just like a quote dancer and it's most like vanilla sense.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And this dancer is just like dancing by, I think it was a she, by herself. It's just like on the top step of this hot tub and know what, you know, it's just like there the top step of this hot tub and know what you know, there's it's just like there. It's really bizarre and then the worst part Seth has Seth has been on when this season. I think he's trying to get more on creepy purve mode. And I don't know what his angle is other than just get more attention, but like everyone hates him, including Meredith, like clearly hates him. He and I'm not exaggerating joking anything. He literally requests a cake that his birthday cake be in the shape or meant to be molded after Whitney's breasts.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Now I know what people who haven't watched the show are thinking, oh Seth, the way to yeah, great couple. No, it's Seth, Seth and Whitney are not together. They have never been together. It's Seth and Meredith and Whitney and Justin and Whitney is like 15 years younger than Justin. And then they played a montage of like, never before scenes, I think, of Seth, who's birthday. It is making comments about how much he loves Whitney's breasts and a variety of settings and scenarios. And it's not like behind Meredith's back,
Starting point is 00:17:40 or just like, oh, let me sneak this. And they're like, just openly having conversation about it. And we haven't, Real Housewives of Salt Lake City hasn't really tapped into this whole swingers community. That is a big thing in Utah. But we're getting all the details basically without them coming out and saying it. So it's really weird.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And Whitney's giving him the cake and she's clearly uncomfortable and she's like, yeah, hopefully I can't do a Whitney impression. But think of like mini mouse. It's basically like, yeah, hopefully you won't talk about my breasts anymore and it's just really weird. And like Justin, Justin Whitney's husband really needs to say something. It's just like or Meredith or literally anyone. It's really strange. So it's just like, or Meredith, or literally anyone, because it's really strange. So it was a very bizarre, there's really no better word for it. Very bizarre party. And yeah, now the the ladies are all going to, to veil or somewhere else,
Starting point is 00:18:44 no, Zion. Veil is where they want to genesh I got arrested. They're going to Zion in a bus. Again, they love the buses. So yeah, we'll see what happens. We'll see what the big bomb shell is, but it's been a great season.
Starting point is 00:18:57 They did unveil the reunion looks, all their dress and stuff, and people are on the internet saying it was the worst Set or series of dresses of all time and I don't haven't seen all the real house was reunions I've seen like 10% of them, but yeah, it's pretty bad Meredith's got a unibub going on Gen Shaz wearing these crazy feathers. She looks like a earthic hits character from Emperor's new groove isma and
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah, there's just a lot happening. And Mary M. Cosby is not there. She declined to go to the reunion. Because she doesn't want to get confronted about being racist and telling Jenny that she's got yellow undertones, slanted eyes, and is a little gen. So, yeah, that's fun. Okay, so the NFL playoffs are starting today
Starting point is 00:19:48 in literally like 40 minutes with the Oakland, the Las Vegas Raiders visiting these Cincinnati Bengals. I don't know what the weather is like in Cincinnati today. Probably like 50 mild. But we did this last year, where we took all the different NFL teams that are in the playoffs, their host cities or areas that they're from, and we power ranked them based off of my own thoughts and feelings. And I think, well, you know, let's do that again today. We'll go through a couple,
Starting point is 00:20:18 since we've already 20 minutes in, you know, last year I think we did the front half, the first seven and the back half, split into two sections by our adreads. We don't have to do, we don't have to go through seven before you to adreads here because I, you know, I would already love for you to hear from our sponsors, but I don't have to do 14 in a row not broken up. So we'll do a handful, maybe four or five, and then we'll hear from our sponsors to kick off the year right, and then we will finish up. Okay, so because I recognize not everyone is a gigantic NFL fan, I'll give you the list in no particular order. In fact, this goes seeds one through seven NFC versus NFC followed by AFC. So this is just so we all know what we're dealing with. And I encourage you along the way, as you're listening to my picks,
Starting point is 00:21:09 hey, what's your list? What do you like? What do you not like? What would be your number one? What would be your number 14, okay? 14 being bad, one being good. Okay, so here are the cities in order of seating. NFC followed by AFC.
Starting point is 00:21:22 We have Green Bay, Tampa, Dallas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Nashville, Kansas City, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Las Vegas, Boston, and Pittsburgh. And here's just some, some smaller, some, some tidbits, okay? So we're, there's a word I'm looking for. Symantex is not it, but when you're dealing with like the finer details of something, you can tweet at us to let us know what the word is that I can't think of. But what I'm trying to say is, okay, so it's the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Tampa Bay is not a city.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Tampa Bay is a body of water surrounded by the cities of Tampa, clear water, St. Petersburg, okay? I'm basically, I will use Tampa and Tampa Bay interchangeably throughout the rest of the show. I'm thinking about the whole region, more specifically Tampa, but the whole region, okay? Same thing for the Arizona Cardinals, okay, they play in Glendale. I'm just going for Phoenix and Phoenix Metro area, okay? I don't think anyone's gonna throw a fit about that. Let's see, oh, there's one other. Okay, yeah, the New England Patriots, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I'm just taking Boston. No one wants to sit here and listen to me discuss Foxboro, Massachusetts. One, I've never been there. Two, I think there's not much happening there. It's like Green Bay, but even less. So, those were some of the details. two, I think it's there's not much happening there. It's like green bay, but even less. So Those were some of the details
Starting point is 00:22:49 So that no one comes at my throat and is like why are you talking about Boston? They play 45 minutes from there It's like well, okay. I'm gonna talk about Boston. I'm not gonna talk about all of New England because how am I supposed to compare? you know Burlinglington Vermont to Quincy, Massachusetts, okay? They're very, very different places. Okay, so 14 to one. We're starting with the city that sucks the most to the city that sucks the least.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And here's a tough one because I almost felt, and you're gonna sense a trend as I'm going through these power rankings that I have a soft spot in my heart for sort of the old school blue collar, rust belt type cities over the Glitzenglamer type places, but which tends to be kind of a backwards opinion
Starting point is 00:23:42 for a lot of people, but that's just how I feel. But I feel like I betrayed that sort of that sense, that style a little bit with the city. I picked it number 14, but I feel confident in listening here, because I was literally there just a few months ago. At number 14, I'm putting Cincinnati. Okay, and here's why it's Cincinnati is like pretty rundown. And I do love the Ohio River. It's beautiful. But you know, it's like on the other side, you got Northern Kentucky. And it's just kind of like it's kind of like the south, but without the charm of the south. And it's I don't know, I think the nail in the coffin for me the reason that I put Cincinnati all the way at the bottom of this list is the goddamn skyline chili. No one wants chili without beans. No one wants to put chili on spaghetti.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Here's the thing, like chili on spaghetti is not necessarily a bad thing. It's good, it's red sauce, it's meat, noodles, like, yeah, that's good, but that's not chilly. Okay, that's literally just like, you know, it's Wednesday night. Let's have some pasta and red sauce. So don't call it chilly. And you know, it's just kind of like, what are you guys doing here? You're Cincinnati, like, you got two pro teams, but the reds kind of blow.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Bengals haven't want to play off game 31 years. It's just feels like you're, you know, if you're going to, if you're going to be this little town and you're going to try to play with the big boys, you've got to have some sense of like charm or something cool going on. And other than the fact that you're on the Ohio River, there's not much else going on. Okay. And we're going to come back to the Ohio River and a little bit here, I promise.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Number 13, Dallas. Okay, it's big, it's hot, it's very, very Republican. When I think of Dallas, they just think of like a 50-year-old 230-pound white guy wearing a 10 gallon hat. And his wife is like 23 and extremely white with fake blonde hair, very tan. Definitely has a boob job. And they own a couple of revolvers and probably a rifle too.
Starting point is 00:26:02 And they have their own energy grid because they're super cool, but then when the grid goes down, they need federal assistance, but otherwise keep your hands off of our rights, and there's a lot of traffic and we dem boys. Okay, I just, there's nothing, there's nothing about Dallas, and I have not spent much time there in my life, but there's nothing about Dallas that could ever make me want to be like, oh yeah, Dallas, let's visit. They'll be a good time. And Houston, I feel more or less the same way, but Houston Texans are not part of this list.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Dallas is just kind of like, what are we doing here? This is terrible. It's hot. It's just gross. Okay. So Dallas is coming in at lucky number 13. Number 12. Here's, here's where we really ruffle some feathers, but I'm just, I'm just going to say it because I also was recently just there. And I do feel this way about it. Because for as many like great things I can think about it, and there are a lot of great things about this place, there's three things that I can't stand about it. Los Angeles. Okay, it's huge, which is not a bad thing in and of itself, but it takes forever to get anywhere, especially because public transportation in LA is really bad. Um, it's, it's hot. Everyone there, and I know it's such a stereotype, but I really, you know, I'm not one to generalize or over generalize or oversimplify places, at least
Starting point is 00:27:34 I don't think I am. Sometimes with a sake of comedy, but everything in Los Angeles just feels so gilded, so fake. It's like everyone's trying to make it big, whatever that means, like everyone looks a little bit too perfect. It's all about being an influencer. It's, you know, oh, like, it's, everything is just like status symbol, like showing the world how much wealth you have. I can't stand it.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And yeah, that's a big over-age analysis. There's a lot of things in LA that are awesome. Like, I think the beach is cool. There's amazing hiking, really close access to great, like wildlife, mountains, all that stuff. Just the, you know, the, the, you know, range of diversity in terms of people, places, you know, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Like, it's cool. But then like, you go down to like Hollywood, which has its own history, culture, all that stuff, and you kind of drive around or walk around, you're kind of like, this is kind of trash too. Like, everything's fake, everything is extremely expensive. I don't know, it's just like, there's nothing about Los Angeles in terms of wanting to like live there for a
Starting point is 00:28:47 Extended period of time where I'd be like, oh, yeah, like this would be good Maybe if I worked in like entertainment or something which in a way I do I don't get a paycheck from it, but I work in it But yeah, I'm sorry like LA. It's just It's just it's too big.'s just, it's too big. There's just, there's too many people there, okay? And they're all status symbols, okay? Number 11, and this is also gonna ruffle some feathers, and I gotta give it to number 11
Starting point is 00:29:18 because there are some things that I really have enjoyed. I've spent significant time in number 11. Nashville, Tennessee, not 10 Tennessee, I in number 11. Nashville, Tennessee. Not 10 Tennessee, I just stutter. Nashville, Tennessee. Home with the Tennessee Titans. Okay, I think Broadway is fun for a night, but there's, it's just every place has got country music playing live, which I think is neat. I love live music, but everyone kind of sounds the same. It's all kind of like that new age country, you know, like Hollywood East almost, again, feels very fake. I don't really, I have a hard time like identifying personally with things that
Starting point is 00:29:57 I perceive to be gilded or fake, you know. And it's just an Asheville a Nashville like you can have one night of fun but I know people who go there for like a week and are like doing the crazy go out thing every night or go to the Grand Alopry and it's just like I don't know I feel like a Nashville it's a lot of just like drinking a lot going to three story bars. And I don't know beyond that, it's kind of like, it's really bad traffic because it's got way over popular, what noise did I just make? Very overcrowded, okay, is the best way to put it.
Starting point is 00:30:39 There really isn't public transportation in Nashville. There's some buses and maybe like one light rail, something like that. I don't even remember a monorail or something like that. But it's hot. It's kind of like got the, you know, southern kindness, but a little bit, you know, more faker, more sinister.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And there's some like solid natural areas around it, but you kind of got to drive out to get to it and nothing that's like spectacular, just some nice like, you know, preserves and that sort of thing. So, you know, I get all the ladies who want to do the bachelor party in Nashville, I really do, because it's fun.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Like that's the vibe. That's great, but that's not my vibe, okay? So that's why I put Nashville at number 11. We'll do one more before we jump over to our ads here. And I struggled with this one, cause I've been there, but it's been 10 years. More than that, almost 15 years. Tampa, in the greater Tampa Bay area.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Okay, so here's the thing with Tampa. As far as Florida goes, it's actually my favorite place. Cause Miami is a little bit too sexy beach vibe for me. Orlando is a swamp with tourists. Jacksonville is basically everything I said about. Nashville earlier with the traffic as well as Dallas. The Panhandle sucks. And there's alligators.
Starting point is 00:32:07 So Tampa is that one place that's like a little bit less crazy. They got some nice beaches. It just feels a little bit more normal as far as like America standards go compared to the rest of Florida. But I don't know. It also just feels like a little touristy Florida is just going to be that way across the board. So I have a hard time raking anything in Florida super high. But yeah, I mean, beaches are good. Good access. You drive south a little bit. You go down to the Everglades. Like that's cool. And it's just a beautiful area. It's really nice. Very sunny. It's just less crazy than your stereotypical Florida man. But I really could have put Tampa anywhere from 11 to 5
Starting point is 00:32:51 on this list, and that's just where it's settled. I would like to visit again. I would like to go back. There really aren't any other places in Florida that I'm like, oh yeah, I would love to check that out. You know, I Rachel likes Miami a lot. And so I would go down there for a couple days to like hang out and hit the club, if you will, for a hot second, but there's really nowhere else like Orlando
Starting point is 00:33:16 been there done that like four times now. And although just like beach towns, excuse me, on the east, on the Atlantic side, been to a lot of those and it's just kind of like, you drive from town to town, it's kind of the same thing over and over again. And it's really depressing in the winter. So, that's where I fell in Tampa.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I had a harder time with it. I don't feel super like set in stone with where it ended up, but that's what happened. Okay, so for the sake of moving on, we're just going to move on. Okay, let's hear from our ad sponsors ever so briefly here, and then we will jump back into the final whatever we have eight or nine cities that we have yet to rank. Oh, I'm on my work account for Google Docs. I got a switch unless you want to read Leo's essay about why he wants to attend Cornell, which I'm not authorized currently to share. Okay, we'll get a little sip of our lemon bubbly water. Our sphere is still going strong. I love those little guys. Okay. Oh, our good friend's home pride organ. Are you tired of
Starting point is 00:34:22 selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, we're gonna listen to our good news for you. Home pride inspection services in Ben, Oregon is such organs A new home inspection provider Spector services including things like heating and cooling roofing plumbing and so much more Home pride Oregon is both contractors certified and home inspection certified So you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, it's a little bit of an angle hold on the home inspection market and you want to save certified home inspector,
Starting point is 00:34:50 you can trust, you got to call Steve, 541-040-0316, that's my birthday, or visit Again, that's 541-040-0316, or you can visit Homepride- inspection, perfection. You know, I'm on my cell phone here reading the ad copies and it reminded me, I bought a phone this week.
Starting point is 00:35:13 A refurbished iPhone XR or XS, one of those two, I don't know. It feels, the pricing felt in XS, I'll tell you that much. Oh, that's what we need our laugh track. I might circle back and add in one or two. If you hear it, it's because I had some extra time on my hands.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Or I might not, because my Mac might not last. It's still in the box. I actually got a case for it. It came in the mail today. So we're going to transition over to that at some point. The thing that's tough is a first world problem. It's not even a problem. But I'm just deciding for myself, when do I make the switch? Because I'm still rocking this iPhone 7 that I've had
Starting point is 00:35:56 for three, some four years, something like that. And it's got all its problems, which is why I bit the bullet and bought the new phone. But I figure I'm thinking to myself, why this phone is still working? And presumably I can get many more months out of it. It's not like I waited till it was on its last week of life to buy a new one. So I'm like, when do I make the switch?
Starting point is 00:36:21 Because this one is still going, and I don't want to start the timer, if you will, on the new one, the new refurbished, so the new one that is an old one, until I have to, because these things are expensive. So I don't know, we'll see, I'll keep you posted. I know that's gonna be an itch, that you can't scratch. So I'll let you know, I'll help you scratch it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Yeah, that was a solid 60 second story. Okay, shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Oh, I'm using it. It's glorious. It's got crisp, clean audio quality. Whatever gospel you're reading, Matthew Mark, Luke, or John, I think I mentioned this a couple episodes ago, but you never really hear about Mark.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Like, first of all, what was his deal? Who was he? No one ever quotes Mark. It's always like Matthew or John, or sometimes you get some good Christmas type stuff from Luke. But I don't even know what's going on in Mark. Is Mark like a whole different, you know, is like, still Jesus, but this was when he was like 17 and, you know, it's like it's still Jesus, but this was when he was like 17 and you know, kind of doing some side quests. I think that would be a good idea. The
Starting point is 00:37:30 gospels and the New Testament, I think, are they wasted some opportunities to do like four different things with Jesus and then you kind of piece them all together. And I know they're kind of that way, but I just feel like you don't really get much out of like, what was Jesus doing when he was 21 21 you know? There could be a whole like three chapter sequence in mark about Jesus 21st birthday. We know the guy likes wine okay he literally turned an entire that VAT of wine excuse me of water into a hat of wine, the wedding of Cana wedding in Cana. I don't know who was getting married. Another missed opportunity was their a bachelor party.
Starting point is 00:38:11 So all I'm saying is like it would be a lot easier or I would have a much more fun time going to church where there's also free wine at communion. If we could, you know, like let's modernize these stories a little bit. Such a, such a waste. You know, okay, John gets his own book and then he gets three letters later. Like, there's some serious scraping going on outside. I don't know if you can hear it. Why do we need three letters from John? He gets four books. The new testimony has like 20 some books. And John gets four of them. Hmm. Seems inefficient. From Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers 2, Deer, from in the beginning to the end of Revelation, when God speaks, he uses
Starting point is 00:38:58 the Samson. I think that, I think the side, side track into the Gospels was the best thing in this show so far today, which is saying a lot. Bob and we, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barber shop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwood, seeing the Yana and the Greater Chicago Land Area.
Starting point is 00:39:28 From beehives to banks, fohocks to flat tops and everything in between called cuts by Q815, 298, 7200 or you can email cutsbyq at Again, that's cut, it's cute, easy. Buy Q at Oh, and you need to fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:39:53 All right, welcome to the second half of the year five kickoff. And I promised this half will be much shorter than the first half. Because I'm kind of, you know, if I'm being straight up with you, I'm kind of running out of steam here. Like my voice is getting a little, you know, throat's getting a little dry. Even with my bubbly lemon water. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:20 My jaw's kind of sore. I need a jaw massage. Okay, so where have we been so far? And we are power ranking. The American cities that have NFL teams represented in the playoffs. So at number 14 Cincinnati, 13 Dallas, 12 Los Angeles, 11 National, 10 Tampa.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Okay, so we are into our final nine here. Okay, so at number nine, Las Vegas, and this is a tough one, because it's kind of like Nashville, but like the OG Nashville, in terms of like Bachelor at Party, I really don't need to tell you what Nashville is, because I think we are, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:41:03 what Las Vegas is, because I think we all understand it. I've been there a couple of times now and I get the appeal. Like gambling can be a lot of fun. I'm not a gambler, but I get it. This strip is the whole beast and it's so weird that you can't just like walk down the sidewalk. You have to like go up through some buildings and then back down and then you're back on the sidewalk. It feels like you're walking through like an airport terminal or something. And I haven't to be honest there's a
Starting point is 00:41:31 whole bunch of Las Vegas north of the strip including downtown Las Vegas that I don't have much experience with. But I do I kind of do appreciate the like have some fun drink drink a lot, like go hang out by the pool, get some sun. You know, and even if you're not a strip person, like there's a lot of great hiking right around there. So I get it. And like, that's why it's not ranked lower for me
Starting point is 00:41:57 because it's totally not my vibe. But I've always had a solid time. You can see some great shows. I've seen James Taylor in Nashville. Now, I know Lady Gaga, I believe, is taking a residency there at Caesar's palace or something like that. So I will not be going soon. But when she leaves, I will return.
Starting point is 00:42:17 At number eight, similar vibes to Las Vegas because they're close to each other, Phoenix, Arizona, and the whole Phoenix metro area. Now, Phoenix is also very big and traffic is bad because there really isn't any public transportation. Everyone there has a car, but I got to tell you, like I don't hate the whole desert aesthetic, like hanging out in the pool in the backyard, you know, Palm Springs sort of thing, because there's some great nature out there too. You know, it's really hot
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's nice that there's not a lot of humidity. It's a dry heat. They say But like being that closest to Dona like being that close to the Grand Canyon like being in the desert It's not my thing like I'm a Midwest guy, but I Don't know. It's not it's not the worst thing I see why a bunch of people these days are moving out to the Phoenix area. And I'm, you know, it's going to be too expensive by the time I get old enough to consider it. But I don't know, it's not the worst thing. It's middle of the pack, which is why I ranked it at number eight.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Okay, number seven. Hate the team. Hate the man. A-rod, and I don't, you know, there's nothing about Green Bay itself that is like, okay, let's pump these numbers up. Let's get this super high. But it's just got that quaint charm. Look, it's the Midwest, okay. It's the closest thing to my hometown as we'll get on this list. Green Bay, Wisconsin, if you've never been, there's not some like hidden secret about Green Bay that you don't know about. It's just like a regular Midwest town that happens to have the Green Bay Packers in it. It's not very big. It's on the like, it's on Green Bay proper. And the crazy thing is like, Lambo is just like, it feels like a college stadium
Starting point is 00:44:11 in like a neighborhood. You know, I'm not talking like big fancy Ohio state, you know, Michigan, you know, Notre Dame, like type stadiums that are like these huge behemoths. I mean, Lambo is big. And it's got some parking lots, sure, but it's just like, yeah, you can just like step out of your house on like a regular, quiet neighborhood street. And like one street down is like, oh, yeah, that's also Lambo field where the Green Bay Packers play. Okay, and that's not really a thing in any other NFL city or stadium or anything like that as far as I know. So I appreciate that aspect about it. The town itself is just kind of like whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:48 But people tend to be kind. They're very passionate about their team. And I do respect passion. I really don't hate the Packers that much when they don't have a Hall of Fame franchise quarterback. Unfortunately, that's been the last 30 years. So we're kind of aft. Okay, number six. This was one kind of like Tampa. I had a tough time figuring out how to rank. There's things I like and a lot of things they don't like.
Starting point is 00:45:15 But San Francisco, California, I put it number six. Great wine. So the things I love, it's beautiful. Like just the, you know, the landscape, the geography is great. I think the people are kind. Fantastic food. But the things that are tough for me about San Francisco, the traffic is terrible. It's just like a huge area. It takes forever to get anywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:41 And it's so crazy expensive. And also like, I kind of like 60 degrees, 55 degrees, like that's kind of my vibe, but I don't know if I want that 12 months out of the year. And that's kind of what you get in San Francisco. Because then it's never cold enough to feel like you're having an actual winter and granted, yeah, I don't want it to be, you know, five degrees below zero. That's too cold for me. But like 30s and 40s for a couple of months, I don't mind that. You just put it on a jacket, get some fun fashion, maybe a fun hat. You don't get to really do that in San Francisco. But then you get to July and it's still 60 degrees. And it's kind of like, well, you can't really go to the beach. It's summer, but
Starting point is 00:46:24 it's kind of just like not crazy hot.'t really go to the beach. It's summer, but it's kind of just like, not crazy hot. It does warm up here in there in San Francisco, but it's typically not crazy. It also tends to be a little like rainy, Seattle-ish. So things that like things they don't like, I can never afford to live there, but it's fun to visit. It's fun to visit. Okay, at number five, oh, we made to the top five here.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And looking at this list, we are we are majority east of the Mississippi at this point. Number five, I put Boston. I do like Boston. It's very, you know, got a lot of fun history, fun to drink out there. Boston's not so large that it feels like Oak crazy overwhelming. Now I will say Boston proper is very small by area and so it's actually extremely densely populated. The streets are very narrow. But public transportation is solid. A lot of fun things to do there, not just the old history but like you you know, other things beyond that.
Starting point is 00:47:26 And I'm going to kind of just shimmy that into number four, which is Philly. A city I've spent a lot of time in. I do like Philly. Now the one thing holding Philly back is South Philly, because that's a whole other world. The people are like not just like kind of like stand out, it's just like, really rude. I mean, it's always sunny and filly off you. It's not, it's absurdist comedy, but it's not terribly far off in terms of like,
Starting point is 00:47:53 the people just being like, kind of nuts. But I do like filly, skull kill, SCHUYL KILL maybe. I remember how many Ls there are. You know, Ben Prunk and Bridge. Again, great history and Philly, great breweries and Philly. So I consider Boston and Philly, you know, kind of to be interchangeable on my rankings.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Okay, we've made it to our top three here. Number three, Kansas City. I do like Kansas City quite a lot, quite a bit. It's got that rust belt vibe, but they've modernized like the city in some great ways too. There's some good urban parks. I do appreciate, you know, the kind of old school blue collar aspect of it.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And I just found that people there to be very kind. Ritz right on the Missouri, some great eats. I didn't think the barbecue was as amazing as people say, but can't, I just feel like it's an underrated place. I had a good time there. I liked Kansas City. Number two, Buffalo, New York. I have not spent much time there, but great urban parks. I think it's cool that you just like drive up
Starting point is 00:49:13 to Niagara Falls 20 minutes across the border and you're basically in Toronto. Great poutine. Kind of like Green Bay. Kind of, you know, got the neighborhood vibe going to Orchard Park. And, you know, got the neighborhood vibe going or orchard park. And, you know, those are tough people. Like Green Bay, they know they're winters.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Buffalo is just kind of, it's a Midwestern city in upstate New York, which upstate New York basically feels like the Midwest. But it's one of those places where it's like, I could see myself being there. Now, yeah, it's a lot of snow. I don't know how many winters I could put up with, but it's chill, which leads us to number one.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Another highly undervalued, underrated city in my perspective. And I don't know if it's able to, a lot of people wouldn't even have the city, you know, sniffing You know the the turds of Los Angeles or Las Vegas or San Francisco or Phoenix or whatever Nashville I'm putting Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is my number one. I have you know the times that been to Pittsburgh I've always felt very, you know, welcomed Warm the people are passionate
Starting point is 00:50:26 about the Steelers, the penguins for sure, and also they have the pirates. But it's just beautiful. The three rivers, the Mananga Hila, and the Alligaini forming, teaming up to turning to the Ohio. It's beautiful. Some great, you know, it's kind of surrounded by like mountains, not your Canadian Rockies or Elps variety, but just like nice rolling Allegheny Mountains. And it just, you know, a nice kind of downtown,
Starting point is 00:51:04 kind of rock-ford-ford like people are kind. There's something for everybody. Again, a Midwestern kind of rust belt type of place, but revitalized. Good education. I don't, you know, it's it's it gets cold through the winters. Hot, but not too hot in the summers. Like I don't really know what more you could ask for. I mean, there are individual things about places like Vegas and LA and Nashville that I think are great. But when you're talking total package, like places like Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Kansas City,
Starting point is 00:51:36 like I'll take it, okay. I wish the public transportation was a little bit better, but it's not like these top cities are places with millions of people, okay? So you got to talk feasibility. Okay. Well, we made it to the end of our list here. And I'll give you the full rundown from 14 to one.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Number 14, we got Cincinnati, 13 Dallas, 12 Los Angeles, 11 Nashville, 10 Tampa, 9 Las Vegas, 8 Phoenix, 7 Green Bay, 6 San Francisco five Boston Four Philadelphia three Kansas City two Buffalo number one Pittsburgh So tell us what you like what you didn't like emails with their with your your comments your concerns your Distain and let us know But that's what we had for you here in the bean Tom podcast. This is a long episode and we had a lot to get to But we're gonna wrap things up there. But we're going to wrap things up
Starting point is 00:52:26 there. Maybe we get some laugh tracks in there. I think that could be fun. Max got 28%. So we'll see how how much time I got to fish through and find the sound effects and all this stuff. But I'm not going to Terry or Dally any longer. This is your five, the bean Tom podcast and we are coming in hot. Thanks for listening everyone. Hope you're having a good weekend. If you have a long weekend, because of MLK Day, enjoy. And yeah, that's all I got to say because there's going to be a lot more to say next time. Yeah, let's get that music pumped up. Everyone, that's what the recording or not even the recording. the Mac just basically went to sleep just without me touching anything, we're still at 28%.
Starting point is 00:53:11 So I don't really know what that means. We'll see if this even makes it live. I don't know. Let's get the music cut up for real this time. Stay safe, stay sane. And I will talk to you next time. Bye. stay sane and I will talk to you next time. Bye! nd I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm sorry.

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