Beantown Podcast - 2023 Year in Review Quiz (12292023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: December 29, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss the wedding of friend-of-the-show John Paul, a 2023 year in review quiz, and Nikki Haley's wonderful vision for America...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, December 29, 2023. Third to last day of the year. What's going on? What's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast As we get towards the end of season six of the bean town podcast next week will be our season finale We will look back at the the year in review for bean town Although we're gonna be doing quite a bit of that today. This is gonna be a pretty short succinct episode We're gonna be going through some unvedited, unlooked at, unpreviewed year-end review quizzes. I did like a Google search on my phone, you know, 2023 year-end review quiz, to kind of see what would come up. And I found some different categories across different magazines and articles and sites.
Starting point is 00:01:03 So we're going to just kind of jump into those blindly and see how we all do that. We'll unpack it. I guess tribute question of the day. It's kind of going to be the central component of today's show after we give a couple of shout outs here. But yeah, next next week will be our official year six recap. And then from there, I guess whatever the date on that is whatever that Friday is it's like the 12th or something That's more or less. I don't know if we're actually gonna record on that date, but Friday or a lot Yes, the season premiere For instance the bean-town podcast season seven Like you know these these new TV shows that come out
Starting point is 00:01:46 and they give you eight half hour episodes and that's a season. And, you know, so that's a wrap and that's the whole thing. They give you four hours of content. You know what you get here at the Beentown Podcast and You get a new show every single week.
Starting point is 00:02:03 And I know that I've talked about, you know, in the past, you know, being burnt out, and oh, maybe I'll pre-record a couple episodes and then just release those, the public, you know, over a month long span, and I'll actually get like a mini vacation. Never actually happened. I have always, I don't think there's a single exception to this rule where I didn't actually like chime in live and give you something So if you've been following this show for the last 310 episodes where to whatever we're at you're getting the ultimate time capsule all the way back from January 2018 to the present day of like hey if you tune in once a week you get to hear me you get to hear what's been going on What's happening in my life with no exceptions.
Starting point is 00:02:45 The only thing that comes to mind are I recall one time, I think it was the first season of the Bean Town podcast when I recorded my Memorial Day episode with my then girlfriend, like the loosest usage of the word girlfriend. I think Erica, I think her name was, she was like a law student. And it was so bad It it devolved into such a cringy kind of thing that I I refused to release that episode When the week we recorded and I just did a fresh one when I came home. Oh, we were hiking in like West Virginia or something
Starting point is 00:03:18 And then I what happened like I don't know two years later something like that I think it was just ran away. I't have anything good, which kind of describes most of the 310 shows we've done. But I did like an intro and an outro, and I just played that for you. That's because I wanted the public to see just how uncomfy that episode that recording got. But other than that, it has always been me.
Starting point is 00:03:42 It's been fresh. It's been live. So thank you for all of those of it has always been me. It's been fresh. It's been live. So thank you for all those of you who've been Consuming I doubt there's a single one of you myself included out there who listened to every single episode you've ever made and that's okay Because they are not all winners, but you know what I do I show up every week I give you my best effort six seasons in one episode a week no exceptions and We're firing it back up in two weeks here to kick off season seven. So be on the lookout for the new album cover. I guess you know when I go to my podcasts app and when my show comes up
Starting point is 00:04:18 it actually just shows the original photo like the very first ever picture we did for Quinn David for students at Beentong podcast, which was me on New Year's Eve 2017, sitting in my studio apartment in Baltimore with my sweatpants, my leg up on a kitchen table drinking a bottle of champagne. I flew back from my parents' house in Oregon. It wasn't a red-eye flight, but it was like leave at 10 a.m. get there at 8 p.m. whatever it comes out to, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:52 But I was walking back from, I don't even remember how that worked, but BWI had to have taken the light rail. That's what it was. I took the light rail, which is the most unreliable mode of transportation in Baltimore, up to, I don't remember the name of the stop, but there's a stop about half a mile,
Starting point is 00:05:10 three quarters of a mile from my apartment. And I remember walking out, it was probably 10.30 11 pm, New Year's Eve, super cold. One of those scary cold nights, where it's single digits or a lower with the windshield. And I remember thinking like, man, I wish I had planned ahead thinking, you know, I wish that I had gotten a beer or something or a bottle of wine before I'd gone out to the West Coast for Christmas and kept it in my apartment.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So I had something. There was something where I think it was a Sunday or something. And I think I was under the impression that you couldn't buy alcohol in Baltimore on Sundays Can't recall the details why I thought that but so I remember like walking back from the light rail station being super depressed And all of a sudden I come across this liquor store, which was right out of the wire, you know, it's got like He had a buzz to get in. It's like the glass glass thing where you have to like do the Set your money on like the little thing at the countertop and then swirl it around 180 degrees for the toddler to get it.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It was that level of bullet proof type of thing in it, but I found a bottle of champagne. That's what I'm drinking in this picture. Point of this story was every year you may or may not realize it if you follow the my garage band cut out there. What I was trying to say is it doesn't change the actual photo that shows up in your Podcasting app so it's always just been the photo of me from back when I was whatever I was 23 years old when we started this show 22 22 I think it was how old I was when this show began so But yeah, we're gonna have a new image all that good stuff. And yeah, Bean Tum Podcast year seven coming up very quickly for you here. Listen to discretion
Starting point is 00:06:50 is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tum Podcast number one, location use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And of course, hello to our friends in Pakistan. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan, Hello, Hyderabad, Hello, Kiberpass, Hello, Karachi. Nice to talk to you today from across the pond. We are drinking a glass of whiskey. We're making the most of these last three days, right? Dry January starts Monday morning.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And it's actually pretty perfect because we have a wedding. We're going down and not going to linger on this, but we're going down to Alabama tomorrow morning early. Wouldn't you believe it? It's not my usual deep South trip, which is no longer a thing. It got canned and also a whole other episode that could be but I'm switching jobs. But John Paul Pandowski, dear, dear friend of the show, and I think at this point without actually going back and counting I think Either him or Matthew Feeder or one of my brothers or both I know but but those are kind of the the key players the key extras on this show
Starting point is 00:07:56 But John Paul has been so much more than an extra across years. He's he's played Santa Claus. He's played Zack Snyder He's he's done so much for this show. He was, at one point it was our most ever listen to show which I can't explain. We did like a, it was like a 2020 NBA draft preview or something like that. It was just the most random ass thing. I went to over to his, soon to be wife's apartment,
Starting point is 00:08:24 which is, I didn't live where I lived at the time, where I live now at the time, but his fiance, Calbee, lived like a block down from where I currently live. Went down there, we recorded it, randomly, not planned it all. That thing got up to like 2000 hits. And again, it's one of these things
Starting point is 00:08:41 we're back in the day. I couldn't explain how this show got so big. I did a little bit of paid promotion on Facebook and probably Instagram or stuff I don't remember. And I was much more vocal about my show. I almost never advertised our show now. I just kind of put out the content and whoever wants to stumble upon it can absolutely do that. But John Paul Pindowski is getting married on Friday, or sorry, Sunday, December 31st.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Two days from now down in Alabama, so a shout out to John Paul, congratulations. Thank you so much for all you've done for the show for the first six years, and here's to another six, and hopefully many more than that. I also wanna give a shout out tomorrow, is my brother, the podcast Jack Fernis,
Starting point is 00:09:31 you know him well, tomorrow is his one year wedding anniversary, which is pretty exciting. So congratulations to Jack. And then my last shout out here before we jump into some things here, is to my future mother-in-law Betty. Today is her 49th birthday. She is a great mother to my fiance,
Starting point is 00:09:50 my future sister-in-law. She's a great mother to me, great wife to Jose daughter, and all that great stuff. She's the most loyal pharmacist you've ever met. She's been at Walgreens for like 30 some years now. So happy birthday to Betty. And we'll see you at supper in a couple of hours here. I am drinking a little bit. I mentioned
Starting point is 00:10:12 dry January coming up here. We got three more days. I'm drinking a little bit of whiskey, rebel whiskey, not rebel moon. What everyone is talking about on Netflix. One of those things where Netflix wants to be like, oh, everyone's talking about Rebel Moon, but no one actually is. I don't really know what it is. I just saw a preview or an ad for it when I was on the bike an hour ago. I was flipping between diners, drive-ins, and dives. I think that's where I saw the preview. And then the sunbowl between Notre Dame and Oregon State, which is just a blood bath,
Starting point is 00:10:44 Oregon State's getting their asses handed to him. And then believe it or not, and I'm glad I remember this because I want to like go back and watch this later. It was a NBC sports Chicago replay of the 2015 Stanley Cup finals game six between the Blackhawks and Tampa Bay Lightning, which was as hopefully you know, the game that the Blackhawks won their Bay Lightning, which was as hopefully you know, the game that the Blackhawks won, their third Stanley Cup in five years is the only time they did it at home.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It was kind of a bummer because I had to get off the bike like right in the middle of the second period, which is right before Duncan Keith. I think he knocks home a goal with like two or three minutes left in the second period. I think is how that goes. So I didn't get to see that action. And then of course, just like, it's probably not the most iconic goal in Blackhawk's history.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Right. I think like you could point to the overtime goal versus the flyers by Patrick Kane back in 2010 or nine or whatever that was. But the Patrick Kane clincher to make it two to zero over the lightning with like three minutes left whatever that was. But the Patrick, the Patrick Kane clincher to make it two to zero over the lightning with like three minutes left in that game. Game six when the black hooks won the Stanley Cup. That is just like, because that whole series
Starting point is 00:11:53 was so just like, but clenchingly tight. They flash the stat, you know, when I was watching Game Six this replay from eight years ago. And it was, it was like the first Stanley Cup ever, I think, where the first five games were all decided by one goal. It was like the first Stanley Cup since 1964, where neither team had ever had a two goal lead
Starting point is 00:12:16 and the Blackhawks would eventually get that with like three minutes left to go in the series to clinch it. And there was one other crazy stat as well. But it was just that series was just two completely evenly matched teams. And even watching that the you know the first period and half of that game six, there were so many bounces that just didn't go the lightnings way. They had you know multiple shots where the the goal was wide open and that was wide open. And it's black for the black ox. It's just like, yeah, we won. So you think of it in your memory as like, oh man, the black ox is dominated.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But they, I won't say they got lucky, but it was so tight, it was so close, like very easily coin flip could have gone to the lightning. So I was watching those three things as well, but saw an ad for Rebel moon. And yeah, I don't really know, I don't really know what it is. Is it like an anime is like one of those video games They turned into a Netflix series. I I don't know But we're also drinking our SagaTuck brewing company peanut butter porter smooth and creamy I love SagaTuck brewing and a shout out to my my other brother and my sister a lot a Walton Kelly for getting us some SagaTuck brewing socks and a SagaTuck brewing hoodie, which I'm excited and bring with me to Alabama For the weekend to wear maybe for the after party. I don't know. It's black tie optional
Starting point is 00:13:33 I don't know how Saga-tug brewing hoodies really fit into the whole black tie optional sort of thing But I figured it's Alabama So it feels a little bit more loose with the rules perhaps than maybe if you're going to the Met Gala. For example, although I'll say this, the Met Gala is one of those places where you get the random white celebrities who treat it like you can wear whatever you want. And so it's like, yeah, I could wear tux and Rachel could wear a, you know, a ball gown and that would be perfectly normal, but I could also be like Justin Bieber or something. I could wear like a black hoodie and sweatpants and flip flops and
Starting point is 00:14:09 I'd be like, oh my god, did you see what Quinn David Fernos wore at the Met Goll of this year? He's so chic, setting trends. I don't think that's actually going to happen, but it feels like it wouldn't be that weird. The Oscars, I feel like it's like, you can't really get away with that stuff, although people probably have in the past, but some of those like Met Gollas or Hollywood red carpet premieres, it's like, yeah, you can be like a weirdo celeb, usually white people, and just like,
Starting point is 00:14:38 where would you want to be like, this is high fashion. Bring in a little bit of of saga tag brewing company into the Met Gala. We've done our shout outs here. We're not going to have a pounder with the day today, hopefully bringing that back in the new year. But I did want to give a quick introduction to a brand new segment
Starting point is 00:14:56 here on bean Tom podcast and bean Tom I didn't even give it a name, which is probably a bad start. But you know, 2024 election year, which is crazy. In some ways, the whole 2020 election, the Bockel DEB ACLE feels like it just happened yesterday. And then in other ways, I recall like every day during the pandemic, like walking around the block up in Rogers Park, listening to news about the election, I was like walk past.
Starting point is 00:15:25 In fact, I recall the week of election week, it was, you know, the Tuesday was election night and then they declared a winter Saturday mid-morning, I think. So that was like a crazy week too, but I remember walking around during that week and just being like watching the news, CNN and people's windows as I walked past, which sounds crazy than it is. I was, I didn't slow down, I'd be linger, but you know I
Starting point is 00:15:49 didn't have like cable news in my my apartment. But so point of being like that that feels completely distant like very very long who go very far away. Because I mean it's been almost four years. But our new segment is this week on the campaign trail, which I cannot promise you that will be a, excuse me, primary feature, primary pun intended for the next 11 months until the election in early November. But I did want to bring the whole Nikki Haley civil war thing. If you missed it, I don't have a transcript in front of me. But basically, Nikki Haley was doing like a town hall kind of thing and she's running for president. And I don't recall,
Starting point is 00:16:32 this is one of those just stupid things where it's like, why is this even a question? And then she answers and you're like, okay, I know why this is a question. But basically, they asked her like, what the civil war was about? And she refused to explicitly state that it was about slavery, or that slavery was a key component. I think she just avoided talking about it. And it was funny. I was reading the South Carolina Declaration of Cessadation,
Starting point is 00:16:59 whatever you would call it, SE, C-E-D-A-T-I-O-N. I don't think that's actually a word. But, and it explicitly mentions like early on in there, I think that they came up with this estate that like the US federal government can't tell us that we can't have slavery, like it's up to the state to decide. And so the whole thing, no one should be dumb enough
Starting point is 00:17:20 to know or to think that like slavery wasn't a part of it. But Niki Haley was just like, not see the full video. I just saw some clips on Twitter guys. But it's this week on the campaign trail. Okay, you're not getting your news from being town podcast. You just come here from an for analysis. But essentially she just is one of those things where you just you got to be able to come out and say something pretty clearly
Starting point is 00:17:47 and then if you wanna add nuance or context to it to try to keep your South Carolina voters, I think that, you know, you can do it. But it isn't one of those things where if you wanna be like actual president, unless you have this weird like Kavorka allure that Trump seems to have, you can't just be like, oh yeah, no slavery wasn't really part of it,
Starting point is 00:18:05 or just kind of ignore it. So this week on the campaign trail, and when I Googled Nikki Haley, because frankly she's just one of those politicians that I know her name, but I don't know that much about, the first thing I thought of was that she looks like the female version of Michael Flynn.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Since we're doing this week on the campaign trail, we'll just give you all the 2020 2021 action. Michael Flynn was that general who was like Trump security advisor for like two weeks or something like that. And then he got busted. The whole Mueller investigation. Got a slick a time capsule. This is where it gets weird. You know, it's like this stuff only happened four years ago. And part of me is like, oh yeah, we're just coming out of the pandemic and the other part of me is like that feels like a decade ago. Yeah, Michael Flynn, I was reading more about because I couldn't
Starting point is 00:18:54 really remember what happened to him, but he got charged like the criminal charges and they got dismissed. Apparently now he's just like walking around free and he's a bitment guy. So on free and he's a bitment guy. So hands off to Michael Flynn. But yeah, you can look at a you can go Google image search Nikki Haley Michael Flynn and hey, it's a little bit of a stretch of the imagination, but it's kind of fun to think of that. They're the same person. One just has slightly longer hair. Oh, there's Betsy DeVos. DeVos, DeVos, there she is. Down under Google images search. That's, um, that's someone I hope to never really think about again. One of those people who I just like, at the end of the day is like, she actually smart. And I'm not trying to say like, is she a really like academically well-endowed person?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Smart can be used for bad, right? For evil, for negative things, for your own self-interest. My question with Beth, I feel like most politicians are smart to a certain extent. Even like Donald Trump is smart in the fact that like he knows, his audience, he knows how to rattle people up, he knows what to hit, what not to hit, whatever. But my question with Beth see the Trump Secretary of Education was always like,
Starting point is 00:20:08 was she actually smart? Because... And I'm not just talking about the Senate hearings with Al Franken's stuff, but the whole time, I was like, I don't... Part of me... I'm torn. Part of me feels like you have to be smart to get to where she is. To some extent, being rich can get you pretty far. The other half of me though, is just like, she was so stupid. Like every time she opened her mouth,
Starting point is 00:20:32 even more than Sarah Peele and Sarah Peele, and I feel like she understood the assignments. From Alaska, it works up there, okay? I've been to Alaska, I know what those people like would they don't like to an extent. I was there for like three days. But the whole Betsy thing just, I never got it. That one didn't like to an extent. I was like three days. But the whole Betsy thing just I never I never got it. That one didn't make sense to me. Never understood it.
Starting point is 00:20:51 We're going to get into a couple of just randomly picked year in review quizzes. We're all going to play together. We're going to see how we do. But of course, you can always email us at Again, it's beantimepodcast, a BEA and Again, it's beantownpodcast, B-E-A-N-Tune podcast at And leave us a review, leave us a nice little happy New Year's note, whatever you'd like to do. Thank you all for supporting our show. If you're listening for the first time, wherever it platform you're on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, it was that one that died. I don't know, there's other ones, Google Play Store. Wherever you get your podcast, however you're listening right now, thank you for tuning
Starting point is 00:21:29 in. If you can leave us a five-star review if you enjoyed this show or like, hey, if you hated it, give me a two-star and be like, no, this sucked. I think it's probably at this kind of, or like a craft brewery or so small, it's like any review is a good review because it bumps us up in the ratings. So if you wanna give me 10 to star reviews, it's probably still at a point where like, that's a good thing, you know, we're not,
Starting point is 00:21:53 well, I don't know, I don't know if that's true or not, I don't really understand how these things work. It doesn't really matter, we're kind of a small batch operation, if you will. Small bitch productions, that could be like a, that could be like a dog themed media company or craft brew themed or you could do both. The dog is like drinking a beer. I don't know. Some food for thought. Of course, let's think our sponsors here. Home Pride Oregon, we need your Home Inspector and Central Oregon, you're gonna have to go with
Starting point is 00:22:25 a certified, double-entered, Home Inspection expert. So when you can trust that guy, could be my dad, Steve, 541-0, oh gosh, 541-0-0316, there you go. Or, or email homepiredorgan at First inspection, not free, call now, phone lines are open all day, on night 24 or 7. Leave a message if you can't get through, keep trying. Ash, we got a, I had so much fun doing our sixth annual
Starting point is 00:22:55 Pledge Shripe Telephone fundraiser last year. A sin by my piano, we had the laptop set up, we had the cameras. I don't even remember who called in, but it was a great time. I got a free Duncan thing before that. I think they knew, you know,, but it was a great time. I got a free Duncan thing before that. I think they knew, you know, I was doing my pledged shirt, telephone fundraiser. And the one thing I did terribly at, I totally dropped the ball. I think my thing this past year was stickers. And I was
Starting point is 00:23:17 like, if you donate this amount, I will put a sticker in an awful percentage. You completely just just botched it, just bitched it up. I'll take this moment to apologize. It was one of the things where it like it kept weak after week. It was just like, oh no, I'll do it like when it got some free time. I'll collect addresses, whatever. Really, really, I don't use this word very often in this podcast, but I really fuck that one up. So apologies. We still have stickers. It's not like, oh yeah, they're gone now. You just didn't get one.
Starting point is 00:23:46 No, they're still here. So we're gonna find a way to like make that right. Okay, put a pin in that. Also our good friends at Samsung Q2U series. If you want crisp clear audio quality, and I forgot to mention, home-bired or an inspection perfection. Crisp clear audio quality.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Go with the experts at Samsung. They make a great Q2U series that if you want this quality voice throughout your daily life, you got to go with the Samson. Genesis X hit its Leviticus numbers, Deuteronomy Rachel's been playing a lot of New York times, Crossword puzzles, and one of her clues the other day was what's before Romans, and I said, well, I got a Samson. So I know it's X. Not not AXE, X, body spray. They're still around.
Starting point is 00:24:30 When this is pretty stupid. When I was in college, you know, freshman year, living in the dorm, one of those nights where like not drunk, we didn't drink at all. I think you were just like high off of Euphoria because I didn't do drugs or anything like that. I didn't drink my freshman You're like I was completely straight laced whatever But you spend so much time with people eventually like start to go crazy one of
Starting point is 00:25:00 One of the rooms on the second hall, second floor of our dorm room, Corcoran Hall. I guess you don't have to get all the details here because I can't really explain it clearly. It doesn't really make sense. But we decided some friends and I was not their ring leader, but I was certainly an active participant
Starting point is 00:25:18 in it. We decided we were going to axpon their room. I think, you know, someone had just like had a can of acts from high school that it was like we are 19 years old now, we're not using acts anymore. Decided we're going to just use this in a productive way. So we went into their room, this was not none of the people who lived in this room were there at the time, because we all kept our doors open. Feels strange, like looking back on it,
Starting point is 00:25:45 but just doors were always either closed and unlocked and no one was there or just wide open. Because what do I have that you're gonna wanna steal? My possessions in my dorm were worth probably upwards, assuming I had my laptop with me, probably like two or three hundred dollars. So yeah, you can have it. That's probably aggressive, probably less than that.
Starting point is 00:26:06 The craft mac and cheese was probably the most expensive thing I had in there. Oh, we go in there, some friends and I, they won't remain names. And we just ax bombed the entire room, which basically just means holding down the spray or whatever, you wanna call it until the cans empty. This was probably like a minute or something like that,
Starting point is 00:26:25 maybe a little bit less. You're holding your breath the entire time, got those swimmers lungs, and then you just close the door, and a couple hours later, your dorm mates come home and they got to sleep in their ex room all night. So, it's one of those things in hindsight where it's like, it's kind of a shitty thing to do, but it's really not the worst thing to do.
Starting point is 00:26:47 It's like, if someone did that to me, it'd probably be kind of pissed off, but I'd be like, yeah, that was kind of funny. Like, there's way worse things you could have done as a prank. So, really not the worst thing in the world. All things considered. Of course, when God speaks, He uses Samson. And of course, our good friends
Starting point is 00:27:08 at CutsbyCute just said, a huge shave to get ready for the big Alabama wedding, John Pope Pintowski. Shout out once again. Thank you for everything you've done for the show. I never paid him. He's never seen a cent of all this money I make off of Quinnade Fernsbylons to be in time for God's podcast, losing my ability to speak here. That's usually a sign not that I've had too much to drink, but that I just need to wrap things up. Sometimes it's a sign that I've got too much to drink, but I'm on like half a drink total so far today.
Starting point is 00:27:38 So I don't think that's it. Cuts by Q, whether you're getting ready for a wedding, a friend's wedding in Alabama or your own in Chicago, like we will be in just over a year here. When you need a fresh do, something snappy or new, call the experts at cuts by Q. Okay, let's jump right into it here. I actually get a sip of my whiskey here.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Again, these are a series, and I don't know how many we're gonna get to, this was not terribly well planned. This is a series of, 2023 year in review quizzes that we're just gonna do together in real time. If you're ever like, oh, I want more time to elaborate on the answer to this one,
Starting point is 00:28:24 just pause, because I'm not gonna, we're gonna like move pretty quickly and I'll make comments where I can. But really the goal of what I'm trying to do is like go through a couple quizzes and like actually do well. This isn't like our, you know, one shot where it's like one trivia question,
Starting point is 00:28:38 do as good as you can. This is like, well, let's get through a couple of quizzes here. So, the first one I pulled up here. It was published 45 seconds ago. This is 357 PM on December 29th We're gonna see how this goes Excuse me Some of these are like interactive like you're I'm clicking on my phone some of them are not But excuse me. I will just do my best to kind of take you through what I'm looking at here. Okay. 20, this is from NBC News, New York. This one I don't think is thematic.
Starting point is 00:29:13 It's 10 questions as far as I can tell. 2023 was the year of Taylor Swift, which happened first four choices. Speak now, Taylor's version is released. The errors to her begins in Arizona. Swift detends her first Kansas City Chiefs game, or Swift's longtime rooms with Joe All-Win ends. Okay, so I'm pretty sure it's not the Kansas City Chiefs one, because that would be in like, I think like October probably. Ares tour, I don't know when that started, but I think back in like probably like February or March, something like that. Speak now is released or Joe Alwin, that's gotta be the guy from 1975, right? I actually have no idea.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I'm going to guess the Ares Tour Begins and apologies to the Swifties out there because I really don't know this one. I guess the Ares Tour Begins, oh it's right. It says 0% got this right. That's, that's high praise. It kicked off March 17th a day after my birthday. Didn't I say February or March? We started off hot. I've just spent so much time around Taylor, listening to a lot of music in the car last week and saw the era's tour concert film.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Most of it, it was three hours long. I couldn't just sit there and watch the whole thing. I had to shower. Okay, they give like basically, Joel All-Win was a month later, so April, speak now is July and her first she-s game was September. Okay, next question. 2023 is a big year at the box office,
Starting point is 00:30:45 which movie debuted first? Barbie, Openheimer, Super Mario Bros. Movie or The Ares Tour Movie. I feel pretty good about this, actually. I'm pretty sure it's Super Mario Bros. Movie. I thought we like watched it around like Easter or something like that at a cousins house. Barbie and Openheimer were both, you know, June, July.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Ares Tour Movie I think was like fall. So I'm goingheimer were both June, July. Eris, two were movie I think was like fall. So I'm going Super Mario Bros. Ride or die. Yes, 0% got this right. We're killing it. Barbie and Oppenheimer, July 21st, Super Mario Bros. was April and Eris was October 13th. Two out of 10 so far, but we're killing it. Okay, let's keep going. Question three out of 10, which sports event happened first? Can city chiefs defeat Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl? What is that? 57. LeBron James comes NBA highest score,
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yukon wins, men's basketball tournament, or Mage wins a 20, 23 Kentucky Derby. Okay, LeBron is really the wrench in the plants here. The Chiefs will do one this Super Bowl the second weekend of February. Let's call it February 10th. Yukon winning March Manus would be the first weekend of April, first Monday of April, second Monday, whatever. So let's call it April 10th.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Kentucky Derby is usually the second or third or fourth weekend in April, something like that. So it's really a question of Super Bowl versus LeBron. I have no idea when LeBron did it. I recall it happening. I'm gonna go with Kansas City cheese, but it could be LeBron. This could be the first time we get tripped up here.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I'm going for the Super Bowl. Oh no, I lost. It was LeBron. 100% got this wrong. Yeah. LeBron did it on February, oh, I don't feel bad about this LeBron did it February 8th and the Super Bowl was Checking my calendar
Starting point is 00:32:34 Super Bowl would have been February 12 okay four days Hey, but you know got it wrong one or another so next question number four here we go which natural disaster struck first I feel like There are years where I like very distinctly recall natural disasters, especially hurricanes and stuff This year is not one of them Like I have no recollection of the major natural disasters from 2023. So let's see how this goes A hurricane 5.1 magnitude earthquake on the same day as a tropical storm strike Southern California. Earthquakes in Syria and Turkey leave more
Starting point is 00:33:11 than 3400 people dead. Tornados in Mississippi and Alabama, at least 26 dead in Hurricane, idolatly it makes landfall in Florida as a category three storm. I will be completely honest with you other than the tornadoes and the deep south. This was one where I was like, yeah, I didn't know that happened. I'm going to go for the Syrian Turkey blind guess here. Oh, we're correct. 0% got this right. Too much text like go through all the different dates on them, but hey, we're back in the driver's seat here. Okay, question 5 out of 10. Maybe we'll just do this one quiz and that'll be our show. Which news event happened? Which excuse me? Which news event did not happen in 2023?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Kevin McCarthy feels to become how speaker and first round of voting, that's incorrect, that did happen in 2023. A trained D-rayal, D-rayals in East Palo Sano, Ohio, sparking a fire and fueling health concerns. I am almost positive that was like February or March of this year. He suspected Chinese spy balloon hovers of the US, I remember
Starting point is 00:34:10 the story. Don't think it was 23, I thought that was 22 or open AI releases artificial intelligence chat about chat GPT. That is woof. I'm between the spy balloon and the chat GPT. Chat GPT seems ubiquitous at this point, and it's like it should be older than one year. And I move, but the spy balloon doesn't quite feel right, you know? Spy balloons got some serious 2022 energy, but I'm gonna trust my gut.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I'm gonna go with Chatchy PT is older than one year. Got it. AI, let's see, Chatchee PT 2022. There we go, baby. Chinese by-blood was early February or on the same time as a trail train derailman. There we go. We're still in this one. We're four for five so far. Oh, we can all get this one. Could we been there? Uh, not actually, but close. In August, wildfires broke out in Hawaii, killing dozens and burning thousands of acres, which island was affected the most. Kewaie, Oahu Maui or Hawaii. This was absolutely Maui, 100%. Zero percent got this right. So we're still killing it. Yes, that was right. Okay,
Starting point is 00:35:23 question number seven here, which deceased wellknown figure did not die in 2023? Pope Benedict XVI, Lisa Marie Presley, Sinieto Conner, or Jim Brown. I don't, oh, the Pope is tough, because it wasn't like a replacement. It was just like, he was a retired Pope. That one I don't feel confident in. Lisa Marie Presley, think Pope was this year.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I'm going to go with Jim Brown, let's see how he did. No, wrong. It was Pope Benedict. Oh, I'm going to go with Jim Brown. I'm going to go with Jim Brown. Let's see how he did. No, wrong. It was Pope Benedict.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm going to go with Jim Brown. I'm going to go with Jim Brown. I'm going to go with Jim Brown. I'm going to go with Jim Brown. Let's see how he did. No, wrong. It was Pope Benedict. This is how he this year. I'm gonna go with Jim Brown, let's see how he did. No, wrong. It was Pope Benedict.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Oh, that's a trick question. December 31st, 2022. Hey, I didn't even see the news till the next morning. At least Summary was January 12th. Jim Brown was May 18th, and Cindy Ed was this summer in July. So I hate these trick questions. Okay, next question. So not actually a trick question, it just felt like it.
Starting point is 00:36:31 The first half of 2023 was notable for the financial industry as a bank failure sparked a chain of events that led to other banks being sold or shut down, which bank collapse first. Signature bank, Silicon Valley bank, first republic or silver gate. I have no idea. My gut says Silicon Valley bank. So we're going with Silicon Valley Bank, first republished or silver gate. I have no idea. My gut says Silicon Valley Bank, so we're going with Silicon Valley Bank. Let's click on it. Wrong.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Silicon says 100% got this wrong. I don't feel bad. Silicon Valley Bank got the most attention, but Silvergate was the first to shut down operations. I don't feel bad about that. This is not important. Let's keep going. This is question 9 out of 10
Starting point is 00:37:06 Two more questions left. I told you I was gonna go through multiple quizzes, but I was just kind of like I also promise a short episode so 10 questions is pretty good. All right, penultimate question Over a five-month span former president Donald Trump was charging four criminal cases He maintains his innocence and each case is ongoing which indictments handed down first The federal election interference case the Georgia election interference case the classified documents case or the business records case Again, no clue You're just asked me to say which one came down first. Let's go for classified documents incorrect Cold streak.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I think we're, we've missed three now or four now. I can't remember. The first indictment was falsifying business records. All right, last question here. Oh gosh, I am not going to, this is going to be another blind step. In which month did the Titans submersible implode during a journey to visit the record of the Titanic rest in peace to the Titan? April, May, June, July. Every call was being a spring thing.
Starting point is 00:38:09 So I'm going to narrow it down to April or May. I don't think it was as late as June and July. My gut is telling me May partially because May has one extra day compared to April. So I'm going to go with May. You can lock in your answers at home. I'm clicking May. Wrong. June.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Rats. My gut was off on that one. Well, there you go. There's our bean ton podcast. 10 trivia questions the day you're in review. That's what I have for you. Next week we're gonna be doing our bean ton podcast season six recap.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And then follow that up week after with our Beentom Podcast season seven series premiere. That's what I have. Everyone, we got New Year's Eve coming up in two nights here. We will be down in Alabama once again celebrating
Starting point is 00:39:02 John Paul Pandowsky's wedding. Congratulations to John Paul looking forward to that. And then hey, but next time you see me dry January, we'll already be like four days in. And God January just sucks the most. I have this debate every year, which one is worst January or February? January is like the days are longer and no alcohol but February is like sometimes even more cold and
Starting point is 00:39:30 Then it's just like you're kind of like drowning your sorrows in alcohol But I'll say this it's definitely January is worse because February I get Valentine's Day with my lover our anniversary current our current anniversary that will change in Next year to our anniversary in late April but our current anniversary that will change in next year to our anniversary late April, but February's better, but they both kind of stink. Long days, cold days, all short, light days.
Starting point is 00:39:57 But what are you gonna do? Happens every year. That's what we chose living here in Chicago. Everyone, I hope you have a a happy and safe new year. 2023 is done. Here comes 2024 and season seven of Quinn David Furnst presents. The Beentown Park guys, everyone,
Starting point is 00:40:14 have a happy new year. Stay safe, stay sane. My name's Quinn David Furnst. I'll check in on you guys next time. Bye, everyone. I'll check in on you guys next time. Bye everyone. nd nd Thank you.

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