Beantown Podcast - 2024 March Madness Geography Quiz (03202024 Beantown)

Episode Date: March 21, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE with the 2024 edition of "who the heck is this school and where are they located?"...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast for a special Wednesday edition of Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast. We are coming to you live on the north side of the top 500 greatest podcasts on the north side of Chicago. Thank you for supporting us. The Beanheads out there, of course, in Pakistan, Karachi. Answer on a Jeopardy tournament a couple nights back. You know, we had to ring in there,
Starting point is 00:00:44 making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great Islamic state of Pakistan my name is Quinn and this is my show I'm the host I am the producer I am the I think we said gaffer last week something like that I don't know maybe a chief chief creative and branding and marketing officer or something like that. A CB, ML, your classic CB, ML. I am sick. Just a cold, nothing crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:01:15 No influenza. No measles, that's the thing that's going on in Chicago these days, this wild measles. No rubella, not rutabaga, rubella, R-U-B-E-L-L-A. It's just a cold, you know, congestion, real bad sore throat. That was the thing, I was hesitant to record today, and obviously I don't usually record on Wednesdays,
Starting point is 00:01:41 but we are doing a March Madness themed show. Today we're going to resurrect stuff we've done in the past. It's basically a combination of March Madness and trivia. Where I go through the bracket, not so much for picks but rather to look at the names of these schools and take a stab and you all can play along with me. Where on earth is this school located? Other than being in the United States? What if they expanded March Madness to include schools outside of the US? I mean, are there, look, there are countries
Starting point is 00:02:16 that will beat the US in Olympics play. Wasn't it Tokyo Olympics 2021? The US got, they didn't do that hot in basketball, right? So are there colleges and universities in Spain's always good? Usually in Eastern European country like Chechia or Slovenia will be really good. Australia is always hot. and even like a Sweden or
Starting point is 00:02:47 something like that I feel like sometime can be sneaky. Canada's got some great NBA players. My point here is are there players or sorry are there their colleges that I'm not saying number one seeds, but hey, if we expand it to whatever the math on it would be, 1,028 schools or something like that. Could we have a University of La Jubiliana or something like that or I don't know, Melbourne Tech. Melbourne Tech, you think they got a,
Starting point is 00:03:25 they probably got like a center who's 7'5 and wears goggles. Just lighten it up. Imagine that guy going up against Dougie Dirt. Dougie Dirt, that's not his name. It sounds like a rapper name, Dougie Dirt. No, remember the kid from St. Peter's when St. Peter's went to the, it was at the Elite Eight, not last year,
Starting point is 00:03:46 but the year prior, 2022 March Madness. And the St. Peter's, the Peacocks. And he was kind of their Cinderella poster child. And he transferred to Bryant University. I saw his stats this year, absolutely abysmal. It was like four points a game. Poor kid, like went from poster child Cinderella to completely irrelevant. Maybe he shouldn't have transferred away from St. Peter's. They're back in the tournament starting
Starting point is 00:04:12 this weekend so that's exciting. I am doing dual action orange juice and Hall's cough drop today. So that's how we're approaching this no alcohol. If you're curious, well, listen discretion is advised. When we record this show, never one will occasionally send me a language number to this podcast subjectively terrible. If you're curious, there was a lot of drinking last weekend. It was my birthday and Saturday, of course.
Starting point is 00:04:41 It was also St. Patrick's Day in Chicago. Sort of a solar eclipse of sorts when things all come together at once. It happens every five or six years or so that my birthday will fall on that celebration day. And you know, Sunday, day after, one of those hangovers where it kind of gets worse throughout the day and you wake up in the morning, you think you avoided it and then it's just like not as fun later. I will say
Starting point is 00:05:08 The only reason it was really that bad and yes, I drank a lot on Saturday But well, it is what it is. What made it bad was in a when in a cab down to a bar Sunday afternoon to watch the big ten championship game between Illinois and Wisconsin the motion of That car was really what threw me off. I feel like if I would have just lounged around the house at home all day, I think I would have been okay. Because even when we got back, took the train and stuff,
Starting point is 00:05:37 watched three episodes of The Wire, finished off season three, I felt okay. So it was really, I blamed the car. This guy had one of those crazy fast cars, too, that'll go 0 to 60 in like two seconds. And he was exercising his ability. I was going to say right. It's not a right.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It's a speed limit violation. Exercising his ability to do that down recede on Sunday afternoon. As if we were late for something we were not. But yeah, so no drinks today. Sure we'll get into it. We've got a fun celebration this weekend. Congratulations to friend of the show PJ Schiller on his upcoming nuptials. Good friend of the show from Rockford. Going back to the old Rockford Christian swimming days. So congratulations to Peter, to you and yours. I always wanted to tell someone that. And then Sunday, Shamrock Shuffle,
Starting point is 00:06:30 so a little bit of a run action. 8K, this is now I think my third or fourth straight year doing it. I had had a bad string of luck. We're not going to bury the lead much longer on March Madness, but bad string of luck with March Madness trying to do it. My first year with some friends when I was in grad school because that was really when I first started getting into running was my last year college and then grad
Starting point is 00:06:52 school and then I had a Saturday they used to do it on a Saturday I guess. Shamak shuffle and I was on a Sunday I think that's how it worked. Anyways, had a Saturday class that was mandatory in grad school. Loved that. So couldn't go. And then the COVID year signed up and it got canceled, obviously. But we're on a hot streak now, three years in a row, I think. I guess, I don't know how that works, 2022, three, four. This is either my third or my fourth straight year doing it, maybe my fourth.
Starting point is 00:07:25 But yeah, so we got that on Sunday, so looking forward to it. I do have a quick new Beantown segment idea that I came up with late last night after I had already taken a shot of whatever, mucinex, halls, something to coat your throat. It's a Beantown Big Question of the Day. And let me give you just three examples. And this will serve as this week's question. And we'll try to keep this up for next week moving forward. When I say big questions, more like random questions,
Starting point is 00:07:58 but just thoughts that pop in my head where hopefully this happens to you all too from time to time. We were just like, oh, yeah, I've never really thought about that before, let me Google it. And half the time, because these types of questions pop into my head all the time, half the time when I do Google them, I find by the time of seeing the list of search results, I already kind of stopped caring and I never actually get a good in-depth answer. Maybe it's just my lack of attention span.
Starting point is 00:08:24 But here are three big questions I've had in the last 24 hours. These are just kind of the random thoughts that pop into my head. And in a typical segment in future episodes, we will do a Google search and get to the bottom of these things. Basically, I've already kind of done this for these three questions.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Although, as I, as I literally just mentioned, didn't retain everything I learned. So you can look these up for yourself if you'd like. Here are some examples. Usually it will just be one big question of the day. Number one, this, you can see how this segment kind of started last night. Why did they make cough syrup taste so bad? And my thought was, you know, I remember as a kid,
Starting point is 00:09:09 it tasted terrible and you're just like, oh man, you know, I was a kid, old times, right? The late, late 1900s. And then my next thought was, you know, you would think with the technology and the AI and the Kate Middleton deep fakes that we got going on, they can make cough syrup taste better. Well, what I learned was that, yeah, we have the technology, but they make it taste bad
Starting point is 00:09:33 so that kids won't enjoy taking it and then get hooked on cough medicine. That's why cough medicine tastes so bad. You think we could just have a cough medicine labeled for adults and one for kids, and we could sort of keep our houses separate, but apparently not. Us adults are not allowed to have nice things that taste not shitty. Number two, what is soap?
Starting point is 00:09:59 I hate to look this up. It's basically some sort of, like, chemical ionic bond or something. And when you put those two minerals or some elements or something, I don't know if it's plutonium or what, xenon, when you put those two things together, Americanum, is that an element, sounds something like that, they can dislodge oils and other oily substances from, breaks up their bonds basically. So that's what soap is, calcium bicarbonate,
Starting point is 00:10:33 something like that, something that I probably learned in college chemistry 10, 12 years ago and did not retain at all, which would track. And finally, the last thought I had, back in the good old days, I know this show is still going on, but obviously it's probably a completely different production and all that stuff has changed in the last 22 years. How many people actually auditioned for American Idol?
Starting point is 00:10:58 When you're watching the show in the good old days, first, what, probably almost two months of the show, six or seven weeks, it's just auditions and it's like a different city every night. They'll do like, you know, six or seven cities in a season before they move into the actual competition. And my question was always, you know, they show the big lines and, you know, there's two hours of actual seeing the auditions and that sort of stuff. But how many people and like and what was the process like? And basically what I read last night was it really varied from city to city.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Sometimes it would be a couple of thousands. Sometimes it would be tens of thousands of people. But there are always, anyone who you saw featured on television, good, bad, or mid, would always be screened on day one by the executive producers. And then they would just pick a handful of people to actually go see Simon and Paula and Randy. And then from that group, there's only a hand-select group of people
Starting point is 00:12:03 who actually make it on air. So a big funnel, if you will. And I think we even had a couple of people in our community growing up. I think this one girl who sang at our church, who went to audition for American Idol one year, and she was an excellent singer. It's one of those things where when you're a kid, you're like, oh, she's a great singer.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Like, that's exciting. She's going to make it on American Idol. And then I think she didn't even get to fart off in line to see the producers. So that's how that show worked. But yeah, just the inner workings of American Idol here. Oh, we got Rachel coming in. Let's see if she wants to say anything. No comments for today's show.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Let's jump into this week on the campaign trail. It was the primary in Illinois yesterday. No big shocking upsets. Wins for both Biden and Trump, but I guess even less shocking my ballot was rejected This happens, you know every other year depending on who the commissioner is I don't know who's counting votes, but sometimes they accept it. Sometimes they don't it's just you know what you never know What's gonna happen? So We're gonna appeal and that'll be fun. But you know, just nice to nice that they give you the option to vote and then or vote
Starting point is 00:13:29 by mail and then they just turn around and say, nope, we're not going to accept it. So if Joe Biden loses by one vote in the primary, which I don't think happened. But if it did, he can come over and, I don't know, we can go down to the city clerk's office myself. Probably not the clerk. That's like the parking stickers person. I don't know. The other big thing here in Chicago, though, but there was a big kind of signature referendum
Starting point is 00:14:04 from our mayor, Brandon Johnson, who his big idea was called Bring Chicago Home. And basically, it was raising the real estate transfer tax for high-end properties in order to fund additional housing for migrants here in Chicago. So basically taxing the wealthy, taxing the rich. And it is so basically increasing the tax rate,
Starting point is 00:14:35 buyers paying property sales over $1 million. So not like a crazy high threshold here in Chicago, but it made it to the ballot and with 98% of precincts reporting as of this from Block Club this was earlier today it is 54% no 46% yes so close close race but that is not good news whatsoever for our much maligned M-A-L-I-G-N-E-D mayor, Brandon Johnson, who is not doing very well. He's not a very popular mayor. At least Lori, our mayor before, after Ram and before Brandon, had sort of the meme ability with her cool hats and
Starting point is 00:15:30 funky lesbian no nonsense, everybody hates me attitude Brandon is just like, not good at getting stuff done, regardless of what it is. And this is might might be the, the U-boat that sinks his Lusitania if you will. Little reference out there for the Warheads. Warheads Sour Candy maybe that could be our next Bean Tom Podcast's 8th Annual Pleasure of Telfond fundraiser challenge. I think I'm not going to do that though because we already did kind of
Starting point is 00:16:05 the sour thing and boy that was really tough on the stomach. I don't know what warheads would do to my stomach. My concern would be about chemical burn on my tongue and inside of my cheeks. Like that doesn't sound that appealing to me. So we'll see maybe I do one warhead or eight because it's the eighth year, but not like a whole pack Like you see youtubers try to do from time to time. It sounds not not as fun And you know, I wasn't gonna disclose this but we didn't actually raise any additional money during the challenge portion this year So we might have to rethink It's probably it's all about branding. You know. It's all about supporting your brand.
Starting point is 00:16:45 You know who knows about branding? Home Pired Oregon. When you need your home inspected in Central Oregon, go with someone who's safe certified, doubly insured, knows a home from an apartment, from a condo, from a townhouse, to a Nutty Putty cave. There's the guy who got trapped in nutty putty cave John Jones or whatever his name was that's making the rounds on Reddit today on my front page I've seen that a couple times a guy who got trapped down there
Starting point is 00:17:15 and he's still down there he's not breathing anymore he's he's been dead for 20-some years but his body's still there. Home, Oregon When you need well, we were just repeating ourselves Five four one four one. Oh three one six or email home pride organ at website still down last week checked. So You know Don't don't go there probably but home part organ inspection perfection Also, of course our good friends at the Samson Q2U series from Genesis to Exodus to Leviticus. All the rest of the Pentateuch, I don't have to explain this you guys, you guys are smart beanheads out there, one of the smartest podcast audiences
Starting point is 00:17:59 in the world, especially our Pakistanis friends, Pakistanis, Pakistani friends. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. Of course, our good friends cuts by cue when you need a fresh due, whether it's a bob, an updo, a bull cut, or any other sort of due. Call the experts at Cuts by Cue. And 19 minutes in, just apologies for the low energy. Just don't have much of a voice. Been slamming cough drops all day, trying to get through calls.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And we're here, we're present, and we're going to get through this. So there isn't an official trivia question of the day today, because the rest of today's show, which we're going to wrap fairly quickly here, is just us trying to figure out who these schools are and where they come from. So we'll start in the East region, number one, UConn versus number 16, Stetson.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Stetson Bennett, quarterback for the Georgia Bulldogs. I think he got drafted by the Rams or something like that in like a fifth round. Stetson University, where is it? Rachael Evin-Eady, where Stetson University is? Yeah, me neither. I don't know. That sounds... Stetson is like an Orange County sort of thing. As we're going through all these, take your guesses, email us,, email us,, and let us know. Stetson is in DeLand.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Who's ever heard of DeLand, Florida? D-E, uppercase L, A-N-D. DeLand Academy. Established in 1883. OK, so it's been around for a while. But yeah, DeLand, Florida, if you're curious, where Stetson is located, right on Michigan Ave there, in DeLand, of course, DeLand of swamps. This is an area of Florida I don't think I've ever been to, and probably never will.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It's about 20 to 30 miles north of Orlando. Just looks hot and swampy. Kind of far enough from the ocean, 20 miles from the ocean where it doesn't look like there's that much action there. But yes, Stetson. So we are 0 for 1 on guesses here. The Stetson and Deland, Florida. I'll hit you up with all the matchups here.
Starting point is 00:20:24 There are some that don't require any guesses. FAU versus Northwestern, 8 versus 9, Florida Atlantic versus Northwestern. But where do we think Florida Atlantic is? Let's give it a Google just in case. It's got to be somewhere on the Atlantic coast, you would think. Boca Raton, what a great town.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Means Boca, meaning bean burger and Raton is like baton it's like a stick but with an R so Rick and Boca Raton is I don't know one of those beach towns as you go up north from Miami so that's where Florida Atlantic is located the Owls they were Final Four last year, I believe. Northwestern, of course, here in Evanston. San Diego State versus UAB, University of L.A.M. or Birmingham. We were just there about two or three months ago, John Paul Pandowski's wedding, we spent some time hiking
Starting point is 00:21:21 around Birmingham. And I'll always remember UAB for when they cut their football program. Everyone went crazy and they brought it back. So that's UAB. Fun one to say in San Diego State. Always a gimme when they give you the city name. San Diego State was in the national, the NAD-y last year.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Auburn versus Yale, I know Auburn. Been there many times. Auburn, Alabama. Kind of western Alabama and Yale, of course. In New Haven, Connecticut, it's strangely if you know people just hear, oh Connecticut, Yale. Like it's got to be super like uptight and preppy and Yale is. But New Haven outside of the university is extremely Yale is, but New Haven outside of the university is extremely run down and gritty. It's just very odd. That's never made any sense to me, but it is what it is. I've been to Yale's campus a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Here's a good one, BYU versus Duquesne. I think most people would be able to tell you that BYU is in Utah, but we're specifically in Utah. If you're curious, as in Provo, no longer just for cheese. It's also for Mormons and soaking. BYU in Provo, Utah. And then Duquesne, D-U-Q-U-E-S-N-E, great spelling. I have been around Duquesne's campus once or twice before,
Starting point is 00:22:41 although it has been many years at this point. This is like their first time dancing in like 47 years, something like that. If you don't know, Duquesne is a Catholic school in Pittsburgh. So, been there once or twice. Oh, here's a good one that I don't know. Illinois versus Moorhead State.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Something tells me that Moorhead State is an HBCU, but I don't know if that's right or not. This is one where I actually have no idea. Before I Google, let's guess. Morehead State seems like a southern kind of thing, right? I'm gonna guess Morehead State is in, let's go Georgia. That's my guess. Morehead State is in,, well I was partially worried about the southern thing, it's in Kentucky. Moorhead Kentucky is what it's called. I don't believe it is in HBCU. I don't, I'm not seeing that anywhere in my research. It's a public university obviously. Moorhead is pretty rural. Northeastern Kentucky, so we zoom out on the map here. Basically we are seeing about an hour,
Starting point is 00:23:51 hour and a half east of Lexington, close to the West Virginia border, kinda between Lexington and West Virginia. So yeah, fairly rural there, not too far from brother of the show, Walt Furness. Basically if you've ever seen the show Justified, which Walt and Goggins just posted on his Instagram, a photo of him and Timothy Oliphant,
Starting point is 00:24:13 I think it was today or yesterday, something like that. This is basically where Justified takes place, eastern hills of Kentucky. So there you go, learn something I really did not know. This is kind of a gigantic rural area, not a lot of life here, kind of foothills of the mountains. Not even that, just hills basically. The hill people for sure hang out in Moorhead.
Starting point is 00:24:39 So that's where Moorhead State is. Next up, Washington State versus Drake. Well that's an interesting one. I think Drake, most people probably know is demoine Washington state is a great question. Where on earth is washington state? I'm going to guess Well uw is in seattle Gonzaga is in spokane I'm going to guess washington state's in walla walla
Starting point is 00:25:02 Because it's pretty much the only other major city in uh, in Washington I can think of. And Walla Walla is also in Eastern Washington, but it's not. It's Pullman Washington. Who would have thought? I never in my life have I even heard of Pullman. Got cut off by GarageBand right when we were googling Pullman. It's only about Google does this thing
Starting point is 00:25:30 when you click on a location with a Maps widget. It doesn't actually go to Google Maps right away. It just tries to do an in-browser thing. I hate that. It's been doing that lately. It's just on the border of Idaho across from Moscow, which I think is where University of Idaho is, perhaps. So I guess they got their own little pocket here, but I don't know, man, it looks pretty rural to me.
Starting point is 00:25:53 It's about 100 miles south of Spokane, so maybe a little bit less than that. 60, 70 miles, there you go. That's where Washington State is located. Learning some things here. Here's another fun one. Round out the East region. Iowa State versus South Dakota State. The Jackrabbits of South Dakota State. Where on earth is that located? I have no idea. Let's look it up. Brookings, South Dakota. I think that's on the Missouri River.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Let's see. Brookings is...nope. It, boy, we're just striking out time after time. This is not a good showing for me today geography-wise so far. I blame the congestion. Brookings is far eastern South Dakota, 30, 50 miles north of Sioux Falls, really in the middle of nowhere. So that's where South Dakota State is located. Iowa State, I can figure this one out. Iowa State is located in, well, you got figure this one out. Iowa State is located in,
Starting point is 00:26:46 well, the University of Iowa is in Iowa City, so Iowa State is in Ames, which I think is just north of Des Moines, something like that. Let's go ahead and triple-check that for the beanheads here to round out. The Eastern region, so that was a tough one. I did not feel very good about that. Let's move on to the next quadrant here. We got these playing games too.
Starting point is 00:27:11 In fact, some of them are happening right now. Grambling, that's in Louisiana. What are the other playing games happening right now? Well, there were ones yesterday. There was Wagner, which is Staten Island, which I had to look up, versus beat Howard which is in DC then the other one was Virginia was in Charlottesville verse oh man they got their ass kicked by a Colorado State I think it was I'm gonna guess Colorado Springs but I have no idea. Fort Collins, there you go my friend, friend Elise got
Starting point is 00:27:47 married in Fort Collins kind of close to Wyoming there you go and then the playing games today, Grambling State versus Montana State I don't know I will guess I'll guess Billings, Montana State, University, Bozeman Well, basically all my guesses so far have been wrong, which is hopefully you're learning something on the show today, because I'm sure I'm learning a lot. We'll see if I retain any of it. The last playing game tonight is Colorado, which is in Boulder versus Boise State,
Starting point is 00:28:20 which I'm going to assume is in Boise. I'm not going to look it up. It'd be embarrassing if I was wrong. Let's move on to the West region here. UNC versus Wagner. So we already talked about Wagner. UNC, of course, is Chapel Hill. Sort of in that research triangle area, quadrant,
Starting point is 00:28:40 which I've never had the privilege of going to. I've not spent a lot of time in North Carolina in my life. Mississippi State versus Michigan State. So Michigan State is East Lansing, Michigan. Mississippi State, I have no idea. Let's guess Jackson. Mississippi State. Guessing Jackson largely because it's the only city I can really
Starting point is 00:29:03 name in Mississippi. Looks like it is in, it's got its own like territory, its own city. It's a census designated place. So they just consider themselves, like the city name is Mississippi State, Mississippi. That's wild, man. It's northeastern Mississippi about, did I earlier I said Auburn was in western Alabama? I think I misspoke. Eastern Alabama. Apologies for messing that one up. It's about an hour west of Tuscaloosa.
Starting point is 00:29:36 90 minutes maybe. So Mississippi State is in Mississippi State, Mississippi. I've said that way too many times now. St Saint Mary's versus Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon is in Arizona which seems like low-hanging fruit but is in like Flagstaff or something like that. Grand Canyon it's a it's like a for-profit college right. Grand Canyon University is that what it's called? West Camelback Road, Phoenix. OK, it's in Phoenix, Arizona. And then you've got St. Mary's, the Gaels. I have no idea. Somewhere in California, I think.
Starting point is 00:30:19 St. Mary's University. St. Mary's University. University of St. Mary's University. St. Mary's University. University of St. Mary's. Why can't I find it? This is killing me. We've got to have two hands to type. Give me a second. So you literally search St. Mary's University.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Maybe it's college. I don't know. Well, they're giving me Minnesota, wrong. Texas, pretty sure that's wrong. Indiana, definitely wrong. It's like the women's college for Notre Dame, right? That's St. Mary's College in Indiana. Boy, they make it for a team that's ranked in number five.
Starting point is 00:31:05 They make it really tough to actually figure out where it's located. That's pretty irritating to be frank. Marega, California. Was it really that hard to find that? I swear it was extremely challenging. This is why no one wants to go to St. Mary's. They can't find it on a map. I figured it out. I cracked the code. It's in the Bay Area, but like rural Bay Area. Alabama is in Tuscaloosa. Charleston is in Charleston, South Carolina. Let's just go off of leap of faith because there's Charleston is
Starting point is 00:31:46 the capital of West Virginia. Charleston College of Charleston. Yes. Okay, plowing ahead here. Clemson is in Clemson, South Carolina, New Mexico. Who wants to take a guess? University of New Mexico. I'm gonna say Santa Fe, but it could be Albuquerque New Mexico Albuquerque there we go. It's always always a bridesmaid. It's never my first guess University of New Mexico is in Albuquerque losing my voice here and I didn't halfway down. This is a great Baylor is in Baylor is in Waco. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:32:26 in Baylor is in Waco is that right? Baylor I hardly know her. I always get Baylor and TCU mixed up but I think TCU is in Fort Worth. Baylor's in Waco which for the non Texans out there like myself is like halfway between Dallas and Austin. And then we've got Colgate has been in the tournament many times before I think Colgate that's got New York written all over it right? Colgate has been in the tournament many times before. I think Colgate, that's got New York written all over it, right? Colgate University, Madison County, New York, Hamilton, New York, Alexander Hamilton, New York, Hamilton, New York. It sounds like it would be on the Hudson River somewhere, right? It's not.
Starting point is 00:33:03 It's like Finger Lakes area. So that's where Hamel, Colgate University is located. Not too far from Cornell in the Ivy League. Dayton is in, Dayton, Ohio. Nevada is in the main, the flagship Nevada campus is Reno. I know that for a fact. And then you have UNLV, which is Las Vegas. So there you go with that. Two more here, Arizona, which is in Tucson. And Arizona State is in Arizona. State's not on the tournament. But if you're curious, that's in Phoenix or Glendale.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And Long Beach State is in Long Beach, California, to which you might also respond like I would, where the heck is Long Beach, California? I don't know. The whole coast is one long beach, so it doesn't really narrow it down too much, does it? It's basically straight south of Los Angeles, but west of Anaheim and northwest of Irvine. Right on the beach, if you're curious, in case that there was any sort of confusion there. Okay, that is the west side. Let's go to the south. Houston is in Houston, Texas. I feel comfortable with that. Longwood? No idea. I'm gonna guess Oakland. Longwood is in... Oh, wait, wait, okay. I was about to say, could you believe this? It's also in Long
Starting point is 00:34:33 Beach, but there's just a neighborhood in Long Beach called Longwood. Longwood could be like Pennsylvania maybe. Farmville, Virginia. Farmville? You gotta be kidding me. What a Facebook throwback. Farmville, Virginia. Who would've thought? It's like the exact center of the state of Virginia. Not a lot of action there. Not too far from Appomattox. Civil heads are going nuts right now on this show. Next up, Nebraska is in Lincoln. Texas A&M is in, is that college station?
Starting point is 00:35:08 Texas A&M. And then where is, I don't know if they're in the tournament. We'll get to that when we get there. Where is Texas Tech located? Lubbock? What a fun word to say, Lubbock. Yeah, Lubbock is way out there man. Northwest Texas. Pretty sandy up there I suppose. Next up Wisconsin versus James Madison. Well, kind
Starting point is 00:35:37 of already gave it away. Wisconsin is in Madison but there's also a James Madison which is in, is that like Fairfax or something like that? Somewhere in Virginia with a name, with a college named after a founding father. It almost has to be somewhere in Virginia. James Madison school, no James Madison university. There we go. Zooming, zooming, zooming. No, it's in Harrisonburg in the Shenandoah Valley. I've been to Harrisonburg once or twice.
Starting point is 00:36:05 There's a school in Fairfax, right? One of those other founding fathers schools, Thomas Jefferson or Patrick Henry University. Next up, Duke is in Durham, right? Something like that, Duke University. Again my, yeah, my North Carolina geography is weak. First Vermont, which has got to be in Burlington, right? University of Vermont. How many campuses can they have?
Starting point is 00:36:39 University of Vermont. Yes, okay. All right, and then we have, oh, Texas were just getting to them same bracket or same quadrant also or Not also Texas Tech is in Lubbock versus NC State again, North Carolina geography not good, but Upon further review NC State is in Raleigh Sir, Walter Raleigh Kentucky is in Lexington a lot of people think Louisville no it's in Lexington
Starting point is 00:37:11 straight west of Moorhead if you have ever been there versus Oakland University now this is a tricky one because simple minds might think oh Oakland that's got to be Oakland, California. There's also an Oakland, Michigan, right? So where is Oakland University? Would you believe if I told you it was in neither place? It is close to Oakland, Michigan though. It is Rochester, Michigan,
Starting point is 00:37:39 which is just north suburb of Detroit. So that's where Oakland is. They'll be playing Kentucky. University of Florida that's in Gainesville versus the winner of Boise State Colorado we covered and then Marquette versus Western Kentucky. Excuse me. Marquette the Golden Eagles. Hopefully you know they are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Western Kentucky. They're not strangers to the tournament. They've been around before. I'm gonna guess they're somewhere like Owensboro.
Starting point is 00:38:08 That's my guess. Western Kentucky University is in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Always confusing to me. There's Bowling Green, Kentucky. There's a Bowling Green, Ohio. And let's see, how far away is Owensboro from Bowling Green? How far off was I? About 50 miles?
Starting point is 00:38:25 I don't feel too bad about that. It's a good guess. It's a respectable guess and then our final quadrant here the Midwest Purdue is playing the winner of Montana State versus Grambling. Here's a question Do I actually remember where Montana State was it was 20 minutes ago, and we looked it up. I think it was Bozeman I'm gonna guess and when we looked it up, I think it was Bozeman, I'm going to guess. And then Gramlich State we already know is in Louisiana. And Purdue, of course, is West Lafayette, right off the interstate, I-65 there in Indiana. Here comes a good one.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Oh, we already talked about TCU. That's in Fort Worth, I'm almost certain, versus Utah State. So we've talked Utah. We talked Provo. Where is Utah State. So we've talked Utah, we talked Provo. Where is Utah State? University of Utah is right downtown in Salt Lake City. Utah State is going to be in some city I've never heard of as my guess. Logan, Utah. Let's zoom out. Where the heck is Logan, Utah?
Starting point is 00:39:21 It's got to be in this valley somewhere, right? Actually, no, it's north. It's like, it's not like terribly remote or rural or something like that. But it's north Utah, right on the border of Idaho. So that's where Utah State, the Utes, is what they call them. That's where they're hanging out. Here comes a fun one, one where I legit have just no clue. No context clues, no nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I know we've missed many guesses already, but so Gonzaga is playing McNeese. Gonzaga we know is Spokane. They've been in March Manus like 20 years in a row. McNeese? Nope. I got nothing. I mean, this could be literally any state except for probably like Hawaii or Alaska. I feel like when in doubt, guess like Pennsylvania or New York or Georgia or Alabama or North Carolina. So I will guess one of those. McNeese State University. Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Never would have guessed it in a million years. Southwestern Louisiana halfway between Houston and New Orleans. No clue. Good luck retaining that one. Kansas is in Lawrence, Kansas. Eastern Kansas versus Samford. Samford is Georgia or Alabama. one of those two. Let's see. Yes, Alabama, Homewood, Alabama. That's where Samford is, just south of Birmingham. So that's Samford. South Carolina versus Oregon. So we know Oregon is in Eugene, Oregon. University of South Carolina, the Gamecocks, Columbia, South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I did, if you're curious, I did have to, didn't look that up just to double check, but yeah, it's the capital. Creighton is in Omaha versus Akron, which is Akron, Ohio, Firestone Tires. Texas is Austin versus Colorado State, which we already looked up as Fort Collins. And then finally, back where we started with Doug Eadert, St. Peter's, which I'm almost certain is New Jersey versus
Starting point is 00:41:35 Tennessee, aka UTK, aka Knoxville. St. Peter's is the Peacocks, and they are located just west of New York City in Jersey City, more or less. So there you go. That's our rundown of the Field of 68. Best of luck to everyone in March Madness. Email us, let us know how you did on those college games. Were there any tough ones where you're like, oh no, I definitely know that because of XYZ. I have a cool story Share that with us being Tom podcast at if you're curious. I know I'm not supposed to reveal this until
Starting point is 00:42:17 Final brackets are selected and locked in about 11 a.m. Tomorrow morning my final four. I've got Yukon Baylor Houston in Purdue, so I know I know what you're saying three one seeds is awfully boring but I don't know man I got nothing. Yukon's my pick to repeat they just have been the best team so far and that's just who I'm going with. I've got Yukon versus Houston so we'll see how it goes. That's what I got for you. It was really embarrassing last week when I had to pee and then we forgot our trivia question almost and didn't even cue up the outro music so super embarrassing. Email us who are your picks for March Madness. Let us know. Hope you have a fun time picking those brackets. That's all I got for you. Apologies for kind of a low energy show, but I gave it my all here in sickness and in health. Let's actually get the
Starting point is 00:43:10 outro music going this time. Thanks. My name is Queen David Furness. This is my show everyone. Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy. I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm going be a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:44:35 little bit of a Thank you.

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