Beantown Podcast - 250th Episode & Halloween Spooktacular (10282022 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 28, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE for the 250th episode and Halloween Spooktacular. Join us as we're joined by special guest, the Mayor of Spooktown, and we go through things that spook us! A Halloween Feast ...I think you’ll appreciate this Halloween poem - I spent way too long on it! Ghouls and gargoyles gather round For a spooky Halloween feast Bring your pumpkins, your eyeballs, your tears Maybe we’ll carve some roast beast There’s livers from ghosts, and fingers from witches It’s sure to be a treat The headless horseman is tending bar This banquet will surely be sweet The kids will come for for treats, not tricks They’ll arrive with hardy grins We’ll chop them up for cocktail hour What a night for the Spooktown Inn And now we conclude our haunted night We’ll dream of just what may appear At next year’s eerie but delicious fright fest The ghastliest jaunt of the year!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Ferd my name is Quinn and this is our show we are streaming uh to you live from Chicago illinois it's our Halloween Spooktacular year five it's very exciting you guys are gonna be spookt There's gonna be all sorts of haunts and tricks and ghouls and gargoyles and all that good stuff So pour yourself some whiskey like myself And maybe the last of the pumpkin beer the howling gourd's from Trader Joe's And I think you'll have a Spooky yet tasteful time if you are watching us on the live stream on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:01:05 hello, good to see you. If you're just listening, you're gonna wanna check out the YouTube stream. Go to search for bean town podcasts. And you'll find it pretty easily, I think. We got Halloween costumes going on. We have our bean town podcast live on air, neon sign courtesy of the Raimos family.
Starting point is 00:01:27 So we got it all all coming together here. I also wanted to show you to keep the the spook theme going. I painted a pumpkin and it's Vikings theme. It says school SKOL on the back is a cool little football. So that's very exciting. We really got, we pulled out all the stops for this year's episode. And it's our 250th show, which is just wild. Who knew who would have thought that this baby would just keep on going like a freight train straight out of hell. I want to mention before we go any further because things could, this freight train could get derailed pretty quickly here. Listen to discretion as advised when you're listening to the Venton podcast. Number one
Starting point is 00:02:13 will occasionally use some language number two's podcast subjectively terrible. But I think you're gonna have a good time. This is for kids of all ages 18 and up and it's it's gonna be be haunted and it's going to be spooky. So what do we got on the docket today? Well, I wrote a Halloween poem. That's going to, you know, take about 15 seconds to read. So I wanted to kind of make that the centerpiece. Definitely looking forward to reading that poem for you in a little bit. I think we wrote one last year too and that that got, you know, critical acclaim from bean networks. So, looking forward to reading that to you. I'd also like to say because they are about 12 hours closer to us to Halloween than we
Starting point is 00:02:55 are here in the Midwest. Hello, my friends and Pakistan, Islamabad, Kiber Pass, the other one. Wherever you're tuning in from Pakistan, a country of like 200 million people, 160 million people or something, that's a lot. And thank you for choosing the bean town podcast for all of your comedy needs. Don't forget, you can always find our latest episodes on You can also go to SoundCloud. You can find
Starting point is 00:03:29 us wherever you listen to your podcasts, Apple podcasts, Google Play Store, Stitcher, Cast Box, Spotify, the newly acquired Twitter from Elon Musk. Because because now that free speech is back, first amendment baby, here comes the bean town podcast. We're gonna be ripping and we're gonna be roaring. All those thoughts bunched up in my head that I haven't been able to share over the last five years. They're gonna come to the surface.
Starting point is 00:04:02 So definitely looking forward to that. years, they're going to come to the surface. So definitely looking forward to that. We can follow us on Twitter. The show is at bean town cast. I am personally at White Buns with a Z. And you can pretty much find us wherever you want. The Facebook and the Twitter not as active turns out it, it takes a lot to actually manage that. And it's just a total pain in the ass to have your personal stuff and your show stuff. So maybe I'm thinking maybe I just legally changed my name to first name Bean Town, last name podcast. That way, you know, you get, so you get shark tank,
Starting point is 00:04:41 you got Mr. Wonderful. Well, I would just be Mr. Podcast. We've had worse ideas on this show, I think personally. Mr. Podcast, I kinda like that. And we'll put that on the t-shirt. I mentioned merch last week. We got the t-shirt, I need to do another social push to confirm that that's what we want to do,
Starting point is 00:05:05 but hey, maybe if Mr. Podcast takes off, maybe we could start a charitable organization or foundation or something. Mr. every year, you're Miss America, you're Miss Universe, what we could introduce Mr. Podcast. The rules are you have to do 250 episodes first because we don't want any, you know, just newbies, snoobs with no experience. We want chiseled and grizzled veterans. He has spelled chiseled CHISELED I think. Yeah, that sounds about right. You know, we were playing kickball in the cold last night, and it reminded me that the World Cup is coming up soon here. I think it starts in like three weeks, right?
Starting point is 00:05:55 I think it's like right around Thanksgiving. It's gonna be a holiday themed World Cup in one of the world's most oppressive religious societies, Cutter, C-A-T-A-R. I hardly know her. And I'm trying to remember where I was trying to go with that. Oh, I don't think we've ever done a World Cup bean town podcast special. So the last World Cup I've seen would have been 2018.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And that was our 1892. Yeah, it was our first year of the show. We were quite literally, I mean, World Cup usually starts in June, right? And we just started the show in January of 18. So we were pretty much like 25 episodes in, if that, when the first, when the World Cup rolled around last time. So we've done our Olympic sport run through for both winter and summer now. We've had cycles of each one of those. But we haven't really dug into the world cup.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Last time it came around, we didn't. Look, we didn't know what we were doing on this show was a small following. It was underground. And now, of course, 112 comedy podcasts in Pakistan. That kind of tells you everything you need to know. So I think we're gonna have to do something big. I think we're gonna we're gonna play some football live on air F-U-T-B-O-L if you will. And it's gonna be exciting. US is back in it. Look out. They're hot. It's always in still confidence when your
Starting point is 00:07:24 soccer team is like losing 2-1 to Jamaica and friendlies and you're kind of like, I feel like we should be really good because we're the United States. But also we're losing to like small Caribbean island nations with 75 people on them. So, but let's put that down. You know, I didn't prepare as much for the show as I should have. I wrote a poem. But put that down. I didn't prepare as much for the show as I should have. I wrote a poem. But put that down because we're going to get there eventually and the category of things that spook me.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And I already devoted 17 things that spook me to this year's Great White North Fantasy football Halloween Spooktacular, which is my written column that, excuse me, maybe we'll publish on, our next Beentown blog post, perhaps, because I'm pretty proud of it. So I got to kind of recharge, you know, think of things that spook me. And that will be our call to action of the week. We'll get there and maybe we'll come back to it. But hey, what are some things that spook you? It could be, you know, a goblin. It could be a scary movie.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It could be, you know, eyeballs or witches or income tax. I don't know. Whatever it is that spooks you, email us, again, that's And we would love to hear from you. I know income tax spooks me. It's taxes in general. I know this were about six, as far away from our annual tax especially as you could get,
Starting point is 00:09:08 you probably thought, hey, taxes April, this is October, you're not gonna have to talk or worry about taxes. Oh, geez, we got a phone call from a special guest. I think you guys are gonna like this. Well, we're live on air right now. We got to interrupt, we were just talking about taxes, but we have a phone call from a special guest just showing up in my phone is the mayor of Spooktown. Hello.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Who is this? Win. It is so good to hear from you. Win. What are you? Some sort of Dracula, some sort of vampire. What's going on? A little spooked over here.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I am the mayor of Spooky Town, Quinn. Whoa, that's pretty spooky. What's going on, how are ya? Everything is quite spooky, and a little cool, this should be my dad. And how are you, Quinn? Well, I was not as spooked, and then I started talking about state income
Starting point is 00:10:06 tax and then I, you know, that kind of ramped up the spook meter and now we're getting a call from the mayor spook town. So I'm at like a 9.5 out of 10 right now. The spook mayor of spookyville, I am connected very well with the IRS. Oh, man. You're really checking off all the all the spook boxes aren't you. Jeff and taxes. That's what they say. Yeah. Well, you know, how so Halloween's coming up, but Monday the 31st year, how are, you know, how's the town looking? How are your your festivity preparations going? You know, I might say the talent is about as it usually is. I don't know how much we must do for Halloween. What it is, our one might call national holiday,
Starting point is 00:10:55 although spooky town is not really a country by any means. But I'd say that we've amped up our spookiness over the prevailing two or three weeks. Well, that's always good. So you kind of have a baseline of spook throughout the year, but October hits and that's when you got to kind of ramp things up. Is that right? As soon as we see a leaves turn orange, we know it's time to begin our testable preparations.
Starting point is 00:11:23 That's a pretty good indicator. You got to make sure you have a bunch of those, what do they call them, deciduous trees. You can't have any of the conifers or else they stay green in your whole calendar will be mixed up. Those trees are not acceptable in smoky time. Our experts make sure that the only trees
Starting point is 00:11:42 would keep are the ones that have those nice colors on them. You know, we, we care about Halloween, ghoulishness, and beauty. Ooh, I like that. And in life there's beauty. That could be your new ad campaign. You know, you put them up on like the, the CTA, you know, it's like pure Michigan, but yours is, uh, I already forgot what it was.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It was three things. It was, it's like pure Michigan, but yours is already forgot what it was. It was three things It was it was beauty, foolishness and something else. I don't know, but I think you I think you got a gold mine there That sounds that sounds With mortgage rates right now now that's enough to spook me I don't know about you. I'm the mayor so that's that might be by design. Could pull some strings maybe or or maybe not I don't know whatever the opposite of pulling strings is uh pushing strings I guess.
Starting point is 00:12:40 That is all jokes aside. That sounds very spooky. Well, I know you're, you know, we got three days until Halloween and your time is very valuable. So I got, got some questions for you. And I'd like to get your insight on them. So you know, we kind of, we kind of cater to a younger fan base here. And one of their, you know, they're, they're always talking about this film series so i want to get
Starting point is 00:13:06 your insights on this because it it seems pretty close to the the spirit of of spooked out do you think the twilight films more accurately portrayed vampires were wolves or going to high school in washington state uh... uh... question i have been to Washington?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Oh, bro, I've been to all 50 states. Then you live a more cool experience than I. Do you not believe I could set the fortune in Washington? Many of our community members, truth be told, believe that the toilet series has been in a front. So how we represent ourselves in the the monster community. I use the term monsters quite loosely. We're not monsters. We're just a different type of living, unliving being. I know a few of my community members, friends, might take, you know, serious off offense to the whole idea of being sparkly
Starting point is 00:14:06 as a vampire. And some of my werewolf friends and other sorts might be a little bit less inclined to believe that they have the same characteristics as Taylor Lautner. Holly, Holly would, a Lister, yeah. Shark Boy, right? Yeah, Shark Boy, you know, but not a bad film by any means. I think Sharkboy and Lava Groot gets a bad rough, you know, we screened it at least three or four times this month. In a month. That's crazy. And spooky.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I'm real hit. Yeah. But I'd say that I'd say that it's a little bit more of a, you know, a fantasization of sorts, but, you know, we do appreciate a little bit of representation on the big screen. Makes sense. You know, you mentioned sparkly and vampires are otherwise. I'm wondering if it's ever, you know, Saturday night, maybe you got a hot date coming up and you just, you kind of glitter yourself up just just because it feels good.
Starting point is 00:15:06 You ever do that? Well, I'm no vampire in particular. I'm a little bit of an administrator, so a different type of foolish person. I would say that in the weeks of the Twilight series, that's many of our vampiric sort of community members, I have been perhaps inclined to spread stuff with a little bit of sparkle. In the moonlight maybe not a full moon. It kind of comes off very well. Yeah it's kind of you know a solid airty for all sparkly then you know it's tougher to discriminate.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Tinder and spooky town has been a lot been very, very big at us recently. Why is that? Well primarily because of this, you know, the Spooky Towns a bit late when it comes to our cultural references. So we're getting, for example, Sharkboy and Lava Girl now. Oh, I see. Twilight series, you know, we got that a bit late too.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I blame the film industry, but everyone's been sparkling up, and everyone's been enjoying that for some reason. I will not purport to understand the moors of the younger generation of monsters and monster-like creatures, but at the same time, we bring in more people from different parts of the country. Hey, it's a tourist, tourist trap in the best possible sense, I suppose. So the best and the worst. Yeah. Hey, I want to, you know, the days are getting shorter. We got, we got daylight savings time ending here and about, I think it's next weekend, actually. So I wanted to get your hot take on something.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Do you prefer solstices or equinoxes? So I have an answer that I think, you could ask this at many cocktail party in the human world. In the monster world, we think of it in terms of an etymological basis. The word solstice comes from the Latin roots, meaning sun still.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And as you might know, many of our community members take a stance to the sun and all of its effects. Whereas the term geek-winox comes from the words equal and nights. And as you know, many of us in the monster community really wish for equal representation and rights across the United States and otherwise. And equal night seems to be a calling card
Starting point is 00:17:36 for that exact message. And so I think that I'd be very well supported in saying that we like Aquinoox more than solstice. Okay. Okay. I got your logic there at we're we're big on etymological reasoning here, which I've I've see all of the reasoning we have. It's it that's true. That's true. You ever you ever go to one of those equinoxes for a fitness class?
Starting point is 00:18:03 We only have equinox. I've never heard of an orange theory or anything close to the sign of orange. Yeah, there's no splat points for you guys. Just, I don't know whatever Equinox has. I'm not even sure. I got, I got to go ahead. Our spooky town, jurisprudence is all textualists. So the technology is big when it comes to spooky town law. There's some, there's some big words being thrown out here. I hope we're jumping from twilight to etymology. It's really a show for everyone.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Goals and goblins alike. And speaking of Goals and goblins, I'm going to ask you to rank these in order. And that's whatever order you prefer. So here's your objects. You got five to remember. Goals, goblins, which is bitches and gargoyles. Take it away. Oh, that's like, that's a tough one, Quinn. As the mayor of spooky talent, it's very challenging for me to actually take favorites among our community members.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I'd say that at the top of the list, however, because of their fantastic bruises, are at the top of my list. Yeah. A fantastic bruise I make. I think second on that list, it's more than half to be witches for their apothecary and sort of qualities that produced little known to everyone else,
Starting point is 00:19:20 but witches produced of COVID vaccine. Oh, okay. That's good. Within their college, in their college, in many witches, we're very opinionated of what type of ingredients we use. Our vegan witches are really against using any sort of animal byproduct. So it was a bit of a challenge, but they came out with it on the other side. You're welcome, Pfizer, you're welcome, Moderna.
Starting point is 00:19:47 After that, I'd probably have to say that I think I think ghouls, to my understanding, encompasses both ghouls, ghosts, and other sort of apparitions. I think they, they are the most transparent of all of our community members. And they do help us in a lot of different ways, not having any of the physical bounds of being tangible, to explore pretty stuff. And then I think goblins, goblins are a bit underrepresented in general, the community in general. I mean, if you look at the lore for Goblin, Scotland,
Starting point is 00:20:25 are always treated like, you know, second class citizens, you know, to the analog in the lore of the ring series, the Gork. I think that's the exact same truth in this, the goblin. And then, you know, last on the list, but first in our heart, I'd say, is the Gargoyles. Gargoyles, the watchers over, staunch stone figures that watch over the entirety I'm going to get your own little spooky cast system going going on there i'm sure that's not going to cause any uh... racial tensions down the line
Starting point is 00:21:09 when i have my i have my uh... my position for life the elect the vote was for life position so to me i suppose i suppose if you're uh... neither dead nor alive you don't have to worry about political assassinations too much so i kind of get where you're neither dead nor alive you don't have to worry about political assassinations too much so I kind of get where you're coming from. Oh it's easy. Yeah. Yeah. What is anyone going to do? You're going to shoot me? Nothing. I got I got one more
Starting point is 00:21:37 question for you and then I got a special kind of spooky round to close us out. So one more question here. What's the deal with the headless horseman anyways? Is he you know see need the pumpkin? Is that just for the side? What kind of horse is it? What's he really doing? You know what what's the deal? That guy you know Headless horseman or as we know him and spooky town is Greg enforcement or as we know him in Spooky Town is Greg. It's got a bit of a history just with wanting to scare at non-monsters and non-bullish creatures. I have a bit of a bone to pick with them.
Starting point is 00:22:16 We catch him and they have to try to spook walkers on a trail or anything like that. People minding their business. We want people coming to Spooky Town and, you know, he's a bit of a promotion when it comes to, you know, on familiar faces in Spooky Town, you know, as the mayor, I'm trying to bring in as much business as possible, and more business than just bone specialist, bone procuring, blood specialist, blood procuring, this flesh specialist, flesh procuring, you know, etc. And really his deal is just, he's just a bit of an old cross-ity cool, maybe old cross-ity person thing. He actually has a head, he was born born in his chest you opened up his shirt
Starting point is 00:23:06 and he had set of eyes that is spooky okay so kind of a kind of a kind of a misnomer if you will. It's a bit. Yeah. Technically, but not literally. Sound sounds like he's got too much time on his hands. He is glad he basically takes up most of school town's unemployment. Oh, man, that's got to be. It's got to be draining the taxpayers money. That's not going to be good. Train in the dollars.
Starting point is 00:23:43 The undead don't really do anything to produce business. That's not gonna be good. Trade in the dollars. The undead don't really do anything to produce business. That's true. They can't eat. Why do zombies generally eat living flesh? Skeletons can't eat. What do they eat? You see my problem. I saw, I was watching, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:00 pirate to the Caribbean curse to the black pearl on the elliptical the other day. And there's, there's, there were some spooky, men's less skeletons in there. I think I saw one of them eat an apple or something. So I don't know, maybe they can have fruit. I'm not sure. I need to consult with Johnny Depp on this one.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yep, yep, yep, yep. You know, I actually noticed though, and we're gonna go into our last round and in a second here, early in the movie, there's a shot shot, maybe they explain this, I don't know, but he's in like a prison cell, and this is gonna be spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the 2003 film, Pirate to the Caribbean, Curse the Black Pearl. But they shed some moonlight on Captain Jack Sparrow, and he doesn't turn into a skeleton, so I don't know what was going on with that.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Maybe I'd have to go back in and and check it back out but it seems like seems like Walt Disney missed up big time on that one. The reason why that's the reason why they had the end of the five. Why not six seven? That's true. That's true. Jerry Brookheimer. All right. I got one. I got a I got a a special treat for you. It's a little light a Halloween themed lightning round and I'm just gonna give you two choices and you just pick whichever one is is more spooky. All right. You got any questions before we start? Nope. All right. Here we go number one. I think that let's see. There's gonna be six total all right So choose the thing that spooks you more. A bowl of guts or a witch's cauldron. I gotta say a bowl of guts. I don't know what's in a witch's cauldron. Could be something good,
Starting point is 00:25:31 like the Pfizer vaccine. That's true or could be something like that soup I made last week and you're not gonna want that. When if it's anything like your jumble, I take the cauldron any day. That's that's high praise. All right, number two, we got zombies or werewolves. What's what's spookier to you? I think contrary to popular belief, I'd have to say it's werewolves. And the zombies are more popular in film and TV, but zombies are like zombies. I made a book to gender of muscle. Werewolves are basically man canine beings. I haven't played that, but I've heard that, so I'm gonna trust your opinion on that.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Number three, which is spookierry, haunted graveyard, or apartheid? We live in a graveyard, Quinn. Oh, or there's a graveyard. The rest of humanity hasn't figured it out yet. So apartheid. Okay, but kind of by default, I understand. Number four, which is spookyer?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Spooky mummy? Or when they get your coffee order wrong? Did you say spooky money? I said mummy with three M's, but money is okay too. Spooky mummy, what was the other option? Oh, spooky, what was the other option? It was when they get your coffee order wrong. The latter, of course.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yep, makes sense. I have to run spooky town. I need my exact coffee order every time. I run a tight ship in spooky town. I need only administrative cool. I need my coffee corrects. You might be undead, but you still got to be up in alert. So I get that.
Starting point is 00:27:28 That makes sense. All right, number five, which is spookier. Vampire bats are the AIDS epidemic. Well, that's a good question, Quinn, because, well, the AIDS epidemic was a blood problem. And the vampires are those that spread blood. And that's blood. Would it be one just, would it be so much to say that vampires
Starting point is 00:27:55 might be one of the leading causes of the spread of AIDS? But what did that also mean? That AIDS is the real, the real enemy here? I didn't, you know, I, I didn't understand, but I would say yes. I've got to say probably AIDS. All right, yeah, I think that's... Oh yeah, okay. We got posters about monkeypox in our gym, so I've been, I've been learning a lot the last couple months. All right, last one, the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster or hang nails, which is spookier.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Now to say hang nails can come at whatever time, whatever, and when you're least extracting them, probably at the least, the least convenient time. Can you imagine being on a podcast, calling a hang now, this happens to you notice a hang now. You might ruin your entire thing. Turnable, how many times does turnable happen? This might be question. I think once.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Here in Spooky Town, we're a little bit on the fence about nuclear, but even that we're all in dead, we're probably leading towards it at this point. Sounds like a model UN speech or something. Welcome to Spooky Town Model UN. Ha, ha, ha, brand new conference. I like it, I like it. Well, Mayor of Spooky Town, I know you're a very busy guy
Starting point is 00:29:22 and you got symposias and conferences and of course Halloween festivities to attend to you. Have any parting thoughts for the audience here at our 250th episode slash Halloween Spooky Decular? My only parting thought is, is it Spooky Town? We most likely won't do anything bad to you. We've got decent food and an access of pumpkins and apple patches. Remember, foolishness and beauty. I like it. That sounds like a one that I can't
Starting point is 00:29:54 remember. Yeah, well, we can thankfully we recorded this so we can check back the tape. But I got to thank you so much for coming on and I know I kind of put you under the The hot lamp there were some of those questions. I was pressing your hard like peers Morgan but you stood there with great a plumb and And did great and represented your your city well, so I got to thank you for coming on That's the mirror mirror spooky town. Thanks again for being here Mara Spooky Town, thanks again for being here. That's wishes and a very spooky Halloween to you, Quinn. All right, Mara, I'll check in on you next year. I hope you have a good one.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Please do. All right, bye. Wow, what a treat. The Mara Spooky Town, everyone, making his debut appearance live on the bean town podcast. Who would have thought? What a what a treat for the listeners. Wow. All right. So when we left off we were talking taxes and what I was getting spooked by was excuse me, got a big belch. When I was getting spooked by, was the whole US taxes system was,
Starting point is 00:31:09 it is just extremely ghoulish in haunting and bone chilling, if you will, because it's like, you spend all year paying taxes. And the government kind of says, you know, we're gonna take out this much when you get your paycheck. And then at the end of the year,
Starting point is 00:31:35 it's like, do your best to pay your taxes right. And if you fuck up, then we are going to you know find you or whatever and That just seems really like I Think if you just work like a regular W2 job. You're just like a regular full-time job kind of person
Starting point is 00:32:04 Then I could you know I could see how it would be like simple and straightforward. I don't think it's that big of a deal. But for someone like myself, and it's, frankly, it's becoming very common in the United States, especially if you work on like education or literally anything that's not paying, if you live in a place like Chicago or any other big city, literally anything that's not paying if you live in a place like Chicago or any other big city literally anything that's like not paying you more than
Starting point is 00:32:30 like 50 grand a year You can survive on that but This is one of the things that spooks me. It's just so hard to build capital because rent and food and transportation and any sort of fun entertainment just costs so much. So it's just like You know, we're working a lot of jobs over here and doing our best But then you have to like do the extra taxes and you just got to do your best guess and that's spooky to me. I
Starting point is 00:33:12 will say I've been doing though like you know extra withholding and stuff for a now. And this past year, I got, I was, I still came in under, meaning I got a tax refund back, which is good or bad depending on your perspective. But I've been, I'm going to make a little bit less this year, I think. And so I'm probably gonna get an even bigger refund because I haven't adjusted it. So, yeah. That's another thing that spooks me. All right, so let's hear from our sponsors, you'll quick hear, sorry, I've been a little bit disjointed, trying to take care of,
Starting point is 00:34:06 that's a tough thing about live air, is you're trying to take care of multiple things that are going on. I'm not, I'm off the clock, I'm not working anymore. I'm done for the day, like my hours are officially done. Still getting hit with some work stuff, which normally I would just like, you know, if I'm just at home, whatever, to well, take care of it, but it's harder to take care
Starting point is 00:34:31 of that stuff when you are talking to a mayor, excuse me, and you are live on YouTube, live on the audio stream. So we're gonna, let's lock it back in here, okay? Let's first check on my brother's bachelor party plans. Looks like no new updates since the last thing I put. Okay, let's go find our ad reads here. Let's do the full thing. It's our 350th episode, 250th episode, again, ahead of myself here. My phone lately has been doing,
Starting point is 00:35:06 where, you know, like auto adjust the auto brightness, which normally I'm okay with, but lately it's been like going way down on brightness. I'm not in like low battery mode or anything like that. I'll just be like in a normal room like this, the light's not changing, and I'll be reading my phone one second and next thing, you know, it's like all the way down to low brightness, you got
Starting point is 00:35:26 to manually just it. Put that under the category. Again, if things that spook me, and I hope someone's keeping track and writing this down, because I'm certainly not. Okay, here we go. If you saw the shirt design, you know who we're about to hear from. It's our trusted sponsors, partners, Hashtag friends of the podcast here live on Beentown Networks. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Well, Oregon listeners, it got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, is central organs, hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing roofing plumbing and so much more Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified So you know you're getting the good stuff if you're tired of big real estate angle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust call Steve at
Starting point is 00:36:21 541-03016 or visit Again, that's 541-410-03016 or you can visit Homeprydorgan inspection, perfection. Shout out to our friends at Canadian Whiskey, Signature Reserve for making a fine bottle of whiskey. And of course, our good friends at Trader Joe's for brewing the Howling Gord's pumpkin ale, technically from, it's not like it's rude by Joseph's Brow,
Starting point is 00:36:54 brewing company in San Jose, California. And the second that the Sogatov brewing peanut butter porter hits the market again. You know I'm gonna have that. We saved, so I bought the six pack, six cans before we ever even went to Sogatuck. So I bought that in October of last year. Here we go basically. It was so delicious.
Starting point is 00:37:19 So then we went to Sogatuck, kind of unrelated to that, but we went to Sogatuck brewing, had the peanut butter powder. I saved one can of the peanut butter port. I held on to it until like May or something like that right before I moved out of Lincoln Park and I finally drank it. And so it's been what six months or something since I've gotten to taste it. It's like nectar. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:37:42 It's basically just like drinking peanut butter, and it also gives you a buzz if you haven't eaten anything. So, what could be better in life? Okay, we got our category, things that spook us. That's the opposite, things that don't spook us. Things that get me unspooked is drinking peanut butter. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. It's got crisp, clean audio quality.
Starting point is 00:38:03 It can handle a one-man show, it can handle a call from the mayor of Spooktown. One of these days, we're gonna research technology so that people could literally just call my phone and the audio would be fed directly into our software and I wouldn't have to hold up the speaker phone to our Samson Q2U series here. But until that day comes, Samson is gonna be doing some double duty,
Starting point is 00:38:24 some heavy lifting from Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers to Deuronomy, and seven times around the wall of Jericho. And God speaks. He uses a Samson. And finally, oh, gosh, you guys are going to love this. Bob and weave. We all know their style. We all love it.
Starting point is 00:38:45 But how many Chicago based independent? That's important. You know who's at a barber right now? Or I guess they don't call them barbers. My loving GF Raychi went to the hairdressers, I guess, to get a haircut. Hope it's going well. She said she's gonna get a bob. What's the first word in our ad copy, bob? A bob and weave, it's kind of one word here. You know, it's got the hyphens. So we'll see what she comes back with, unclear. About how many Chicago based independent barbers
Starting point is 00:39:16 can actually give you the way you deserve? Enter, cut, spy, cue. It's a little like understand man, just different. Cuts by cue has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest Indiana, and the greater Chicago land area.
Starting point is 00:39:33 From B-hives to banks, fo-hocs to flat tops, and everything in between. You gotta call Cutspy Q at 815298-7200 or you can email CutspyQ at Again, that's Cuts! Cue U-T-Z. again that's cut skew you TZ by Q at Yahoo dot com folks don't you need it, fresh do, something that's snappin' new, just call the experts at cuts by Q. Cuts by Q. Wow, we're 40 minutes in already. Time flies when you're getting spooked. I say we got 45% left on the old MacBook there.
Starting point is 00:40:32 So let's bring it back in. Let's center our energy here. Let's get back to things that spooked me. Here's one for the educators out there. Last night, and we thank our teachers. We love our teachers. Last night, this is kind of a good angle for me. If you're missing it on the YouTube stream, I kind of got the light of our neon sign behind us, the way my bicep is being held makes it look like it looks weight more than once a year. And I kind of got
Starting point is 00:41:00 this Bolo tie with my wife, Peter Penny, which is very sexy, along with my, and I guess I haven't even described my outfit. I'm like Pat Hughes here on the Cubs broadcasts where wearing the white pin stripes and the blue trousers and the red caps is the, whoever, no one wears those colors. I got my turd Ferguson foam hat here, wrestling piece to norm, wrestling piece to Alex, wrestling piece to Bert. I have my reversible white and blue penny, which is white, excuse me, is showing today,
Starting point is 00:41:36 250 episode, purity and jealous, been called all these things. Then I have my Bolo tie going, which I've had for years. And that's it. I'm not going full Halloween costume for this because frankly, it's going to be too sweaty. But if you don't know, if you're like, oh, is that a new Halloween costume? I've literally been wearing the same Halloween costume since. I think my first year living in Baltimore, 2017 was when I My first year living in Baltimore, 2017 was when I kind of introduced the look. A tribute to the character known as Turd Ferguson, which is like, it's like Inception,
Starting point is 00:42:13 it's like four levels deep. The skit is a parody of celebrity jeopardy to be more specific. and Bert Reynolds is one of the contestants played by Norm McDonald and Bert Reynolds in the sketch has an alter ego turd Ferguson. You're like three layers deep already, kind of like a three layer bean dip, which I should make. And any one of those bean dips, you just need like a ton of beans. It's like sour cream, beans, some ground beef,
Starting point is 00:42:47 or ground turkey if you're feeling adventurous and cheese. I always, you know, in hindsight, the idea, the concept of a bean dip, we're not getting, we're not getting a lot of, you know, clear light from our sign here. It's just being very like, you're just seeing a big, like the burning bush. We said it there, that's a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Now we look kinda spooky. I guess that fits the theme. All right, we're gonna come back to all of this, I promise, I'm not forgetting about the educators. But I feel like, you go to like a potlucky, you have the bean dip, it's always way too much sour cream. And look, don't get me wrong, I love getting creamed. But I don't want like a full mouth of sour cream. And look, don't get me wrong, I love getting creamed. But I don't want
Starting point is 00:43:25 like a full mouth of sour cream. I've never been bullish on sour cream to where I'm like, oh yeah, give me, give me all the sour cream. I don't even know if they're bought sour cream in a store, maybe like once or twice. I like it, but in very small quantities. I just want a little bit of the like tang TNG thatA-N-G that it brings, shout out to Neil Armstrong, tang, but I don't want a full mouthful of sour cream. Much in the same way, I wouldn't want a full mouthful of like butter, right? It's like, yeah, this is good,
Starting point is 00:43:56 but I just want it as an accent. And a lot of those bean dips, especially if it's seven levels or more, seven layers, too much sour cream. Give me the cheese, give me the beef, give me a little bit of sour cream, a little bit of cheese, lettuce, I'll be happy. But I want a hearty bite, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:16 So my dentist said I had a hearty bite. Okay, something that spooks me, this one's for the educators, three minutes later we're circling back. I had my last class of the year that I teach this past Thursday night, last night I guess. And we got 15 students in the class, 15 first year students. It's very much like a first year freshman seminar, it's pretty straightforward. It's very much a type of class where it's like if you show up, if you participate, you can write about yourself, you do the discussion board posts, you're going to
Starting point is 00:44:50 get an A. It's a very like baseline college level class. Right. It's designed to be your first thing you do. And last, it was their final presentation, which is where 30% of your grade. which is worth 30% of your grade. So like literally if you don't do this, and I guess I'll add more detail, 15% of the presentation, 15% is the project. So times two, 30%. So literally if you don't, let's just say you don't show up to the presentation,
Starting point is 00:45:18 your max grade for the entire class, all this stuff we've been doing since August, is 85%. And I know that's not like extreme or anything like that. There are classes where your whole grade is the final. But I had three out of my 15, not come to class. And one of them was someone who had been struggling with attendance a little bit.
Starting point is 00:45:42 And so I wasn't surprised by that. Another one had missed maybe one class, maybe two. But seemed to have, I was like, this kid knows what he's doing, he's a smart guy. The last one had missed one class, but he had literally emailed me the night before asking him out of assignments. And I think I got this stuff in.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Can you check for me? And he just didn't comment. It's like, no, you know, they didn't communicate like, oh, we weren't going to be there. There's a problem. So first things first, I hope everyone's doing okay. All my 18 year olds out there. But second, like you just totally effed up, I mean, if you were, if you're already a B average student,
Starting point is 00:46:25 which I can't comment on any of that, because I've already identified way too much about this class, but you're already going, you're automatically going from 85 down to a 70 as your max grade, if you literally did everything, didn't have any late work or anything. So just brutal. And I know that's, this story is not unique that happens educators have been dealing with this stuff for years, but
Starting point is 00:46:50 Just I get it. You know if you want to be the person this like a meme online if you want to be the kid that doesn't come to class and then shows it for the final cool whatever I Don't teach any classes that really fall into that sort of I don't teach any classes that really fall into that sort of category, but this is like the inverse of that where you show up to most of the classes you don't show up for the final. It's like You guys are you guys are killing me So that's something else that spooks me
Starting point is 00:47:19 Big-time major spook vibes Something else that spooks me I'm not technically part of a team, although I did play last night, because I teach on Thursday nights, Rachel's kickball team, their game started at 9.50950 last night. That is frankly very spooky. You know, it's one of those things where it's when it's like July, it's kind of cool, because the sun didn't set to like 8459 and so you're just like just getting into the night It feels like but you get to this time of year. I mean, it's 453 central time right now. The sun's going down outside We're gonna be dark in about 20 30 minutes You got to deal with four four and a half hours of darkness before your game even starts. And it was windy and it was cold. Still, you know, you have a fun time, but it's just different, you know, the summer, nice weather out, like everything feels very like relaxed, you're just chilling, but
Starting point is 00:48:17 last night, and then we still have a couple more weeks, I think. It's like you're bundled up as much as you can trying to retain body heat and It's hard to like have fun and be competitive and all that stuff in the game. So Definitely spooks me. I was thoroughly spooked. I don't want any more 950 start times Because once it once it go once it gets dark, I'm just like, I'm good man, it's really hard to get me out of the house. Pretty much from daylight savings time ending next weekend to like March,
Starting point is 00:48:57 I'm pretty much like inside the house. Something else that spooks me, you guys knew this was going to come eventually in some form or fashion. We got an ad for it last night, Rigglyville. Riggly field Gallagher Way, which is kind of their faux green space outside of the field, west of the stadium, between Clark and the stadium. They have hosted a mini-Christkindlemart for probably less three years, four years, five
Starting point is 00:49:26 years maybe. And this Chris Kindlemart has had, you know, the outdoor spaces are leaking about your trinkets, your chaach keys, your, you know, your cider, your pumpkin ale, whatever you want, you know, your hot chocolate. But there's also an ice skating rink. It's a very small ice skating rink, but it's a rink nonetheless. And we just got the ad last night saying, you know, Chris Kindlemar, they don't even call it a winter fest or something. It's all new this year. And the big draw is like, now you actually get to go inside Riggle field. And that's where the ice skating
Starting point is 00:50:02 is. And the first thing I said to Rachel, first thing to pop the mind mind was like, this is a money making thing for them. It used to be like free and open to the public, not to skate, but you could just like go people watch at the outside of the rink. And the first thing that came to my mind was like, they're gonna charge you to go inside the field where the ice rink is.
Starting point is 00:50:22 And that's exactly what happened. So you gotta pay $5 just to get into rigly field. Obviously it's an arm and a leg more than that if you wanna skate. But you know, there's other things happening inside the field. And there's like the only thing outside in the Gallagher way space that was the only and main thing before is just like some shops.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And so it's just like, I look, I get it. If I was a business owner, would I do the same thing? Probably, but as just a plebe here, working three jobs, trying to like, have a kid and retire before I'm 75, it's just a pain in the ass, especially because I live there.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I mean, that's one thing I like to do in the winter Because there's not a ton else going on in Chicago all the time. It's just like people watching the opportunity I get And so doing that at Chris Kennell Mart is fun. So my my my right are being taken away from me right and left A fun little plan words a fun little plan words. Guys, that's about all I have that spooks me. I did, I wanted to return very quickly to this pumpkin I drew, because I realized I didn't mention it
Starting point is 00:51:33 at the outset of our show. You saw it on the YouTube stream. Again, it's a Vikings-themed pumpkin. It says, skull, which is a Danish-Slesht Nordic kind of greeting meaning cheers, essentially, and the Vikings use it in a variety of ways. And it's got a little football on the back. I drew this myself with a marker. I'm very proud of myself. But I wanted to give a shout out to my friend Calvin Fredrickson, who works for a spiteful brewing,
Starting point is 00:51:58 and he was doing kind of a crossover event with Village Tap in Roscoe Village, which is not far from where I live, 25, 30 minute walk, a little bit faster if you catch a bus or a train the right way. And he was hosting a pumpkin decorating event on Tuesday night, I think it was, or Wednesday night, I don't remember. And it was like six to nine or something. I got home from work and actually had, I had to work.
Starting point is 00:52:29 I think it was Winston and I had to work once they got home for a hot second on a Zoom call. And I, you know, I was really, I was actually like proud of myself because I'm not usually someone like, I, I'm very much once I get home. And I'm like on the couch, that's it for me, especially in the winter when the nights, you know, nights are longer, it's darker, it's colder. Once I'm on the couch, that's it. But I was like, no, I'm gonna come home,
Starting point is 00:52:56 I'm gonna work some more. And then I'm gonna like go find a bus and go to this bar by myself and like meet this friend. I was proud of myself. The introvert in me said, stay home, but the the festive man in me, the spook, the spook man in me said, go out there, direct decorate a pumpkin, have a beer, go try, go see a bar you've never seen before, go to Roscoe Village, I never go to Roscoe Village. It's not super accessible by CTA. It's like go to Paulina Brown, which is just three quarters of a mile west of here and then walk another
Starting point is 00:53:35 like half mile. So it's not far from us, but it's also not, it's just like far enough to where you're like, I'm not just gonna like casually walk there. Which you can, but it takes a while. And time is money here in the Bean Tum vodka. We're out of whiskey, which means this show is about to wrap up. We're gonna be right at about the hour mark with our outro music, and that's good. But, you know, let's take this time to be serious about it for a second.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Thank you, everyone, who's listened. I just checked our Apple Podcast metrics the other day. Yesterday, I think, and we're at about 48,000 streams across 250 episodes, which frankly is not, you know, in this show is never intended to be like a huge deal. But it's meant a lot that people have listened. I know there's still people out there who listen every week. I see the metrics we're pulling in like 40 to 60 listeners
Starting point is 00:54:41 a week sometimes more than that. I don't know if they're all from Pakistan. I don't know where they come from, but that's who you are. I'm speaking to you. 250 episodes. We've done it. And here's to the next 250. By the time we hit our 500th bean town podcast,
Starting point is 00:55:01 I'll be whatever, like 31, 32, something like that, which is hard to believe, but it'll be whatever like 31 32 something like that which is hard to believe but it'll be here before you know it. I also want to think of course. Our dear friend the mayor of Spooktown I'll pull back the curtain that was actually no I'm not going to because Halloween is all about Spook and mystery and and Gullichness and I don't want to ruin the surprise. We've only done 250 episodes. If we're ever going to have the mirror of spooktown back and
Starting point is 00:55:32 we reveal the secret identity, then that bit would be over. Uh, there's going to be at least another, another like knock on wood. 50 Halloween specials that we do. Another 50 Halloween specials, I'll be 77. You guys imagine old Gizard Quinn doing the bean-tongued podcast when he's 77? Maybe I'll have a hover car. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:58 We'll see what happens. But thank you to the mayor of Spuketown for calling in and really appreciate his insight on administrative politics and tourism and ad budgets. And it got very kind of legislative for a time there. LEGIS, L-A-T-I-V-E. That's what I got for you. Everyone decorate your pumpkins. Hope, you know, dress up as something cool, something spooky.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I'll take a picture of my costume this year, tomorrow when we get to it, I actually have to work, but once I'm done with that, I'm done with work at four in the afternoon and then I'll get dolled up and stuff and we'll see what happens after that. But you don't have to imagine,
Starting point is 00:56:45 hey, what is Quinn dressing up as this year? You can literally go find any of my socials and go to like every single October 28th through 31st in history and be like, oh, that's what he's dressing up as because I look exactly the same. It's no mystery. There's nothing spooky about it. It's just what I like to be.
Starting point is 00:57:03 That's what I have for you. YouTube, you guys been a great audience. If you're just listening and if you wanted to see our fun hat or our pumpkin that we decorated, you could absolutely check that out or just start our nice little live on air bean-tongued podcast which I hold backwards in real life so that on the YouTube stream it shows up right side up. If anyone has any insights into why Jack Sparrow does not words in real life so that on the YouTube stream it shows up right side up. If anyone has any insights into why Jack Sparrow does not show up as a skeleton in the first
Starting point is 00:57:32 act when he's under the moonlight of Pirates of the Caribbean cursed the black pole, cursed the black pole sounds like the porn version. Go ahead and let us know. That totally could be the porn version. On ahead and let us know. That totally could be the porn version. On that note, I'm out. Everyone, it's Halloween weekend. I'm going to say this once, and I mean it. Stay safe.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Stay sane. You've been a great audience. Here's to the next 250. I'll check in on you next time. Bye. nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:59:12 nd nd nd nd nd Thank you.

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