Beantown Podcast - 5252019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: May 25, 2019

Quinn rambles about the harrowing tale of making crepes with garlic and herbs butter, the Game of Thrones finale, and new life in the Jack Links sponsorship negotations #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? Quinn David Furnace coming to you live for Saturday, May 25th, 2019, year two of Quinn David Furnace parents, the bean town podcast. This is my show, What's going on? How are you? What's happening? We're coming to you live for the penultimate chapter of 817 St. Paul Street. A lot of people, early on in the podcast
Starting point is 00:00:30 and by a lot I mean like two and a half, but the half was Angus T Jones. They would say, Quinn, you're given out your address live on air, are you crazy? You're gonna have fans storming your apartment apartment crazy people will try to murder you perhaps Your mom might try to visit all this stuff and all the noise that I had to try to block out I said hey when I'm long after I'm gone and Beentom podcast still lives on I
Starting point is 00:01:04 Want you know some sort of plaque, I think. I don't know, it could be nice. Maybe they just, my entire floor, they don't allow residents on anymore because now it's the Quinn David Furnace Memorial floor and it's just an empty floor of apartments. I to represent the emptiness inside my heart, I think that could be a really nice touching tribute.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So just just a thought, just an idea, but yes, we're coming to you live from 817 St. Paul Street and beautiful bean town USA. And again, for those for the uninitiated Initiated there's a new word it's live when I record not when you listen so I don't want to hear any Complaints or grievances about oh you said you're having a live show we tuned in we didn't know where it was Well here it is if you're listening to it now then it's live so It's a little bit of circular logic there, reasoning. It took logic, I took a logic class when I was, oh, I don't know, 9th or 10th grade.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It's just that I know. It's interesting to me. I think logic is really interesting, but I've taken some practice, I'll set, you know, questions and stuff before and it's just, it's crazy what type of stuff those lawyers are doing. I'm happy to stay out of it. I just represent lawyers through my new job. I don't actually be one.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But I don't know, maybe I could become QDFJD. That's almost a palindrome right there. So, things to consider. Things to consider. Being on podcast is your number one source for misinformation on the internet. Probably we are the people's podcast. And for another two weeks,
Starting point is 00:02:58 we are going to Baltimore City's top 500 podcast. And we want to thank all the hashtag friends of the podcast and the beeners out there for their consistent support coming up on the halfway mark through year two already that sounds crazy to say but you know it's next week is is June and you know if you know how months work you got June is the six month of the year and you got 12 months in a year divided by two that's six so a little bit of math for for those the out there maybe maybe you're waking up with bean town I came across this an alarm clock or an app. Excuse me on your phone that makes you do mathematical or an app excuse me on your phone that makes you do mathematical equations. They certain number of them. I don't know how it works. I didn't download it. But they
Starting point is 00:03:51 make this app makes you do mathematical equations in order to turn your alarm off. That's crazy. And I'm thinking, you know, what's the range here? You know, easy end, I suppose, you know, two plus two equals four stuff like that. But, you know, what if they make you do something like use substitution on the hard end? We were talking a little bit about use on, excuse me, the first episode of our new show, the White Noise podcast hosted by Matthew Fiedler and co-hosted by Quinn David Furnace. Matthew brought up sheep and we ended up talking for hours upon hours about use and I think we discussed mutton at some point I'm not really sure but there are a lot of animals being thrown around. I think there is a bovine discussion at some point. So we know about you is over here on the podcast, but maybe they make you do use substitution
Starting point is 00:04:53 or integrals or some sort of matrix multiplication. I don't know. I tell you what, I remember back to when I was taking Algebra 2, my freshman year high school and I teacher Mr. Jones No, that's not Mr. Davis. Excuse me. Mr. Jones is our Bible teacher. Gotta learn about that Bible Mr. Davis, you know, introduced us to matrices and I this whole time I'm thinking This is gonna be like a little
Starting point is 00:05:25 Keanu Reeves action maybe he's coming into the classroom to teach us about the matrix. It wasn't it ended up not being that exciting there was a lot of homework and bullying and not a lot of Keanu Reeves but I don't know maybe maybe I should have you know as a as a child maybe I should have, you know, as a child, maybe I should have been one of those sickly children who's, you know, in the hospital, it doesn't look like they're gonna make it, so they call in the big guns, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:55 like the Avengers or the 85 Bears, and they come visit you in the hospital. Can you imagine if you were a five year old kid with leukemia or something and the 85 bears come strolling in? I mean, we're talking about McMahon, we're talking Singletary, Ditka, of course. I don't even know who else was on that 85 team, but some legends and apologies to all the bears fans out there. All two of you listening. That I can't remember more members of the 85 Bears staff.
Starting point is 00:06:29 But I digress a little bit here. Listener discretion is advised when you are listening to the bean town podcast. Number one, well occasionally use some DITKIND spired language. You said, I don't know. Stop it. Yeah. kind of inspired language. He said, I don't know, stop it. I was I was gearing up for a DITCY impression and man, it was just really fell flat. I used to have that one a little bit better, but it's just I just can't get in the mood anymore. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I feel like I've completely lost my DITC in Apologies. Again, to all the Bears fans out there, all two of you listening for butchering that DITCA impression. I'm going to put that one on the shelf, or at least not practice it in public anymore. But we'll occasionally use some language. And then number two, podcast is objectively terrible. Although I tell you what, you go ahead over
Starting point is 00:07:23 to our iTunes page or soundcloud page You look at some of the listens we're getting lately It's been pretty exciting to watch the growth, you know, and you're one it was like oh, man If we're getting up to like 70 or 80 listens or downloads in episode that's exciting We're doing good things and now you know getting up to like this past week or 600 I think. So that's really exciting. Maybe it will give us an opportunity to bring in some sponsors. So I'm going to Chicago later today. I should mention we're doing like a late night bean town podcast right now. It's but midnight.
Starting point is 00:08:01 On the morning of Saturday, the evening of Friday. I didn't want to bring podcasting stuff to Chicago, although now with this new podcast, I'm probably going to have to regardless. Anyways, going to meet up with Uncle Andy, who's been on the podcast before. And there have been some increased talks recently of Jack Links as a sponsor. I don't know. Things are happening over here at Beentown. We are very excited. I'm not going to make anyone any promises. I don't know what the deal is, but I think we would really like to see that happen. So stay tuned for that one. that happen. So stay tuned for that one. I don't have a lot to excuse me to get into on today's podcast. Last week was exciting. We had our big ideas podcast and some of those ideas were really big, including a returned discussion to plus one offenders and penalties. It was a really robust
Starting point is 00:09:07 discussion among me, myself, and I, and we're back and forth. Great minds duking it out. Anyways, you can go listen to the episode from whatever the 18th, I think would be the day. But I'm in the middle of my apartment right now as I tend to be when I'm recording. And I'm surrounded by cardboard jungle out here. It's like that that lipstick jungle show on NBC with Brook Shields that lasted for like two years except it's a cardboard jungle. You haul boxes as far as the eye you can see. You got a couple Amazon boxes as well. And there's a pizza box over there, but that's from dinner.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Anyways, a lot of cardboard boxes in this apartment and packing everything up pretty much at the point now where the only stuff that has not been thrown into a box are some garbage cans and my sheets for my bed and towel for the shower and subsequent towel, what's it called? Hangs from the shower curtain, excuse me, curtain. What an interesting word, curtain, rhymes with pertain, almost a paladrome,
Starting point is 00:10:29 and then my guitar, and then a couple of the random things I got to remember to take care when I get back like my alarm clock, my war medals, AK, my race medals, back when I had the capacity to run races. But yeah, so what ended up happening, I packed a lot last week and stupid Quinn made the sage choice
Starting point is 00:10:54 of packing a ball of silverware. So you should have seen me last week, no silverware trying to eat bacon and eggs, which was an interesting experience because if you If you don't do your eggs just right then they can get a little bit watery and when they get a little bit or not watery but runny a thin consistency And if you don't if you don't take care of those guys on the burner and you try to eat that with your hands,
Starting point is 00:11:27 it, you know, when an empire strikes back when Luke's on Hoth and he gets whacked by the Wampa and the, you know, pans over to the Wampa, Luke's hanging by his feet and the Wampa's eating the taunt on with his bare hands and there's blood dripping out of his mouth and stuff. That's pretty much what I looked like eating eating dinner on Monday night with my bacon turkey bacon and eggs. I should mention turkey bacon. It's a healthy healthy meat. That's what you want to have. So Tuesday night and I should mention
Starting point is 00:12:02 this that I'm a dummy because there's plastic silverware at work And I didn't realize it until I realized that I just didn't wasn't smart enough to recall that it was there until Wednesday So I had Monday and Tuesday night Eating with my hands here. So Tuesday, you know, we're getting to the point now with like five days left in the apartment where we're looking like, okay, what can I actually make? What's in my fridge that I can get rid of where I have to buy the least amount of groceries, yada yada yada.
Starting point is 00:12:37 So I'm like, well, I've had flour, sugar, I have some eggs and some salt. So we're pretty much most of the way to some pancakes or crepes. I decided I was gonna make crepes. I even had some milk. Now before I went to the store I didn't comprehend just how old the milk was but we're gonna get to that in one second. So go to the grocery store the friend after work. I'm thinking, okay, this is easy. All I need is some butter, but you also don't wanna,
Starting point is 00:13:13 you know, you don't wanna get the classic, like four sticks of butter because what am I gonna do with the other three and a half sticks? You know, it's like not baking anything. What else am I gonna to do with butter? It butter is not crazy expensive, but you know, why pay four or five bucks
Starting point is 00:13:31 for some butter when I could hopefully find a single stick which I'm still not gonna use all of for like, you know, a dollar. So I'm perusing, you know, it's a good word, peruse, P-E-R-U-E-S, something like that. And I think that was the German spelling. I'm perusing the fridge or the freezer at the grocery store with a butter and I'm thinking, okay, I'm seeing a lot of the four packs.
Starting point is 00:13:59 What's, you know, am I going to have to bite the bullet on this one and I just can have a lot of extra butter that I give to my neighbor or something What's the deal out of the corner my eye? I See a single or a set of single Singular stacks singular wireless remember that had like the orange logo. It was like this You know mid-2000s like 3D attempt I I think in the early stages or in the early seasons of American Idol you could call the singular wireless number. I don't remember exactly how that stuff worked, but I see that the single stick of butter and I'm thinking, oh this
Starting point is 00:14:39 is great. So I grab it, move on. Next thing I was getting like two other things. I was getting some sausages for for the following night. I was getting some orange juice as well because not to get too off top of here but last week and after the pre-gifts I was so disappointed that win-win win lost lost lost again that I stopped at a liquor store on the way home from the bar. And I was just, I was looking for a handle of something cheap, just, you know, because it's my last full week in Baltimore. So just something to sip on throughout the week is kind of a celebratory sip,
Starting point is 00:15:17 or a collection of sips, if you will. Again, the word a sip, S-I-P. And I'm thinking, okay, excuse me, usually when I'm buying handles, I usually go for like whiskey bourbon. I don't think I've ever bought a handle of rum before. Vodka was kind of an old college day thing. So I'm like, well, I usually get whiskey bourbon,
Starting point is 00:15:42 something like that. Let me try something different. What are my options here? You know, I'm not wanting to shell out for $800 absent. I'm like, let me check out the tequila offerings. I haven't had tequila in a long time, but I like tequila. Tequila was the first ever hard liquor I ever had going to sophomore year college, had some tequila sunrises at a friend's apartment. And so I let me, I said, let me throw it back a little bit. Keyla Sunrise is at a friend's apartment.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And so I said, let me throw it back a little bit. So I got, I found a cheap bottle of silver tequila, 20 bucks, and again, okay, this is great. $20 easy. I go up to the register to pay, and apparently it's half off, and I was like, whoa. And so $10 handle the te Keela, which is great, because if you go to a bar and you get, you know, to Keela's sunrise,
Starting point is 00:16:28 oftentimes depending on the bar, that's gonna run you nine or 10 bucks. Well, Quinn's walking out of Mount Vernon's supermarket with a handle it to Keela for 10 bucks. That's a steal if I ever saw one. So go back to the grocery store in Tuesday night. And I pick up some OJ as well, but that's not the interesting part of the story. So go back to the grocery store in Tuesday night and I pick up some olds J as well, but that's not the interesting part of the story. I get home and
Starting point is 00:16:52 I'm thinking oh, I should mention I was really hungry I didn't have breakfast and then lunch we were doing an event An event for students and it's a type of thing where like you can get some food But you want to make sure there's enough for everyone so you don't actually take very much long story short, quid pro quo, not much food was consumed by yours truly at the lunch. So I was sitting on like 500 calories the whole day getting into dinner at like eight o'clock. So I whip out my eggs, my flour, my sugar, all that stuff, everything's looking good. Then I realize I get to the milk. And mind you, the date right now
Starting point is 00:17:33 is what Friday, May 21st, or Tuesday, May 21st. The sell-by date, it might not be as egregious as you think. It's pretty tough though. The sell-by date on the milk carton, a half gallon, April 14th. So you're thinking, okay, it's way better than like December seventh, right? But it's still, we're still five weeks past the cell by date.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And I had been working on this half gallon of milk for a while, but there were still enough for whatever two cups or whatever you need for the crepes recipe. So as everyone will do, or everyone who has ever been poor, or just not wanting to go back to the grocery store. I open up, I untwist the the the gout half gallon and take a not a big whiff right mind you because I didn't want to be knocked over and hit my hat or something if it was that bad and I take the whiff I do a little but one of these listen I guess that was a bigger whiff than what it actually was longer to that was like eight whiffs. But and I'm thinking to myself, okay, this not the worst, you can, you know, what you always got to try to tell yourself is, look, if I didn't know what the cell by date was, what I noticed
Starting point is 00:19:02 this smell. And really, after you already know the salbide, you can't really know that because your mind already knows. But I'm like, I can do this. Now you might be sitting there thinking, well, when this crepes, the milk is probably nice to have, but you could just use water and the butter is gonna help you out with that kind of Darious flavor If you will and this this thought crossed my mind
Starting point is 00:19:35 This is where the intersection of Quinn being cheap slash a little poor and the intersection of the other aspect that i'm trying to portray intersected with one another. There were like five intersections there if you were following. Long story short, I decided to go for it, which in hindsight, essentially the mindset
Starting point is 00:20:00 I had was, I don't think the taste is going to be that bad. It might smell a little bit, but the taste isn't gonna be that bad. And I would rather have this than a more watery, crape blend, if you will, which hindsight, probably the wrong decision. But if you're sitting there and you're thinking, there's still one ingredient left here that Quinn talked about earlier and now has to come back to you would be right and that would be the butter So
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yes, the single Stick of butter the linchpin to the story I Go into the fridge story. I go into the fridge, I grab the single stick, the last thing I got to do, I'm going to put half of it in a bowl, heat it up in the microwave, pour it in, and we're going to have crepes with a little bit of old milk, but otherwise it's going to be fine, right? Quinn, you couldn't be more wrong. Oh, Jesus, I look at that stick of butter and let me tell you this was no ordinary butter. This was some sort of gourmet, organic, fresh farms, grass fed, cagefree, bovine-infused, garlic and herbs flavored butter. And when I mentioned that it was garlic and herbs flavor, I want you to mentally make the
Starting point is 00:21:37 garlic and the herbs in all caps because this stuff was some of the strongest, smelling anything I've ever experienced in my life. It made the old milk look like nothing. It made a landfill in Rochelle, Illinois look like perfume. Oh, I don't know who buys this. And I like garlic and I like perfume. Oh, I don't know who buys this and I like garlic and I like herbs and I tend to like garlic and herbs. I think it's a flavor, a subway bread that I get occasionally, but this stuff smells. Oh, man, really strong and not good. Not in like a rancid way, but just like how do they
Starting point is 00:22:28 fit that much garlic and herbs into one stick of butter. So now I'm at a I'm at a true crossroads and mind you I've already had like three crossroads in this in this crepe making experience and I haven't even turned the burner on yet. So I'm sitting there with a stick of garlic and herbs butter in one hand and the unfinished concoction in the other hand thinking to myself actually is somewhat similar kind of back and forth they had when I was debating the milk versus water thing. And I said to myself, look, maybe after I heat up the butter and liquid eyes and poured in and blend it in, maybe it's not going to be so bad, maybe the taste won't really be noticeable once I get it in there with the eggs and the flour and the sugar. Maybe it will offset with the old milk and they'll somehow combine to neutralize each other.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Or I could just bypass the butter, but then I'm thinking, where am I going to get that rich, creamy texture? These are the difficult decisions that you have to make when you're down to your last couple meals and in an apartment. So I heat up the butter and the smell intensifies. And at this point, I'm just, I'm kind of accepting that even though I'm hungry as hell, I'm really not going to love this dinner. And you're probably waiting for me to say,
Starting point is 00:24:09 oh, but it turned out it ended up being great. If you've listened to the first 15 minutes of this story and you're thinking that there's going to be a happy ending, I apologize because nothing about this story is leading up to a happy ending. So, take the butter out of the microwave, mix it all together. At this point, my entire apartment smells like you're a frickin' Dracula hunter,
Starting point is 00:24:43 something a vampire hunter. And I start making crepes one by one, and they just smell. At this point, the milk has pretty much just retired because the milk going into this game thought, hey, I've got a pretty strong smell here. I got a chance to really do some damage. It's like if David and Goliath happened,
Starting point is 00:25:07 but it was realistic and Goliath kicked his ass because his garlic in her butter was truly a giant, a gigantic smell. My old factories had to retire because they just couldn't handle this workload anymore. So I make the first crepe, and here's another thing. When you're dealing with syrup and no silverware, it's a whole different animal. So I'm sitting there, again, picturing that wampa eating luxe taunt on, kind of hunched over my table there
Starting point is 00:25:45 because my chairs have been moved into the other room. Sir up sticky fingers and not the fun kind that you get when you hold down a key on your keyboard but I got sticky fingers and I'm eating these crepes that smell like the most powerful concoction of garlic and herbs you can ever imagine and if you're thinking as one last saving grace maybe there's an interesting flavor combination and maple syrup and garlic and herbs butter I'm here to tell you that it's not. It's really bad. Yeah, I don't have much else to add here,
Starting point is 00:26:32 but we went through about three crepes. I think the batter made probably five. And after the third one, I just sat there with sticky fingers and syrup running down my beard and I just took a long hard look at myself, which is frankly harder to do in the kitchen because there's no mirror. But I took a long hard look at myself and I said, this is over. Let me get a bigger breakfast tomorrow. I'm just going to have to be content with the really bad meals
Starting point is 00:27:14 that I had, not even bad meals, but just lack of meals. Just almost nothing there. I had a taco and three crepes that day. And probably some tequila as well because of the handle that I bought. So long story short kids, rule, or what we learned from this story. Number one, don't pack up your silverware
Starting point is 00:27:36 until you need to, right? It's silly. I got over eager. I was a machine. I was like, I'm gonna pack like crazy to try to get ahead and feel good about myself mentally. Well next thing you know you're eating syrup with your fingers. Rule number two check the grocery or check your fridge before you go to the grocery store to get a sense of how old your milk is but rule number three and most importantly
Starting point is 00:28:09 milk is, but rule number three and most importantly, and rule three A, if you are going to make crepes and they're not, they're sweet, they're not savory, don't get butter and herbs or garlic and herbs butter, but rule three B never get that garlic and herbs butter and I wish I had the brand in front of me. It was a single stick so there's no like cardboard, or whatever that stuff would be made out of. I don't know. Plastic, no paper, wood, whatever it is. Carton. So I can't advise all you beeners out there on how to avoid it, but single sticks beware, because those things are like, they're like dairy sirens, really.
Starting point is 00:28:51 They attract you in, and the next thing you know, you're eating crepes that smell like literal garbage with syrup running down your beard, and you're not gonna be satisfied. That's the moral of that story. So that's how my cooking has been going. I blame the silverware. I think it all kind of transpired or spiraled out of that one incident. But let's change the pace a little bit here. Let's get to some ads. I gotta pull it up. I lost my place.
Starting point is 00:29:33 We, again, are trying to get Jack links back in the fold. I know we've talked about it. At length, especially throughout the first half of year one of the podcast. culminating in a live interview with Uncle Andy himself, basically the owner of Jack Links. It's it's quite a down, but you know, we're going to try to get back in the game? The other thing you remember last week or the week before I told you, reach out to
Starting point is 00:30:09 Samson of the Samson Q2U series and reach out about maybe doing a sponsorship agreement nothing. You know, how do you do that? I mean, who does this go to? Who does this email go to where no one even responds? They're talking to a, you're one of your best brand ambassadors and this is, this is how you treat them. So, Samson, you got the crisp, clean audio quality
Starting point is 00:30:38 but you got to work on the crisp, clean customer service. Mm. Wise words. From Quinn David Furnace. Let's get into the ads here. Home Pride Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home
Starting point is 00:31:03 inspector provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired a big real estate angle on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector you can trust. Call Steve at 541-207-1101 or visit That's 541-207-1101 or visit Homepriedorgan.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Inspe inspection perfection. Shout out again to the Samson Q2U series through thick and thin and it's you're wearing thin on me right now. I'll tell you that much. But remember when God speaks he uses a Samson and another shout out to the TV guide and I was thinking about you know a couple hours ago when I was eating dinner I was thinking about a couple of hours ago, when I was eating dinner, I was thinking, that I'm gonna do a podcast tonight. We've been complaining about a lack of TV guide for we're getting closer to two months now. And so I thought, okay, let me go down, check my mail,
Starting point is 00:32:20 hadn't checked it all week. Nothing. No TV guide, just some advertisements. You know what, discover really like sending me mail. Discover and capital one are the two big culprits. But discover a big thing is pay off your student loans. And I'm like, I get it because I have the student at card, which did not come with a free Tim Curry autograph, but different story.
Starting point is 00:32:51 So I had to discover student at card, and then I upgraded to the regular at card, which I still have. It's not my primary one. I only use it once or twice a month. But so I understand why they're mailing me that stuff. But at what point, when, you know, years and years out of school, do they start to, do they taper off? Do, you know, am I going to be getting this when I'm 50? That's my question. And then the other one is Capital One. And I always laugh at Capital One because their big like draw is that I qualify for a card. It's not, here's a card and here are these really cool benefits you have.
Starting point is 00:33:28 It's, oh my gosh, you could have a capital one card. And I'm just there thinking like, hey, I know Samuel Jackson's the highest grossing actor of all time. Or his, his filmography is the highest grossing filmography of all time. But like, you know, I'm good. Maybe if Jennifer Garner, maybe if she came over to present me the card and was free for a drink after and yada yada yada next thing, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:56 we're making grapes with garlic and herbs butter in the morning. But just the, hey, you could get a capital one card. That's not really doing it for me. So capital one, I don's not really doing it for me. So Capital one, I don't know if you know if I should tweet it Sam if I should tweet it Jennifer, but not doing it for me so but You know where this is going no TV guide
Starting point is 00:34:19 What we're running like six six weeks straight now without a TV guide. I haven't known what's been on TV for weeks, although I will say Game of Thrones, wow. Let me let's circle back to that. That'll be our last topic here. Let's see, cuts by Q. Here we go. Bob and we, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it. But how many mid-town Baltimore-based independent barbers can actually give it to you
Starting point is 00:34:44 the way you deserve? Enter CutspyQ. It's like NR Sandman, but different. CutspyQ has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Cook County, Illinois. From B.I.S. to Bangs, Faux Faux Hawks, the flat tops, and everything in between, call cuts by Q8152987200, or email cuts by Q at That's cuts, QUTZ by Q at
Starting point is 00:35:19 Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and new, just call the experts at cuts by Q Cuts boy Q I should also mention my personal email address or not my personal email address the the podcast email, because I don't think we've mentioned it yet. Bentown podcast at That's Bentown B-ing podcast at
Starting point is 00:35:54 And also the new There you can find all our latest podcasts, the Bentown blog, which we're gonna circle back to just in a couple of seconds here, and also our Cuts by Q page where you can check out all of our freshest cuts, the do's that we're able to do unto you. So go check it out, We get all, if you're wondering what's the quickest way to find your most up to date most recent podcast you know right word is slash podcast. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Moving into the closing ceremonies here of tonight's podcast. I mentioned Game of Thrones. I also mentioned the bean-town blog. If you are a beener out there and you're listening and you're thinking, gee, I really like your stuff, Q. But where can I get more of it? I crave more. Oh, I tell you, well, we've got a new blog for you.
Starting point is 00:37:00 We've been running it for about four months now. It's a bean-town blog. You can find it, slash blog. And we write about all sorts of things from plus one in fractions to eating donuts and Memphis to other things. And then this most recent installment from what did we do Tuesday this week?
Starting point is 00:37:23 Game of Thrones recap. So Game of Thrones season 8, the finale was on Sunday night and that's also served as the series finale. Well, here's the thing. I had never seen an episode of Game of Thrones before. I had seen Sherlock Holmes two Game of Shadows. I figured probably similar but different, which was the case, by the way. Not as much due laws I would have expected. So I sit down and I'm at my neighbor's apartment on the sixth floor here. And we're watching Game of Thrones, right? Not Game of Shadows. And, you know, this whole time, I, you know, what is Game of Thrones really about?
Starting point is 00:38:10 It's about Ned Stark, it's about Sean Bean, right? So, he disappears at the end of the first one. It kind of goes to black before he see what happens, which I think most people tend to understand it is we're not really sure if he died. We don't really know who set him up. We don't know if he's actually dead. It's kind of like a JFK assassination tape deal But no Jack Ruby and no Harvey Lee Roy Oswald whatever his name is Anyways, so you know you're watching this finale. You're thinking okay. They're gonna bring a full circle
Starting point is 00:38:42 Sean Bean's gonna come back. That was the first mistake. I would say of this series finale. It seems like the writers kind of forgot about the whole plot point, and they didn't really bring Sean Bean back into the action, which I could do a whole other podcast about this. Thankfully, I don't have to, because I have the Bean Town blog,
Starting point is 00:39:00 and I talked about it all there, but another big appeal of, you know, Game of Thrones is that it's basically just like porn with swords. I mean, just from browsing Reddit, I have seen pretty much all of Amelia Clark and Sophie Turner and the young Brunette and, uh, who's the other one Natalie Dormois or whatever her name is. I haven't even seen this show but just from like literally being on the internet
Starting point is 00:39:36 and from seeing still images and gifs and short videos ranging from five seconds to half an hour of their work on the show. I have a pretty good sense of the type of not wholesome entertainment that HBO is promoting through the show. Again, I like to call it porn with swords. There were, there were, and I, we're going to get explicit here, but there were no breasts. There were no butts. There there was no genitalia, except for maybe the dragon. I think you saw something at some point if you paused, but just overall disappointing. When you turn on Game of Thrones, here's what you want. You
Starting point is 00:40:17 want Sean Bean, and you want boobs, and you want those those those white walkers, everyone was talking about. They just disappeared, we didn't even talk about them, completely gone. It felt what it really felt like as the writers just forgot about all these things that they were supposed to come back to. And it's really disappointing, frankly. It really, you know, you talk about how things scratch you right where
Starting point is 00:40:45 you itch, this is the exact opposite of that. This is like if you get a mosquito bite and you scratch that a million times and then it itches way more. This is pretty much what the Game of Thrones series finale was. So I recap the whole thing in my bean town blog, most recent one from three days ago, you go check it out, it's a good read. And it's got my full thoughts, right? We talk a little bit about Sean Bean, we talk a little bit about porn with Swords, but we go through every single storyline. We talk about Raisin Brand, how he got pushed out the window, and now he's a bird, but now
Starting point is 00:41:16 he's in a wheelchair and yada yada yada. We talked about the white guys, not sure what was going on. We talked about how John Snow was a ghost. And then there's a picture, right? Sex sells of Amelia Clark. No, it is not NSFW, it is very SFW. But what's she going to do now, you know? They were talking when a star wars story came out.
Starting point is 00:41:44 They were like, oh, it's gonna be a trilogy. We're waiting to introduce Boba and Job until the second one, which is such a huge misstep. Like, how, I don't think I've ever talked about the solo movie on the podcast before. It came out this time last year. I don't know how they went through the whole,
Starting point is 00:42:05 an entire movie based off of Han Solo without any Boba Fett without any job. You know, we got we got Donald Glover playing Landon. That was great. And that was a good part or yeah, a good aspect of the film. But to be like, oh, we're going to give it three movies. We're gonna wait Tentrary's job on Boba. You can't withhold both of those guys from us, right? And then they give us a Darth Maul at the end. But he wasn't even played by Ray Park. And he just looks kind of weird and it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:42 man, and now we don't even, it's, you know, it's probably we're not even gonna get another solo movie, which I'm like, fine with because they don't wanna see another solo movie, but at the same time, I really wanted to see more boba fat and more, uh, java and, you know. So it's just like, my disappointment surrounding solo is
Starting point is 00:43:06 nothing compared to my disappointment surrounding the last Jedi because the stakes are so different but man just Amelia Clarke only good part of that movie. That's all I got to say. How are we doing here? 44 minutes? Oh that's solid.
Starting point is 00:43:26 It's not a shorty, but it's certainly not an hour long. Let's end it there, because it's after midnight now. And Q's ready for bed. You know, wake up. Got to catch a flight. Go on a Chicago. And hopefully it doesn't snow. Last two times in a Chicago this spring,
Starting point is 00:43:45 I have face blizzards, so we are fingers crossed that we're not going three strikes you're out. But that's what we got for you on this late night bean town podcast. I hope you enjoyed my cooking Odyssey. It did not have a happy ending, but it's a good metaphor for life. Because unless you're willing to pay extra at the massage parley, you did not have a happy ending, but it's a good metaphor for life because
Starting point is 00:44:05 Unless you're willing to pay extra at the massage parley, you're not going to get that happy ending. This has been Quindy with Furnace. This is my show. Quindy with Furnace presents The Bean Town podcast. Don't forget you can find us all over the internet. Stitcher iTunes Apple Play, Google Play, YouTube SoundCloud, not CastBox just yet Spotify. All the other ones you can find us, don't forget to like, share, subscribe, however you wanna do, leave us a rating on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:44:39 That's always really helpful for us. Keep that perfect five-star rating alive. And yeah, again, if you have any thoughts, you know where to email us, check out the website, And yeah, I hope everyone has a fun, safe and moral day weekend. We didn't mention Memorial Day weekend at all on this podcast, mostly because I am already going to be away from work and not relevant to the fact that it's Memorial Day. So it's not really registering in my head that I have the day off because I wasn't going to be there regardless. But yeah, three day weekend.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Hope everyone has a good time with it. And yeah, we will come to you next week live with our farewell the 817 Paul Street all run through our greatest memories Greatest hits and it'll be a good time. It'll be a Sunday podcasts I'll be coming off of a red eye. So we're gonna have a little bit of time here between podcasts, but that's okay Because you can always catch up with us on the bean-town blog and you always can tweet at me. We're at bean-town cast and We we love the the fan mail. So for all of us at Bean Town Podcast,, this has been Quinn Davids Furnace.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Thank you for tuning in. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. Watch out for garlic and herbs butter. And if you're gonna look at an Emile Clark Pictures online, make sure you get the safe search filter on. All right, have a good night everyone. If you're going to look at an Emile Clark pictures online, make sure you get the safe search filter on all right have a good night everyone

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