Beantown Podcast - 5th Annual Beantown Podcast Pledge Drive Telethon Fundraiser

Episode Date: February 26, 2022

Join us for the most fun show of the year -- Our 5th Annual Beantown Podcast Pledge Drive Telethon Fundraiser, where we raise money for the show's operating costs and for the Untied Way of Chicago! Th...anks everyone who called in -- You can still donate by going to!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Now this could only happen to a host like me, and only happen on a show like this. So may I say to each of you, hopefully on key, as I launch this telephone like this, this is being town. behing town this show is called not for kids of all ages and I don't make any real wages I've lost a lot of money on the whole lot Like way too much money on my one shot But this show is the only thing keeping me sane It's being town Be in town. Be in town, the show is called. Be in town, the show is like watching paint dry. And we may lie, but that won't stop me and each.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So someone's calling. We're going to send him a voicemail. What, where am I? I'm lost. Bing town is town is here we go. The silly ad readings. Oh, Bing town is the Samsung series. Oh, The Samsung Series O-Bean Town is one show that might let you down. It's Bing Town. Oh
Starting point is 00:03:14 Wow Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast fifth Annual telephone pledge drive fundra or what's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn. This is my show and I am so happy to be coming to you live for our 5th annual being Tone Podcast Pledge Drive Telephone Fundries or while year five five dollar foot long for those looking at home. It's a wild time to be alive in the world on bean town. There's something for everyone on this show. There's laughter. There's there's charm. There's Ukraine commentary. There's there's wordle Okay, you guys love wordl right?
Starting point is 00:04:07 We're gonna be talking wordl today and if you're new to the bean town podcast hello to my friends from packy stand If this is your first time Experiencing the telephone fundraiser. Here's what we do Every year we've gotten a certain amount of operating costs for the bean town podcast and we raise money live on air. I realize on the YouTube stream you can't even see our great sign, our live on air bean town podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:34 By the way, hello to YouTube, hello to Facebook, now it's too much, we got to readjust. And so we do unlimited hosting on SoundCloud, right? You don't get to 220 some episodes, we're over at right now without unlimited hosting, because that's something like, gosh, I don't even know how many hours. That's a couple of days worth of bean town at this point. If each episode is 40 minutes on average, 220 times four would be 88080 plus another zero, 8,800 minutes.
Starting point is 00:05:10 How many days is that? Oh, we're getting the phone call. Oh, here we, okay, our first treat of the day. And I know we had another phone call and I apologize. Please call back because we are in the middle of our song. Here we go. They're going on voicemail. Hello. Welcome to the Bean Town podcast. annual pledge drive telephone fundraiser this is Quinn how
Starting point is 00:05:30 can I help you? Hey what's going on? I'm doing great. I just wanted to call in to tune in to this year's fit annual e-tun podcast, Elephant Drive. I just wanted to call in to show my support. I enjoy the podcast. Huge fan. I've been here since day one. I'm calling from Philly. I'm just excited to be on the line with you and just great experience this last year. And definitely looking forward to the years to come. With this podcast. Well, I appreciate that. And I definitely know who this is.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I won't reveal it live on there unless you want to be revealed. But I really appreciate you calling into the show and supporting how are things in Philly right now. Things are great in the city of Philly and we're just, it's not the things that's for sure, but we may do with what we have over here. Yeah, I get that. I mean, Philly, you got the cream cheese,
Starting point is 00:06:44 you got a rocky statue, you got yards brewing company. So there's at least three things going for you. And cheese steak, that's true. I can be a little hit or miss. Sometimes, you know, it can be a little soggy at the bottom. And don't get it at the the airport either that you do. Well, I appreciate that, and I tell you what, I don't know if you've heard recently, but we've recently expanded our international reach into the country of Pakistan. So maybe when all this COVID stuff dies down and we need to send someone on assignment I might might give you a call to go do some research there. Excellent. Any final thoughts? I'm not saying anything else, but as I said, I wish the best of things that during this time.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And I hope we can reach that goal of $200. And to anybody else who's listening or watching this straight life stream, I encourage you, please donate, even if it's a dollar or $5, donate whenever it comes to your heart. The straight man, the straight man generous of you to say that and share that. And I know you're a long time listener and a loyal supporter of the show, and I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And, hey, I guess we'll see you at the next one, OK? All right, thanks so much. You too. Yep, bye-bye. All right, our first live call, and I realized, as we were going through it, that it's going to be great on the recording. But what's going to be great on the recording But what's going to happen is when you're watching the live stream you can't hear that I mean I got the the furnace go in and not the one who's chatting with you the real furnace
Starting point is 00:09:14 um and It was just really far away from the computer microphones. That's one thing So I got these microphones the Sam's Q2U series fans of the show are well aware at this point But I realized that when we're talking about the live streams from YouTube and Facebook, you're just getting it with the computer mic, which I've got my two computers going here and a third one handling the recording. So there's a lot of action.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And so what I've done during that phone call and thank you again to our caller for tuning in. He's a longtime listener of the show, absolutely a big supporter. We have moved the phone a little bit closer. I think if you are on Facebook, it's still going to be tough to listen, but granted, we've talked about this on the show before. I think that we get like, you know, post, post that would have gotten thousands of likes and upvotes and, you know, angry reacts, get like two, two comments these days.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Facebook is more or less dead, so we got YouTube coming to you live here. I think your, your YouTube, if you're watching on YouTube, I would encourage you to do that. If you're on Facebook, join us over on YouTube. And I think you'll be able to hear those live calls a little bit better. I put them on speaker phone. I put them as loud as I can, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I know you couldn't hear that previous one. Basically, what our loyal long time caller was getting at was how big of a fan he is of the show and paraphrasing here but uh and he wants he he encourages everyone to donate $1, $5,000, $5,000 whatever is in your heart's this giving season um you know we've got tote bags we've got then we've got tote bags, we've got strip teases, we've even got our good old friend, the Fisher Price telephone, so we've got all sorts of things. We don't actually have tote bags,
Starting point is 00:11:14 but that would be cool in the future. Here's the thing, I figure I got at least 20 more years left of just like general living, and so if you reckon I'm going to be doing the bean-ton podcast the whole time that's at least 20 more telephones okay that's a lot of money that's a lot of charity so we're gonna continue to build and just kind of going back and I see we got a comment on YouTube great close with the Samsung Q2U absolutely boy yeah it's kind of right in front of the YouTube
Starting point is 00:11:41 stream you know in a perfect world we would have really thought a lot of this out before we got started, but that's just sort of how it goes. That's what happens when you start at five o'clock on a Friday, work ends and boom, you start. We're just gonna leave it like that, and that's gonna be okay, because I think YouTube you've seen my streams before. What I was getting at,
Starting point is 00:12:00 if this is your first time listening to Beentown Podcasts or even for you long-time listeners, it's good to know because we do change it up every year. So we raise money for the operating costs. That was the original point of the Taliban when we started this five years ago, which is essentially, it's like $200 ish total. I didn't even do the math this year,
Starting point is 00:12:21 but it's essentially like 120 for soundcloud unlimited hosting throughout the year It's an annual subscription plan that we're part of And then it's also like a hundred dollars or so from WordPress Give me a second. I'm sipping I know if you're watching the live stream and what you're saying Quinn You're crazy. Don't worry. I've got a coaster. I'm drinking wine out of a vase if you're if you're watching the live stream and what you're saying, Quinn, you're crazy. Don't worry, I've got a coaster. I'm drinking wine out of a vase. If you're listening to this unsound clouder,
Starting point is 00:12:50 you two-body-o or sticher, Spotify or should I pull my stuff from Spotify? That could be a great segment on the Bean Tom podcast. What I was gonna say is, okay, so around your two or your three, we decided to add a charitable wing to the show, which bean town gives back. It's a nonprofit. It's a 5.503c, 401b. There's a 10.99 miss, MISC, you know, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But essentially what we do now is, and we got some more comments on YouTube, but I absolutely cannot see them without really getting up close. It's my bad eyesight and also it's really small. Drinking out of a Voss, yes I am, boycott Spotify. I, you know, I don't disagree with that. I should figure out if you you're not behind the scenes podcast
Starting point is 00:13:47 or tech savvy guy, kind of like myself, which is a joke, but also kind of true because I've been doing this for five years, essentially the way podcasts work is you generate an RSS feed, which is something you get out of your host, I think, which is SoundCloud, and you plug in that RSSV2 million different places, and it just, it goes.
Starting point is 00:14:09 It just takes off, baby. And so I've never been on Spotify and be like, oh, let me upload the Beentown podcast. It just exists. So yeah, I should figure out. I should look into that. And by your age or your nine, I'd love to get that figured out. But to finish into that, and by year eight or year nine, I'd love to get that figured out.
Starting point is 00:14:26 But to finish my thought before we really jump into the telephone here, and certainly before other callers making appearance, I decided to add a charitable wing, bean town gives back to this whole program. And so I don't remember exactly what it was like the first year, but the last year or so, the last two years, we've just turned this into a total match thing, 100%, where you donate whatever you can to the Bean Tom podcast
Starting point is 00:14:52 that covers our operating costs and in a show of gratitude on top of our donor tiers, which you can read all about on our GoFundMe page this year. I just donate everything I receive and I'm not including those those listener discretion is advised to be in time pockets tomorrow occasion. So only you should have a two-spot because they're directly terrible. Those bullshit fees that go fund me does. I'm just taking your face value that you send $50, you know, $5,000. You can also, you know, stocks, bonds, goats, bear market, bull market, shrimp,
Starting point is 00:15:29 whatever animal or livestock you want to donate to the podcast. Cars for kids, that was basically my idea. Cars for bean down. It doesn't, it doesn't quite have a nice number, arrangement of 10 letters or numbers to it, but maybe we could do a cars for BNT, WN, something like that, cars for BNT. So I decided to just donate everything, 100%. And that's what we're doing again this year. I'm really proud. What that means, if you're doing the math at home, okay? If you're really savvy, that means I'm not actually
Starting point is 00:16:08 making any money off of the telephone, pledger, I fundraise and that's totally okay. Because I'm fortunate enough to be in a goods about financially where I don't. It's not like almost for the poor, where I absolutely need, you know, these donations to keep the show running. It's nice to sort of call it that and it's great because that means being town is, you know, these donations to keep the show running. It's nice to sort of call it that and it's great
Starting point is 00:16:25 because that means, bean town is, you know, think of the green bay packers, take it up a notch, that's bean town. You've got the listeners are really the ones who run the show here and I'm very proud to be able to say that. You all have, I think we talked about this a couple of weeks ago. Everyone essentially has got like a stock in bean town
Starting point is 00:16:43 when you donate. Certificate of authenticity, I think I don't, I don't think I talked about that on the GoFundMe, but I would definitely like to do that. So maybe I'll print something out, send everyone who donated an email. That's actually a good idea. Someone, I'm not gonna remember this tomorrow
Starting point is 00:16:58 because of the wine, and also I got a little bit of vodka and a coffee cup for backup just in case Because it was the last of the vodka, but that's a really good idea sending those ownership certificates to you all So that's that's sort of how this came to be It's our fifth annual Telephone pledge drive fundraiser and really happy to be raising money this year for the united way of Metro Chicago They do a ton of great work for people of all ages, kids, most notably at like after school programs, but also anyone facing like a housing crisis or food insecurity. There's definitely a lot of food deserts here in the greater Chicago land area.
Starting point is 00:17:40 So it really does a lot of great work and I'm really happy that we're going to be able to cut a check for them Once pledge right month ends, which will be you know more or less the end of this weekend so really really excited for this show. It's a it's a hallmark It's a cornerstone of the bean town podcast and this is our first two mic setup that we've done in a really long time I'm thinking like pre-COVID because getting another sip, it's hard to take quick sips with this face. You gotta be really careful. So don't wanna spill wine all over myself.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I don't wanna wine din in 69 myself, but I don't, what was I talking about? I don't know. United Way, Chicago, telephone, fundraiser. That's embarrassing. Certificate of authenticity, ownership, all that stuff. We've got a chat in the Facebook.
Starting point is 00:18:46 We'll go there next, I suppose. And if, if, if anyone was listening literally 30 seconds ago, and I completely lost my train of thought, write it in the chat. YouTube Facebook text me. Um, I will also mention, um, in case you're watching and, um, stocks ownership, yeah, there's something else. I'm, I'm pretty sure. Um, but I,. But I do appreciate you
Starting point is 00:19:06 chiming in and I will, that's my brother who's in YouTube, by the way. I will, I'll think of it or come back around to it. But we've got to, I put my phone number in the YouTube chat. I'm putting it in the Facebook chat. Just in case you're watching and you don't have my number or you're an anonymous listener or a packy stand I will mention for a packy stand the US country code is one. Okay, because we're number one So make sure you hit that one before you go to 815 298 7200. I got a community standards Warning when I typed in my phone number in Facebook. I don't know what that's all about warning when I typed in my phone number in Facebook. I don't know what that's all about. We have Joaquin on the chat in Facebook.
Starting point is 00:19:48 He wants to know, can you please share the story about the desk admins that quit on the spot. I don't even, you know, I don't even, is that from like what I was Snapchatting you about the other day or is there this, was this from like 10 years ago when you're in college or you know what, what was the situation? I don't even know. I guess not 10 years ago, like seven like 10 years ago when you're in college or what was the situation? I don't even know, I guess not 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:20:08 like seven or eight years ago. I have had some employees quit on me recently, which is a lot just randomly. And there's not really a good story about it. It's just kind of like, I think, feeling overwhelmed. And I certainly, there's no funny joking story. Really about quitting. They didn't have a good quitting story, if you will.
Starting point is 00:20:29 A castan's style, quitting story. But I know there were tons of people who, when we worked, when Joaquin and I go way back, we worked together in college. A lot of desk receptionists, 19-year-olds, who would just not not sure for shifts. Good friend of the podcast, Jacqueline, would definitely be able to shed some more light on that, because she oversees them now.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yes, Snapchat from yesterday. Yeah, that was basically just like, I've got some clerks, and they've had a bad string. I've had two resign in the last month and not give two weeks notice or anything. So it's just a bummer. It's just a bad situation. It's not really like a comedic, anything. There's no really like gold stuff there. And I want to protect my students and stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:22 So yeah, it's definitely been frustrating though. And definitely if you want to learn more about it, offline off the air, when we're not broadcasting internationally, shoot me a text or a Snapchat or something, I love to chat more about it and express more of myself. But thanks everyone for being here. I wanted to get into today's program, 22 minutes in, by following up on a conversation that I
Starting point is 00:21:47 had with my lovely lady Rachel Ramos this morning over text because so so it's a tradition that she just texted me something about a flower vase I don't know what that's about. We talk about wordle every day. Sometimes we get to play it together, sometimes we don't. But this morning was a particularly tough wordle. If you haven't played wordle yet, it was a bitch. And I thought, hey, maybe that, maybe it was kind of extreme today.
Starting point is 00:22:20 It felt a little extreme. And so I'm thinking maybe we, maybe we franchise this whole wordal experience, okay? You got your basic wordal, okay? It's six, six letters. It's pretty simple. So what are some, what are some extreme variations of wordal that we could, we could, you know, drum up here. I think the obvious one, the first thing I thought it was like, 10 letter minimum, wordal. It could be, you know, 10 letters, it could be 11, it could be 27, whatever you want to do. But I think that would be a good one. And here's our call of action for the week. I know I'm asking a lot already with the donations. But what are some, what are
Starting point is 00:22:56 some extreme wordles that you want to know more about? Email us again, this beantown meaning You can also leave complaints on our website. Beantown Podcast dot com, which I updated last week. You're welcome. And that was definitely the thing I forgot I was going to say not the website specifically, but there's some update that I made. And I can't remember what it was.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Oh well, I still can't remember what it was. So that's the basic, like, word-al-extreme I think we could get started with. Now, anytime something is extreme, I want to have Ty Pennington attached to it, just by default. And so I think that this could be a television show or at the very least a limited web series. There are some great limited web series out there, especially comedy ones. And I think I want to get in on the game on that. And I you know I don't know what tie is up to these days. If you don't know Thai pennington, you are missing out on a rich slice of mid-2000s American culture. Excuse me, belching live on the stream. Another
Starting point is 00:24:13 idea I had. Wordal in different languages, but for people who don't speak that language. Okay, but it's still the same thing where it doesn't accept your word unless it's actually a word in that language. So imagine playing word in Czechoslovakian or Czechoslovakian or Finnish. And the whole time you're getting a pop-up that's like, that's not a word you better finish this Finnish wordle. Look at this little head bob action I got on YouTube. If you're just listening after the fat go find us on YouTube you're
Starting point is 00:24:52 missing out on a great show. My Mac just went from 71% to 68% and one click which is just going to be a great that's's just a great harbinger, H-A-R-B-I-N-G-E-R of things to come. Harbinger. Where the heck does that word come from? Put that in extreme word, I guarantee no one's getting it before guess four. Okay, so yeah, in wordle in different languages, but only for people who don't speak that language. Latin wordle. E. Purbusunum. Agnewsdayi.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I always thought Agnewsdayi was kind of interesting. Who's Agnes anyways? I would kick ass at that one, though, because saying a lot of like, you know, I saying the Mozart Requiem in college, that's all in Latin. I sang the foray Requiem, that's in French, so it'd probably be good at the international version, too. But yeah, Thai Pennington, we'd love to get you attached. Let's see, we got some other comments in the YouTube stream.
Starting point is 00:26:04 It was tough. How long do you you think wordle will stay hot? When is it going to stop being the topic do you or I don't know what that means? I think I had a mustard like that one time Topic do you or that's got to be French. It could be a good word. Oh One letter word. Oh, I don't have to be real words. I do like that That's brutal. It's like it's playing a deal. It's like playing a deal, let's like playing dealer no deal on the computer, which I have done from time to time. And you just start clicking. And it's fun. And here's the thing with that. And I like to make
Starting point is 00:26:35 fun of it. Because it's really silly playing dealer no deal by yourself on a computer with no real money or no real stakes. but wouldn't it be fun if you had like a party Like a get together of people not something I'm familiar with but oh, I know what I was gonna say two mics I'm gonna come back to that because it's it's you're gonna want to hear about it You have like let's say you got a it's like a tournament round robin style double elimination whatever you want to do and It's like no one and and dealer no deal, the show actually has experimented with this because Ratesel and I saw an episode when we were in SagaTuck back in December where it's like head to head dealer no deal where you only win a prize if you finish with the highest
Starting point is 00:27:20 deal. And I think that would be fun if you get like five people, they each take a turn, you don't know what their score was and you have to like try to get the highest score. That to me is fascinating. I think that's actually like very watchable. So I don't know if we have to get rights from how he manned L or NBC Universal or Comcast got for a bit or how any of this works, but I would I would love a party where we just played deal or no deal and winner takes all, if you will. What I was going to say before, literally 15 minutes ago, which I forgot and have now recalled, speaking of which total recall Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, that was a movie
Starting point is 00:27:57 that hadn't seen until like a year ago, didn't really know anything about it. I think it's a Philip K. Dick novel or short story. Great movie. I mean, it's not just like the like prototypical stereotypical, not prototypical stereotypical, like Arnold 80s movie and it's just like Corny and not really that watchable. It's a great movie, like great psychological thriller. Kind of felt a little bit about like, or kind of felt a little bit to me like, kind of felt a little bit about like or kind of felt a little bit to me like now I can't even remember what it's called Michael Douglas Sharon Stone what's that movie called help me out chat Michael Douglas Sharon Stone which I love that movie as well it's bad reputations or something like that cool
Starting point is 00:28:44 intentions I never saw that movie I heard it's got that his guy looks like Justin Timberlake in it though Michael Douglas sharing cruel intentions No, that's what we just said Sharon glass. No, I don't even know who Sharon glasses Sharon stone Okay, what is this movie called? Basic instinct got it before chat did Okay, what is this movie called? Basic instinct got it before chat did
Starting point is 00:29:12 Um, I was gonna say this the first time we've done a two mic setup in a long time like literally two plus years so essentially You know when I record on garage band I just plug in one microphone a USB microphone as you might expect. It's pretty easy. It's pretty straightforward and I just go from there when you do a two mic setup, when I first started recording, I thought it'd be something that's very easy, but it's not. There's a whole thing you gotta go through. There's a lot of steps in GarageBand.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And so I hadn't done it in honestly, two plus years, and I wanted to set it up for today because we've had it in past like last year and I did it for example, where someone calls, we gotta hold the phone like right up here, it's not the worst thing, but then how do I hold the rotary phone? I love the sound effects.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And so I wanted to set it up this year, because I haven't done it in a while, and we got this brand new Samsung Q2U series that's so crisp, clean and clear. And I spent like 15 to 20 minutes just on the couch today working my MacBook, which I'm not used to any of the controls. I literally only break out the MacBook once a week when it's recording time.
Starting point is 00:30:17 This is the only thing I use it for. And it's been that way for three or four years or so. And so there's a couple of specific processes. And here's the thing, you go online, it's like type, type, type, type, type. How do I fix this? And because I haven't updated in my Mac or any of the software since like 2015,
Starting point is 00:30:39 you wouldn't believe this, but it's out of date, apparently. And so they're showing me all these images, all these walk through videos, and it's like, do this, do this, do this. And I'm looking at my garage band, and I'm like, I don't think we're talking the same language, which goes back to Whartle. See how this show all comes full circle. Other Whartle ideas, characters and punctuation marks are encouraged.
Starting point is 00:31:03 So you could have ampersands, you could have a left bracket a hyphen a pound sign Webdings perhaps We could go crazy with this So I want to hear from you all the fans moving forward. What are some other extreme? you all the fans moving forward. What are some other extreme wordled ideas we could include in the franchise. Let us know bean town podcast Yahoo dot com.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Gonna be in town. Be a and T O N more or less, beinton like that nabby being beaten podcast. That's Australian. That's rough podcast. Yeah, who dot com. Great. Big announcement for being done podcast uh... and uh... this is
Starting point is 00:31:49 you know we don't touch on like super serious topics terribly often on the being done podcast not that it's always just like slapstick silly but uh... and i'm not i'm not gonna spend too much time in this because i don't want to get into details and not super informed but uh... and i don't know the international laws or processes of this but I I am declaring war in Russia. You heard me, uh, Stitcher and player FM, Quinn David Fertis and I know that this is going to alienate some of my Pakistan based because I'm sure you got friends in, you know, Khmchattka, but I am declaring war on Russia.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And I recognize fully that that means, hey, Quinn, what about your goal that you just made up now to visit every country in the world before you die? That means, hey, you're not gonna be able to visit Russia. I don't think that they're gonna let, unless it was like the last country I visited and I become a POW there and die there.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Which, okay, for talking like all exhausting all possibilities that's on the table. But yeah, I don't think they're gonna be too happy. And here's the thing, Russia's gotta have at least like, like 200 million people or something in it 150 and so that's a lot of listeners who probably aren't going to be enjoying these broadcasts in the future. But here's the thing I just it's not out of the blue it's you guys are not being cool. I heard you took over this cool island called Snake Island that Ukraine has and you killed all the soldiers there like that's not cool.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I mean you guys can like you, you can, you know, do your geopolitical stuff if you want, but like, don't shoot somebody. I don't know, that's just like, and then apparently they took over a chair noble. Here's a fun aside for you one time when I was taking high school geography in seventh grade, like a badass.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I dropped. Almost dropped the mic on my crotch. I did a presentation on share noble for extra credit, which was definitely needed because my grade was only at like a 97 at that point. And here's the thing, I've done a lot of really half-assed, terrible bullshit presentations in my life and gotten by and got away with it.
Starting point is 00:34:11 This was like the tops. I don't remember exactly what happened, but it was something it was like rushed. I think they gave us the last two minutes of class to do it. There was no PowerPoint, there was no presentation. I think I honestly, if you're trying to imagine what it was like, I probably like pull up the first two sentences of the Wikipedia page on the share noble nuclear reactor disaster,
Starting point is 00:34:34 that was essentially me staying in front of class reciting those two sentences. And it wouldn't surprise me if I like, if that was the research I did, got it, you know, plus five points or something like that, easy money. But yeah, apparently Russia like took over a share noble, share noble, share in stone.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And they're not letting the workers do like their safety protocols, which is like, you guys are bad at this. You know, I watched that Chernobyl HBO mini series, but only the first two episodes, so I don't know how it ended. So no spoilers in the chat. I will ban you Facebook, I will ban you YouTube. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I think it'd be a good time to hear from our sponsors. And again, if you want to give us a call at any point, 8152987200, we would love to hear from you. We would love to have you feature live on air. And then, but yeah, finishing up my point, Russia, I hate to do this. And I'm open to negotiations in the future, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to declare war on you.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So I don't know if there's like a, you know, some sort of like UN form that I should be filling out or a UNESCO form or sort of, I just kind of an email that might, let's see. I was about to say I just got an email that might, let's see. I was about to say I just got an email that work is removing its mask mandate, but I don't think that's actually true. Let's read it real quick.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Not live on the air just internally in my head. So if you're watching live stream, try to read the reflection of my eyeballs to see the text that I am now reading. The only reason I'm reading this is because it's from the president's office. Continue to require masks in classrooms, at least until the end of winter quarter. Outside of these spaces, masks will be recommended but not required, so I actually don't have to
Starting point is 00:36:35 wear it. I don't work in a classroom. This will be interesting. It's going to be interesting because it just feels very weird to not wear it. So we're going to see what happens. Illinois and Chicago's mask mandates end on Monday. Monday is the last day, I think. So we're going to see what happens.
Starting point is 00:36:58 But yeah, sorry, Russia and any listeners who are Russian. We actually did a show back in year one, I think. It might have been like the third, oh, we gotta call coming in. Don't let me forget this thought. I think it was like the third show where we did a bunch of Russian puns because they went to a Russian restaurant.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Okay, let's see if this, I don't regret that, I don't take it back. Okay, let's see how this set up works. I don't regret that. I don't take it back. Okay, let's see how this setup works. Welcome to the Bean Town podcast year five annual telephone pledge drive fundraiser. This is Quinn speaking. How can I help you? Hey, what what's happening? Thanks for all your live enriching comments on the YouTube stream. Live glider choosing actually to really enriching because I think it fits. Yeah, we're learning a whole lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:53 We were just talking about sharing Oble. Yeah, then listening to me, now yeah, well I'm wondering if you're willing to go all the way right now and make it on air commitment that the, youtown podcast is going to officially boycott all Russian products, et cetera, from your show.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'd have to consider all the pastries I eat in a week and see where the wheat is refined and sort of all that stuff. I would say 99% of the products I use in consumer made in China, so I'm not too worried. But yeah, I was just thinking as you were saying that, I'm probably going to, I've heard this term used before by smart people, divest all my Russian assets and stocks and bonds and so I might crash the whole you know vodka economy I don't know what's gonna happen that seems risky
Starting point is 00:38:58 that's true and I have relatives from my partner's side who are very Polish. Yeah I tell you what I just took a oh go ahead. No I just took a sip I got some if you're watching on the live stream, those of you listening at home, I got my University of Alabama Roll Tide coffee mug, and I got some vodka and an ice cube in here. But I think it was, what's the vodka in the plastic bottle with the red label?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Is that smearing off? I don't know, it's in the garbage now. Maybe you're like, just like like a, yeah, probably that. Yeah, so well, this is just the ending drags of it. But if that's vodka, or if that's Russian, then you're going to have to lock me up. But otherwise, I think I'm clear.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I know. Well, I don't know if you've been tracking York, go fund the page. But you're getting pretty close. And I thought about putting over the top there. But I left you just short just to keep the people interested. You know, you're going to hit your limit too soon here. I appreciate that and thanks for donating and I know United Way will definitely appreciate
Starting point is 00:40:22 your donation and it's gonna be like Stanley Spadowski coming back with his mop in a little bit here You know, I think and with, I've been renting fewer cars, and I've just had less exposure to those types of corporate jargons and all that stuff. So I've spent a lot less time at the enterprise counter in the last two years, and I usually have.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Fair enough. Hey, are you, are you, I'm not going to be out there. Well, I was going to ask, you, uh, are you, uh, well, I was gonna ask what you're doing right now. It sounds like you're wrapping aluminum foil around something in a hurricane or something. It's just taking a few things out of a plastic bag. That's it. Nothing too exciting.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Alright, I don't know how long we're gonna be on, because I'm starting to get hungry and I got to work in the morning so I can't just can't go past 11 p.m. but also my my MacBooks down to 50% so we're kind of on their time right now. You don't believe in chargers? Oh, it's on the other side of the room. There's no way I'm getting that. It's lived there ever since I moved here Well, I think it was last year I tried to call in and I was I waited too long
Starting point is 00:41:53 So I'm glad I caught you this time and last year's was I think it was last year's was short. It was like an hour tight Yeah, you know, it's I probably did the same thing last year with the MacBook and it wasn't you know It was losing its charge and all that stuff So I think an hour two hour fifteen is is solid anything more than that just seems unnecessary That's true and when you're working with three different computers, that's just a lot of moving around. You need to get smart cards in there.
Starting point is 00:42:31 You know what, one of these days when the MacBook does legitimately die, because it's on year nine or 10 or something right now, I think we will invest in some podcasting infrastructure and take the show to a whole new level. But until then then I'm really riding the low budget wave. Yeah, I think it'd be good to have. I've been watching a lot of the podcast Office Hours Live, which is Tim Heidecker and Dick Berger and those types of comedians. They've got all sorts of sound effects just at the snap of a finger and guest hosts and
Starting point is 00:43:16 appearances by Mark Proci and stuff. I got to bring it up to that level. I noticed you've been adding in some sound effects to your podcast. Here and there, if I finish recording the max still got more than 10% I could, I can find one or two. So it's, it's a pretty good idea. All right. Well, I don't want to hold up your, uh, your phone line. Yeah, the lines are jammed. your phone line. Yeah, the lines are jammed.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I like this whole idea of phone lines are open, but we almost really just want to. Hey, if you want to call back at any point, I'll send you to voicemail, and you can hear the voicemail I recorded. OK. Great. Well, I'll try to catch up sometimes.
Starting point is 00:44:03 That sounds pretty good. I'll leave it for my birthday. Some future episodes with some cast appearances. I know it's COVID, but Matt feels like it's been a long time since he had guests on the show. Well, I was really excited when Blagoivich started his own podcast, but he never got back to us, so I think I need to send a follow-up email. I hope to see what we up email or I'll just go knocking his front door Michael Moore style that's not a bad idea. I think that's for your next mic you get.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It's just a big boom mic with like one of the huge fuzzy covers on it. Yeah, see, there's a lot of things we can do with this show. It's just a matter of time and resources and laughter really at the end of the day. So, yeah, and every so often, when when you do a live stream or video, you can like walk into the satin accidentally hit your head on it, use some good, physical comedy. Yeah, going back to Stanley Spadowski, I think that would be good. Yeah, all right, Clint. Well, good luck getting the rest of the way there. I think you're just $5 short. You'll make it if you keep believing in yourself.
Starting point is 00:45:25 $5 for a 50 year. Thanks so much for calling. I'm cold. I'll take care. All right. Have a good night. It's too cute. Bye.
Starting point is 00:45:35 This thing is good for slamming down. I feel like I'm in Glen Gary Glen Glen Glen Gross right now GL ENGA RRY GL EN ROSS Additional G not included we had some some YouTube chat action Well, well, we were on the phone call and thanks so much for for for those chats Russian vodka specifically for those chats. Russian vodka specifically. That was a conversation from like 80 years ago, I feel like, Tito's is made deep in the heart of Texas.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Ooh, Tito's vodka, right? I was in a basement the other day. Don't worry, I'm safe. And there was a whole jug of Tito's. And I, it crossed my mind momentarily to take a little, not a swig, that's not appropriate. It's a public health crisis right now, pandemic to be specific, but just maybe like,
Starting point is 00:46:33 putting it a little bit in my, not my flask, but like my aluminum container of water. From, oh, we've just reached our fundraising goal, everyone, and we got a call coming in. This is very exciting. This is what the holidays are all about. Oh, this was a caller from earlier who went to the voicemail, and hopefully they enjoyed that great voicemail message. Let's see what they have to say. And apology story, Adrys, because you keep getting bombed. Here we go. Welcome to the Bean Town podcast,
Starting point is 00:47:11 fifth annual pledge drive, telephone fundraiser. This is Quinn. How can I help you? Hey, sister, how are you going? It's okay. How are you? Good. Actually, your voice mail, it didn't send to my, just go to the voice bill.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Oh, what happened? I don't know. I just like, the call like ended. Hmm. That's embarrassing. So I didn't get to hear the voice bill. Maybe it's because you didn't call the toll free number. Yeah. For not to hit plus one. Yeah. Forgot to hit plus one. Yeah. But, you're sounding good out there.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Look good. I'm good. Thanks. We got 43% left and I have to pee so I'm not sure how much longer we can hold on but doing my best here. Yeah. I'm like in peers at like 16% and not at home and I put out my chargers. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:03 We got another call coming in. I'm going to let them go to voicemail, because that's how much I appreciate your call. Thanks, I appreciate it. I have to do another Q and A soon. The phone lines are jammed. Let's just, you're just going to have to keep trying. Keep calling.
Starting point is 00:48:20 You'll get in eventually. If it's midnight, you'll just keep trying. 815 815 298 7200 is a toll-free number. If you're in Pakistan don't forget the country code. It's a one. Yeah Q&A would be good. Every time I try you know you're not available so I'm just You know you gotta give me a little bit more notice when I'll make a This is a very spontaneous podcast. I realize that so nice time to let me know when you're gonna do the podcast and I'll free my Free my schedule. It's usually every week
Starting point is 00:49:00 Thank you. Thank you. I should have said it for you know $5,000 and we probably still would have hit it That's that's how crazy these beanheads are there. They're how much we love you. They're rabid for bean town Well that I think that would be a great segue into a Classic bean-tongom podcast segment that we like to do here in there in the air. Introducing or bringing back to the program now, our new or old segment, it's called Interview with a Dog. So any, this is for the dog specifically.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Any thoughts? You sleeping. This is for the dog specifically. Any thoughts? You sleeping. Okay, well. You're singing a nap now. But he was awake earlier watching it. And he really liked it. But I just met him so now I take it off. All right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I get sleepy after eating too. Yeah, so. But he's the's being supportive. Well, yeah, I'm a big dog lover. I'm kind of a canonite, if you will, which is a bit vocal term and also refers to dogs. So yeah, it's that canonite would be good for extreme mortal, perhaps. That is true. Yeah. and well thanks so much for supporting the show and uh... and then pledging maybe there'll be a tote bag in your future probably not but maybe something else i do like the tote bag idea for like 20 years yeah circle your calendars everyone for 2042 which is Jackie Robinson's
Starting point is 00:50:43 number minus the 2-0, and tote bags could be in your future. So start saving your pennies with inflation, thanks Biden. At that point, it's probably gonna be like a thousand dollar minimum donation. Yeah, probably. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Yeah. Well, since regulations and you get like a nice your telephone, and we'll talk soon. All right, thanks so much. Appreciate your call. Thanks for supporting. Of course. Bye.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Bye. All right, we are absolutely going to get to these ads now. We had one YouTube comment. Next year, you need phishing graphics on the screen. Flashing graphics on the screen. That'd be good, too. That's going to be part of the infrastructure update, which could be next year. It could be in
Starting point is 00:51:25 2042 with the tote bags. I don't make promises. Here's the thing on the Bean Tom podcast under promise over deliver and you might be thinking Quinn. Well, you got it backwards. The more comedic thing to say would be over promise under deliver. And here's the thing not everything's a joke if i can get serious i don't know if you can tell by my tone um sometimes we need to be serious russia in fact any any donations from anyone who lives in russia i'm sending it back don't want your rupals what the hell is a rupal pick a currency that's easier to say. Like a... Like a Chad? Or a Duck?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Or... Ernest Hemingway. Okay, Rupal. How do you... I'm getting the trachea strange just trying to say it. Rupal. It's like you got to dig way back in your mouth
Starting point is 00:52:26 like you're climbing down mammoth cave and could tucky. It's ridiculous. OK, let's hear from our ad sponsors. And those are the ones who keep the show running. Past a normal time length every week. Oh, our good friends, Home Pride Orchid. Here we go. We haven't done full ad reads in a while.
Starting point is 00:52:49 This is gonna be, this is gonna be a real treat. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you could not find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, I got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Ben in Bend, Oregon is Central Orans, New Home Inspection Provider. The inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home Pride
Starting point is 00:53:16 Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, angle hold on the home inspection. If you're tired Pakistan, I don't think Steve's going out there for home inspection or visit HomePod HomePod Oregon inspection. I lost my hat. In case you're not watching the live stream. What are you doing with your life? But yeah, my beanie came off
Starting point is 00:54:11 So let's replace it with this fun Easter themed purple hat this hat is great. I can wear it for pledge drives. I can wear it for Easter Sundays April 15th right? Is April 15th actually Easter Sunday this year? Because if that's true then we have a very spooky revelation. No, it's not. It's April 17th. Because now then I was going to say the good Friday is Friday the 13th. The Lord has never been spookier But no this hat is great I Really wish that Redmond's bar here in Chicago, which is literally like down the street from me half a mile was still open because I was a biking bar And I went there a couple times. I watched a playoff game there with brother to podcast while furnace and we won
Starting point is 00:55:05 Okay, it was awesome. This hat would be great there. I also have a purple suit. The pants don't fit anymore. Maybe gain weight so they do. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Oh, it's got crisp, clean, clear audio quality. It made an appearance. If you're, if you're, if you joined the live stream, if you're watching live right now, more than two minutes into the show, we sang. This is a call back to like a year ago when I said, Hey, we're going to do my kind of town karaoke with bean town lyrics. And then we never came back to it until today. We did it. I wrote new lyrics. I almost fucked none of it up. That's like the first F bomb I've dropped in the bean-tongued
Starting point is 00:55:49 podcast and what feels like years. And I feel okay about it. Okay, sometimes it's not malicious. Sometimes it's just the best word. It's easier than messed. Messed up, F'd up. You can go back and listen to it. I worry this hat during it, which added, you know, plus five to my tonality, my timbre, T-I-M-B-R-E timbre. That'd be a bitch of a extreme mortal. So we've talked about extreme wordles and a lot of different variations, ten letters, Latin,
Starting point is 00:56:26 characters and symbols. What about just the extreme wordle is a bitch, okay? Words like Tamber or Q, Q would be, can you imagine if the wordle word was Q? I know it's six letters but extreme wordle there's no rules. If wordle was Q, Q, U, E, U, E, we would be just absolutely messed up. Other extreme wordle is a bitch. Clues could be, I don't know, something in like old English, because it's still English, but it's not really English. You could just flip open your copy of Baal Wolf, B-E-O-W-U-L-F. Baal Wolf, that'd be a good one.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I mean, you're gonna notice that there's an E in an O in there. You're gonna find it L before too long, if you're good, good at wordle. But are you going to really like the E O combination right at the front of a word? That's tough. Okay, so put Bale Wolf in there too. But the Samson Q2U series, if you couldn't tell, I have to pee so bad. And what I'm not going to do, because that's an appropriate is is pee into this face below the livestream. Because you'd still hear the trickle.
Starting point is 00:57:52 We've got Quinn High. It's Kelly. It's all my sister in law. If you have any recommendations for how to ease the bladder, at this point, we'd really appreciate it. I'm going to, this to everyone the show's gonna have to end soon because like we're doing the the thigh shuffle here if you're watching on the live stream and We're down to 29% we've almost finished our wine. You know, it's crazy. You empty out three quarters of a bottle of wine Cuz I had a little bit last night into this face looks Looks like nothing. But it's got a wide base. It's a face with a wide base, if you will.
Starting point is 00:58:32 And shout out to my lovely partner, Rachel. Actually, let me take the time to make this point. And we'll come back to our ad reason a second here. We'll finish it in my promise. Who texted me live during the show? I tell you what, if you're watching on Facebook, the lighting has gotten ghoulish. And I mean that in this most straightforward sense of the word. Facebook's, we still look good. Excuse me, YouTube, we still look good. Facebook, I look like I'm a
Starting point is 00:58:57 just goddamn ghost. Call me Casper because I'm ghoulin. But shout out to my lovely partner Rachel of two plus years now, who texted me live on while I was live on air asking me in all caps if I was drinking out of a vase. Yes, the same vase I used to hold our anniversary flowers that I got. Our anniversary was Tuesday, 22, 2022, on a Tuesday, a two-year anniversary. That's like the most karmic, kismet thing of all time. We got a catheter, yeah, they'd be great
Starting point is 00:59:39 for the urination problem. But happy anniversary to my love. We got to spend some time together. Real quality time, stuck in traffic, for the urination problem. But happy anniversary to my love. We got to spend some time together. Real quality time, stuck in traffic, driving from Chicago to in April. Well, if that's not love, I don't know what it is. But we shared a boxed, two boxed lunches.
Starting point is 00:59:58 One was turkey and cheddar and the other was ham and Swiss. Oh, we got another call coming in But yeah, I wanted to say happy anniversary to my love and I'll see you in a little bit and we're gonna take this call And then we're gonna finish our ad reads. Oh, it's our good friend. You guys are gonna like this Texas style Welcome to the Bean Tom podcast fifth annual telephone pledge drive fundraiser. This is a Quinn speaking. How can I help you? annual telephone pledge drive fundraiser. This is a Quinn speaking. How can I help you? Oh hang on I forgot to put you on speaker. Give me one second. That's embarrassing. How's it going? It's going good. Thanks for calling in. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Yeah you I was you who put us over the edge? Yeah I hadn't checked the ghost funding until your brother was like oh I put it you put us over the edge Wow, and so you put in ten thousand dollars to really put us over the edge It's worth it. It's worth it for charity. It's worth it for the show. Yeah, I've got into debt for worse reasons. Why not do it for the good of others? Exactly. I hope there's a little bit of jokingness to your voice, but regardless, I really appreciate it. And you're a long time listener and long time caller, and it's good to hear from you again. Yeah man, totally joking. Not quite in that. I still got 20 lost.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Oh that's good. That's enough to buy some barbecue for supper or something. Speaking of buying things with 20 bucks, I was listening. I didn't have a chance to call yet. And you mentioned Redmond in Chicago. That place closed. It did close. Yeah, it was a Vikings bar. I'd go there occasionally on Sundays to watch the the game and yeah, it closed right at the start of COVID. So I think it was like my senior year 2017, my best friend, I will do the internship at Chicago in Texas, but he was up there and we went out way too often and they used to have 50 cent wings up there So that's a hell of a deal, that's clutch.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah, so 20 bucks gets you a pretty long ways that good old red ones. That's a lot of wings. Yeah, they looked at us weird. Hey, I mean, some of the neighborhood bars have those great daily specials and you take advantage of those, you're having a great time. Yeah, it's been kind of weird seeing people posting different places closed. Now that I've been in Texas for about three years now, it's like, oh, now they used to love that place. Yeah, there's a very popular place down the street for me on a diversity parkway called
Starting point is 01:02:49 Durkins that a lot of college kids would go to and that has since closed and yeah, it's been tough. I know I can't imagine trying to own and run a bar and navigate through all the COVID and stuff. So it's really sad, but I'm glad we're for the most part kind of getting to the other side now. Yeah, and the bean town podcast out there leading the chart. I just wanted to call in and say appreciate your podcast
Starting point is 01:03:17 and appreciate your friendship. Excited for your five. Thanks so much. We're going strong. Thanks for your donations and a little bit stronger than the spurs, but maybe they'll be back in a little bit, I don't know. Yeah, we'll see, probably not, but it's in fact he was on the 70-50 year NBA team, so I'll take that. I saw that, I tried not to look at his hair, it still doesn't look right to me, but maybe someday. It's funny because he's very, he's a very private person so he doesn't do a whole lot of media.
Starting point is 01:03:47 And San Antonio is a small media market at least. So we've noticed hairs like that for years, but everyone on Twitter was going, well, like, oh, that's what he looks like now. And I forget that if you don't live in San Antonio, you won't know that. That's true. I've seen it once or twice before,
Starting point is 01:04:03 but I think I tried to block out the image, because it just felt unnatural. But hey, it's Tim Duncan's one of my favorites, and hopefully the spurs are back soon. Yes, sir. I'll see you around, buddy. All right, thanks so much for calling. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Yeah, bye-bye. Yep, bye. Yeah. What a wholesome call. And thank you. That was our caller in case you don't know who put us over the edge on our pledge drive. Telephone Fundraiser Year 5 is we have surpassed the hour mark,
Starting point is 01:04:35 which is exciting. And we're going to run this into the ground more or less. I got 22% left on my MacBook. And once we get to about 10-ish is where I really need to stop it so they don't risk losing the recording, which would be an absolutely travesty of justice. So that's probably going to have like five more minutes. Do you want a pizza? Yes, always, but not, I'm good tonight.
Starting point is 01:05:01 I mean, we got, I got, we went to Trader Joe's this afternoon and got our ingredients for making some sort of famous TikTok Feta Pasta, which I don't have a Feta. I don't have a TikTok. I do have the Feta, I didn't forget it, babe. If you're watching, it's okay, I have it. I even got fresh basil. It's the first time, will you believe this
Starting point is 01:05:23 on the Bean Tom Podcast? First time I've ever fresh basil. It's the first time. Well, you believe this on the bean tub podcast. First time I've ever bought basil But that was a YouTube comment about the pizza and I always want pizza and let's get a pizza real soon No need to just buy me one. I'd rather share one together if you're curious the last time I checked flights to Your hometown, which is not San Antonio, but near was like $400. So I don't think we're going, unfortunately, but I hope to see you soon. Let's all meet up in like Sioux Falls or something. There's one town at Water Town or something like that in South Dakota.
Starting point is 01:05:58 I think in the eastern part of the state where I was finding flights for like $84, you go to like And it'll give you a list of results. You put in your dates and it's like Chicago to anywhere. And it's always the last couple of times I've looked it's been like this one town in South Dakota, like water town South Dakota, like $82. Everything else like $289.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I don't know if anyone else out there, as we're going to come back to our adres in a second here and that'll sort of close the show. If anyone else out there has been shopping for flights in any capacity lately, so you'll have to kind of let me know. Beans on If I am just completely looking on the wrong sites, if I need to clear my cookies, what I'm doing wrong. I mean, I've been buying flights for a long time at this point, for work, for personal, for other work.
Starting point is 01:06:54 The flight prices right now are insane. Like, do I just need to get used to the fact that there's no more flights that start with a one? Like, all flights are gonna be high, 200, low, 300s. Like, that's just how it is now, because that is painful. Because some of us have not been getting raises that are anywhere close to keeping up with inflation or any of this other stuff. And I know I'm
Starting point is 01:07:18 in a good fortunate financial position just generally compared to a lot of people in this country. So I can't even imagine what some other folks are going through. I really think that from like a social economical perspective, things are going to get really just like hairy in the next couple of years because they're going in a very alarming direction right now, not to get too crazy with you here in the Bean Tone podcast. But when God speaks, he uses a Samsung from Genesis, Exodus, all the books. That finishes that ad read from 20 minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Okay, last but not least, Bob and Weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it. Check this out. If you're watching on the live stream weave, we all know the hairstyle. We all love it. Check this out. If you're watching on the live stream, boom. Check out the flow. John Voight, 77. We all know the hairstyle. We all love it.
Starting point is 01:08:14 But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter, cut, spy, cue. It's like, and our sandman only different. Cuts by cue has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations. Coglow Cook County and Rorthwa's Indiana, which is where Papas, many don't, and cheese crutches located. God, I have, Papas has, Papas went off the grid.
Starting point is 01:08:38 For a while, I guess more or less like calendar year 2021 up until like August. Papas was posting every day. Like we're open, we're at this location. And I don't know if it's just winter hiatus, because granted this winter feels like it's been a really long time, and it's snowing again today, which is crazy. But I have not heard from Papas in forever. I haven't seen a post.
Starting point is 01:09:01 They didn't respond to my message. I hope Papas okay. I hope the emphysema didn't get him. His Papa smokes like a sailor. But yeah, I haven't thought about Papa's in months. I gotta go check in on the amount Facebook right after this. God, I hope they're okay, knock on wood.
Starting point is 01:09:21 And the greatest chocolain area from Beehaw's Bangs, Fahawks, the flat tops and everything in between. I gotta be so bad. Call cuts by Q8152987200 or email cuts by and go this. Ha! It's Q8Z. Buy Okay, everyone, for the pledge drive, for the telephone, for the fundraiser, sing with us if you're watching live. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh need a fresh do something snappian nude. Call the experts at cuts by Q. God's spy. Q. I should finish off this vodka.
Starting point is 01:09:56 It's mostly ice now, or mostly water. The ice cube's split into two. That's kind of cool. What's that freeze thaw geothermal process? Breaks the rocks apart, that's embarrassing for the rock. We're almost done, we're not gonna be able to finish the alcohol live on air, which is okay, because I had peace myself,
Starting point is 01:10:19 I gotta work tomorrow, wake up at like 6.45. The one other thing that I had written down that I just wanted to mention is that I did my taxes already this year, and we will still have our taxes special in April when tax deadline comes around with Matthew Feather, our good friend. But my taxes were accepted, and I got a refund back this year. So for context last year, I had to, excuse me, I probably paid like two grand, something like that, which was just a pain in the ass. This year, excuse me, and I got my federal refund this morning or yesterday, it was like 470 in states and other like 300. So clutch, I got the bush thumb or Clinton,
Starting point is 01:11:10 who did the thumb? I don't know, it could be either one of them. 1992 to 2008's real blur for me, especially the first three years. I wanna thank everyone candidly and genuinely and authentically who tuned in to the show with you on Facebook commenting, YouTube watching and commenting, whether you called in. I really appreciate your support.
Starting point is 01:11:33 We've been doing this for this is our fifth year now, which is hard to believe. It's like, being on podcasts, you know, it's a quin thing. Like it's silly. It's fun, but this is like our fifth year. That's crazy. This is the longest thing I've ever done, except for piano and like probably like 27 other things, but it's been a long thing for me.
Starting point is 01:11:56 And I really appreciate it every time I get to do this, it's a lot of fun I get to hear from listeners, people who I honestly, more or less hear from, at least their voice like once a year, which means a lot to me, that's really special to me, just from a human connection and perspective. Finally, a shout out to my alarm clock, which says 7.22 right now, even though it's 6.22 daily, saving time and our starts in two plus weeks here, which is crazy. Then it will be right for another six months is daylight savings times put into six months
Starting point is 01:12:27 I don't think so I think I think I think daylight savings time is longer when it's on than when it's off But I don't know we got one last comment next year That can be a big confetti balloon release from the ceiling when you hit the fundraising goal That's a good idea There's a lot of things that going to planning in In the one other thing I'll say is like, I hope that it came across as like high energy and having a good time because I have had energy and I'm having a good time, but it's all spent a really rough two-ish weeks. And so there definitely was not much planning.
Starting point is 01:12:57 A lot of this came together. I was literally showering an hour before this. And I was like, oh, I should come back to the my kind of town karaoke and I wrote lyrics five minutes before the show started. So it's it's been on the fly it's been fun that's what we're all about here at Bean Town but shout out to the Ray Moses for getting me this Bean Town podcast live on air sign shout out to Garage Band, Apple for sticking with it. And I have to piece so bad. So everyone, if you're listening to the auto stream,
Starting point is 01:13:28 I'm gonna get music going. Once I get plugged in here, live streams, we're gonna end. That's where we're gonna call it. You can still donate, I promise. We're not gonna close that. You can still donate, you can call in, I'll say hi, you won't be live on air.
Starting point is 01:13:43 But thanks everyone. Facebook, I'm ending you now. Cause I have to pee so bad. And YouTube, it's good to see everyone, I'm ending you now. Bye. This is a abrupt, I apologize. And uh, yeah. Final thoughts.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Cause I just peed. We got 8% left. Just fingering, fingering. Yikes. Crossing my fingers at my Mac doesn't die at this point. Bonus content on the bean-tum podcast. We've never really done that before. But no, I just want to say thanks to everyone again
Starting point is 01:14:19 for listening. It was a good time I had fun. We got multiple phone calls, what, like five calls, something like that. And we reached our donation goal, which I have not been monitoring really in the last hour and a half, but I've heard that we made it, which is great. Let's see, where were we at about our 20 this year, our 15, which I think is solid. That's about what I wanted to do. Anything less is like, that's not a big event. Anything more is like, yes, too long.
Starting point is 01:14:45 But that's what I had for you.. I'm gonna get the outro music going probably and Yeah, another successful year. Thanks everyone. You have supported not only the show with the United Way of Chicago and Together bean town gives back. We are Making lives better for people and in my immediate community. So I really appreciate that. We are making lives better for people in my immediate community, so I really appreciate that. That's what I got for you. As always, stay safe, stay sane.
Starting point is 01:15:14 February's over. I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just gonna go back to the music. M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 01:16:36 nd you

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