Beantown Podcast - A Salute to the Breakfast Sandwich (02172023 Beantown)

Episode Date: February 17, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to salute the big, bold, beautiful Breakfast Sandwich....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday, February 17th, 2023. What's happening? What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn Furnace and this is my show and my oh my can you believe it's already February 17th feels like Punsuktoni Phil just Came out of his shadow and all of a sudden it's two weeks later It's gonna be March and exactly two weeks here Friday March 1st. That's gonna be crazy. We only have one more episode after this. Our pledge drive, Telethon, Fundries are which I want to speak on very briefly today right after I mentioned that listening to the discretion is advised. When you're
Starting point is 00:00:55 listening to the Bean Tom podcast, number one, occasionally some language number two is boxed as objectively terrible. Also, hello to our friends in Packy Stan, whether you're calling in from Karachi, Hyderabad, Kiberpass, wherever, doesn't matter to me. Thank you for listening. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the nation of Pakistan. And I want to, of course, say thank you to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon. If you need your home inspector and essential Oregon call someone safe someone certified an expert you
Starting point is 00:01:28 can trust there's nothing worse than buying a new home not going through the proper inspection routes and then all of a sudden getting footed with an HVAC bill or a new roof repair or you know an alimony payment or something that you didn't catch on your home inspection. That's why you call Steve. 541-03016. Mention code q.cleand for a special discount telling quintessent, 0% off limited time only now through president's day.
Starting point is 00:01:58 This is president's day weekend, isn't it? That just hit me. The reason it just hit me is because they don't have a three day weekend, but my lovely darling GF Rachel does. And we'll mention Rachel briefly a little bit later on in the show. She's not here. She had to go to work in the office today. Typically we both work from home on Fridays, but she's downtown supporting this family. Well, gosh, I can't just help myself. I'll say now, happy anniversary to my lovely GF Rachel Ramos three years this Wednesday, I think,
Starting point is 00:02:33 is our anniversary, Tuesday. It's the 22nd, whatever that is. You know, it's Wednesday, because last year was our 2nd anniversary on a Tuesday, 222, 2022. It was maybe the greatest thing of all time, just in terms of, that's incredible how that worked out. It wasn't one thing, it wasn't two things. It was just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Two, 22, 2022, on a Tuesday, on our second anniversary. I guess the only thing that would have been better would have been our 22nd anniversary or maybe our 222nd anniversary, but regardless, I digress. Happy anniversary coming up soon to my lover. Back to our ads.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Thank you to our friends, the Cuts by Q, boutique, barber shop, all in one, do it yourself sort of thing. Literally, I just did a Cuts by Q, did a little neck shave, and I'm feeling fresh. I'm feeling ready for this three day weekend for some, not for me, but it's exciting nonetheless. And I also wanted to, of course, say thank you to the Samsung Q2U series for CRESP. Fresh, crisp, clean audio quality, time and time again, when God speaks He uses a Samsung. We are going to be moving pretty fast here on the show today because I actually don't have much time. It's about 5.15 pm here and I've got
Starting point is 00:04:08 to got something else to do at six sharp. So we're going to jump right into it here first in foremost, the bean town podcast 6th annual Pleas drive, telethon fundraiser is up and running. We already have a donation. Thank you so much to those of you who have donated. We've got some great tears. If you want to read more about it, you can go find it. Any of our socials, you can go to to find the link. It's right there on the homepage.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I just designed a great new graphic today with some special guests on there that you're going to enjoy. You can find the link there. You can also just Google search, Bington Podcast, six annual telephone, pleasure, I have telephone fundraiser, and you will find it. But we're raising money again, this for the operation costs of the show. Everything gets matched by yours truly one for one to the United Way of Metro
Starting point is 00:05:02 Chicago. We're going to, the GoFundMe is wide open, and we're going to be continuing to collect money until we reach our goal from you all. And the telephone itself is going to be next Sunday. It's going to be next Sunday, February 26th, at 2 p.m. central. So you have that to put it on your calendar. It's going to be great. We'll have live call in 8152987200.
Starting point is 00:05:33 You can also, of course, follow or watch us on the YouTube stream. I'll try to do it on Facebook as well. But it's going to be a lot of fun. It's always a good time. I always get people calling in. I got to make sure I remember to set my voice mail message, which I never do. So people can call in case the lines are busy, you know, that sort of thing. So that's what's going to be happening next Sunday. Really excited for thing. So that's what's gonna be happening next Sunday,
Starting point is 00:06:06 really excited for it. And that brings me into today's topic, a very abrupt transition, really no transition. If this was my ninth grade English paper and I did a paragraph transition like that, my dear mother who taught English for a while would not be pleased. But I wanted to give a shout out,
Starting point is 00:06:29 and this is what today's show is gonna be about. We're gonna have trivia and all that stuff, the breakfast sandwich, okay? And you're sitting there, you think, and gosh, this took a hard left turn, what on earth are we? How did we get here? But well, at the same time, I love breakfast sandwiches, and so I think it might be kind of nice you think and gosh this took a hard left turn what on earth are we how did we get here but well at the same time I love breakfast sandwiches and so I think it might be kind of nice to see
Starting point is 00:06:50 what what a quenster has to say about it. The breakfast sandwich is amazing and the reason I mentioned it the reason we're talking about it on today's show is because I didn't actually on today's show is because I didn't actually really cook this past week. It all started because I knew Rachel and I were going out on Valentine's Day to her favorite Robert's pizza on Tuesday night. So I was, you know, we were at jewel, actually like three days in a row Friday Saturday Sunday, but we're at jewel on Super Bowl Sunday actually, which is chaos mayhem as any grocery heads out there would know. We were again some snacks because we were going to a party last week and we were crazy man. We hosted a party while at dinner, really a drink, a pre-dinner drinks thing if we get it all the way down from party on Saturday night
Starting point is 00:07:41 and then we went out Sunday night on a school night nonetheless for a super role party. So there's a lot of snackage, a lot of beverages to be consumed, et cetera, et cetera. But we're there and I'm thinking, you know what, I don't really know if I feel like cooking this week, I don't need to cook Tuesday. Really, I'm just looking for something Monday Wednesday Thursday, I guess Friday. I'm like, you know what, we got plenty of stuff at home. We got lots of eggs, we got cheese.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So let me grab some rolls and some turkey bacon here, and we're gonna get going on some breakfast sandwiches, which are absolutely delicious. Here's the number one thing about the number one rule about breakfast sandwiches is that there are no rules. You can use whatever bread you want. You can make it vegan.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You can make it gluten free. You can do sweet, you know, you drizzle some syrup and some sausage links on buttered bread. You can make it savory, which is what most breakfast sandwiches are. You can make it a combo, which is what that sweet breakfast sandwiches that I describe. You can do anything you want. You can use jumbo, grade A eggs, you can use medium-sized, grade C eggs. You usually only see the grade A eggs in the grocery store, although I'm not personally opposed to buying grade B or grade C in these tough economic conditions.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You... Let's talk bread, okay? Rachel had English muffins at home, and she graciously offered me an English muffin for my breakfast sandwich, and I said, you know what, this is gonna be, because I'm not fully, I don't do one meal a day anymore. I have a banana, and well, these days, I'm just like trail mix for lunch, usually around like 3 PM or so in my office.
Starting point is 00:09:43 But the dinner is really the star of the show. It's a big meal. It's where I get at least two thirds of my calories in any given day. So I'm like, you know what? If I want this breakfast sandwich to really hit and carry me through for, you know, almost 21, 22 hours, I think I'm going to need a little bit higher power, something more high
Starting point is 00:10:06 octane. So I go to the jewel bakery and I just get, it's just, you know, a four pack of some of their freshly baked rolls, which were, which were nice. Almost, you know, kind of like the shape of a large croissant, but not that, you know, buttery, more, just kind of your standard roll, but good for slicing in a half and making a sandwich out of. So I get fully loaded with my rolls, but you can do anything you want. You can do the English muffin. That's a little bit more of, you know, kind of like an egg-muffin vibe, if you will. You can go with your classic toast.
Starting point is 00:10:42 You could do all sorts of toast. You could do white, wheat, rye, sourdough, pump-renical. I don't know if you really make pump-renical toast. Maybe, I suppose. Whatever you're in the mood for, chabbata, CIA, B-A-T, T-A. How many teas in Chabbata, Pat? That's a tough one. Two T's looks like I was right. Old Quinter strikes again. I'm trying to remember, did I ever, I'm trying to recall if ever one is spelling B in my life.
Starting point is 00:11:17 A quick tangent. This can be one of our call to actions for the podcast this week. Do you remember Quinn ever winning a Spelling Bee? No, my call to action email us beantown podcast a Yahoo dot com. And it's beantown B a and hidden podcast Yahoo dot com. Your your first step is your first challenge of spelling it right. But let us know. Did you ever win a spelling bee before?
Starting point is 00:11:41 And if so, do you recall your winning word? I remember because everyone remembers the word that, you know, got that, that they lost that they missed, right? And I'm trying to recall, I think one that I missed was satellite. I think I spelled it, SAT, T-E-L-I-T-E or something like that. Not the easiest word. And I and I you know I never did a spelling bee after like six or seventh grade. I feel like so I don't know but every you know that's the thing with words right everyone's always got ones that were that other people get You're like oh that's so easy and then the one you miss you think is hard and someone else thinks is easy like I remember one year the winning word it definitely wasn't me. I don't think. I can't actually, actually, I know, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But this word sticks out to me. One of the winning, or the winning word was Helmet, ATL EMT, which feels like, I don't know, us crazy white homeschoolers, you're always doing World War II re-enactions or Vikings landing at, you know, Iceland in 1062. There's a lot of helmets, right? In the air, just in the general atmosphere,
Starting point is 00:12:49 even though your standard 21st century kid doesn't wear a helmet all that frequently. Unless you're a football star, I don't know. But email us, let us know what words you remember from your childhood spelling bees. But going back to our breakfast sandwiches here, you can do any sort of bread you want in case, or in fact, you know, for those people who are out there saying, well, Quinn, of course, breakfast sandwiches are delicious, they're tasty, they're
Starting point is 00:13:12 scrumptious. But we just can't afford the carbs, the transactional fats, all that sort of stuff. Here's what I, well, if you don't want to load up on the toast, you don't want to load up on the bread, use, I got a, it's inspired, here's an idea, inspired by the KFC double down. You can grill up, well, you don't have to grill it, you can really just cook it regularly. You can get two separate things of eggs going, think like an omelet, but you slice it where you would fold it in half. That can be your bread, okay? Then you can throw whatever else on there you want.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You can have your meat, your protein, you can throw on some sriracha. You know what Rachel had this week that really took the breakfast sandwich to a whole new level, it's just gracious enough to share avocado. I don't think I've ever had avocado on a breakfast sandwich until this past week, but it was delicious. So if you're out there, we've talked about some of the different combinations
Starting point is 00:14:09 already. We haven't talked meats yet. Let's talk that real quick, and then we'll talk about what my sandwich looked like this week, and I loved it. I was a turkey bacon guy this week, because it's thin. You get a nice different texture there. You can do any sort's, you know, it's thin. You get a nice different texture there. You can do any sort of, you know, sausage link, turkey sausage. You can even, if you're worried about it, you know, the kind of cylindrical space that it would occupy, things roll around or say what you can even slice them in half, give them more of that flat base. You know, you have then your semi-circle action going on. It will stick to the bread a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:14:49 So you can do a variety of things with your protein. Typically, when we're talking a breakfast sandwich, it's going to be, you're going to have either a bacon, a turkey bacon, a sausage, a turkey sausage of some kind. You don't typically hear about chicken being thrown into breakfast sandwiches, because you don't have chicken for breakfast all that often, at least in the United States,
Starting point is 00:15:13 where we're located, it's an all-American patriotic podcast. Other things you could do though, I mean, I don't know if there's really any other meats, the whole kind of sausage links in bacon and turkey alternatives really kind of have a corner on this breakfast meat market, if you will. I suppose one other thing that you could entertain would be that thick slab of Canadian bacon,
Starting point is 00:15:40 which is essentially just ham. You could even soak it in like a honey glaze or something. I'll worry about this. Here's a technique that you don't see people talk about. In Rachel, I've been watching Cutthroat Kitchen the last couple nights and I haven't seen this done yet. But what if you, so you got your deep fryer, right?
Starting point is 00:16:00 You throw stuff in there, it comes out nice, gold, brown, crispy. What if in addition to the oil you threw in some some fun flavorings? I'm thinking honey sriracha. I'm thinking maple maple camp stove maybe Cotton candy, you know whatever you want your your fried ham to taste like you could even be spam It could be spiced ham with a oaky finish to it.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I really don't judge. I'm wondering though the kind of the technique behind adding some flavors like those meowshots, the MIO that you throw into your water to jazz or size it. What if you throw that into the deep fryer? Does it work? Do you get that lingering flavor alongside that fried goodness? These are things that keep me up at night. But to kind of finish it off, then you need some,
Starting point is 00:16:53 you're going to want a little bit of moisture, right? So you're going to want some butter or maybe a mustard A. Oli. You don't typically associate mustard with the breakfast sandwich, but I think I think there's a reality think I think there's a reality I think there's a sandwich out there where you get it just right and you nail it Maybe a mayo a ole is a little bit more You know soaks up whatever flavors you're putting in there. So that's to put a to put a cap on this That's the beauty of the breakfast sandwich you can do whatever you want. It can be whatever you need it to be, whether you're having it during breakfast, whether it's more of a dinner sort of thing as it was for me this last week. I'll tell you what I had. So I mentioned those
Starting point is 00:17:36 rolls I got from the jewel bakery, you just slice them right down the middle, long ways, right? Don't be an idiot. And then I slather it up with a little bit of butter. Not too much, because you want to get that butter flavor, but you don't need to go overboard. And then I actually broiled it. And I stuck it right under those flames for about seven, eight minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:57 It gets super crispy. You're gonna have crumbs, right? So you guys are gonna want a plate. Would be good. I've eaten plenty of sandwiches in my day without a plate. This isn't that type of sandwich. There's gonna be, you're gonna bite into it. Crumbs are gonna be going across
Starting point is 00:18:11 into the second bedroom, okay? So you're gonna make sure you have a plate. I then, I mentioned turkey bacon is what I got. So I scared up a number of strips and I think I placed three to four slices of turkey bacon on this sandwich. Then I scared up three eggs. I just did kind of a scrambled sort of deal. Nothing too fancy, not exactly an omelette, although that would work pretty well for these purposes, because you want something that's kind of long, long ways, if you
Starting point is 00:18:44 will. If you just kind of mash kind of long ways, if you will. If you just kind of mash it up and go crazy and you're completely careless, and when you try to assemble your sandwich, it's going to be all over the place. Those eggs are going to be flying everywhere. So you want to be careful with how you construct it. And then let's see, anything else that I put on there. I mentioned our roll, our butter, our eggs. Oh, Rachel's avocado, of course,
Starting point is 00:19:07 she was gracious enough to share. It's really just gonna add that it's a nice, kind of creamy finish. You get your eggs, which is a nice bite. You get some good crisp from the turkey bacon. You got these buttery rolls that are very crispy as well. These avocados are really gonna kind of bind it all together, if you will.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And then I just used what I had in the fridge, which was just a little bit of the hot sauce that I typically put on my eggs and potatoes and stuff. But you could really go crazy with sort of a mayo, aoli, a spread of some sort if you really wanted to. There's a million things you can do with it. You can stick a little toothpick in there at the top with a, you know, a Danish flag or something if you were reading Little Mermaid.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I don't know, whatever you're, whatever you're feeling. Speaking of reading, quick sidebar, I finished and we're getting closer wrapping things up here. But I finished Blood Meridian this past week, Cormick McCarthy, my first ever McCarthy work. And I got to say, I think it's one of those books where I understand why it's so critically acclaimed. It's just so kind of blunt in its description of violence and everything that happens
Starting point is 00:20:24 and it's just very violence and everything that happens and it's just very like to the point. So I can appreciate it for that aspect. I struggle to see why it's considered like a literary classic on its own. I don't know enough about just everything else, the context, everything else going around the book to be able to have an informed opinion on this stuff. But I personally believe that the book itself doesn't necessarily warrant being considered a literary classic.
Starting point is 00:20:53 If you never read it, I think it's worth a read. It doesn't take that long. I think it's like 300 pages. I will say if you're someone like me who's not familiar and I'm guessing this is just his writing style, but it's kind of tough to read. There's just, you know, the lack of, like, quotation marks and oftentimes punctuation makes it a challenge. And I'm also someone who my eyes can kind of wander a little bit and it's definitely the sort of book where you'll get through, like, three or four pages and you'll, you're kind of mind will come to a point of clarity and you'll be like, what, I have no idea what has happened.
Starting point is 00:21:27 The last two or three pages here. So it's that kind of book. I liked it. Unfortunately, we don't have Rachel here to do Rachel's reviews, which is a popular new segment on our show, but maybe we'll get her on soon. But blood meridian, check it out if you like. I think I'll try no country for old men next, maybe the road. But in the meantime, I've got a little David Sidaris
Starting point is 00:21:48 waiting for me at the library, which I've also never read. So I'm excited, I'm trying new things. Just like, hey, guys, if you know someone, a time for a little MLM pitch, if you know someone who you think would love the Bean Tom podcast, maybe their first time on the show could be our, or listening to the show could be
Starting point is 00:22:03 our Plus Drive Telephone fundraiser Let them know tell them about our stickers or Topez Elite Club that we've got this year tell them about you know our top 10 horse names or Taxes special those great episodes are coming up or Quince birthday show or St. Paddy's day whatever it takes get them in tell them email email Bintonpikes at Yahoo dot com or go to Tell them to check out the Beantom blog. Maybe you got some fans of poetry
Starting point is 00:22:32 in your close circle of friends. They might like our brand new poem Love Is that we wrote and debuted live on the show last week. So that's another beantom call of action. But breakfast sandwiches, they're so versatile. Really didn't get into them until recently. We never had them growing up. It just wasn't a thing. We didn't have that many eggs growing up. And certainly didn't have a lot of like protein other than in terms of non dinner, you know, your chickens and your vendus and stuff, in terms of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:07 you're not going to find a lot of bacon or sausage links in the house, typically, unless it's like Saturday morning breakfast and pops making pancake or something like that. Beyond that, though, it's kind of, I've kind of come into it on my own. Love me a breakfast sandwich, so this was just our salute to the breakfast sandwich. And it doesn't, it doesn't warrant a full episode, which is why this is a shorter episode and it works so well because guys, we're gonna be on the air for upwards of, I don't know, two, three, four, five, six, seven hours next Sunday. We'll go right up until the real hospitalized of a Potomac reunion,
Starting point is 00:23:45 part two, debuts, or last of us, or whatever you end up watching next Sunday night. The last thing I wanted to mention here, and then we're going to sign off under 30 minutes, is our trivia question for the week. It's going to be a little bit different just in terms of what I'm looking for, and how it's structured and stuff. Then the traditional, I ask you a question, you give me one answer kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And it has to do with breakfast, not necessarily a breakfast sandwich per se, because I couldn't think of a great breakfast sandwich trivia question, but we're gonna go into it. And this is according to, which frankly is just sort of what I found. So it's a top search when you Google the question about to ask you.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And this is just gonna be get as many as you can sort of thing. And if you can get them all fantastic, if not, don't beat yourself up. You can always email your results to Bean Town Podcast at to get on the leaderboard for year six and see how you did. Here's the question, it's very simple.
Starting point is 00:24:48 What constitutes or what goes into a traditional English breakfast? So in English breakfast, you may or may not be familiar with the concept, it's a breakfast commonly eaten in England and the former colonies, for example, when I was in Rwanda visiting Brother and the former colonies, for example, when I was in Rwanda visiting Brother of the Show Jack, along with my mother, we had some things that were variations of an English breakfast. It certainly wasn't exactly what I'm about to describe as far as answers go, but it was you know
Starting point is 00:25:21 sort of that European style. You're not going to really get a breakfast sandwich in that European style breakfast or that English breakfast, the traditional English breakfast. But it was closer than what you usually have. Here in the States, in the colonies, if you will. So again, one more time before we reveal our answers, we're not going to do much digging, except I've got a hard stop.
Starting point is 00:25:45 What goes into a traditional English breakfast? And again, you can bark at me if you got different answers in me, I'm just coming from Slash a breakdown of the full English breakfast, okay? So you can check that if you're curious. And there's a lovely picture That I think you're gonna want to see. Okay, so here is what goes into a traditional English Breakfast per this website sausages
Starting point is 00:26:20 Okay, it could be pork sausages typically it could be you know That's pretty much what a sausage is. Next up, black pudding. This was kind of the wild card because one of the, like, thumbnails had it, but then when it says, like, there's two lists of, like, what goes into a full English breakfast. The first one has it. The second one doesn't all on the same site, which is kind of confusing.
Starting point is 00:26:39 There's the list, okay, so there's a section that says, according to the internet, full English breakfast need. And then there's a second section that says, ingredients, and they make up different things, which is confusing. So I'm trying to go for the all-encompassing, all-inclusive list here. Black pudding goes into a traditional English breakfast.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And this says, if they don't have black pudding, you can ask for blood sausage, okay? Bering sausages, oh, you can get this when you're buying sausages at your butcher. I thought I said, burying sausages, and I thought that's a great waste bearing sausages. Oh, you can get this when you're buying sausages at your butcher. I thought I said bearing sausages, I thought that's a great waste of sausages. Next up, English bacon. It's like regular bacon, but your pig has a tockny accent. Next up, eggs, probably the easiest one to pick here.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And I guess, oh yeah, we talked about eggs earlier in our breakfast sandwich. Next up, tomatoes. Huge underrated breakfast item in general. If you have a good tomato, that's like ripe and juicy and full, if you will, like my lips, you're gonna want that as part of your breakfast. Next up, mushrooms. I do love a good sauteed mushroom. Just one, just one gigantic mushroom. No, I prefer the little guys.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Fried bread, you can do it like French toast style, you could deep fry it, throw in some meowshots, and then beans, baked beans, kind of the out of left field one you didn't expect. That is also part of an English breakfast. So again, I think we had, what did we have? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ingredients. Is that what we had here? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Again, they were, according to, the eight ingredients in a traditional English breakfast, sausages, black pudding, English bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bad bread, and beans, preferably baked. Like I'm about to be in two or three hours, just kidding.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Probably won't get baked. If taking an edible that makes you sleepy and you fall asleep in an hour and then you wake up feeling your fresh Nine hours later is baked then I'm getting baked baby Okay, that's what I had for you Let us know how you did on trivia go have a breakfast sandwich if you'd like Guys are pledge our telephone fundaries or will be 2 p.m. Sunday, February 26 You can call in you can watch on YouTube you you can donate, you can do all three,
Starting point is 00:29:05 you can be a topaz elite member and get a sticker and all those other great prizes. Thank you so much for listening to my show. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in Pakistan, one of the top 500 podcasts in the city of Chicago. My name is Quinn. Thank you so much for listening. I will check in on you. Oh, I forgot. One last thing. I was on my Facebook memories, day before Super Bowl Sunday, whatever Super Bowl Sunday was, 2022.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I forgot I had done this. I predicted the score of the Super Bowl and I was off by one point. So I got rams over bangles and I think I predicted. It was like rams by five and they won by four or something like that. And then this year I predicted chiefs by two and it was chiefs by three.
Starting point is 00:29:54 So again, off by, or a chiefs by one, I predicted chiefs one by three. So it was up by two points. You could say, Quinn, gosh, you're getting worse and worse every year. You missed it by one point, then you missed it by two points. Next, you know, give it 30 years. You're going to be off by 34 points, maybe.
Starting point is 00:30:08 But I'll say this, I'm a hot baby. So we're going to Vegas next time. A little winter escape, if you will. Probably not, actually, but that's okay. My name is Quinn David Furnals. That's Q up some outro music. I'll check in and you next time. Stay safe.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Stay sane. And we already said it. Bye! I'm just going to sit here. nd nd

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