Beantown Podcast - Beantown Music Hour + Zola (07172021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: July 17, 2021

Quinn comes to you live to butcher some songs live on the air because not every week is going to be a comedy goldmine. KARACHI KID BBY...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go of a little girl I'm a little girl I'm a little girl I'm a little girl I'm a little girl I'm a little girl
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm a little girl I'm a little girl I'm a little girl I'm a little girl I'm a little girl She stands With a world tension man She stands with her will intention man But she can't relax with this hand
Starting point is 00:00:58 And on the small of her back And as a flash bulbs burst She holds a smile, like someone would hold A crying child a crying child. So when everybody will ask what became of you because your heart was dying fast and we didn't know what to do It seems that you live in someone else's dream Inhand me down wedding dress With a face that could have been or oppressed
Starting point is 00:02:22 But you said you're vile. And you closed the door, and on so many men would have loved you more Soon everybody will ask What became of you Because your heart was dying that fast And we didn't know what to do
Starting point is 00:03:12 The whispers that you all have Swel up and down the pew Cause if your heart was dying fast, we'd have done the same as you, and I'd have done the same as you. Hey, what's going on? It is Quinnivvich furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinnivvich presents the Bean Tom podcast for Saturday, July 17, 2021 live from the North Side of Chicago. What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn, and this is my show.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I am the creator, producer, and in-house talent for Beentown Podcast streaming all across Beentown Networks. First and foremost, a happy birthday to my dad, Steve. Last, what last I was gonna say last night yesterday was his 60th birthday. You might know Steve, he's been on the show before a couple of times, a roasted quenched a roast, he was on our holiday specialist past year,
Starting point is 00:04:40 which was a lot of fun. If you haven't seen the YouTube video where we do a blind taste testing of some little Debbie and hostess snack cakes I would encourage you to check that out so happy birthday to my dad Steve he is the owner of Home Pride Oregon a good friend of the show and he is doing a big swim tomorrow 6100s that's 100 meters folks for his birthday so hope it goes well you're going to kill it and you might have noticed we opened with a song today which we haven't done a lot
Starting point is 00:05:23 of recently, and I gotta tell ya, it was kinda the same thing with my run this morning. I just felt like I needed a break, you know, and same thing with the podcast. I spent so much time with all these expectations, from, you know, you all the fans to always be this comedy god, weekend, week out,
Starting point is 00:05:43 and, you know, I like to think I deliver but everyone's a while I need a break so for example this morning I ran 10 miles instead of you know my usual minimum which is a half marathon and you know just to kind of you know sometimes you just gotta be lazy okay and you just do what you can and you call it a day and that's kind of how I'm treating this episode of the podcast Not that I'm going to gonna be lazy with it, but I'm just gonna kind of be playing some tunes and Be mentioning a couple things a nice shout out to my hot GF Raychi That's her favorite title
Starting point is 00:06:22 Hot GF Rachi That's her favorite title Good thing she doesn't listen to this show I Coming up a little bit later on in the program and this won't be terribly long Because I just have a couple songs that I'm just playing and I'll give a quick shout out to our sponsors and Next thing you know that'll be it for us. So let's let's play here. I got to tell you, the killers had an album back in whatever it was 2013 something like that. 15 I don't really remember called Battleborn. And it's probably most people's least favorite killers album and even the band themselves has stated like it's not their favorite. It's their
Starting point is 00:07:14 fourth album out of six that they've done so far, I believe and I've just been listening to it a lot not the last like two or three weeks but about a month ago and They've got a couple songs that right at the end of the record that I think are just fantastic hitting gems and I'm gonna play one of those four-year-olds that I've never really tried to play before. So I got the lyrics in front of me. It's called Be Still. And this is how it goes. Be still, go on to bed.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Nobody knows what lies ahead. Life is show, to say the least, we're in the belly of the beast. Be still, and wild and young, long may our innocence reign, Like shells on a shore May limits be unknown May efforts be your own If you ever feel you can't take it anymore Don't break, character, you got a lot of heart. Is this a real logistic dream Her eyes are black, the sun The labor till the work is done Be still, one day leave
Starting point is 00:09:05 And feel thisness on your sleeve When you come back, what did you see? Was there something out there for me? Be still, and close your eyes Soon enough you'll be on your own A steady and straight And if they drag you through the mud It doesn't change what's in your blood
Starting point is 00:09:44 When they knock you down. Don't break a character, just a dream Be still, be still Be still Be still Over rock and chain, over sunset plane Over trap and snare, when you're in 2D In your wildest dream, and your made-up scheme When they knock you down, when they knock you down
Starting point is 00:10:53 Don't break a character, you got a lot of heart Is this real of just a dream? Oh rise up like the sun and labor till the work is done Like the sun and labor till the work is rise up like the sun and labor till the work is done. So I mentioned at the top of the show, and I will also mention, excuse me, before anything else, that I want to give a special shout out to my GF, Rachel Ramos. Last Sunday, it was kind of a rainy, and this isn't anything in like, particular, like, you know, specific active service or anything, but this is just like, I'm happy that we are in sync, and not really, you know, the just in Timberlake kind, but just kind of on the same page
Starting point is 00:12:16 from an entertainment perspective. So last Sunday, it was really rainy and gross in Chicago, and we had nothing going on. So we were like, hey, we should go see a movie. And of course, the only place that is showing Boss Baby 2 is all the way down to Regal Web Sturge. If you don't really know Chicago, it's, you know, there's just not a convenient way to get there in public transportation.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So you end up walking a very long ways. And obviously, that's the only movie we really wanted to see. So we're like, okay, well, let's just go to the local place, which is in between our two apartments. And they were literally, I think they were like three or four things showing. And two of them, I think, were like documentaries are on streaming services, and we weren't particularly interested. So our choices were down to the big new hot release, Black Widow, or a movie called Zola, which neither one of us had heard of. And we were like, we don't want to spend, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:11 between the two of us 25 bucks on tickets plus, you know, popcorn or whatever, just to watch a frickin' Marvel movie with Scarlett Johansson that we don't understand what's going on. It's just cookie cutter action like Avenger, like whatever. Whatever. I don't care about that. How many of these movies are they going to make? So we're like, well, let's watch this trailer for this movie, Zola. It's got Rally Kio in it, which by the way, if you don't know Rally Kio, like probably one of my top three or four favorite actresses.
Starting point is 00:13:43 She is fantastic. She does mostly like Indy Phelms, but if you've seen Magic Mike or Logan Lucky or Mad Max Fury Road or that new Netflix movie that Devlaw of the time, which I think we reviewed. Like late last year or really this year when we watched it, it's Tom Holland, Bill Scarsgard, I think. No, not Bill. Yeah, Bill Scarsgard's in it. The other Avenger guy who plays the Winter Soldier, Sebastian Stan, Riley Kios in it.
Starting point is 00:14:19 A couple other really famous people. The cast is just like ridiculous. The movie itself was really bloated. But yeah, Ray Lequeo is amazing. If you don't know her or if you've never seen one of her movies check it out, but it's her and then a kind of unknown actress. And it's the movie itself I'd encourage you to read about it if you aren't familiar. Again, it's the movie is based off of a series of tweets that was sent out by this stripper slash dancer like five years ago, three years ago, something like that. They basically made a movie about
Starting point is 00:14:56 this real-life series of events that happened. It's like a Trip gone wrong basically, but it's just really funny, like very creative artsy. It's an A24 film, which is, that was probably the deciding factor for me. We watched the trailers, like, oh, this looks interesting, but then I saw it as A24, and I was like, oh, we have to go see this. My favorite movie studio.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And so we did. And it wasn't anything that blew me away. Like, I don't think I'm gonna remember it, you know, in two or three years. But if you've seen like Tangerine or Florida Project and we think granted, it takes place in Florida. So that's part of it. They have a similar vibe and interpretation on South Florida.
Starting point is 00:15:41 So that's just as much the setting as it is, you know, the production. But check it is, you know, the production. But check it out. You know, when you get the chance, presumably it will stream on, you know, prime video or hulu or Netflix or something at some point. If you're looking for just like a solid 90 minute, like pretty entertaining, and just fairly true story as well, this just like acted very well and produced very well. It was entertaining. Yeah, there were some things that left me, you know, I wanted some more, but the reason I give a shout out to Rachel is because she was just like, yeah, I don't want to see Black Widow like, let's go take a chance on this movie that neither one of us knows
Starting point is 00:16:20 anything about and we had a perfectly pleasant time watching the film. There's a lot of booty shaking, it is very much not take your kids to the movies kind of picture. But we figured that black if you we had to choose between black widow, Scarlett Johansson booty shaking and you know more kind of common man know, every day in the depths of society, South Florida booty shaking, like let's, let's go for the more real vibe, you know, not like we can go to a strip club in South Florida and like identify with that experience. I can't go to Sicovia and Rainbow Bridge from Thor and, you know, have Jeff Bridges and an Ironman suit and you know it just it doesn't really I don't really connect with it okay so We saw that last Sunday and it was it was fun. I enjoyed it. So let's play another tune here one that
Starting point is 00:17:21 You know is it's just kind of stuck in my head One that is just kind of stuck in my head for no reason because I don't remember the last time I actually heard it. And I actually haven't tried to play it ever sitting at the piano. I just thought of it while I was talking about that movie. So we're doing this live on the air in terms of like I got the lyrics in front of me. Don't have any chords because thankfully I just hopefully my ear will carry the day but I just got to figure out what what key I'm playing it in here so let's see it's too low. May the good Lord be with you down, never enrolled your home. And may sunshine and happiness surround you in your far from home. May you grow to be proud in a fighting truth
Starting point is 00:18:50 And do one, two others as you've had done to you Be courageous and brief and in my heart you always stay forever young Forever young Make it fortune be with you may your guiding light be strong, and build a stairway to heaven with a prince or a vagabond. And may you never love and bane, and in my heart you will remain forever young, forever young, forever young, forever young, forever young. Forever young And when you find that I'll be hoping that I search you will for all the wisdom of a lifetime no one can ever tell but whatever road you choose I might be sad you and old's forever young, and forever young, forever young, forever young, forever young, forever young. Who you are?
Starting point is 00:21:55 Alright, that was Rod Stewart. If you don't know, he's British. And we used to go to, here's a little nugget of throwback that is only relevant to a handful of people listening to this, but my family used to go to a church, a, like, a classic mega church called Heartland. Based on the name, you would think it, it would be more of a John Mellon camp type music vibe. And not to say it was a Rod Stewart type music vibe, but all I'm going to say is one of the, you know, any, any clad, any quintessential worship band experience you got to have, you
Starting point is 00:22:40 need your guitar at least for acoustic guitars. I find to be the sweet spot, you're going to need an electric guitar, a bass, drums, sometimes bongos. And then the most important part of any worship band is that you have at least five to six singers on stage and make sure all but one are singing the melody. Okay, that's very important. Anyways, the point of my story here, because I'm not raking on worship music, nor am I raking on Heartland Community, Christian Church, whatever. But there was this one lady who would sing, and she looked exactly like Rod Stewart, the identical hairstyle, and even a similar nose.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And I don't know if anyone, you know, who's listening has ever gone to see a worship service at Heartland in Rockford, Illinois, but this lady, like if you ever see her, I'm telling you, like she could make it huge on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. If she ever learns to sing Maggie May and play the mandolin, she's gonna make a killing.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It would be big. I wanna give a shout out before I forget to our friends in Karachi. This is your boy, the Karachi kid coming to you alive from America. If you missed it, when we mentioned it before, I am now the 104th top comedy podcast in the country of podcast. That'd be kind of cool. Maybe a new podcast ad. Stick that one in the sack for later.
Starting point is 00:24:15 In the country of Pakistan, if you don't know, it's between Afghanistan and India. And that has spawned the new nickname, the Karachi Kid. Okay, and I'm thinking T-shirts, okay? I haven't started designing anything yet, but I think it could be fun. So just be on the lookout for that, okay? It could be huge. I wanna give a quick shout out to our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:24:44 You've already heard us reference home pride organ today. Again, happy birthday to my dad. And if you need your home inspected, you want it safe, certified and trustworthy. You know who to call. He's the hot kid in town. There's new kid in town. I don't want to hear it except he's established, he's battle born, he's battle tested and his name is Steve and call him at 541-410-0316 or you can visit home pride again, 541-410-0316 or visit home pride I also want to mention that you can always email us, Again, this beanttowning podcast at for any comments, questions, concerns, or website suggestions. Shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. It's got crisp,
Starting point is 00:25:34 clean audio quality. It can handle our pagan songs. It can even handle our hymns, were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh, sometimes it causes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, Joshua Judges Ruth, First and Second Samuel, and all the other good ones. When God speaks, he uses Asamson. And finally, our good friend's cuts by Q. I haven't given myself a cut since, oh, I haven't touched the top in Pretty much a calendar year now 12 months for those who don't know I think it was like late August
Starting point is 00:26:52 So I'm about a month away here. I did a little bit on the sides up until maybe November or so is probably the last time I touched my side. So yeah, we're getting shaggy out here Shaggy-meggy-may But we can sing this song here with our piano. Oh, that's the note I start on. Oh And you need to fresh do something snappy and do just call the experts it cuts by Q. The Gaze you're wondering that's kind of how my brain works especially when I got time to kill and I'm just like sitting at the piano hanging out. Yeah, Wallace and Grommet. That she didn't expect to hear that reference today. I gotta I gotta tell you this has been
Starting point is 00:28:29 what you know potentially inspired this total shit show of an episode is that I just had a lot of random songs stuck in my head and I think part of it is I've been running the last two months or so without headphones because when it uh when it's this you're running in the summer I run shirtless. You're constantly sweaty It's just kind of gross like have your headphones because I have wired headphones and they're just like bouncing around on your Skin and they just get really gross. So I just like gone cold the last two months and It gives me a lot of extra time just in my own head because you have to entertain yourself. It's all play music. I will do calculus problems. I will plan my trip to Karachi.
Starting point is 00:29:12 There's a lot of things that I do. But this song popped into my head this morning on my run. I got to tell you, if we're talking niche, not even like, oh, yeah, that song was was a big deal. You know, when it was popular, this song was like, and I granted, it's got like 48 million views on YouTube. So I guess that makes it a big deal, but it's just a very like specific genre. And I would not be surprised if no one listening to, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:43 when I'm about to play, which again, never tried to play before. I gotta find a key first, we'll see how it goes. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone had never heard this song before, double negative. It features Taylor Swift, okay? And it's a song by a just iconic 2000s pop punk band
Starting point is 00:30:13 With like the Adam Lambert looking hair called boys like girls You might have known their song Love Drunk But they had this this banger of a ballad Called two is better than one which if you're listening to 97 Z. Okay out of rock, frito, and oh, I is this banger of a ballad called Two Is Better Than One, which if you're listening to 97ZOK out of Rock Fruit, Illinois, you'd hear it once every three songs, probably, in like 2008 when it came out. And I'm still living that dream those years, middle school Quinn, just what a time to be alive.
Starting point is 00:30:44 So let me find a key here. It's got a big, kind of a big range, although I won't sing Taylor Swift's part in her original register, I will keep it down in my neck of the woods to spare us all and spare my vocal cords. So let me think of how it goes here. Hmm, it's going to be too high.
Starting point is 00:31:15 How does this go? That's got a big, big range here. Here we go. And I remember what you wore on the first day. You came into my life and I thought, hey, you know this could be something Cause everything you do in words you say You know it takes my breath away Now I'm left with nothing There's maybe it's true, I can live without you And maybe too, it's better than one
Starting point is 00:32:01 There's so much time to figure out the rest of our lives and already got me coming undone. I'm thinking too is better than one. This is where Taylor Swift sings. I remember every look upon your face, the way you roll your eyes, the way you taste, you make it hard for breathing. Cause when I close my eyes, I drift away. I think of you and everything's okay now. I'm finally believing. And maybe it's true. I can't live without you.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And maybe too. It's better than one there's so much time to figure out the rest of our lives and you've already got me coming undone I'm thinking too is better than one And maybe it's true, I can live without you And maybe too's better than one. There's so much time to figure out the rest of our lives and you've already gone becoming undone. I'm thinking too is better than one. You know, we're wrapping up here and one other song that I'm not going to sing because it would just be atrocious and it's not actually that
Starting point is 00:34:21 Pleasant of a song and certainly not in a solo piano setting. But you guys remember that song? I think the band is called Shine Down and it's the only thing I know from that band. But this song was huge. I remember listening to like every day, particularly when we would take Van Cruz' Affordy Test Singles, which was just like literally a van of kids. So like, 10 of us maybe as opposed to a large school bus.
Starting point is 00:34:47 So you'd have the FM radio going because this was, you know, before the days of like, ox cords and all that fun stuff. This was just turn on the radio boom. You listen to what you listen to. The song, I don't actually know what it's called. But it goes, it's like, tell my mother, tell my father, I've done the best I can. You know, that song sometimes goodbye is a second chance. I think the name of the band is called Shine Down, but I don't know what the name of
Starting point is 00:35:21 the song is. Second chance, maybe. Who knows? That's another song that I was just like walking into the shower earlier this week after running. I was like, let's turn this song on. I don't know where it came from. I guarantee I haven't heard that song in, well, I can't guarantee much beyond like two weeks. My memory is crap, but it's not commonly
Starting point is 00:35:44 played in my YouTube algorithm. I will confirm that. So we're going to wrap up today's episode. I don't know what I'm going to sing to play us out, but thanks for listening and thanks for cutting me some slack. Cause, you know, I do this show every week. This is our 100 and, 83rd week in a row doing this show for an audience. It's 82, 83, 84 somewhere in that range. And not every week is gonna be a comedy, you know, just blow out. So if you're in Karachi, you're listening to this.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I promise he gets better. You're probably wondering, who is this gringo? And how did he get to be 104th in our country? Well, you know what, even the greats need a little break. OK. What am I going to play to finish? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I'm just what I'm literally going to do is pull up YouTube and start scrolling through my suggested feed of videos, whatever, until I find a song that I literally find, I think I could play. There's this is crazy. So, one of the first things that YouTube shows you, it's called My Mix, and it's just like a playlist that cultivates songs based on an algorithm. Songs you listen to mostly in the past. But there's this one, the thumbnail for My Mix. And it says like the top artist, so presumably who sings the first song,
Starting point is 00:37:15 I'm actually going to click on it, I'm curious. It's a song by all American rejects. And I don't know anything about all American rejects. I don't even know any of their songs. And this thumbnail is, let's see what what's the name of this song. Move along is the name of the song. I probably can't play this live on the air, but I am 61 million views 11 years ago. But I'm just like, how did this end up in my my mix algorithm recommendation?
Starting point is 00:37:46 I don't even think I listened to bands like all American rejects. I don't think that's a case, the case. And I clicked the next guy, maybe I don't think it is because he would never do something like this. The guy in the thumbnail looked exactly like Killin Murphy. It must just be like one of their bandmates who looks like that or maybe it was just the way the thumbnail was paused. But anyways, okay, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. I mean, let's listen to a little bit of Cesar Sisters lately, who I'm so bummed
Starting point is 00:38:17 that they're just like not a thing anymore. But Cesar Sisters is amazing. I'll think John was like a big fan slash he might have produced some of their stuff or I think he wrote their hit song. I don't feel like dancing, but I don't think I can play that. Just I don't have the vocal range of, oh what's that guy's name? Jake Shears. Yeah, so anyways, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Hey, if you're listening to this live and you have a suggestion for, hey, when you should play this or you should just stop playing anything, send us a message before we go off the air and they'll come in. Here's one. Oh, I opened up Google and the first story is
Starting point is 00:39:06 Sessley Strong Addresses rumor. She's leaving SNL. Why didn't know there were rumors that she was leaving SNL. That's too bad Well, she does that be a shame because I think she's like their best cast member her and Kenan and Kate McKinnan. Russia blood to the head, a little cold play to end us, okay? This is when I played in the past, not for months. We'll see how it goes. I got the lyrics in front of me. I got to find the right key. Everyone, thanks for listening to this week's episode of the Bean Tom Podcast. I hope you stay safe, stay sane, and let's go ahead and play us out
Starting point is 00:39:46 once we find the right key. I'm gonna put it six feet underground. I'm gonna buy this place and watch it fall. Stand here beside me, baby in the crumbling walls. I'm gonna buy this place and start a fire. Stand here until I fill all your hearts' desires. Cause I'm gonna buy this place and see it burn. And do back the things it did to you when we turned. I said I'm going to buy this place and start a war. If you can tell me something worth fighting for, and I'm going to buy this place as what I said. And play me upon her usher blow to the head. Honey, all the movements started to make.
Starting point is 00:41:51 See me crumble for all my face, and I know the stakes that I made. See it all this peed without a trace. And they're cold as it God has made to go on. I said I'm gonna buy this place and see it go Stand here beside me baby watch the young's cloak Some will laugh, some just sit and cry, but you just sit down there and you wonder why. So I'm going to buy a gun and start a war. If you can tell me something worth fighting for war and I'm going to buy this place is what I said. Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head, oh to the head, to the head, honey, all the movements started to make. on my face and I know the stakes that I've made. See it all, let's peel without a trace. And they're cold as it beckon you want. It says start us mean to go on. So meet me by the bridge, meet me on the lane, when I'm gonna see that pretty face again So meet me on the road Meet me where I sit
Starting point is 00:45:12 Play me it all upon Brush the blood to the head I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. you

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