Beantown Podcast - Beantown UNPLUGGED_Bourbon

Episode Date: September 19, 2018

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Lexington, KY with a previously-unannounced Beantown Unplugged special in which he tastes and tests 4 different types of authentic Kentucky Bourbon This special has everyt...hing--Rod Stewart, Arthur references, and ghost peppers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? That's Quinn David's furnace. We're coming to you live with a bean town unplugged entry into this series, part of the fall 2018 tour. Previously on announced why, because well, we didn't know we were doing it until today. Thank you for coming. There are microphone falters here. I will admit, I was trying to use this stand a little bit for when I was open up the wine bottle that had the cork in it and the corkscrew we told that story two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Podcast, so it's not quite as strong as it used to be, but we're coming to you live from Lexington, Kentucky, the bourbon capital of the world, and I'm glad you said bourbon capital of the world and I'm glad you said bourbon. I'm glad you mentioned it. Why? Because we're doing bourbon taste tests here on a Tuesday night. And I got to be up at 6 a.m. So it's going to be a lot of fun. And I was at the liquor store earlier today. I was thinking, how do I want to do this? Maybe just take some sips. Maybe just explore the flavor profiles.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And I said, no, I'm gonna go all the way. So we have four different bourbons here that we're working with, and I will be drinking all of them. And it means that tomorrow morning is gonna be very rough, but we're gonna have a good time with it anyway. So we're gonna start out with a with it anyway so we're gonna start out with a classic we got Jim Beam Apple there's no product placements here I'm not gonna pay for any of this stuff yet although look out because the
Starting point is 00:01:35 Pledge Drive fundraiser that's coming up again in February and this time it's gonna be bigger and better than ever next we're going one that I never even heard of early times. You know what they say? Come early and that's it. Next we have Rebel Yell, my favorite Billy Idol song. And don't be surprised if throughout this bean town unplugged special, there's some singing going on because I just been in a singing mood lately. You know what song I really had stuck in my head is that the one song by MGMT that I've I know. Baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa Control yourself to go on what you need from it. Anyways, our last one is the expensive one. It's got this faux candle wax going on around it.
Starting point is 00:02:31 You know what I was thinking of doing? Maybe there's a market for this. Maybe someone's already filling this gap. But a tucker, a faux tucker, tucker, I can't even say it. Tucker Carlson Twitter account, I think would be fun. I've actually made a Facebook post today that I think would fit in kind of nicely with it. It's had something along the lines of, or it was a tweet on remember where I put it, but
Starting point is 00:02:57 it's something like, because the Captain Marvel trailer dropped today, which I still haven't seen. It's what, 1030, has haven't watched it yet. But you know something along the lines of Captain Marvel now in the age of title and high and in Me Too movement has to be a woman. So I thought that was pretty funny if you thought I was just being a dummy or sexist or both. You're right, but there's more to it than that. So this last one we have is or both your rights, but there's more to it than that. So this last one we have is Makers Mark Whiskey. Now this Whiskey spelled WHS, WHISKY.
Starting point is 00:03:34 This one has an E in it. So this is the age old question. This one has no E in it. And the gym beam does have any. So we're two. We're split half and half. Two of our whiskey, bourbon, whatever's have the E, two of them don't. So if someone from our research team wants to get on that, I would really appreciate learning more about where that E is supposed
Starting point is 00:04:00 to be going. And whether it's an imposter or like an immigrant or an illegal alien or if it's you know supposed to be here legally if you're like white or something again in this Tucker Carlson mode. So we're gonna go ahead we're gonna start with the Jim B. Mapple. Now I've never had Jim B. Mapple in my life. I do like bourbon. I drank a lot of bourbon, my sophomore college, shot out to my roommate Sam, or my former roommate Sam. We went to the Cous Burr's game on Labor Day at Miller Park, and we reminisced about a whole lot of stuff, but we used to do rapid fire shots of Evan Williams bourbon. I don't know why that was our, I don't know why that was our thing of choice,
Starting point is 00:04:49 but I think we basically had Evan Williams bourbon and then we had whatever cheap shitty vodka was around the house, it was not good. Usually it's fat-cut or something like that. So without further ado, let's go ahead. Let's jump right in here. Jim B. Mapple, again we're doing four different mini bottles of bourbon, rest in peace, Quinn.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I got some water to help me wash it on, but I don't have any food or anything. It's gonna be an experience. I never do anything like this. It's not gonna be fun. I have another story about something kind of similar related, I'll tell it after this one. But here we go, Jim Beam Apple, Crispin Refreshing.
Starting point is 00:05:32 That's a good start. And this whiskey has an E in it. So you know it's authentic, so here we go. I got about half of it down. Oh, God. Oh, boy. You know, usually the bean town unplugged entries are innocent. They're playful, they're light. It's a roast of Quinn David furnace.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It's a personal day. It's me and my brother Jack going all-access and singing Wonderwall. This week has just been a bad week for me putting myself through frustrating situations. So I'll tell the story. So two weeks ago, I am in the Indianapolis area with some of my college buddies. We're doing our fantasy football weekend, all that stuff. And we go to beat Ubs for dinner because we're all mid 20-year-old white guys. And that's what you do when you want to go watch college football and shit. So we go there.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And I would go to beat-ups often. That's not my normal hangouts, but. And whenever we would go in high school, I would go after a swim meet or something, but I would never get anything because I was poor and You know, it's like no, I'm not gonna spend $15-20 on my dinner like I do now because I just don't have the money back, you know, on a 16-17 because turns out when you work hourly at Kmart they only give you like seven bucks an hour and That's not very good. Anyways, so we're at B-Dubs two
Starting point is 00:07:27 weekends ago in Indiana and I'm feeling kind of, you know, macho trying to prove my worth, stand out amongst the crowds so I get the hottest drive rub that they have to offer and on like a medium order of bonus wings. And so we're doing it. And everyone had known that I ordered the hot stuff. And I'm saying they're eating it and it's hot, but it's just like, you know, kind of a minor kick. There's really nothing that exciting going on with it.
Starting point is 00:08:04 As long as I have the water, everything's fine. It's really not that much of a kick at all. So I eat it, it was boring, whatever. So I go back to beat Ubs on Sunday night. This time out for payback because you can get the dry rubs, you can get the wet rubs at wet rub was my wet rub. Here's the bourbon talking only one bottle and wet rub. That's a tough try saying wet rub five times fast wet rub. It sounds like it's saying red rum red rum. You get the wet
Starting point is 00:08:42 rub and supposedly it's spicier. They say it's got the ghost chili as part of it. So I do that and let me tell you, it kicked my ass. It was, you reach kind of the saturation point of spiciness in your mouth where it doesn't get really hotter or more painful in your mouth where it hits me, it's my stomach starts to get really hotter or more painful in your mouth where it hits me, my stomach starts to get really not necessarily upset like I'm about to just poop everywhere, but just like it's, you know, no deal how we, we can't accept any more food at this time.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So I did get through the order of medium wings. They're a challenge that they do, which I didn't do, because I didn't even know what the thing until after, but they're challenges to eat a medium order, I think, in six minutes or 12 minutes, and I remember, I definitely wouldn't have been able to do that. Well, if there's a lot of money on the line, I would have done it, but there's no money. It's just like a t-shirt. So I did get through it eventually. It took me about an hour. I didn't help that I was watching a really terrible Sunday night football again. Cowboys and giants, that's just, it's gross. Still thinking about it. Anyways, that was what I did Sunday night. It's the blazing sauce. They use the ghost
Starting point is 00:09:56 pepper in it. It will kick your butt. I suppose if I had some milk, I think I probably would have done a little bit better. The water obviously is, it's not really going to help you in any way other than it's just going to give you a little like cool off, cool down, reprieved type of thing. So let me get some water here and then we're going to jump into early times Kentucky whiskey without an E aged in oak for a taste worth the weight. I sure hope so because I saved it all the way until number two. Who, remember that relay? What was the big one? It was 2008 Beijing as part of Michael Phelps' conquest when eight golds. It was one of the Leezak out touches,
Starting point is 00:10:46 is it the French right at the very end? And I can't get early times open. We could be dealing with a serious problem here. Come on, who swam second in that relay? That's what I wanna know. Was it Colin Jones? Is that what his name is? These are the things I wanna know about.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Well, we could be having a serious problem here, guys, because early times, it's trying to turn into the late times, because he doesn't wanna open up here. This is a major problem. What am I supposed to do about this? Oh, geez, you just, you know, you say, well, open it beforehand. Okay, there we go.
Starting point is 00:11:27 There we got it. This is early times. Yeah, I don't have really anything else to say about. It's gonna be wild. If it goes down as roughly as the gym beam did, then we could be in for a heck of a night because I gotta to get through this and then and only then and we halfway done with it. So here we go. Early times, bottoms
Starting point is 00:11:53 up. Here we go. Oh, I did not get much down. We gotta push through the pain. Ah, boy. That's tough. Keep pushing, baby. Ramble on. Oh, God. Last Swig. All right. Oh, mercy. Lord have mercy. Tomorrow. It's going to be the worst day of work in my life. Thank you to the fans who tuned in late at night. We're running it about what time is it? 10.30 Eastern 9.30 Central 7.30 in the West Coast. So who knows maybe you're on the West Coast
Starting point is 00:12:59 LA fans San Diego fans van Coover fans because we are international Maybe you just settled down with your dinner and you're saying, hey, what's good on the tele tonight? And you're flipping through the channels and you got the daughters game. And all this, the daughters, we'll see how they do in come October. Yeah, Grayson, anatomy, and it's the 16th season. You say, well, how many times can Sandra O cry in an episode? It gets old after a while. But then you kind of browse through your Facebook.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You got low expectations, because what is Facebook these days other than memes and just lost love? Anyways, you stumble across Quinn David Furnace, and you say, I heard of this guy. So he's got a podcast, and I think I want to check it out. It just so happens, he's doing a live show from the great state of Kentucky,
Starting point is 00:13:54 the natural state for all his fans, and you have the opportunity to check it out live. Being town unplugged is only the fourth time we've ever done this. I'm happy to bring you that entertainment. Probably should have gone a sponsor for this, but that's OK. Let's go ahead and keep it moving here, because the longer I get into it, the longer that taste
Starting point is 00:14:23 just sits in my mouth. It's not a great taste. I like bourbon, but straight by itself in this context is not easy. Okay, what are we dealing with next? With a rebel yell, you said, Mo, mo, bo, It'll be nine hours, shit, mo, mo, mo, mo, bo, Mo, Mo, It'll be nine hours. Shit,
Starting point is 00:14:46 Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Billy Idol. I really don't know anything about Billy Idol.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Like, do people know Billy Idol? We know like two of his songs, and then what else do we know about him? Anything? I don't know. This is Rebel Yell. It is our second whiskey of the night
Starting point is 00:15:06 that has an E in it. It is a reminder, thank you for joining us. If you're just coming in, we're coming to you live from Lexington, Kentucky. We're doing our bourbon tour. We are too many bottles in. We did a little gym beam. We did a little, what was it called?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Early decision, something like that. That's an admissions term. This is Rebel Yel early times, I think is what was it called early decision something like that. That's an admissions term This is rebel yell early times. I think it's what it's called. This is rebel yell and We're gonna jump right into it You know what's disappointing to me is it's Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey, which is what I want because I don't you know I don't get in with the bisexual whiskey and that stuff, but bottled by rebel y'all the stiller and st. Louis Missouri. So I don't know, Kentucky needs to get their shit together apparently apologies for my language, but that's. This is going to be rough, but power through.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I feel like I'm in the college fraternity to all over again that I definitely wasn't in. So Rebel Yel, here we go. Bottoms up, three out of four. You do it for the fans. That's what we're doing here. Someone tastes good. Still tough to get down though, mercy.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Oh. Oh. Feel like boss nass shake in my cheeks All right Doggie Have a told you lately that I love you. Haven't you do any of that I care? You filled my heart with gladness.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Take away all of my sadness. He's my trouble. That's what you do. I heard a new song by Elvis Costello on the radio today, which I was not expecting to hear. Turns out, Elvis Costello is still making new music. It was good though. I don't know what it was called, but we can go find it, I suppose. Hmm. Hey, if any of you fans are watching, leave us a comment. What's your favorite Kentucky style bourbon whiskey? What do you like to drink at home?
Starting point is 00:17:54 You more of an Evan Williams, $5 for a handle type of person, or you more of a fine diner, makers, mark, whiskey, is that what you do? Let us know, leave us a comment. We would love to know about it. It's all good stuff. I love all of that. I love interacting with you, the fans.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And always tweet at us. We're at bean town cast, email's a good option. Bean town podcast,, that's bean town, B-E-A, and tab you don't podcast So bean town B.E.A. and Podcasts So I had been saying this, I guess just this past week, maybe the week before because I think I had forgotten what the status was on it. So about two weeks ago, there had been a big push from some of our listeners to say, specifically for Android phones.
Starting point is 00:18:43 You got to get, you know, you do the iTunes well, you do the Facebook or the YouTube well, you do SoundCloud well. When can we get something for our phones from an app perspective though? So I did two things. I applied to be on Stitcher and I applied to me in Google Play. And I thought that I had heard back from Google Play right away
Starting point is 00:19:04 but I didn't. I did heard back from Google Play right away, but I didn't. I did hear back from Stitcher right away. And I've been on Stitcher for now about two weeks. So I had been saying, oh, we're on Google Play wherever, yada yada yada. I just got an email today saying that I am on Google Play, that was confirmed, reaffirmed, that sort of thing. So now for you Android listeners,
Starting point is 00:19:27 you go to your Google Play app, find the Bean Tom podcast, like it, share, subscribe it. Go ahead, throw us five stars. We're up to I think 40 stars right now. The more stars we get, the more subscribers we get. That means more money for the podcast. That means higher quality content. That means more things like the Fall 2018 tour,
Starting point is 00:19:46 it means better merchandise. Whenever a big year, two projects is going to be designing a logo, that's right. Because here's the thing, you see what I'm wearing right now. Quinn David Fernis presents the Bean Tom podcast, it's a shirt, we got some nice wine glasses on it. Thank you to or champagne I suppose. Thank you to mom and dad for creating that customized one. My dad is
Starting point is 00:20:11 actually getting into graphic design now. He's got his own business running and stuff and it's kind of fun. But this is this is a custom collectors edition and I'm the custom collector. So I'm the one who owns it. So this is not the official logo. This is just kind of like, you started in our garage and this is what we had at first. So your two project is one of the things on our list and we'll release the whole list as we get into your two come January, but that's one of the things
Starting point is 00:20:39 we're looking at doing. There was one other thing I wanted to mention, shoot. It was at the forefront of my mind and how I'm struggling to remember what it was. Get another sip of water and maybe it will spring to the forefront. You know what I'm looking at my hair and camera. You remember that show Arthur on PBS with all the animals. And you remember, DW, who by the way, and pardon my French, but it's total bitch.
Starting point is 00:21:10 DW has an imaginary friend named Nadine, who was maybe like, I don't know, what was Nadine, what was her animal, it was like maybe like a baby antelope or something, something silly. And, Nadine's kinda got hair like this. If you just Google Arthur, Nadine, you'll find it.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I would do that, but my phone is all the way over there being charged right now. Because I have one charger with me, so what I have to do before bed is, when I'm on the road and I've been on the road for three weeks now and I have two more weeks left to go after this week I have to charge up my phone to 100% and then overnight I charge my iPad because I use both of them throughout the day for directions for work emails, so many work emails for directions, for work emails, so many work emails.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And the iPad takes like an hour to charge fully. So you gotta do one, then you gotta do the other, and I only have one charger with me, because the other one's not working well. So anyways, let's go ahead, as we're, what are we doing on time here? We're 23 minutes in, that's good. As we're getting into our final, let's see, our final bottle here. We are finishing up with Makers Mark. Again, if you're just joining us, we're
Starting point is 00:22:35 coming to you live from Lexington, Kentucky, the bourbon capital, the world we've already done three. We did early decision, we did Jim B. Mapple and we did, well I sang, have I told you lately that I love you by Rod Stewart, but it was called Rebel Yellow. So, Billy Idle Rod Stewart, a lot of people get them mixed up, understood. So this one is called Makers Mark Whiskey Without an E. So maybe an imposter, I don't know, we're gonna get our researchers on that. It's handmade though, which I think is a big thing to know. Because you talk about Kentucky bourbon these days and people are afraid to say it, but you look at China.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And they're stealing a lot of our bourbon. They're stealing a lot of our whiskey, and I think that's a pretty big problem. I think it's gonna become an important platform for 2020. A lot of people aren't right now aren't talking about China sealing our bourbon, but it's a big problem. So just something to keep an eye out for, makers, markets handmade, which I think is really important
Starting point is 00:23:35 because a lot of times in these big industries, you just get these factories and it's like, oh, does anyone even care about my whiskey? My, yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyways, you know what I realized? It's like does anyone even care about my whiskey my man. Yeah, so anyways You know what I realized I was driving from bowling green We still never figured out if it's bowling green or bowling green. I was driving from bowling green or bowling green to Louisville yesterday
Starting point is 00:23:58 And I listened to the podcast live from bowling green or bowling green That we did on Sunday You can check that out. It was a good episode, I actually liked it a lot. But what I realized, and what I'm typically really conscious of, and I tried to do a good job, sometimes I do well, sometimes I don't, but the us, some episodes, if it's already at the forefront of my mind, actually do a decent job of avoiding those, eliminating those. Some of the episodes, I'm just not thinking about tonight, I would have had an instant of five or six drinks in already.
Starting point is 00:24:31 That I probably haven't done a great job with that, but what I suck at, royally this past weekend, and I will not be using this past weekend's podcast for my radio auditions because I use the word anyways about 25, having times, it was ridiculous. Any time there was any sort of take a breath rather than just let there be half a second of silence and be okay with it, it was anyways and an X-ing and it drove me part of my French f-ing nuts and I can't even imagine what it was like listening to it for you all. So apologies for my unoriginal contractions I guess. Conjunction, junction, it's not a
Starting point is 00:25:18 contractions, conjunction. Conjunction, junction, what's your function? I always like that one because I wanted to be a train conductor going up, which the more you think about it kind of seems like a pretty terrible job because I think you just sit there the whole time and you press the big stop button in case there's something terrible that goes on. You know what scene is one of my favorites in any movie show or television show of all time. You know the scene and it's towards the end so it it's not necessarily as much a part of the overall legend, but it's still I think really big. And people should know it is the train high scene
Starting point is 00:26:11 from Breaking Bad. It is fantastic. Bill Burr is in it. He, Bill Burr is in Breaking Bad, which is crazy. One of the greatest standard communities of all time has a significant role in multiple seasons of Breaking Bad. But he's in that scene. It's got Corsair Brian Cranston and Jonathan, what's his name? Not Jonathan Winters,
Starting point is 00:26:36 RIP. But Guyopolis Jessi's in there. And if you ever saw that actor, whatever his name is, apologies to that actor. If you ever saw that actor, whatever his name is, apologies to that actor. If you ever saw his, when he was on prices, right, that is absolutely right. He looks like he's probably about 21, 22, and he just loses his definitely meeting Bob. He's crazy. I'm, this is the type of thing where you're now,
Starting point is 00:27:02 your screen reader, computer screen, like this is what that actor's name is and I know Exact Aaron Paul is what his name is so Aaron Paul goes on So real thing you can look at my YouTube he went on a Price is right when he was you know just starting his career and he's insane. He's very funny But yeah, Bill Burr Ryan cranson whatever that actor's name is, I feel bad, Jonathan something. They're all in it.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's even got, what's his name, Jesse Plimmons, is that the actor's name, who comes on in the fifth season. He's really good too. So, I don't even know where we were talking about train conductors. We were talking about contraptions. We were talking about train conductors, we were talking about contraptions, we were talking about five minutes apart, we were talking about Kenjunkin, Junkin, what's your function?
Starting point is 00:27:51 We were talking about anyways. Anyways, we have got one bottle of Makers Mark here. This is the premium stuff, I think this was $6. So here's my question. And I always have this question. I think you can notice, look, if you go to a bar and you pay $3 for a Bud Light, it's a Bud Light. Everyone knows what a Bud Light is going to taste like.
Starting point is 00:28:22 You can shell out an extra $3 for $6 total if you're doing your math at home. And we'd be looking at, I don't know, let's say you're getting a nice craft beer, whatever it may be. I had two Kentucky bourbon barrels, whatever they're called for dinner tonight. Well, in addition to some other things.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Welcome to the new fans, cousin Kyle. Good to see you. Elena, sorry about the power outage. Anyways, there I go again. Don't make me sing, conjunction, junction. What's your function again? The taste is night and day. One thing almost tastes like water,
Starting point is 00:29:06 crap water basically. The other is beautiful. Music to my ears and to my taste buds. So here is my question and we're for the first time ever on any podcast because this is, you know, Lexington, I probably never had a podcast before. Are we going to be able to taste the difference between a 99 cents early decision,
Starting point is 00:29:32 bottle of Kentucky whiskey, and a $6 bottle of maker's mark? Are we gonna be able to taste the difference? Probably, am I gonna be wise enough to recognize what that difference is probably not? So going where no man has ever gone before, if I could get this bottle open, which has been a significant problem throughout the night, you got to want it, man. Okay, there's a seal.
Starting point is 00:30:04 One last thing. You remember during the 2016 campaign when Hillary went on Jimmy Kimmel And there is the whole jar of pickle scandal That's just like the type of thing that will randomly pop into my head as I'm going through the day something that was a big deal for about two days when it happened and then after that you never heard about it again and You know two and a half years later, I guess, about two years later, 2016 campaign was only two years ago, that feels, whoo, eons. But you would never imagine you would never think about that. The jar of pickle singing, it was not like the big scandal of campaigns,
Starting point is 00:30:41 because campaigns were campaigns and all campaigns, but that was pretty nuts. If you don't remember what I'm talking about, go check out the, I believe she did it on Kimmel, but it was the pickle jar, was the seal already broken, was it not did to hear the click, did you not just be a stuff, but it happened, because that's how we do our politics these days. So let me get one last sip of water here and then we're going to finish off the maker's mark and that'll do it for us. Surprisingly, and we've been, I had my first, you know, we started with a gym beam, basically half an hour ago, and I've been pounding straight liquor since then. And I feel actually really good right now.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I can't guarantee I'm going to feel good in another 15 minutes. You've noticed my words through a little bit, but everything else beyond that meant to actually feel really good. So, which was surprising because when I got home from dinner and I had the two beers, I was fairly buzzed. I was walking so it was all good. I was sleepy, but then I talked to my lady for a little bit and that kind of woke me up. And now I actually feel really good, not buzzed, not sleepy yet, which is great. But what that tells me is that I need to finish this maker mark, maker's mark. Now handmade, I mentioned, don't give me started on China
Starting point is 00:32:11 and handmade goods. This, someone out there who's from Kentucky can answer this for us. The Star Hill Farm, it's got a fun little label on here. But what it includes in the label is the Roman numeral for four The one in the V so you know for those who are listening who will work for star-held farms Just let me know what that means and we can share that information with the fans. So here we go This is it the one we all waited for the six dollar
Starting point is 00:32:48 This is it. The one we all waited for, the $6 bottle of Maker's Mark without further ado, and my stomach's not feeling great, but let's go ahead. Let's about halfway done. Tastes good. Goes down a little bit better. Got a little bit of a kick. Let's finish it off and we'll do full reflections here, but boy, my stomach is starting to revolve. It's gonna be the blazing wings 2.0. All right, let's finish this bastard off.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Poof. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, all right. Mercy. Oh, mercy, mercy me. Oh, things didn't what they used to be. Darling. You know what I miss? There are a lot of things that I don't get to do while I'm traveling for work, whether it's trivia
Starting point is 00:34:09 or really seeing movies. You might think, oh, you're on the road, you can go see as many movies as you want. I haven't really had time for any movies except for 10 p.m. showings, and I just can't do that. A lot of things I miss, I miss my lady, I miss my bed, but one thing in particular
Starting point is 00:34:33 that I miss quite a bit. Thank you for your comments, cousin Kyle. I'm reading them. I don't know how to respond to them specifically on this platform I'm using, but we're having a good time anyways. One thing that I really miss is Michael McDonald's Sunday mornings Crapes. We did a Facebook Live maybe a month ago, some point in August of me doing my And I just did figure out how to respond to fans. So this is great. This is good interaction and probably going viral right now. I suppose You saw me doing some dancing you saw me doing some cooking we were jamming out to ain't no mountain high enough That you might have thought this is. You might have thought this is just a show. No, that's what I do. That's my normal Sunday morning. I do that then I
Starting point is 00:35:32 podcast. Sam, thank you for chiming in Sunday morning, Green Day. I think what you'll find is that was a, you know, that was a younger, more naive Quinn. Although I do occasionally, when I feel a little nostalgic, I do get back into the Sunday morning Green Day. In fact, this afternoon on the radio, I was driving through Louisville, and I was jamming. And I mean jamming hard to boulevard of broken dreams.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I was hitting the harmonies. I was doing the da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Virgin Mary. Sounds like every college party I went to, has to take Catholic University. If you are joining us late, this is a summary of what just happened in the last 40 minutes or so. I'm in Lexington. This was an unannounced stop on the fall 2018 tour. If you bought the shirts, no, Lexington's not going to be on there, but you'll have this treasured visual audio memory for the rest of your life
Starting point is 00:36:43 or until YouTube sees this to exist. or iTunes or SoundCloud or Stitcher that someone says Stitcher Stitcher or Google Play. Here's like a helicopter. We went through, we tasted four different Kentucky Burmans because that's just what you do when you're here. Jim Beam Apple. I haven't seen the, okay, it must be a big day for trailers. Haven't seen Bohemian Rhapsody. Haven't seen Captain America yet. But I do appreciate this fan I booked.
Starting point is 00:37:13 So those are actually things I'm gonna go watch after this before I fall asleep. Jim Beam Apple was number one. Then we went, we did early times number two. Then we did Rubble Yellow, we did our little Billy Idol song, we did a little Rod Stewart, which might be the only one who recognized that Rod Stewart and Barry Manelow are just like carbon copies. It's exactly the same. If you don't believe me, just Google it, just Google those two
Starting point is 00:37:42 names. Rod Stewart, Barry Manelow, look at the Google image results, mind blown. We have finished up with the expensive one, Maker's Mark. We asked the question because I'm very much a scientific method type of guy. Are we going to be able to taste the difference between a 99 cent bottle and a $6 bottle of maker's mark. My answer to that is no. Now I'm sure all you guys at the bullet distillery are shaking your heads saying no, no, no. He's way off and you know what? I think you're right because Berman is not something that I'm terribly knowledgeable in. I did go on a distillery to her last fall when I was in Louisville. I won't have any time. This fall in Kentucky, although I could
Starting point is 00:38:34 look into it tomorrow, although I have a three hour drive to Knoxville after this. So definitely not a Berman expert. Fans are out crying about that. Let me check it out. I'll see what I have time for. We'll see. It's just what's not ideal is working in eight hour day and then doing a bourbon tour and getting a little buzzed and then driving three hours. It's not ideal. Anyways, to respond to your note, Sam, you'll have to and you have time putting on the car or something, because this will be not only it's not a Facebook live only, but this is a bean town on plug specialist. You can download on your podcast app wherever you listen to podcasts. I did make a note of the Evan Williams earlier because a guy at the liquor store asked me,
Starting point is 00:39:20 oh, so you want Evan Williams and I was like, please no,'t. It, no, this night will go terribly if you do that. So, I ain't going to wrap it up one because we're 40 minutes in, and that's plenty for this. Another thing is because it's almost, this past 11 o'clock and I gotta be up in seven hours and we'll see how much hydration I can get before that. It wasn't just the four bottles. I was also, I had to Kentucky, Burden, Barrel age, whatever they're called, beers for dinner. And those are delicious, but they're also 8%
Starting point is 00:40:02 in the, they pack a serious punch. So thank you to Lexington Brewworks for hooking us up there. That was a fun experience. Thank you to the state of Kentucky and general, the natural state for hosting us, spending bowling green yesterday, Louisville last night. And today, we're in Lexington until tomorrow. After you, then we got to dry down to Tennessee, Knoxville, Chattanooga. Special reminder, this weekend, what I'm very much looking forward to is our Bean Town podcast, Fall Tour Continuing, Rockford, Illinois,
Starting point is 00:40:33 with my, probably my oldest friend, I'd say, that I have now Matthew Feedler. The accountant, you know who, if you never listened to the episode and you did our taxes live in the air, go check that out, it's totally worth your time. I really encourage you to do it. He came on live during that.
Starting point is 00:40:50 We're going to be singing. They're going to be some songs happening. I think you're going to enjoy it. It's going to be a good time. So that's come up to you live this weekend from Rockford. I think it's going to be fun. Wish everyone wish me luck with a rental car. I'm up to 2800 miles now. And I still got to get down to Ched Nugan
Starting point is 00:41:07 and up over to Rockford and Des Moines and Teter Rapids, et cetera. So if I can get back into the Midwest will be in good shape. Here's the parting thought. How many miles are you supposed to put on a car before you do an oil change? I feel like conventional wisdom is like two to three thousand while I'm in that two to three thousand range on the high end now. So I don't know when enterprises policy is on that but they're going to find out eventually.
Starting point is 00:41:37 So that's what I have for you all. Thank you for joining me on your Tuesday night here at Work Night. Do appreciate it. Do appreciate you giving me some of your time. This has been Quinn David Fernandez's episode. Number four in our bean tunnel plug series is for anyone who's curious. Number one was my brother Jack and I. We sang Wonderwall together. It was a lot of fun in my kitchen.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Number two was a personal day. I took my first day off in like many months. I went to Delaware, Rahul with Beach, a Doc Fischead brewery company, saw Jurassic World 2, fallen Kingdom, don't go see it. That was what personal day was. Number three was the roast of Quinn Davis furnace. We did that live from the Pacific Northwest with some of my family members, some friends. It was lit. My grandpa Dave was on it. If you heard Grandma Sal's podcast and you said, where's Grandpa Dave?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Rest assured, he's on the roast. So go check it out. This has been number four. Quindas Burbin tasting. Live from Lexington. Don't be surprised that there's a number five this week and I can't confirm or deny anything because I don't know. But with all the songs that I'd like to sing,
Starting point is 00:42:46 including maybe some Bon Jovi, what? Did he say Bon Jovi? He said Bon Jovi. We'll see what happens. So without anything else, that's what I have for you all. We're gonna end it here. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for joining us live from Lexington.
Starting point is 00:43:01 We'll be back this next weekend, a couple days, five days live from Rockford, which is luck with all the driving, with the work, and hopefully we'll bring you good content this next weekend. Okay, have a good night everyone, and we'll see you later.

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