Beantown Podcast - Big Cyber Monday Deals 2023 (11262023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 26, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to preview this year's hottest Cyber Monday deals and review an all-new Hunger Games installment...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn Davis Furn here next week, next week we might have a little treat for it because we're going to saga tuck and I haven't thought about the recording schedule for that until right now. There's a chance, I don't want to spoil anything, I'll just tease something that we could be broadcasting from an exotic location. Perhaps per chance. Per chance would be a good solution to the New York Times Crossword puzzle. We were playing that this morning in Rachel's phone. I think it was a legit one like the actual Sunday New York Times Crossword puzzle. I think Sundays are the hard ones is that how it goes it starts off easy Monday and then it gets progressively more difficult as you go through the week. I think that's I think that's how it worked in the only
Starting point is 00:01:19 Reason we actually ended up solving it at the end of the day was because we haven't turned on were you if you put in the right letter It tells you hey this the right letter or wrong letter it says this is the incorrect letter But boy, that's tough. And there's just, I don't know, the people who get, people out there who can actually get that organically, like on, you know, pen and paper are just total champs because it's not even like, oh, here's the definition of the clue or whatever it is. Like, let me just be smart enough to know what that is. It's really creative. And, you know, there'll be phrases, there'll be words you never heard of, they'll be definitions you never heard of. So just absolutely brutal. But per chance, I think would fit in there very well. One of them was, it was about y'all meing and the solution was baller in China the thing was that long However, any squares that is like 12 or 13 or something so there's some good stuff out there
Starting point is 00:02:13 But hey, we'll see I don't know. We'll see what happens with sogithuck next week could be pretty fun It's snowing here, so we're gonna have to bundle up for that Listen discretion is advised when you're listening to this program number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Although we're going to keep it short and sweet for you today. End of the just kind of, I was going to say weird week. It's weird in that it's not part of your normal routine, but it's just, you know, work Monday, Tuesday in the office, go out to the burbs after that Tuesday night and then don't come back until Two hours ago we got home and it's just sort of like Back back to the grind tomorrow, but it's it's really just I got a four-day work week this week and then a five-day work week and then a vacation and then
Starting point is 00:02:59 I work from home week. So just kind of all over the place the rest of the year Which is a good thing, but all this means you're out of your routine. You end up drinking and eating a lot. I finally had to kind of like I did when I came out from Puerto Rico, I had to put a hard stop to drink in today. I'm working on a lime lime, celtzer water from the jewel. With a little bit of extra lemon juice to top it off. Kind of a mocktail, sort of action here with my emoji ice cubes. But, you know, it's, it's, I do the same thing every year. I get to this holiday time of season, holiday time of year,
Starting point is 00:03:42 and I just, boom, I just, I drink a lot. It's rare that it's not and I just boom, I just, I drink a lot. It's rare that it's not like I'm more prone to just get absolutely wasted. Although there'll be times where it's, you know, like Wednesday this past week where your awful work don't have anything really going on, just hanging out at home, and it's like, yeah, why not have three strong, extreme because I'm not driving anywhere just along for the ride. Really no obligations or responsibilities whatsoever. But then, you know, it's, uh, you do that a couple of times and it's just,
Starting point is 00:04:18 you had to watch yourself. And this is this, this, this, the start of it. This is the start of the holiday season. We're like four or five straight weeks through this now, where it's just a lot of that type of stuff last year. Hit up a lot of breweries. You know, I went to Begyle once. And probably Dovetail too. I definitely went to Mouse Trap and Burning Bush, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I saw an Instagram right before we started recording of someone who had posted a can of their beer from Salam Oath and it's like a 6.7% hazy IPA I think. Really good artwork and it's between two pillows is the name of the beer which is pulled straight from Plains Trains and automobiles. The quintessential Thanksgiving film, I did not get around to watching it this year. Did watch some films though, we'll segue with that. I'll also give a quick shout out to our friends
Starting point is 00:05:16 in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Kairapas Karachi. Thank you for listening. And making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the Great Nation of Pakistan. Watched two movies in the last three days which is unusual for us here and I guess a quick comment about another upcoming movie and then we'll talk through a couple cyber Monday deals and then we'll leave it at that not too crazy today. Just kind of you know end of the rope energy wise got a reset try to get try to try to make it one of those nice we get like nine hours of sleep
Starting point is 00:05:52 and then wake up and just hit the ground running tomorrow. Mentally that's a plan it's about 345 in the afternoon here. So we saw the Hunger Games prequel, a ballad of songbirds and snakes, in theaters, yesterday. That's the first time I've been to a movie theater in a long time. I can't even remember sometime in the summer. It was the last time I went, but I didn't even hit. It was probably Mission Impossible, 7 was the last time I saw a movie in the theater.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I didn't even get to the the Barbie heimer craze when that happened. Those imagine those films are on streaming somewhere at some point soon, right? I got a there they're both films that I want to check out. That was like the pop culture thing of the summer and I just never never got around to seeing either of them. They're very different viewing experience, obviously. Openheimer, I think you really got to be ready for. There's two movies out there that I really want to see that you really got to just
Starting point is 00:06:55 immerse yourself into Openheimer and Napoleon, which are both three plus, Ridley Scott and Chris Nolan. And then Barbie, I definitely want to see as well. Barbie I get the feeling is going to be a little bit lighter and I know it still has some profound commentary and themes but I think a little bit more just kind of popcorn watchable than either of those other two films. But we saw yeah so basically if you don't know the original Hunger Games was a trilogy they made it into four movies. They split book three into parts one and two,
Starting point is 00:07:29 which it's kind of funny, because kind of like the Hobbit, which they split into three movies could easily have been two, with Mocking J, one book that they split into two. Everyone criticized that decision to split into two parts for being just a cash grab and just silly. Exact opposite problem with Balota Songbirds and Snakes which was a book written by the same author Susan Collins in 2020 so it's pretty new like she wrote the
Starting point is 00:07:56 book after the films came out and stuff. This movie, we're not gonna do a full review or anything like that, I have a lot of thoughts but First and foremost absolutely needed to be two parts now I'm not going to try to come out here and claim like this is how they should have done it Should have ended it here picked up there like not gonna sit here and do that But it was just that the movie is is naturally kind of two separate films and Without Too many spoilers. I know it's only been out for a week But basically the first half is like classic hunger games
Starting point is 00:08:27 And the second half is more just like world Exploration and building and tries to focus on the development of the main character who is president snow From the original Stonnell Sutherland, but this is when he's like a late teenager essentially like 1819 that sort of thing Things it did well Acting was was pretty solid across the board, especially the main character his name is Tom Blyer I think it's a British guy I've never seen before but he did pretty well He never did anything in the movie that was that made me think like oh this guy is amazing. It was a very kind of restrained refined role but you know he was solid the female lead was apparently is an actress from Westside's story the
Starting point is 00:09:15 remake they did a Spielberg last year or two years going over that was and I thought she was fine there's a very intentional choice to give for like a ultra exaggerated appellation accent in the film, which was awfully distracting. Not to mention the music. The amount of music in this film was shocking. It was like halfway to a musical, which we'll talk about musicals in a second here, but I didn't think there was going to be that much singing and strumming.
Starting point is 00:09:48 There was even like a whole band that is like part of the movie. The band is a character in the movie, so it was just, that was kind of strange, but the other acting performances specifically from the Ola Davis, she was excellent. Peter Dinklage was fine, he really didn't have to do much other than just kind of B. Peter Dinklage. But Jason Schwartzman plays the same character, essentially as Stanley Tucci in the first film. In fact, I think it's supposed to be Father and Son. And Schwartzman is a little bit less animated and a little bit more, the emphasis was more less on the physical animation of the Caesar Fluckerman character and more on the quick
Starting point is 00:10:35 one-liners kind of thing. Which, yeah, this character that Schwarzenen just like quicker on his feet with his words, whereas Caesar Flickman is more like just kind of grand and ultra-gilded and fake and that sort of stuff. But yeah, those were some good performances. I mean, the music was James Newton Howard and it was pretty solid, but they really struggled so it needed two parts because the whole story is essentially around this snow character and how he sort of gets to the place where he is in the hungry games where he's
Starting point is 00:11:13 been president for 50 years or whatever. And so they really wanted to make him be the main character of the movie. And so inherently, you kind of like following his story and potentially rooting for him. But I don't want to spoil too much, but essentially it's like by the end of the film, you're supposed to believe that he has like no morality
Starting point is 00:11:34 and it's kind of a sociopath. And you know, just they didn't, they're sold many things in the second act or second half of the movie that were so rushed and it's like five seconds go by. And all of a sudden you've gone from point A to point B in terms of character development and how someone's feeling. Big issue, they really did not do a good job of thoroughly developing their characters
Starting point is 00:12:02 and so their motivations, their intentions. What they were thinking at any given point in time was not really clear, but not in sort of like a fun mystery and big-us-way more, just like this was clearly not developed. Like you didn't show us the stuff you needed to show us. And so you get to the end of the film and you've been there for almost three hours. And it's just kind of like we needed. And so you get to the end of the film and you've been there for almost three hours. And it's just kind of like we needed.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It's a movie that felt way too long and also you needed way more time because the second half of the movie which is way more important, the first half is really kind of like the popcorn, you know, stuff you see in the trailer, kind of stuff. It's the Hunger Games whereas the second half is really the more compelling stuff for the purpose of the movie, which is about the development of this character. And they really botched it, in my opinion. It's a tough screenplay and not amazing dialogue, either. So yeah, just would have, I kept thinking myself of this was like a really well written
Starting point is 00:13:07 screenplay and story and stuff. I mean, it's such an interesting world that this character exists in and surrounded by lots of choices. Like this could have been like a Academy Award Best Actor kind of nomination. Like it was set up for that. But, or it could have been set up for that. But I didn't feel like the actor elevated it so much as he just kind of read what was given to him.
Starting point is 00:13:35 So, yeah, it was, it was, it was fine. It was, I don't know. I'm in between like two and two and a half stars out of four. I think two makes it sound like you didn't actually like it, but two and a half makes it sound like, oh, it was almost three stars, like, they almost really liked it. So, I don't know, pros and cons, but interesting nonetheless. We also saw a, you know, I had been alerted to this a couple days before I saw the trailer yesterday, but they're redoing Mean Girls. But to say it's a redo is really
Starting point is 00:14:14 strange because it's still Tenafe and she's playing her same, like it's her production. She's playing the same character she played in a virtual Mean Girls, you know, 22 years ago, whatever it was. And Tim Meadows is the same character as well. And then all the other actors and actresses are different, but they have the same names. And then the big shift is that it's a musical. So basically, they did Mean Girls, which I think is an original screenplay. And then it basically they did Mean Girls, which I think is an original screenplay, and then it turned into a Broadway musical, which was relatively popular, and now they're just
Starting point is 00:14:51 basically taking the Broadway musical concept and filming it. And it's just so bizarre because then in the trailers, they don't promote it as a musical. It's just like return to the Mean Girls universe, and the trailer they just show is basically like a rehashing of everything you've They don't promote it as a musical. It's just like return to the Mean Girls universe. And the trailer they just show is basically like a rehashing of everything you've already seen in Mean Girls. I'm not here to say like, oh, this is going to be terrible. I'm sure if you just watched it, especially if you hadn't seen the original Mean Girls, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And you just watched it. You'd probably be like, oh, this is a good movie. But it's just such a strange thing to like remake a movie. It's not going to be shot for shot exactly the same or like have the exact same script, but it's just so strange. It's like, I've never heard of a movie doing that before. That would be like, imagine if they did gladiator. And you see what's there is going to be a gladiator too, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:45 But that's just for the purposes of argument. You know gladiator and they still have Russell Crowe and walking Phoenix playing their you know the two leads in the film But all the other characters are cast differently and also it's gonna be a musical but they don't show that to you in the trailer or we get also it's going to be a musical but they don't show that to you in the trailer. Or we get what's her name? Ripley to be alien. We redo alien and it's still a horror movie but also she sings in it. But you don't know that from the trailer.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Sigourney. S-I-G-O-U-R-N-EY Sigorni weaving, weaver, Sigorni weaver, Hugo weaving, Hugo. What does he have to? I haven't seen much of him lately. So the only indication you have that this thing is a musical is when they show the title card Mean Girls at the end of the trailer, the space in the A of Mean, I think that's what it was, is a music note instead of just a space. So, just, I don't know, I'm not gonna say anything, you're like, oh, that's gonna be terrible.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's just one of the most bizarre cash grabs I've ever heard of. Or it'd be like if they made a trolls world tour with no singing and The main troll was played by the same troll actress But everyone else was recast they would be kind of confusing wouldn't it? I Think so today's paladrum of the day. I think since Thanksgiving was three days ago. You might have had turkey might have had some pork, glazed pork, maybe you even had some beef. So today's paladram of the day of the day is as follows, feeble toms motel beef. Again, that is feeble toms motel beef. There you go. If you have a paladrom of the Day, you would like to be aired on this program. We still have
Starting point is 00:17:48 slots available through the end of 2023. You can email us again, it's beantown, and let us know what your Paladrom of the day is that you would like us to read. I will also mention that Paladrom of the Day is brought to you by our good friends at Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspector in Central Oregon, you can't trust just anyone.
Starting point is 00:18:13 You need a certified, safe, doubly insured home inspector who went through probably like 500 some hours of training. It's not 500 days of summer. This is 500 some hours of training. That's right, it's Steve F. at HomePride Oregon 541-410-0316 or go to HomePride Oregon inspection perfection,
Starting point is 00:18:35 it's not too late for the holiday season. Call him up, he'll get your house taken care of so you can sell it any time for the new family to get in there, for the holiday season for a Santa Claus and Rudolph and Blitz and such. All sorts of good friends at Cutsbycute and ice big Cutsbycute this past Monday night got home from work and it was just like okay we're going into the holiday season.
Starting point is 00:18:59 We got to freshen up here where I do a little shave. I definitely need to do a neck shave tonight when I shower. But let's get the size, let's get the back. Let's still keep it like a slick look. Kind of got a poly D kind of look going. I think he was on Jersey Shore. So we're kind of bringing that vibe back. The island vibe to the Midwest here, Holiday season 2023. When you need a fresh do something snapper, you're new called the Experts at Cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And then of course, our good friends at the Samson Q2U series. When you need your home inspecting and central organ, you have to call someone who's safe, someone who's certified, someone that you can trust, that makes no sense. What am I, I'm zoning out. Let's try this again. Samson Q2U series, crisp, clean, clear audio quality. From Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus,
Starting point is 00:19:50 numbers due to Ron Mi, the whole pentatook, and beyond. Samsung Q2U series, and God speaks, he uses it, Samsung, that was a tough one. It's just my mound, my mound, my mound bar. I don't even know what's in a mount's bar I don't think I like it though Is that is mount bar have coconut in it? Let's find out. I don't have my my regular I am recording on my regular laptop, but my secondary laptop I use for research purposes is In the other room streaming football currently as I knew Rachel would want to watch that while she was doing Pilates because Patrick
Starting point is 00:20:28 my homes right guys Taylor Swift Chase Raiders so I'm doing everything on my phone here which is a little bit tricky. Mounds is a candy bar made by the Hershey Company consisting of shredded sweet and coconut, coconut, dark chocolate. Okay I'm looking at it right at it right at it. Right at it. I can't speak today. Pretty rough. I've never actually looked at a mountain's bar before and I don't think I've had one since I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:20:52 There's a good reason for it. It's literally just coconut covered in chocolate. That's like my worst nightmare. I think Almond Joy is kind of the same thing but with an almond on top of the coconut and then covered in chocolate, is that how that works? Almond Juh, J-O-H is what I googled.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Almond Joy, yeah, it looks pretty much exactly the same. It's literally the exact same thing, just a slightly elongated shape, and there's one almond on top. That's an almond joy for you. I don't know, doesn't seem that appealing to me personally. Even if you're not like a coconut, try to coconut hate or like myself, that seems like one of the worst candy bars.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's just like, let me take a look at this. Oh, it's just coconut covered in chocolate, but way too much coconut. It's basically all just coconut and a thin Covering of chocolate a thin layer. It's not I Can give you like 27 candy bars all the time. I had that are way better than that Even if I really loved shredded coconut I would still want up three musketeers or a butter finger or any number of other sweets. So today's program definitely not brought to you by Mounds bar and who came up with a name Mounds bar who wants to eat a mound of coconut that's like not that appealing when I think of Mounds, I think of like southern Illinois,
Starting point is 00:22:26 Shawnee, like territory, Indian burial grounds, I don't really want a big mound of chocolate or a coconut mound of chocolate I could take. If it was a mound of chocolate covered in a thin layer of coconut, I could get that because then it's like, you just got to pick it off and then you got a big old mound of chocolate. But the mound of coconut, not really doing it for me. Let's get to today's trivia question of the day and then we'll run you through some cyber Monday deals you should be watching out for.
Starting point is 00:23:04 So here's an interesting one I found when I was doing some Thanksgiving Light reading the other day. Let's call it that and I don't have any This is one where you kind of know it or you don't so I'll try to think of a a a hint on the fly that could guide you But it's an interesting one. So which cities thanks Giving Day Parade ends with Santa Claus getting a key to the city. That was kind of an interesting factoid. I had never come across before. So again, which cities thanks Giving Day Parade ends with Santa Claus getting a key to the city. Your first hint is that this city has a sports team that is associated with Thanksgiving, which actually should be a pretty big giveaway because there aren't
Starting point is 00:23:55 that many sports teams out there that are associated with Thanksgiving. I don't think there's any hockey teams. Or it's like, oh yeah, we're a Thanksgiving team. Baseball is not even in season. Basketball, I don't think so. So yes, the city has a football team because it's football teams associated with Thanksgiving. And if you know anything about football and Thanksgiving, that should realistically narrow it down to two choices for you. And I will let you know that it's not Dallas. So that's the only hint I'll give you. The answer to this week's Bean Tum Pock has trivia question which cities Thanksgiving Day Parade ends with Santa Claus getting a key to the city. The answer is Detroit and Michigan. And it's it's fitting because we'll be in Michigan
Starting point is 00:24:45 in just four days here. Four nights from now will be driving up to Socketuck, the happiest place on earth. We got a Christmas parade going on up there. There's supposed to be the Christmas bar crawl. If I pull some strings and maybe reach out to the mayor, get me, you know, mayor's office line one, I could maybe even get into the socket of Christmas parade.
Starting point is 00:25:09 So we'll see how that goes, I don't know. A couple cyber Monday deals for you that I found when I was perusing the internet looking for some birthday gifts, which reminds me, we got to do, we got a birthday for a brother of the podcast, Jack Fernandez, and we got a whole slew of Christmas gifts. Before, if we're going to have a birthday for a brother of the podcast Jack Fernandez and we got a whole slew of Christmas gifts Before if we're gonna have a birthday to the brother Jack and it's a week here Okay, so
Starting point is 00:25:34 Cyber Monday deals I came across first the Dyson air purifying headphones Now you realize in my research that this was a pre-COVID thing and so they kind of missed the boat a little bit with making these COVID friendly. It's not the word I'm looking for, but like appropriated for COVID. But essentially these are headphones where they look just like normal headphones, but they're made by Dyson.
Starting point is 00:26:00 And they have little events angled and like the bottom of the earpiece that blow air across your face. I don't know if you feel it or not, but it's supposed to purify the air. Now I will say there was no, it didn't seem to be many reviews that mentioned the actual quality of the headphones. I think people were more concerned about the not getting, you know, airborne illnesses and diseases,
Starting point is 00:26:29 which I understand. If you're buying air purifying headphones, you're probably right off the bat, a little bit more concerned about the health and safety than the quality of your Drake beats. But interesting. Now, again, I mentioned this there, not really these things came out before COVID. And so if you're still pretty concerned about that, I don't know if it's going to be the best option for you. But go to, Tom Quincenschefer, an indeterminate amount off your
Starting point is 00:27:02 Dyson air purifying headphones. The Charmin rollbot, we all know Charmin the bears, they're always rubbing their booties, walking around, seems like they're always having digestive problems. But more than digestive problems, they're always having problems, getting toilet paper when they need it. How many times have we seen those Charmin bears and you know, they take a giant dump in the woods, which is where they're supposed to live. I don't know. Sometimes they do these shoots for Charm and commercials and the bears live in an actual house and I'm like, you know, bears live like they walk around the woods and then they have like a den. It's like a cave that they hibernate in.
Starting point is 00:27:41 No bears living in a condo and palm springs. I'll tell you that much regardless what these commercials say. But they see, you know, you see these bears and, you know, they're either like rubbing their booty against a tree stump. It looks awfully painful. Or my least favorite of these Charming commercials is when they show the bear's booty after they wipe and there's little bits of toilet paper like the old school when you shave and you cut yourself and you stick little bits of toilet paper on there. That's what their asses look like. So apparently Sharman came up with a Sharman roll bot, which is where if you're sitting
Starting point is 00:28:16 on the toilet and someone forgot to replace, you know, the toilet roll, and you're out of TP, you know, pull up an app on your phone, and you call the Charmin Rollbot, which just lives in a lurks in a corner in your house, I guess. This kind of reminds me, there's a new film we saw in preview for at Hunger Games called Imaginary. It's just another slasher, horror, jump-seer kind of movie that the catch with it this time is a teddy bear And he's someone's imaginary friends and he gets or he is this little girl's imaginary friend And he gets very territorial so he sneaks up behind you and he slashes your throat That's basically what the charming rollbot is about but instead of slashing your throat
Starting point is 00:29:01 He's bringing you a toilet a roll of toilet paper about, but instead of slashing your throat, he's bringing you a roll of toilet paper. So yeah, Charmin actually invented the Charmin Rollbot, which you still have to set up, like you have to put it somewhere that can reach your toilet and put a roll of toilet paper in there, and it's just like emergency situations. I guess it seems pretty stupid to me. Like let me think about my situation. If I'm on the, if I'm on the john, I took a big dump, a modator of the paper, not ideal. You know what I would do though? I would do a little shake. Make sure that like there aren't
Starting point is 00:29:35 anything loose that's gonna come out when I waddle over. I'm gonna walk out of the bathroom, three paces, open the closet door, the toilet paper is kept, you gonna grab a roll, I'm gonna waddle back, and we're gonna continue on with the bathroom, three paces, open the closet door, the toilet papers kept, you're going to grab a roll, and I'm going to waddle back, and we're going to continue on with the day and finish the business. Or I do that, and then if I have the time, I might also hop in the shower real quick, which is basically like a bidet for your entire body. So Sharman Rollbot, I don't know, I can't recommend this one, but it's out there. If it's interesting to you. The Taser MP3 holster, I don't have it in front of me,
Starting point is 00:30:12 I don't know which company makes this, probably NRA endorse, I don't know. But in case you're wondering what the heck is a Taser MP3 holster, I'll tell you that it's exactly what it sounds like. It is a holster for a taser, which I guess makes sense. You don't want to just be carrying that thing around loosely, but it also can store your favorite songs. So if you ever were walking down the Shusu Detroit, looking to
Starting point is 00:30:42 forcefully segregate the city, you're gonna need some good tunic. looking to forcefully segregate the city, you're gonna need some good tunic. And nothing says forcefully segregate and whites forever like some kid rock, the pride of Michigan. So not only can you whip out your holster, but you can turn on all summer long or whatever that sweet home Alabama rip off is called.
Starting point is 00:31:06 The Taser MP3 holster. A couple more for you. The Pepe Pet Dryer. It's basically like a space shuttle pod that your dog of any size can climb into and probably get spooked until next holiday season because this thing's almost certainly loud as hell. And basically it just dries your pet. I don't know how long you're in there for 30 minutes, three hours.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Not sure how long the pet has to be in there for. They show dogs on the image, but I imagine it will work for a cat as well. My only question is I assume you have to kind of secure them in place, like close the door, like a prison cell. I can see a cat getting really spooked or freaked out. Remember when Stuart Little gets stuck in the washing machine when Gina Davis's, Gina Davis turns on, you know, soil level high, load size size big. You got Jonathan, lippnicky's, fruit of the loom, briefs in there, and Dr. House's galoshes, and then you got Stuart Little,
Starting point is 00:32:17 Little Michael J. Fox, also getting washed. So you can either do that, you can put your pet directly in the washing machines that worked out well for the littles Or you could get the Pepe pet dryer Now only 17 99 that's 1,799 Dollars at your local pet supplies plus store Second the last thing here the Denzo vacuum shoes. So guys you ever walk around the house? You're thinking boy this floor is dirty.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Boy, this needs a good mopping. Boy, I wish my vacuum cleaner could just go wherever my feet go. Now you can, with the Denzo Vacuum Shoes. These are two separate shoes. They're not even connected by a cord. They're probably lithium operated. So go, you know, mine's some lithium or whatever,
Starting point is 00:33:06 I don't care. Power your shoes with the power of a denso. That's a second kind of vacuum cleaner brand we got going on here, Dyson and Denso. Yeah, you basically walk around the house, they vacuum up. Whose house is so dirty that you need to, you need to, this is a necessity, just vacuum like an armed person. I don't know
Starting point is 00:33:27 I Would I would I would I would do a sponge shoe though You know if you could just press down real hard get some suds coming out the sides and if they were light up shoes Like the old Velcro ones that we still have his kids not me, but other people I saw had light up shoes. Looked pretty cool. Of course, I never even, I don't think I ever even had Velcro shoes. I had to learn to tie my shoes when I was two months old.
Starting point is 00:33:54 No one out there. No one really in the world would kind of help me out. It's just one of those things you kind of figure out. So the Densov Acc so vacuum shoes, perfect cyber Monday deal this holiday season and then finally this just called Belty. That's all it is. There's actually an interesting history behind Belty from the 30 seconds I researched it. It's a not joking. It's a smart belt that is attuned to like when you're eating, how much you're eating, if you're doing some sort of physical activity. So it knows when to expand and when to contract.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And a belt he's been around for a couple years now. Apparently it has not done very well in the actual product reviews because people complain that Belty wasn't quite as smart as it was intended to be or advertised to be. Sometimes it would be too tight after having a giant vat of chili VAT. Great word. So, Belty, if you still, I hate hate belts with the passion, so, and I don't have, I have almost no smart anything. I have like my phone, and I guess my tablet, I can like speak to, I can say, hey Alexa, I don't even think my phone will respond to anything, but I say, hey Siri. Oh yeah, that's pretty cool, probably because I got that new iOS update 16 Siri. Oh yeah, I did. Okay, that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Probably because I got that new iOS update 16.1.1, I think it is. All right, yeah. Should be able to answer that question and more. All right, that's just stop. Okay, you proved your point. She's always listening. So there you go, Belty and a bunch of other great holiday ideas.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And one last thing I forgot because, and it's not super important, but I mentioned earlier that we had watched a couple of movies the last couple of days. The other movie I watched was 10 years ago. It's called, All Called Out of the Furnace. And it attracted me when I was just randomly scrolling through HBO. Because of the cast, which is crazy. It's Christian Bale, Casey Affleck, Willem DeFoe, Woody Harrelson, and Oscar winner, Forrest Whittaker, and then also Zoe Saldana,
Starting point is 00:36:14 it's like the only female in the movie. Not a fan of the screenplay myself, and just a lot of potential that was wasted in many different ways and then got kind of predictable towards the end as well. Solid acting all around, I mean, you got those characters, how could it not be solid, but just the whole the whole thing, whatever, is meant to be never really like came together. It felt like very much like an unfinished product when I watched it. But you know, you got like six people in there who were all just dynamite actors.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh, also Sam Shepherd, how can I forget? I mean, it's literally like six or seven people who are extremely well acclaimed. It's called Out of the Furnace, it's like a, it's the backdrop is like Eastern Pennsylvania steel mill towns. So if you look in for like a pretty forgettable thriller kind of revenge movie to watch it's out there that's a firm two stars for me.
Starting point is 00:37:17 One of those movies given another month and I'll be like yeah I don't really remember what happened in that movie and that's about how memorable it was for me. That's what I have for you today. Everyone, thank you for tuning into my program. Quinn David Ferns presents the Bean Town podcast. Remember to give us a five-star rating on Apple podcasts or wherever you're listening from, apparently, we're on Spotify as well. Give us a five-star rating over there.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Wherever you're tuning in from, let us know at our email, Bean Town podcast,, again, this bean town being podcast at Happy Thanksgiving everyone and holiday seasons are in full effect. We'll come to you live next week in some capacity from SagaTuck near SagaTuck around SagaTuck. I don't know we'll see. But that's what I have for you today. My name is Quinn. Everyone stay safe, stay sane. I'll check in on you next time, bye! and you see it. nd you

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