Beantown Podcast - Birthday Podcast Year Four (03122021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: March 12, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE on a Friday afternoon for a weekend kickoff 26th birthday show, featuring opthamologists, DePaul University Blue Demons Men's Basketball presented by Quinn David Furness presen...ts the Beantown Podcast, and a deep dive into American Prohibition

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace and welcome to my show Quinn. David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday March 12th, just Miss Friday the 13th Smith Friday the 13th 2021 What's going on? How are you? What's happening? This is my show This is what I sound like this is my voice and Thanks everyone for tuning in this is the birthday podcast if you were Curious I was trying to decide you know, it's always you go into the weekends.
Starting point is 00:00:45 And I am very faithful to you, the fans. I will never say, you know what? We're just going to take off this weekend. We're not going to do a show. There's no breaks. There's no guest host. I'm not old enough for that. Yeah, this is only our fourth year. Okay, we're still still grindinin our way to the top which I think would be a good good autobiography for the guy who founded Starbucks so I was thinking you know and if I'm being perfectly honest you know usually my birthday podcasts are a big affair with a lot of fanfare and I usually have a nice bottle of wine and maybe a peppered farm frozen cake but I'll be honest my stomach has just been not good
Starting point is 00:01:34 in this whole week and I feel okay right now but I'm just not in the mood even though it's you know it's Friday 3m. I'm not really in the mood to just like sit on some whiskey and I don't know how to describe it. I'm kind of tired like stomach is not perfect. I don't know exactly what it was. I mean, I, Monday was crazy. I felt so bloated all day like more bloated than I've ever felt, which is just very strange for me. I don't, it's not usually a sensation, um, ideal with, I went for a run, I ran a 10K on Monday and I felt like a killer whale, just huge.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And then the rest of the runs this week Chicago has just been crazy windy And so the bloating was never quite as bad the rest of the week as it was Monday But the the bloating combined with just the wind smacking you around was really a dynamic duo a wicked combo my runs this week were tough and I just felt kind of you know low energy. I don't know, the weather's been nice, and that's been a mood perker. P-E-R-K-E-R perker. But yeah, no, just one of those weeks. So hopefully things will pick up over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:02:57 There's a lot of great college basketball to watch. And tomorrow in Chicago is, you know, annually the biggest day of the year, the St. Patrick's Day celebration. Of course, there's for the second straight year, no parade, no river dying. And I will see what, you know, bars and stuff are gonna look like tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I don't have any plans currently to go out and explore. But we'll see. You know, it's, it's, uh, we'll see how it goes. I don't know. I was thinking about, you know, do I want to save this podcast when I'm feeling better? Because I really don't like coming to you all the fans, you know, when I'm feeling low energy, when I'm not feeling on top of my game. Because that's not, you know, that's not fun for me. But I was like, okay, you know, tomorrow I may be out, you know, exploring St. Patti's Day stuff, Sunday might be with Rachel. And then it was like, well, do you save it for Monday or Tuesday?
Starting point is 00:03:57 And then, well, of course, then you're pushing the limits of new episodes every week. I think we've done a Monday show two or three times, probably, in the history of this show. But then I was like, well, Monday and Tuesday are full work days. And then this is just going to be tough to get through. So I decided, in case you're winning Fridays of full work day two, but honestly, just the way I load my work, usually I front load it, both in terms of days and end week. So by the time I get to Friday afternoon,
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm pretty much J-Chillin. So, and I was working early this morning, multiple three different mornings I started before 8am this week for China, giving talks to those kiddos consulting, earning my paycheck. I thought I had this thought at the beginning of the show. I kind of hesitated, not hesitated,
Starting point is 00:04:58 but emphasized Quinn and Quinn David Furnace. You know, like Ellen DeGeneres, she used to have her show, what was it just called, Ellen, and now she has the Ellen DeGeneres show or the vice versa. You know, oftentimes these big celebrities will have a couple different shows with their names in the title, right?
Starting point is 00:05:20 The Cosby show before that, there was just, or after that, was there just Cosby? Is that how it worked? New that, there was just, or after that, was there just Cosby? Is that how it worked? New Heart? There was a new heart and the new heart show, Bob New Heart show. So in case you're wondering, hey, maybe in 20 years after Quinn David Furnst presents the Bean Tom Podcast and maybe we'll just have Quinn. There's a, there's a, you know, for nothing else, the branding would be nice. We don't have to worry about all those characters and capital letters.
Starting point is 00:05:50 We just have boom, Quinn. Can you imagine that on the back of a t-shirt? I think that would be good. I think that would look like you got a full roster. Maybe you order an athletic message Jersey for your intermural team Sponsored by Quinn. Hey, he doesn't miss Michigan state now in case you didn't hear this Michigan state men's basketball Is now sponsored by rocket mortgage
Starting point is 00:06:15 Which is really the beginning of the end here But it's part of their official name now. They are now the Michigan state Spartans men's basketball team presented by Rocket Mortgage, I think. And I assume that when you know there you got there's you know the game on TV and you have the score at the bottom, I assume it's still going to say, Michigan State or MSU and not MSU and then in tiny little letters presented by Rocket Mortgage, but maybe who knows? I am not a sooth sauer. I can't see the future, which reminds me of Raven some owner, reminds me of Disney Channel.
Starting point is 00:06:57 You know what I learned yesterday and this is just like a really random fact that's not a unruly relevant to a show that I'm familiar with, but, uh, and I'll mention before I share this fun fact, listen to discretion, advice, or listen to bean town podcasts. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two. Podcasts is objectively terrible. It's my birthday. It's going to be a fun one.
Starting point is 00:07:16 It's going to be a short show because again, my energy is just, uh, not high and, uh, at the Cubs game on TV and they're getting waxed to be on Milwaukee which is just not good. So I'm just you know I wish I wish circumstances were different but I didn't want to potentially save it for you know Monday or Tuesday night or something like that. In fact I have plans both Monday and Tuesday night after work Monday night is a little Zoom call with friends and family to celebrate. And then Tuesday night is dinner reservations down in Lincoln Park with Rachel. So we're squeezing it in. Anyway, we know how.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Here's the fact. And I don't remember this actor's name, so I apologize. But, you know, young Disney Channel fans, not even, well, people my age will know. Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus Big Break, was a Disney Channel show in the 2000s. And her, I think it's her brother on the show, is his name Jackson, something like that. Did you know that that actor was born in 1977? And I think I looked this up when the pilot aired or something like that.
Starting point is 00:08:31 He was like 28, something like that. The reason I stumbled upon this is because I was watching an episode of The Shields, where he plays this, you know, Snot Knows Kid and The Shields from, you know, early 2000s. So maybe, you know, maybe this episode of The shield probably came out, I don't know, six or seven years before the Hannah Montana pilot aired, which is still crazy because they had this kid playing like a 12 year old in the show on the, you know, on the shield. And he, at the time, you know, was, was a solid like, I don't know, 23, 24 or something like that.
Starting point is 00:09:06 I don't remember this actor's name. He can go check him out, but you know, he's born in 77, so nowadays he's 44 years old. Yeah, 44 this year, which is crazy. And that's about the best insight that I have for you on the show today. You know, it's been a year. My birthday March 16th, which is a Tuesday this year, is a Monday last year, it was the last day, at least for our office, before we were all officially sent home. But the crazy thing is we had people kind of forget COVID-19 on the front end wasn't just at least, at least in my sort of bubble and my sort of world here in Chicago. It wasn't just like, boom, one day all of a sudden we go from zero to 60.
Starting point is 00:09:58 There was a little bit of a, of a gradient of easy into this. And we had gotten to the point where we were, like one person per day in the office to try to socially distance back when we just thought this was gonna be a couple of weeks, maybe a month, something like that. And so believe it or not, and I probably mentioned this on the show last year, but March 16th was a Monday last year, my birthday.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I was the only one who had to go into the office, which is just very, if you followed my birthdays for the last 26 years, it's very just kind of in line with some of the birthdays I've had. But partially due to my fault and my hustling and some of them not my fault. But it's been a year since that. That was the last day, not the last day I've been in the office, I've been in the office many times since then for a variety of reasons. But the last day when I was like,
Starting point is 00:10:57 I can't even say required to be in the office. But before everything went to shit, if you're catching my vibe. And I think March 16th was also the day, either the 16th or the 15th, the night before when everything got shut down, you couldn't do indoor dining anymore, you couldn't go to bars, that sort of thing. Which was just, it's so normalized now, right?
Starting point is 00:11:23 And even as we're coming out of it, the back end, you know, now it's, you know, in most places you can do some form of indoor dining, go to a bar, et cetera. But it just is so, the idea of like just getting up right now if I wanted, ending this podcast, walking into a bar, having a drink is so taboo at this stage in time. I can still do it if I want, but there's a whole lot of hurdles and hoops you've got to jump through to make sure you're doing it the right way. And you just think back to a year ago and no one ever that had never been a thing for
Starting point is 00:12:01 people who are alive unless you were somehow 21 in the Spanish flu, or 18 or whatever the drinking age was back then, was, 1918, Spanish flu, what's the deal with prohibition? When did that start? Could you even go to a bar? Could they ban you from bars during the Spanish flu due to social distancing or had you already been banned due to prohibition? Let's take a little dive into the history books. Okay, prohibition, which is what, like the 18th Amendment, something like that. 19th
Starting point is 00:12:43 is women's right to vote. 21st repeals it, is that how it goes? We're going to Wikipedia. And oftentimes on my show and particular couple of birthdays shows in the past, I have read the back of the wine bottle for entertainment. Today we're reading the Wikipedia article on Prohibition. Prohibition is the actor practice for bidding something by law more
Starting point is 00:13:05 particularly the term refers to banning of the manufacturer storage whether in barrels or in bottles transportation self okay yeah yeah yeah we know it's alcohol. Let's go to the history section. Okay 1918 to 1920 prohibition in Canada okay what about what about America? Because I'm on America Wikipedia 1920 to 1933. Okay Was prohibition in the United States. Let me make sure I got my amendments right here Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do and 1920, okay, and then what repealed it, 21st Amendment. Look, your old man over here, still got the goods, mentally, even though I am old and gray and turning 26.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I'm in my late 20s. Where does that cut off? Mid 20s to late 20s? For me, my early 20s was all kind of a blur just because I was in school and graduating early and grad school and you're in a hustling so hard. That I just kind of very, very without a lot of fuss eased into what I considered my mid-20s.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Because I think this, you know, this is an age thing but it's also a feel thing. And I think I was just so, for better, for worse ahead of the game with life and development in some ways, and making money for a guy with a music degree and an education degree, that my mid-twenties just kind of started
Starting point is 00:14:46 when I was like 22, I think. And so now it's been a long time as part of this. So I'm really feeling the late 20s thing. And I'm sure there are people out there who understand what I'm saying. There are other people who probably don't understand what I'm saying, but you know, because I'm just like working hard,
Starting point is 00:15:05 starting to think about, you know, a family and, you know, a dog and, and wait on the line kids, but, you know, starting to, you know, have those thoughts, conversations, because mid-twenties I feel like is a lot more like you're, you're out of college and you're still, you know, having fun drinking on a Thursday night and you're working hard for sure, but you're not necessarily like still crazy responsible or, you know, emphasizing saving all that much, you're living your life, you're in your mid-20s, right? I'm three days shy at 26 here and I'm all in on the savings game, getting ready for family, I don't drink on Thursdays, I don't drink that much in general. And obviously the pandemic is a very strange kind of
Starting point is 00:16:03 has had a very strange effect or impact on a lot of these things. My main point here was in 1918, they couldn't have banned you, or if you were banned from the bars, due to social distancing, it was a first time ban. And so they didn't even, you know, 1920 was when prohibition happened. And so there wasn't really an overlap there. Okay, so check that one off for the history books. Oh, man, what are we? 17 minutes in. How did that happen? I don't know. What have you been talking about for 15 minutes? Who knows the beloved DePaul Blue Demon's men's basketball team?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Not currently sponsored, but hey, if they want to do a sponsored by Cuts by Q, I I would pay, I don't know, a buck a game for that. And I mean, that's what, like $25 a season, that's like the price of a ticket. I'll do that's what, like $25 a season, that's like the price of a ticket. I'll do that to get my name out there. Or, you know, if we want to take it next level, because CutsbyQ is only a sub website, right now, slash CutsbyQ,
Starting point is 00:17:17 maybe we just go to DePaul, Blue Demon's men's basketball team, sponsored by Quinn de la Vifernse presents the bean town podcast. It would be a lot for the merch, okay? And speaking of merch and I there just the reason I mentioned to Paul was they they actually won their first game in the Big East tournament two nights ago and then they lost. They got shalacked by Yukon who doesn't even belong in this conference. They left once they tried to come back and stay out.
Starting point is 00:17:47 They're really, they're really invading our personal bubble. But I, this is, this is kind of weird to me. So a couple of Wednesdays ago was the DePaul annual day of giving. They call it blue demon challenge, whatever. It was like Wednesday, February 26th or whatever. I don't know if the 26th of Wednesday, February was a Wednesday. Let's open the calendar and check it out. Nope, it was the 24th, I think, as when it was. Doesn't matter. Anyways, one of the challenges and the thing with these university giving days is they have all these challenges and stuff set up and
Starting point is 00:18:27 The thing with these university giving days is they have all these challenges and stuff set up and incentives, etc. And they always try to play it up like, we don't know if we're going to get there. And they always have the funds in their back pocket ready to throw it on top, you know, when things aren't looking so good. Because I swear every year of this Blootingman challenge, and this isn't really a criticism. It's just what I've noticed, having been a student at the school, and I'm sure this happens most other places too, and now being a full-time staff at the school. But it's a 24-hour challenge, and you'll be at 10 p.m. And the goal this year was $3 million raised,
Starting point is 00:19:04 and you get to 10 p.m. and it's this year was $3 million raise. And you get to like 10 p.m. and it's like we're at 1.9 million. And I go to bad thinking like, okay, well, this was like legit. If we were relying on actual organic donations from alums, people like me and whatever. There's no way they get to $3 million. Obviously, someone at the, you know, sea level is sitting on some cash that is, you know, has always been intended for this or was only going to be thrown to this or, you know, funneled from some other department. Maybe that's where my
Starting point is 00:19:38 annual raise went, because I didn't get one last year. And I'm not probably not getting one this year because, because to Paul, the not getting one this year because DePaul Blue demons meant basketball teams, sponsored by Quinn and it first presented being Tom Podcast because they won their first game in the biggest tournament. That means they had to stay in extra night in New York City and those hotel rates, and the social distancing, I'm sure they're not sharing rooms.
Starting point is 00:20:03 There goes my annual raise. If it didn't go to, you know, pushing us over the edge for $3 million, it went to the hotel rooms, okay, in Midtown Manhattan. My point here was that, my point here was that one of the challenges or incentives that you could unlock, et cetera, was the new athletic director, Duane Peevy, bringing back some old retro logo and slapping
Starting point is 00:20:34 that on some merch, which is cool because I have never loved the current to Paul, just the blue demon in general is just like kind of strange, kind of out there. But the, you know, the current logo, it's just not like, it's so like, it feels so produced. It's, I don't know, you just compare it to like, almost any other major colleges logo and it's just like, doesn't belong. I can't really, I can't really even, I don't even know how to describe it. Just pull up the, you know, Google image search
Starting point is 00:21:12 to Paul logo and essentially what happened, what I'm getting at, the point of this story, because there is a point, is that they, you know, say they released this retro logo, they got a couple different, you know, said they released this retro logo, they got a couple different, you know, T-shirts, hoodies, whatever. So I ordered the hoodie.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And I paid, I paid a pretty penny for it. It seems like 40 bucks or something like that. I buy the hoodie online and it comes in, and this, you know, this was, you know, two or three weeks ago. And the hoodie, and you can find my tweet, if you go to at-white-bons and sort by media, it'll be just a couple of tweets down there.
Starting point is 00:21:49 The logo, if you buy a hoodie, you expect two things. Two important things, assuming there is some sort of text or logo of some kind, and it's not to say blank hoodie. You expect that the text or logo, let's just call it the image, is going to be centered, right? You know, you got your mic stuff to word, you can, you can, is left. Whatever the word is, not, not indented,
Starting point is 00:22:17 but margins to the left, I don't know, whatever, or you can do it to the right, which only crazy people do. I think that's, you know, that's how you read, like Hebrew, I think, or you can do it to the right, which only crazy people do. I think that's how you read Hebrew, I think. Or you can do centered. And you want a hoodie that's centered. Or you want an image on your hoodie that's centered. That's number one.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Number two is probably, I think, more important and also something that we take for granted because it's just like what a competent hoodie should have you want it to be level Right imagine you imagine you're a carpenter and you're putting in some two by fours And you pull it you whip out your leveler. You're gonna want that little bubble of fluid Or that air bubble rather to be right in the right in the middle of those three lines, okay? That was not the case with my hoodie. Not only was this logo of,
Starting point is 00:23:08 this awesome retro throwback logo not centered, but it was also tilted slightly. As if you were making some sort of or greetings workshop card for someone you really hated and intentionally tilted ever so slightly. A slight tilt, we're talking to one and a half to two degrees tilt for my trigonometry fans out there will understand the reference.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Soka, Toa, Artan, ArcSign, ArcCose, all that fun stuff, whatever that is, I don't know. So we were both off-centered slightly and not level. My point to this story was this, you know, was tweeted out three weeks ago, something like that. And just yesterday or last night, I'm trying to remember when it was, and I had, you know, I made one tweet about this. It got, you know, it got like 20 likes or something. It did pretty well for me. And someone from, I don't
Starting point is 00:24:10 know if it was athletic department or university marketing or bookstore or something reaches out to me is like, hey, email me. Let's see how we can fix this. And now I'm in an email chain with like four people total. And I don't, I don't have a, you know, end to the story or resolution or anything like that. TBD on, you know, what's gonna happen. I don't, I didn't even, you know, it's not like I reached out and was like, hey, can I get a refund or a replacement.
Starting point is 00:24:38 They had hunted me based on my tweet. So I don't really know what, you know, because it's not like I have, I'm not coming into this with a list of demands. Do I even want anything? I don't know. I'm just kind of following up with them because they said follow up with us and we'll see what happens. If the, if their offer is literally just going to be like send us, you know, send it back and we'll send you a replacement, that's not F'd up, I'm not even gonna do that, because to me, and I love my alma mater, and I love my job, but to me, this hoodie and it being off-centered and off-balanced
Starting point is 00:25:19 is just so emblematic of the just state of the Paul men's basketball, not currently sponsored by Quinn David Ferns, presents the beat on podcast, but potentially in the future. And I think, I could set up an outlook meeting because we're both staff with the athletic director. I'll check his schedule. I'm gonna do that right after we hop off.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I'm gonna check his schedule. I never thought to do that, probably because I don't, I don't want to fool around really here. But we did, you know, what two years ago, my brother Walt came on the podcast, we did write a letter to the athletic director, what's his name, Jim Phillips of Northwestern, where I was not currently staff when I wrote that,
Starting point is 00:26:00 I had already left my job at that point, about becoming an assistant men's basketball coach, I don't think I actually sent it in. I just probably didn't have the balls to do it. But yeah, that's what happened with my hoodie. And it's just, I got it right next to me here. I'm not wearing it. We're not doing a live stream.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I didn't even think to do a YouTube stream of this. Apologies for anyone who wanted to see me. I got my kind of FDR look going here. I'm sitting on the couch with my blanket covering my legs. My arch mirror academy blanket out there in Delaware. Right before you leave Wilmington, you're heading up the Delaware River towards Philly, towards the airport there. And right before you cross the state line, it's like the last exit on 95 there, I think, right 95?
Starting point is 00:26:54 He got Archmere Academy. Right next to the tollway, or not the tollway, 95 is is not some places it is Between Boston and New York is a to a I think are there tolls elsewhere in 95? Probably I haven't lived out in these coast for a couple years now I'm not gonna do a full ad read From our sponsors here, but I do want to say thank you to Home Pride Oregon and as a reminder To the listeners out there anyone who lives out in Oregon if you need your home inspector go ahead and call Steve 541-03036 and he'll get you taken care of he's also my dad and he does real good work thank you to Cutsby Q and you know we already talked about Cutsby Q a little bit on the show
Starting point is 00:27:41 today 15 dollar flat rate I'll cut you here no matter what, perms $2 extra. And also you'll have to show me how to do one. And then the Samsung Q2U series, again, we were down to one. I really should hop on the interweb and see about a replacement order. And hey, I should go back to see when I bought, you know, this now faulty one last time.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Maybe there's a Samsung lifetime warranty, probably not. I think Samsung is one of those companies where I like try to go to their website one time and realize they like didn't have a website. And I don't know how that works. I think they do. I think I'm mystery remembering something. I think what I am, um, oh boy, the Milwaukee
Starting point is 00:28:26 Brewers guy just hit that ball about 400 feet maybe. Literally like to the concession stand. I mean, they're playing spring training down in Mesa Sloan Park where the Cubs play. And I mean, I hope, I hope they got a, you know, he yelled for, for F O R E when he hit that ball because if you were, you know, standing in the line waiting for your jumbo pretzel and God bless you if you can afford, you know, those prices these days. And, you know, if you weren't paying attention, that could have hit you right in the noggin. No, G G I N apostrophe Noggin. No, you don't need an apostrophe. There's no implied G at the end of that word. Wow, look at that thing go.
Starting point is 00:29:10 That, oh, okay. I'm watching this Cubs game, obviously. And he go out to the concession stand. And right above the concession stand, there's this big sign in huge letters right on the brick facade that says deck. But the E was behind a tree and it really looked like another word because I couldn't see part of the eat. And I thought this guy just hit a bomb of a home run, 400 feet or something, to the concession stand with the sign above that said dick, as if it was named after an alarm or something, or a wealthy donor to Sloan Park, who knows. I had something, I did have something before,
Starting point is 00:30:05 oh, I was gonna say, so I think Sanson had a website, but what didn't, I bought, you know, we had the whole MP3 saga last year, and last week's episode was all about spring training and or spring cleaning. I got baseball on the mind because I'm physically watching a game, spring training. As part of spring cleaning, last week,
Starting point is 00:30:27 we did throw out finally, rest in peace. There was no fanfare, no formal mass, funeral services, but the my original, and I've talked about this many times on the show before, but my original iPod Nano, I think it was fourth gen, something like that, is like the first big purchase I ever bought, 150 bucks from Target after a piano lesson when this is Armstrong.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Finally, bit the dust, you know, last April, I think due to water damage on a run, which was really silly, because I put it in a plastic bag before I left, aware that there was some precipitation outside. So I had had it in rice for about a year, and it didn't make it. So I finally tossed that out. The reason I'm talking about MP3 players is I think I bought an MP3 player from Amazon,
Starting point is 00:31:18 and as one of the mini that I cycled through last year in this really upsetting saga. And that one, when I started to have issues, it didn't have a website. And it was just like, I Googled the brand and nothing comes up and I'm just like, how is this possible? Like, did you guys just make a million faulty units, ship them to Amazon?
Starting point is 00:31:44 All right, we're back. We, it cut out and you didn't miss anything because I caught it right away because I got eyes like a hawk. Even though I haven't been to a, boy, I haven't been to a, what's their call? What's their name? Optometrist?
Starting point is 00:32:03 I don't think I've ever seen an ophthalmologist. Is that more like I health and optometrist is like what you're singing? I don't know. Someone could explain it to us. Email, bean-ton podcast, that's a good one. I got a million burner emails.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Bean-ton podcast, again, that's bean-ton being podcast at To let us know about optometrieverse ophthalmology. OP-T-H-A-M-O-L-O-G-Y ophthalmology from the Greek for optimal. homology from the Greek for optimal. I haven't been to the optometrist in a long time. I'm not, this is like my joke, but it's also completely grounded in reality.
Starting point is 00:32:59 My, the optometrist I always used to go to was in Oregon and they were in a you know a shop co And that shop co closed like three or four years ago so If you're asking me hey wins the last time you went before then Okay This has been my birthday podcast and I gotta tell you my stomach is still not in great shape I haven't even you even had any stomach issues.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I was feeling good this morning and this afternoon it's just been less fun and it's not like, oh boy, I gotta go run to the toilet. I'm just like hanging out, very relaxed, very chill. But it's just like a little bit of cramping, a little bit of bloating. I don't know why. I haven't eaten anything yet today. I just had some coffee and my normal routine, not overloaded on coffee or anything. My point being, I apologize that the energy level for this year's birthday podcast was not as high as you might have been hoping for.
Starting point is 00:34:04 But you know what, we're going to have the opportunity and I'll share this. If you get the chance to but you know what, we're gonna have the opportunity and I'll share this, if you get the chance to listen before Monday night, we're gonna have a Zoom call. It's just on my personal, my Zoom personal room. And if you don't have the link, go ahead and shoot me a message, email, Facebook, however you wanna get in contact with me. If you wanna pop in, we have no real plans.
Starting point is 00:34:24 It's just gonna be fast and loose, hanging out, and maybe everyone who comes can share their favorite memory of me, okay? Let's just say that. No, I think we put it at eight o'clock central time. It's so tough with my family, because we go from West Coast to East Coast just in the immediate family, which is tough. So eight o'clock, I think, is a good halfway point, if you will. And that's,
Starting point is 00:34:54 you know, hopefully, you'll be feeling a little bit better right then. But otherwise, you know, it's a Friday afternoon in Chicago and spring spring so normally I would be like Friday, fun day like let's you know get some whiskey going and let's turn up some tunes. And there's still a lot of good college basketball to play but you know to pause out which top played earlier today and thank
Starting point is 00:35:16 God they won a nail biteer because they did not play well enough to win. But yes, I don't really have any you know irons and the fire or anything that you know got this Cubs game going But they're getting waxed and it's spring training and it's just like okay, whatever. I guess the Illinois game I think is at like five o'clock something like that. So maybe I'll
Starting point is 00:35:34 Maybe I'll settle in and have a bruski for that one. I have I Should run to the grocery store Right after I finish recording here and you know get some things sorted out. Well we'll be planted by a year Chris Bryant just always strikes out. Wow, how did he go from MVP to just being, I hesitate to say trash because that's too harsh, but he's just so not clutch anymore. I don't know. They should have they should have traded in this offseason. I really think that because he is just going downhill. Yeah, oh, okay. Last thing I wanted to mention and I'm literally mentioning this just because I Rachel's been in the burbs all week with her parents. So I haven't seen her or had the chance to chat with her too much.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I had this crazy dream last night, so crazy, and I have a lot of dreams, a lot of dreams lately. I think this last year, pandemic, I've jumped more than at any other point as an adult. I don't know why. We could have some psychoanalysts and maybe the ophthalmologist get on that. But I had these two wild dreams that happen. I don't think I woke up in between them. I think they were just like separate things that I experienced. And I haven't had the chance to tell anyone else. So I figure let's speak it into the void that is you all the bean heads. And, you know, listener rates are down, obviously,
Starting point is 00:37:08 for our show in season four compared to, well, they're about level of season three. Season two was our glory days, thousand hits for a couple of episodes, 2000 for one of them. Let me tell you this dream. I know we did the dream sequence up so like two months ago. We're not, I'm not giving you any background music.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And there's also no like, this isn't for comedic effect. I just, it's in my notes app and I just want to tell you, okay? Because it was pretty wild. So I'm just like walking down the street and some non-specific urban area. And all of a sudden, I find this old black lady. and some non-specific urban area. And all of a sudden, I find this old black lady, she is in a wheelchair and she can't move herself. And somehow you just know, I gotta get her home, okay?
Starting point is 00:37:55 I guess I'm kinda just a good Samaritan that way. So I start pushing this black lady to back to her apartment and it's, you know know she points as we're passing the storefront just like a live in there like man this is a storefront just like no we're going in so we go in there's like this reception desk there's a book that says visitors must sign in but I'm like you know what I'm just gonna pop in and pop out so I don't need to sign in and that's a very small detail that happened in the dream that did not come back into play at any point.
Starting point is 00:38:26 But I just wanted to let you know to be authentic. Then I didn't realize it, because it probably was like inception. The building was shape shifting. But I go in and all of a sudden, you gotta get in the elevator to go to the top floor of this building, which was apparently a high rise. But then here is the craziest thing. You get to the top floor of this elevator. I'm still pushing this old lady around. You have to take this like escalator, the world's biggest
Starting point is 00:38:56 escalator. And it's like open and exposed in the sky. You're going from the top level of this in the sky, you're going from the top level of this high rise all the way up, like almost into space. Imagine like, like Halo or some video game where there's just like buildings or objects floating in the sky that are like, you know, monoliths, they're, these things are gigantic. All the way, the escalator, you have to ride it all the way up and don't ask me how we did that with her in the wheelchair, because I don't recall. But it takes you to the bottom of this other high rise and then we had to get in the elevator and I don't remember how high up we went there
Starting point is 00:39:39 to get her back into a apartment. That's kind of how the dream didn't end there. I dropped her off and then I think I had some sort of spaceship of some kind or jet pack. Basically, I got a bird's eye view as I was no longer on the street, but I was moving away from this gigantic complex, a very complicated and intricate architectural design. Again, you got a high rise, a gigantic, super long escalator
Starting point is 00:40:10 going out the top of it, going up and away to the bottom floor of another high rise. That's not connected to anything on the bottom. It's just floating, not floating, but it's just there attached to the escalator. And I guess support beams coming down all the way to the bottom, which had to have been miles and miles long. So if there are any of those like new age architecture students out there looking for a fun new design, I got a good one for you.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And then the second one is less interesting, I guess, and a little bit more fun if you know one of my neighbors. So in case he's listening through the walls, I won't say any names, but he's pretty notorious around here. Anyways, I had some sort of job that involved traveling, and it might have been something to do with NASCAR, but I wasn't an actual NASCAR driver. I just recall watching a race like before this dream happened. It was sort of the prologue to the dream, which is strange because I haven't watched a
Starting point is 00:41:13 NASCAR race since, you know, October, something like that. I haven't seen any of them this year so far. And I was staying in this Airbnb or needing a place to stay for the night owned by for whatever reason I don't know why but this Airbnb was owned by my neighbor and his ex-wife. But I get up to the Airbnb you got to like take stairs take it up to it you open the door and all of a sudden you know it was very cold outside it is this just imagine a room with two walls connected to each other. So if you're imagining, you know, looking at this from above, you got a square and the bottom
Starting point is 00:41:52 and the right are walls. But then the top and the left are just exposed to the elements. It's very cold outside in this entire Airbnb slash just one room is like slightly elevated up into the air. It's like first floor, but the wall, those walls are just, they're, there aren't a walls. It's just exposed. And like this isn't a legit Airbnb.
Starting point is 00:42:12 This is just a space. And then there's a ladder to take you up to a second floor. That has the exact same design. Only it's a little bit smaller. And then there's a little ladder that takes you to the very top to a third floor or a third level that's the exact same thing exposed on two sides only it's just like enough for you to stand there and that's it and I'm like looking out you know this Airbnb that you know you can obviously two sides of it are exposed to the elements and to, you know, the town, all across the landscape, there are these little, not little people, but just people. There's a lot
Starting point is 00:42:51 of campfires, and they're just sitting out by their campfires, almost like a shanty town, but not with like, you know, grungy, homeless people, just like regular, white middle-class American people, just like sitting around their campfires just like Chatton just a bunch of little campfires and so I was getting ready to go talk to you know my my my neighbor and his ex-wife and be like yo I don't really want to pay for this Airbnb because it's exposed it's very cold everything's covered in snow and there's no furniture or beds or anything in here, and probably not running water, although I didn't confirm that in the dream.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And that was the end of it. So, I don't really know what to make of it. It just sort of happened. I don't feel like either one of those dreams at any kind of deeper meaning. And also, neither one of those dreams at any kind of deeper meaning. And also, neither one of those dreams had any callback to previous memories or dreams, which is really strange.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Because usually there's some sort of connection, either location or person. I guess the second dream had my neighbor's ex-wife in it. But I've never met her. I'm just like aware of her. Anyways, what an end to the birthday episode. Some crazy dreams. Yeah, that's what I got.
Starting point is 00:44:15 I promised a shorter episode we ran longer than I wanted to. But you know what? I just been, I've been, what happened was this week, I have not had any social interaction and just been in my APT working a lot. And this was just like the first chance I've had to have a conversation outside of Twitter. And way too many Zoom calls and calls with Chinese folks.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Anyways, that's what I had for you. This was the birthday podcast Join us again on zoom if you want the link shoot me a message and pretty easy to get in contact with all my social media profiles or public and stuff But yeah, that's that's that's what I had for you. So thanks everyone who who made it this far who tuned in as we hit 45 minutes You know, hopefully this will be the last quarantine birthday we have, the second of two. But yeah, that's what I got. So we are going to queue up some music and I'm going to hope my stomach gets a little bit better. I'm going
Starting point is 00:45:18 to find something to eat eventually here. And hopefully witchtas state and the Illinois line. I do very well this weekend, but we will find out. Thanks for tuning into my birthday podcast, everyone, I appreciate your love and support over the years, and we have nothing confirmed yet, I need to get on it, but we have some interviews coming up with people who donated to the Pludge Drive. In this past week, we completed our donation
Starting point is 00:45:46 to the United Way of Chicago for COVID-19 or Leigh $306. So thanks everyone who donated to that. We'll have interviews coming up with my mom and Matt Feeler and Uncle Andy works for Jack Links. And then I also have another interview that has nothing to do with the pledge drive that I'm trying to get on the books as well.
Starting point is 00:46:04 So hopefully we'll have some of those coming up. And yeah, that's what I got. Thanks everyone for tuning in. I hope that you are having a great day and have a great weekend. Stay safe. Stay sane. And you know, I'm going to check in on you next time. Bye. ndご視聴ありがとうございました Thank you.

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