Beantown Podcast - Breaking Down Winnie the Pooh Gender Identities (04222022 Beantown)

Episode Date: April 22, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE with some hard hitting journalism as we tackle the gender identities of the beloved AA Milne Winnie-the-Pooh characters. What is the deal with Rabbit???...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for a rainy Friday April 22nd, 2022 04222022. What's happening? My name is Quinn furnace and this is my show. Thank you for listening to everyone wherever you are tuning in from Midwest East Coast West Coast Texas the Hyderabad Islamabad Kiber pass hello to my friends and Becky Stan. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast over there and then also shout shout out to Jose Ramos for
Starting point is 00:00:48 representing the bean town podcast and can coon it this week on international assignment. I really appreciate that. There's a great picture of him kind of doing these cool like finger guns on the beach in Mexico that I have now saved in my phone forever. Really good, good representation out there. I don't know. Maybe we, you know, the start at every NFL game. It's like Spanish language broadcasts available by clicking the SAP button on your remote control.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Maybe we should do that with the bean town podcast. Maybe, you know, that was the thing with like remember the Bible originally was only in Latin and then Gutenberg translated it into, you know, German or something and then Martin Luther translated it into English or something like that. Maybe that's what we should do with the Bntown podcast. Maybe someone should take it upon themselves to transcribe all 229 episodes or wherever we're at into all sorts of languages. I think the obvious ones would be Spanish because so many people speak it.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Ukrainian for solidarity. Norwegian, because it's my heritage, my roots. And well, certainly whatever they speak in Pakistan Farsi now that's a rand right what do they or do that's right that's what they speak in packy stand i don't know it could be a good idea uh what's happening i hope everyone is doing well out there last weekend was Easter it was one of my favorite shows that we've done in a long time. Well, in fact, we've been on a little bit of a nice run here. We had Matt Fiedler on for Tax Day.
Starting point is 00:02:30 We had our Easter Special last weekend where we power into the 10 plagues. Yeah, Easter was wild, man, a lot of food, a lot of champagne, but it was one of those things where you're like drinking a lot. We're at a family brunch. And you're drinking a lot, which is fun, but then was one of those things where you're like drinking a lot, we're at a family brunch. And you're drinking a lot, which is fun, but then at the same time, there's just endless amounts of Polish sausage and hash browns,
Starting point is 00:02:56 and more a different type of sausage and quiche, and a different type of sausage, and three being salad. Hey, you think I'm kidding with the sausages. I think there were legitimately maybe three or four different types of sausages available. Is that kind of brunch, ladies? So, you know, you're never getting like buzzed or drunk or anything,
Starting point is 00:03:20 which is fine. It's the Lord's Day. It's Easter Sunday. But by the end of it, you're just so stuff and you also drink so much that you're just kind of down and out for the count if you will. I mean, we came back in the mid afternoon and slept for like, I was only down for like half an hour, but others were, others were out for a little bit longer. But then yeah, this week has just been kind of show, you know, working a regular amount of hours. I still haven't, I still haven't taken any vacation
Starting point is 00:03:51 time yet this year. I'm trying to think when my first vacation day is, I think it's scheduled to be early June, mid June, something like that for a wedding. And I'm going to have to, what's really been on my mind lately in the past couple of days and weeks here is moving, moving apartments. And it's very much in motion, but there's a lot of pun intended, a lot of moving pieces, if you will. I mean, so step one is, of of course finding the right apartment, which we've done. Proud to announce bean town podcasts will be moving its headquarters in just a little over a month here to a new undisclosed location.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And then still in Chicago, of course, Northside of Chicago, we got to try to stay on top of the top 500 podcasts. But then the whole moving thing comes into play. And this is something that I've always thought about with moving, but I've never actually affected me personally, where your release ends on, let's say, the 31st and the new one doesn't start until the first. So that is happening to me this year. So I'm literally have like five or six outstanding asks out there for quotes.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And some people do overnight truck storage. Other people don't do it. Some people are quoting me for $2,000. And I'm like, that's not it. We're not doing that. So and I don't know. I am not 100% opposed to the whole Get the truck myself and load it up sort of thing but the thing with that is like
Starting point is 00:05:30 Gonna have to pay people to help me load it up. I can do a lot of it myself to be honest I can do almost everything myself, but This couch that I got here is bad boy that I'm sitting on right now is a two-man job. There's just here as bad boy that I'm sitting on right now is a two-man job. There's just really no realistic way for me to do it myself. The dresser is realistically a two-man job. So, you know, there's just a couple key pieces there that I just can't quite load myself. And so you're gonna have to hire someone. And so when all is said and done, I think honestly, because I'd have to get the truck myself, I hate, as I've gotten older, really, when I was younger, I was more like whatever, like
Starting point is 00:06:10 we'll figure it out. But as I've gotten older, I'm much less a fan of like driving a truck in small tight spaces and blocking alleys and all that sort of stuff. I think it's just a culmination of traumatic experiences I've had doing that sort of thing in the past. And now I'm just like, you know what, I work my buns off. Three jobs here. So like, it's not a deal to pay, you know, $500,000, whatever it's going to be for, you
Starting point is 00:06:43 know, this sort of thing, but like, I'll do it if I have to. Because I guess at the end of the day, I would rather go to bed without strain muscles and more a piece of mind and, you know, $800, pour rather than physically picking up a truck, navigating it through tight narrow spaces, hiring people, finding a place to park the truck overnight that's secure. I mean, I would probably have to like drive it out to the suburbs or something where I have a secure spot. And then waking up, you know, the next day, two days later, whatever, driving it back in, parking in a tight spot, hiring more people to help me unload it,
Starting point is 00:07:29 then returning the truck, you know. The other thing to consider, and I mean, all that together would probably be at least what like, three, four hundred dollars. The thing to consider is also like, the 31st of May is a Tuesday's a Tuesday and the 1st of June's a Wednesday. So I'm trying to be as like strategic as possible here with, you know, time off and that sort
Starting point is 00:07:55 of thing, but it's also just like, that's just like, it doesn't have to be two whole days, but it's going to kind of be kind of like that. So anyways, not to get tuned to the weeds here, which I just did for the last four minutes, but that's sort of what's been occupying my mental space. I frequently come into the bean town podcast, not so much the last couple of shows, but frequently I come in with nothing. And today's one of those days, and so I think it's going to be a lighter, a shorter episode. But I got a couple
Starting point is 00:08:27 things that I'll check in on you with just because I'm excited for them. First thing I'll mention is that listening to discretion is advice and listening to the bean-town podcast number one will occasionally do some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. But speaking of moving, I've actually, so I'm at home today as I am on most Fridays working. And I've spent, not a large amount of time, it's pretty quick, because I know what I want to do here. But I just opened up a trash bag and just been doing some spring cleaning.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Not so much cleaning as much as tossing stuff. But here's the thing, like, I'm having to make what, I think to the untrained eye, would be considered, like, such as tossing stuff. But here's the thing, I'm having to make what, I think to the untrained eye would be considered like tough decisions or getting rid of things that have some level of value to someone, right? They're not completely worthless things. But I mean, we're getting rid of old shoes here
Starting point is 00:09:21 that are like, oh yeah, you can physically still wear these, but when's a lot of some actually decided, made the conscious decision to actually wear these out. A lot of that's kind of my perspective on a lot of the stuff. I've been in this apartment for, it's almost a year now. I mean, it's, we're like three, three weeks shy of a year. And there are just so many things here that have either been touched once or twice or not touched at all. And also just a lot of like other random things where it's like there is a there's a point in time where this could be utilized,
Starting point is 00:10:01 this could have some sort of value or be beneficial, but considering I haven't done anything like, I feel pretty good about my day to day life right now, and the things that I've used and things I haven't used in the last 12 months. So that's kind of where I'm at. I've got a bunch of books that we're going to donate here. Not because they're not great books, but it's like, I've read them. That's my thing with books. And I'm not really a book person in general. I don't read so much these days.
Starting point is 00:10:35 But it's like I got all these cool books. And outside of my physical music books with scores in them, that I could load up into the piano and site reading time I want things like Harry Potter I've got what five Harry Potter books over there on the shelf and it's it's kind of like that was fun and I could see there being a point in my life at some point in the not near but long future or distant future where I read Harry Potter again. It's a great read while written. But it's like, I'll just go to the library or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:11 So there's a lot of that sort of thing that's going, things that are going. I just went through, I took a first pass of my wardrobe and made some executive choices on some of those things. I mean there's there's probably a coat that I could just ditch. I don't have any coats that are like oh god this should have been gone years ago. I got my new winter coat from Rachel and my old winter coat which isn't that old. It's like four or five years. Store works well. I have another winter coat that's super
Starting point is 00:11:44 heavy duty that literally stayed under the stairs this entire time here, I didn't wear it once this winter. Which, you know, instinct would say, well hey, then maybe that's something you can get rid of, which is tough, because it's newer than my other winter coat. I just don't like it as much. It's not quite as fashionable.
Starting point is 00:12:03 But yeah, I mean, then I have a couple of very specific things, like hiking boots, that I actually still have never worn. But I don't want to get rid of them, because I haven't used them yet. I've got a white, very light, thin, pullover jacket sort of thing that I bought specifically for Hawaii, which was like gonna be two years ago to the date. Because it's good like water resistant kind of thing. Although I've worn it into the rain, it's not actually that water resistant.
Starting point is 00:12:36 So that's something that I kind of enjoy. It's kind of good for spring weather, but you know, I think I've worn it once or twice in the last year. Oh, this is a big thing. I just ditched my alarm clock, which is kind of big. I've had an alarm clock since, I mean, in this was I think the same one I've had since living in Cherry Valley, a digital AMFM radio, that sort of thing, but honestly getting a phone, the advent of all that stuff, like, by the time the clock, for the most part, it just either sits on the nightstand or somewhere, not really doing anything.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And I had accidentally tripped over a cord once in my apartment a couple of months back. And I had accidentally, like like the plug for this alarm clock at way bent. And I could still get it into an outlet, but not like, it was like 80% of the way in, and it still worked and stuff. But it was just like, yeah, we'll ditch this.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Because I actually, you might be saying, well, Quinn, how will you ever listen to the radio? And I'll tell you, with all this talk about getting rid of old stuff, I actually bought a pocket portable radio this past week, which I'm psyched for. The reason I bought it was because I liked the radio, but no, more seriously, these AirPods. So I got an AirPods, I guess, a case with two AirPods
Starting point is 00:14:11 for being specific. When I came back to the office, the best July, August, or whatever, as part of a group of gifts that were like a welcome back gift. OK, cool, that's kind. But I don't really use AirPods because I don't have any music on my phone. So the only time I ever use these AirPods is on my Friday walks, which I'm going for right after this. It's raining, but I really need some steps.
Starting point is 00:14:40 So I don't, I mean, we're talking a max of one hour a week and it's not every single week. So I probably put in 10, 15 hours total on these AirPods and now one of them, I think it's my left one, just doesn't. It completely died. It started, you know, a couple, you know, maybe like two months ago, where it was like, I'd be listening for half an hour after a full charge and all of a sudden, it starts in like battery load. Like, that's kind of weird. I must not charge it correctly. And then later it was five minutes and now,
Starting point is 00:15:12 just that that one doesn't turn on. So I have one good year still, but I'm thinking like, hey man, I need something new for my walks. And my iPod is just kind of getting, it's actually Jane's iPod, shout out to Hashtag Mother of the podcast. But I'm just too lazy to like plug it into iTunes.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And then the thing with iTunes too, is like you gotta go to a YouTube DMP3 converter and do that individually for every song you want. And this is all on the mat because that's where I have iTunes. And this baby runs with the speed of a, you know, pre-pubescent owl or something. Which I don't know, I-pubescent owl or something, which I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I assume they don't run fast, but I kind of, I suppose it depends on the type of owl. I don't even know that many owls. You got your barned out, barn owls, your three toad, you know, Glafi, Taffi owl, your horned owl. I think we already mentioned that one. So that's all the owls I can aim. No, there's barn, there's horned, there's that one from 100 acre wood. Is it, is it 100 acre woods or 100 acre wood? 100 acre wood sounds like a golf documentary or something.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I don't know, there's an idea there. Someone contacted the AA Milne estate, M-I-L-N-E, see what we can find. Is that his name? AA Milne, the creator of the Winnie the Pooh metaverse. If you will. I think so, yeah. You know, they made, weren't they, it was like three or four years ago,
Starting point is 00:16:51 they had two Winnie the Pooh movies. Not movies about Winnie the Pooh, but about kind of A.A. Milne and Christopher Robin and all that stuff, which is, who is his son? A. Milne's son, not, not Winnie the Pooh son. That would be kind of cool though. But basically, they made two movies, right? And they kind of came out at a similar time, if I recall.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I think it was, one had you and McGregor in it. He did, did he play? I think he, that was one had you and McGregor in it. He did the T play. I think he that was one where he like played Christopher Robin and there was like an animatronic poo which if you had that phrase on your if you had that phrase on your bingo card today, animatronic poo, let me know. So I think he plays AEMO son, but then there is another one. Okay, yeah, I got it right in front of me here. I'm on the, okay, and this is what I thought it was, but this is just confirming my suspicions here.
Starting point is 00:18:02 So there are two recent movies, one from 17, one from 18. So the first one was called Good by Christopher Robin, and that was Donald Gleason, and that was, he portrays A.A. Milne. And I think that's more like a biography. So I think he was in like World War I or something like that, maybe World War II, Alan Alexander Milne, this is his name.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Margot Robbie plays his wife. There's Christopher Robin is in there. What did Christopher Robin die? In 1996, he made it pretty far. But then the next year, there was, is called Christopher Robin. So there was what was good by Christopher Robin and good by, and Christopher Robin. Is that what we just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Creative titles, guys, dumbasses. In 2018, Christopher Robin, this is where you and McGregor plays Christopher Robin. And then there's all sorts of animated bears and tigers and owls, and rabbits. Let's, let's, let's, oh Jim Cummings came back for that. That's really cool. He's like the original Winnie the Pooh.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I didn't realize that he portrayed Winnie the Pooh in that movie. That's pretty neat. But I wanna get into just ever so briefly here, these Winnie the Pooh, the Winnie the Pooh multiverse. Okay. And specifically, I want to talk about gender in the Winnie the Pooh multiverse because
Starting point is 00:19:36 there's a couple of things that I'm, that I could use some clarification on. So let me pull up a list here. And we're just gonna go one by one through these main characters in the universe, if you will. And we're going to, we're gonna take a guess on their gender, okay? So we got Winnie the Pooh. The name doesn't necessarily help because Winnie is more of like a pet's name and also,
Starting point is 00:20:08 I guess you would, if I, you know, you asked me, hey, what is Winnie for, I would say, Winifred, which is traditionally a female name. I also want to mention as we're getting into this, I'm not here too. Assume any gender roles, stereotypes, anything like that. This is just, I'm just shooting from the hip here. Okay. This is a lighten up. Lips.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I also want to give a quick thanks to our sponsors, Home Prior to Oregon. We need your home expected call Steve at 541-410-0316. So he'll get back to you right away or you can visit Home Prior to All sorts of good friends at Cuts by Q. Gonna need to do a little neck beard shape today. Let it go way too long. It's been over a week and I never let my, certainly my neck beard go that long.
Starting point is 00:20:54 It's very uncomfortable. I don't like how it looks. It's just been kind of a strange week. I've been to two Cubs games this week. Two Senate was DePaul Knight. It was really cold. They were supposed to be free hats. We didn't get any. So I got in touch with my peer, my colleague who works in athletics here at the university and getting some hats on the DL, if you will, baseball terms. And then I just went last night with Hashek brother podcast Walt
Starting point is 00:21:26 Furnace. Both games comes lost. So big time big, big lucky charm over here. Hey, we're both close games. They were both one run losses. So nice and disappointing. But overall, it's just kind of been like a, it hasn't really felt like a busy week, it's been a fun week, whether it's been a little bit better. Oh, today is not a good example, really gloomy out. Put overall, you know, it's just kind of been out doing stuff, which I love.
Starting point is 00:21:57 It's way better than sitting on my ass in front of the computer. So thank you to Cuts by Q. When you need to fresh do something snap, you need to call the experts at Cuts by Q. And of course the Samsung Q2U series. When you need crisp clear and clean audio quality, trust the microphone that God uses. Remember when God speaks, he uses a Samsung. You know he was talking to you know fair. I what do you think Moses had a Samson? Samson cute, well, not Moses, but Aaron, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I want to get corrected by the biblical truthers out there. You used to play a quiz bowl every year, at the end of the year, there was a big homeschool, Lala Paloza, basically, where we would have project boards. You buy a trifold board from a Michaels or a Hobby Lobby, and you can do some sort of, you know, basically end of the year final project displayed in a trifold board. And so, you know, each class would basically have a different room, and there would be millions of rooms. And the main stage, the main stage where the quiz bowls.
Starting point is 00:23:06 So they would have what we got a phone call. It says not planned. It's not part of the show. I'm not answering. Probably one of the 13,000 quotes have been requesting. Yeah, it's two men in a truck. You know, I always put down on these things. Please email me your best offer because I can't I can't field your phone call and then
Starting point is 00:23:28 just like remember all these calls and that's everything plus I absolutely hate talking on the phone so yeah that's that's my life that's why I put down please contact me via email okay I want to have all this stuff in front of me, easy to access. I hate people who are like, I only talk on the phone. It's, isn't it, they're always like, isn't it easier that way? I'm like, no. Email I can do whatever I want. I can look back and check it whenever I want.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I don't have to write things down. They're already written down. Oh, and then there was this other company. it whenever I want. I don't have to write things down. They're already written down. Oh, and then there was this other company because if they're going to call, I don't answer a case. I mean, hey, I still prefer the email, but at least leave me a voicemail. There's this other company that I asked for a quote, I think, yesterday and they called me this morning, and I picked up. And I knew it was a moving company because I crossed a reference to Google search the number. They didn't leave a voicemail, they didn't send an email or anything and it's just like, hey man,
Starting point is 00:24:36 I'm out here trying to give you money, okay? And I don't really, it's hard. It's hard to give you money when you just do one call and no voicemail. So that's the Samson Q2U series. We're actually going to say a quick pause, then we're going to just wrap up with Winnie the Pooh for all the kids out there, talking Winnie the Pooh gender. And I'm gonna listen to this voicemail. It's 38 seconds long, so I'll be right back. Okay, we're back.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I basically listened to the voicemail and I called back because it was, and they really wanna connect with you because they leave a 38 second voice mail saying we got e-request, we understand, you know, your overnight specifics, all that stuff. So call us back for the quote when they obviously have that information directly in front of them. So I call this nice kind lady Gabby back extension 101 if you want to chat.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And you know, I'm on the phone. I was, you know, three minute phone calls, something like that. It just explains all the costs and stuff. It's transparent. I appreciate that. And it comes out to like $1,200. And I'm just like, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I don't, all of a sudden, the driving the truck through the narrow alley seems a little bit more appealing. So, I don't know. Still collecting quotes, not to get back into this, but I got another one for like 830 or something, which obviously still sounds very high. But I don't know. It might be worth it for the peace of mind.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Might have to start saving my pennies. Take a little dip out of the Hawaii fund, which is happening this August. Okay, so what I wanted to talk about here was Winnie the Pooh, because I've always had, if I'm just being completely honest with you, some confusion, some questions of how certain characters, how they're, you know, what, what gender they are. So as we're starting off here, Winnie the Pooh, which we alluded to earlier, Winnie, if you're asking me, hey, that's a female name, it's short for Winifred. I don't know what a poo is.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Granted is voiced by Jim Cummings. It's a unique voice, but I think we can assume that Winnie the Pooh is male, okay? Also, as we're going through these genders of the beloved A-A-Milm characters, you can always email us, again, this beantown, BEA and this beantown Be in podcast agree disagree let us know Christopher Robin okay, so Christopher Robin is a human boy. It's a real person
Starting point is 00:27:34 So I'm feeling confident. I'm locking it in we're going mail for Christopher Robin Here's where things get interesting and this is where I legit immediately I not, this isn't a bit, I legitimately don't know. Piglet. Is piglet male, female, gender ambiguous? We're on the Wikipedia page. They're using the he, him, his pronouns, gender, male in universe information. So it looks official. But I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:28:06 I think Piglet is like, I recognize that he's being labeled as a male. But you watch the show as the programs. And I feel like they intentionally made Piglet to be very much on the fence here. So I guess the official can and is that Piglet's a male. to be very much on the fence here. So I guess the official canon is that piglets of mail. Tigger, I'm pretty sure is a mail as well. We're really mail-centric here.
Starting point is 00:28:35 But Tigger is very clearly given a mail voice in the film, in the films, if you will, the television specials, whatever it might be. And I don't know, who voiced Tigger? Isn't, wouldn't that be like a famous voice, I feel like, because it's very unique, very distinct. From 1968 to 1999, Tigger was voiced by Paul Winchell,
Starting point is 00:29:04 who is appears to be, or was a famous actor, comedian, humanitarian, inventor, and ventriloquist. That's interesting. Paul Winchell show. He's on the Brady Bunch Perry Mason, Dick Van Dyke. Whoa, big thunder. I don't know if you could hear that in the background, holy moly. That's crazy talk. Wow. We're getting like a legitimate thunderstorm, I think, for the first time this year. It's nuts. It's wild outside.
Starting point is 00:29:38 It's storming. I got to tell you, I don't feel in a little, if you about the status of my weekly Friday afternoon walk, I don't know. It doesn't look like it's precipitating that much, but I'm sure it's windy. And I don't know, you know that white coat, that white kind of pullover thing where you're talking about 20 minutes ago,
Starting point is 00:29:59 that might be a time to break this baby out. Okay, next we have rabbit. I think the long side piglet rabbit is one that I legitimately don't know. In universe, according to Wikipedia's gender male, but I really feel like rabbit, I always viewed rabbit as like this cringy old grandmother, not a grandpa. I went I think a rabbit, I don't think of like this cranky old white don't think of this cranky old white guy. I think of this cranky old white lady. She's always bitching about the carrots.
Starting point is 00:30:30 So that's one where I'm gonna have to take a hard disagree with Wikipedia. Eor, I think is pretty clearly male, suicidal, male voice, Total jackass Kanga not to be confused with Kanga scone Which here's another question we we talk we talk Pokemon sometimes on the show and I'm gonna We're gonna do a 30-second Pokemon in Chilu. There's another big lightning here. I'm a big thunder. See if we can hear it big thunder. Let's see if we can hear it. Hmm. Sounds like the fourth of July outside. That was boom, boom. That was two
Starting point is 00:31:08 booms. Kangus, Giovanni, you fight Giovanni three times in the original Pokemon Gen 1. You fight him first in the in the basement of the game corner. He gives you the s- uh, uh gets you a master wall and then you fight him in his gym. He's gym leader eight. Here's my question. Giovanni's signature Pokemon in battles one and two is a Kangaskhan. It's a badass Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:31:56 You can only find him in the Safari zone. It's the only time in the game that you fight a Kangaskhan because he's the only trainer that has one and you can't fight them in the wild there in the Safari zone So you got this huge monstrosity of a Pokemon Which isn't actually that good to be honest, but he's super cool looking. It's my favorite Pokemon growing up And then you get to Giovanni. He's literally like one of the last battles in the game and His Kangaskhan is gone. And it's just like what the hell happened there. You got this badass Pokemon. He's gone. I
Starting point is 00:32:30 don't know. Maybe you killed him. So Kanga is definitely a female kangaroo because she's got a pouch. Here's my question though. Do both male and or female and male kangaroos have pouches? Let's Google. Do male kangaroos have pouches. Only female kangaroos have pouches because they do channeled rearing. Well obviously, obviously males don't need them, but it kind of be cool. Here's let's Google image search kangaroo pouch. What's the what's the science behind this? How deep does that pouch go? How many kangaroos can you fit in there? Is it like, is it like a
Starting point is 00:33:16 their vagina or is it, you know, what is the pouch? These are these are those hard hitting questions that we just kind of gloss over. That's where the milk ducks are that makes sense. So eight facts about kangaroo pouches, you probably didn't know. Okay, why kangaroos need a pouch? They need for reproduction, obviously. Kangaroos are not born in the pouch. They still need to pouch to raise their young.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Okay, the pouch is home of the Joey for the first few months of their lives, yes. Baby, Kingaurs make a mess in the pouch, that's embarrassing. They poop in the pouch, they also pee in the pouch. So what do they got? Indoor plumbing in there, what's the deal? Do Kingaurs clean their pouch?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Dirt collects easily When I get in a clear answer on this one we might have to move on Joey's pooping pee into the pouch that means mother kangaroos to clean the pouch regularly. Mmm sounds lovely How do kangaroos clean their pouch by licking it out? Mmm? Yum only female kangaroos have a pouch male kangaroo has not got a pouch kangaroo Joey crawls into the mother obviously I knew that what is it called a marsupium? That's interesting
Starting point is 00:34:36 kangaroo facts folks So the baby kangaroo and what needed to be was called rule And I think Roo is like legitimately a male kangaroo. I think they give it a little boy's voice, boy's voice in the films. Okay, we got like one other main character here. We have Owl. I think Owl is supposed to be a male.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I think in the voice Owl has like a, he's kind of like a curmudgeonly old guy. Which makes sense, you know, if you're gonna have two curmudgeons, rabbit and owl, one should be male, one should be female. That's why I'm taking a hard stand on this rabbit male propaganda. Other minor characters, you've got Uncle Robert. Oh, I missed him. I don't remember him Minor characters in the books bees. That's interesting. Heffel Lumps of Wusels. Sounds like Lewis Carroll What about that what about that gofer? Oh, that's created by Disney fictional gay anthrop- oh gray anthropomorphic bucktooth gopher.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Slightly different. I'm not here to comment on gopher's sexuality. Voiced by... Voiced by Howard Morris. Was that his name? I don't remember. Anyways. was that his name? I don't remember. Anyways, who was the guy who plays the younger mantle bomb in in Seinfeld? Is that the same guy who did? When he the poo? I
Starting point is 00:36:15 don't need to remember. We'd have to look this up later. Anyways, that's more or or less what I got for you today another riveting installment of Quinn Day of Furnace presents the bean Tom podcast I wanted to also mention that I I'm working on a new segment here Howard Morris was not the sign felt guy. I think the later voice of Gofer was Michael Go is that his name Michael Gough? Now that can't be him. Maybe I'm just very misremembering something. Anyways, whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:49 A new podcast, either a new podcast or a new podcast segment, it's very much TBD right now called Right On Q. It's a plan, words it's fun. We're gonna be talking new sports, weather, entertainment, tech, stocks. The latest news of today. I'm thinking it will be like a one minute, you know, get you caught up on everything you need to know this week kind of thing. It'll be one of
Starting point is 00:37:11 a kind. There's nothing else like it. And you can only get it here, you know, bean town So something to look out for, something to get excited for, might do some marketing, could be, could be good, could be good. I want to get excited for. Might do some marketing. Could be, could be good. Could be good. I want to thank everyone for tuning in to our show today. I'm going to go brave this storm and try out my new portable radio, which I'm jazzed for.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Gonna be looking pretty hip. It's orange, it's awesome. Super lightweight. Won't be, you't be dragging me down. Thanks everyone for listening, as always, I appreciate it, I hope you are doing well wherever you are, I hope you are staying dry and most importantly I hope you are staying safe, staying sane, let's get that out, trim music going. Kentucky Derby is in two weeks, Top 10 horse podcast, our horse name podcast coming up soon.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Got that to look forward to here on the Bintown Podcast next time. I will check in on you later. Bye everyone. I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just nd nd

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