Beantown Podcast - Chain 'o' Trivia (05172024 Beantown Podcast WARNING low quality)

Episode Date: May 17, 2024

Did you think the recording quality couldn't get worse after last week? Well have fun!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness, welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown podcast on the go for Friday, May, I don't know, what are we 16, 17? Can't even tell. It's May 17, Friday, 2024. What's happening? How are you? Yes, I'm on the go. This is what we've been relegated to. So this podcast is gonna sound like you're talking to a little twinster on the phone. Actually I used to do a lot of, you know, when I first moved from Chicago to Baltimore,
Starting point is 00:00:38 I was really into like calling people on the phone and kind of making that extra effort just to you know stay in touch and that sort of thing and I just I've gotten lazy over the years right I'm a go go go man 21st century always on the go so don't talk too much on the phone these days but that's neither here nor there what's happening what's going on welcome to my show I'm the creator and I probably shouldn't put my name on this but the chief audio engineer as well I mentioned this was kind of our last resort this is old faithful here playing with his phone and his air pods Those of you who
Starting point is 00:01:25 Made it all the way through last minutes debacle with the recording issue on audacity. I Apologize, but yeah, so our old old faithful Course garage band the Mac. It's been on an extended hiatus now Haven't opened up the Mac in a while because I could not could not reasonably fix the issue where it kept cutting out. So we moved to Audacity and that seemed to be a good fix for a while but then the audio just kept going down automatically on its own. Even when I learned this last week, apologies, I thought when I would be holding down the
Starting point is 00:02:05 cursor that it would keep it because it said, hey, we're staying, you know, according to level 90 percent, then I realized it didn't matter what I was seeing, I was doing it automatically going rogue. So it is what it is. Can't really control it for now. We're gonna try that later, maybe next next week I don't know but next weekend big move to a new apartment this would be the fifth home of the Beingsound podcast so you can see how the audio levels and everything are in there the ambience high ceilings and then when Rachel toured this apartment before we signed, she did not bring the podcast equipment. So probably the most important thing, obviously,
Starting point is 00:02:50 there's, we want to know your utilities, your monthly rent, but most importantly, housing in the South and plenty of friends present at the Beantown podcast. So we'll just have to get in there next week and let you know. We will be in transit. Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program. Number one, I'm not teaching you some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. But it is a beautiful summer day. This is, when you think of like, what is perfect weather?
Starting point is 00:03:16 At least for just like, walking around, enjoying the world around you. This is about as pristine P-r-i-s-t-i-n-e Pristina capital of Kosovo As it gets All right, low 70s sun is out The odds are playing about an hour here the Friday afternoon game Going against the grain going against the. Everyone's walking up to the
Starting point is 00:03:45 green and walking away from it. Kind of a metaphor, you know, for our move next weekend. Everyone's flocking to the stadium and flocking away. Flock is really a one-way verb when you think about it. You never hear anyone flocking away. And always flocking too, right? We got a used car dealership, our President's Day sale, our price had never been lower. Overstock inventory. Oh, Hyundai's must go, now, now, now. Nice little tangent there.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Hello also to our friends. Well, I was gonna say say just to finish the thought, beautiful walking weather. Now hey, if I was at the beach, wanted to you know get some laps in the lake, then I definitely could could go for another 10 degrees here. But for this walk in, just enjoying the day, it's really hard to complain too much. And I don't know how much of the sort of outdoor ambience you're going to get with this recording, but we're just going to take it as it comes. Hello to our friends in Paki Stan. Thank you for making this the 112th ranked Tommy podcast and the greatest one in the
Starting point is 00:05:01 public. podcast and the greatest audience in the public of Pakistan. Today's world goal is Uzbekistan. U-Z-B-E-K-I-F-T-A-N. And I was, you know, pulled up, pulled the Google Maps. Not that I'd never seen Uzbekistan before, but just, you know, do a little purview, a little survey of Central Asia. Such a like, oft forgotten place. At least for me, I don't find myself thinking about it all that much. So I was looking at Kazakhstan speaking of lakes, there's a Boshkent, something like that, Boshkala, I don't know, it's a huge lake in Eastern Congress and a narrow and skinny I'm like Lake Baikal on its side.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I wonder how the beaches are there. I don't know when I think of Central Asia, I don't really think of the beaches but I feel like if you live in Miami and you think of Chicago, you also don't think of beaches, so maybe, maybe Uzbekistan is like hidden gem of beaches who knows? So maybe Uzbekistan is like hitting Jen McBeaches. Who knows? I had a listener, oh, what I wanted to say. I'm glad I remembered this. So today's topic is gonna lean into trivia,
Starting point is 00:06:18 which is probably a godsend for some of you and probably gonna be asked for others. But it's gonna be a chain of trivia, meaning we're gonna do a question, it's gonna be an answer, and then that answer is gonna inspire the next question. And I think we did five questions maybe that I wrote this morning.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So, but what I wanted to mention is I was thinking, hey, what would you call this? Well, it's a chain of trivia, right? It's like my own little Sporacle game game but it made me think of chain of lakes and i was like when you when you live in chicago you live in the midwest or at least illinois where i grew up and you here chain of lakes you probably think first and foremost of the illinois chain of lakes and that's right it's the chain and then is it apostrophe o apostrophe or just o apostrophe unclear I kind of like the dual apostrophes before and after you just don't get that also of course
Starting point is 00:07:17 there's chain of lakes up by like basically Lake County Antioch area, Fox Lake. Then, but there's also Chain Lake, Wisconsin, which I've been to with a good friend of the show, Sam Anderson, which is up around Appleton and Lake Winnebago. And there's a great, oh, great Tom Thumb mini golf course up there, like two bucks a round, cash only. Last time I was there, it was a couple summers ago, if you got a hole in one on hole 18,
Starting point is 00:07:52 they give you a Subway gift certificate for a six inch sandwich of your choice. Which speaking of Subway, we've been meaning to get Abby Witzak on the show for years now. Happy birthday to Abby, turned 30 last weekend. Got to celebrate with her, which was great. But on the walk there, a friend, Matt,
Starting point is 00:08:12 who stopped in the Subway for a little afternoon snack, and we are gonna get back to the listener engagement aspect with Chain of Wakes in a second. But he got a six inch, I don't know what it was, spicy Italian BNT, BLT, tuna, tuna tartare. Not sure, not important. But what I wanted to mention is I asked him, because I was genuinely curious,
Starting point is 00:08:36 have not I self ordered from a Subway in probably five-ish years around that time. It's probably in Baltimore or less when I had it. This is never on my radar anymore. One, because of kind of outgrown quality, the two, the price had gone bad. So I asked Matt, hey, what, you know, six inch subway, like how much did you pay?
Starting point is 00:08:56 And I know the $5 foot long is very much a thing in the past, but I was kind of curious, like, you know, if you would, you know, here in Chicago, again, unclear what the sandwich was, but we'll just say neutral sandwich. It's my favorite, favorite lunch meat, neutral. I was expecting like $4. He said like $6.50 for a six inch. You know, the only thing more sad than having a foot long sub at Subway these days is going there and buying a six inch.
Starting point is 00:09:31 It just seems like, I don't know, you'd have to really pile that baby highway. Every single vegetable they have, spinach, tomatoes, onions, can you get raw onions at Subway? I don't remember the last time I was there, spinach, tomatoes, onions. Can you get raw onions at Subway? I don't remember the last time I was there, but it's been a handful of years. Let's finish off this idea with a closer engagement
Starting point is 00:09:57 and then follow ahead to this week on the campaign show. I finally got a good update. If you're, so I'm aware of at least two regions, one in Wisconsin, one in Illinois, as I previously mentioned, that you would consider to be chain of lakes. That's what their like designation is. Does every state have a chain of lakes?
Starting point is 00:10:21 You know, not just a chain of lakes, but an actual region called Chain of Lakes. That'd be pretty cool. It's like everyone should have one, right? So email us, If you're familiar with other chain of lakes out there, you'd have to imagine Minnesota's got a chain of lakes, right? Minnesota, they have Land of Lakes, the Butter,
Starting point is 00:10:44 the Native American female sitting in the front. Well, thanks to Joe Biden's America, she's been removed. First they came for Aunt Jemima, and they came for the Land O'Lakes Indian girl. The damn shame. We can't have anything fun in this country anymore. Advertising is getting so fucked. Speaking of advertising, we started watching Mad Men last night. Watched the first two episodes. Never seen an episode of Mad Men in my life until last night.
Starting point is 00:11:16 It was fine. You can't judge a show after two episodes, right? Feel like it is what it is. You came in thinking it was gonna be about a marketing or an advertising fund, you'd probably be super happy. Let's shout out our sponsors here. Thank you to Fogpite Oregon.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Guys, when you need your home spec at the Central Oregon, this is serious stuff. You can't just blow it off. You gotta call someone who knows what they're doing, an expert, someone who's certified, he's logged the hours, he's done the trainings. He knows a thing or two about home inspection. That person is my dad Steve. 541-410-0316. Give him a call or email HomePiredOrgan at HomePiredOrgan Inspection Perfection. homepired organ inspection perfection. And of course, our good friends at the Samson Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I was actually, you know, so I was trying to come up with the topic for this week's show, and I was half awake when I saw a Reddit post indicating that Oscar Isaac had signed on to play Jesus Christ in an animated film. And that's actually what inspired question number one, so we're going to get there in a second. But it all comes back to the Bible. These are very pious times. We're living in P-I-O-U-S. You know what, there's this, I'm on a walk and Wake you right now and there is this house At like diversity in Sheffield Which I'm gonna be coming up on in five minutes here right behind the Enterprise rental car
Starting point is 00:12:56 And I've seen it so it it sold a handful of years ago And I remember on Zillow when it did sell, seeing the pictures of it. I'll try to figure out what the exact address is. Share it in the description link here so you can look up those images for yourself. And it's like an indoor pool.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's one of those just gigantic places where you can't really notice that it's a mega mansion from the street and it's kind of tucked away in a, you know, a rich well-off neighborhood, but not a neighborhood that's necessarily known for huge gigantic mansions. A lot of brownstones, walk-ups. Me talking about housing terms like I know what I'm talking about. You know who does Steve at 541-410-1316 or you know
Starting point is 00:13:44 All this is to say when God speaks he uses the Sanson. See how we're doing cross promotional activities now? I should have been in, man I should have been the creative marketing lead when I nailed that role. You don't even need an actor you just need someone who actually knows what they're talking about that's what you get from Quinn Dave and Friends Presents a Meet talking about. That's what you get from Quindy Inferno's Presented Mutile Puck. And then of course a good friend that cuts by Q. Starting to notice my hair getting a little bit bushy-er. I don't know if I'll fashion into a bob, a bowl cut, a beehive, bangs. But my hair is just bangs. She didn't do the rest of it. Just had some cool bangs. Could be fun.
Starting point is 00:14:25 We'll say just like saying bangs. Like Marv Albert. 2016 NBA Finals. Steph Curry against LeBron James. Bang! That's Marv Albert, right? He's the guy that killed that person. What did Marv Elbert do? He did something bad, right? Let's Google, Google what did Marv Elbert do? I'm going on a lot of faith here with the recording today. I did do a test early before I went for my walk and I know this is not the first time we have done a program like this before. But you know, when you're just recording directly into your phone using the Voice Memos app, which I don't use that often,
Starting point is 00:15:12 and you're shutting your phone, or not shutting it off, but turning it, what is it, what's the proper verb for when you click the button on the side of your phone? Putting it to sleep, I guess. Or like navigating to other apps. Or going to Google and saying, What did Marv Albert do? If he's not the right guy, I'm gonna feel bad. I don't want to be smirked.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Marv Albert. I'm pretty sure there's like a famous basketball announcer that killed someone. He was like Reckless Road Rage or something. Little Henry Brugs action. Ray Shea Rice. What about that guy? Oh, he didn't kill someone. It was sexual assault. This is the first hit on Google from That's good that it's Just the headline, not going to get into the weeds here. Got some other stuff on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:16:16 The headline or the title of the article is, Revisiting Marv Elber's 1997 Sexual Assault Case. So maybe it's like the Clarence Thomas thing where he definitely did it, but they never quite nailed him. Not here to do smurch. I think that's the legal term, right? Do smurch. Marv Albert's name. So we'll just put it out there. You may or may have not done it. Dean's on Podcast official stances, we don't know. All this is to say, when you need a fresh do-something snap, you're gonna probably have to go back. By Q Yes It Rhymes.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yes, I came up with that on my own. You're welcome. There's uh, there's been some images trickling in from the suburbs that the cicada broods are coming. Have not seen it at all in Chicago yet. I feel like you're going to hear it before you even see it. So nothing yet, but it's they've been saying for like three weeks now like oh this is the week it's going to happen. You know the temperatures are nice they're coming out of the ground They're coming out of the ground, coming out of the woodwork. Haven't seen it yet, so. Cicada watch is still relatively dormant that we've seen in the city.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And I've heard that they taste like shrimp. What is the shrimp in that Spagnol? I haven't actually learned this in my Duolingo but I looked it up the other day. It's uh, oh god, how was it? It's cool. It's uh, not year coles, that's Wednesday. Not camareros, that's uh, waiters, shrimp in Spanish. Camarón, so I was close. Camarón, don't do that accent over the O. Camarones. Apparently they taste like camarones. I'm not sure if I'm going to actually be brave enough to bring one home and toss it in the frying pan. What do you think? Lightly sauteed, buttered, garlic, salt, get a nice little crunch.
Starting point is 00:18:24 This week on the campaign trail so finally some big news well first and foremost Trump's trial keeps rolling along here and this was the big week when Michael Cohen testified so I don't really know what he said. I feel like all this testifying nonsense, Stormy Dandros and Michael Cohen and Sasha Cohen and Sasha Baron Cohen testing against, what's her name? Redhead, who got divorced last week or whatever. I always remember her characters,
Starting point is 00:19:00 this is so stupid, but I always only remember her character's name from the ill-fated or rest of development fourth season. He was Rebel Allie. I don't know. And then I never actually remember her. I love Fisherman. So, you know, Trump stuff, whatever. But Joe Biden posted a sweet TikTok or X video or whatever and it was edited like a I think you should leave sketch which I think was intentional not to necessarily try to impersonate that style but just not to impersonate I think you should leave but more I just think the general kind of quick cut editing that the youngsters really like these days and he challenged old Agent Orange to two debates this summer slash fall. I think the first one in honor of mother of the podcast's birthday
Starting point is 00:20:03 the first one is June 27th. The best part of that was Joe Biden was like, I think we'll schedule him on the Wednesdays. You're free then, right? He's a pretty good singer. Obviously he didn't write that, but he's still pretty cool. So we are going to get two general election presidential debates, which I'm pretty excited for. Just to give us anything, presidential debates, which I'm pretty excited for.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Just to give us anything, you know, we could go a full four year cycle without any good primary debates. It's so frustrating. Maybe I'm just spoiled because 2020 we got it from both sides. Okay. That's not true. There's no Republican presidential debate in 2020. Just Democrat.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Which even then it wasn't as exciting. 2016 felt really fresh. 2016, it was like Bernie, Hillary, Biden. And then you also got O'Malley, got from Maryland. And Jim Webb, right? The military guy with the five of those. O'Malley, got from Maryland. And Jim Webb, right? The military guy with the five of those. And then I guess, yeah, 2020 was pretty good too, because you got the gang gang, but Bernie
Starting point is 00:21:14 wasn't quite as strong. Didn't quite have that same magic. And then 2024, it just continued to downward spiral. So at least we're going to get two Trump versus vs. Biden's provided Trump isn't in jail. Which seems like it would never actually happen. That's my well-informed political take. No matter what happens, it doesn't matter. Make me the Washington Post to write an op-ed for that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 So that's this week on the campaign trail. The first one they said June 27th, which feels like it's a long ways away, but then you look at the calendar and it's only like five weeks, six weeks, something like that. So, looking forward to it. Okay, let's get to our... We're approaching this enterprise here. Where the house is. I'm trying to remember exactly where it is. You can't really see it from the street. But if you want to go do some digging yourself, look for the intersection
Starting point is 00:22:13 of Sheffield and George in Chicago. It's like behind the Enterprise. Not sure exactly where it is. It's a total mc-niger. Kind of popular. Well it's not like a sexy looking building either from the outside. It's not like, oh gosh, I never saw this, I didn't know it was here. Hayden Gem. It just looks like a basic old brick kind of house. Got a ton of windows, but really nice inside. George and Sheffield. I'll let you know the exact address if I can figure it out. But let's not delay anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm sure there'll be some talking points that come out of our trivia questions here. So again, this is a trivia chain. Chain-o--o trivia, if you will. Let us know how you're doing by emailing us, beanstownpodcasts at, beanstownbeanpodcasts at And let us know how you're doing on these questions. So I kind of alluded to question one already, and we'll jump back into it here.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I actually forgot when I started to talk about Oscar Isaac playing Jesus, I forgot that that was actually what started Trivia Inspiration. And so that's why I stopped the story there, so I could just read you the actual question. Okay, so I think there's five different ones here. They kind of have varying levels of style. So, let's take it as it comes to you, if you will. Question number one, Oscar Isaac and Forrest Whitaker have been reportedly signed on to play Jesus Christ and the Apostle Peter respectively and an upcoming South Korean film called
Starting point is 00:24:06 King of Kings based on the short story of a siren coming. Very rude. The film is called King of Kings and it's based off of a short story called The Life of Our Lord, which is a short story published posthumously in 1934, more than six decades after this British author's death. I'm looking for the British author who died six decades before 1934 who wrote the short story The Life of Our Lord. There you go.
Starting point is 00:24:54 If you want another clue as a British author, to the casual reader, who definitely read one of his novels in high school English class. I think he's known to the casual reader, he definitely read one of his novels in high school English class. I think he's known to the casual reader as more of a novelist than a short storyist, but an author and a writer nonetheless. He had a sweet beard. He's ever played the go fish variant called Authors. You know him as number two, I believe. It'd be pretty embarrassing if that was wrong. If you want more clues, I don't have any more for you. I don't really know anything about this guy, but Charles Dickens wrote the short story The Life of Our Lord, which is the screen
Starting point is 00:25:41 player, the basis for the upcoming South Korean film King of Things starring Oscar Isaac and Forrest Whitaker. Okay so what's the chain? What's the link? Dickens. So next question. The Dickensian aspect is the sixth episode of the fifth season of this HBO show and features character Scott Templeton spending time false buying stories for the Sun paper.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So what is this HBO show? I hadn't looked this up but I'm pretty sure that episode would come out in 2008 is what we're dealing with. So there you go. Again, the name of the episode is the Dickensian Aspect, the fifth to last episode of the series. Just another clue so now you know that the series only has five seasons. It features character Scott Templeton falsifies stories for the Sun newspaper. And if you want a clue, Sun paper is kind of a nickname. I was reading more about this in the show.
Starting point is 00:27:01 If they use the name the Baltimore Sun, but it's not supposed to be the Baltimore Sun, it's supposed to be a newspaper based on the Baltimore Sun, which is just kind of confusing to me, because it's still called the Baltimore Sun, but they also call themselves Sunpaper, which is not like, oh, we have a different title, so we can nickname it, right? So there's your clue, 2008 Baltimore Sun, Scott Templeton Kenzie Natsuk, that of course is a wire which I just finished for the second time Rachel finished for the first time what a show so glad that we that we both stuck with it me the first time, Rachel, not the first time, but excellent show. Scott Templeton, what a, there's a whole lot of gangsters and thugs and murders that happen across five seasons of The Wire.
Starting point is 00:27:55 But I think 15, 20 years later, Scott Templeton remains one of, if not the scummiest characters on the show because of all the flying and gaslighting that you guys see. So we're walking past the big theater now, Delmont and Sheffield. Already got some uh tweens camped out. It's about 12 30 pm here. We got a Friday night show. Holly, Holly Humberstone. Maybe we could have Holly Humberstone as a musical guest next week on the Be On Time Podcast. Never heard of him. Never heard of him. So there you go, that's question number two. Next up, here is your most involved one by far, top 10 list. And I think this is one where you're just gonna try to like
Starting point is 00:28:46 name 10, do your best. Probably not one where you can use a lot of like logic or reasoning to figure out how you wanna rank them. So, best of luck. The Baltimore Sun is the largest newspaper in circulation in the state of Maryland, but it does not make the list of top 10 print
Starting point is 00:29:11 circulation newspapers in the US and Lease from September 2023 per status car dot-com. So I will say that I checked it all over different places Including a Wikipedia and there are a couple different pages on the top ten list here but not trying to put errors. If you get ten out of ten from another site it's not go ahead and give yourself a point or ten points I guess you want to make this worth 10. But here we go from, the top 10 most circulated print, daily print newspapers. If you want any more time, go ahead and pause
Starting point is 00:29:57 and give yourself some time. I will say that, I think, let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 and a half are associated with cities. The other 2 and a half kind of, kind of aren't. So here we go. This is 10 to 1 in order from least circulated to most circulated. So number 10, Death Cab fans will know, is the Seattle Times. Number nine, the hometown, the Chicago Tribune.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Number eight, our first one, as far as I know not associated in a sort of city, it's Newsday. see in a sort of city, it's Newsday. It's week and Newsday, now are they the same thing? And one is just one every, you know, Sunday and one is every day, I have no idea. But Newsday from is number eight. Number seven, one that I was surprised to see up here, it's, let's see, named after something in the solar system. Pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:31:08 The Star Tribune, number 7 on our list up there in the whole city. Number 6, the LA Times. Number 5, USA Today. Number 4, I always call it WAPO but others might know it as the Washington Post. Washington Post March, the only newspaper on here that has a John Philip Sousa, he's named after. Number three is the New York Post. Got to run on posts here. Posts, serial, OK Go.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Had a big legal battle that had recently been settled. Posts here was trying to use the catchphrase OK Go on their serial boxes. And OK Go was like, like dude what the fuck. Number two the New York Times where I can no longer play the mini crossword on my phone without a subscription. I have to go to my computer. This is just kind of irritating. It's really messing with the flow of my morning routine.
Starting point is 00:32:22 My world goal, my little, my mini cross within my connections. That's the order I like, that's the order I prefer. I can still play connections, but I can't play the mini cross here. It's very irritating. And then number one, the Wall Street Journal. Good if you're a finance drill, you want to read about crypto or several bonds or high bonds, it's just like a high pass but for bonds. So there you go, from 10 to 1 Seattle Times, 9 Chicago Tribune, 8 Newsday, 7 Art Tribune, 6 LA Times, 5 USA Today, 4 Washington Post, Three New York Post, Two New York Times, and One Wall Street Journal. All right, question number four. Many of the aforementioned newspapers
Starting point is 00:33:16 have won a slew, and it might be all of them. I don't know. I obviously did not do the research on this, but have they won their fair share or a slew, same as the University, of Pulitzer Prizes. Is it Pulitzer? Is it Pulitzer? I don't know. I never met this guy. But his name is Joseph Pulitzer. He lived in the 19th century.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And what country was Joseph Pulitzer born in? That's what I want to know. If you want a clue, it's from Eastern Europe. If you want another clue, it's the capital of two cities that they brought together and I'm going to put Budapest Budapest I have to say these different places Pulitzer, Pulitzer, Budapest, Budapest Pest control, cicada control A lot going on today The answer of course is Hungary Joseph Pulitzer
Starting point is 00:34:16 Angel took Pulitzer We're both Hungarian Sort of a Jekyll and Hyde situation Okay, which brings us to our last question and I'm joking of course there's always a bonus question. So our fifth question, finally if you are hungry for some Hungarian goulash. See what I did there? Hungry for Hungarian goulash. Don't forget this key spice that you have to have to make authentic Hungarian goulash. So again if you are hungry for goulash, better check your spice cabinet to make sure you have this one.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Or else it's not going to be authentic. Of course the answer is Paprika. There you go those were our five questions and of course I couldn't let you go without a bonus question. Paprika is the last link here. So here we go. Paprika was the name of the fourth single of this artist's third album, Jubilee, which came out in 2021. And it was also performed on Saturday Night Live. Sounded like Davy Jones or Settled at Night Live, which sounded less like Davy Jones there. That's okay. In on SNL in 2022, I believe it was the season-ending alley. I think it was like Natasha Lyonne hosted.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I almost said Natasha Richardson. Wow, what a big rip. Parent trap fans, me and Meason Heads, we all mourn for Natasha Richardson. Freak skiing accident. But that freak was the fourth single off of this artist's third album, Jubilee. It was also performed on Saturday Night Live in 2022. These are the gongs. Your hint here is Michelle's honor crying in H-mark. There you go, those were hints. This is probably one new thing I already got. It's a somewhat niche indie band, but Japanese breakfast is an answer to that question. I think that's a good song. So there you go, those were our trivia chain today.
Starting point is 00:36:42 A little something new on the Beantown Podcast. We've done daily trivia questions. We've done full-blown trivia episodes. We never had the trivia chain. There you go. Hope you enjoyed all these bros out here. Rigley Field advertising $50 parking to pull into this alley. And all they're doing is just taking your car back onto the street because their day brains are very good field on a lot of these neighborhood streets I'm looking at a sign right now. It's just no parking 6 p.m. To 6 a.m
Starting point is 00:37:15 Unless you have the permit so 120 game if you are able to get out of here for 6 p.m. Which seems fairly reasonable You're just getting swindled out of 50 bucks. I wonder how these people do selling the parking, the overpriced parking, on a day game where it's like if you're just driving through the streets you look at the signs because you're probably thinking oh what's you know what's the parking situation? We see a sign that's like, oh, I don't need a permit. So I would need it for 6 PM. Is there anyone who sees that?
Starting point is 00:37:51 And then it's like, oh, let me also throw this person $50 so they can pull my car into the street. I don't know. Maybe it's a convenience factor. Not sure. That's sort of what I had for you guys today. It's a nice walk and walking this whole time about three minutes from home and we continue the battle with our technology here. So apologies no intro music no outro music
Starting point is 00:38:19 just me the cool sounds of summer. It's been more of a weekend next weekend pretty exciting moving weekend Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes for Quintia Friends Presents the Beantown podcast moving into Home number five since we started this program seven years ago Otherwise that's what I got for you guys. Let's cross our fingers that the audio worked out here. I feel pretty good about it. I think last time I did this I was at the Orb in the Rain.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It was a fun show. Learned a lot. Hopefully you learned something today too about goulash or Charles Dickens writing biblical stories and maybe something else. Thank you all for listening. Thank you for supporting my show. And hope everyone is having a great month of May. Go listen to Arcade Fire, month of May.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Bleed this off of the suburbs album. Grammy award winning suburbs. My name is Quindian Furness. This is my show. Quindian Furness, we're gonna keep on podcasting and Furness presents Be Safe on Podcasts, and stay safe, stay sane. I'll check in with you, and I'll see you next time. Bye.

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