Beantown Podcast - Don't Say This to your Black Coworkers during Black History Month (02152024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: February 16, 2024

The most frustrating recording experience I've had in 7 years!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown podcast for Thursday, February 15th, 2024. What's happening? What's going on. How are you? My name is Quinn. Welcome to this program. I am the pre principal photographer, the post principal photographer and the principal photographer of this program. I was reading about principal photography just last night. So I was trying to think like, what does that mean? I was actually watching an on-cinema Oscar special Just kind of has like comfort food basically And they were talking about principal photography and that got me thinking like what what is principal photography mean in my first instinct? Without actually knowing because they don't have any
Starting point is 00:00:59 cinema or filmmaking Skills or knowledge was like oh that must be where they take all the pictures. The most important pictures, right? Because that's kind of what you think when you think of photography. But then I was reading about in principle photography really is just the main portion of shooting before, you know, all you got kind of your pre-photography, which is the setup. And then principle photography is all you're like filming. and then you got your post but it's a little bit misleading to call it print photography right should be principal filming you probably take in more videos than pictures right so why would we call it principal photography I don't know I don't know. I don't know, man. Speaking of photography, there's
Starting point is 00:01:46 that old camera place, camera what it's called, down by my office in downtown Chicago. And in this week's troubling news of the day, a new segment here in the Beantel podcast, I learned through like a Facebook group or Reddit or something that my old Central camera, that's what it's called Like Wabash and Jackson my old McDonald's that I used to go for a nice little two for two deal maybe a little coffee a medium hot coffee and a hash brown and Sausage muffin with cheese or whatever it's called, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:27 You get the whole combo for like 350, just going back a couple months ago. Now, it wasn't something like my daily routine. I'd be dead probably, but you know, like once a week, once every other week, it'd be fun to treat yourself. I learned that that McDonald's that Adams and Wabash completely shut down. So brutal loss to the local community.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I think thank goodness I only have to go down there once a week now, but yeah, my name is Quinn and thank you for listening to this show. Listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast, number one will occasion you some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible, but I think that's going to be informative and educational for you all today. It's our salute to Black History Month, but I think it's going to be informative and educational for you all today. It's our Salute to Black History Month, and I actually came across in a work meeting earlier this week. I try to remember how exactly it came up, but we were doing a kind of a preparation for a career workshop that we're running in April and One of the links was to a site and so I started to explore around this site. It's called the muse calm I don't really know what it is yet. I haven't obviously I didn't explore that much
Starting point is 00:03:35 But I found this article from February 1st of this year so two weeks from today By by LaTisha Bird and it's five things not to say to your black coworkers during Black History Month or ever. And so I was like, you know, that seems informing, informative, informational. And I started to read through the five points and I was taken aback. We're going to go through them in a little bit here because they're wild're wild man. Some of them are they get kind of crazy as they go and I just want to say for anything else like the five points that will get through five things you're never supposed to say to your black co-worker during Black History Month or ever or like obviously yes I agree with these but you can't
Starting point is 00:04:22 help but kind of poke fun at how I don't know how crazy they sound. Do are there certain people in the workforce that need these reminders? 100% absolutely. Is it always good to get a refresher on racial relations? Absolutely. Do I think Rachel should have her own podcast called Rachel Relations? 1000%. But sometimes you just got a point and you just got to chuckle a little bit that there are people out there who actually need to be reminded to not say these things. So that's what we'll get to in a second here. I do want to shout out, speaking of Black History Month, of course, of good friends in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Karachi, Khyber Pass wherever the Taj Mahal is Agra is that right?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Agra or Goa I always get those two mixed up. I think Agra is the one with the Taj Mahal Yeah, it sure is Goa goa goa goa way doesn't really have too much going for it except it's on the ocean I got to remember that anytime. I'm like is the Taj Mahal in Agra or Goa it's because they have the exact same letters just Palindromic it makes it tough to keep track of it. Goa is actually I don't know if it's a whole city. It might be it's huge Everything they say everything down under in India is huge There's a nice beach in Goa on Junabeech on the of Bengal. Oh, a beautiful sunset. That's the worst thing about Lake Michigan, out of all the
Starting point is 00:05:51 worst things about Lake Michigan. I wish we could get sunsets on Lake Michigan rather than the sunrise. There is something charming about the sunrise on Lake Michigan, but I feel like I only ever get to actually experience it, you know, here and there throughout the year. Certainly on Saturday morning runs when I wake up early, you're not really enough to go out there and see it. And then, you know, occasionally other times I'll like be in the mood to wake up early and go out for a walk as the sun rises. Certainly not any time this time of year when it's cold, but it would be fun, the summer to be like hanging out at the lake, swimming, drinking a cold one like I'm doing right now with our Saga Tuck Peanut Butter Porter.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Peanut Butter Porter, smooth and creamy. Still had two left in the fridge, I was trying to make some space and I realized I still had two left from the holiday season. So working on one of those right now. It sure is smooth and creamy man. Can't beat a peanut butter porter. But yeah it'd be nice if you were swimming in Lake Michigan and you get like get to watch the sunrise. It's the thing you know a certain point the sun goes down behind the buildings west looking and it's why those blokes in Saga Tuck, speaking of Saga Tucker, so look you go to
Starting point is 00:07:07 Oval Beach, you got the orb behind you, you got the sun setting over Lake Michigan, you know looking over Chicago, it's beautiful stuff man. Let's say a quick shout out to our sponsors, Ditful, Adreads last week, oh something else I was listening back to last week'sful, Adreads last week. Oh, something else, I was listening back to last week's episode regarding Adreads, something else that I was going to mention when I was recording and then it escaped my mind and we never got back to it before I let it escape my mind a second time. Back in the day, we we first started doing ad reads,
Starting point is 00:07:46 there were supposed to be four ad reads rather than three. And there was for like a month, the TV guide. Excuse me, we've told the story a million times. That was a quick cut there because I went on for about two minutes, unfortunately, and looked over and saw a garage band had cut out so that's how things are going in season seven. I will synthesize SYNTHESIZE. What I was saying basically was you know I didn't even have a TV until I moved to Chicago so that was the joke that I was getting a TV guide subscription without a TV.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But the reason I brought this story up, and again, telling this for the second time, unfortunately, getting bored listening to myself, was, you know, we have like a health-sponsored program through my work where, you know, you log your workouts online or you attend a benefits fair or you get 20,000 steps today and you get you know certain points in those points build up and if you get enough in a certain calendar year you get X amount off of your premiums for the following year for your health insurance that sort of thing. So we switched over to a new company for this calendar year to run that that health
Starting point is 00:09:01 benefit program. So there's an all new you know new point structures, all new challenges, rewards, all that stuff. So I got in there like two weeks ago or last week, I think, and it was just tooling around with it a little bit just to get a sense of like, what was I going to need to do differently this year versus prior five years to get my benefits. And I saw that rather than the payout for this new company just being if you hit a certain threshold, you get X amount off your premiums, I think it was $300.
Starting point is 00:09:34 This one is more like the spirit rewards points where you can cash in your points for a bunch of different things. And at the high end, they'll be really nice gym bags, or backpacks, or running socks, or that sort of thing. But on the low end, which is where I started, because you get a certain bank of points just to start, on the low end, you can get magazine subscriptions
Starting point is 00:09:56 for a year. I didn't even need to log any workouts or anything to have enough points to grab one or two magazine subscriptions, which I haven't done yet, because there were way too many to look through. There were like a thousand pages worth of products. So I start, but I started at the low end. There's all sorts of magazines. Obviously 90% of them I hadn't heard of, but some crazy ones like Maxin, which is like basically porn, right? I was going to look it up, but then I was on my work computer and I was like, I don't think I should be Googling this.
Starting point is 00:10:23 But there's all sorts of things, golf digest. I didn't see Playboy, but I'm going to keep looking. So maybe we'll have a new unofficial ad sponsor. But with that in mind, our official friends of the show here, longtime supporters, HomePriority Oregon, when you need your home inspected in Central Oregon, don't go with any old Joe Schmoe. Go with someone who's safe, certified, been in this industry for a while now, had to do a whole bunch of certifications and online courses. We all know how irritating those online training modules are,
Starting point is 00:10:54 right, M-O-D-U-L-E-S, where it's like, you think you're gonna gain this system by just clicking super fast on some of the older platforms that works, but some of the new ones, they figured that out and you have to spend X amount of time in the course to receive credit. Even if you ace the quiz, hate that. I always have to do mandatory reporter training at my job because I work for college annually.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I have to do this reporting and it's one of those things where like, it's like a 10 question quiz at the end. And if you've got to get 100% to pass, so you can't miss, and I'll get like so close to the end. And then there'll be one question that has like seven answer choices. And it'll be kind of tricky because you think it might be all of the above, but there's one that you're not sure about. But then it ends up being all of the above anyways. But you get it wrong, and you have to take the whole thing over again.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And then you get to another one, and you're like, what did I put the first time? Because you're not really processing the information like the way they want you to. You're just trying to get 100%, just like how I spent pretty much my entire academic career from homeschool, kindergarten, all the way through grad school. Just get the right answer and get out, like Daniel Caluya.
Starting point is 00:12:09 That's basically what you're getting with Home Pride Oregon. You're getting the opposite of Quinn's learning style. There's a specific name for it. Ironically, I learned about it in grad school, and I forgot what it was. But it's basically the learning style, where it's like, do what you need to do to get an A. Not necessarily bare minimum, but like know how to game the system
Starting point is 00:12:29 sounds so like, skeevy. Know how to get an A and get out. That's definitely my learning style. Steve's the opposite. Steve likes to comprehend things thoroughly and one of the things he would like to comprehend would be your home. So give him a call 541-410-316, tell him Quincencia. He'll say, wow, I didn't know people still listen to this show. And it's seventh season. Home Pride Oregon, at, give him an email. Home Pride Oregon inspection perfection. Speaking of listening to the show, a big shout out. We're not even doing this officially yet, but since she jumped the gun, not even to the show, a big shout out. We're not even doing this officially yet. But since she jumped the gun, not even jumped the gun, we opened it up.
Starting point is 00:13:09 It's just been no one else has donated yet. Shout out to my aunt, Anna Ogunake, for a hot donation to the Beantown podcast, 7th Annual Pledge Drive Telephone to Fundraisers. And reminder, you can find that link on GoFundMe. Check out The link is right there at the top to donate. Another garage band cut out there. And a big shout out to my aunt, Anna Ogunike, who will
Starting point is 00:13:35 be the first recipient of this year's Beantown podcast. 7th Annual Pledge Drive Telephone Fundraiser Limited Edition commemorative collectors being town podcast tote bag That's what we're giving out as our top tier donor prizes everyone in the topaz elite club this year So go ahead and donate get yourself a tote bag support the show support the local art scene support a local Chicago charity because That's you know know that's what happens to your money when you donate so a reminder that the actual pledge drive itself is going to be 10 days from now. Next time you guys hear from me is going to be all sorts of crazy
Starting point is 00:14:15 stuff we will have our Fisher Price phone back in the mix we'll have a live stream going on YouTube for sure I've got a challenge that I'm going to do and not just a challenge where it's like 50 donations by the end of the hour and this person's going to you know unlock a matching hundred dollar donation. No like an actual cool YouTube challenge. So we got all that stuff. Watcher discretion is going to be advised. I'll tell you that much Also our good friends 1pm central Sunday, February 25th our good friends at cuts by Q When you need a fresh do something snappy or new call the experts at cuts by Q
Starting point is 00:14:55 I gotta tell you I unlocked unlocked a whole new echelon of Cuts by Q No, deriety last night. used, I have some hair conditioner, a shampoo and conditioner, kind of like travel set from my future father-in-law, the podcast Jose, who doesn't have a ton of hair. It reminds me of the Larry the Cucumber Silly songs when he asked, where's his hair brushing?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Bob the Tomato gives it away, which is kind of a dick move to be frank. Like if Jose had a hairbrush in his shower, I wouldn't I went in Jose doesn't have a ton of hair But we love them If I went over to you know, Jose and Betty's house and went downstairs to Jose shower and was like, you know what? I'm gonna take this hairbrush and he gave it to the neighbor kid like that'd be pretty douchey, right? so Bob the Tomato kind of on the shit list. But the original point here, I've used the conditioner,
Starting point is 00:15:52 it's from Harry's. I've used the conditioner a couple times before. It's not as important now that I've got a short haircut, but I think last night, excuse me, last night I used it and I potentially just didn't wash. I usually, you know, I know there's sometimes conditions like wash it out, sometimes it's leave it in. I always wash my conditioner now,
Starting point is 00:16:15 cause I don't like it when it's kind of got that like slimy kind of feel to it afterwards. But I don't think I wash it out all the way and then I must not have done like great job of rubbing my hair down. Because half an hour later, I swear to God, if you guys remember, remember this was just this past Sunday, which I'll mention in a second. The Super Bowl, JJ Watt had the crazy weird spike thing going on.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And my hair was kind of doing that. So I'm like, maybe JJ Watt just maybe wasn't intentional. Maybe he just used Harry's conditioner and didn't wash it all out because I had the same thing happen to me last night. So maybe we're on to something there but Cuts by Q will unlock your hair potential with you know our specialty Cuts by Q branded hair conditioner. I can give you that Quintster special. Go ahead and check us out. C cuts by Q at Give us an email book of time come on over I got steak knives all sharpened up and I'm ready to give you a buzz cut
Starting point is 00:17:14 When you need to fresh use them to snap your new call the experts at cuts by Q and of course of course of course Of course are good friends Samson Q2 you series when When God speaks, he uses a Samson. OK, let's jump into this week on the campaign trail briefly. And then I want to get to the meat and potatoes of today. And we got a great trivia question at the end. Speaking of speakea, I have spiky hair. I watched this was a couple of days old, at least now. But last night, before before going to bed,
Starting point is 00:17:45 I watched the Sum 41 performance on Kimmel. And this is their last album, their last tour, they're disbanding after this. I looked it up, I looked up their tour, not that I was that interested in going. And it's one of those bands where it's like, if I stumbled upon their free street fest concert, I would watch.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Kind of like when we saw Modern English at Taco Fest here in Lakeview, literally half a mile from the apartment last summer. And I was like, yeah, I don't know anything about Modern English other than two of their songs. But I'll go watch for an hour. It's kind of interesting. Some 41 is kind of that echelon for me,
Starting point is 00:18:23 but that lead singer. He's got some spiky hair too Like maybe we're on to something. Maybe this is the fun new fashion But I looked up their tour dates and they have like this crazy extensive tour like 100 stops or something like that Not stopping in Chicago and they're stopping at like county fairs and stuff and you know, Iowa But they're not stopping in Chicago so I will not be ever seeing some 41 live in my lifetime. This week on the campaign trail I took a new angle this week.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I went to to see what they're talking about. Believe it or not, Joe Biden wasn't on the front page. It was Judge Intervenes as Georgia DA gives combative testimony about relationship with Trump prosecutor. But I was scrolling down and when I knew I had scrolled too far there was a big feature. And one the image is a split screen. Left side he got Tom Cruise looking as plastic as ever in the right side he got this I don't know, I guess she's Russian. Some, you know, Instagram only fans looking model. But the headline, C-picks, Tom Cruise steps out with bombshell Russian social like 25 years is junior. What really told me, hey I gotta, I gotta get out of here was the, there's like a
Starting point is 00:19:41 red, a card and red letters over the picture and it says, risk a business. And that's when I was like, man, that's something bad that I would come up with. And now seeing this for the first time, here's this story from, LinkedIn, Fox News. Hot Ones host, Sean Evans broke up with adult entertainer, Melissa Stratton on Valentine's Day. Look at look at Shawn Evans getting some action but then apparently not. Hot Ones host Evans breaks up with porn star relationship to public. Rats. Melissa Stratton. Wow she this out kick dot com article is not very work appropriate. It's one of those things where it basically shows everything you can without the full nip slip
Starting point is 00:20:27 That's crazy But so I said, you know what? Let's take a different angle I actually ended up on CNN and then back to Fox News But this week on the campaign trail because apparently South Carolina isn't until Like nine days from today. I think it's a Saturday, which is ridiculous Nine days from today. I think it's a Saturday, which is ridiculous But Fox News is John Roberts to host Nikki Haley Town Hall ahead of South Carolina primary It's gonna be guys mark your calendars. Okay prime time Sunday, February 15th at four o'clock central and
Starting point is 00:20:58 Then a re-air at nine o'clock central and it's pre-taped. So if you're thinking last Sunday Super Bowl what could top it? Nikki Haley four o'clock on a Sunday really trying to capture that Super Bowl time slot. And it's a town hall it's not even a cool debate. Trump's doing a town hall with Fox News, Laura Ingram what a lady. Thursday February 20th at 6 p.m. Central. There was also a garage band cut out right there. So it's like the third time this show. It's been rough. This one's given me, this one's maybe Google search once or twice, best podcasting platform because we might have to, I was, I just always imagine that one day and that's that's this week on the campaign trail more or less so they don't even we in the old days we used to get
Starting point is 00:21:49 fun debates now we just get these boring town halls with Laura Ingram in the or I always thought to finish my thought on the Mack and GarageBand I always thought one day that like I would trip and fall and my MacBook would go flying it would shatter into a gazillion pieces live on air and that would just be the way that this old maid goes out or smoke would start coming out of it. It runs fine and then just goes mega slow and there's nothing you can do. It just gives up at some point. So I guess I should have scanned for those jam packs and maybe did an update. But yeah, it's uh, we're getting closer to, getting closer to having to do it.
Starting point is 00:22:36 It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. I don't know if we've ever sang Boys to Men live on the Bean Tom podcast before. It's the first time for everything. Okay, here we go. Five things never to say to your black co-workers during Black History Month or ever. Black History Month should be a celebratory time of year full of rich conversations about history and culture. Unfortunately, it can also lead to uncomfortable comments that create an unsafe work environment for black employees.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Let's see, since George Floyd's unjust death and the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement in all time low for GarageBand. This is like actually in seven years the worst has ever performed. Another cut out there. In a 2021 CNBC report, 70% of workers said that they want to work for a company that values DEI with women as well as black, Asian. Well, ladies in general, this is an all time low for for being taught podcast, GarageBand, and I am actually actively, because it just cut out for like 10 minutes where I couldn't use GarageBand.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So I had a lot of time to think and research, and there may be some big changes in store. I don't even know if we can get through this episode. We're gonna have to speed run the rest of this thing. If you're curious, 78% of workers wanna work for a company that values DEI and you know what, we don't have time to mess around. To your black coworker, cut out again
Starting point is 00:24:14 during Black History Month. What's the point of Black History Month? So, yeah, I feel like it's a good reminder that there's been oppression in the past and unfairness and inequality. And sometimes it's good to remember these things. So maybe something you could tell your coworker. Maybe you try to get in there and support and be part of the coming together for the
Starting point is 00:24:41 common good rather than questioning. What's the point of Black History Month? Number two, can you speak at your next, at our next team meeting about the meaning of Black History Month? Hey, don't tokenize people. Don't put anything on someone. It's no one's initiative to educate other people or no one's, what's the word, onus? No, not what I'm looking for. There's a perfect word for this. This says you could create a Slack channel, shared resources. A Slack channel for Black History Month could be pretty good. I actually was on Slack for my consulting company, but apparently they're having so many money problems that I got booted off.
Starting point is 00:25:23 All the part-time workers got booted off. So that's how those finances are going. Number three, let's not talk about race or politics in the workplace. Instead, let's focus on races. Like Rest in Peace, Kelvin kept them, whatever his name was, has the world record for fastest marathon set at Chicago this last year. Bike history on the presentations, workshops workshops or even casual conversations around race excuse me can be uncomfortable to engage in as an ally it's important to not shy away because you feel awkward having to confront your privilege or fear saying the wrong thing so there you go don't avoid it be part of the conversation Number four, this was my favorite one.
Starting point is 00:26:06 This is really what caught my attention. Slavery is over. We're all equal now. And I just, I had to really think hard in my head to try to picture someone actually saying that in real life and I'm sure it's happened. But yeah, if you feel compelled to tell your African American co-worker slavery is over, we're all equal now. That's just, I don't know man, that's pretty tough. Alternatively, here are three questions you could ask. What are the biggest barriers to your success and what role can I play in helping to remove them?
Starting point is 00:26:43 I will try that one out next time I come across my coworker at the microwave. Whose voice or what perspective is missing from this conversation and how can I help amplify your voice and other underrepresented voices? I like that one. How can I amplify your voice? Maybe try a Samson Q2U series. They'll be my biggest fear as we move over to a new podcasting platform, making sure Samson comes with me. Here's our call to action of the week. One of the platforms I came across for Windows as we were going through this was Cakewalk. If anyone has any experience with Cakewalk, I just found it from Googling GarageBand alternatives for
Starting point is 00:27:22 Windows. Email us Again, this is bint Let us know what you think of Cakewalk. We might have to try it out pretty soon here. I don't know man. It's it's gotten today's been just a shit show. Like it's never been actually this bad. We've had you know ones where it pauses once or twice and I know it cuts out at the beginning of episodes usually just randomly. I can't explain that but today has been a nightmare. In fact I've gotten to the point now where I'm pausing every 30 seconds or so and then just resuming because that seems to help. So here's another pause. Number five, when I look at you I don't see color. Here are some other common microaggressions. You're so articulate. Your hair is so different every day. Maybe they use the same or maybe they use cuts by Q. I don't know. We'll
Starting point is 00:28:10 give you a fresh look, fresh look, something snappier new every day. Your name is hard to pronounce. I love saying that. Look, we're all thinking it. Okay. If you got a crazy 17 syllabic name, but you don't say that you don't say the quiet part out loud. Okay, you should smile more and engage with the team I Don't know I feel like it's okay for a manager to say you should engage with the team more But maybe not smile more But I think you can call out disengagement, right? If I'm gonna call out disenfranchisement
Starting point is 00:28:43 But I think you can call out disengagement, right? If I'm going to call out disenfranchisement, maybe we should be able to call out disengagement, OK? Let's meet in the middle here, right? Let's have a conversation. Let's be part of it for Black History Month. Last, you remind me of quote or in parentheses, any Black celebrity. It could be Alicia Keys.
Starting point is 00:29:01 It could be Usher. Speaking of that, I want to take a quick victory lap here in the Beantown Podcast. We predicted that the two item parlay, number one, Kansas City Chiefs would win the Super Bowl 24-20, and Patrick Mahomes would win Super Bowl MVP. Final score, 25-22. I was only ammitted by three total points.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And yours truly correctly named in a shocking upset that Patrick Mahomes would win Super Bowl MVP. So send your laurels and well wishes to Bean Down Podcast at Thank you to Latisha Byrd, the CEO of Perfecta, whatever that is, and serves, and she's an advisor to executives looking to create a nurture a remarkable culture within their organizations and invest in their talent If you're curious perfect, uh, oh the article had it as a G, but it's a Q
Starting point is 00:29:55 No, I was it looked like a G. I guess it was a Q perfecta P E R F E Q TA building high performing teams and putting equity back into the team. So these are the people who show up and do the like the diversity day seminar from the office. I feel like I could do that. I don't wanna like diminish this type of work or put it down, cause I think it's important, but I don't know, it always just seems like
Starting point is 00:30:22 you're just kind of leading like presentations and seminars and half of it is like group work and okay you guys get in a group and you discuss these questions with each other and it's like I could do that and I feel like some of these people you know they go and do this at like big corporations they get paid big big big bucks and I'm thinking like man travel around all all year and get to like do this and probably get free Chick-fil-A. I don't know. Do a lot of companies in the South. Maybe they have DEI issues and they need these seminars.
Starting point is 00:30:53 They love Chick-fil-A down there. It doesn't sound so bad. There you go. Those are five things to never say to your black coworker during black history month or Any other time of the year for that matter? I would have loved to go a little bit longer with you all today. We're only at 32 minutes, but the Mac battery has suffered heavily with all these casualties and It's legitimately been the most frustrating beat on podcast episode to record in Long time, so I'm trying to just record in a long time.
Starting point is 00:31:25 So I'm trying to just like have a good time and keep it cool here on a Thursday night, but it's taking about an hour to get through half an hour's worth of content here. Let's finish it off in honor of Black History Month. I wanted to do a Black History Month themed trivia question. So Jack Black, the actor, the musician, frontman, of, or one and a half of Tenacious D,
Starting point is 00:31:52 born August 20th, 1969. But let's talk, cause it's also award season. We got the Oscars coming up soon here. I think the Oscars are March 10th. Does that sound right? Oscars 2024. Yes, Sunday, March 10th, is that sound right? Oscars 2024. Yes, Sunday March 10th. So Jack Black's never been nominated for an Oscar, but he does have three nominations, three Golden Globe nominations. I am going to give you the year of the film, the award
Starting point is 00:32:28 the film, the award for all three of these and you tell me which one or which movie Jack Black earned a Golden Globe nomination for. Pretty simple, pretty straightforward, no tricks. Again, I'll give you the year of the film, the award he was nominated for and you tell me the film. I will say one of the things he was nominated for wasn't like a role in a film, it was actually a song. So you could give me the song or the film, either one would work.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Okay, here we go, his earliest one, he's the category, was best-reforanced by an actor in a motion picture, musical or comedy. The film year was 2003. So the Golden Globe, Jack Black was nominated for the award. It was in 2004, but the film was 2003. Best performance by an actor in a motion picture, musical or comedy. Next up, in fact, they've all been about 10 years apart. In 2013 award season, but it's a 2011 film. Best performance by an actor in a
Starting point is 00:33:25 motion picture musical or comedy. So it's the exact same category. The films were eight years apart and the awards were nine years apart. So again nomination, same category, best performance by an actor, musical or comedy. And then finally, most recently, the award season was 2024. The film was 2023. Best original song. So what movie or what was the name of the song that Jack Black was nominated for a Golden Globe for?
Starting point is 00:34:01 And in fact, because this wouldn't have given it away to me, but it makes sense. I'll tell you the name of the song and you figure out the name of the movie. The name of the song he was nominated for was Peaches. That was a song Jack Black was nominated for. We're gonna pause GarageBand one more time. A proactive pause. We used to talk in the model UN. Jane would talk to us about pregnant pauses, taking your time when you're about to give a big speech. Maybe you're, I don't know, turkey and you're talking about OPEC and how you want in. Is turkey part of OPEC? I have no idea. Let's find out. Let's learn one more thing
Starting point is 00:34:42 here on the BeanTown podcast. I would say no, but that's just my guess., OPEC member countries. Their website needs a redesign. This is rough. No, OPEC is Algeria, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Venezuela. Congo, like Republic of the congo yeah okay back to the trivia questions here your answers if you want more time go ahead and pause because we're giving away now because this podcast is sucking my soul out today the three films that jack black has been nominated for is never one 2004 best reforms by an actor in a motion picture musical or comedy to me
Starting point is 00:35:25 This was the easiest one school of rock This next one was the hardest one to me because I forgot that this movie existed. I'd never seen it I want to see it someday 2013 best performance by an actor in a motion picture musical or comedy Bernie And if you're curious because I didn't know before like just thinking about it right now I thought oh, maybe that's like a Like a politician or something because I knew it was a true story. It's based on a January 1998 article Midnight in the Garden of East Texas. It explores the 1996 murder of an 81 year old millionaire, the Marjorie
Starting point is 00:36:00 Nugent, in Carthage, Texas by her 39 year old companion, Bernhardt Teed aka Bernie. And apparently he got very good reviews. Jack Black, Shirley McClain, and Matthew McConaughey. So Bernie was the second one and then finally Peaches. That's the name of the song you got nominated for. I've never heard it before. I'm going to listen to it right after this. Best original song from this year, 2024.
Starting point is 00:36:26 A film was last year. The film, the Super Mario Brothers movie, in which Jack Black portrays Bowser and sings the song, Peaches. So there you go. A three-part bean-tongue podcast, trivia question. Apologies. I felt like I spent half of today's episode just talking
Starting point is 00:36:43 about bitching and moaning about technical glitches. So that's not fun for you. It's not fun for me. We'll try to get that. Here's the problem. We got the biggest show of the year next week. And do I really want to be testing out a new platform on the biggest program of the year?
Starting point is 00:36:59 The answer is no. But it would just be suicide for the donations to have a repeat performance of this. So we'll see what happens. A lot could happen in the next 10 days, aka I'm gonna open up my laptop next Sunday and realize, oh yeah, this didn't go well last week. So two hours before we start recording, less than that, 20 minutes. That's a level of preparation you can come to expect from Quinn David first presents the Bintel podcast. That's a level of preparation you can come to expect from Quinn David Ferris presents the Bintel podcast. That's what I got for you guys.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Thank you so much for listening to my program. A reminder, donations are open now for the 7th annual Telethon Pledge Rift fundraiser. We'll take your calls live next week on air next Sunday, February 25th, 1 p.m. Central 815 298 7200 donate today Get your tote bag be in the topaz elite club and all donations match 100% to a local charity here in chicagoland. That's what I got for you guys. Thanks for listening. Thanks for supporting our show We'll see in 10 days for the Talathon take it away yours truly stay safe stay sane a few garage band. I'll talk to you next time. Bye. మారిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిలిల� වවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවව�

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