Beantown Podcast - Easter Special Year Four ft. Dr. Jane Denison-Furness (04012021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: April 6, 2021

Quinn is joined by special guest and Mom of the Podcast Dr. Jane Denison-Furness to discuss Jen Shah's indictment, Dr. Hovind's pastel suits, and Easter memories...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town Podcast for Easter Sunday. Although I'm going to be completely honest, I'm recording this on Tuesday night March 30th. And I have no idea when I'm gonna upload. There's, I haven't done a lot of like record an episode early and then post it to SoundCloud later. Usually when I record an episode regardless of if it's, you know, a couple days early or in one instance, I think, out of 169 episodes wherever we're at, I did it a day late on Memorial Day,
Starting point is 00:00:46 but usually, I'll just let, if I'm doing it on a Thursday, like super early or midweek something, we'll just upload it when it's finished. But since this is specifically our Easter special, I didn't want to, I didn't want to upload it on a Tuesday night and not not be able to use that Easter weekend momentum To kind of hoist us, you know through the weekend. So Tuesday, I feel a little bit early
Starting point is 00:01:19 So I'm not sure when you're listening to this my point being Obviously what I usually do on my old Mac, which I only use for recording this show, is you know, I go to SoundCloud, log into my account and physically upload a file for my hard drive. Well, I don't, so I'm going to be out in the suburbs, you know, starting Thursday night through the weekend and not really wanting to have my Mac with me because I don't use it for anything other than the show. So I got to go on to SoundCloud and see if there's a way that I can like. Maybe if I put the audio file in the cloud somewhere, I assume you can upload to SoundCloud from the cloud, like a Google driver or something. But I gotta look into it, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:10 What I will make sure I don't do is not have this figured out before I take off for the weekend because the Bean Top Podcast is never late. Remember Julie Andrews and Princess Diaries? A queen is never late to everyone else's just early. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Princess Diaries one, Princess Diaries two, did they agree that they're gonna do a third one? I'll have to go back and look at that. I think the whole cast is pretty much still alive, right? We are doing our Easter special this week on the Beentown podcast. My name is Quinn. This is my show. Listen to discretion is advised, especially for today's guest, my mom, everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:54 She's going to be joining us in a little bit. Number one, this podcast is going to use some language here and there. Number two, it is objectively terrible. We are going to bring in my mom, Dr. Jane Denison Fernis, onto the podcast. I don't think she's been on for quite some time. I don't even remember the last time she was on, but I figured, you know, what Easter weekend, it's a time for friends, a time for family, a time for Peter cotton, that was a belch, Peter cotton tail. I think we sang Peter cotton tail on the podcast one of these
Starting point is 00:03:33 Easter episodes. It all kind of starts to run together to be completely honest. When you're, you know, we have a show like bean town that is very topical and thematic and there are certain holidays and events that recur annually throughout the year that we like to touch on, Easter being one of them, I'm pretty sure we've had a special Easter episode for every single one of our years. And they tend to be pretty memorable. You know two years ago we had the the Easter sermon which
Starting point is 00:04:11 Didn't didn't do too well, you know in the deep South once they figured out that I was making fun of them But you know it was still fun it in case you missing in case you're a relatively new listener to the bean town podcast Or you just don't recall what we were talking about two years ago I basically donned D-O-N-N-E-D my best Southern fried accent and Actually wrote my own sermon. I was I mean you know all jokes all kidding aside
Starting point is 00:04:43 I wrote my own sermon is you you know, half an hour long. I had never done that before. I don't have any seminarical, seminary, aerical training, SEM, M-I-N-A-R-I-C-I-A-L, something like that. But I wrote a sermon. I was really proud of myself. And I did it.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I did an entire podcast in a Southern accent reading a sermon I made. Those two years ago last year, we did our Tim Muthert interview. Tim Muthert was my boss at my, my farmer job growing up. Seven, eight years, something like that. Seven years, something like that. Seven years, I think of corndy-tastling in the the hot North Central Illinois summer. We had Tim Utheron, he had some really great pointy thoughts. So my point being Easter is usually a fun show for us,
Starting point is 00:05:40 but before we get to the goodness that is my mom, we have breaking news on the Beentown podcast that is like legitimately directly relevant to a very key, relatively new but very key part of our show when it's in season. So you all know real housewives of Salt Lake City is one of, you know, we haven't really had a show on the podcast that we've been directly invested in and talk about each week, give a recap. That really hasn't been a part of it. It wasn't part of the foundation of the show up until we started, I was turned on by, I think, my girlfriend, I don't remember who, but said, hey, you gotta watch Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 00:06:31 It's that brand new Real Housewives franchise. And you know, it started back in what, the late fall, something like that, early to late fall. And it ended, you know, what, two months ago, something like that. But we have breaking news. Let me get a simple water here. So to catch everyone up to speed, there's been one season of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. We watched every episode, recapped every episode, and there was even three weeks of women tell all with Andy Cohen.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And to recap, we got six housewives. There's Heather and Whitney who are cousins, and we didn't even find out, or we found out in the women's tell all they didn't, even know they were cousins until after they were friends, which is wild. They're both blondes. Whitney is probably like the fan favorite, I would say,
Starting point is 00:07:24 because she's more like the most grounded ground or Heather is probably the fan favorite She's the most grounded Whitney her dad is the barber or the hairstylist who has a pain pill addiction and is Since gone a wall and she's kind of got a mini mouse voice and Keeps getting boob jobs and then you have Meredith and Lisa. Meredith has the Rocky relationship with her husband Seth and her son Brooks who has his own fashion line, which is one track suit, which is pretty awesome. And then you have Lisa who is pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Her kids have this new, I think what is it called? Fresh Wolf, this new fashion line. Lisa's husband is basically like her employee. Actually, I think he is her employee. It seems like a really bad relationship. Then there's Mary, who's Mary to her step-grandfather. And she doesn't really do anything. She just owns like six houses and goes to church
Starting point is 00:08:20 and instructs the choir sometimes. And then we get to the topic of today's show, the villain of season one, Gen Sha, who is just an absolute maniac, married to the defensive backs coach at the University of Utah, Sharif Sha, Gen Sha is just insufferable and impossible to be around and if you haven't heard the news You are hearing it here first and what I'm just gonna read you ready. I learned about this
Starting point is 00:08:54 I don't know six hours ago something like that mid afternoon I'm just gonna read you the CNN headline and article for a baton. Here it is, okay? CNN headline and article verbatim. Here it is, okay. Real housewives star Jen Shaw arrested on federal fraud charges and connection to a nationwide telemarketing scam. Reality TV star Jen Shaw of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City was arrested and charged in connection
Starting point is 00:09:21 with a telemarketing scheme that defrauded hundreds of people, many of whom are over the age of 55, according to a superseding indictment that was unsealed this week. Her assistant Stuart Smith, aka Stu Chains, I added that last part in, but he goes by, sometimes goes by Stu Chains, was also arrested and charged Tuesday. That's her first assistant, by the way. She has I think five both Shaw 47 and Smith 43 will be a bad writing. It says will be appear before us judge Dustin Pied and Salt Lake City Federal Court Tuesday, according to a news release from the US Attorney's Office for
Starting point is 00:10:01 the Southern District of New York. They have been charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, the release said. It was not clear if Shaw or Smith have obtained attorneys as of Tuesday afternoon. CNN was also unable to identify representatives for either Shaw or Smith. Bravo has declined to comment. The charges stem from a nine-year scheme in which prosecutors say Shaw and Smith sold alleged services perperting to make the management of victims' businesses
Starting point is 00:10:32 more efficient or profitable. These services, including tax preparation and website design services, the many of their elderly victims did not own a computer," the release said. Part of the scheme also included Shaw and Smith allegedly trafficking lists of potential victims called leads. Many of the victims had already previously made an initial investment to create an online business with other participants in the scheme, the release said. Shaw and Smith also undertook significant efforts to hide their role in the scheme. Part of these efforts included incorporating their business entities using third-party names and telling other participants to do the same.
Starting point is 00:11:12 The duo also directed others to use encrypted messaging applications to communicate with other members of the scheme, instructed them to send shares of certain fraudulent proceeds to offshore bank accounts and made numerous cash withdrawals structured to avoid currency transaction reporting requirements. Shaw and Smith flaunted their lavish lifestyle to the public as a symbol of their success. In reality, they allegedly built their opulent lifestyle at the expense of vulnerable, often elderly working class people said Peter, see, fits you. I don't know how to say it. Special agent in charge of the New York Field Office of Homeland Security Investigations.
Starting point is 00:11:50 The last season of real houses of Salt Lake City debuted in November 2020. Shaw is described by Bravo as the queen of her house and her businesses during the shows reunion episode in February. Bravo host Andy Cohen asked Shaw to clarify what she does for a living. My background is in direct response marketing for about 20 years, so our company does advertising, she said in response. We have a platform that helps people acquire customers,
Starting point is 00:12:14 so when you're shopping online or on the internet and something pops, we'll have the algorithm behind why you're getting served that ad. And then there's a clickbait article underneath with Randy Jackson in a, it's Randy Jackson, the one from American Idol, not Jackson 5. And he's Photoshopped to look like he weighs about 105 pounds. He has a Dutch oven-looking sort of pot
Starting point is 00:12:43 with a whole bunch of sliced lemons in it. And the headline is Randy Jackson. This drink is like a power wash for your gut. Is it possible to feel better at age 60 than age 40? American Idol Judge Randy Jackson says yes. So if you want to click on that, you know, oh, there's also an ad for the dating site for highly educated singles in Chicago elite singles. We'll have to check that one out later. But there you have it folks. I was going dinner earlier,
Starting point is 00:13:29 Gensha is one of those people who just, you just felt like she should be before today. You just felt like she should be in prison for something. You know, whether it's, you know, what she's actually getting nailed for, wire fraud, money laundering, whatever, or like something more aggressive, like battery, or assault, or just too much Botox. But it got me thinking, who are some other people? That aren't in prison But definitely feel like they should be all start Dr. Oz okay, and honestly WTF was jeopardy thinking With the doctor Oz and I think it's still happening, but the Dr. Oz guest host spot,
Starting point is 00:14:25 like it's not as if Dr. Oz has only become controversial in the last five days. I mean, this guy has been like publicly outed as a snake oil salesman for years and years. So for Jeopardy to just casually be like, yeah, come on, host this extremely popular, well-known wholesome, nationally syndicated, probably the greatest game show of all time,
Starting point is 00:15:00 and put him up there with, you know, trip back and Ken Jennings. And I mean, I don't care that much about Katie Kirk, but Katie Kirk, and whomever else they've had, is just like, what on earth were they thinking? You have to be so intentional with that choice. But anyways, definitely feels like Dr. Oz should be serving some prison time. It reminds me of Dr. Hoven. There's this great guy. Dr. was named Larry Hoven, something like that, Ken.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I don't know. What is it? H-O-V-A-N-D? I don't know. Kind of like a Jim Baker-esque, Dr. Hoven. I don't know, kind of like a Jim Baker-esque Dr. Hohen, I don't even remember. But what got me thinking about it was, well, basically if you don't know, Dr. Kent Hohen, HOV, IND, he's like a
Starting point is 00:15:59 televanjalous kind of, and a tax protester, according to his Wikipedia page, Kent E. Hovend, he's a controversial figure in the young earth creationist movement. And he's definitely been to jail before. Yeah, he served a 10-year prison sentence, not bad. Basically, he's also the founder of dinosaur adventure land, an earth creationist theme park in Pensacola, with a slogan where dinosaurs and the Bible meet. The reason I was thinking about him was because he used to, or we used to, at church,
Starting point is 00:16:41 not so much to me, but I think my older brothers would be in Sunday school or like Bible class or whatever, and our teacher would basically just turn on the Dr. Hoven tapes. These things are like quintessential mid-90s style tapes. In the reason I go all the way back to the start of the reason I bring him up, not just because Dr. Hoven, Dr. Oz, et cetera. But Rachel and I were watching TV the other night at her place trying to find the basketball game on TV before we just switched it to the app and watch it there.
Starting point is 00:17:19 But they don't pay for cable, but they get a whole lot of funky channels. And you know, when you start getting up into the 300 levels, you're getting like bounce and BET and CW, Jr. and then you get a whole lot of Bible channels. And we definitely made our way through and passed some great, like Bible teaching lectures that I wish we had ruminated and spent some more time on. There is also this great, and you know what, we're gonna, I'm gonna ask my mom when she comes on,
Starting point is 00:18:03 I mean, it's our Easter episodes, we're talking about Easter, but I'm also gonna my mom when she comes on, I mean, it's our Easter episodes. We're talking about Easter. But I'm also gonna get her thoughts, her take on Jen Shaw. And then I also wanna get her take. There was this like one day seminar growing up that she took my siblings and I too. It was all about, you know, it's something, some sort of creationist movement, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:23 But it was at rock church. And I think there were some great songs. I just wanna see if she recalls any more than I do. I mean, solid 20 years ago, so we're gonna see, but it's worth a shot. And I remember it being like all day. In fact, I think it was like a morning session, we came home for lunch and went back in the afternoon, which sounds extremely ridiculous,
Starting point is 00:18:46 but I think that's what happened. Anyways, hey, if there are other people, you should think that should be in prison. Go ahead and let us know. Email us, beantownpodcast. again, that's beantown. Be yay in the podcast at And let us know, who do you think
Starting point is 00:19:04 that's currently not in prison should be in prison for any reason. I'm not discriminatory. We're having we're having some laughs here. I want to give it before we get my mom on the phone. I want to give a quick shout out to our sponsors for this week's episode, Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspector in central organ, you need to rely on someone that you can, that you can trust. He's going to have your back. He knows, you know, Princess Diaries references, as well as I do. And he's not going to prison. It's my dad, Steve furnace, call him, uh, boy, what's the number?
Starting point is 00:19:46 What is the home bright organ number? I don't know. I'm struggling tonight. I don't usually record after 9 p.m. You can always go to and get started there. 5, 540, 4105, something 0316. You know what, if you just start mashing numbers, you'll get it. 541-41316. Is that right? Can someone double check that? My phone is on the other
Starting point is 00:20:12 side of the room. Also, Cuts by Q, when you need a fresh do something snappy and new, call the experts at Cuts by Q. That's 298-815-298-7200 or you can email C cuts by Q that's 298 815 298 7200 or you can email cuts by Q at and that's cut skew TZ by Q at and then of course the Samsung Q2U series even though we're doing an interview tonight We are flying solo so I'm gonna do my best in a minute here And we get my mom on the phone to put her on a nice loud speaker Hold it right up to the microphone and I'm hoping that the audio works out okay.
Starting point is 00:20:48 But thanks again to our great sponsors, and welcome to the second half of our show. It is our Easter spectacular. We spent the first 20 minutes talking about people who should be in prison and Gen-Shah, who hopefully will be there soon, because that would be a whole new element. We're talking like real housewives, oranges as a new black crossover, and maybe a little
Starting point is 00:21:11 bit of Oz thrown in, which I've never seen, but I've heard great things. Honestly, I would watch that even more than I already watched real housewives, which is kind of hard to do. But yeah, I'm going to go ahead and put a quick pause on this episode. We are going to get my mom on the phone. We're going to be asking her about Jensha, someone who thinks who she thinks should be in prison. The great creationist seminar we went to and then we'll get her thoughts on Easter this year. So we'll be back in a jiffy with the best part of the show. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:21:49 All right, welcome back to the Bean Tom Podcast. And yeah, that's my mom who's just chiming right in without any sort of introduction. She can't wait. She's too excited to be on live air. Super excited. Dr. Jane, Dr. Jane Dennis and furnace, welcome back to the show.
Starting point is 00:22:09 How are you doing tonight? I'm doing well. Thank you, son. Thank you, friend, for inviting me back. It's a pleasure to be here. Of course. And right before we started recording again, I was catching my mom up to speed on the big headline breaking news story of the day.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Jen Shaw of course indicted on two counts one for wire fraud and one for money laundering along with her first assistant stucains. And in case you couldn't quite tell what mom was getting at right when we jumped back in, she had pulled up a picture of Jen Shaw for the first time in her life, 30 seconds ago. Apparently never having seen this woman before. So mom, I want to get your reactions on the big news story. Well, first I have to tell you when I pulled up the picture, it was visceral. I recoiled the hair on the back of my neck, stood up and I thought this is not natural.
Starting point is 00:23:13 So that was my first reaction. And then I started reading a little bit and I see here that Gen Chas facing up to 30 years in prison on wire fraud and money, money laundering because conspiracy charges. So that's pretty serious, but of course, because she is white and from a point of privilege and has a lot of money, we know she'll probably get, I don't know, some probation, community service, maybe she'll have to, you know, do a photo op
Starting point is 00:23:39 and a suit kitchen or something. So I'm not expecting a whole lot out of that. But yeah, it's pretty sad. Typical white collar crime. She'll get off, sad to say. But it's actually very interesting. When you first mentioned that you had a visceral reaction to her picture, I assumed it was a race thing
Starting point is 00:24:01 because I believe she's half-tongue and half black. And so then to hear you call her white was very interesting. I think we've opened up a whole can of worms on... Oh yeah, if there are riots in the streets of Provo tomorrow, we know who to blame. And yeah. I have to stay in my defense. I pulled her up and I looking at a little YouTube you know icon I didn't even open the article so I just see her from gosh she's probably about
Starting point is 00:24:33 three centimeters high here in my now I open the article and I can see and I remember you talking about her as a woman of color, but I would never know that from looking at her. So in my tiny little three millimeter picture of her. So my apologies to the Tongan and African-American community for casting any aspersions on her by calling her white. But I'm still going to say point of privilege. She's rich. She'll get off.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah. Well, a person who gets a three times drug arrests for having a small amount of marijuana will fall under the three strikes and you're out and go to prison for the rest of their life. So I have issues with that. For any more on that, see my son Esquire Jagger. Hi, Kes. He's not yet in Esquire. And I think you could, you could face federal accounts of libel for that. You are really checking
Starting point is 00:25:33 off all the boxes tonight. Yeah. Well, that we're just kind of retracing our steps from the first 22 minutes. And I wanted to get see, see if you mom had any thoughts on this. We had mentioned, you know, in our call to action this week for the listeners, you want to see if there are any people out there that are not currently imprisoned that you just kind of, not maybe a personal vendetta or maybe just,
Starting point is 00:26:03 maybe they're just icky. And you think that they should be serving hard time. For me, it was Dr. Oz. I'm wondering if you have anyone other than, you know, I think the obvious one, Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, but anyone else who you think should be doing hard time, Ma. Well, in the words of my father, William James Denison, the late William James Denison, the whole criminal's association, which is what Grandpa called the Cowboys, the criminals, they should probably be incarcerated. So no, no, as perjions cast there.
Starting point is 00:26:36 But definitely Giuliani, is there anybody in the world who looks more guilty and every time he opens his mouth holy Moses. Definitely our former president, I'm sorry I'm not a fan of Dalje Trump then, I think that he is one of the most unethical human beings I've ever had, not privilege of knowing. So yeah, both of them for sure, and then we could probably just go through his cabinet and his cronies and we can definitely throw Mitch McConnell in there. I'm ashamed and embarrassed. I was reading an article on NPR today about how many Trump supporters who've been vaccinated, who were touting that the COVID-19 wasn't real and they have privately gotten vaccinated and I just
Starting point is 00:27:27 find that reprehensible while their constituents are dying so yeah that would be my top three. That's a pretty good list a lot of a lot of white men huh I'm sensing a pattern here. White men. Yeah no comment. Well that and, you know, we were really just following down the rabbit trail here when I started talking about Dr. Oz, which I had gotten to by mentioning, you know, I was talking about going to prison and that made me think of the show Oz. I don't know if you've ever seen it. I haven't, but takes place in a prison. So then I thought, well, then, Dr. Oz.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And then I thought, Dr. Kent Hovend, who was a a televanjalous sort of VHS mid-90s favorite, who did spend some time in prison for tax evasion. But that may, oh, the outfit is amazing. You gotta look him up. Some good pastel color suits. Very Easter appropriate. Oh, yeah. And good pastel color, too. It's very Easter appropriate. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:27 And that reminded me. And this was something where I needed you in real time, because I couldn't really recall what it was, or what the deal was. What's the deal with creationism? There was a fun, I think day long long seminar of sorts maybe 20 years ago that you took my siblings and I too and There is talk of Dinosaurs and there were some fun songs and I'm just wondering if you could shed some more light on what that all was about Yeah, I'd be happy to. So that was during my dark period.
Starting point is 00:29:08 When I was first enamored with charismatic evangelical Christianity, and I now call myself a post evangelical and don't even go by the Christian monoclinic anymore because it's so associated with right wing fundamentalism. And I don't want any part of it. But yeah, I seriously regret taking you to that presentation on creationism, which I did not grow up believing in, but as a young mom with four kids and wanting to raise them to be good Christians and be disciplined and I I became involved with that church rock church and rockford Illinois and there were some things that came out of that that were good
Starting point is 00:29:56 There were a lot of things that were not so good and one of them was this adherence to creationism which I Absolutely disavow and and want nothing to do with anymore. But that presentation, even when I came away from it after taking you kids there, it was intellectually abusive. It was so dismissive of facts and science. They had puppets talking about
Starting point is 00:30:19 creationism and Noah's Ark, and I was just, I didn't know what to say. And at the time I had my associate's degree, I didn't have a bachelor's degree, and I had a very tenuous understanding of evolution. And since then that has changed, but yeah, I regret that. It was embarrassingly, it was horrible, absolutely horrible. And Dr. Hope, and while I never sat in on one of your Sunday
Starting point is 00:30:49 schools where they showed, where you were shown those videos, I've seen pictures of them and little snippets of them and what a quack, but an absolute ass. So yeah, there are a number of things I regret, and those are two of them. Well, that's okay. Newt Gingrich was a hell of a drug regret and those are two of them. Well, that's okay. Newt Gingrich was a hell of a drug and we were all hopped up and having a good time. We can't even number four to incarcerate.
Starting point is 00:31:11 We can add him to the list. Wow. Number four. I think Newt Gingrich has been the same age for the last 20 years or so. Him and Pat Robertson, they don't age or they... Number five. Yeah, wow. We're really building our lists here. Oh what about oral
Starting point is 00:31:28 Roberts I know he's dead but yeah yeah a good heap I don't know where you following the oral Roberts March madness run. No I know nothing about it. Well, man. Well, they made it. They're out now, but they made it to the Sweet 16, which is pretty impressive for a for-profit Christian university. So yeah, we'll praise God. Actually, I got that wrong. I don't think oral Roberts is for-profit, but Grand Canyon State is for-profit, and they made it to the tournament too.
Starting point is 00:32:01 So big year for Christians, Baylor's in the final four, Gonzaga's in the final four. So, it is just a Catholic ass-woping, or a Christian ass-woping this year. And as you know, as a public community college professor, I'm a big fan of proprietary institutions that take advantage of young people and veterans, always been a big fan.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And, yeah, that was half of what I wrote my dissertation on, awesome, fabulous. Good stuff. Well I wanted I wanted to finish up because it's our Easter special and we're about 33 minutes in here and haven't haven't had a ton of Easter chat but I I'm wondering if if you want to share your thoughts on the you know the true meaning of Easter or past, you know, Easter's of long time, your that you might want to share any thoughts at all on Easter for the show. Well, I would like to point out that it was family tradition, true meaning of Easter to hide Easter baskets.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And then you kids had to find those baskets. And for whatever reason, Jack Henry, friend of the podcast, was never able to locate his baskets. I think you are probably the first or the first one very often to find your basket. But your brother, Jack Henry, seemed to not be able to quite figure that out. And so often, it would take a lot of very direct and pointed clues to lead Jack Henry to his basket. But yeah, that was always a lot of fun
Starting point is 00:33:33 when you were really little before you could even search for your baskets. Like when you were in two or so, we would leave jelly bean trails from your bed to the basket, which was always fun. A lot of fun trying to keep the dog from eating. That was fun. And then I'd like to mention one more thing, and that has to do with coloring eggs with you, Quinn David Furnace, when you were a little boy. I don't know if friends of the podcast
Starting point is 00:33:57 know how naughty you were, is a little boy, but you were probably the naughtyest little boy I've ever met. It was hard to discipline you because I simultaneously was frustrated with you and admired how devious you were as a little guy. So I'd be smiling while disciplining you. And when my color eggs, Quinn David, I would hand you an egg and say,
Starting point is 00:34:16 now Quinn put it in the dyes slowly, carefully, and you'd get that impish grin. And I'd say, Quinn David, don't crush that egg in your hands. Don't you dare crush that egg in your hands and you'd look at me and lower it toward the pause, coloring in the ball and then take your hand and crush it every single fricking time. I just, I don't know what to say Quinn,
Starting point is 00:34:40 what were you thinking? Just being impish. What were you thinking? Just being impish. I do. This is I have a couple of questions. Thank you for for sharing all that about a couple of things you said. But first and foremost, that is very relevant. Just this past weekend, we were chatting with some other people.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm not here to name names, but someone claimed that you are unable and for all you middle school science kids out there, go get an egg from the fridge, you can try it along, lie with us, but someone who shall not be named, who is not my mom, claimed that you cannot crack an egg or break an egg with one hand just by squeezing it. And mom, why don't you fill us in on what happened next? Yeah, that person who shall remain nameless but whose name rhymes with Mellie mentioned on Family Chat
Starting point is 00:35:39 that you cannot crush an egg with one hand. And I said, I've never heard that. So I ran to the fridge and grabbed a dozen eggs and holding my hand up with the egg in it for everyone to see during a Zoom family chat proceeded to in one swift move, crush the egg and egg went flying everywhere. So then there was a quick backpedaline by Mellie
Starting point is 00:36:06 to try to explain what I did wrong in the crushing of the egg. But I'm not sure we ever had resolution on what happened there. Yeah, it sounds pretty fishy to me. I didn't. No, conspiracy. Yeah, I didn't try it myself but yeah yeah and yeah election meddling and fraud yeah it's all in there
Starting point is 00:36:30 yeah and I have not tried out the the one egg challenge for myself but it just it doesn't it doesn't sound right to me so I don't know maybe we we can get some sort of, someone with a master's of science out there who could respond to this show. I wanna, I don't think I know the answer to this. I'm legitimately curious. The concept of hiding the Easter basket. What's the history on that? So I don't know beyond my family of origin and that
Starting point is 00:37:06 would be Bill and Max Tennyson and my siblings Anna, Laurie, Jim and Andy. But that's how I grew up that we each had a basket and the basket was hidden and you had to find it. And there were of course the the eggs that we had colored the previous day or previous days a few days before Easter and then some of course, the eggs that we had colored the previous day or previous days, a few days before Easter.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And then some, of course, you know, melted milk eggs and jelly beans, things like that. We never had those big amazing chocolate bunnies that are hollow. I always wanted one, but never got one. But I do remember as a little girl, and this was back when we went to Latin mass in the Catholic church, you wore gloves
Starting point is 00:37:44 and a little doily or whatever on your head and carried your missile at. I one time put a bunch of those chocolate eggs in my pocket of my dress and went to church and pretended to cough and shoved the chocolate in my mouth. And my mother saw me and gave me a really nasty pinch on my leg to let me know that that was inappropriate and not acceptable. But it was worth the pinch because those eggs were so damn good. And yeah, and it made the service a little more bearable. That is a good story and thank you for sharing that. What about the, I don't know if this is infringing on Easter bunny turf, but when you would, when you'd hide the baskets as a parent, do you do it late at night or do you
Starting point is 00:38:32 do it early in the morning? Oh, that's a hard one, Quinn, because we were so exhausted after taking care of you kids, especially naughty Quinn, that was really hard to stay awake. And you guys would not always fall asleep quickly. So often it was waking up in the morning and going, oh shit, we got to hide the baskets and running to hide the basket before you kids would wake up. So I would say similar to helping Santa stuff stockings, more often than not, it's done at about 4.30 or 5 in the morning. When we become semi-conscious and realize we have not done our duty as good parents.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Good insights, good tips. I've always wondered that and I haven't asked about Santa because that seems like slightly more sacred ground, but the Easter bunny kind of seems like the cheap springtime knockoff, so I'm not as concerned. In any other final Easter thoughts before we wrap it up tonight? Well, I do have to mention that I was watching 30 Rock today, season six, and I've never seen the episode where they talk about leap year William and I thought, Jane, all these years we haven't celebrated leap year William. Yes, which of course your great grandma, Ella Veronica was born on leap year and I remember being a young girl and going to her 16th birthday party which I thought was pretty damn cool to go to your grandma's 16th birthday. So I was thinking I don't know we might be adding leap
Starting point is 00:40:08 year William to our celebrations in the future along with Festivist, which of course we always celebrate. Well the bad news is we're gonna have to wait about three years and 11 months to celebrate the next one. That is true. Yeah, leap year was this year, right? Was it? Oh wait, no, sorry, sorry, it's 2021, it was last year as leap year. It's 2020, it's the same year as the Summer Olympics. I spaced out for a second.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I'm embarrassing. It's very embarrassing. I don't usually record podcasts at 9.30 pm.m. So I'm a little off my game Yeah, wow it's 9.30 out there. It's only 7.30 here. Wow Damn daylight saving time Yeah, good one mom Hey, how about that Suez canal? Oh Man, I can't believe they got that day gold tanker
Starting point is 00:41:06 Oh man, I can't believe they got that big old tanker unstuck. That was amazing. Those are some powerful tugboats. That's impressive. Really impressive. I think what's most impressive is to think about how much we really rely on the Suez Canal and how it can hold the world economy hostage. Think about that. Yeah, that in a game stop. And we always have to say game stop. Jack is always giving us the game stop recommendation or what was his other one on Sam chat? Robin Hood. Yeah. Well, those are game stop as a company with shares. Robin Hood is an investment site. So they're kind of different things. They kind of become like a thing you say at the end of everything. Game stop.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Robin Hood. Whatever. That's what she said. Wow. There's a lot going on. I think that's our cue to wrap up this year's Easter special. But I want to give a special thank you to my mom, Dr. Jane Denison Fernesford, being on the show Today, mom, it's always a pleasure. Thanks, sweetie. If love you, stay safe and I can't wait till you get your second vaccination. Yay for vaccinations. Then I can go back to looking polls like in a Christmas story.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Don't do that. That's a terrible idea. All right. Thanks again for being on the show. All right, love you too. I'll see you later. Bye. And I tell you what, those polls hated. There are a lot of them in the Western suburbs in particular. And if you don't ask for their consent first, they get grumpy. Thanks again to my mom, Dr. Jane Dennis and furnace for being on the show.
Starting point is 00:42:45 For this year's Easter special, the year for special, we are going to be, you know, keeping you up to date with the latest Gen Shaw news each week here as something new comes out. And we'll see what happens with it. I'm going to be perfectly honest. I am a little baffled that my Mac did not crap out or at least garage band did not crap out as doing that thing where it it's super choppy and it looks like it updates but once every two seconds or so and I thought we were going to lose it for sure but it not improving, it's only getting worse. So before I really attempt fate and risk losing the audio file,
Starting point is 00:43:31 we are going to wrap it up. So again, hopefully you're listening to this closer to Easter not actually on Tuesday night. Hopefully I'm able to find a way to upload it from the cloud and that way I'll be able to do it this weekend while with The the Ramos family out in the suburbs. So thanks everyone for listening. I hope you're able to don your best Pastel suits this weekend and hopefully it is nice whether wherever you are and
Starting point is 00:44:04 God is risen. whatever that means for you. Thanks everyone for tuning in. Appreciate your support after all these years. This has been the year for Easter Special of Quintet. It first presents the bean town podcast, thanks to our sponsors and thanks most of all to you all, the friends of the podcast. Apologies to rhyming with Milly.
Starting point is 00:44:23 For the name drop year, it wasn't me, okay? Hands up, don't shoot. Everyone, stay safe, stay sane. We're gonna get some out-term music going for you. Happy Easter to all, and to all a good night. I will check in on you next time. Bye. Bye! ndご視聴ありがとうございました you

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