Beantown Podcast - Far Right Anti-Maskers Can Hit the Bricks, Pal (07312020 Beantown)

Episode Date: July 31, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE on a Friday afternoon edition of the Beantown Podcast to rant against anti-maskers, read the back of the vitamin bottle, and cover Coldplay's 'Cry Cry Cry'...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's... What? Hey! Yikes! Should have taken a sip of water before I started. Sorry for... If that startled you, man. It startled me. I tell you what, man. Yikes! My name is Quinn. KCN figured that out out yet and this is my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday. It's an inverse Friday the 13th,
Starting point is 00:00:35 Friday the 31st. That's less common to have Friday the 31st and Friday the 13th, you wanna talk about spooky, I mean, it doesn't get any spookier than turning the 13th on its head. There was, I was playing a trivia game at a bar in Baltimore one time, maybe about two years ago. And one of the questions was, what is the max amount of Friday the 13th that could potentially happen in one calendar year?
Starting point is 00:01:09 And I was really proud of myself because if you have unlimited time to sit down there and write out a calendar and do the math, then it's relatively easy to figure it out, right? But when you're under a time cruncher, I think I had maybe two minutes to answer this question. It's kind of tough, especially, you know, if you're just sitting there right now, casually, or you've got a clear mind, whatever you're doing, your heart rate's low, you could probably figure it out pretty
Starting point is 00:01:36 quickly. But, you know, when you're playing bar trivia, you've had maybe a drink or two, it's loud, it's very, you know, lots of distractions. You know, it's tougher to figure out. I'm happy to say I got it right. I think the answer is four. It's three or four. Um, and for those of you, hey, listen to engagement for those of you playing along at home, try to figure out how many, uh, potential, what's the maximum of Friday to 13th?
Starting point is 00:02:05 That can occur in one calendar year. We'll even say leapier included, although I don't think that impacts it. So I guess the way to start is, have January 13th be a Friday and then just work your way from there. Fun little brain teaser. Maybe we should have more brain teasers
Starting point is 00:02:26 on the Beentom podcast. We'll see. What's going on? It's Friday as promised. If you turned into last week's episode, which was actually one of my all-time favorites, if I'm being honest, I really had a good time. Thank you so much to Tariq Shahada
Starting point is 00:02:43 for his great idea for us to power rank invasive species. That was a lot of fun. And I think I'm really in my element here on the podcast when I can get kind of a central topic or theme of some sort to talk about and then just kind of freelance it off of that. You know, I have a lot of fun doing that sort of stuff. And I hope you had fun listening to it as well. If you haven't, if you're tuning into this episode for July 31st, spooky, and you didn't listen to our episode from Sunday the 26th,
Starting point is 00:03:21 I would encourage you to go check it out Because we had a lot of fun with it But yeah, we're recording on a Friday not a super common thing to do here for the podcast I'm actually in the middle of the workday right now. This is technically my lunch It's about noon on Friday the 31st so Yeah, I still got work emails coming in but I had to do it at some point because early tomorrow morning you're driving out to Indiana for a wedding. Haven't been to Indiana in a while. And haven't been to a wedding in over a year.
Starting point is 00:03:54 So this is exciting. I don't know what the social distancing, mask wearing kind of situation is going to be, but we're going to play it by ear. That it's tough, you know, I feel like there might be some peer pressure like cause I wanna show up, cause I think it's technically indoor. It's some sort of like hybrid kind of space,
Starting point is 00:04:17 but you know, my concern is I'm gonna show up and I'm gonna go in with the mask and then no one else is going to be wearing the mask and then it's like you want to take it off. One to feel because it feels better, you feel more comfortable with two to kind of blend in. But then it's like that doesn't seem like a super socially responsible thing to do. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:44 We'll update you next week, but things are going to be interesting. Haven't been to a large gathering in a while. And then, you know, won't get back till Sunday. At some point, TBD, we're going to be, you know, we've got the whole day to ourselves with a rental car to go wherever do whatever we want to do. So we will keep you all posted on that. But yeah, short week, haven't had a ton of time in between recordings here. But you haven't missed much. In case you're wondering what I do all week, I literally sit on the couch, work three jobs from my couch, and I go for runs Monday
Starting point is 00:05:30 through Friday, or Monday through Thursday and Saturdays, and I use my foot bath. I drink a lot of coffee, both hot and iced, and occasionally a cold brew. And now I'm watching baseball, although it seems like MLB is going to crap town here. Listen to discretion as advised when you're listening to beat on podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some language number two as podcast subjectively terrible.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah, it looks like MLB is not going to make it. I mean, they've literally got like, like, seven or eight teams right now that are completely off because of COVID tests or positive COVID tests. I mean, good luck. It doesn't, because it spreads, right? I mean, there, you know, obviously COVID spreads, but the like fact that, you know, one team gets shut down, then automatically there's another team or a collection of other teams that get shut down. If that, you know, original team was going to play them. And then it's just, it's kind of spreads like wildfire and eventually you feel like everyone's just gonna get nailed by it. So, disappointing, we'll see, but health and safety
Starting point is 00:06:52 comes first of course. The good news, so we still have NASCAR. Watched a lot of NASCAR this year. They started, they had like two races and then it got shut down for like a month, two months. And then they're back. I watched a decent one in NASCAR in high school. But, you know, last seven or eight years of my life,
Starting point is 00:07:22 just kind of followed it, never really sat down to watch a race unless it was like Daytona or Talladega. But this this year it's just felt like there's not much else to watch you know and I'm also I don't know. I like TV shows and obviously I'm a big movie guy but I don't love to just like sit in front of the TV and watch multiple TV shows in a row or TV show episodes in a row. I just get kind of bored. I like having live sports to watch.
Starting point is 00:07:56 But yeah, boy, if in case you're wondering, we didn't come with any material. Shocker. This is going to be a short podcast because I don't have that much to say. I'll tell you what though, a couple things that have happened this week. So I usually make my own coffee at home. When I thought about talking about this, I was hoping it would be more exciting story and I can already feel going into it, not as excited about it But I'll just I'll just let you know kind of a quandary. I'm in quandary great word QUA NDA RY quandary
Starting point is 00:08:36 You know a couple of times a week. I'll go out and buy coffee If I have to work at night, I'll usually get an iced coffee If I have to work at night, I'll usually get an iced coffee to help me get through that. And then I usually get a cold brew every other weekend. There's this local place that just kind of popped up. That's pretty expensive, but it's pretty good. But then you usually on Friday mornings to kind of like celebrate and treat myself for making it to the end of the week. I don't usually brew my own coffee.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'll go out to a local place and get some, but I tell you what, and I'm not gonna name names here, but it's one of my local coffee joints here. They were shut down by COVID for a while, only reopened about month and change ago. And I, you know, it's the local coffee joint. They make a lot of their money off of Loyola kids,
Starting point is 00:09:29 and obviously they're not gonna be doing that anytime soon. And, you know, it's just you wanna go support them, right? And I'm not, you know, shilling out tons of money here, just usually I go there once a week. It just feels like a nice thing to do. But I I tell you what, I have gone there a number of times in my life now, you know, once a week for the past month or so, and then just when things, before
Starting point is 00:09:59 quarantine, it go there occasionally on a Saturday or Sunday in the winter. Could they go Wi-Fi and good seating and you just hang out, do whatever you want to do, get out of the house for a little bit. But lately, I don't know if they've changed their coffee beans or their style or what, but I usually go in order or read I, which is a blend of just regular coffee and another type of coffee espresso. It's like one shot of espresso or something like that. This coffee, and maybe I just need to try something different, but I don't know. It's really, really bad.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And I've read some reviews online that I've kind of shared in that sentiment. It's so bitter. Like, I don't even know how to describe it. I mean, the coffee I brew at my house is from a local company here in Chicago. I forget what it's called, Sputnik Coffee, I think. And I think that stuff is fine. It's not amazing, but it's fine. But it makes this other local stuff I get, you know, on Friday mornings, lately, just,
Starting point is 00:11:14 I don't get it. I don't know if it's just a taste preference thing or if it truly is awful, but it's not working for me. But I don't want to, you know, it's like you either go, you get the Americano, red eye, you can get a black eye, just a regular coffee, whatever. I feel like the only way I would really like what I'd begin there is if I go up to the latte situation.
Starting point is 00:11:37 But at that point, it's like you're basically just having a milkshake calorie-wise. And the worst part about all this, it was never a cheap place to begin with. And this is where I feel bad. They've, you know, with COVID-19 restrictions, there's like, they do some sort of COVID-19 surcharge. I don't remember exactly what their percentage is,
Starting point is 00:11:59 but it's like 20% extra that they're adding. So you go in there and get a regular red eye, and after the surcharge and tip, you're out like five bucks, which I know it's Chicago, higher cost of living, but like it's hard because you want to go in there, you want to support them. But if you hate yourself with every single sip of the coffee you take, I just don't know how much more I can do, you know. It's a real quandary. If anyone has any advice on this situation, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It's tough, right? Like, you want to support local business, you want to shop local. Most of the coffee I drink is local. Occasionally, I get some dunkin' donuts. I guess it's just dunkin' now. But man, if you're not liking the product, I mean, how much can you do for them? That's tricky, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:59 I don't know, I should see if there's another local place. I could try to go support once a week We'll see not naming any names, but it's rough man. I'm sitting there on my daily Zoom meeting this morning and just every sip you take Every sip you take Every latte you make every lot that you make, every brew you take, every bean you grant, I'll be sipping you. Maybe the first time we've ever sung Sting on the bean town podcast, 2 and a half years in. Sting on the bean town podcast two and a half years in I was Simon this and our like family group chat
Starting point is 00:13:47 A couple days ago and no one really said anything which is fine But I was just my my own musings. Can you believe that we are? A year and now Seven complete months into year two we are over halfway done with year three of the bean town podcast, which is crazy. It's one of those things where I feel like I've done nothing and everything at the same time.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Kind of, that's kind of what quarantine has felt like, you know, I'm sure other people feel this way and then I'm sure there are other people who don't feel this way, but especially with summer, it's like, I kind of feel like I haven't done anything because I haven't. But I don't really know if I feel like bad about that because I don't really get that much fomo.
Starting point is 00:14:39 The only time I occasionally get fomo for those of you who aren't hip fear of missing out F-O-M-O cool acronyms. You know occasionally I'll see like a friend that's on vacation somewhere fun wilderness wise and then occasionally like friends out at the bars but I don't I don't feel a FOMO from any sort of like indoor gathering type of situation because that just makes me mad Like that just makes me that doesn't give me FOMO that just gives me like There's no good adjective for this but like wanting to judge those people hard like I can't tell you how many Instagram stories Maybe you feel the same way
Starting point is 00:15:21 I like Watch and scroll through and all I want to do is just send a nasty like comment. And that's something that like college Quinn would have done the drop of a hat, which is a fun phrase. And older Quinn tries not to do that anymore and I don't really do it, but it's still hard sometimes, man. You got to control myself But at the same time it's like, you know, there are certain things that you know mind your business whatever Don't judge, but then there are other like large-scale pandemic public health crises related things Where I kind of feel like I I can judge and I still haven't, but it's tough. Speaking of judging, wow.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I don't know what happened if this particular extended family member just started like shit posting like crazy on Facebook or if Facebook all of a sudden just decided in their algorithm to start showing me their posts. Well, again, not gonna name any names, but I have a extended family member, not, you know, not mom and dad, not brother sister, that has just gone off the absolute deep end as an anti-masker, right? Not anti-vaxxer, anti-masker, it's the new hip trend. Just the amount of like, bright-bart websites, bright-bart-esque websites. And then other websites that you click on it,
Starting point is 00:17:07 and within about five seconds, you're pretty confident that this is backed by some sort of Russian hacker. The amount of intentional disinformation, misinformation, being spread across Facebook, or at least on my news feed, is absolutely mind-blowing, mind-numbing, shocking. So I've made it my personal mission to report every single post as false news. And I'm not sure I haven't really been following up on this particular
Starting point is 00:17:47 family members profile to see if anything's been getting removed but boy it's it's rough just what how sad is it to like live in that little bubble. I went on a Instagram rant on this actually at 4 a.m. yesterday morning, posted like 10 stories, which I never do. Like that's just not my vibe. But I just got fed up with seeing all the Facebook posts from this particular person, and I really went off on them on Instagram. Just the extremist far right, like anti-everything.
Starting point is 00:18:30 What is that? Anti-science, anti-federal power, unless, you know, it's something that you want the federal government to get involved in, like, women's reproductive rights or protesters in cities. Right, it's total pick and choose, which we're all that way to a certain extent, but it seems a lot more built out on the far right end of the spectrum. But just anti-everything.
Starting point is 00:19:02 In fact, I try to avoid getting into the Facebook arguments, because obviously everyone knows it's not going to do anything. No one goes into those Facebook arguments anymore thinking, like, I'm going to change some minds. It's just a sheer entertainment value at this point. At least it is for me. But I commented on this particular family members post about, oh man, I don't even,
Starting point is 00:19:31 oh, going back to school. And of course, in lovely hypocritical fashion, this person hours before posted about how it wasn't safe to hold an election, and then two hours later talked about how safe It is to open up schools and you know there's few and all sorts of Children can't pass it on to other people type of just frankly straight up like Lies things that go against direct evidence to the contrary
Starting point is 00:20:03 And so I just I try not to go on Facebook to attack views, although there are plenty of views on there, and stories and misinformation that deserve to be attacked. But I pretty much just go on there and comment sort of the right stuff, or what the science is, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. And so I just said something small like, you know, they were talking about going to schools
Starting point is 00:20:32 and comparing it to protesters outside and or reopening schools and comparing it to outdoor protests and being like, you know, that's so hypocritical of the left. And I just commented something like, you know, indoor transmission rates are way, way worse, which is just backed by science, also common knowledge. Don't have to be a rocket science to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Rocket scientists to figure that out. And then, you know, this extended family member and their posse of, I don't even know, white people in Wisconsin, I guess, is the best way to describe it. Just all over it. Like, there's no evidence to back that, whatever, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then the most shocking part of all this, and then I'll finish this story, I promise. I'm trying to remember exactly how this went down.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Essentially, you know, someone, I don't know if it was my family member or someone else said something about the fact that, you know, like all viruses, oh yeah, this is what they said. So it's like like all viruses, you know, this is something you have to get, or getting it makes your body stronger, which in theory is true, assuming you survive it. And also, that's a huge generalization though,
Starting point is 00:22:00 also because we don't know, we have like no scientific research on the full, you know effects of how COVID impacts your body, right my girlfriend and her roommates are still having lingering symptoms and they had it four months ago I don't know what it's done to my body, you know, I was asymptomatic when I had it But I don't know if that's gonna mess me up in the future. No clue Because we don't know if that's going to mess me up in the future. No clue. Because we don't know yet. And so I commented something really simple, not attacking anybody, basically in response
Starting point is 00:22:34 to that lovely person saying something along the lines of, you know, you just have to get it. And it will make you stronger. I said something like, you know, tell that to the 150,000 Americans who have died, which I think is a very fair, straightforward thing to say. And then my extended family member said, well, I don't believe that's actually true. That 150,000 people have died.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And at that point, that's just like the most shocking. I have nothing else to say to that. If you're not believing that people are dying, and I have held my tongue with the Hermann Cain thing because it's a really resting piece to Hermann Cain. It's a really hard line to walk. And I don't want to politicize anyone's death. I don't, I think that's near-sighted, shallow,
Starting point is 00:23:40 whatever, it's a low blow. At the same time, he was all over, he was signing the waivers Whatever it's a low blow at the same time He was all over he was signing the waivers to attend the the rallies in Tulsa he was making light of it on Twitter making fun of it and You know the rest is history So I just I don't get it like these wild extremists, there's really no other way to put it. I guess the only way they'll change their mind is after they've died. So that's nice. That's very nice. It's a fun, fun image.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I gotta take my multivitamin here. Rive on the air. That's very exciting. You know, just consider yourself lucky that I didn't spend this whole episode reading the nutrition facts on these daily multivitamins. Men's daily multivitamins from Target. Target? 300 tablets.
Starting point is 00:24:54 It's almost enough for the whole year. Almost. Speaking of which, if anyone's figured out the Friday, the 13th Brain teaser yet, from the opening of this episode, shoot us an email, against We always love hearing from you. Boy, there's a lot of... It's supplemental facts, or supplement facts.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Okay, that makes more sense than supplemental facts on the back of this. But you got your hundred over a hundred percent of vitamin A. That's good. Thyme, riboflavin, niacine, vitamin B6, folate, 750 percent of vitamin B12. That's crazy. That's a lot of percentage. 343 percent at chromium. Wow. That's pretty neat. I don't know what chromium is, but I feel like a transformer or something taking my chromium supplements
Starting point is 00:25:55 Pretty cool. Let's read some ads here and then you know just a couple of the things in a short second half and I'll let you go again. Polynesians, if you were riding high after this past weekend's episode, think in, wow, Quinn, maybe get a get start on a hot streak here. Apologies for that. And I also, I did consider bringing the podcasting equipment with me in the car and doing a podcast with Rachel, either on the way, into Indiana or on the way,
Starting point is 00:26:30 out of Indiana on Sunday, but frankly, I just decided and I wanna log that stuff around. So, someday, boy, we haven't done a podcast from outside of Illinois in I legit have no clue. I mean, I haven't left the state since late February and even then, you know, I wasn't, we weren't podcasting from those places.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Maybe did a show from, I didn't even do a show from Alabama in January. I just came back and I ranted on it. That was a good episode. This possible we haven't done a remote episode yet this year and it's possible we won't have one until Christmas. Potentially. Potentially. I, TBD. All right, I'm sorry, I just got an email from China. I was trying to read through here. Let's read our ads quickly here. And then I've got a little bit of good news.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I could always use some good news to head into our weekend. It's really not that exciting, but it's something. Are you tired of selling your, for Home Pride organ? Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, they got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bando Organ
Starting point is 00:28:01 is central organs hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, Bando Organ is central organs, hottest new home inspection provider, with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Organ is both contractor certified and a home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate,
Starting point is 00:28:17 a little wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector, you can trust, you have to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or you can just visit HomePrideOrgan inspection, perfection. Quick shout out to the Samsung Q2U series, this crisp, clear audio quality. It sounds good and it, it sounds good, and it makes you feel good, which is even more important.
Starting point is 00:28:49 You know with a healthy dosage of Samsung Q2U and your men's daily vitamins with now with extra chromium, and 750% of your B12 or B6, whatever I said. With a name like Samsung, it's gotta be good. When God speaks. He uses a Samson. Let's say prophetic reference for those of you who haven't read the Old Testament,
Starting point is 00:29:13 which frankly is pretty long and dry, sad. More emails. This is what I get for trying to do a podcast the melody day on a Friday. Although I tell you what man Last I think I shared this on the air. I aired my grievances on the air last Sunday when I was recording and still getting emails Live on air. That was fun Don't email people on Sunday friends Bob and we've cuts by Q We all know the hairstyle and we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman, but different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned
Starting point is 00:29:54 and operated since 1995, and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, North-Hus, Indiana, and the greater Chicago land area. From B-Hive, to Banks, Full Hawks, to Flat Tops, and everything and the greater Chicago land area. From B-Hive, Spangsville, Hawks, the Flat Top, and everything in between, you have to call it cuts by a Q815, 298, 7200, or you can email Again, that's cut. It's Qutizee.
Starting point is 00:30:18 All right, sing with us. Oh, and you need a fresh dew, something snappy, and new, just call the experts at cuts by Q. All right, good stuff. Welcome to our abridged second half of the program here. I don't have too much for you. I figure we'll do a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Just one thing to kind of touch and base on,
Starting point is 00:30:50 and then just following up on something I had previously talked about. And then I was thinking, since we don't get to really play music when we do our video casts, and I was just trying to make this week as low maintenance as possible, because I have limited time to do it. Middle of the day, I have work to do for multiple jobs. So I, we're not even going to put this on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I'm going to put it on SoundCloud. It takes 10 minutes to upload, and then that's going to be it. So apologies. And if you are, this is worth mentioning, if you are some new normally just watches the podcast on YouTube, we try to put most of our stuff on there, but it's far from all. Probably two thirds of the stuff goes on YouTube, but it's far from all. Probably two-thirds of the stuff goes on YouTube, but
Starting point is 00:31:46 you know, there are plenty of episodes. If you're thinking Quinn only posts, I guess you wouldn't know this if you're only watching YouTube because you'll never hear this. But if you're thinking Quinn, you know, the only time Quinn comes out with a new episode is when it goes on YouTube, you would be wrong. If you're thinking he posts, you know, sometimes some weekends, not others, well, we haven't missed a show yet. And we've been doing this since January 13th, 2018, which feels like a lifetime ago. That's crazy. Music. Well, I'm going to play a little bit of music to play us out here. But I also want to mention I have a new iPod. Wow, that's exciting. And it's an actual iPod. It's not an MP3 player. So to briefly catch you up on the saga, I had bought a iPod Nano 4th Gen green little numbers like my first big purchase in life
Starting point is 00:32:47 125 bucks from Target when I was in maybe seventh grade I remember I had a piano lesson with Mary Jo arm strong Who is in Hyde Park now and afterwards I got You know mom to take me over to Target so I could buy it was really exciting I'd had like an MB3 player before I don't remember you know, mom, to take me over to Target so I could buy it. I was really exciting. I had had like an MB3 player before. I don't remember why I really wanted the iPod, but I got it and that baby worked like a charm. It, in different phases of my life,
Starting point is 00:33:17 I would use it more than other phases like, I think in college, like my freshman year or something, it probably just like sat in my drawer the whole year. I don't think I ever used it. But lately, in life, it had been getting a lot of use, you know, on my commute, just an hour each way. And then in quarantine, now that I'm running five times a week, by the way, tomorrow's long run, which I've got to get
Starting point is 00:33:42 in super early, because then I got to take a bus to the car until place and grab the car around like 8.30. That's gonna be super early. Yikes. Tomorrow's run is my 100th run of quarantine. This is week 20 of quarantine. Tomorrow morning will be my 100th run. No, I have not been keeping track.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I don't know the exact mileage. I could probably give you a pretty good averaged estimate of how many miles total. In fact, I'll probably do that later just for funsies. But I don't, no, I don't know exactly how many miles it's been. But tomorrow is my hundredth run, which is exciting. But I iPod had been gone with me through two marathons, a lot of miles, just a lot of time in general. Stupidly, this was either a late March, early April, I don't remember exactly when. We're not a long run, ran a half marathon in the rain on a Saturday morning,
Starting point is 00:34:43 and nowadays, if it's raining outside, I'm not taking out, you know, iPod MP3 player no matter what, like, sleep it inside, not worth it. I wasn't so stupid to just, you know, bring it out, like I normally would or bring it with me as I normally would. I put it in the Ziploc bag and I still, I felt good about it. In fact, I ran almost the entire half marathon
Starting point is 00:35:10 until I was literally at Pratt and Greenview here, which is three blocks from my apartment. And it died then. And I knew I was on a full charge, so I knew it wasn't that. In fact, the eye body is still sitting in rice. This happened three to four months ago. It's still, I still have a bowl of brown rice in my kitchen, and then my iPod is just sitting in.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I need to give it up, but I haven't been eating a lot of rice lately, so I haven't seen the need to. So that was a bummer, because I'd had that thing, I bought it when I was 12 or 13. So I'd had it for 12 or 13 years, half my life. So I go off or on to Amazon and buy an MP3 player. It's got enough from radio. It's got good reviews, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I use that for maybe two months, two and a half months, and all of a sudden it started to have issues, only a couple of weeks in, I guess, where it would like, I'd be running and it would finish a song and then just turn off. And I wouldn't be able to turn it back on. And I knew it wasn't a battery thing, so I'd have a full charge, and I'd plug it back in, and it would turn back on and be fully charged. And I'd be like, OK, this is weird. Other times, you would just have to let it cool down basically for a couple of hours before you could do anything with it, before you could turn it back on,
Starting point is 00:36:37 but it wasn't a battery issue. So it's frustrating, because it was just really unpredictable. Eventually, one day, when it, in the wildest thing about this MP3 player was that it would never just crap out in the middle of a song. It would wait very politely until it had finished a song and then it would shut off. I don't understand. I mean, I don't know anything about the tech of this stuff, but just weird. Eventually, one day, you know, about a month ago, it just after a song shut off, which happens occasionally, and never was able to turn it back on.
Starting point is 00:37:13 That was it. So I go on to Amazon, and I'm like, okay, we're gonna do some hardcore review reading here. We're gonna make sure we get the exact right one, because this has got to stop. I'm moving on to my third model in the last two months or so. So I buy another MP3 player. And this one's really cool. Also, as a FM radio player, it's a little bit lighter. I'm excited for it. Literally, like, two days in, it's got, you know, like a touchscreen for buttons and it just stops responding. I can turn it on, but I can't click on any of the buttons. So I shipped it right back. I think I used it three times maybe before I stopped being able to use it, it was just shocking. So then I was like, okay, I'm at a crossroads here. I'm not gonna keep buying shitty MP3 players
Starting point is 00:38:09 because they clearly cannot handle my runs. So I'm like, I need to go back, and I'm not like a huge Apple proponent, right? I'm on, recording on the Mac right now, which I've had since senior of high school, and that's been good, but when this baby Finally, craps out I'm not buying another Mac and I didn't really want to buy another iPod right because they're expensive If you the only new iPod you can buy right now is a touch and I think the cheapest it runs you is like
Starting point is 00:38:41 200 to 50 or something and I don't even want to touch. All I literally just like want something where I can plug my headphones in and listen to music or radio, either one or both. I don't care. So I don't need to pay $200 for that. So I go to a refurbishing website, and I purchased another. I figured I had such good luck.
Starting point is 00:39:05 First go around with the fourth gen nano. I purchased a refurbished fourth gen nano. I'm looking at her right now. It's silver and the wheel is black. We've charged it up. We loaded our favorite songs on it. It's only eight gigs, which is probably shocking to those out there with those phones
Starting point is 00:39:24 that are like five terabytes, but I'm going old school here. So I'm going to take it out for a spin on my long walk today after I get off work. It'll be its first test drive. But I'm excited. Fingers crossed. I mean, famous last words. I was excited about the last two MP3 players I bought.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And here we are. But we're going to see how it goes. So that's my update. On that, I did have multiple people both who listen to the podcast and just other people, other friends in life this past week who've reached out offering to you know allow me to use their old music listening devices which I do appreciate so thank
Starting point is 00:40:11 you so much if you did reach out we'll see how this iPod goes I have high hopes and I think honestly like you know a big issue I think with the last couple MP3 players was the sweat factor So I think what I'm gonna do just as a blanket policy moving forward on my runs is every single run I'm gonna stick the MP3 player or the iPod in a zip lock And it's you can't close it off completely obviously because you have to get the the wire through there for the headphone jack. But I think just taking that extra precaution hopefully will help because I just, I gotta stop burning through money on this stuff. It's ridiculous. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I'm gonna, let me pause for a quick second and let's, I'm gonna readjust, move over to the piano. I don't know how good the audio quality is gonna be. I haven't found a good way to like, set up my microphones. I really, it probably be worth investing in two stands, one for vocals and one for piano. For any recording I wanna do, I don't have that set up right now though. So, I don't even know how it's gonna sound. Probably not great, but I'm to do. I don't have that set up right now though. So I don't even know how it's going to sound.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Probably not great, but I'm going to do my best. But hang on, hang tight for a second. Well, I go readjust and we'll be back with a little song to play us out, but that's all I got for you. So I'll be right back. All right, I'm back. One thing led to another, there was like a 15-minute break in there. You know, that just tells me that my time is running up here and I got to get back to work.
Starting point is 00:41:53 So I'm gonna play one quick song for you here. We were talking about cold play a couple weeks ago and it might be fun to play one of their new songs. We'll see how it goes. And it's gonna be one take. So let me get situated and we'll try it out. This one's called Cry Cry Cry. All right. Take one of one. Apologies for the quality. This is as good as it's going to get. In a book about the world, call the luminous things. There are trees and flowers growing While Jesus boasted what he saw was seen When you cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry cry cry, cry, cry cry cry, cry, cry, cry cry cry, cry, cry, cry cry cry, cry cry cry cry, cry, Don't want us to hurt each other or cause each other pain. Don't want to feel what we don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:41 We're in this together bay, we're singing this terrain So I'll never, never, never let you go When you cry, cry, cry baby When you cry, cry, cry Cry cry When you cry cry cry baby I'll be by your side Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, All the stops out in the sky When you cry cry cry When you cry cry cry
Starting point is 00:45:00 When you cry, cry, cry Hey, take care, be safe, be sane, I'll check in on you next time. Bye.

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