Beantown Podcast - Father's Day 2023 & Daddy Long Legs (06162023 Beantown)

Episode Date: June 16, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to celebrate all the dads out there with father-son trivia, a brand new single, and some dad memories of yore. Happy Father's Day to all!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday June 16th, 2023. Just remembered an old childhood friend's birthday today. Happy birthday. Jared Sloth hour. Probably the only time I've ever been broken up with in a friendship directly and over the fall. One of the weirdest moments of my life, it was just like a weeknight. I was sitting there and I got a call on our landline. It was my friend Jared and it was I was probably like, I don't know Probably right around end of middle school start a high school he and I and my brother Jack brother the podcast Jack For and it's we're all very good friends definitely like our closest childhood friend and
Starting point is 00:00:58 Basically just got broken up with over the phone out of the blue we'd probably hung out just Days earlier and I really recall but from that point forward I broken up with over the phone. Out of the blue, we'd probably hung out just days earlier, I don't really recall, but from that point forward, I, we like saw each other here and there after that, but it was always very awkward. And I remember feeling very like embarrassed and ashamed that it happened and I didn't understand why. And to this day, I still don't understand why.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I don't have an explanation. And they'd try and do like avoid talking about my best friend with other members of my family because I was like weirded out by it and felt embarrassed so good stuff happy birthday to J Train I think he's got to be the big 30 for Jared so hope wherever you are my friend. Hope you're having a good day. My name is Quinn David Frennison. This is my show.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Quinn David Frenz presents the Bean Town podcast. It is a big weekend. It's Father's Day weekend. On Sunday we got, it's our Father's Day special. It is Juneteenth on Monday the 19th. This will be the first year I've ever had Juneteenth off in my life. I feel like I ever since Biden signed that into
Starting point is 00:02:07 Federal whatever it's it's it's catch and fire here like Katniss Everdeen and more and more people are starting to get it off But I think it's probably still gonna live in that kind of nebulous with MLK day in Presidents day, although I think so MLK day and Juneteenth are federal holidays. I don't think presidents day is a federal holiday, is it? I don't really know how these things are classified, nor does it really matter, I think, because hey, I get MLK day off, that's a relatively new thing. And I get Juneteenth off, super new thing. And I get Juneteenth off a super new thing. And fairly certain those are both federal holidays. But I don't get
Starting point is 00:02:51 president's day off. According to Wikipedia, president's day officially Washington's birthday at the federal government level. So it's Washington's birthday at the federal government level is a holiday in the United States. Okay, but I don't know. Oh, since 1879 has been the federal holiday honoring Finding Father George Washington. What I'm getting from this is that the fact that something is a federal holiday
Starting point is 00:03:13 doesn't actually mean anything for, I guess, companies, private companies would probably be the way that works, right? If you're public, not public, but if you are a taxpayer-funded state or government, let's call it government entity or organization, you're probably not gonna be open on any of those days. I think is what I'm trying to get at here.
Starting point is 00:03:38 So you got a three day weekend, which is very exciting. Weird weather in Chicago, super cold this morning. It's coming back though. I tell you what, I'll jump into this real quick and then we'll get going on our show here because I don't want to be too long today. I went this morning so if you're in Chicago you probably heard of it at this point. It started last year a movement, a group, if you will, a loosely organized collection of people called Friday Morning Swim Club. So this was launched last year in like May
Starting point is 00:04:05 or June or something. Essentially, it's a group of people who go out to Montrose Harbor and jump in Lake Michigan on Friday mornings. And I've been, I don't know, I think it's skeptical isn't the right word, but I've never actually gone. I've certainly never jumped in. I've had friends who go and it's turned into a pretty big kind of social thing here in the city of Chicago. I mean, at times there will be thousands of people there who jump in. And I decided this morning, I actually had a hard time sleeping last night, which is not typically the case for me, but I was, it was was like 4.45 I woke up and I was just like
Starting point is 00:04:47 I can't I'm not going back to sleep I knew I had a long work day today and it was long it was really rough so I decided you know let's get some steps in it's about two and a half miles from door to jump spot but of course it's so cold here I had to put a sweatpants and a hoodie, and I could see my breath as I was walking. It was crazy, but I went out there. In case you're not in Chicago, it was about 52, 53 degrees this morning.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Lake is pretty chilly. They're still probably at least, I don't know, four or 500 people who showed up. And some of them jumped in, many did not, but good on those people. And I didn't, I just literally walked there, sat down, watched, observed for about all of 10 minutes, and then I walked back.
Starting point is 00:05:36 But I got my steps in, and I can say, I've been to Friday morning swim club. I'll say this, I don't go swimming and like, Michigan that often, solely because it's always cold, and oftentimes you get pretty choppy waves. And I don't know when you jump in and you get the shock of the cold. And then on top of that you get the, you know, you're trying to like, even if you're a good swimmer, the choppiness can kind of throw you off a little bit. So I haven't gone swimming in the lake in a while,
Starting point is 00:06:07 probably not where I thought for sure my fingers were going to get year ago exactly, probably even a little bit longer than that. So it's fun, good on those people. They have a good time. So I did that. I was in as advised when you're listening to the B-Tone podcast, number one, we'll occasionally do some language.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. What I think today is gonna be light, it's gonna be fun. And it's our Father's Day special, and we gotta start off, there's some other things I wanna mention here. We got Dad trivia going on, we got a palindrome, which is not gonna be super exciting. We got a new comedy sketch idea, I want to flip by all of you.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And I came, we got dad memories. I came across a piece of classical music, we're not going to play it or anything, but I just have to share it with the world because I don't even, I think God for YouTube, for somehow throwing this into my algorithm, I don't know how I came across it, but it's easily my new favorite thing. I think I've probably been listening to it basically on repeat for like five days. So I'll tell you a little bit about that.
Starting point is 00:07:13 What I know, there's not even much available information on it unless I have to try to do some more deep digging, but we're gonna start off because I woke up Wednesday morning and also mentioned hello to my friends in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Karachi, Kibera Pass. I don't know if they celebrate Father's Day in Pakistan but it seems like a fairly patriarchal is a patriarchal or patriarchal? I think just patriarchal right? Patriarchy, pay tree, arkel, society, yeah. I'll spell it for you, but I'm looking right at it. P-A-T-I-R-A-R-C-H-A-L. I think I could do that without it. Pretty patriarchal
Starting point is 00:07:57 society. So hello to my friends in Pakistan. Thank you for listening. Oh, and also just mention, uh, congratulatory podcast, DG, for getting married last week at Harvard. So Harvard, man, he's actually been married for three years now, but this was just the celebration. And I tell you what, there's a whole other podcast we could do there about some of the stuff that happened, set up, tear down, but I'm not gonna linger.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm not going to be smurch and I will not say ill on public airwaves of anyone Certainly not in the family. So there was a beautiful time glad that I could help glad we could make your day So special so congratulations to those guys Son of ane the Pike is Anna who got us turned on to the whole George Santos thing and the George Soros thing and she's been on once her twice before It's been a while probably four or five years, but she has been on Okay, but going back here father's day Now if you're new to the show you won't know this because we totally
Starting point is 00:09:04 Boothed on it B-O-O-F-E-D, like, boof bonzer. Speaking of boof bonzer, we're going to have some dad-centric baseball trivia in a couple of minutes here. So you got that to look forward to. If you don't know boof bonzer, just go to or wait in your favorite Wikipedia page and have some fun looking at the booth. Here's a very brief before we talk about what actually happened to me on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Do you think, okay, first tribute question, unplanned tribute question, is Booth Bonser, so in case you don't know, he's a pitcher, a relief pitcher for a while, played for the twins, I think he had a stand with the Cubs, I'm sure other teams, relief pitchers play for everyone everyone But do you think boof was actually his first name? I'm gonna guess no Then the fun part is guessing what do you think boof bonzer's first name actually was and I will be more surprised if it's boof Then something like Reginald, but let's do a quick Google search We always learn on the bean Tom podcast if nothing else else, we learn things. Booth bonds are American baseball athlete.
Starting point is 00:10:07 All right, here we go. Oh, friend of the show, probably a baseball legend too, but a piano legend is gonna appreciate this. So get your guesses in. You can email us bean Tom podcast. Yeah, who did come? Bean Tom podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Yeah, who did come? In case you don't know, in case you're not a boof head, he's 41 now, he's from St. Petersburg, Florida. The team he played for, not as many as I would have thought. Just three major league teams, the Twins from 06 to 08, the Red Sox and the Athletics in 2010. So he only logged what four seasons total. He was not around a lot, just in a formative time.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Okay, but to actually get to the bottom of this booth bonzer's full first name John Paul So if you go to his Wikipedia says John Paul boof bonzer. I love it JP boof Sounds like a mobster or something JP boof JP La Boof Shia La Boof I woke up Wednesday and I gotta tell you, I feel like my creativity for the most part, especially musically, not as high now as, especially when I was like single living alone. I just feel like there was a lot more time for my head to just kind of wander to places unknown.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And I still try to stay creative with the comedy, with the podcast, music, to a lesser extent. But I tell you what, I woke up this morning, or Wednesday morning rather, it's Friday now. And I said, we got to do a father's day song. So to finish the thought, I had started saying, back in the good old days of the bean down podcast, we're in year six now. I think it was the first three years, but we might have done a fourth one too. I can't recall. I know it did not happen last year, year five. Somehow we started the tradition of writing a Father's Day song and debuting it on the
Starting point is 00:12:00 podcast and our Father's Day episode. Now they tend to be specific to my dad. We've had ones that I know the, I think the most recent one was like a Randy Newman parody. There was one that had some great effects on it. It mentioned Macy's and Thanksgiving Day parades. And then there is the original one, which I don't even remember how it goes. I'm pretty sure it's on the YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:12:29 If you go to my YouTube channel, Quinn David Furnace, you can probably find all of them in some capacity. But if you're out there and you start exploring and you go to my YouTube channel, you'll also notice that our most recent video. In fact, it's the first uploaded video, we've had some lives, but it's our first uploaded video on the YouTube channel
Starting point is 00:12:51 in five months. The one I did before that was a wedding video. I'm kind of, you know, dabbling in videography for my brother and my sister, Lajak, and Nicole. There is a new one. So we're back with another Father's Day song. Cornbread muffins was it in 2020. That was the Randy Neumann one.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So I guess we just did one, two, three. We botched year four and year five. We boofed it. So Cornbread muffins is year three, year two. Oh man, I'm going through all my quarantine videos. I was pretty prolific back then, P-R-O-L-I-F-I-C. Anyways, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:13:30 we don't have to get to the bottom of all this stuff. Happy Father's Day 2019. I think that's the one with some good effects. And I thought that we had a song in 2018 as well. Oh, there's the Must Watch Hot Dog eating contest. The elfated Matthew Fiedler, Quinn Furnace, bean town unplugged concert series. Anyways, I might try to dig that up later.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I think there was a song, but it wasn't separated out. It was just on the regular podcast feed with the rest of the episode. I'll say that for later. What I'm trying to say is woke up Wednesday and I said, I gotta write a song. So I went down, I got a notepad, tore out a piece of paper, got a sharpie,
Starting point is 00:14:13 and I just started drawing. And I said, this is how I've never written a song this way, but I said, this is how we're gonna write this song. It reminds me of like, it's always sunny, Charlie Day's character, sometimes he'll write like a script and it's just pictures. I think at the Nightman Cometh instead of
Starting point is 00:14:30 sheet music he has like pictures and they're supposed to read that to sing their songs and stuff. That's kind of what's going on here. So I drew it, you probably saw it on social media, I posted the image. I'm literally sitting there, I was working from home, it was like 7.30 a.m. so I'd have to go to the office. I drew a spider with a top hat, a globe, from home, it was like 7.30 a.m. so I'd have to go to the office. I drew a spider at the top at a globe, free hand, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:50 You got North America, South America, Africa, Europe. No one wants to draw the other side, it's just the ocean. And then on the bottom, I have a grand piano, all drawn from memory. I was very proud of myself. Anyone knows me, knows I am not a visual artist. That is not my thing. I think I took one drawing class at home school when I was, I don't know, 10 years old, something like that. I drew that. Then I jotted down two sentences sitting on top of the world's
Starting point is 00:15:22 or, yes, spinning, oh, spinning on top of the world, I have it with me, but it's on the other side of the room, I can't see that far. Spinning on top of the world, spinning inside of my head. And all of a sudden, and I just started flowing, I sat down to the piano, and I just went for it. So I'll say this, my inspiration, sort of what I was drawing upon as I created, as I crafted
Starting point is 00:15:46 this song in the recording studio on Wednesday was like a little bit of Bowie and a little bit of goodbye yellow brick road. And in case you just want to listen to this independently, it's on the YouTube channel now. You can find it also We put it on the homepage. This is the world premiere of Happy Father's Day 2023. This one's called Daddy Long Lakes, and we're going to play it for you live on the podcast now and we'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:16:19 So enjoy the world premiere, Happy Father's Day. Here's Daddy long legs. Spinning on top of the world spinning inside of my head Spinning in narrow Chilling like a scarecrow He brings us here, then I'm in peace Spinning on top of the world Spinning inside of my head Spinning inside of my head The fangs of a Titan,
Starting point is 00:17:09 Thirly and light and light You bite like a loving embrace So dead in long legs Lay of a thousand eggs Rappin' into the stars of my dreams You spin like a hustler, there's no way it's trusted And hug and get by your love Dance on a rainbow, even as a blood flows
Starting point is 00:17:42 Spinning around us tonight My daddy Oh Daddy spent me tonight Spinning on top of the world, spinning inside of my head. You thin like a pencil, fuel up on mantle, a joke down a racknade line Oh, daddy long legs, lay a thousand eggs, racknade to the stars of my dreams You spin like a hustler, there's no way I trust her, hug her and give her your love.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Dance on a rainbow, even as her blood flows, Spinning around us tonight, in my daddy. But that has been me tonight And there you go. I hope you enjoyed it. And there you go. I hope you enjoyed it. So we laid down the piano track after a couple of rehearsals and then did the vocals on top of that. So I had a great time. I hope you enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:19:55 That's a song for all the fathers out there. Happy Father's Day. It's on our YouTube channel. You can see all the lyrics there, if you'd like. Written from the heart. All right. We got a couple of things lined up here in the second half of today's bean-town podcast. We're gonna move through it pretty quickly,
Starting point is 00:20:10 but first I wanna give a shout out to our sponsors and I wanna make sure we get a full ad read in here for Home Pride organ because it is Father's Day. Oh, and by the way, I was just curious, well, that was playing, because I not only did I record it and everything, but actually in the making of this podcast, I put it in the track obviously,
Starting point is 00:20:32 and then I also listened to the whole thing because it's just kind of catchy to be honest. Like I'm not blowing smoke up my own ass. I am a little bit, but I think it's pretty catchy. It's not perfect. I mean, I'll say this from conception, even before conception, from the time I decided that I was going to do a Father's Day song to the finished product being ready was probably two hours. So I'm pretty proud of that. Let's do our
Starting point is 00:21:01 ad reads here, though, if I can find it in the bean town podcast. I might be signed into the wrong Google account, which would be tragic. I sure am. Let's switch that. Quind up for it is at That's the one that we want. All right, here we go. Home Pride organ.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Are you tired of selling your house or less than a quarter of what it's worth? All because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, we're going listeners. We got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bandoorigan is central organ, hottest. New home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know
Starting point is 00:21:41 you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, and're angle hold and I sure am on the home inspection market and you want to save certified home inspector you can trust. Call Steve at 541-4103. 410, excuse me, 0316. Or for all you gen Xers out there, Gen Zers. Just go to the website Again, it's 541-410-316 or visit
Starting point is 00:22:07 Homepiredorgan inspection. Perfection. I also want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. It's got crisp, clear audio quality. It sounds good. It tastes great. When God speaks, He uses Samson. I still have in my original bean town ad reads copy,
Starting point is 00:22:24 which is the Google Doc, which I don't think has been touched town ad reads copy, which is the Google doc Which I don't think has been touched for probably four years five years. I still have well I've never actually written a Samsung Q2U series copy. It just says shout out to the Samsung Q2U series So a little bit of kind of emerald city pulling the curtain back kind of stuff But then I also have written TV guide story. Original bean heads, what we call that, I once used my spirit points to get a year-long magazine subscription to the TV guide, which was ironic at the time,
Starting point is 00:22:58 because I didn't own a TV. I still don't have cable or anything, but I have two TVs now. But they sent me four copies and then I never actually got anything after that. So I guess I only had enough points for a month. There's three or four copies. That was it. So I still have it written here.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Old relic of bean town your, Y-O-R-E. Finally our good friends and cuts by Q. I just did a nice little shave by Q today. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's a little like Anderson man, just different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated
Starting point is 00:23:38 since 1995 and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Cook County, Northwood, Indiana, I don't know, McKenery County too, I'll take the Metro and the Greater Chicago Land Area. From Beehives to Banks, Fowl Hawks to Flat Top, San Everything Between Call, Cuts by Q815, 298, 7200, or you can email cutsbycute at again, that's Cuts!
Starting point is 00:23:59 Q-U-T-Z, Oh, no more songs, More songs on the podcast today. When you need to fresh do something snappy and nude. Call the experts at cuts by Q. In case you're curious, our phone is ringing. Potential spam. Let's let's see what's going on. You know what, this is good, says it's labeled potential spam. Let's put it on speaker phone. Let's see what happens. Welcome to the Bean Tom Podcast. You are live on the air.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Dead air, call ended. You know, if you're going to do a spam call at five o'clock on a Friday, you gotta be ready to join the live podcast. That's highly disappointing. Okay, our paladium of the day is super exciting. It's dad, D-A-D, or if your Dutch is probably like D-A-A-D, which is still a paladium. That's why the show works. It's cosmopolitan. It's international. It's got flair. It's got style. It's got substance most importantly. It's got heart And more importantly, it's got dads I
Starting point is 00:25:13 Would say I'm like 99 and how many decimal points we want to put on this point 999 9% confident That's pretty confident that I'm not a dad Because I feel like I have tabs on everything. Just not even even go down that rabbit hole anymore. I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't be celebrating yet, but that doesn't mean that I can't celebrate my dads. I have one and I'm about to get a second one.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Although he's graciously welcomed me into the family for three and a half years now. I wanted to share just two brief and there's not anything dramatic, two brief dad memories and then we got a quick music thing and then our dad trivia that's the end of the show here. So I was thinking about this earlier like it's Father's Day. I know we're doing this song, but I'd like to share just some very quick dad memories. And there's look when we talk about like remembering our loved ones there's always the big moments you know, which are great. You know the kind of the big things that you remember. But then there's also, there's the little things too, right? The things that, in most nine out of ten of those little
Starting point is 00:26:33 things you'll never remember, you forget. So I was just trying to think, like, what are some little moments? Obviously with my own dad, I have 28 years to draw upon versus the future father-in-law of the Pachez Jose, shout out to Jose. I told Rachel, shout out to fiance the Pachez Rachel. She is lovely. That I would give Jose a shout out and hopefully he'll listen. He had to wait 28 minutes to hear his name. Only three and a half years of experiences.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But here we go. Let's start off with a very quick, I mentioned these are just brief fleeting things that I remember that the dads probably don't even remember. Well, one of them, the Jose one is a little bit more just kind of it's happened many times, but I still love it. This one with Steve was just a one-time thing
Starting point is 00:27:19 as far as I remember. So we've never, other than when we had, friend of the show, Tim Muthuron for Easter, it was probably 2020 maybe, talked to a little bit of detasting there because he was our boss for detasting essentially. But detasting corn was our job grown up, our child labor thing grown up every summer.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Once you turn 12, you detastle corn. And it was just easily the most grueling job ever had. I wouldn't say it's the worst job I've ever had because it's really nice to make some of that money when you're 12, 13, 14, whatever. I mean, you're probably, it was probably when I was 12, honestly, making like five bucks an hour, something like that.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And you're working just, it's, I mean, it's laughable on hindsight. But hey, when you're 12, you don't mind that much. Well, a lot of, a lot of my colleagues did mind, but I just wanted the paycheck. And you, you do it sometimes with some people you know, and it's, you know, there's a lot of things to hate, a lot of things to, you know, that weren't so bad. But at the end of the day, you'd be exhausted. So I remember, I think it was the first, I don't know if it was necessarily my first everyday detastling, but it was the first day of the season.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And it was when I did it with Brother of the Pocket as Jack, who we probably shared four or five seasons together. And I remember my dad, Steve, picking us up from the old shop co and Belvedere. Our house in Cherry Valley was about halfway equidistant between the Belvedere, shop co and Mount Olive Lutheran kind of on the north side of Rockford. And so we would oftentimes just pick up at the shop co because that's where the bus got to first, east side of the metro area. So my dad picked us up and anyone who knows me
Starting point is 00:29:11 and our family, we didn't have much growing up and so we didn't have a lot of, it wasn't super frequent that we got to have many fun treats outside of having ice cream at the house and stuff. Just didn't happen very often. So my dad picked us up and we were driving home along I-20, the U.S. Highway 20 there. And we got to stop in a gas station
Starting point is 00:29:34 and we got to each get a, it was basically a big gulp. It's not called that, but a big old 32-ounce or styrofoam cup. And I just remember it was so hot and it was so muddy, so thankful that dad allowed us, probably gave us each 75 cents, 69 cents or something to go in there and get, I filled it up with spright and ice and that was probably the best spright I've ever had in my life.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So small fleeting moment, it's definitely not like a top five core memory for me, but it's just something I thought of earlier. I remember being so happy that I got to do that. So thank you to dad of the podcast, Defernis for doing that and call him if you need your home inspector. And then for Jose, a father-in-law of the podcast here, I thought of a couple specific things and I decided to settle on just more of a kind of, I thought of a couple specific things and I decided to settle on just more of a kind of You know, it's happened many times, but I love it. There's nothing better
Starting point is 00:30:33 Then sitting down on the couch the nice whole sectional there the black leather Relaxing we've both were both in the the seats that have the feet that go up, you know, so you're nice and cozy Bring out that yellow bag of peanut M&Ms and At first it's it's like no, I'm just gonna have one or two and the next thing you know, most of the bag is gone. And he tends to turn on some action movie that otherwise would never make time to watch. And sometimes it's a miss, sometimes it's really fun, but either way, it's just great to spend time together.
Starting point is 00:31:00 So there is a fun memory, a fun father's day memory for both of my dad. So happy father's day to the two of you. We got one more dad related thing here, tribute to close the show. I did just want to briefly mention though. And look, if you're not into classical music at all, I get it. And if you just want to tune out the next couple of minutes, I get that too. But I'm telling you, I mentioned I teased this half an hour ago. On my YouTube algorithm, I don't know how it popped up, I think it was just like Monday, maybe. I don't listen to a ton of classical music these days, I kind of go in in spurts, right?
Starting point is 00:31:38 I'll have weeks where I'm really listening to a ton of, uh the joblin' or something, right? Excuse me, belching a lot, uncontrollable belching. Mercy, we're gonna actually do a quick pause on the podcast just cause it's getting choppy. All right, hopefully it's smoother now. You don't really know it if you're not in the recording booth with me behind the scenes, but when I'm using this Mac that is officially now
Starting point is 00:32:01 over 10 years old, and I'm using the garage band software that hasn't been updated since the Clinton administration. It's like right now, because I just restarted the recording process or the hit the recording button basically. It's running real smooth in terms of how it moves from left to right on the screen, but as it goes over time, it gets super choppy. And the chopper, it doesn't necessarily impact the audio quality that you all are listening to, but it makes me very nervous.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And then frequently it will just like get so choppy that it just gives up and dies, which is fun. And we'd say at this point that happens once an episode on average, hasn't happened yet today. So knock on a wood, one knock. But what I was saying is, I don't even need to beat around the bush. I'm just gonna come out, come outright and say this,
Starting point is 00:32:47 this piece that I'm about to share with you, just in name only, I encourage you to listen to it in your own time. It is totally badass. So here's what it is. It's by a composer named Joseph Weiss, who, as far as I can tell, composed like two or three pieces in his lifetime,
Starting point is 00:33:02 he was like a turn of the century, 19th to 20th century, like list disciple basically. Obviously it shows in this piece. But he wrote a fantasy essentially think of it as like a fantasy and classical music is it can mean many things. But one of the things it means is piano composers will take larger works like a symphony or frequently an opera, and basically it's not like a one-to-one transcription of that work. It's just taking the basic themes or like think of it as like the most popular songs from that show, and arranging some sort of one act performance, piano performance that kind of melds those themes together
Starting point is 00:33:53 in one kind of beautiful, long song. That's essentially what a fantasy is. I had a favorite one growing up, it was by-list, and it was from themes from Don Giovanni, I believe, by Mozart. And that's a great one, too. You can find a long, long performance. It's like 16 minutes, but it's fantastic. And I would cite read through that when I was probably 13, 14,
Starting point is 00:34:16 something like that. It's still a fantastic piece. This one is from Carmen, which is a very famous opera. Probably the most famous French opera there is, George Bazaille, B-I-Z-E-T, which it could be a longer story, it doesn't need to be, but I was supposed to see Carmen when I was 18, a freshman in college. My then girlfriend at the time, Katie, she is a great French horn player, big into classical music, much more than I ever was. She bought us tickets at the Lyric Opera, which is like the real deal, expensive tickets
Starting point is 00:34:51 to go see Carmen. And we got down there and she forgot the tickets. So we went to like a McDonald's, head dinner, and went home instead. So, to this day, I've never seen Carmen. However, it has some very famous themes. Arguably the most famous one is the Habanera, is that what it is? So that's one, that's super famous, and then there's the overture if you just turn on the start of Carmen you'll hear this I mean the last one the Toriard or something that everyone's heard in their lifetime they couldn't not even Yambar, yambam, yambam, yambam, yambam, yambam, yambam, yambam, yambam, yambam, yambam, so this Joseph Weiss is a list disciple. He writes a fantasy that includes some of the top themes from Carmen. It's obviously clearly list inspired, but it's also very forward thinking that it interweaves
Starting point is 00:36:02 a lot of like rock mononov technique. And it's 10 minutes, so it's not brief, but it's not terribly long either. This is, I am just blown away. Not only the composition itself, but, and I don't know if this is an original, I don't think it's a Joseph Weiss recording. If I used to record, he's probably, he's, you know, probably, what was list. He was Hungarian. So I don't know if he was Hungarian or Austrian or what he was, but I, and I don't know if you, you can just Google it. Joseph vice, Carmen fantasy. You'll see
Starting point is 00:36:37 the top hit as sheet music. There's only like two or three performances of it out there. But this thing is legit. And whoever performed it is absolutely legit. It is, you look at it and some of the comments indicate this too, and I believe this to be true. It is right up there, if not beyond what list ever produced from a technical difficulty perspective. It's one of those things where you listen to it, and you're like, oh my gosh, you got to play this.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And then you get through the first page of sheet music, not that I've tried. I'm not foolish enough to. And you're like, no, I'm not going to play this. But it is breathtaking. And I think my favorite part about this whole thing is there's some of those those top songs from Carmen that we all know, the top themes, melodies. And the whole, I mean, if you, if you know Carmen if you know Carmen, you'll recognize everything going on in the fantasy, but he holds on to those most famous ones, the overture, the Toriador, till the very end.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And so it's the whole thing is like building towards that. And then when it finally emerges, it's glorious, the ending is wonderful. So I wouldn't normally take the time to like share with you a classical piece that I've really been digging lately But I felt I had to for this one take 10 minutes out of your day. Go listen to it. It is spectacular I just I just find it on YouTube Just search Joseph vice Joseph with an F vice W E. I. S. S. Carmen fantasy Blown away mind-boggling stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Okay, our last thing today, and then we're gonna call it quits. We have dad trivia, and I'll be honest, it's sports-related, so I get it if you don't wanna participate, but here we go. You remind you can always email your answers bean-ton podcast at and get this bean-ton bean podcast at Okay, so bean-ton, bean podcast at
Starting point is 00:38:25 Okay, so here we go. I want you to name the famous father, son duo. Well, I give you a full credit if you just give me the last name, yes, is it more fun if you get both first names, I believe so. Okay, so here we go. I'm just gonna, it's pretty straightforward. So it's a father, son duo.
Starting point is 00:38:43 The father was the first player in the 20th century to hit a grand slam in his first career big league game. Now, I was always under the impression because I know this factoid that he was the first one to ever do it. Apparently, there was a guy in like 1897 who did it. And I think it was his first at bat. This player did it, the father, and this famous duo did it in his first ever big league at bat. That's probably not gonna give it to alone. I think I tried to give some sun clues that were not beachy over the head with a stick obvious,
Starting point is 00:39:21 but interesting as well. So here we go. And I will say this, if for all the non trivia heads, non baseball heads in the room, you have heard of the last name, I promise you, okay. Well, I don't, I don't hold me to a promise because I don't know if you lived under a rock and if you're like two years old, listen to this show.
Starting point is 00:39:38 I don't know. Okay, so here we go, here's the clue for the sun. I think I have two of them. Okay, so number one, the sun hit 11 career grant slams. Okay, so the father, his first game, he hit a grant slam, the sun. I think I have two of them. Okay, so number one, the sun hit 11 career grant slams. Okay, so the father, his first game, he hit a grant slam, the sun hit 11 career grant slams. And he hit eight home runs each of five different pictures. So that's the most he ever hit off of one picture, but he did it against five separate pitchers, eight hormones. So I'll give you, now I'll tell you the pitchers and that will tell you, even if you're not
Starting point is 00:40:09 super plugged into baseball, this will probably give you a general year idea. So here are the pitchers. I know I'm familiar with four of the five. The four I know, Chan Ho Park, Kurt Schilling, John Schmultz, and Greg Maddox. And the one I was less familiar with is Terry Mahalind. Okay, so again, that second clue was that he hit eight home runs off of five different pictures. And those pictures were Chan Ho Park, Kurt Schilling, John Schmultz,
Starting point is 00:40:42 Greg Maddox, and Terry Mahalind. So if you need more time to figure this one out, go ahead and pause, submit your answers, all that good stuff from matter. It's a father-son duo in Major League Baseball. And we're gonna reveal the answer now, so we can wrap up this show. The answer is Bobby and Barry Bonds.
Starting point is 00:41:04 So Bobby Bonds, famous, probably his most famous thing outside of being Barry's father is that he hit a grand slam in his first ever career game. And of course, Barry Bonds, I wasn't gonna tell you he's like the all-time home run leader, that's boring, basic, gives it away. So hopefully you learn today that he has 11 career grand slams, which if you're curious, as I was sort of doing the research,
Starting point is 00:41:23 I thought well, Barry Bonds, he has 756 home runs, he's probably which if you're curious, as I was sort of doing the research, I thought, well, Barry Bonz, he has 756 homeruns, he's probably going to be like the leader and number two in Grand Slam's career wise, right? No, A-Rod, Alex Rodriguez has like 25 or something, which should be fair, Alex Rodriguez is like fourth all time in homeruns. I think it goes, um, Bonz, Aaron, Ruth, then A-Rod, but still, he has, I think A-Rod has like double the amount that bonds has, which probably makes sense just contextually because A-Rod played on largely those kick-ass Yankee teams. And then bonds, you know, the giants went to the World Series once. I think
Starting point is 00:42:00 when Barry Bons was a member, but by the time they won their three world series, he was retired. So they weren't as good during the late 90s, early 2000s. So there you go. There's your bean-town podcast trivia question of the week. Everyone, I hope you have a great Father's Day weekend. I hope you have a great June Teenth And I hope you're getting good weather wherever you're at. That's what I have for you guys. My name is Quinn David Furnace. Reminder Our new single daddy long legs is live on the Quinn Furnace YouTube channel. Now please go like, subscribe. The channel give us a like on the song. Play it for your dad this Father's Day. You know he'll like it. Put a lot of time into it. I mentioned
Starting point is 00:42:37 that it was a whole two hours from inception to recording. So pretty crazy. That's what I got for you. We will come to you live next week with our last, no, second to last podcast of June, not as exciting. That's what I got. Everyone, I hope that you stay safe, stay sane, happy Father's Day. I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just nd nd
Starting point is 00:44:16 you

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