Beantown Podcast - Happy Father's Day & Crazy Horse Embarrassment (06162022 Beantown)

Episode Date: June 16, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to say Happy Father's Day and discuss a national blackmark...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dad, look what you've done to me Me and my whole world Dad, you brought for some to me With your smile, you did it dad I'm telling you dad Something unknown to me makes you what you are is all that I want for me And it's good to feel that way, Dad Thank you, Dad, for making a lifetime my sad dad For making a break, I'm bright, Dad For making a better world for me And telling you died, something unknown to me
Starting point is 00:01:36 Makes you what you are And what you are Is all that I want for me And it's good to feel that way, Dad Thank you, Dad Making a night time nicer, Dad Making a daytime brighter, Dad I'm making a die time fighter God, making a better world for me Thank you God, making a winter Oh, my God, making music soft
Starting point is 00:02:18 God, making a the world for me. Thank you, God. Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Thursday, a little Thursday afternoon action for you. Here, it's 5 PM in the afternoon on Thursday, June 16th.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Quick shout out to old friend Jared Sloth, our happy 20, where we at 29th birthday for the big J. Hope you're doing well. Wherever you are, my old friend. My name is Quinn Fernace and this is my show Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there to my dad, to, you know, television dads, to, you know, Pakistani dads, like Bob who bought.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Hello to my friends in Hyderabad, Kiberpass, Islamabad, what's going on? How are you? What is happening? I'll tell you what it's it's it's it's kismet in the negative sense You know you'll recall last year Totally botched the father's day song didn't end up getting it getting it going and then this year had plans to make it happen and and then this year had plans to make it happen and well we'll get to that in a second here but essentially I'm not able to play the piano right now or not play it very well due to a freak accident so couldn't fire up the keyboard so I said you know what year five of the Bean Tom podcast let's throw it back let's go to school, a little David Jones action. So happy Father's Day to my dad. We put
Starting point is 00:04:07 out a bean Tom podcast poll question on Instagram as we all often do in advance of our shows. You know, favorite memories from your dad thinking, hey, it's Father's Day, you know, vibes are good. It's a nice summer week. People are going to go nuts over this. We got one response, which even by being town podcast standards is shockingly low. Anyways, the response was making brats on a George Foreman grill at three.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I'm in a hotel with my dad. Thank you to the listener who submitted that because that sounds like a lot of fun. I mean, I love brats, and definitely have memories of eating a lot of brats growing up. Sometimes we'd be lucky if it was a good week at work for dad, we'd splurge on the cheddar worst, that was clutch. And it also reminds me,
Starting point is 00:05:00 there was, I don't know if this has happened multiple times in history, but I distinctly remember the time it happened during my childhood. And I think my brothers and my father will recall this, where McDonald's, it was McDonald's, right? McDonald's was doing a Johnsonville Broughts cross-promotion kind of thing. Yeah, it sounds crazy, McDonald's and Broughts,
Starting point is 00:05:21 but I'm pretty sure that's what it was. I think it was a McDonald's, right? I don't even know who else. Like it was definitely a fast food chain and what other fast food chains out there would even do that. Or what fast food chains out there would, like, would do a broad worst promotion just because they're, you know, that type of restaurant.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I can't think of any. I mean, definitely not like a subway or something like that. It had to have been, I'm pretty sure it was McDonald's, but it had to have been like a Burger King or a Wendy's, but I'm pretty sure it was a McDonald's, Johnsonville kind of cross promotion. Anyways, I never got to go. I was really pumped, see in the TV ads and stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I really wanted to go and never happened. But anyways, so happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Happy Father's Day to my dad. Happy Father's Day to my grandfather Grandpa Dave Up there in Minnesota, Albert Lee, so Everyone give your call, give your data call Tell them, you know, be tongue and then also tell them happy Father's Day, but you know, they're both good and Maybe get them a fun bucket hat.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I just bought a bucket hat. I've never bought a bucket hat before. It's really fun and flirty. It's pink. Rachel absolutely hates it. You know what? I just sometimes you gotta just brush off the haters because I think it's fun.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I don't know. I've just like, I never had a pink cat before, I think it's kind of cool. It's something fun to wear, like Mother's Day, I really feel next year, so I've got a lot of ideas in the hopper. But I know you all have probably been waiting with baited breath. You know, told you, hey, I can't play the piano, you're saying, Quinn, what happened? Tell us a story.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Okay, so I'll try to make this pretty quick, because it's not that fun for me to talk about. And it's really not like a, you know, it's not a ton of details or specifics. We're knowing here, but essentially, if you're not in the Midwest, if you're living under a rock somewhere, also mention a list of discretion as advised
Starting point is 00:07:21 when it was in the Bean-Tubed Pocket. Number one, occasionally some language, number two, is Pike is objectively terrible. And we're going to keep it keep your relatively short today. I've got some things written down on my phone. I want to get to but nothing terribly extensive. So we're going to we're going to say happy Father's Day. We're going to tell a story, want to share an idea or two say thank you to our sponsors and no no new right on cue this week. Hopefully fire that up next week. Fourth of July is only what three weeks away that's
Starting point is 00:07:49 that's crazy talk. We're halfway through season five here. That's nuts. Anyways, okay, so big heat wave. Oh, and I'll also mention unofficial sponsor and I don't I'm not promoting them, but I've got these white cloth surges. Got my last four here, although full disclosure, I did make a jewel run about an hour ago. Just to get some wine, we got a kickball games tonight, and it's nice to, you know, bring some white wine. The game's not till 9 p.m., which is egregious. That's just, that's too late, man.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Here's the biggest deal. We learned, biggest problem we weren't, we learned this last week, the bathrooms close at nine. And it's gonna be, I was just thinking about it's on the way back from Joule. It's gonna be especially a pain in the butt because you wanna drink enough to say hydrated. Obviously it's been 90, 500 degrees
Starting point is 00:08:43 the last three days here in Chicago. But it's also like, you basically have to balance it perfectly because where else, if you don't drink enough, you're gonna be dehydrated. And that's not fun. If you drink too much, you're gonna have to pee. But then literally where do you go to pee?
Starting point is 00:08:59 I'm not aware personally of anyone knows of any good pea spots, like portapoddies, somewhere around Clark, LaSalle, North Ave fields, that area, go ahead and email us Again, that's because I legitimately don't know. It's male privilege, not a gigantic issue for men because we can can
Starting point is 00:09:28 figure it out somewhere but for for ladies like Rachel I don't even know so basically you have to like time you have to get your hydration just right if you don't drink enough you'll be dehydrated you drink too much you have to pee but it's really tough to know because it's so hot and so you want to play a conservative but yeah I went to jewel to get some wine and I picked up an but it's really tough to know because it's so hot. And so you wanna play it conservative. But yeah, I went to jewel to get some wine, and I picked up another 12 pack of white cloth surge. I just couldn't help myself.
Starting point is 00:09:53 8% same price as the regular white cloth, flavors are solid. It's pretty solid value. I mean, it's like 16 bucks for the 12 pack. I wouldn't call that cheap. But when you consider, you go to a bar and they're charging like seven or 16 bucks for the 12 pack. I wouldn't call that cheap, but when you consider, you go to a bar and they're charging like seven or eight bucks for one white claw.
Starting point is 00:10:09 These ones, you know, you buy a pack at the grocery store and they're costing me what like a dollar 50, more or less, less than that like a dollar 40. So, hey, I'm all over it. I'm having blood orange right now. Two grams of carbs and Made pure which is what I wanted. That's what I wanted a beverage Okay, so there's a heat wave here in Chicago it all started Monday night
Starting point is 00:10:39 And there was a big tornado wording all that stuff Just crazy weather was like completely dark out at 6 p.m. No one was really sure exactly how it was going to go down but all the tornado sirens were going off. It was pretty scary, pretty eerie and eventually you know just huge wins. But I haven't seen any like significant tree damage here in my neighborhood. I'm sure there is elsewhere but it it wasn't terrible here. And then just really like crazy thunder lightning. Very bright, thunder very loud. And you know, some rain, I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:15 it wasn't that extensive, it wasn't that long. Rachel did, unfortunately, get caught in it, which was too bad, but everyone's okay. So that was, you know, for the meteorologists out there, they could tell you, oh yeah, that happened because there's a heat front moving in or whatever they call it. A cell, C-E-L-L of heat.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Sounds like, you know, one of those, like, young adult erotic novel, Cell of Heat. I think it could be like a female lesbian, prison sort of thing. I don't know, I'm just spitballing here. So Tuesday, Tuesday was supposed to be the hottest day. I think Tuesday and yesterday were pretty much exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And today is like three degrees lower, but the humidity has come down a little bit. When I went out for, when I went on my jewel run like an hour ago, two hours ago, it wasn't, I was hot, but it wasn't like, oh my god, I'm dying. Whereas that's how I felt Tuesday, Wednesday. So it's, it's Tuesday, I'd wake up early to run. Oh, which I don't normally do, but I was really proud myself, you know, knocked out five
Starting point is 00:12:15 miles or whatever I did. So I finished work. Oh, I just built a white cloth surge on the microphone. Oh no, Samson's gonna be sticky. Yikes. If you smell, if you smell some orange coming through your your airpods, you know, blood orange. You know where it came from speaking of blood. Okay, my story. So it's super hot. It's Tuesday. I finish work, you know, 4.35 whatever. I'm just like, you know what, I've been sitting on my butt all day working from home,
Starting point is 00:12:46 which is great. But I'm also like, man, I just don't want to just sit on my butt for another like five hours, six hours, and then go to bed, because I've already been sitting on my butt since 8 a.m. finish my around whatever. So I'm just like, you know what, haven't gone to the lake yet this year.
Starting point is 00:13:01 It's still too early from a lake temperature perspective, but you know what, like, let's just, let's have some fun with it, let's do it. Haven't gone to the lake yet this year. It's still too early from a lake temperature perspective, but You know what like let's just let's have some fun with it. Let's do it. So I Put on my bathing suit fun green tank top that had been in storage all last year so I'm breaking it out trying to get some miles back on it my bucket hat my shades my backpack with a towel in it And yeah, I'm just like you you know what, let's go. Let's have some fun.
Starting point is 00:13:28 So, where we live now, basically, Rigglyfield, like a lot of plays on the north side, you get to the water, it's on a beach. It's just concrete steps. And these concrete steps are, it's a little bit rockier in the water, so you just gotta be careful like where you go, not like jagged rocks so that there's some sharp edges,
Starting point is 00:13:50 just kinda like big, big granite slabs, I suppose is how I would characterize it. And so I'm just making sure, except I never swam there before. So I'm just, you know, it's my first time, I'm just trying to be careful, ease my way in whatever. So I get my stuff there, I unpack. It's a little bit buggy, but I'm just, you know, it's my first time and just trying to be careful, ease my way in whatever. So I get my stuff there, I unpack.
Starting point is 00:14:07 It's a little bit buggy, but I'm just like, you know what, I'll get into the water, I'll be okay. I'm not even trying to swim for a long time really. Honestly, just kind of like float for three, four minutes. And I knew it was gonna be cold, even though it was so hot. Once, once he, especially once your, once your man parts hit the water? Whew, it's a game changer.
Starting point is 00:14:28 It's a boy. Your, your, your, throat can change at all in a heartbeat. So I'm, so if you don't know the kind of cement slabs or cement, you know, large concrete steps leading down into the water and then it's flat for a little bit. And then there's ladders kind of scattered throughout that take you from the cement down into the water. Okay, pretty old school, pretty standard, whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So you know, you don't want to jump in here because the water is, you know, probably only like, in some places is only like four or five feet deep before you hit the rocks. So you don't want to jump. So I'm like, okay, I'm just going to find a ladder which I did and you kind of sit down and then you start just kind of easing your way down. So the rungs of these ladders are just like metal pipes. They're not like, they're tough on your feet for sure.
Starting point is 00:15:24 They're also slippery and the water is cold. So essentially what went down is they start to ease my way down and then basically where the ladder comes up into the cement, there's holes basically so like pipes, holes in the cement. And my... the cement. And my both, I think, yeah, it was, no, it was my left index finger. I'm looking at it right now. Slides into the hole with a, I'm not even really noticing it. And then my right hand is just like gripping the edge. So the cement. And if you really want to see pictures, it's not, it's 48 hours later now. The left one still looks kind of gnarly. Right one's right hand is healing pretty nicely. It's really just like a small cut at this point, which I'm thankful for. Basically, I start to ease my way down, realize
Starting point is 00:16:14 as I'm like feet are like slipping off the ladder, because I'm ready to just like jump in basically, which is kind of what happened. I kind of like make the push with my feet in my butt off the ladder. And I realize my left finger is like caught in this all the way down, close to where the finger meets the hand. And at that point, I'm just basically like just barely gripping the, what with my right hand, barely gripping the like cement in the left hand, the left index finger is stuck in this hole all the way down, and my feet are dangling off the ladder now, and my butt has been pushed off.
Starting point is 00:16:53 The whole thing happened in maybe five seconds, which doesn't sound like a long time, but when you were stuck in that situation, I'm basically thinking like my I thought for sure like this all went through my head this quickly. I thought for sure that my index finger was just going to snap. And I don't want to spend too much more time detailing the injuries. I don't want anyone to get like some people get really like, you know, nauseous when you're talking about this sort of stuff. And I kind of do too So that's basically what happened. I got really lucky. I Was able to get everything out. I'm not exactly sure how it went down
Starting point is 00:17:37 But I really thought like while I was dangling there. I was you know like 90% confident that oh this like This sucks like I'm gonna break my finger. I've never had a broken bone before like it's the middle of summer this blows like All right, I guess this is you know this is my time like I'm ready. Well, let's do this better final urgent care basically So I'm able like push myself in the water at that point and freaking out Because that you know right when you get into the water. It's so cold. It's all of your senses get totally just like Blocked I guess and you're kind of like you I always you know, I start with this anytime I jump to Lake, Michigan You have to really like concentrate to not I don't know if hyperventilate is the right word But I started you know, you start breathing really fast and so when you throw in like what just happened my breathing was like Really out of control. So it was kind of scary
Starting point is 00:18:24 And I'm just like in the water having a mild panic attack. Not sure, like, did I just break my finger? I don't know. So I'm able to like, I mean, I'm not far from the ladder and I was literally in the water for like 10 seconds, just trying to like catch my breath and also just be like, okay, that was really terrible. I'm in pain,
Starting point is 00:18:45 clearly something's wrong, but I'm not in like egregious pain. So like, okay, so let's get out of the water. So like, I climb out on the ladder and yeah, look down at my hands and they're both, I mean, immediately when I get out of the water, like, they're both like kind of whatever, but you know, get out of the water and also the blood starts coming. So that was really rough. Basically, the primary damage, bad cut on my right hand,
Starting point is 00:19:19 right where the, right on the, I guess the thumb side of the index finger, right where the finger meets the rest of the hand, which is like a bad area, it's just really painful. I'm very lucky, 48 hours later, that one is like healing nicely. I was worried it wasn't getting healed nicely because it's in like a crease.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So that one's good actually. Really no major issues there, but that one was in a lot of pain, just a deep cut. And then the left hand is much worse, although also lucky that it seems to be healing pretty well. Definitely spraying to definitely torsion ligaments, but I'm like 99 to 100% certain, it's not broken. You know, it's just like if it was broken, it would be painful, disfigured, whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:05 So right now, it's pretty much just kind of purple, definitely swollen, I can't fully bend it, I can probably get like halfway. There's two cuts, one is not bad, but it's in a really bad spot, literally right, you know, right on the, in the middle of my fingerprint on my left index finger, but that one's healing pretty well. I honestly think that one's gonna be
Starting point is 00:20:26 like good to go in like three or four more days. And then the bad one where my finger was caught, like, and I was basically what was supporting me as I was like dangling over the edge. It's on the inside of my index finger. So right next to my middle finger, it's probably at this point, it's probably about, I don't know, it's also healing which is good, it's probably about three-quarters of an inch long.
Starting point is 00:20:56 This is one I could see scarring, like I might have a scar there for the rest of my life, thankfully it's not in a place anyone would ever see. And yeah, it's basically, it's a deep cut for maybe half an inch. And then there's just a lot of skin missing. The skin's definitely coming back though, pretty nicely. I got lucky, I did have a bandaid in my backpack and so I was able to get that wrapped up. And then my right hand was bleeding.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I didn't have another bandaid though. So that one was bleeding out, not bleeding out, but bleeding pretty profusely on my walk home. But yeah, that was the worst part because, well, not the worst part. And we haven't gotten there yet. I'm literally, so I get out of the water. I'm kind of freaking out, but I'm like, okay, I don't think anything is broken. Just bleeding a lot, like feeling really fortunate at that point. I start to like get the bandaid out, get out my towel, started to go home at this point and like, assess the situation. It get mulled by flies, biting flies,
Starting point is 00:21:53 which came out of nowhere. They weren't bugging me when I walked out there, I said it was buggy, but you know, we're talking like little gnats, little green ones. These are biting flies. There was a huge pack. I don't know where they come from. I don't know what their agenda was, but they were biting the hell out of me just painful. And it was like, are you kidding me? What
Starting point is 00:22:13 like out of all times to have a fly attack right now when I'm like worried about did I break a finger? So it's comical. I'm like bleeding, trying to like dry off a little bit, trying to put my sandals on, getting attacked by flies, trying to pack up all my stuff, mild panic attack. It's just a terrible, terrible thing. So I walk back, you know, it's mild walk back home and I was able to assess, get stuff cleaned, stung quite a bit. But that's pretty much the story. I got really lucky. Left finger kind of comes and goes with the pain. When I'm not really thinking about it, not much pain at all.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's definitely a little, it's not completely straight right now. It bends to the, bends away from the middle finger a little bit more than usual, I think, when I'm looking at it, but I'm just gonna chalk that up to swelling, and like honestly, if it was broken, there would be a lot more pain, a lot, you know, something would be just like, clearly off right now, it's just kind of like
Starting point is 00:23:20 angling away a little bit more, but nothing egregious. I consider taping it, I did tape it for a hot second, but yeah, I don't think, I think you really only need to do that if it's in a lot of pain or if you're having issues with like straightness. And so, and the other thing is like it could totally just be like, there's not placebo effect, but like, I'm, you know, I've been trying to compare how does it right hand look to the left hand in terms of how it bends. And it's really barely any difference
Starting point is 00:23:53 if there is any difference. So I'm like 99.9% sure no things broke in. Just a spray and just some ligament hairs. So I'm lucky. I still have pretty much full use of my left hand. I can't really bend the index finger much Like 50% in normal, but otherwise honestly like I'm good. It was just very scary To kind of be out there by the you know in the lake by myself when that was going down so Anyways
Starting point is 00:24:21 Just a random freak thing. It could have been so much worse, got very lucky, very thankful. You know who else I'm thankful for is our sponsors or good friends, Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspector in Central Oregon, don't wait for the big guys call my dad because he knows exactly what he's doing, he's going to give you a fair and honest quote and his father's date. Now on, use discount code father for 0% off. And if you found a place to put a discount code, you typed in the URL wrong, because it doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:24:56, central organ's hottest new home inspection provider called Steve, his my dad, 541-410-0316, we're going to Tell me, he's my dad, 541-140316, we're going to Tell me, Quinn's sent you. Our friends, the Samson Q2U series, when you want crisp, clean audio quality, the father, son, holy spirit, whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:25:14 you're trying to do. When God speaks, he uses the Samson. And of course, our good friends, cuts by Q. Haven't done a cuts by Q in like two months now. It took some, took some off the top, maybe like two months now. It took some took some off the top maybe like two months ago and I'm gonna use hairspray tomorrow you can't stop the Because you're going to a wedding and I don't want to be flipping in flopping I haven't used hairspray since summer of 2020 when I went to
Starting point is 00:25:42 Friend of the podcast hundred bullets wedding. Excuse me, Hunter. Boy, big, big surge belch. Blood-orange flavor. Uh, Hunter's been on the show a couple times to talk fantasy football. Be fun to get Hunter back this year. We haven't done it for the last two years. Um, I'd like to get Hunter back,
Starting point is 00:26:00 uh, maybe in about two months here, as we get ready for the draft. Where was I? Oh, yeah, cuts by Q. I did a shave by Q today. Maybe in about two months here as we get ready for the draft. Where was I? Oh yeah, Cuts by Q. I did a shave by Q today. I had to shave the neck beard. Otherwise though, when you need a fresh dude, something snappy and new called the experts at Cuts by Q
Starting point is 00:26:16 or to go to slash Cuts-by-Q. Okay, checking my notes here. Oh, new segment here on the Bean Tom podcast. Gonna introduce it to you right now. I got, I don't have any fancy frills or intro music or anything cool like that. The segment is called and who knows if we'll ever do a part two or part three because you know, kind of like Quinn's medical minute. It's just been one part so far. Although that was a great segment. Remember we were talking about,
Starting point is 00:26:49 without one direction kids, floating patella? That was a good one. We'll definitely bring about Quinn's medical minute. Just need to spend more time on Wikipedia. Okay, new segment called, damn, that's badass. This is a segment where Quinn comes across ordinary things in his everyday life
Starting point is 00:27:10 that most people just take for granted or don't think about how cool or badass they are. And I'm here to tell you in 60 seconds or less or however long it takes. Damn, that's actually pretty badass. So this week on our first ever installment of, damn, that's badass. Aluminum foil. Here's the thing, I finally got aluminum foil when I went to CVS
Starting point is 00:27:32 yesterday to get band-aids. It's really, it's so cool, it's an element in foil form. And you can just tear out a whole sheet and mold it around whatever you want in my case on top of a salad bowl to store my vegan crunch salad for you know tonight because that's the only salad mix for whatever reason that Trader Joe's had I don't know if there's some sort of national recall with salad bags or what it is right now, but aluminum for you could tear off the whole sheet if you want. It's like 30 feet or something.
Starting point is 00:28:09 You could just wrap yourself in it. That would be like a pretty cool Marvel villain, I think aluminum, aluminum man, aluminum, aluminum man, something like that. Well, we'll play it out with Jack Kirby. But yeah, you can just buy,
Starting point is 00:28:24 you can just buy elements at CVS or jewel or Mariano's or Croger or 7-Eleven. Actually, has anyone ever bought aluminum foil at 7-Eleven? I don't know. I'm sure some of the nicer Boozier ones have it. But where else, what other elements can you just buy? I don't know. Gold if you're rich and you don't know. Gold, if you're rich, and you go to the Silk Road online
Starting point is 00:28:46 web browser, I think tin foil, that's kind of like aluminum foil, you could probably find that in the south or something like that. And I don't know. I guess you can fill up something with helium, but there's a national helium shortage. We're running out of helium. You know, when you were a kid, you could buy helium balloons. They float in the air and stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:09 When you have kids, no more helium. So you have to find something else. Radon, I don't know. I learned yesterday, radon has one of the shortest half-lives of any element. It's a noble gas. So that has been the first ever installment of damn. That's badass. A little bit of foil. OK, one other thing I wanted to mention here, because it's a major problem in this country that we're not really talking about these days.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And I feel like people have kind of forgotten about it. So the crazy horse monument, it's, we got to dive into this for a second. So to give you a little background, because some listeners know, some listeners don't, just give you a very brief background of what's going on, then we're going to chat about it and then we're going gonna end today's show. So in South Dakota, like 15, 20 miles from Mount Rushmore, so AK middle of nowhere, basically Montana. If you've ever been in Eastern Montana, there's not a lot of action. It's essentially Nebraska. So there's a memorial to Crazy Horse, who was like a Lakota chief or something back in the 19th century. And this was, this project was, was started. Let's see, I got a pull-up with Capita here. I was reading
Starting point is 00:30:36 about it the other day. This is something that I don't think we saw when I was a kid. We definitely saw him out Rushmore once or twice. I don't think I've ever actually been there before, although it's very close to about Rushmore. So this monument here, according to Wikipedia, was originally started by, fundraised for by Henry Standing Bear, who was also a Lakota chief, who lived from 1874 to 1953.
Starting point is 00:31:04 That's right, the guy who started this project died in 1953. So he hired this Polish guy. Gonna butcher the name, we'll spell it for you, so you can look him up yourself. Korkiak Zolkowski, K-O-R-C-Z-A-K space, Z-I-O-L-K-O-W-S-K-I. KOR CZAK Space, Z-I-O-L-K-O-W-S-K-I. This guy died in 1982. So the guy who was in charge of building it died 40 years ago.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So it's in the black hills, and these guys who accepted the idea, died in the 50s and early 80s, and so now you got this giant mountain, this giant slab of obsidian, obsidient, obsidient, up to trition, there's some sort of stone that starts with obsidian I think is what it's called. That's not what this is, but, you know, it was fun to say. In the middle of nowhere in South Dakota, you got the face carved out, and that's about it. And they're trying to make this monument, they're trying to make it the second tallest monument in the world that there's some sort of piece thing in India, which is close to Pakistan. I think we need to finish this project.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I don't really, you know, here, there's a bad track record in South Dakota with not finishing what we start, okay? Case in point, Mount Rushmore. He got this huge grand vision for all, we're gonna carve out their necks and their collars. They're gonna be wearing like these Prince era collars. And Teddy Roosevelt's gonna have sunglasses on.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And next thing, boom, it's 2022. No one really gives two shits anymore about Mount Rushmore. No one knows who Rushmore is. And you just got these four random heads, kind of like the mayors of Spooktown coming out of the mountains, Etchia. So case in point number one,
Starting point is 00:33:21 case in point number two, Crazy Horse, 17, 20 miles away whatever We just got a face. We got a stop. We have to take some responsibility in this country You know when we start a monument there needs to be a plan Remember the guy who died the guy who came up with this idea died in eight 1953 the guy who came up with this idea died in 1953. We have to have a bet. It's been 70 years, 69, if you want to get technical, nice. It's been 69 years since this guy died.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And we're just sitting here with no plan to finish, no work being done. It's just there. And it's embarrassing because you know what's happening? Pakistan, they're finishing their monuments. Bhutan, finishing their monuments. East Watini, which sounds like a Star Wars planet for, you know, digital computer programmers, they're finishing their monuments. It's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:34:29 The world is looking at us and laughing. And it's really bad because we're supposed to be very rightfully so, don't get me started on this. Rightfully so, I don't want the leftist coming at my throat. You know, being supportive, recognizing this rightfully so. I don't want the leftist coming at my throat. Being supportive, recognizing our Native American ancestors, we do like, start of a blackhawk scheme. We do our land recognition spiel, which I think is fantastic.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So in what do we do? We hire a Polish know, to pay tribute to respect the Lakotas. And what does he do? He dies in 1982, complete like 2% of the way finished. And now it's in the hands of his kids. His wife was in charge of it for a while,
Starting point is 00:35:18 but she died like 10 years ago. Now it's in the hands of the kids. You know, they're busy. They got lies of their own. They got kids. They're not hanging out in the hands of the kids, you know, they're busy. They got lives of their own, they got kids. They're not hanging out in South Dakota. No one's hanging out in South Dakota. Bean Town trivia question of the week. South Dakota population, if anyone guesses it,
Starting point is 00:35:41 and they get within 100,000 people, I'll send you a bean town button. Okay, I'm going to read it, read the number alive in the air now so you can pause, make your guess whatever. But here comes the number. So again, if you get within 100,000, I will send you a bean town button. Okay, here's the answer, drummo please. 879,336 as of the 2020 census. 879,336 as of the 2020 census. 879,336. So no one's going. No one's going to South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:36:15 No one lives there. You know, you figure all these, you know, third generation Polish immigrants or second generation or whatever grandkids, they're like, hey, thanks for leaving us stuck with this giant slab of concrete basically in the middle of nowhere. It's not a good airport, it's not on the interstate.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I assume I don't know. There's not ice water and we don't have 5G. So we got to just finish it because it's an embarrassment. The world is watching and Joe Biden, this is blood on your hands. And we'll be blood on, you know, Kellyanne Conway's hands in 2024 if she runs. Or who's that? Who's that lady I keep seeing on Twitter, Lauren, Beber, Bobber, B, it's like B-O-E-B-E-R-T.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I don't know what her deal is. You know who came up on an episode of 30 Rock the other day, I had to explain to Rachel who that was because she was a real flash in the pan. Michelle Bachman, Bachman, Turner Overdrive. That'd be a good wheel of fortune before and after from like 15 years ago. Michelle Bachman Turner Overdrive. So my point here is it's embarrassing and the world is watching. Much like being Tom Podgess, world is watching. So much like being Tom Podcast, world is listening. And of course, you're on our hit Quinn.
Starting point is 00:37:50 How can we listen? Well, you can find in your Apple Podcast apps, Stitcher, Player, if I'm not cast box yet. Spotify, I think I canceled Spotify for a second, but now I'm back on there. I don't think I actually ever did, but I say that to sound woke. And Eukational YouTube or Instagram live, I forgot to mention this before you want to
Starting point is 00:38:11 participate in our bean town poll questions you should. Excuse me, follow us on Instagram at We were on Twitter at bean towncast. I am at White Buns with the Z and you can always find the latest episodes at or go to slash Beentown Podcast. I think I don't know if that's what it is. You can just Google Beentown Podcast. People know how to Google these days unless you're one of those cool people that uses Duck Duck Go so the government doesn't track you or Bing if you want lame results. Guys that's what I got for it I promise you I wasn't going to go long and I'm done talking. I'm going to maybe maybe tap into a second surge here and
Starting point is 00:38:52 it's 5.30. Done with work for the week got tomorrow off and then big week at work next week so we'll check in on you in a you know we can change here but I want to reiterate Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Happy Father's Day to my dad. Happy Father's Day to my grandfather. And maybe this is the year I find out I have a kid. I don't know. Big reveal in three days.
Starting point is 00:39:18 We'll see. TBD is too early to know. Yeah, that's what I got. Finger will heal. I got lucky. You know, it's not lucky. We are because of that disgrace that is the unfinished, crazy worst monument. That's what I got for everyone. Happy Father's Day. Call your dad. Tell me, love them or sing them, David Jones. I don't care what you do. It's your dad. Let's get some outro music going here. Everyone, my name is Quinn David Fernies. And this is my show. Let's get some outro music going here. My name is Quinn David Fernandez and this is my show. Stay safe, stay sane, stay cool, watch out for the lake,
Starting point is 00:39:50 and I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just a woman, I'm just a woman I'm just a woman ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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