Beantown Podcast - I Hate April Fools (04012022 Beantown)

Episode Date: April 1, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to detail his disdain for April Fools and yearn for the old days of krabby, William Howard Taft, and others...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for, got what is basically just instantly became my worst least favorite day of the year. April 1st, 2022. What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn Furnace and this is my show and I'm gonna be really honest with you. I really hate April Fool's Day and maybe it's just because you know like I'm on Twitter more, or I don't know what exactly it is, but it's just not good. This sucks. I mean, it's not even fun, because you're just scrolling through this vast world of like just random I'll mention listener discretion is advised to be in Tompake
Starting point is 00:01:11 I still won't locate you use language number two's pockets of junkly terrible shit On the internet Twitter Reddit Facebook everyone's everyone's gotta know, have their own little hee hee ha ha little, you know, tug in your rug kind of, you know, yanking your chain sort of fun time And it's not fun It's especially like the sports related things because like the Vikings actually signed someone today But you had to wade through 10 tweets like LeBron James saying he's done for the year. There
Starting point is 00:01:53 was some block club article in Chicago about Mary, Mary Lori Lightfoot and local leaders agreeing to expand Chicago's bike infrastructure, which is just like, what are we even doing here? Why are you giving us so much like two great things, the brawn being done and more public transportation, these things are great. And why can't we, why can't April Fool's be more like a slapstick? Why can't we why can't April fool's be more like a slapstick? Like just commit to the bit Commit to the bit that could be my political slogan and you know do something goofy or silly, but it's just it's terrible. I really hate
Starting point is 00:02:40 Here's here's the thing when I was a kid back in my day late 90s, you know, Reagan, the Kennedys, you who tang, William Howard Taft, April Fool's Day was like, you go to the sink and you've got your faucet and then the little thing with the nozzle, the handle yet you do you know, do for extra spraying increased strength. And you tie the rubber band around that. And then I never did this because we didn't, I don't think we had this contraption in our house. But, you know, mom goes to the sink to wash her coffee cup out and sprays on her and it's, it's playful, lighthearted fun. Or in the instance of my brothers, you hide your youngest brothers, you know, a treasured copy of Pokemon Gold,
Starting point is 00:03:33 which I want to say on the record, in the year 2022, year five of the Bean Tom podcast, that thing would be worth, like, what are those go for? What do like copies of Pokemon Gold go for like $100, $200, something like that? So yeah, you I mean, hey, we're talking about interest 20 years later. I mean inflation and we're you know, we're looking at a multi-thousand dollar missed opportunity there.
Starting point is 00:04:09 That's what April Fool's Day used to be. Playful, lighthearted, and fun. And now everyone's gotta have a tweet. Logan Paul's gotta make a YouTube video. And there's gotta be an apology video. And it's just, I think it sucks. I don't think we've ever done a, Quinn's getting, Quinn's Crabby on a Friday. Speaking of Pokemon, Crabby, has anyone ever used a Crabby KRA BBY in case you're not familiar. It's an original Gen 1 Pokemon It's a water Pokemon. I think it evolves into a Kingler and
Starting point is 00:04:55 It's got a signature move. I think it's a vice grip maybe I Don't think I've ever had one we talked about Pokemon last week on the show We talked we're speaking of water Pokemon There's so many random ass water Pokemon just in Gen 1. I mean, we were talking about star you and star me last week I this is off the time I had I mean, we're just talking about crabby and kinglor You've got goldine and sea king You've got horsesey and Seedra. You've got Seal and DuGong. I don't know if they had any ice typing with them, but I don't think they did. You've got
Starting point is 00:05:33 Sheldor and Cloister, the most vaginal of the original 151 Pokemon, vaginal looking, signature moving clamp, clemedia, the clap, if you will. And I mean, this is just off the top of my head, like random Pokemon. I think tentacle and tentacle had a poison typing with it. So it's not pure water. And I've heard, I've never used one, but I've heard that tentacle is actually solid, solid but and I'm sure that they're at least a handful of other like random water Pokemon that you like don't really encounter in the game. They're not strong. They're not powerful.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I mean the thing is like let's let's let's go to one of our user polls here. You can let us know bean-town podcasts, again, that's bean-town, B-A-N-T-O-N-W-N podcast at Realistically, in Gen 1, Pokemon, Red, Blue, Green, if you're from Japan, speaking of which, hello to all of our friends in Pakistan, your Asian neighbors. Hello, Hyderabad, hello, Islamabad. And on Jeopardy, on Wednesday, there was a question about the Kiber Paz. And I thought to myself,
Starting point is 00:06:54 hey, if I ever got on Jeopardy, I would get that one question right, probably not any of the others, but I'd get that one right. Hello to all my friends out there. Like what, our user pull question of the week is what what water Pokemon like legitimately did you even have or did you even have like a pure water Pokemon because you don't really need one you just need someone who can learn serve and I
Starting point is 00:07:20 think that there's so many Pokemon that can move can can learn serve. Here's the, here's not the biggest but a big flaw that I can see, just seeing about this off the top of my head. You got so many water Pokemon, which we've already dived into some of them, but you don't have in terms of water moves, one, you don't really have any creative water moves. They're pretty much just like attack. That's it. But think about it. You have bubble, which I think only a handful of Pokemon can learn. And they're all like, you know, level five Pokemon. I think bubbles like base 15 power or something. It sucks. You got bubble beam, which is a TM you pick up early in the game when you beat Misty, which is solid. But it's really it's not that
Starting point is 00:08:08 in the grand scheme of the game there's not that much time between when you get bubble beam and when you can get surf because I think you can get surf as soon as you get through rock tunnel um more or less or that's not quite sure. I think you have to defeat Pokemon Tower so that you get the Snorlaxes out of the way, which is a little bit of extra time out. I'll grant you that, but you can also just use, go to sell it on, get the PokeDoll,
Starting point is 00:08:37 use the PokeDoll glitch, so you don't have to defeat Pokemon Tower and all that stuff. Is that how it goes? No, you don't, oh, you don't have to go to the self company. No, the basement, not the self company, the basement, of the game corner, which is what you have to do to get the lift key.
Starting point is 00:08:56 But if you do the Pokemon, Pokey Dollag Glitch, you don't have to do that. And then after you defeat Pokemon Tower, you know, whatever you do with Mr. Fuji, I don't know, you're at the top of a tower you black out all of a sudden you're in his house. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Fuji drugged you and had his way with you, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:15 Lavender Town, between the spooky music, your rival bearing his Pokemon in Pokemon Tower, his radicate, and Mr. Fuji Drugging and sexually assaulting you, Lavender Town was not PG rated. Okay, but back to our original question here, if I can recall what it was. Oh, no, what I wanted to say before I get to our user poll question of the week. Back to back weeks with a lot of Pokemon content, you're welcome. Was after you get surf,
Starting point is 00:09:52 there's so many water Pokemon, but they all, especially like all the wild ones, because wild Pokemon don't have surf, I think. And I'm pretty sure wild Pokemon and Gen1 probably don't have Hydro Pump. I can't think of just like random ass encounters where it's like, oh shit, that Pokemon use Hydro Pump. I don't think that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:10:12 So the, and I, Pokemon don't really have like bubble beam. I mean, they do, but your, at Water Gun is another like very low power one, but when you're thinking about wild Pokemon, there's all, there's not, it's not like there are no water moves, but there's two really shitty ones, bubble and water gun. There's one like okay one, bubble beam, and then there's two good ones, surf and hydro pump.
Starting point is 00:10:34 But then you think about all the water Pokemon that existed, and it's like, these are all kind of like the same. They're the same stats, the same access to like average water moves, below average water moves. And it's just kind of like, this didn't line up well, game freak. So our user poll question of the week was, what would you do from a water perspective, just generally in Gen 1, when you're doing your playthroughs as a kid? And this could be, hey, I didn't actually have a water Pokemon,
Starting point is 00:11:05 I just use Surf or on a Pokemon who could learn Surf because I feel like everyone can learn Surf in Gen 1. Or I legit had a water Pokemon. And that's what I'm more interested in because there's a million water Pokemon, but like, which ones did you actually use? And for me, I'm thinking like, you know, if you don't start with Squirtle,
Starting point is 00:11:23 you're not gonna get Blastoise. Lapras is always cool as fuck, but you don't get it until like 80% of the way through the game, right? Right when you beat self co, you beat right, your rival number five, right before you beat Jivani, you get a lap rest, but it's level 15. And if you don't know most of your Pokemon are like level 35, ish, 30 to 35 ish at that point in the game. If not higher, if maybe you only have two or three in your party.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Um, so then it's like, you know, Golduck is kind of cool. Cause you got the set. I think he can learn psychic, but I don't think they're that powerful. And then beyond that, it's like, what other great water Pokemon are there? I'd never had like a do-gong. I don't know how good their stats are. But you're gonna have to go all the way out to the CFO Mylands to get one.
Starting point is 00:12:16 We mentioned Cloister. I think there's something about Cloister where it's really good one step, but like really terrible another stat. I don't, I think it has like really bad attack or something like that. I think that's what it is actually. Um, anyway, so email us, let us know. I'm trying to remember as a kid what I did, because I feel like you always have a water
Starting point is 00:12:34 Pokemon on your party, because there's just so many of them. But if you didn't have Squirtle, I don't, I don't really know what I would use. Um, Slowbro, I guess is a good option, but I don't even remember where you get slowpoke in Gen 1. I don't know. The mysteries of life. I tell you what. I want to give a shout out to Betty and Jose Ramos because I am currently sipping on a stone, Tangerine Express, haze the IPA, they grifted, grifted, that's not what I wanted to say. They gifted me a 24 pack of stone beer, a variety pack, so four different ones, six of each kind.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And I've had one or two of the HZIPAs, and now I'm having my first hand-during express HZIPA. And it's pretty tasty. I'm not an IPA official not oh Like to be honest Like I just took a sip. Let me take another sip I'm not really getting tangerine from this Like if you didn't if you pulled off the label and you told me That there's or you asked me if there's tangerine in that I would say like
Starting point is 00:14:07 No, not really getting that hint You really should just you know feel free to just beat me over the head with it. I want to be inundated in Tangerine You ever seen that movie? Tangerine I think it's the same director who did the Florida Project. It's a great film. It's very, you know, kind of just like one night, a lot of just like, kind of chaotic,
Starting point is 00:14:38 if you will. But it's a great movie. If you like, I would say if you like the Florida project, you'll like this too, because the cinematography feels similar. I think that was the film they shot in on an iPhone, actually. And it's got fans of the wire will remember Ziggy from season two, Zee Zabatka, Shabatka. If you haven't watched the wire
Starting point is 00:15:05 and you're just, you've never experienced Dan Veltchik in your life, you have to. Or Clay Davis, sheeat. Or Ziggy Zabatka and his drunk duck, I mean, come on. Like, you gotta watch it. It's good stuff. Oh, but yeah, Tandering is solid. It's from maybe like six or seven years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I recommended, I thought once, had a good time. Very kind of like a good time and that it's very like chaotic and you never really feel settled or relaxed, but it's cool, it's a cool project. Like lesser known actors and I think that lead, maybe both leads are transgender, which is pretty neat, because I think yesterday was transgender day of awareness.
Starting point is 00:15:53 So the fact that I'm bringing your awareness to this day of awareness kind of makes me like on the forefront of this stuff. But I wanted to mention, well two things. One, this podcast is going to be relatively short. I don't have a ton more to say. And you're saying, Hey, Quinn, you know, you haven't, you already haven't said anything. So like, what, what more could you not say? First, this episode's going to be a little bit shorter and I would like to
Starting point is 00:16:25 we texted briefly with friend of the show Matt Filo last week didn't settle on a date. So we got one more show before the tax deadline. Well check out this week we we we don't have to do it next week right next Friday is April 8th. Friday after that is April 15th. Good Friday. Spooky good Friday. That would be one day after the deadline. I mean, we could do it like I'm sure he has nothing going on on the 14th or the 13th. Right. As an accountant, I'm sure his schedule is wide open. Anyways, we'll see. Speaking of spooky, spooky, spooky of speaking, Rachel gave me an insider tip that she learned on the radio today that maybe Julia Fox that actress from Uncut Gems might be joining the, I don't think we've talked about this and there's
Starting point is 00:17:16 not a ton to say, but basically she might be joining the new cast of Real Housewives of New York. What Bravo announced is that the current iteration of real housewives of New York is done and it's splitting into two. There's gonna be real housewives of New York legacy, which is gonna be things like probably like tensly coming back, you know, maybe like Durinda, maybe Bethany Frankel, those types of characters. Maybe Luanne, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Maybe the racist old one, which I understand is half of them. I can't remember her name. It's like Doreen or something like that. Margaret. And then there's, they're just like clean slate rebooting real houses in New York with new people, which is good news because I frankly can't stand half the people that are currently on that franchise. I'm looking at you Ebony Williams and Leah what's her name? Not Liam Michelle, well, I can't stand her either
Starting point is 00:18:16 Although I am a total glee if you will Anyways, but the word on the streets that that spooky Julia Fox lady who if you don't know is super I I don't really know Like she does this weird makeup thing like basically black swans her eyes Okay, and it's very scary, but she's also like and I'm not one to like come out here and comment on people's bodies Positively or negatively one way or another But just for my own like personal
Starting point is 00:18:47 preference slash opinion, she looks very skinny, excuse me, very skinny, as in like two skinny. And maybe she's skinny and healthy. Maybe she's an anorexic. I don't know your body, your choice. I hope she's doing okay. But just for me personally, it spooks the f out of me. So if I have to watch her every, you know, Sunday night, this fall, with her, you know, Natalie Portman makeup and her just 72 pound frame, I'm not quite
Starting point is 00:19:22 sure what, what I'm going to do with myself. I guess it's going to come down to who else is on the cast. What I really wanted to say, this is really my last speaking my piece, if you will, before we wrap up. Yes, I know what you're saying when you are, at least, said anything today. Yeah, that's true. Sometimes I need a break, okay, from the constant entertaining.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But I wanted to tell you all, that I switched iPhones today, which most of you are, most of you Richies out there are probably saying, well, that's nothing. I do that every day. Do nothing. I do that every day. I do that every year. I get the iPhone 14 Pro with X-Lax and five cameras.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yadda, yadda, yadda. I don't do that. Okay, this is iPhone number three for me. So to refresh you all on the timelines, I know you're wondering, whoa, I'm confused. What's that timeline? I got my first smartphone right at the end of my sophomore year of college. Like basically this time in 2015, which is also my junior year of college. It's a two-for-one special bogo buy one, get one for all the retail heads out there.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And that was an iPhone 5C. It was green. It was awesome. I had the cool green iPhone before anyone else had these new ones. These St. Patrick's Day ones that they're coming out with now. Talking about missing the boat. St. Patrick's Day was two weeks ago. Idiots. So, that was an iPhone 5C and that was solid. I had that until I lived in Baltimore and I think at some point when I lived in Baltimore
Starting point is 00:21:21 I switched over. I don't know the exact date. Let's just say like halfway throughout my time there. So summer of 2018. So I had that iPhone C for like three years. And it was still working okay. I'm sure it was slow, but the reason I had to switch and by a used seven, which is what I just switched from was because it stopped charging
Starting point is 00:21:48 unless it was the worst thing of all time. You had to like hold it in just the perfect spot and then you'd go to sleep and sometimes it would charge, sometimes it wouldn't. It was terrible. So then I had an iPhone, I used iPhone 7, I don't know if it was a 7s, 7x, 7b, alpha, beta, whatever. I had that until now. And I still have it, and here's the thing. I bought my newest phone, which I now have, I think is a 10, I don't know if it's like a 10 X or 10 Pro or whatever
Starting point is 00:22:26 it is, I don't give a fuck, a phone's a phone. But I actually bought this used back like early January right at the start of the year because my phone, my 7 which I was using up until literally three hours ago, had been a real champ but the battery had really started to just, you know, it was always like, oh, when can I charge my phone? And like, and there were certain things too, like I could go on, you know, search and apps and stuff
Starting point is 00:22:55 and it would never be an issue. But then I would go on to other apps sometimes is very unpredictable. And it would just, you could watch, you could literally sit there staring at your battery percentage while one of those apps was open and watch the percentages tick down. Sometimes two points at a time,
Starting point is 00:23:15 every couple of seconds, and it's like this is not gonna work. There were a couple times I woke up in the middle of the night, I usually go to bed, after I've been charging my phone for an hour or something. So usually go to bed, I don't charge my phone while I'm sleeping, historically. Somewhere in the 60 to 80% range. Sometimes I'd wake up and it'd be at 1%.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And no apps were running, that's the other thing. I'm very particular about this. I don't leave my apps open and running in the background at all They are once I am done looking at them physically. They are closed so The fact that it would wake up and it'd be at 1% when I wasn't doing anything to it is just like what is this? So that happened I think think, a couple of times back in like November, December, January. So eventually I was just like, well,
Starting point is 00:24:12 this sucks, like I don't wanna get caught where it just like completely craps out and then be like out in the cold without a phone. So I bought this, used a refurbished whatever 10 for like, I don't know, 400 bucks or something like that online and I got it back in, you know, January. And at that point, I was like, well, you could just switch then. And I was like, yeah, but I'm going to ride this seven out until I can't ride it no more, which was my philosophy up until today. and it's not like that philosophy changed. I honestly just decided it was a slower day,
Starting point is 00:24:49 and I work from home on Fridays, as you all know at this point. And I was just like, you know what? Like, let's go for it. I've had this phone sitting in a box for almost three months. Let's do it. So I made the transition, which was very easy. I literally, I plugged my phone into my Mac. The only other thing it does beyond recording this podcast is iTunes.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And I did a manual backup there. And then it's really easy with these new iPhones. You basically just like pop out the SIM card, put it into your new one. There's a whole like Bluetooth enabled thing where you just like scan a code and it transfers all your data. It probably took like 20 minutes, 25 minutes. And then it's you know, it took me a little bit of time and I'm still learning some of the some of the tweaks of having this new iPhone. First iPhone without a home button. I think I'm gonna get used to it very fast. I already am used to it, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I kind of miss it. I think the worst part about that for me is I really loved the double click home button and then swipe up to close out apps. Now, and I'm sure I'll get you know, muscle memory will kick in within a couple of hours to days. If you don't know if you if you never had a smartphone without the home button or an iPhone without the home button and I just learned how to do this today, you have to like
Starting point is 00:26:16 swipe up but not a normal swipe up it's like swipe up and hold and then swipe up again to close the apps. So and do that frequently, as I mentioned, like anytime I open an app in that same session, it's closed. I never close my phone or turn it off. I don't know what's the term for just clicking the button once, whatever that is. Sleep, send it to sleep.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Send it, Davy Jones locker with apps in the background. So I'm always closing my apps. I had to learn how to do a screenshot, which is the power button and the volume up button at the same time, one click, hashtag one click. And so yeah, I'm learning a lot. I also had to learn how to, before you could swipe up, and that would be like your,
Starting point is 00:27:09 your control center where you can like, change the volume, the brightness, the orientation mode. Now you have to swipe down, but not from any point, you have to swipe down from a specific spot in the upper right corner. So there are definitely some nuances that are like, oh, this is gonna. I've learned a lot today, okay? I've been learning a lot and now I'm imparting my wisdom upon you.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So yeah, what I'm most excited for as you might expect is the increased battery life. It also has been, I had, you know, gotten pretty used to just like having a fairly laggy phone. Nothing crazy, but just like, you know, you're, you're, you know, there's a lot of apps wiping and changing of screens and opening pages and that sort of thing. And I was just used to it being a little clunky. And now it's like a ninja. So that's kind of, that's kind of cool too.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Face ID, Steve Jobs, got my face now, so congratulations. The spear is 6.7% holy moly. Kind of surprised I'm not feeling it yet, about halfway done. The only other thing I wanted to mention and just popped into my head, I'm not typically One to call out small businesses, especially the ones that I frequent in support
Starting point is 00:28:37 But I do want to put on maybe like a you know, bean town probation maybe a new It's not really a segment a lifestyle, I guess Cafe Dico who has been a loyal friend of the meat personally, more like I've been a loyal friend to them. Every pretty much every Friday, you know, I work from home. My routine, I order a cappuccino and a toasted aciago bagel with cream cheese, with tax tip, all that stuff, $9.02.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Friday morning's a go pick it up. It's how we start my work day, bring it back here, all that stuff, $9.02. Friday morning is a go pick it up. It's how we start my work day, bring it back here, all that great stuff. Cafe Dico has been experimenting in the last couple of months with their cream cheese options. So, and it's not going well. Well, that's why I'm putting them on blast. So here's sort of the progression.
Starting point is 00:29:25 It used to be, you order a cream cheese, a bagel with cream cheese. They never spread the cream cheese for you, which is fine, I'm happy to do that. But they give you, they would give you like two little cream cheese container slash packets, I don't really know what the proper word would be for it. But that was fine. It's actually, you know, it's more than I need, but like, hey, it works.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So I would do that. I would have more than enough. And it was good. Life was good. Now recently, they switched to just doing one of the little packets or containers, if you will, which is like, okay, this is, if I am like disciplined, If I am disciplined, then I can get it all spread around, and that sort of thing, and it works. Last week, they stopped doing pre-packaged containers of Philadelphia or whatever it is. I don't know. And they had the little containers, the little plastic things that you would get at, not the paper ones that you would like to catch up in and make Donald's, but the plastic ones that you would like with the snap on lid. You would put your jalapenos in at the baseball game.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And they gave me one of those and it was fully loaded. And it was a little bit more than like one of the pre-packaged ones. I'm like, okay, this works. So they're just at this point, they're just buying more bulk cream cheese putting in there themselves. Like, that's fine, that works. No problem with that. I'm sure it saves them money. They're happy. I'm happy. Great. But today was a big problem. A big problem. They did the little container again and I sent if you're on Snapchat, you saw this. They sent the smallest little, you know, not pea-sized but basically pea-sized and I could not even do the thinnest of thin layers all around the, on top of the bagels. I, you know, there was no spreadage. It was just like, it was terrible. So, Cafe Dico,
Starting point is 00:32:00 you're definitely on blast a little bit. Like, I'm going gonna, you know, we'll be back next Friday for sure, but I'm all about like the, you know, buying your own cream cheese, dividing yourself into the containers. Like, that's good news. Cause last week was great today. I don't know who approved that. If it was Mr. Dico or Cynthia or whoever made it,
Starting point is 00:32:27 it was bad, bad man not good. I Am not afraid to take my business to the bagel Which is up on a Broadway slightly further walk, but hey, I mean Sometimes a guy needs to guy needs guys got to get creamed, okay? Shout out to our sponsors home prior to organ When you need your home inspected and central Oregon, you know who to call. He's saved, certified and reliable. He's my dad. His name is Steve, call him at 541-410-0316. For free quote, I think, I don't know, or you can go to Home Prior to Also our good friends, the Samsung Q2U series,
Starting point is 00:33:05 Year 5, still going strong, sounding as good as ever. And of course, our friends cuts by Q, and this is actually something I was going to talk about, but there's not really that much to tell. I am going to do a little cuts by Q after this is done. We're going to do a little bit, the back. I kind of got like a mullet going on right now, you after this is done. We're going to do a little bit the back. I kind of got like a mullet going on right now, which
Starting point is 00:33:30 would be great if I was played for the Montreal Canadians. But otherwise, it just doesn't quite work. So I got to trim down a little bit of that and then just like a little bit over the years as well. And then the weekly to biweekly next shave, biweekly meaning twice a week and not once every two weeks, that's confusing. Because it can mean the same thing, right? And hate that. And hate English.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Speaking of hating the English, USAverse England in November for the World Cup. Isn't that crazy because it's in Qatar, Qatar, it's November and December this year of the World Cup. First time ever, it's going to be really strange like, oh, the holidays and the World Cup. I don't know, we'll see. USA's group is extremely weak, right? It's USA, England, Iran, and then the winner of Scotland Ukraine or Wales. Is that what it is? That seems like they put the four worst teams into one group. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I'm not complaining. I think the USA kind of sucks though. Didn't we just get our asses kicked by Costa Rica? I don't know man. We need landing Donovan back. And that other guy too, the forward, say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 00:34:47 I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 00:34:54 I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 00:35:02 I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm, but I'm done now. So I'm gonna finish at my beer and I gotta work tomorrow so it's gonna be an early night here in Beentown. Thanks everyone for listening. Happy April Fool's Day. None of what I said was a joke. This is a very serious, solemn, and stoic podcast
Starting point is 00:35:20 and I really do, I'm not kidding around when I say, I really do hate April Fool's. Like, the internet has been insufferable today. It's not fun. Thanks for listening. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for supporting this show. I hope everyone is staying safe and sane as I queue up our outro music. Take it easy. I'll check in on you next time. Bye everyone! nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:36:50 nd nd nd nd nd nd you

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