Beantown Podcast - I'm Retired from Marathons (10152021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: October 15, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE to recap the 2021 Chicago Marathon, check in on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, and breakdown the flavor profile of this Richard's Rainwater, which is better than normal... water apparently!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. We're coming to you live on a Friday afternoon on the north side of Chicago, one of the top 500 podcasts in the local area. We are the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the country of Pakistan. Hello to my friends in Hyderabad, Islamabad, Kiberpass, all that good stuff, Erdu world, the whole industry. What's happening? Thanks for tuning in. This is my show and listener discretion is advised when you're checking at the bean-tongued podcast. Number one will occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. I got to tell you I'm coming to you live from my home in Chicago. It's a day off. I actually have a four-day
Starting point is 00:01:13 weekend because I'm just kind of running out of real estate here. We got what 10 weeks left in the year or something like that and so I needed to literally just start taking days off. I was such a strange thing. I don't know if this is unique to my university or if it's unique to higher education or education or if it's just an entirely COVID thing with, you know, the work from home situation this year and last, but it was really hard to take vacation. I think when we started working from home, there was just this expectation that like, you are always on. And in a sense that was true sometimes, like sometimes that was always on.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yeah, I send emails at 7 a.m. and I send emails at 7 p.m. I'm sure that happens all the time. Not as much these days, not in back in the office, but still, you know, to an extent that happens. But with work from home, when that was, you know, the full-time thing, it was just kind of like, the nine to five lines really got thrown out the window and it made it like you're always working.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So I don't know if anyone else experiences but it was really hard to take vacation this year. And so what that meant is like I just had to start taking time at the end of the year, because I only get to carry over five days. And so like taking a four day weekend, this this weekend, off today and off Monday, which is great. We're going to Lake Geneva tonight to be up beyond the Cheddar curtain for a hot second, just two quick nights, a quick trip, but it'll be nice. And then moving ahead, I still, there's what, like 10 weeks left in the year or something, I still have four more vacation days to take off. And I have Christmas is on what, a Friday this year, or a Saturday, I think.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Basically, the week leading up to Christmas, I get Thursday and Friday off from my employer, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I'm taking off. So I have that entire week, and then the week after Christmas, the last full week of the year, I get off just from my employer as well as part of my job. So I have those last two weeks of December off. So I mean, I'm literally pulling up my phone calendar here to, you know, visualize what are we looking at here?
Starting point is 00:03:35 So I'm not I'm not going to take any more time off the rest of October because I'm busy. You got stuff to do. It's a very busy last couple of weeks in October here. a lot of meetings with students finish up teaching my class, all that stuff. Then you get in, okay, so now we're looking at at November. And you got the first three weeks or four weeks. I could definitely take a day or two there somewhere if I wanted to. And then the next week, the fourth week of November, is Thanksgiving Week. And I'm planning to just work kind of the normal Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, that week, because Thursday's Thanksgiving. And Friday is a federal holiday.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I think everyone gets Friday off for the most part unless you're like working in retail and stuff. And you're like, well, that would be a, you know, it would make sense to take some time off that week as well, right? But it's kind of just like, I don't know. I always feel like by the time the Sunday of like Thanksgiving, break rolls around, so your fourth straight day
Starting point is 00:04:45 off, I'm kind of just like ready to go back, because it's usually a kind of a busy time. So I don't really need to take that Wednesday off and we'll just be local for Thanksgiving anyways. So it's kind of like, well, it's not going to happen that week. Then we got, let's see, the next week, you start the in November finishes in December, and then you got two more weeks after that. So there's three full work weeks between Thanksgiving break
Starting point is 00:05:17 and when I'm done for Christmas, which is also done for 2021 calendar year. So really, I'm probably in this kind of happened to me last year too, but I'm probably in this kind of happened to me last year too, but I'm probably just going to be taken four days of vacation randomly at some point in those three weeks, very end of November into December, which is fine. It's just kind of like, I don't know, for me, when you don't have a car, like a vacation day can be nice. Like for example, today, you know, I did my laundry, took out the garbage, like clean up around the house a little bit,
Starting point is 00:05:50 practice some piano, things are really moving positively in that direction, which is good and getting excited. Hopefully, hopefully before the end of 2021 to put out a recording of what I've been working on, that would be a great thing to be able to do and kind of move on to the next thing, but not sure yet. I can't commit myself to that.
Starting point is 00:06:11 But when you're on the car and a vacation day, it's kind of just like, oh, I'm just gonna be here. And the other thing too is like, I'm off today, but Rachel's not off today, nor is she off on Monday. So I'm kind of probably gonna be doing the same thing on Monday, you know, just kind of hanging out, watching a lot of TV, watching justified, great FX series from the early 2010s, ran for six seasons, Timothy Allefont, and Walton Goggins. I love those guys. Took me, as with most shows, took me a little bit to get into it, but now I'm just like, boom, turn it on.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I'm loving this action. If you like Ozark, you like Breaking Bad. It's kind of similar to these, it's got that feel. I think we understand that feel, except Breaking Bad is very much American Southwest. Ozark is Missouri and the Ozarks by extension. And justified is Appalachia, okay? So they're kind of each filling their separate roles here.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And so far, I think justified is like not as, I don't know, it hasn't quite gone into the level of like, oh, there's an entire season long art going on and it seems to be a little bit more just kind of like, oh, this episode's fun, this episode's fun. And there's some of that like, some of the deeper like themes or lines, you know, permeating throughout the entire show or seasons, but it's not quite there yet. But I know it's still getting better. I'm on season two right now and finding its footing. So I do really enjoy it. It's on Hulu if you're ever looking
Starting point is 00:07:51 and it's very critically acclaimed. It's a lot of people enjoy it. I gotta tell you, I'm drinking right now, not alcohol, which is a shame. I didn't drink it all last week and then because of my marathon, I will talk about that in a second. Oh boy. And then after the marathon, slash basically during, you might have seen the finish line photos. I'm carrying a PBR
Starting point is 00:08:15 in my right hand, I believe. It was awesome. There was a guy handing them out at like Michigan and Roosevelt to write when you make the turn up the hill. It was amazing. I really needed it because Sunday was a very difficult day. And so I cracked that and like slammed that for the most part as I crossed the finish line. You also get like a 20 ounce 312, which you don't have to use your drink ticket for, which is great. As you're like, you know, between the, you cross the finish line, then you're just like walking and they're giving you all sorts of free stuff. The space jackets,
Starting point is 00:08:51 plastic bags with like pringles and fruit and stuff. And I think I got a muscle milk there, a bit chocolate milk basically. And then also the three one two. So at a certain point, I was like, I was actually double fisting a PBR in one hand, a 3-1-2 in the other hand, which was awesome. Does that mean the entire marathon? What I went through was worth it, maybe? I don't know. I just love double-fisting. And so I worked on those two,
Starting point is 00:09:17 and then I had one more, a newer, I think, as a seasonal goose island beer at the sort of the after-party that I used my drink ticket on. Rachel had like a lemonade shandy or something. And then that was it. That's what I had to drink on Sunday. And then I had Monday off of this week. It took the day after the marathon off to just rest, which I needed, but I didn't drink at all
Starting point is 00:09:44 the rest of this week. So I'm thinking like, okay, I'm off today. If you're curious, it's about 2.30 in the afternoon right now. I wouldn't normally have a drink this early, but I'm kind of like, you know what, day off, like just chillin', like we're going to get a little podcast going, like let's go, let's go grab a beer. Because I've had, I've had, you know, not a lot of beer, but just like five or six random beers, like I literally think I have had you know not a lot of beer, but just like five or six random beers like I literally think I Have like five beers in my fridge right now. They're all different. I've got like a PBR old style. I got one of the the twilight ale was that what it is from day shoots. I've got
Starting point is 00:10:20 Bells Oberon maybe. Oh, I don't remember what exactly I have back there. And then Walt's and my sister-in-law Kelly, when they got married about a month ago, very generously gave a bunch of us a lot of beer that they had brought it from Austin. And these are tall boys, they're like 16, 20 ounces, whatever. And so I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:40 I haven't had any of these because I wasn't drinking a lot between the wedding when I got these and now because of my marathon. So I was like, you know what? I haven't had any of these because I wasn't drinking a lot between the wedding when I got these and now because of my marathon. So I was like, you know what? I would love to dig into one of these, sip on a beer. I've never had before. Cool, crisp refreshing like the Samson Q2U series or like my stand up comedy as I am doing
Starting point is 00:11:00 this show for the fans today. So I grab one, not really paying attention, you know, doing something else. And I crack it open before I start recording. And it is, I'm not complaining. It's just not what I expected. Why? Because it's not beer. And if Walter Keller is saying they probably know
Starting point is 00:11:18 what I'm about to say, it's water in a can. Richards rain water. Say hello to the water of tomorrow. So just to be clear, I'm drinking water from a, it's not carbonated, but it was in a can, like you would drink a tall boy or something, caught clean, bottled, fresh, local, ever 100% rain. I suppose they could just put whatever water they want in here and be like, this is rain water.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I ought to try that. We can change the way the world drinks water, drink the rain, save the planet. But you're trying to change the way the world drinks water, but we're drinking it from a disposable aluminum can. So I don't really know who's changing what here, but I'll give you a sip and I'll tell you the flavor profile. It's water. So yeah, thanks, in all honesty,
Starting point is 00:12:19 and all seriousness, thank you to Walton Kelly for the very generous gift. I'm glad we could celebrate with you. It's just not quite the beer I was, you know, expecting. So now I got to go back later and, you know, they, hey, they, they told us when they came up, we brought everyone a bunch of beer. I got to go to my fridge. Did they actually just bring us water? Where we hoodwinked? What kind of devious, dastardly plan was this? I don't know. I got nothing against rainwater, but it's just kind of unexpected,, dastardly plan was this. I don't know. I got nothing against rainwater, but it's just kind of unexpected,
Starting point is 00:12:49 because I've been drinking water and ice coffee all morning. I'm like, you know what I could go for? And Nathan, in Nathan, it feel their fashion, a mother-of-and-beer. And so I reach into the fridge, I crack that shit, and we're drinking more water. So I guess the universe is trying to
Starting point is 00:13:05 tell me something. Could Quinn go dry again in 2022? Could we turn this into an on again off again sort of thing? I don't think so. I did it once and I don't really think I want to do it again because I don't have a problem and it's definitely good for weight loss but I'm kind do it again, because I don't have a problem. And it's definitely good for weight loss. But I'm kind of just like, you know, I think most people know I've put on some weight, and I know that's like a common phrase when you've actually put on a lot of weight,
Starting point is 00:13:35 but I haven't put on a lot of weight. But some weight, you know, since the craziness of 2020. But you know what, I'm kind of like, I'm still exercising a lot, not this week per say. We'll get to that in a second, but I'm also, you know what, I still fit into the clothes and I think I look pretty good. And yeah, so I don't really feel compelled to give up alcohol.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Sunday, and if you're curious, if you're like the last couple of episodes, Quinn hasn't talked about this, maybe he forgot. I haven't forgotten. I was just trying to move through some other stuff more quickly and didn't end up getting to it We we will talk at the end of the show about real housewives of Salt Lake City Because I think we're five episodes in now something like that I haven't talked about the last couple weeks. So I'll just kind of give you an amalgamation of You know where our characters are at, storylines, feuds, all that stuff. But Sunday I ran the, what was it, the hundred seventy-fifth, I don't know what number it was, Chicago Marathon. And it, it was really rough. And I got to tell you, I was going into this marathon, you know, in the days leading
Starting point is 00:14:49 up to it, I was keeping a positive attitude. And I was saying like, you know what, the weather doesn't look like it's really going to be good for running. But I know how hard I've worked and that's true. And I'm just going to go out and try to run my race and the rest is out of my hands. And that's really the attitude I took. Everything was fine.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Woke up, or even Saturday, I was very lazy, did a long stretch session by the lake, got some dinner with Rachel's family in the city and went to bed pretty early and it was just kind of like Sunday. I woke up and I did my stuff. You know, I had a banana, stretched a lot, drank some coffee, started loading up on sugar a little bit. And it was just, you know, got downtown, everything was good. Like, you know, it's not my first rodeo. It definitely definitely had some adrenaline, but not a my first rodeo. It definitely, definitely
Starting point is 00:15:45 had some adrenaline, but not a ton. I wasn't really like, didn't have any nerves or anything. And I was just kind of excited to like, you know, see the crowds and have the experience. But I definitely knew that the humidity and the overall heat was just going to be, the humidity and the overall heat was just going to be... It wasn't like... This isn't like the movies, right? Where you got someone who's like been having a tough time training or like practices and going well within the big game shows up and they just like flip a switch and it's amazing. Like this is real life.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I had known, you know, just the week before I ran, you know, so two weekends ago, and my last long-ish run, while I was tapering, I ran 10 miles, and it was a very pretty much the exact same climate on that Saturday as what it would be eight days later for the marathon. And I was just sweating my buns off, not feeling, you know, like miserable is too strong of work, but just laboring for what should have been just like a chill 10 mile, easy run in early October. And so I was like, okay, the while the climb is the same. That was 10. This is 26.2 plus all the walking you have to do before and after like, this is just going to be tough. And so I went out and I was like, you know what, I'm not going to intentionally drag ass as I go out.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Just because I feel like at some point I'm going to hit the wall regardless. And yeah, you might push it a little bit further into the race when you can serve more Andrea at the front. In fact, you probably will. Like, yeah, that makes sense logically. But I was just like, you know what? I'm going to go out there and run my race at the tempo. I want to run it. And just, you know, we'll see what happens. Because I had done that for, you know, about 20 miles before. And obviously, there's a big difference between 20 and 26.2. But I was just like, this is just what I know how to do so I'm going to do it. So we get started.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You got to wait through all the crazy bathroom lines and stuff. There's like 40,000 people running this race. And you know, I get going. I'm in what wave F I think, I was supposed, or second wave, corals starting with F going back to like K or something. I was assigned to F, which would be the starting wave, and I think I ended up, it was just so crowded,
Starting point is 00:18:17 so packed I could only get up to G, which is fine. Like who cares, it doesn't really matter. And so I got going and I felt solid, but you know, I just knew from the outset. And this wasn't like an attitude thing. This is just a fuel thing. It was so muggy and sweaty. You know, start of the race is probably already like,
Starting point is 00:18:37 I don't know, low 70s and humidity was like 80% or something. It was just like, my body, unless something. It was just like my body, unless I wanted to just like quit my two other jobs and not play piano, like it wasn't gonna have enough time to train my body to run an amazing race in these conditions specifically. And I don't think it'd be worth it too. It's just not.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Like, I'll, I'll take this one day of hellish pain and act a little bit extra time, you know, compared to like hours and hours and costs in common, lost time for other things in like the months leading up to this race. Okay, it's just like not worth it at the end of the day. So I'm going and really, I really appreciate everyone who obviously more visibly the ones who cheered me on in person, which was amazing, but also just a ton of support through texts and calls and social media, family members. My spiritual running mate, Elise Serenalmic Master, who recently had a kid, we went to Grass Cool together,
Starting point is 00:19:49 and just so many other people, friends, family. And then the people who were there in person, shout out to people like Haley Benson, ran right past her apartment. You know Haley from the show, she's on season one. My friend Abby Whitsack was volunteering at the race She's run the Chicago Marathon before So it got a nice shot off from her as I ran past her and then of course my loving GF Ray
Starting point is 00:20:16 She saw her outside of her apartment early in the morning and then again Was surprised when she had Jose and Amanda, younger sister and father, with her who drove in to the city to support, which was very kind of them really appreciate that on a Sunday, as there was a Bears game too nonetheless, although later in the day. So basically what happened around like mile 14 or 15, the sun came out.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And this is when you're basically just leaving the loop or have just left the loop, you're going west out to the United Center along like atoms or something like that. And then you come back on Jackson. And it was just like the sun came out. I just started to see a lot of like splotches and darkness and blurry vision. And I was just like, you know what? Maybe we should walk for a little bit. I've never passed out before,
Starting point is 00:21:15 from like, you know, heat exhaustion or anything. I mean, probably from like, drinking at a party or something, but not from like, oh my gosh, I'm working myself so hard like I'm going down. And I was just like, you know what, that's not gonna happen. Like this is stupid. And it will happen to so many other people.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Rachel was telling me she was posted up on the 33rd or 35th Street Bridge over the Dan Ryan. And she was just like, yeah, I saw so many people passing out of the bridge, it was scary. That's like mile 21 or something like that, 22. And it is scary. And I was just like, you know what, that's not gonna be me.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Like, does it suck to walk? Yes, especially when you know like I'm walking now and there's still like 10 miles left in this race. Cause you start to do the math in your head like, oh my gosh, on like a normal day, how long does it take me to walk 10 miles? And the answer is a lot. So you're just kind of like, oh my gosh, on like a normal day, how long does it take me to walk 10 miles? And the answer is a lot. So you're just kind of like staring down
Starting point is 00:22:09 the barrel of that gun. But I was just like, I'm not here to pass out. And the thing is, it wasn't like I'd been, you know, overconfident in my, you know, like water storing abilities. I was getting aid at every single station. Water and gatorade. That's just like, it was kind of a no-brainer because of how hot and how sticky and mu- mu- mu- mu- mid, humid and muggy. It was mu- mid, MU- M-I-D. So at that point, I mean, there's really not that much to say between like that and the
Starting point is 00:22:45 finish line. Essentially, the rest of the race was like a lot of walking and occasionally like being able to like, you know, shuffle my knees, I guess, the best way to put it, but really, I wasn't, it wasn't just the like, oh, I'm dizzy and I'm seeing stuff because that pretty much continued all the way until very close to the finish line I was still like dizzy Clearly dehydrated all that stuff like close to passing out But my legs and I've never
Starting point is 00:23:15 Experience this quite this much before but the level of cramping And it wasn't just like oh well, let me just stop and stretch for a bit So I would do that like once every other mile They were just like they they they wouldn't move me just stop and stretch for a bit. Cause I would do that like once every other mile, they were just like, they, they, they wouldn't move or they wouldn't work. If I did anything beyond like a fast brisk walk, it was just like you, you flex a little bit
Starting point is 00:23:36 as you try to push, try to get any sort of kick and it was just like, nope, your calves will just like, seize up and it's like, well, I can't, like, you can't run on this anymore, okay? So that's essentially what I dealt with the last 10 miles or so Which is a lot of fun as you can imagine And I'm I'm proud of myself. I mean obviously for finishing but also like I still beat my time miraculously by about 10 minutes From the Marine Corps marathon four years ago,
Starting point is 00:24:06 and which was similar conditions, but with more sun, which probably explains the extra 10 minutes. But yeah, stayed under five hours, and it's a shame because I wanted to go under four, and I was definitely ran the front half to be able to do that. But, you know, I finished and I appreciate all the people who supported. And yeah, I don't know, you know, what weather seems to affect me. And I'm sure this is just different from person to person.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I'm sure it also depends on how you train and that sort of thing. But I can tell you very clearly in training races, not races, but in training runs throughout the summer. And honestly, the last 20 months, since I've been running a lot, the WebHurt affects me just in such a significant way. I mean, I mentioned two weeks ago my last run before the marathon was 10 miles on a Saturday,
Starting point is 00:25:12 eight days before. And I mean, that was pretty hard. It's 10 miles. And it was because it was super muggy and I was running at like 10 a.m., which is obviously a lot later than I like to run, but that's also when I had to run the marathon. And then I can tell you, like, I'll have runs
Starting point is 00:25:31 when it's 30 degrees out, and just like perfect running conditions, and I will just fly through a half marathon and finish and just feel like, like let's do another one. I'm ready. So I don't know, and I'm not going to find out, because it's too much of a scientific project to undertake, and I don't care, too.
Starting point is 00:25:53 But like, I feel pretty confidently, and there isn't really a point to this. It's just my own musings. Like, I think, running a marathon with ideal weather, which would be more like somewhere in the low 40s and not like 80 degrees with super high humidity, I think like that would significantly impact not only how I feel and you know, maybe not hitting the wall so early, but just obviously overall time as well. Like I legit still to this day,
Starting point is 00:26:30 think last Sunday, if I had ideal conditions, which it was never gonna have, but if I had ideal conditions, like I could easily run at least 40 to 50 minutes, if not a full hour quicker, or a complete the 26.2 miles in, you know, 45 to 60 minutes quicker than what I did. Which I don't think is terribly unreasonable,
Starting point is 00:26:54 considering it's over the course of 26.2 and you realize how much I walked. Like, I personally think that I train my ass off and for me specifically, me just me in particular like That's how severely the weather affects me. So I Don't know not complaining or anything that's just like Sort of how I feel about it. But anyways, it's over. I was pretty sore Monday and
Starting point is 00:27:24 Probably until about yesterday before I really like completely felt fine. Even now like there are some parts of my legs where like if you dig into them you'll be like oh that's more sore than normal but I can walk perfectly normal. And then of course the one thing that, you know, I'll probably forget about in years, but it was very much a factor as well. I had a cold during all of this,
Starting point is 00:27:50 and it wasn't until yesterday, I think was my first day where I didn't have any cold symptoms. I started, came down with it last Wednesday, they usually last a week for me, and that's exactly what happened, because Wednesday two days ago, was the last day of having to like consistently blow my nose and have a sore throat and stuff. So that was fun to deal with on Sunday as well.
Starting point is 00:28:12 You know, once you get going and see your blood pumping, you don't really notice it too much, which is great. But you figure in some like underlying way that you don't necessarily think about or conscious of like it probably affects your body on some level as well. I'm not a doctor, but that's just my guess. Okay, as you might have been able to tell us, we're 29 minutes into the show. This was more of like a fallout type episode or a follow-up than like a distinct we've got something to say type of show. We are just a couple shows away from 200 so I think this is what 197. Next week is eight. We have for that is Halloween. That's 199 and then we have for that will be in the big Apple
Starting point is 00:29:11 where bean town hits 200. So that's the plan. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon. If you need a home inspected, in Central Oregon, you want a safe, certified home inspector, you know who to trust. His name is Steve. He's my dad. Call him at 541-041316 or visit You'll get you taken care of mentioned Quinn limited time only 0% discount and you'll be thankful you did. HomePride Organ inspection and perfection. I absolutely hate it when you got a cough
Starting point is 00:29:43 that you just can't shake while you're doing a live recording, that's rough. Unfortunately, the Richard drain water is not helping. It's not making it worse, but it's not helping. I also wanna give a shout out to our good friends, cuts by Q, I got a fresh cut last Thursday, I think it was. And I gotta tell you, it was a little like, cause I shaved down the sides in the back and I got all fade action going on top.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And it's always a little like severe or extreme the first couple of days, but I think already like I feel like I've grown into it. So I'm feeling very confident about this look. Let's see, when you need a fresh dew, some of these snappy and new, call the experts at cuts by Q, and I'll get you taken care of.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And finally, the Samsung Q2U series got crisp, clean, clear audio quality. I gotta tell you, we're going to New York in what, three weeks here. And I suppose we'll have the second Samsung there, and we haven't done the two mics set up in a while. In fact, I have this new Samsung that I bought in the spring maybe and I haven't,
Starting point is 00:30:52 I haven't actually set it up or used it yet. So yeah, it's gonna be interesting. Hopefully everything works okay. I'm confident. I've done it once, I can do it again. Okay, so the Samsung Q2U series, when God speaks, He uses the Samsung. Okay, so the last couple of minutes of the show here, just giving you checking in on real housewives of Salt Lake City. Because we're officially
Starting point is 00:31:27 like into the season now. And you figure the Gen Shaw arrest footage is going to be slotted in at some point in the next maybe three to five episodes would be my hope. These seasons are usually like 20 to 22 episodes long. This is, we've done five weeks. So there's probably like 16 or 17 more episodes left. And so I figure we get another like three to five then that would leave around like 15 to 17 for the Gen Shaw stuff. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:32:02 No, it's a little bit less like 12 to 15 or something. I mean, that seems like a good amount. I gotta tell you, real houses are just like city. It's good stuff, but all eyes this week were on part one of the four part real housewives of Beverly Hills reunion. There's a lot going on there because there's what seven housewives you got you got let's see Erica Dureet Sutton Garsell Lisa Kyle Crystal and Kathy's basically a housewife too so you have seven and a half so there's a lot going on there it's four parts four hours as you might expect so part one was this last Wednesday and I watched that eyes glued to the big screen.
Starting point is 00:32:47 But Salt Lake City happens on Sunday nights, Rachel and I watched it last Sunday night after my marathon, so I gotta tell you, and I didn't get hydrated, like rehydrated until some point Monday afternoon. So I was still dazed, certainly not loopy, like I was in good spirits, and I think I was thinking pretty clearly,
Starting point is 00:33:07 you know, throughout the rest of Sunday after the race, but it was just like, obviously tired, and I don't remember too much from Sunday specifically. But essentially, since we last checked in, let's just run down where the ladies are at. So we got six housewives. And right now, the biggest kind of feud, there's kind of two feuds that are happening.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And neither one of them is terribly interesting. And they're both, they both were intentionally kind of like tied up at the end of this episode. So it's interesting to see sort of where things will go next while we're still in this like pre-gen shot arrest kind of phase of the season. So the first feud is very kind of strange and something that one party knows they're feuding the other party really doesn't.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So you got Lisa and you got Whitney. And basically what happened last week was Whitney was throwing some sort of party or someone was throwing a party. I think Whitney was. It's used using like caterers that are like Lisa's caterers or something like that. And essentially Lisa has this other friend. Whitney got introduced to her. Whitney found out it was her cousin.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So now Whitney is like trying to, you know, become closer friends with this person because it's her cousin. I don't recall her name. It's like a blonde female. And Lisa is basically feeling really but hurt about the fact that like apparently Whitney is trying to steal her friends now. And Lisa asked this cousin to be like, don't identify yourself as Whitney's cousin. And it's just kind of like, Lisa, what the fuck? And so Whitney is throwing this party in hours of the day before the party, the caterers are basically after Lisa
Starting point is 00:34:51 and Whitney had had this argument the next day the caterers are like, we're sorry, we can no longer cater this party. And so basically what happened is, excuse me, Lisa told these caterers to pull out of Whitney's thing at the last second, which is just like a stupid low-bow move. Because I think it is something for charity, or like a birthday party or something.
Starting point is 00:35:12 It wasn't like Whitney was throwing her own party. It was something for charity, which is just really silly. So it just made Lisa look really bad and very petty. And so there's kind of like this pseudo feud where in my mind like Whitney hasn't done anything and Lisa is just like being Lisa, which is just at times very irritating and impersonal and cold. And so they sit down and you know they're both like I feel like we don't have an issue and then next step
Starting point is 00:35:45 so there's always an issue. So that's kind of where we're at like apparently they've resolved things I don't know like it's just Lisa's personality like she's just can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. The other feud is the more it's much easier to understand and it's not even a feud it's just literal cyber bullying. Gen Sha, her Twitter accounts or social media accounts like Twitter and Instagram have been liking, sharing, retweeting, whatever, like insults directed at Brooks Marx, who's Meredith's son. Brooks is, um, he, you know, he's like 21. He's trying to be a fashion designer. He is, you's like 21, he's trying to be a fashion designer. He is, you know, likely gay, but like hasn't come out, like, hasn't said any of that,
Starting point is 00:36:33 like, hasn't made anything public, it's his choice. Great. But Jen is basically like liking a lot of homophobic slurs, spreading that stuff on the internet. And her excuse is like, well, it's not me, it's my people and it's just like Gen. Shia you are a dumbass It's your accounts like who gives a shit if it's like you are the one pressing the button or not So this episode Meredith and Brooks go to this bar slash restaurant and meet Gen. Shia there and they're like sitting on the table And they're gonna have a hash it out moment and Brooks is like mom to Meredith. I think you know I just want to do this with John which is like okay that makes sense but then Meredith literally I'm not kidding this is hilarious
Starting point is 00:37:12 five to six feet away shifts from the table that Brooks and Jen are sitting at and goes and sits at the bar and literally as Brooks and Jen are having this conversation anytime it shows anything is Jen you just see in the background Meredith is like literally sitting there six feet away from this table at the bar It's like listening to them talk. So it's like yes, she gave them their privacy Also, she's sitting five to six feet away, so I don't really get it. It was pretty hilarious I was I was laughing pretty hard at that. So Basically Jen shot apologizes what she always does. Gen-Shop is the queen of the apology,
Starting point is 00:37:47 and like Lisa should just go back and do the same shit next week. And yeah, Brooks and Jen are good now until the next time Jen cyber bullies him. So that'll be fun. The best part of this episode for me, guys night out. Oh yeah. So you get coach Shaw, you get John, who's Lisa's husband,
Starting point is 00:38:08 who like doesn't get a lot of air time. You get Seth Marks, Meredith's husband, the guy who's like selling tires and Akron or wherever. And then you get Chris Rose, Whitney's husband. And then the other three husbands, Meredith's husband is not really part of the show. They've been divorced for a while. Do we, is Jenny, the new one's husband? He's like a doctor. So he's not part of the
Starting point is 00:38:33 bro gang. And then Robert Senior Mary's grandfather is like 85. So he's not, he's not really a cool dad bro. But the bro is the four of them Definitely need their own spin-off because they go to this restaurant They get like some oysters or something their cracking jokes Seth makes a really like out of taste rape joke about having sex with this wife only when she's asleep Everyone laughs. It's a great time. So that was the best part of the episode and That that's kind of where things are at. We're still not really getting anything interesting out of Jenny, the newest housewife. Basically, the only storyline is that she doesn't want to have more kids and her husband does. And it should just be because they already
Starting point is 00:39:17 have three and the youngest one is like nine. And it could should kind of just be like an open and shut like, okay, yes, we're not gonna have any more kids kind of thing. And they just keep rehashing the same conversation. So to be honest, really bored by them, like the daughter is really precocious and cute. The other two kids are in that like, we're not gonna like super quiet, like don't wanna be on camera kind of phase,
Starting point is 00:39:42 which is fine, I get it. But there's just not that much interesting going on there. Meredith's oldest daughter got into college. She really wants to go to UCS, SB, I think UCSB, Santa Barbara. So she got in, they showed the reaction, you know, live on the show, which was exciting. And now she's just, Meredith is kind of in her own world right now, like dealing with her, I think she has three daughters.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And like, just kind of navigating that, and like dealing with birds and the bees type stuff. Like, yada yada yada, used to be a Mormon, isn't anymore, kids are deciding if they want to be or not. Like, it's fine, it's not very dramatic, but it's interesting, I appreciate it, it's wholesome. And that's pretty much what's going on. If you're curious, Mary Cosby left the house this episode.
Starting point is 00:40:32 She and Whitney are kind of hanging out. She like brought cookies to Whitney's, I think. And I feel like something else kind of interesting happened with Mary Cosby, but that's pretty much it. We haven't had, I think, I don't think we've had all of the ladies together, all seven of them together in one place. It might have happened in like the first episode
Starting point is 00:40:54 at a certain point, but I can't recall. And yeah, I think everyone is just kind of waiting for Gen Chaud to get arrested at this point. It happened in real life in like January or February I think of this year, which was probably like I don't know slightly over halfway through their filming I would assume but I don't actually know. So we'll see how many more episodes they they have a sit-through before we get to that. It's been it's been fine so far. This last episode was solid, but we're all just waiting for that moment.
Starting point is 00:41:28 We know it's going to happen. So it's kind of like anything that happens, it's sort of like, OK, yeah, let's move on. So it's still good. Still having a good time. Really excited for the rest stuff. So that's what's going on with real houseways with Salt Lake City. And I gotta tell you, even though today's been day off from one job, it has not been the day off
Starting point is 00:41:51 from other jobs. And so I've still been working my tail off with those. And that involves a lot of talking sometimes. So I'm actually all talked out. It's about 3.30 a.m. afternoon. I'm going to finish my rainwater. I'm going to get an alcoholic beverage. Either some whiskey or maybe one of the beers, not sure. But I'm pretty liquidated right now. And oh yeah, my last final thought. I'd never talk about Jeopardy on this show, but I got to tell you, during the Matt Emodio run, if you don't know, he is the second longest Win streak and jeopardy history won about a million and a half dollars. He lost on Monday and For the last like month or so. I just went watching every day. It's pretty easy to find it around like
Starting point is 00:42:42 4 or 5 in the afternoon day of you can find you know find the episode on someone's YouTube channel So I've been watching that every day, even since he lost this week, they got a new champ who's going for his fifth straight win today, the guy who knocked him off on Monday. But I've just been watching a lot of that lately, because it's good, you know, it's quality 20 minutes of entertainment every day, Monday through Friday, but I just want to give a shout out
Starting point is 00:43:01 to Matt Emodio. I follow my Twitter like he's a really nice, guy and he had a hell of a run and second longest win streak ever in jeopardy history like better than James Hulsauer. So I think that's pretty cool. I just wanted to give him a shout out from this show. That's what I got for you. Questions, comments, concerns, head to Email us, go to the comment section, or just bask in the glow of my web presence. You can like us on Facebook,
Starting point is 00:43:33 listen to us on SoundCloud, Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Spotify, all the other places your podcasts are found, everyone's want to on YouTube. And yeah, looking forward to episode 200. Thank you everyone for listening. Email us being Tom Pai-Kas,, as me and him podcast at We are going to Lake Geneva in just about an hour or two here.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Gonna go do some fun fall, autumnal activities and I heard there's a hot tub. So the rest of the show has been censored. Everyone, thank you for listening. We're gonna go take a trip. Hope you have a good day. And yeah, let's keep that music because I'm gonna check in on you next time. Bye! I'm just going to sit here. nd nd
Starting point is 00:45:36 you

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