Beantown Podcast - Jen Shah Arrested Wow MUST LISTEN!!!! (11122021 Beantown)

Episode Date: November 12, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE with the shocking must-see moment you've all been waiting for -- Jen Shah is going down!!! Listen now!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, November 12th. 2021, what's going on? How are you? What's happening? Happy one day belated veterans day to all the veterans out there and all the animals you care for beavers lizards Do gongs what a cool animal, you know, I was just I was watching some Pokemon earlier and you know obviously some of those Gen one in particular, but really most Pokemon not not most, but I'm sure it exists across generations. Some of those Pokemon have really unoriginal names, such as SEAL and Dugong. Those are two aquatic Pokemon creatures that literally are the exact same name as their animal counterparts just spelled differently. The pronounce the same, pretty much look the same, it's just like... There's only, you know, in Generation 1, there's only 151 Pokemon, okay?
Starting point is 00:01:16 There's not like they're writing the Old Testament over here, got to come up with thousands of great Jewish names like... I don't know I was gonna say Hamlet he's not from the Bible. Sikias? Sikias I think that's a New Testament name Habakkuk and Nehemiah there's a good one Nehemiah we were just I was just watching the Ryan and Christian old friends of the podcast, check out their old show, the Carrot Convo's podcast. They're they're streaming on Twitch these days, currently Animal Crossing. I've actually got it up brain front of me on mute as I'm recording this podcast. And we
Starting point is 00:02:01 were talking a little bit earlier about homeschool basketball tournaments down in Oklahoma and volleyball ones in Omaha, Nebraska and how Oklahoma in a brass card. Definitely two big homeschooling states, and I bet you would find a lot of good names. You show up to one of those tournaments. You're going to you're going to find a Nehemiah definitely You know Josh or Joshua said good biblical name, but there's also a Joshua Right, I'm pretty sure we have a family friend from from back around Rockford who Married a Joshua J.E.S.H.U.A In fact, I think there was some I'm not even joking. I think it was something where like one of the sisters married
Starting point is 00:02:49 a Joshua and one of them married a Joshua and I don't know if they had the same last name or what but apparently they weren't related. I don't know it was a very Very Christian sounding homeschool sort of thing. So you got, yeah, you got your Nehemiah's, your Josh's, your Jashes, your Hashes. Ham? Wasn't, didn't know I have a son named Ham. That's one that really hasn't stuck around as much. But you know, the Vikings, Minnesota Vikings have a fullback, CJ Hamm.
Starting point is 00:03:25 What if they named him ham ham? It's like like little bam bam, but ham ham. Ham shout out to Sherry Shepherd. Thanks everyone for listening to my show and hello to my friends in a packy stand Karachi Hyderbad, Kyber Pass. How are you? What's going on? We're using our brand new Samsung Q2U series. It doesn't have a bunch of weird crap on the handle, which is really cool. An identifiable crap. That would be a good slogan for this show, unidentifiable crap. But I appreciate everyone tuning in. Listen to this question as advisor and listen to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Although I will mention that I got, I don't know why I use that conjunction to get to this part of my phrase. I'm sipping on some whiskey. I believe it's Woodford Reserve. It was a gift for my brother and my sister-in-law, shout out to Walter and Kelly Furnace. I got an email this morning from Kelly Furnace and it kind of shocked me to see it. She was, boy, up in Adam with the, you know, changing the email
Starting point is 00:04:38 name, user names in Facebook and, you know, the Myspace and presumably PayPal and all sorts of things. Not even going for the hyphen or anything. We're just going right to furnace. That's a really interesting point. And this is, I don't know if I've talked about this on the podcast before. Something to talk about with Hashtag Girl the podcast Rachel Ramos, but it's antiquated is not the word I want to use because that has a negative connotation in terms of you know a female marrying a male changing her last name to the male's last name. I don't
Starting point is 00:05:20 know how I feel about it. I you know at, at the end of the day, it's the sort of thing where like, I am going to obviously completely accept and respect whatever my, you know, partner chooses that she wants to do. But I gotta tell you, if like, I was making the choice and I'm not, but if I was on making the choice, I think I kind of, you know, prefer like the keeping the last name or maybe the hyphen like my mom's doing, Dr. Jane Denison Fernos.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I don't know, it's such a strange concept to me and there's nothing wrong with it. And this is what I grew up on, but at this stage in my life, it feels like such a strange concept to like live your life for 30 years and then all the sudden decide to just like have a different name. I mean, hey, Malcolm X did it, Kreme Elbdool Jibar did it, but I don't know. It's a unique conversation. It's not really good or bad. It's just kind of a, I think, an interesting
Starting point is 00:06:27 and intriguing sort of cultural thing. And I, you might be asking yourself if you're listening, well, Quinn, you took a class, you're software, you're a college at the Paul University, the history of marriage. You should know about all of this stuff and be able to explain it live on air to the listeners, but I'm sorry, I can't. I distinctly remember, well, the only thing is I remember from that course, because I was 19, okay, this is seven, eight years ago, whatever. The only thing I remember from that course is that we read the book Passing, which every once in a while comes up on Jeopardy, and so I nail it. When that happens, it's a great book you should
Starting point is 00:07:08 read it. If you are familiar with the Mark Twain novel, Puttinhead Wilson, it's a kind of a similar sort of thing. But Passing is great. And then I just recall, like like many modern 21st century college classes on your learning management system. I'd to pull you something called the Zaire to learn but you might be familiar with platforms such as Blackboard, Canvas, et cetera. Discussion board post, okay? It's a common feature.
Starting point is 00:07:38 But for whatever reason, I don't know if anyone else has experienced something like this, but this was my only class, I believe that did something like this. The basically, these message boards were like Reddit threads that you could up-fot or down-vote. And so every week, and I am fairly certain that I was one of maybe like four or five people in this, you know, 30-person class who actually gave two shits about this, but I was like king of those upvotes, okay, in terms of like my post did super well, and I definitely turned into this sort of thing where
Starting point is 00:08:13 like I really didn't care at all about the content or anything like that, but I had to get that sweet, sweet upvote that delicious tasty karma, dribbling down my chin. And so yeah, I did a lot of that. And I played a lot of online risk in that course in the back of the class. And certainly like,
Starting point is 00:08:37 stopped paying attention to lectures halfway through. It's the sort of thing, and going tying this up back to my original point, like the history of marriage, you think about it. It's actually like for me as a social scientist as my, you know, graduate studies, like that's a really interesting kind of concept. I think a lot of it comes down to one. I was 19. Didn't care about the class, all that stuff. And in terms of just like how it's presented to my teacher was fine, but like definitely not, you know, one of those adjuncts who like just kind of shows up, does it pre-prepared lecture and that's about it. So, um, a little bit of everything going on there, but it's a very, very unique concept. We spent a lot longer than I wanted to. There's, there's not
Starting point is 00:09:23 a, a huge theme to today's show. There's no central thing going on. Just a little bit of a house-wise roundup, which is going to be worth it. I promise you're going to want to listen to this roundup. Because we have officially entered the Gen-Shaw O-Shit moment, which is amazing. And we're going to get to that in just a moment I also want to mention it's snowing outside Okay, although it's actually for now it has stopped But it's about 355 in the afternoon right now about 45 minutes ago or so it went from like nothing and people I've been you know talking about it like oh, it's gonna snow in Chicago today
Starting point is 00:10:01 And I was like well maybe and then all of a sudden and was like, kind of looked like a wet rain a little bit. And it was definitely blowing. It's been very windy here in Chicago. And then for maybe about five minutes, we got the like, Chris Kringel North Pole, like big fluffy white flakes coming down for just like five minutes, which is fine. And none of it has stuck or anything.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Now it's just, you know, all wet and windy outside. But I tell you what, November 12th, Markier, Markier calendars, first snowfall of the season here in Chicago. And it's going to be dark in like 30 minutes, because we have officially hit daylight savings time. Rachel and I, we didn't really do much with this other than just like sleep a lot, but Rachel and I had the unique privilege of having a 26 hour day. While we were in this past Sunday, how do you like that? And here's your thinking, Quinn, you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:01 There's 24 hours in a day. What's going on here? I'll break it down for you. And it would have been even better if we started in Malaysia and ended in Hawaii or something, flying east to us, because obviously that's the most efficient way to do it. But basically with the daylight savings time ending,
Starting point is 00:11:20 you moved your clock back one hour, and then we flew from the Eastern time zone to the Central time zone. And so you gained back one hour and then we flew from the Eastern time zone to the Central time zone and so you gained back one hour there and so when all said and done I know you math nerds at Homer are calculating this up that's 26 hours and yeah we didn't do a ton other than some brunch and spent some some quality time in LaGuardia, the only type of time there is, and Plain was delayed a little bit,
Starting point is 00:11:50 but got home and had some Thai food and watched housewives and boy, what a perfect segue, not even planned. Okay, but here's the thing. So you will remember back, and I think this was February or March of this year. So part of this season, or March of this year. So part of this season, early on in this season.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Jen Shaw, while they were, while real housewives was filming for season two, which began about two months ago here, Jen Shaw was arrested. It was obviously a national headline. She was arranged. Rachel and I even had the privilege of joining her her I think it was her rainment hearing or deposition or whatever it's called I don't know you know she hasn't gone on charlie and I tell actually this next March so still like four months away But we got to the the first day was supposed to be a zoom thing
Starting point is 00:12:41 But it was a public link in the you know, or I think it was New York, actually, I don't recall. The Zoom went crashed, and then the second day, it was just like a phone number that you could dial into. And so we did that. I distinctly remember we were working at her parents' house. Rachel's not Gen Chas. In the suburbs, and listen to that for like an hour with a ton of tech issues.
Starting point is 00:13:02 If you've been watching the written house trial this week, and I've pretty much consistently had it on, nine to five when it's been going, you know, watching when I'm just like at my desk doing other stuff, because it's been really interesting. Well, if you think that that one has a tech issues, which in my opinion has them in that bad, but boy, it makes the Gen Shy hearing we listen to,
Starting point is 00:13:22 like, look like they're tech gods up there in Kenosho, okay? so the point being We knew that at some point in This season real season two of real house has a select city. We were going to get to the Gen-Shy arrest and They teased it at the very beginning, you know, first episode. We obviously knew we weren't going to start there, but they just teased the moment.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So basically, we end there in this episode. It's a 90 minute episode. You might be wondering, like, well, what do they do before that? If you're wondering if they could show you something crazier than the Gen-Shah arrest moment, they can. And it comes in a little brown package by the name of Mary M. Cosby. Okay, so we've known about Mary. She is a preacher at a church that she runs more or less with her husband, who is also her step-grandfather named Robert Senior. And so, basically Mary's maternal, Mary's grandmother, her blood grandmother, passed away.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And when she was the matriarch of this church, Robert Senior, the patriarch, and still is. But when grandma passed away, Mary senior married her step grandfather. It's not her biological grandfather, but her step grandfather, Robert Senior. So as you can imagine, there's like a 30-some year-age difference, I believe. It's very strange. We've gone through all of that on the show before. But we got a lot of, well, you'll recall the episode before there was a young gentleman who had a conversation with Meredith, and we learned that he had left the church, left Mary's church, and he had some very kind of shocking revelations that he didn't reveal on camera, and now he's dead.
Starting point is 00:15:22 No one really knows what happened and me at first It was like oh maybe Mary did it because he had stuff to say about her and at first it was kind of like oh, yeah That's you know humorous now. It's like I legit subscribed to that. I don't even know if it's you that's calling that conspiracy theory is even too far Like this is a realistic Realistic cause of death in my opinion so he's gone now. He's out of the picture, unfortunately, resting in peace. And we learned at the start of this episode that basically when Mary's grandmother passed away, her mom felt that it was like the mom's birthright or just right in general, if you don't wanna be so weird about it,
Starting point is 00:16:06 to like take over this church, and any rational regular normal person listening to this would hear that and say, yeah, that makes sense, my mom passed away. So like, now I'm going to do, now I will inherit this church as business, cause it is a business, like don't give me that crap. And basically, I don't know me that crap. And basically I
Starting point is 00:16:25 don't know how it all shook out, but Mary like you surped the throne and her mom got pissed off understandably and now Mary hasn't talked to her mom or you know one or multiple for siblings in like 25 years ever since that happened. Okay so that's already like I mean we knew Mary was was off, but now it's like Becoming more clear what happened and then you know, there's some other things that happened in this episode To be honest like last week Jeni's only in it for like the first five minutes and that's it because she wasn't invited to this big brew Mary And I really encourage you to just straight up watch this episode because it was damn good television I mean this season went from like,
Starting point is 00:17:05 okay, this has been okay to like, wow, this is one of the best things I've ever seen on television, I'm not exaggerating. Mary hosts this party, this luncheon. She loves hosting these themed lunchons and the theme this year or this date, you try to figure this one out because I still can't, was Italian streetwear. I don't know what that means. No one knows what that means. Mary
Starting point is 00:17:31 certainly doesn't know what that means. I doubt Mary has been to Italy. And so she host okay, MacBook, crapping out, second week in her own back. So who was invited to this luncheon? There's six people there It's the OGs. It's Meredith Heather Whitney Lisa Mary and Jen, okay, so the new one's not there. This is cast of season one and Leading up to this is basically like Okay Mary is calling everyone face timing everyone. So you got a face time when You know when is calling everyone, face timing everyone, so you gotta face time when, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:06 when you're inviting people, it's good for the cameras, okay? So she's face timing everyone, we're like come to this party, everyone's like okay. And she face times Whitney, Whitney Wild Rose, and Whitney doesn't pick up, excuse me, because she's driving her kids home from school or something to that effect. And Mary freaks out.
Starting point is 00:18:29 She calls her like four times in a row and is like, wow, Whitney's ghosting me. Mind you, this is all in the span of like whatever, five minutes, Whitney's driving her children home from school and Whitney texts her back two hours later, being like, hey, what's up? So Mary doesn't respond. Mary goes her because she didn't respond to
Starting point is 00:18:52 her four FaceTime calls in the span of five minutes. And so the point that I'm getting to here is that Mary sends every lady a personalized invitation, which is like, okay, now you sort of understand what Mary spends her time on. So she sends them an example for each one of like, you should consider dressing like this, because there's Italian street wear, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:16 But I'm not kidding you, she sends Whitney a personalized invitation, but it's like sluddy stripper clothes, which is just like, okay, like, ha ha, but this is kind of weird too, because like I don't actually know what I'm supposed to wear, so like, what's your message here, whatever. So then all the ladies show up to this thing. And first, it's Mary's, you know, finds Whitney and she's like, oh, you notice you didn't wear the outfit I sent for you, or told you to wear. And Whitney is like, oh yeah, I thought it was a joke. You know, it's kind of like not kind of, it's definitely awkward.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And Mary says like, oh yeah, it was a joke, but I'm mad you didn't do it. What is that? I mean, there's a whole bunch of weird cult stuff going on with Mary and her church, but just from like an interpersonal perspective like This is not normal and it's it's not even the opposite in normal. It's some sort of third-dimensional I have no idea like what is this person she is nuts and so basically like person, she is nuts. And so basically, like this whole luncheon, as anything Mary M. Cosby touches as a disaster, first like Jen is trying to compliment her on
Starting point is 00:20:35 something Mary's like talking over her, then Whitney's like Jen or Mary, Jen is trying to say something nice to you. Then Mary snaps at Whitney who has been like, kind of like how Heather is with like Jen, like way too chummy sometimes. Whitney has definitely been way too chummy with Mary at times, just like not calling her on her bullshit. And so then Mary freaks out at Whitney, and Whitney is like, oh hell no, so she walks out.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Meredith goes to Kerala, or Meredith always the diffuser in these situations, like a good tea diffuser, brings her back. And Whitney's like, I just, you know, I don't know why you snapped at me. Like I thought, you know, like friends don't do that. And Mary, I swear to God, is like, we're not friends. Or like, I don't, I didn't think we were friends in that way.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And it's like, we're not friends. Or like, I don't, I didn't think we were friends in that way. And it's like, whole man. So, you know what, at this point, like, Lisa is just happy that some he has been taking off of her because like, she's definitely being the crosshairs early. There's stuff going on with other ladies too, but this is really like, this was the crazy stuff. but this is really like, this was the crazy stuff. Then, so, the episode before we'd learned that Meredith was gonna have a sweet hook up for this huge Airbnb in Vail.
Starting point is 00:21:55 She's supposed to go with Seth and Brooks and Chloe and whomever else is there, but they couldn't make it one reason or another. So here we're getting to the sort of cliffhanger moment. They're all assembled in the car. There's five of them, I believe. Jenny is not there. She's like, no, no, sorry. Mary is not there. Mary is like, I'm taking a private jet, something like that. But we definitely have Whitney, Lisa, Heather. I think Meredith is there and Jenn. And Jennie. So I think it's maybe six of them.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I think it's just maybe Mary's not there. I'm trying to recall. The only thing you need to know before they all, they're basically getting in a van to drive to Vail from Utah, which I don't know how far that is. Feels like kind of a long drive, but there was some fantastic Emmy nomination
Starting point is 00:22:52 worthy editing going on earlier in this episode because Jen Shaw and her assistants, Stu Chains, who got nailed and flipped on Jen Shaw when he got arrested, they go on a private snow-shoeing walk through the woods. They're having all these deep conversations about how hard they've worked and how much they've accomplished. And I'm pretty sure at this point that Gen Shaw maybe is not having a physical affair with stew chains, but definitely an emotional affair and I don't I can't believe that sure he's still married her whatever yada yada yada so they set this up perfectly
Starting point is 00:23:33 Here's what happens so they're all in the van. They're outside of beauty lab, which is Heather's company in the parking lot and Gen-Shaw gets a call she gets quiet, looks like she just saw a ghost, and she asks what he need to turn off her mic. Then Gen-Shah announces to the cast that Sharif has internal bleeding, and he's in the emergency room, and she has to go. And everyone obvious is like, oh my gosh, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Can we do anything? And Gen-Shah is like, I will text you, I just have to go now. It's like okay So she gets in her truck and drives away and Literally, I think it's like five minutes later This is an amazing Camera angle fantastic work Bravo Bravo to you The ain't you're you're watching the ladies inside of this van. It's kind of like an upper angle.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And outside you can see the windows on either side. You see the cops, the feds, homeland security, like coming into the camera view. It's absolutely spectacular. They're like, where is Gen-Shaw? Where is Gen- Gen Shaw, Heather goes out there talking to me. My first ladies are like, oh my gosh, what a great prank. And then they're realizing like, oh shit, like this is actually happening. And it's just fantastic. The feds leave to go hunt her down. The episode ends.
Starting point is 00:25:00 It's just like, I am so excited for Sunday night, because then literally afterwards on the, it's called Watch What Happens Live, Andy Cohen's post game show essentially. He was saying next week, a.k. this Sunday's episode of Housewives Salt Lake City is a top five housewives episode of all time. And Andy Cohen is like the like headhunch over at
Starting point is 00:25:26 Bravo. So he like knows his stuff. So yeah, it's crazy. And obviously, you know, I don't like to spend my entire show watching about real or ranting and raving about real housewives of Salt Lake City. But like this is the moment, you know, we've been waiting to watch for, I don't know, eight months now, nine City, but like this is the moment. You know, we've been waiting to watch for, I don't know, eight months now, nine months, something like that. So I felt that it was worthy of further discussion. It's spectacular.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Gen Chas going down and next hopefully they'll take down Mary because she is like clearly, not only is she like probably doing some shady stuff with her church, but also like clearly just an awful person Okay, it's one thing to be like do you can be delusional and Be dirty and stuff, but like She's just like terrible interpersonal skills and stuff too. She literally like checks off all the boxes of like the worst things about people so They're gent gent gent Shaw and Mary, I both hope get
Starting point is 00:26:28 exactly what's come into them. And that's, that's all I got to say about that I promise. Uh, kind of a quiet week, a lot of work, but definitely gearing up for Thanksgiving, which is only 13 days away. I think I think I got to try out this fireplace sometime soon. I have some logs. I should get some more from home depot or something. Is that where you buy logs for your fireplace? I don't know. It's an actual old-fashioned wood fireplace. Haven't had one of those since I moved out of the house at 18. So yeah, I think we're going to check that out. Real cold here in Chicago, but still running. Lots of knee issues, but that's just, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:11 working that out one day at a time, a lot of tune blast. And hey, the bulls are kicking ass. The Paul won, Wichita won. So, you know, just like not a lot of complaints. I'm definitely ready for a holiday season. I listened to some Christmas music today, just a couple songs. Jane Lynch, her Christmas, her swinging little Christmas album, a couple of tracks off of that. And I've been listening to, been kind of going through a throwback. Here's a last thing I'll mention.
Starting point is 00:27:45 This will be a brief episode. And I didn't really have much say. I apologize. And I wanted to thank everyone, if in case I missed it before. But thanks everyone who supported our 200th episode last week. And has always supported this show. Four seasons, lot of fun. We're only what, six episodes or something like that,
Starting point is 00:28:06 away from season five. That's crazy. I gotta get a photo shoot lined up here, so we have the season five cover. I don't have anything planned yet. I was thinking about Vitruvian Man, but Rachel Boycott it. So I told her I wouldn't be completely nude,
Starting point is 00:28:23 did not change her mind. What I was going to say is I was listening, and I'm still listening, and now it's like deeply ingrained into my YouTube algorithm just after a couple of days. But a shout out to the debut album by Foster the People torches, which I think turns, is it this year that it turns 10, something like that? Just man, what a kickass album. Like, one of those albums you can just turn on, even the extended edition, it's like an hour long, but just every single one of those tracks is a total banger. It's man, that's a good album. If you've never listened to Foster the People torches, it was their first album. They only have three, I think.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But go check it out. Go give it a listen. You'll be glad you did. What man? What a spectacular record that was. And then last night, I watched a live stream down at Fulton Street Collective, which is a local Chicago kind of music venue slash bar,
Starting point is 00:29:21 I believe, but it's kind of on the west side. It's just not easy to get to for me. But they did a 50th anniversary cover of Mad Man Across the Water by Alton John, which if you don't know it, amazing album also. And I know I keep using that word, but like, hey, it's got tiny dancer on it. It's got tiny dancer on it. It's got Leavon on it.
Starting point is 00:29:48 You might be less familiar with songs like Indian Sunset and Razer Face, all the nasties, rotten peaches, goodbye, but it's a great album. So definitely go listen to that as well. Yeah, Mad Man across the water turns 50 This year and Alton John that little British bastard. He's still going He's got a number one number one song in the country right now Alton John and people are going out there to bars playing his Playing you know the 50th anniversary of not even like his first album.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I think it was his 1971, he'd already released like five or six records by then, empty sky, the eponymous album, his live album, friends. In fact, I think Mad Man was this third album of 1971 already. So yeah, I mean, good by Yelbert, good by Yelbert Rode, is that 1970? Was that even before that? Good by yellow brick. Rode is an album. No, it's 1973. So so Mad Man is probably like his fourth, his fifth album or something like that. But yeah, how the record, those two, if you're looking for a little listening this week, everyone knows tiny to answer, but you probably don't know the album, Mad Man Across the Water, and then foster the people torches. Completely different albums, obviously, but both spectacular. That's what I got for you because I'm gonna shower up and meet a little friend for a beverage between work and
Starting point is 00:31:27 and supper here Trudge Trudge through the snow although it's it's certainly has stopped But yeah, that's what I got for you everyone. I know this was kind of a low key episode Hopefully you're just kind of having those low key pre-holiday vibes Stay away from those black Friday commercials and ads and stuff. You know, hold off a little bit longer,
Starting point is 00:31:48 and just kind of chill out with me. And we'll have a good time. Everyone, that's what I got for you. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for supporting this show as always. Shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Organ. If you need your home-inspecting and essential organ, call Stevie's My Dad, or go to
Starting point is 00:32:05 He'll take care of you. Cuts by Q are good friends. They've got a fresh snappy and new haircut for you. Call me up. And of course the Samsung Q2U series. Thank you for this crisp new microphone, although I paid you for it, so you're welcome. When God speaks, He uses the Samsung. When Quinn speaks, hopefully you have a good time.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Email us,, or go to And you know what, maybe spend five minutes as we dig into the archives, find an old beintom blog post you like. And I don't know, read it out loud at the supper table, whatever you want to do. I don't ask questions. out loud at the supper table whatever you want to do. I I don't you know ask questions This was 11 1 2 2 2 1 this close to a binary date on
Starting point is 00:32:53 Bint on podcasts today, but we'll have to wait another What 80 some years until we get the chance at that. Hey, I'll still be going, okay? Like how many how many a hundred and seven year olds out there do you know that have a podcast pretty cool? Okay, that's gonna be fun everyone. Thanks for tuning in. I'm done. Let's get our outro music going I hope you have a great week stay safe stay warm and I'll check in on you next time. Bye I'm going to play a little bit more. nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:34:32 nd nd nd nd nd you

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