Beantown Podcast - Let's 'Cancel' These People (08202021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: August 20, 2021

Also please cancel the Chicago Air & Water Show for f***s sake...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. This is my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday, August 20th, 2021. What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn. I am the first unit operator, uh, line cook and former Delvin cook owner. Not in a 19th century way. I'm talking fantasy football, okay? Apologies to the black community. Uh, of this show show and we are coming to you live on a Friday afternoon Fridays we kind of got settled in a little bit here on the on the Friday and I tell you what it it doesn't work too bad we've got some things going for it from a recording on Friday perspective. Number one, Fridays are my permanent, hopefully knock on wood, work from a home day, which I love. And I also don't typically run on Fridays.
Starting point is 00:01:22 My schedule traditionally running wise in preparation for this year's marathon is Monday through Thursday and then along or on Saturday. So I take Friday off to rest my joints, et cetera. So it's kind of like, you know, am I recording this during the workday? Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Do I have my work laptop in front of me right now to respond to any urgent communications? Yes, but I also like don't take another time during the day for a lunch break. So am I technically taking my paid lunch break? Yes, so I really don't feel too bad about it. So yeah, I mean you know my weekends tend to be pretty busy just like going around trying to do stuff, especially in the summers You know, and now the things a little bit more opened up. There's just more going on more to do festivals movies, family and friends to see so There's just a lot going on. So I like that I can sort of get it in
Starting point is 00:02:25 Double dip with work hours, if you will. Although I just mentioned things were opening up well, we as of today, we have reinstated the mask mandate here in Chicago. So who knows what the future is going to hold. It's, it's very up in the air. I have seen on like, this is just one example, but on a subreddit for running some marathon, got canceled or something. So it's kind of like our large scale events going to get canceled or you know concerts and tour dates, going to get canceled, that sort of thing. It's it's TBD. I don't think
Starting point is 00:03:12 we're going to see anything like you know the first time we went through all of this but I know that there are some things that are going to get snitched. Speaking of canceled, that's the topic of today's show. We're going to be talking about celebrities who need to be canceled. Okay, and we're going to be getting that, getting to that in one second, but I just want to go on the record here and take a firm stance to say, and let me give this. Listen to your discretion as advisor and you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use
Starting point is 00:03:51 some language number two's podcast of Jack Flee Terrible because I'm about to swear. And I don't drop F-bombs frequently on the show and just in life, I almost never use. I really don't cause that frequently. It's not something I think about much, but I say, I mean, it depends where you drawing the line. Do I say damn?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah. Damn is just like, I think for most people, it's just like part of your normal vernacular, the ERN. part of your normal vernacular, the V-E-R-N, Vern is the name of the Gary Shanling turtle character in Over the Hedge, ACU-L-A-R, ACU-L, like that organization that's always doing lawsuits against Matt Gates. Well, there's a preview for what's coming later. But where was I going, vernacular? Oh, I don't say shit very frequently, and I almost never dropped the F-bomb,
Starting point is 00:04:54 but I'm going to drop one. Because it sounded earlier today like I was getting actual bombs dropped on me, fuck the Chicago air and water show. I just, I've experienced it before, but living up in Rogers Park, it's never really been, you know, huge sinks. They just don't fly up that far. But now living here in Lincoln Park, I got to tell you from about 10 o'clock this morning
Starting point is 00:05:20 up until maybe half an hour ago, it's 115 in the afternoon right now. It was going strong. And I think they have stopped for now. But I'm not joking. Like, I would be on Zoom calls this morning and just volume all the way up. Couldn't hear what was going on. I was literally playing classical piano with my like heavy duty headphones plugged into the piano volume blasting and when these planes were flying over I couldn't hear what I was playing in
Starting point is 00:05:53 my headphones. And it's just like how are you supposed to work? How are you supposed to hear anything? It was, I don't mean to make light of any actual war zones or bombings or anything like that, but that's legit what it felt like. It was just so loud, so obnoxious. Yeah, I just, I don't get it. Like, in the whole air and water show in general thing too, I'm kind of like fire, I feel the same way as they do, like fireworks, where for me personally,
Starting point is 00:06:35 you see it as a kid and it's magical and has a sense of wonderment to it. But now as an adult, I watch them just like, I feel like I'm just waiting for like two planes to clip each other and have it go down and not that's what I want to happen. I just feel like either that happens or I'm just like, okay, now what? Anyways, I do, I made a purchase, it just the only reason I mentioned this,
Starting point is 00:07:06 because it's fairly minute, I made a purchase on, or I, it arrived to finish my thought five minutes before I started recording. I made a purchase on eBay for the first time. I pretty much use eBay to buy like sports wear. Like I bought my last Vikings jersey off of eBay, about both my Cub strizies off eBay, derrickly and Todd Walker, heroes of the 2000s.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But I made another purchase, it came very quickly. I think I bought it on Tuesday, it arrived today, Friday. It's a yellow, it's a very classic traditional, just all yellow with the Vikings logo on the front baseball cap. I like buying one new hat a year. Two years ago, I actually bought a Vikings hat as well, kind of an old-school bud-grant looking one. Last year, I bought a Dayshoots brewery hat. This year, I went back to the Vikings. I think I'm just feeling like really pumped for this football season and I part of that is just because the cubs are so awful. I mean they've had two separate 11 game losing
Starting point is 00:08:17 streaks in the last like 30 days. That's not an exaggeration. It's at this point it's up to like 34, 35 days, but it's, or games at least, it's incredible how it's happened. But, and then, you know, the bowls making splashes, but season done start for another couple of months. Black Hawk also made some splashes,
Starting point is 00:08:40 season done start for another two months. So now we're just like, what season starts three weeks from yesterday I think. So we're just looking forward to that. I have a I have a my auction draft next Saturday right after I come back from vacation. I have my family draft the day after Labor Day two days before the season starts. That's the tightest we've ever been. And turns out, new this year, Rachel, my lovely, long-suffering GF, not long-suffering.
Starting point is 00:09:13 She gets to love me every day. Who could be long-suffering? She is going to be in her office league this year. And has never played before, it's going to be lit. We are going to be a power couple managers to the stars. I think we're going to take all the players with the best booties. So look out. The purpose of today's episode, and it's not going to be terribly extensive because I really, I've made a, I have prepared a list here. But there, there's not, it's not going to be terribly extensive because I really,
Starting point is 00:09:45 I've made a, I have prepared a list here, but there, there's not, it's not like there's a million people on it. I think there's like, there's like seven or eight people names on it. And some people I really don't have much to say. So I hope you will indulge me with a, a shorter installment today because I've got some stuff to do. I still got another Zoom call after this
Starting point is 00:10:10 or else you know I'd be sipping on a can of PBR. Oh, big announcement and don't let me forget because I'm going after work, probably gonna go over to Rachel's, we're gonna cook dinner. But a quick shout out to Hashtag Brothers of the podcast, Walter and Jack Fernos, I believe, maybe my sister Abigail, I don't recall.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I think it was just my brothers. I don't really know though. For their 2019 Christmas gift, nearly two years old at this point, which is a $50 gift card to Bini's Beverage Depot. If you can't find it at Bini's, it's probably not worth drinking unofficial sponsor of today's broadcast.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I think the gift card, well, it was just like printed out on, eight by 11 paper, so it's digital. So I'm pretty sure it doesn't expire, but the paper says like, even though these funds never expire, this code will. And I just don't want to deal with the hassle and the expiration date on it is 8.21,
Starting point is 00:11:13 which is today's the 20th, so we got 11 more days of that. And I'm going to be on vacation Monday through this next Friday. So we're really down to the last couple of days. So do not let me forget. In fact, I am going to do this right now. I'm going to grab it live on the air, grab my computer here and move it.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And I am going to grab the gift cards that's been on my dresser, which is why I never remember to grab the gift cards. It's been on my dresser, which is why I never remember to grab it when I go out, because the binnies is literally down the block from Rachel's new place. And I'm going to stick it under my wallet. So with that when I leave later today, I can go find a very fun bottle of, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:12:04 probably whiskey or something, and get it for free thanks to my kind long suffering brothers. I'm not even going to pause, you're going to get live air up, but I'll keep talking. Remember a couple weeks ago when we did the segment, Quinn changes his laundry while singing Herbie Hamcock. It's kind of like that. Except I already changed my laundry earlier. And I'm pretty much on top of things today. I've got the gift card in tow.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Let's see. Quint Forne is Merry Christmas, Quint. I hope you find something tasty. It is from Walton Jack. Thanks, guys. Here's what it says. This printed voucher expires on August 31, 2021. However, the funds never expire.
Starting point is 00:13:00 What I don't understand, so you're saying the printed voucher expires. That's fine. But what does it're saying the printed voucher expires, that's fine. But what does it mean for the printed voucher to expire? Because all that I'm getting here is a card number, an expiration date, a CVV and a zip code. So when the printed voucher expires, what does that mean? That's where I'm at, and I just don't really want to find out. Because I don't want to show up and be like, oh yeah, I know the funds don't expire,
Starting point is 00:13:32 but this printed voucher expires and then have it be an issue. So by going today, we are going to emulure eight. AM, E, L, I, O, R, A, T, E. AMELEORATE. Big words on the podcast today. Today, TODAY. Good spelling. We're going to emulatorate the issue. OK, let's jump into the list here.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And I'll tell you what inspired it. Because like many bean-town podcast episodes, Okay, let's jump into the list here and I'll tell you what inspired it because like mini Bean-town podcast episodes I didn't know what I was gonna do until this morning when the big news broke out Michael Richards was canceled Not the one you are already aware of from the last factory. I'm talking about the executive producer of Jeopardy. And also, I'm pretty sure there was a hockey player for the Los Angeles Kings named Mike Richards. If you don't know, let me catch you up.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Ever since Alistair Beck passed, Jeopardy has been doing like a one week, two week, whatever, guest host rotation. Under the guys of, we're trying, you know, some of it is just like for fun, but some of it is like we're auditioning host to see who's going to take over the full time hosting gig. Notable names have included Ken Jennings, Buzz Aldrin, not Buzzrin, but Buz, there's a famous Jeopardy tournament player named Buzzie. I don't know what his last name is. Cohen maybe. Like the Cohen brothers, Sasha Baron Cohen, Sasha Cohen, Michael Cohen,
Starting point is 00:15:16 Mike Richards, who is the executive producer of Jeopardy and has a spotty of Jeopardy and has a spotty pest. We'll get to him in a second. Dr. Oz, Stefanopolis, Sanjay Gupta, the lady from Blossom, other, oh, Joe Buck, Aaron Rogers, Lavaard Burton, you sort of get the gist. And Mike
Starting point is 00:15:50 Richards was announced as the full-time host of Jeopardy like two weeks ago. And he's also the executive producer of the show, meaning he's the guy calling the shots in conjunction with Sony. So he's basically just saying, yeah, I'll take it. It would be like if the Beentown podcast was looking for a new host because I was going to just stop being the host, but stick to my executive producer role. And then it was, you know, we would probably get like Katie Kurek as a guest host for the Bean Tom Podcast who also did Jeopardy,
Starting point is 00:16:32 Usain Bolt, Carrot Top. But then after the long extensive search, in quotes, I announced that I myself was taking over. That's what it would be like. So I'm not going to get into all the micratured stuff. But basically, and this is where it kind of hits close to home, he has said some very controversial, and not just controversial, but like ignorant and not kind things on previous podcast episodes. Oh boy, not this show. We would never have a low life or like Mike Richards on this show
Starting point is 00:17:07 uh-uh this is a whole sum family production okay but he has said some bad things on other people's shows i won't call them out because we hear in the podcast community we look we we like to stick together. But so basically this morning, he announced, because he's the executive producer of Jeopardy, that he was no longer going to be the full-time host. And so now we're kind of back to square one. But he's still going to be the executive producer. So it's like, hmm, okay, not quite sure what that accomplished. I mean, it's a positive thing. It's good, but not quite sure what
Starting point is 00:17:50 it actually accomplished. No real consequences. So hopefully we'll get someone cool like J Fred Mugs would be a great guest host or Kurtwood Smith or Hayden Christianson. So I got me thinking who are some other celebrities that we need to give the axe to and this is an honorable mention because he's already well on his way, Debian canceled, and by well on his way, I mean, straight to federal prison. Michael Avenatti, and I was watching kind of a mini-dock about Michael Avenatti this morning.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And if you don't know, he was the big brash lawyer who was representing Stormy Daniels against Trump, and then announced he was considering running for president, yada y, yada. And now he has been convicted of extortion. Basically, well, and he's done a lot of bad shit too, kind of like Tom Gerardi type shit. Whole other, boy, there's a whole other story.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Tom Gerardi, Erica Jane, real housewife of Beverly Hills, which I am just deeply engrossed in right now. Boy, I mean, I didn't put her on the list because in a sense, she's sort of been canceled, like no one likes her right now, but I would love if she went to prison. I think that would be really cool. But Michael Avenatti, in addition to some other upcoming trials, he's already been found guilty of trying to extort Nike for additional payments to him personally, not to his client. I don't recall exactly what the whole situation was, but when like going through the breakdown of what he did, it was like how, how, how, this is clearly like an intelligent guy, very, you know, for, for better, for worse, like very cunning and seemingly, you know, very quick on his feet. But he literally was negotiating with Nike and making these
Starting point is 00:20:10 egregious personal demands that clearly cross the line into extortion and like there were threats and all that stuff. And so Nike was like okay we'll get back to you. Then Nike goes to the US Attorney's General, Attorney General, whatever, and is like, hey, he's doing this, and then the Attorney General's office is like, okay, let's get him on tape. And so Nike calls back with a wired phone to Abinati to be like, hey, just confirming this is what you wanted, right?
Starting point is 00:20:44 And he goes all the way through the whole thing again while the attorney general's office is listening. And it's just like, how dumb can you be to walk into that trap? I mean, come on, man. So he's going to prison for that. It's like two years right now. Apparently he's got some more criminal stuff coming up,
Starting point is 00:21:06 which is like the time you're already stuff, basically like stealing from clients. And from what I've heard, he's representing himself. So God's speed, young man. I don't think he's going to be running for prison at any time soon. Others who should be canceled. Oh, this has been on my list for a long time.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And by long, I mean like, I don't know, two years. Aquafina. And the only reason I mentioned this, she's been popping back up in the news lately. First, because she's in that new Marvel movie, Shang-Chi in the legend of the Seven Knights I think it's called I don't know it's one of their new films and she's in it but she also had some sort of interview where she's talking
Starting point is 00:22:02 about Asian stereotypes or was asked about that. And she was like, I refuse to do any role that would require me to do any sort of Asian accent or culture embodiment or anything, which is just like the most hypocritical thing of all time. If you don't know Aquafina, she's known more now as an actress, but she started out as like a soundcloud rapper. And her whole thing, as you know, she's like a mid-20s Asian girl from Queens, has been like embodying and impersonating black and rap culture and impersonating black and rap culture in her songs, in her music videos, in her demeanor.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And it's just like, are you kidding me? You're gonna tell us that you're not gonna do anything that could be perceived as a stereotype, and then you're out here saying, yeah, what's good? What's up, Doug? You know, yada, yada, yada, I'm not, look, I'm not here saying, yeah, what's good? What's up, Doug? You know, yada, yada, yada, yada. I'm not, look, I'm not here to get canceled, so I'm not gonna venture too far into the shit.
Starting point is 00:23:12 But I also on a personal note, find Aquafina to just be like, very insufferable. I-N-S-U-F-F-E-R-A-B-L-E. It's like a 13-letter word. So aquafina, you're on the list. And also just a quick note on cancel culture. I know it's such a big thing with huge proponents on both sides. And I'm not, I'm personally not, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:47 the one who's out here being like, cancel everybody for every past transgression. But there, and I think there's a difference in my mind between like, you're canceled and, oh, we just don't need to give you attention. Like, I don't think aquafina should receive any sort of punishment or anything. I just think she shouldn't be given as much of a platform. That's
Starting point is 00:24:11 really when I say people we should cancel that's what I mean by cancel. I mean like let's not idolize you or consider you to be a good role model or give you attention or a platform to be perfectly straight forward because I think you're terrible. Next on my list, Hannah Brown, oh boy, the Bachelor nation is going to blow up over this one and I got to tell you, you can tweet at us, we're at Bean Town Cast. I'm personally at White Bones with a Z or you can email us and the or you can go to slash contact us. And I think there's like a hyphen between the contact and the us or else you'll get a 404 not found bad getaway or gateway or whatever. Hannah Brown was presumably on a season of the bachelor and then became the bachelor at and she's the worst. She's from like Alabama or something. And she's also misappropriated black culture.
Starting point is 00:25:31 She's posted videos of like, you know, using unsavory, a very unkind word for an African-American person. And it's just like, why do you still have 2.6 Instagram followers? Why are we supporting this? There are so many people out there who are unlikable just for their personality who were bachelor's at C. Katie, the most recent one. Also, I watched the bachelor in Paradise premiere on Monday. I don't know. I don't think I can keep up with this. It was just not that I can't keep up, but I don't want to continue watching, because
Starting point is 00:26:17 it was very just like what this is not entertaining. And then in between the not entertaining parts, we have little interludes from David's spade. So that sounds like one of Dante's levels of hell. But Hannah Brown, like, I don't know, I think she's just terrible. Let's get her off Instagram. Speaking of get off, only fans, did you see this yesterday? Announce that they are starting in October. They will no longer be allowing sexually explicit content. But here's my question, because you know, the headlines came out. Everyone on Twitter went crazy and I get it like, but here's my question because you know the headlines came out everyone on Twitter went crazy and I get it like But here's my question
Starting point is 00:27:08 they're allowing nudity But they will not allow sexually explicit content So here's a legit question like where where are you going to draw the line between those two things? Like you can, I can take all my clothes off, I can take a picture, and I can post it on only fans. And to be perfectly honest, I can pretty much do that not not going to but I can pretty much do that on Instagram to Instagram as very like
Starting point is 00:27:49 If you rules on this sort of thing so when does it go from nudity to sexually explicit material Do I have to like Have my hand within six inches of my genitals. These are the questions we're answering today and the Bean Tom podcast. You know what shocked me when I found this out, a year, two years ago, whatever,
Starting point is 00:28:15 when I was doing research for the Scott Farrell audio book, remember when we did that project, start of 2020, That was insane. Twitter has like no you can straight up post all your porn on Twitter and it's not there's no like community standard violation or anything like that. I when I found that out I was like yikes. I gotta that out, I was like, yikes. Whew. Gotta tell you, this is crazy stuff, man. There's a speaking of only fans. We'll make a connection here.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And I'll jump ahead in my list a little bit here. And I will, I will move along in this list fairly quickly, because I need to get back to work as soon as, rather than later-ish. But there's, so David Dobrik. need to get back to work soonish rather than laterish. But there's, so David Dobrik. I don't really know anything about him other than my girlfriend and her sisters seem to really like this guy.
Starting point is 00:29:16 He seems terrible. He's like a clickbait YouTuber who has already been canceled once and is now trying to make a comeback and I say we cancel them again But he's got this sort of like it's kind of like the tic-tac house. Oh the planes are back. I don't know if you can hear them They'll rest of this recording. We'll have that in the background. So that'll be fun He's got like this group of people I think they're called like the video squad or something and one of the girls on there who's just like this very like video squad or something. And one of the girls on there who's just like this very, like, young 20s normal, like, attractive looking bond lady,
Starting point is 00:29:50 apparently she went on only fans last month or something and I was already made like 4.2 million, which is nuts. I really don't understand the appeal of paying for only fans when there's so much free sexually explicit content on the market. Or you can just find leaks online. It's really not a big thing. Like if I can find Seinfeld episodes without Seinfeld being on Hulu anymore or watch the office without
Starting point is 00:30:25 having peacock. I'm sure you can find only fans without paying for it. So David Dobrik let's cancel him again. Amber heard who's like an actress. I really don't know much of what she's done except when Sam Anderson and I watched Aquaman a couple months ago. She was in that one. But this was Johnny Depp's ex-wife. And I'm trying to remember what she did. She basically lied about him. I don't know if it was like domestic violence or abuse her what it was, but she falsified stuff. And his name got absolutely dragged through the coals last year and then it turns out she made up the whole thing and
Starting point is 00:31:13 I got to tell you falsifying that sort of thing when In just that general kind of atmosphere Women and I don't I'm not taking issue with this but I'm not taking issue with this, but women have the total upper hand in terms of stories and believability, all that stuff. So taking advantage of your position in that way, as a man, whoo, that gets me going. And not in the only fans type way. Matt Gates, who's a congressman, I think, from like somewhere, he's got a real big head. He's kind of like if Tom Cruise had a bigger head
Starting point is 00:31:58 and was just still like the crazy Scientology type Tom Cruise but also just really unlikable. was just still like the crazy Scientology type Tom Cruise, but also just really unlikable. Like I find Tom Cruise to be really crazy and really weird, but I also think he's like a very professional, very good actor and he seems very likable. Like I think if I ran in Tom Cruise on the street, I could have like a fun 10 second conversation and then go our merry ways.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Matt Gates, I don't really get that vibe. I'm not going to, we're not going to spend the rest of this episode getting into all the Matt Gaetz stuff. But I'll just tell you, I mean, his last name is pronounced like G A or pronounced, it's pronounced Gaetz. Now it's Gates. Don't mess. It's spelled like G-A-E-T. Sometimes Z, I think. And that's enough for disqualification, in my opinion. We've got three more on the list.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And I will briefly mention that this show is brought to you by Home Pride Oregon. If you need a home inspection in Central Oregon, you know who to call. His name is Steve, he's my dad, his number is 541-414-0316. I believe, but just to be safe, visit and tell them, Quinsentia. It won't get you any percentage off, but it will remind my dad that I still have a show. I think this is episode 189, maybe 190. This might be 190. Oh boy, we're getting close. Count down to 200. Cuts by Q is also a sponsor of this show. When you need a fresh do and you want it snappy and new,
Starting point is 00:33:54 call the experts at Cuts by Q. You can also visit slash Cuts-by-Q. And then our good friends, Samsung Q2U series. It's got crisp, clear audio quality. There's the planes. Sounds like the Indy 500 outside. When God speaks,
Starting point is 00:34:22 He uses the Samsung. So I guess they just took a lunch break. I was really hopeful that we'd kind of be good, you know, but no, we're not good. So that's a shame. back to our list here of people who should be canceled, canceled and quotes for all those reasons I have just mentioned. So next up on our list, we have Ellen DeGeneres. Oh boy. So there's a lot of stuff about Ellen, root to staff, finding Doreed and do as well, the box office, as they thought, you know, reasons to cancel her, et cetera. But here's my biggest thing with Ellen. So she announced, you know announced a couple of weeks ago, a month or two ago, that this upcoming season of her daytime talk show, the Ellen show, I think, or is it just called Ellen?
Starting point is 00:35:35 I don't know. We'll be her last. And she is such an arrogant person that her official quote, her official reasoning for wanting to stop doing her show was that it just wasn't a challenge for her anymore. And I'm sorry, whether or not that's like actually how you feel, how can you come out and just say that? Like that is just the most not humble thing I've ever heard. Like how could you, there are a million reasons Hashtag, okay, okay, go, that you could give for wanting to end your run.
Starting point is 00:36:25 And you have been one of the most successful and iconic television figures for the last 30 years. So how can you come out and just be like, oh yeah, I'm quitting because it's not a challenge anymore. Like, what did her PR team tell her when she decided to say that? Who was telling her this was a good reason? And that's like the fourth actual reason, fourth on the totem pole reason that Ellen should be canceled,
Starting point is 00:36:58 but it's the one that really rubbed me the wrong way the most. Next up, Lady Gaga. Nothing really wrong with her. She's just my rival. Finally, Cardi B. OK. And I'm glad I remembered this one. I remembered it late, hence why it's all the way down on my list here.
Starting point is 00:37:15 But it's actually the one that, like, all kidding aside, I probably feel the most passionate about. Cardi B stakes her whole rise to fame slash gaining of wealth on the fact that she used to work as a prostitute and would drug and rob men. So basically, she's like Bill Cosby, but because she's like an empowering, female, black icon, she never got any, you know, repercussions or anything.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I don't know if it was just like the people she drugged were drugged so hard like the people she drugged were drugged so hard that they forgot who drugged them and then didn't want to file lawsuits or she paid them off with 10% of the money she stole from them, I don't know, but the whole, the whole like, oh my God, Cardi B, like amazing performing at award shows, number one hits, like yadaada yada when she's it's not like oh some some you
Starting point is 00:38:30 know newspaper or magazine like did an expose and we discovered this she's she's wearing that proud that that sash proudlyS-H, proudly across her rather large bosom. And I just don't like, I don't understand how are we idolizing her, how are we framing her as this huge, powerful, like, Beyonce level figure of importance when she's like, oh yeah, I became famous because I drugged and robbed men. Like those those two things are not in line with my or they don't make sense in my mind and they certainly are not in line with my core values. I want to give a a a a final parting honorable mention slash reverse cancellation to former
Starting point is 00:39:32 Senator SNL writer and actor, Al Franken. If you don't really remember, Al was like One of if not the first huge cancel culture victims this was all the back and like 20 early 2017 maybe Because he did the he was on and you know a bunch. He's senator from Minnesota Democrat He was on a bunch of committees. He did the like famous questioning of Betsy DeVos Trump's secretary of education. So it must have been right after that, early 2017, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:12 What Alfred can got canceled for was there is a picture of him mining, squeezing, a woman's breasts while he was on some sort of USO tour. And that's what he got canceled for. Do I think that's a photo and like bad taste? Yeah, I've never posted a photo like that. I never mined squeezing a woman's breasts before. But like on one hand, we have Cardi B. I never mind squeezing a woman's breasts before but like On one hand we have Cardi B who is proud of drugging date raping whatever stealing from men and on the other hand we have Al Franken
Starting point is 00:41:01 Who mined grabbing a woman's breasts. So I don't know. It doesn't add up for me. So yeah. And Al Franken is just like, if you have read one of his books or watched one of his talks
Starting point is 00:41:20 or just like watched him interact in politics, you know not standing up up for values or anything, but just like how entertaining he is, how smart he is. And the fact that he's just not as involved in, well, he was amazing for politics, but he's not as involved in the public eye now, in fact, hardly at all, is a real, real damn shame. Let me know what are your thoughts?
Starting point is 00:41:49 Slash. Anything you agree with, anything you disagree with? Who do you think? Whom? Do you think should be canceled? I don't want to be canceled for using the wrong, who or whom. Email us, beantownpodcast. again, this beantown being podcast at
Starting point is 00:42:04 I promise you a shorter episode. This, I wouldn't call this short, it's definitely not too long though, and I don't think it's too bloated. And we had some fun, we had some laughs, but I think this was also just like at times, hopefully an engaging and interesting conversation and discussion. That's what I've got for you. I am going on vacation next week. I'm very excited. I am flying to Phoenix on Monday. I am driving to Flagstaff for supper slash sleeping there. I am planning to wake up very early Tuesday morning to do a Grand Canyon hike. It's about 13 miles round trip. Then
Starting point is 00:42:57 drive to Las Vegas, which is like four hours from there. That is a very long day. And then the next day I will be doing Death Valley and seeing some of the Sequoias. I've never seen the Sequoias before. And then on my last day, I don't have much plant. I'm starting in Bakersfield, I'm ending in Palm Springs. I will probably maybe go see like Griffith Observatory, Hollywood sign, maybe jump into Joshua Tree for a hot second. And then my final day is Friday, I got to drive all the way back to Phoenix and then fly out like mid-afternoon. So I'll be back Friday night, late, gotta get ready for that auction draft the next day. But yeah, I am looking forward to coming to you live
Starting point is 00:43:46 next weekend, not on Friday, sometimes Saturday or Sunday to tell you all about my travels, my tails, if you will. But I wanna thank everyone for listening. I really appreciate your support. Thank you for not canceling me. And I also wanna give a shout out to my friends in Pakistan for I
Starting point is 00:44:06 am the Karachi kid 104th ranked comedy podcast in the entire country. Pretty impressive. That's what I got for you everyone. Thank you for tuning in. My heart goes out to Afghanistan, Pakistan's neighbor, and Sorry, we fucked that one up so bad. Lots more, I could say, we'll save it for another time. That's what I got for you. Everyone, thanks for listening. Let's queue up our music. Quinn's going back to work.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Stay safe, stay sane. Wish me luck on my journey and hydration, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. nd you

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