Beantown Podcast - Limericks and Limerick Trivia (Part One) (03032023 Beantown)

Episode Date: March 3, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE with his first set of thank you Limericks and some fun Limerick-related trivia!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday, March 3, 2023. What's going on? What's happening? How are you?
Starting point is 00:00:18 How is everyone? We are coming off hot off the heels from our sixth annual pledge drive Telethon fundraiser which we'll be talking more about thank yous and donor tears and all that stuff in a hot second here but first and foremost thank you all so much to those of you who donated and I've heard word that there are still some some donations out there so we're actually gonna leave the GoFundMe open for the time being, but that's not gonna prevent you all who have donated from getting your thank you prizes,
Starting point is 00:00:52 gifts, all that stuff. We've sent out emails to those who donated. So thank you for that. We've also sent out some stock certificates. Check your emails. Check your spam, most importantly, most of those probably ended up in the spam folder. So you're going to want to go digging. You could try your junk folder. If you have a specific, you know, it's an inbox
Starting point is 00:01:14 folder, but not spam, but it's dedicated for bean town podcast. You know, you might want to check there as well. And now speaking of email is a great time to remind you all that you can subscribe to the bean town blog. If you go to slash blog, you can actually subscribe there and then you will get a new email message anytime we post on the blog, which is two to three times a year, something like that.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So one of the things that we did for donor tears this year was Limerix and we're gonna read some of those live on air, like that. So one of the things that we did for donor tears this year was Limerix and we're going to read some of those live on air. I have just freshly written five Limerix. I've got five more to go. Those will be next week. So today is going to be for immediate family and then my grandparents. We got five Limerix to come there. So that's going to be exciting. We're going to read those for your enjoyment in a hot second here. I want to mention that our third and final thing for the Topaz Elite members of course are bean
Starting point is 00:02:11 town stickers. So those are going to be getting sent out in the mail before too long. There's a lot of moving pieces namely me moving the stickers into an envelope finding a stamp and then getting everyone's addresses that takes a little bit of time. So thank you for bearing with me. Thank you for your patience. But I do have stickers, and we are going to be sending those out. So be on the lookout for that.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Today, we are drinking the Revolution Brewing Coffee Eugene Coffee Porter, freshly roasted coffee and deep chocolate notes. And then a little bit of our, a little bit more of our Trader Joe's branded whiskey, Scotch blended whiskey, which is not amazing but not terrible. I'm really not a whiskey snob or a Scotch snob for that matter. So Scotch snob, I'm going to be using this for something later. I'm not going to tell you what it is though. The diehard bean heads will have an idea. So let me write this down here. But I wanted to also mention the host, the creator, the best boy of this show, and hello to our friends in
Starting point is 00:03:22 Paki Stan, wherever you are listening from Hyderabad, Bombay, Kiberpast. Thank you so much for listening to our show, making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great, big, beautiful Islamic Republic of Packy Stan. There was something, oh, I got to mention listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this show number one we'll catch you in some language number two this podcast is objectively terrible but you know we're here to just have fun. We're here to hang loose and I gotta tell you we did our pledge drive telephone just five days ago on Sunday and it was a great time, but as a huge effort, there's all sorts of music and technology and discussions
Starting point is 00:04:06 and power rankings and all that great stuff. Thank you, everyone, who called then to make it a great show. But the point being, I'm still, you know, I'm still coming down from that high. I'm still recovering mentally, physically, sexually, all of those. So today's just going to be a chill show.
Starting point is 00:04:24 We're going to do some Limerix. I have some Limerix related trivia. And then we'll kind of see, we'll see what else is coming down the pipe here, which is where we can start. So next week, next week is crazy. It's St. Patrick's Day on the Saturday and then Selection Sunday on the Sunday. So there's a couple college basketball division one tournaments that are happening like this weekend. I was watching some Mac. Uh, nope, that's not right. I was watching some MVC action, the Missouri Valley Conference. I was seeing Indiana State Larry Bird's alum versus Belmont, the Christian school down in Nashville. And I don't know actually what happened.
Starting point is 00:05:08 It seemed like Indiana State was the better team, but Belmont wasn't completely dead in the water. Looks like Indiana State beat Belmont 94 to 91 according to this Google search. So close game was actually an upset. They had the exact, well, similar record. Indiana State was the five, Belmont was the four. So kind of an upset. But congratulations to the Indiana State Sycamores
Starting point is 00:05:38 or whatever they are. They'll advance to the Arch Madness Semifinal. I put a lot of the most of the big major basketball tournaments are next week. Big east, of course, to Paul, probably going to run the table and go, you know, dancing, I would expect. The Big 10 is crazy this year. There's like nine or ten teams that are going to go to the tournament, including Northwestern, the Northwestern Wildcats gearing up for there. Only their second ever March, man is appearance, which is going to be exciting.
Starting point is 00:06:09 They don't need to win anymore games before then. They're definitely going, which is pretty cool. Let's see, you got the SEC that has Alabama who's probably going to be like the number one overall seed or a number one seed. The number one seeds, I think right now we're going to be like Houston Alabama probably like Kansas and
Starting point is 00:06:32 Someone else I'd have to we can do a deep dive into March madness next week I suppose but Yeah next week next Sunday selection Sunday, so you got all those tournaments that in a couple of them like the big 10 And then probably like the American and on Sunday, Houston. So we got that coming up. But then the to add on top of all of this next Sunday is also the Oscars. So we have, we look next weekend is literally like all your conference basketball stuff, St. Paddy's Day next Saturday, one of the biggest crazy stays of the year in Chicago. And then you got, you know, selection Sunday, you got the Oscars, which I so I haven't like sat down is, you know, the diehard beanheads will recall that we were really into the Oscars for a while and just
Starting point is 00:07:20 into movies kind of in that movie past era, but then even coming out of that, I still went to movies a lot. And then just in the last three to four years here, I've just really fallen off. And it's not even like, oh, I just stopped going to theaters. I just watched movies at home. I just haven't watched that many movies. In general, I don't think Rachel is super into movies just as a medium compared to TV shows and just haven't made the time, haven't made the effort. So we've, you know, our Oscars especially used to be a big show. It's kind of come down in the last couple of years, but we'll still talk some of that.
Starting point is 00:07:56 We'll talk Way of Wata, which I have not seen yet, although I think it's like out of theaters now. So it's officially at the point, well, it's definitely not a theater. I mean, we were talking about way of water like three months ago. It's March everyone. I think it's at the point where I can just find that stream and watch it on my own time,
Starting point is 00:08:13 maybe a slow afternoon at work or something. We'll see how it goes. And then next week is birthday. It's my birthday, same Patrick's Day, all that good stuff. And then we finish up our last weekend in March with the Shamrock Shuffle, which is going to be run by yours truly for the second straight year.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Probably not gonna be a PR. I'm slower, I'm fatter, I'm more hobbled. All the good things this year compared to last year. But I'm still gonna go out and still gonna get my best effort and hopefully we'll get some nice weather. So that's what's coming up here in March. It's a fun series of shows, but more importantly, it's just a fun series of events here in the city of Chicago.
Starting point is 00:09:02 We're supposed to be having a gigantic blizzard happening today and I have seen exactly like two drops of rain fall from the sky. It's been very gray and overcast all. It's been nothing. Nothing comments, which is just fine. And then also let's do two special shout outs. One, two, my guy Brandon Johnson for making the runoff election. Chicago's mayoral election, a great word, M-A-Y-O-R-A-L election was this past Tuesday. And if you don't know what a runoff is, basically to win the mayor's office, you have to get at least 50% of the vote. And if you don't do that, then they'll do what's called a runoff, where the top two vote getters will then go to a special election later this month or in early April. I can't remember how long the period is.
Starting point is 00:09:57 So no one got to 50, but the top two vote goters were Paul Vales, the white guy who destroys schools and all the Southwest side cops love them. And then you have Brandon Johnson, who's a teacher, a former teacher, and endorsed by the CTU, Chicago's teacher, Chicago teachers union, although I just saw Jesse White, former legendary secretary of state here in the state of Illinois for like 40 years or whatever it was Just endorsed vales. So we'll see how it goes But that's gonna be coming up. So that's your first special shout out and then our second special shout out is to Rachel's father Jose Happy birthday. It's coming up soon here. It's just in like five days. So happy birthday to the big J train. 49 again this year. Very exciting. So, yeah, congratulations. Another year, another trip around the Sun. I made the I made the suggestion to Jose and to Betty, you know, a couple of days ago that what if we so they have a above ground pool in the backyard? What if we took it took it up a notch, bam, like
Starting point is 00:11:10 Emerald Agassi and we did a lazy river all the way around the house. We, you know, hire some guys, we'll put it on, you know, Amanda's credit card or something and they'll, you know, they'll construct it. All the neighborhood kids could come around and we can charge them five bucks at pop or something, which is a steel, because if you go to Burbank Water Park, I think it's like eight bucks or something. So you come to the very most lazy river,
Starting point is 00:11:37 and it's gonna be a great time. We can sell lemonade. We can go to Costco and get bulk popsicles and then sell those for quadruple the price. It will be capitalism at its finest. If you go into the garage, that's where like, Queens bars is what it would be, but I want a snap your name like, Queens Saloon or something like that, because that's where all the handles of liquor that I sneak the occasional shot into my beer are.
Starting point is 00:12:10 So that, you know, it's on brand, it's on theme. The only thing is it gets a little hot in that garage in the summer. So we're gonna need to bring out the industrial fans. Anyways, these are some of the ideas that I have in my head. Maybe I could have saved it for our next big ideas podcast, but we don't have one scheduled right now. So who knows?
Starting point is 00:12:27 Sometimes when you got a big idea, you just gotta let the world know. And then hope no one steals your idea and doesn't give you credit for it. Mm. Okay, let's say thank you to our sponsors. And then we're gonna do Limerix. And our trivia is actually a couple of trivia questions
Starting point is 00:12:44 today that are all about Limerix. Oh, we're have something to do do Limerix. And our trivia is actually a couple trivia questions today that are all about Limerix. Oh, we're have something to do with Limerix. And so we're just gonna do that. And that's gonna be our show. It's gonna be like a tight 20, 25 minute kind of deal. And I know I've said that once or twice before that we would keep a show short and then we don't, but I gotta tell ya, I'm not particularly tired.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Although last weekend, I didn't get a lot of rest. I had to work on Saturday. Then our big pleasure. I've shown Sunday, but I'm just, I did a lot of stuff this week. I hung out with a good, good friend of the show, John Paul Pindowski, who's played a variety of characters on this program in the past. I worked late. Was it Monday night, I think, or Tuesday night?
Starting point is 00:13:28 No, Monday night, crazy thing. We could have done a whole show about this, but I will just say thank you to a good friend of mine, Adrian and Henriquez, who works for City Winner. Is she invited a bunch of us, my college friends, we went out there to their new space out on Clark Street, like Clark and Chicago, and they did a mock wedding, so like a run-through wedding, but like the real deal, you know, DJ, food, cocktail hour, dancing, all that fun stuff, and so it was completely on their dime. So just go there after work on a Monday and have like four
Starting point is 00:14:02 or five drinks, which I do not recommend. Nor do I normally do on a Monday. But that did that on Monday. And then poster presentations for my the masters program that I'm on the lumb of on Thursday night. Last night. So just it's one of those weeks where there wasn't a lot of just lounging, if you will, which I guess is a good primer for adulthood when I get there.
Starting point is 00:14:24 But you know, it I guess is a good primer for adulthood when I get there, but you know, it's just a busy week. So we're going to say thank you to our sponsors, of course, Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home-inspecting and central organ, don't just do random Google search and pick the first guy you find. You need someone who's certified, doubly insured, safe, and effective, most importantly, not to mention, you know, just an upstanding good guy. It's my dad, Steve, 541-410-0316 or go to again. 541-410-0316, tell him, Quinn's Center. It's for a special springtime limited offer. And call HomePrideOrgan and you will be all set. When you need your home,
Starting point is 00:15:05 oh, we're just restarting now. Home inspection, Home Oregon, Home Pride Oregon, inspection, perfection. That was poorly planned, poorly executed, all the poorlies, but we got through it. And then of course, our good friends, the Samson Q2U series, when you need crisp, clean, and clear audio quality,
Starting point is 00:15:28 unlike the air quality in Los Angeles audio quality, you're gonna wanna use a company that is safe and trusted by millions of podcasters around the globe, or at least those who are big in the country of Pakistan, the Republic of Pakistan. Go to Cuts by Q, nope. Samsung Q2. Go to Cuts by Q, nope. Samson Q2U rhymes with Cuts by Q. That's why it's so confusing.
Starting point is 00:15:50 The Samson Q2U series, when God speaks, he uses Samson. And then of course, a Cuts by Q, one of the greater barbershops, independently owned, mind you in the greater Chicago and area northwest Indiana city of Chicago Cook County. Glenn Ellen, Joe Davies. I always love Joe Davies County when I was growing up. I don't really know where it is west and north I think out by Stevenson County near Iowa. Probably somewhere in those parts.
Starting point is 00:16:27 These ad reads are a total slog today. I did give a nice little fresh shave by Q, the neck beard, the regular beard, the little eye patch that grows in between. Eyebrow patch that grows in between. Like, Unibrow, ask about my hair up there is so basically translucent, TR-ANS-U, nope, L-U-C, like Loyola, ENT. Remember in Ozark, like one of the first seasons, because of the show starts in Chicago. And I remember exactly what the context is. I think it's in season one, but Jason Bateman is like, oh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:07 we're going up to L.U. to see this and that. And it's like, how could you guys not, if you're going to make that specific of a reference, how could you not have researched the fact that no one in the history of mankind and all of sister genes, 103 years. She just published a memoir after 103 years. No one has ever called Loyola University, LU. You can call it LUC, you can call it Loyola, or if you wanna get real technical, you can call it Loyola University, Chicago,
Starting point is 00:17:38 but no one has ever called it LU, that'd be like calling to Paul DP. And I do, I hear DPU from time to time not frequently, but DePaul is not that hard to say. You just, you know, it's not LU, it's not DP. You wouldn't call, okay, I think we all are on the same page. Anyways, so that's that. Let's get to our Limerix here.
Starting point is 00:18:04 So again, if you are a furnace and you donated, which was like everyone, because there's only, there's not very many of us. Some of you may or may not know this, my, my furnace family is not particularly large. We have two grandparents. We have one aunt, one uncle, brother and sister, and then we have Steve, Jane, and then my three siblings. That's the whole, that's it. Going back a ways. Grandma's cell, grandpa day, both only children.
Starting point is 00:18:39 So my, Steve, home part organ, of home part organ fame, no aunts, no uncles, no cousins. Although Steve brought up an interesting point in our group, family group chat earlier this week, he was able to trace family lineage, I believe my grandfather's mother going back up that route, back to the early 17th century, like 16 or five or
Starting point is 00:19:07 something like that. It's like nine generations perhaps. You may be even more than that. Pretty badass. Quality is the last name KVALE. That's good stuff. I got to watch that Norseman show or watch the Vikings TV show on the history channel. It'd be like be like my own documentary almost. Okay, so we wrote Limerick's as a reminder, this is one of the prizes. This was kind of the second tier prize for donating to our pledge drive and thank you one more time on today's episode. Thank you so much again for donating.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I know that the United Way of Metro Chicago is really going to appreciate, appreciate. We raised $280. I mean, look, we're not getting a wing named after us or anything, but all of this money to charity and we've done it many times in the past now. I figure I might not get a wing. And guys, I'm not doing this for the money. And this wouldn't be named after me,
Starting point is 00:20:03 it'd be named after Bean Town, because we all own shares of Bean Town. But maybe we could get like a bench named after us. I think that'd be kind of cool. Basically, what I'm trying to say is if the United Way Metro Chicago approached me and said we want to name our bench after you, or A bench, not the only bench, but A bench.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Johnny A bench, we would be happy. name our bench after you or a bench not the only bench but a bench Johnny a bench we would be happy or I the show would be happy to say yes to that. Okay I promise you to type 20 or 25 we're gonna take the ladder on that. The garage band crept out but we're back.. Okay, Limerick time, here we go. Then we got a little bit of trivia, and then we're gonna be done. So here, first and foremost, to my parents, Jane and Steve.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So this Limerick is appropriately called mom and dad, and maybe we'll put this on the website after I'm not sure. Excuse me. If you love your mom and dad and your devotions, not just a fad, then send them a gift or also feel miffed and your inherent since we'll be oh so sad. So thank you to parents of the podcast for donating to this year's Pleasure, I have Talfa on fundraiser.
Starting point is 00:21:19 We and the United Way will very much appreciate it. This one is for my oldest brother Walt. There once was a brother named Walt, whose favorite rock was basalt. It's good in small portions, but hard to contortion, and slightly less tasty than salt. The only thing I gotta say about that is that contortion and of itself is not a verb, contort is,
Starting point is 00:21:40 but that's the beauty of lemurix. You totally get to just have fun, like vomiting words. All right, this is for my little sister, Abby. My sister belongs to the beavers, and I have to interject ever so quickly to say she goes to Oregon State. Okay. Let's restart my sister belongs to the beavers. Their pelt's also cherished by weavers. And they like to build dams.
Starting point is 00:22:03 She thinks they're like him. I won't taste so I'll have to believe her. I got to say that one, I got stuck in the middle for like 10 minutes and Rachel had on Vanderpump rules in the background and it was just hard to be creative. There was a lot of, just sexiness happening on the screen
Starting point is 00:22:22 and I was thinking about my coffee stout and just, but we got through it. So you're welcome. All right, this is for my final brother of the show, or just my other brother, Jack, my middle, my brother's middle name start over. My brother's middle name is Hank, not slapping or Douglas nor Frank. You could call him Whitey and he'll say already, so long as it's only a prank. I feel like Bill Curtis right now. And then finally, grandmother and grandfather of the show,
Starting point is 00:22:54 Dave and Sally Fernis. Here you guys go. This one is rough. And if you're a fan of Al Yankovic's biggest ball of twine in Minnesota, you might recognize some of these. My grandparents live in Minnesota, not Iowa nor North or South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:23:11 They sure love hot dish, it's mighty delish. I sure hope they never move to Sarasota. Some of the syllables on that one got a little bit stretched, if you all, but you gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to limits. So there you go. Our first five Limericks will have five more for you next week. We've got some other great donors such as Jake Marshall and Abby Whitsack, our neighbors down the street and good friends from college. Of course, how could you forget aunt of the show Anna Ogunike, she will be there.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Jane's much, much older sister, but don't tell her I said that. She doesn't listen. It's okay. You have, of course, Betty Ramos, good dear, dear future mother-in-law of the podcast. You have Matthew Fiehler, of course, our tech, our tech, our tech specialist who is going to be getting his very own Limerick and then finally but not not lastly bring up the rear. Marge Denison who is a good friend of the show if you want to go on Facebook and interact with
Starting point is 00:24:17 her she will be happy to do that because she's probably my most active Facebook friend. Okay, here we go. We have a couple, like two separate, Limerick-related trivias, and one is definitely a multi-parter, but let's see if I can remember it here. Let's start here. Okay, so Limerick, Iroland, is the third largest city in the nation of Ireland, and it's very
Starting point is 00:24:48 simple. I just want you to give me the other four, five most populated metro areas in Ireland. This is per Wikipedia, but there doesn't, based off of the populations I'm looking at right now, but it doesn't seem like there's a lot of potential for controversy. So I'm already giving you number three on one to five in terms of most popular cities in Ireland. I'm just looking for the other four. And I'll say this, just my own knowledge, I did a little bit of just guessing before I got to this.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I knew one and two, four and five I I did not know, although four has a special place in my own personal history. Not necessarily the city itself, but at least the name, and I'll share what that is when we get to it. So that's your first question. Lemurick is the third largest city in Ireland by population, give me one, two, four, five, if you can.
Starting point is 00:25:48 The other one I thought was interesting and I think if you could maybe reason this one out to a certain extent, if you really think hard. So here is my second question, then we'll do the answers. This and then we'll do the answers. This former US president's great grandfather, Thomas, hails from the town of Brough, or hailed from the town of Brough, be are UFF, an East County Limerick. And I can't tell you exactly like, when, because there weren't any years associated with this and I didn't do any further research
Starting point is 00:26:28 But basically tell me the president who's great grandfather originally came from the county Limerick and If you want an extra clue to try to get that one because I recognize this just like all you can really say is like okay So who's great grandfather would have been Irish a former president, which frankly is like maybe a really good, I don't know how many presidents that like definitely narrows it down to but in my mind there's one who kind of stands out in terms of oh yeah, that makes sense. I guess the only other thing I could say about this president is his family name is just
Starting point is 00:27:09 as big as his presidency if that makes sense, which should probably help you eliminate like the hardings of the world. I don't know that many hardings. We went to church with hardins, but there is no G, or you could probably get rid of the, the, the, um, um, um, the, the, the carters, right, you know, yet, Carter daughter was kind of a, a smoke show in the 80s, if you will,
Starting point is 00:27:42 but we don't really talk about them that much anymore, although Jimmy Carter's definitely on his last couple of days here. Okay, so let's go back to the answers here. So going back to question number one, if you couldn't get number one, then I can't do much for you because I am sure you didn't get the other ones. So number one, most popular city in Ireland is Dublin. Bonus points, email us, beantownpodcast at again, points, email us, bean town podcast at Again, it's bean town meeting podcast at
Starting point is 00:28:09 If you can tell me whether Dublin has more or fewer than one million residents, okay? We'll reveal that when we finish our cities here. Number two is Cork, which has about 208,000 people. Number three, Limerick of has about 208,000 people. Number three, Limerick, of course, has 94,000 people. Number four is Galway. I was going to say Galway at 79,000 people. And that's one that has a little bit of extra meaning, Rachel.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And I went on our first date at Galway Bay and down on diversity parkway on February 22nd, 2009, 20, three plus years ago. Happy anniversary to Rachel. And the number five was one I'd probably never would have gotten in a million years. Waterford, W-A-T-E-R-F-O-R-D, Waterford, 53,000 people. If you're curious, our bonus question for this week, Dublin, does it have more or fewer than one million people?
Starting point is 00:29:05 It has more, one million, 173,000 people. So just a squidge more, but if you got that, then email us for a special prize. Okay, our second question. This former US president's great grandfather, Thomas. And then in parentheses here, it says, the man who gave them the F in their name. I don't know if that means their name used to be, didn't have an F at the start.
Starting point is 00:29:31 That doesn't really make sense to me, but you'll see what I'm saying in a second here, hails from the town of Brough in East County, Limerick. That former US president fits Gerald. So was it, it's Gerald? Is that a thing? I've never seen seen its Gerald? I don't really know. Former US President John F. Kennedy old Jack, his great grandfather Thomas Fitzgerald Hales from the town of East County, Limorx. The reason I thought that was something the beanheads could get was because most people know JFK was are only Catholic president, and I oftentimes, I don't know about you,
Starting point is 00:30:05 but I associate Catholic with Ireland, Irish Catholic, and I don't know how many presidents there are that have Irish roots, probably a ton, but how many of them are like that closely associated with their identity the way Jackie's Catholic, Irish Catholic, even identity was associated with himself as a person. And then our bonus clue is that the name was bigger, not bigger, but as big as the presidency. And I think the Kennedy family, Ted and George and Alvin and Jack UNASIS of course, and
Starting point is 00:30:42 all that good stuff is pretty big. So last thing I want to say here, I was going to say at the start and I completely forgot. Well, two things. One, if you donated to our pledge drive Telephone Fundraiser and you did not get a Limerick today, we will get you next week. I absolutely promise that.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Or sometime in 2023. And then the other thing I want to say is just a quick call out to Tulsi Gabbard. If you listen last week, you know what happened there. You are dead to me basically and probably would not welcome you back to the program or to the program in general. So find another podcast to toy with there. Heartstrings or whatever you like to do to young man, I'm looking at your Instagram story right now and it looks I'm a 794,000 followers, so I know like I almost have that many. I don't really know what that says about us
Starting point is 00:31:34 That's what I had for you guys Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for tuning into our show We got St. Patrick's Day selection Sunday all that good stuff coming up next weekend, the Oscars, of course. And my name is Quinn David Furnace, so everyone, thank you for listening so much. Let's queue up our outro music here. Happy March. Stay safe. Stay sane.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm sorry. nd nd Thank you.

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