Beantown Podcast - March Madness 2019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: March 24, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss his March Madness picks, but not before knocking out some superstitions #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace Comey do you live from 817 St. Paul Street the bean town podcast or Sunday March 24th 2019 what's going on? How are you? I? am the creator the host the producer all that good stuff of this show Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast and Quindavish furnace presents the Bean Town podcast. And we are the people's podcast. We stand for the people, by the people, and of the people. And we're really here to get a pulse on the heartbeat of the nation, you know?
Starting point is 00:00:37 Good old fashioned Americans. What's important to you? What are the issues you're dealing with? I'm sort of a doctor in that sense, a healer through laughter, through comedy, through special guests, interviews, all that good stuff. So I know the letters at the end of my name are Quinn David Fernis MS, because I am a master of science.
Starting point is 00:01:02 But really, I don't know. Just something to consider. I know there are schools out there that will do honorary degrees, Quinn David Furnace MD, maybe the next doogie house, or a show I've never seen, but Neil Patrick Harris, unforgettable. We are the People's Podcast,
Starting point is 00:01:19 and we are happy to be coming to you live here from 817 St. Paul Street. A quiet weekend here at Homestead. Been watching a lot of college basketball. March Manus kicking in the full swing. Wasn't able to do a sort of selection Sunday show because of the way our recording timelines are lining up. Last couple of weeks we've been recording midweek. I know two weeks ago we had a dear friend of the podcast Matthew Feeder on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I came on did our taxes. We talked about the Cayman Islands destination weddings. Really, if you haven't listened to that show, it's totally worth an hour of your life. Probably go back and look it up. I should also mention bean-town podcasts. We are the world's number one leader in misinformation. Last week, the birthday podcast, always a fun time. That was arguably my favorite podcast from 2018. Had good times again in 2019. As you know, my birthday was physically on last Saturday, eight days ago, but we ended up recording,
Starting point is 00:02:32 I believe on the Thursday. Wednesday or Thursday, I don't recall which one. One of those two because hauling a computer and recording equipment and boom mics and the camera crew and lunch for a crew of production people and the editors and the casting directors and electricians and the best boy and you got to get a caterer for your caterer. I said, eh, it's too much. It is too much.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I don't want to lug all that stuff to Chicago, pay for a round trip flights, yada, yada, yada. So I said, look, I'll just do it myself. We'll do it live. And I did it in the middle of the week. So long story short, it's been like 10 days since I recorded a podcast. I feel fresh, like a Phoenix rising from Arizona.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And happy to be coming to you live. Listen to discretion is advised when you're checking out the bean town podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some anthroposolidical language here. I learned about anthracite. It's a word that a lot of us are probably familiar with. No, it's not like anthropology. It's also not this, you hear the word anthracite.
Starting point is 00:03:51 It kind of makes you think of anthrax, which is another thing that I think we all know about, but we don't quite understand. Anyways, anthracite, I'm doing some, you know, googling the other day as I often do. And I'm thinking, what's the difference between anthracite and coal? I don't get it, so I check it out. It's a very scientific method.
Starting point is 00:04:15 My hypothesis was anthracite and coal are different. Testing. Well, I tested it by Googling the term anthracite and checking out its Wikipedia page. Results. Anthracite is a type of coal, so it's kind of like all toads or frogs, but not all frogs or toads sort of thing, you know, create a Venn diagram, if you will. And conclusions are that my hypothesis was correct. So I told you early on in the show,
Starting point is 00:04:47 I'm a master of science, you just witnessed me just go to town on a very complex question that I broke down into different pieces. This is why I've never been asked to be a science tutor before, but I think oftentimes I think I should do it. I worry about a Socrates situation where you're corrupting the youth, but here's I'm gonna break it down for you.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You gotta have your hypothesis, you gotta have your testing, you gotta have your results and your conclusions. And in some circles, they'll ask for a literature review. I have always been on the, on a lit review. Here's why. You end up saying a lot of stuff and wasting a lot of time, pages, and energy, on stuff that people already know.
Starting point is 00:05:41 You're just like setting up the argument. And I'm not a dummy. I understand why it's there, but they're oftentimes just so long that it's just, it's not worth it, you know. So depending on which master of science, yes, they might try to trip you up with that lit review, but not me. Uh-uh. I go right further, heart of the problem. We spend way too much time dawdling around talking about the problem. No one ever gets in there and solves the issues, the people's issues, being Tom podcast healing the wounds of America, one wound
Starting point is 00:06:21 at a time, if you can tell already I like seeing the word wound. Anyways, where were we? March madness. We are in the second day of the round of 32, so we've had three big days already. And I gotta tell ya. And I should knock on wood for this. Let's see. This was my coffee table. It's from an IKEA.
Starting point is 00:06:51 It's from my Kia has one of those cool Swedish names. I don't know what it was. I think Bjorn Bjorg or something like that, who was a tennis player. I think there's also an artist, I believe, called Bjork, but I don't really know anything about them. So you got a knock on wood before I say any of this stuff. Let's knock on this one.
Starting point is 00:07:14 This is a coaster. It's a thin wood, but it still counts as wood. What else should we knock on? That is, this is a chair, not the flower chair, but this is a chair with a back that is somewhat broken, but it's still a very sitable chair. I found this in Rogers Park, Chicago. I was strolling through some alleys one day. I think I was dumping my mattress or something in my mattress frame, because I actually have my mattress still.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And I stumbled across this chair. It's not a great chair, but it gets a job done. The thing is, because I always sit in the flower chair, it's just kind of a placeholder, like for my backpack or for a pair of pants, oftentimes I will drape a pair of pants over the back. So I never really sit in it, but it's there, sort of a decorative piece. Yeah, we got that. Other wood tonneckon.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Before I go any further with what I was about to say, we should find other wood to knock on. This is my, in case you're wondering, my bookshelf, I believe it is sort of a mahogany oak, perhaps. I don't know where this bookshelf came from. We had it in my parents' house when I was like a teenager, but as far as I can remember, this wasn't the type of bookshelf that was like always in our house.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I think it came from some other relative at some point, and I just ended up having it. The thing with bookshelves are they're nice to have and they're nice to put your books on, but unless you're in academia full time, I don really you know I've had these books on this bookshelf in this apartment for going on like 21 months now one 21 months they'd have your arms and I never use it so I know they're Marie Condo thing there's something else that's like you should have like 10 books at a time or something
Starting point is 00:09:27 That to me is a little overboard like There's more than 10 books in the world. I do have a lot of my piano music in there, but Unfortunately don't get the opportunity to play a lot, but this is my bookshelf. It came with these weird So just imagine a regular bookshelf with one, two, three, four different kind of sections, so three different horizontal pieces of wood throughout the open face of the shelf for putting said books on.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And it came with these like glass covers, covers is not a good word, And it came with these like glass covers. Covers is not a good word, but things that you could open up for each section. There's one like piece of glass that you just left for each section to be able to access the books in there. And they would be on like these rolling things that go deep into the bookshelf. So once you like lift it up, you can push it back into the bookshelf. I remember the first time I moved with this bookshelf, I think it was, it must have been going into my,
Starting point is 00:10:34 boy, I don't know, when did I acquire this bookshelf? I have no idea. Sometime before my parents moved to the West Coast, but remember the first time moving with it, and having all these glass shelves, and it was just like a painting the butt to put them in there. And also these glass things are just like these glass covers however you want to come are just like totally decorative. And they don't really serve a purpose other than protecting the books, but whose books
Starting point is 00:10:59 really need protection. So yada yada yada. Eventually I just I ditched them. I don't know where. I don't know when at some point in some capacity I said, I still have Easter glass and they're gone. So I don't have them anymore. Long story short, but that's that's that bookshelf. Before I tell you what I'm knocking on Woodforce, so we're talking about March Manness, here's another piece of wood. This is the flower chair. So kind of a legendary piece here.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I have a couple pieces in my apartment that are more than anything else very near and dear to my heart. The flower chair being one of them, Tiger Blank, it would be another obvious choice. But the flower chair is classic, always had this growing up in our house. And if you're wondering what it will flower chair, what does that mean? It's just like a very normal arm chair, pretty old.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Never was like an amazing chair, but gets a job done. And it's like cushions and the fabric is a floral pattern but this baby is so old that it's so like dark and stained and dirty and all this stuff at this point that you can hardly even tell what it actually was. It kind of just looks like camouflage at this point but for any listeners who have a more in-depth history of this flower chair and they want to share what it actually is, we'd be happy to read that live on the air on a future episode. So if you know anything, please feel free to email us. Beantown Podcasts at, this Beantown BEAN and Podcasts at
Starting point is 00:12:40 And we would love to read that on the air. But this flower chair has been on the L. It has moved from Chicago to the East Coast and who knows where it came from before it was in Chicago. Certainly Rockford, Illinois, but elsewhere, I would imagine. We should take a break. We should read some advertisements.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I talk every single week about how we're gonna to try to keep this one short and we never actually do. Well, here's the case today. In case, in case, you couldn't tell, I didn't come in with a lot of material to work with. So we're doing a lot of improv. I literally usually I'll have, you know, if we have interviews, I'll have questions written down and a lot of improv. I literally usually I'll have you know if we have interviews I have questions written down and that sort of stuff if I'm just doing one by myself though Usually in my phone have written out
Starting point is 00:13:32 A number of different topics or sometimes if I'm doing a bit rate that out a little bit more Flushed out about what we're gonna do. We came in today stone cold nothing no guidelines no about what we're gonna do. We came in today, Stone Cold, nothing. No guidelines, no structures, no skeletons, I mean, you're talking points, any of that stuff. So I'm pretty happy. In case you're just joining us right now, I'm gonna tell you about March Menness, but before I say anything about I wanted to knock
Starting point is 00:14:02 on wood to kind of cover my ass. So, but let's get to the ads here. Got some sponsors that we're gonna hear from. Let me get a sip of my Dunkin' Coffee. I almost said Dunkin' Donuts, but I think if you say Dunkin' Donuts, they can sue you for, I don't know, libel, misrepresentation. I would be liable for libel.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I don't want to be liable for libel. Here we go, home pride organ. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well organ listeners, there's good news. Home pride inspection services and bend Essential, Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling,
Starting point is 00:14:52 roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride, Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired a big real estate angle hold Mm-hmm on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust call Steve at 541 207 1101 or visit home pride Oregon dot com that's 541
Starting point is 00:15:22 207 1101 or visit home pride home pride Oregon. It's perfection. So talking to dad on the group chat part in my stuttering and turns out he's you know we're going to home pride Oregon often times now throughout the day to increase your internet points. I don't know how any of that stuff works, but speaking of websites,, latest beantom podcast,
Starting point is 00:15:55 we've got the Beantom blog, other projects we'll put there on the homepage, including the 2019 Oscars monologue. Go check it out, but we're talking about Home Pride And I'm tooling around. I like to use tool as a verb, like you're just kind of doing something, but you say I'm tooling around. And I'm tooling around on the Home Pride website.
Starting point is 00:16:18 And I learned that because of the Home Pride Oregon insurance, something like that, 100% money back guarantee. If something, if Steve misses something in the home inspection service, turns out the company that insurance and will buy the home for free, or something like that, that's crazy talk. That's what Brown can do for you.
Starting point is 00:16:45 You remember that slogan from UPS? You never hear that anymore. You also, I feel like don't see UPS advertise at all. They're losing so badly to FedEx. After Castaway came out, that really just ruined the whole higher article order. But so if anybody's looking to take a gamble and get your house bought for free, maybe call Steve from home pride organ inspection services. Is he going
Starting point is 00:17:14 to actually miss anything? No, but just having the chance, having that glimmer of hope of getting your home off the market just like that. I don't know, maybe worth the risk. It's kind of like going to the casino and expecting to turn a profit. No, it's not gonna happen, but you have that glimmer of hope and you gotta hold on to hope. So, wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series,
Starting point is 00:17:43 Chris Pclean, Audio quality, all the time. For guys on the go, you gotta have a Samsung and just remember when God speaks, he uses a Samsung. The TV guide, you might be wondering, wow, Quinn, you haven't talked about TV guide yet. It's one of your biggest sponsors, biggest drivers, and you're two of the show. Well, check my mail yesterday
Starting point is 00:18:06 and there was no new TV guide. If you remember from last week, we had the one with Kaylee Cuoco and Jonathan Glecki from the Big Bang Theory, which is inextricably still on the air and finally going off, thank God, after something like 28 seasons. And that was the last TV guide we got.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Nothing new this week. I don't know how I'm supposed to know what's on television this week. And while I don't have a television, if I did, I wouldn't know what it was on. So TV guide, you kind of drop the ball. Also, I don't want to get on your case too much about this, but I think it would be a good idea.
Starting point is 00:18:45 So the whole Roseanne bar scandal, whatever she said, I think she was on anthracite or something. The Conners, the revamped Roseanne show. John Goodman is going to be the star. So here's my idea for a TV guide. You have him on the cover. He's sitting in something like the flower chair But he's got his elbows on his knees. He's kind of bending down a little bit back bent He's looking at the camera. He's giving a smirk. He's got the signature
Starting point is 00:19:15 Dan Conner curly hair red white flannel because he's an American And that the the coverage just says he's back Exclamation point the Conner's returns to ABC this Tuesday, eight, seven central. Just an idea, it's not like I host a very successful podcast or anything with big influence. Also, over 300 followers now on Instagram, hello. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:19:41 I did. One more here here cuts by Q Bob and weave we all know the hairstyle we all love it But how many midtown Baltimore-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman, but different Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Cook County, Illinois. From Beehives to Bangs, Faux Hawkes to Flat Top and everything in between called Cuts
Starting point is 00:20:14 by Q8152987200 or email Cuts by That's Cuts! QUTZ by that's cuts QUTZ by Qat Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new just call the experts at cuts by Q. Alright, that was the advertisements. Thank you to our advertisers, Home Pride Oregon, cuts by Q, the Samson Q2U series, and the TV guide. So I want to get back into this. We were talking about March madness, and I was going to share with you some exciting news from March madness in terms of how my bracket is doing. Before I kind of tell you how I'm doing, because I do want to get into March Manus here before we end our time together, but I just before I say anything
Starting point is 00:21:13 I want to knock on wood. So before I do this knock on wood, this is my nightstand, something This is my nightstand, something that I think is some sort of maple or a cedar, perhaps, maybe a Sequoia. Sequoia is a tough word to spell. SEQ, U-I-O-A. That's sound right. That's four vowels in a row. That's crazy talk. Sequoia is that a native American word?
Starting point is 00:21:49 I don't know, we would need to get an entomologist on the program. But it's a good night's stand, used to be my mom's, I don't use it for much, got my alarm clock on the top. You know, this was crazy. I was cleaning, deep spring cleaning my apartment yesterday, spent better half of four or five hours doing that.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Well, you say the phrase, the expression, the better half. When you say the better half, you end up referring to the entirety of the time period that you list. So why do we say the better half should be the better whole of four to five hours, but I digest here. It's a good night's stand. I was cleaning your alarm clock.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I'm dusting it. I'm giving it the one to the what over whatever you want to call it with the swiffer. And I must have touched some buttons of some kind because this is crazy. What over whatever you want to call it with the swiffer and I? Must have touched some buttons of some kind because this is crazy. I haven't used this alarm clock for an actual alarm in I don't know Probably well over a year. I just don't do it. He is my phone My alarm goes off at 7 o'clock 1 a.m. This morning and it's a type of thing where you slowly kind of rise to consciousness out of your sleep. And I'm just thinking like, this is not my alarm.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Like, what sound is this? My phone does not make this sound. And eventually I realized it's coming from my alarm clock, but it was crazy loud and really irritating. So it's a good alarm clock. But I turn it off. And there's really no other big payoff to that story, but I just wanted to let you know that
Starting point is 00:23:28 in the process of dusting my alarm clock, I somehow managed to turn my alarm on, set it to 7.01 AM and have it go off at a very loud volume this morning. But knock on wood, very important to do. You don't wanna mess anything up. You don't wanna jinx yourself. Before I say anything about March, Maness, I should knock on wood. That's my guitar in case you're wondering. I believe it is a ball some tree.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Ball some B.A.L. I say I'm perhaps. It's not a good guitar and It's not a good guitar. And cakes you couldn't tell from the first year or so of me playing it, it is not a great guitar. I think I purchased it for upwards of $50 on Amazon. It's blue. It has the highest action known to man. So I've actually been thinking about trying to call the Guinness Book of World Records out
Starting point is 00:24:27 here to maybe come out and measure the action here, see if this is the highest action in any guitar ever. What it means is that bar chords are like, I've had an easier time getting extra napkins at subway than I've had trying to play bar chords on this baby. I always feel a little discouraged when I'm playing tunes, when I'm getting extra napkins at subway then I've had trying to play bar chords on this baby. I always feel a little discouraged when I'm playing tunes, when I'm doing some strumming and it requires bar chords and I'm unable to get a quality sound because of the high action.
Starting point is 00:25:00 But then I go to someone else's house, go to brothers, whatever play, one of their, either acoustics or one of their electrics when your fingers feel like they're in heaven. And the sound quality is great. So I try not to be too hard on myself. But in this discussion of March Manus, before I say what I want to say about March Manus, I should knock on wood. That is my dresser. This thing is a beast. I believe it is Nordic pine, something along those lines, something from the higher subterranean regions of Scandinavia. And this thing is heavy as hell. I've told my moving story before. That was our farewell the far well
Starting point is 00:25:47 episode you can go find it last summer would have been at the end of June I believe but that is my dresser that I ended up when I got to Baltimore getting from the truck up to my apartment by myself. And this thing, I'm not a good estimator of how many pounds, something actually weighs, but I mean, this seems gotta be 100 pounds probably, which is just a lot to move. It's one thing to be able to lift 100 pounds is another thing to be able to get out of a truck on the street level. Up five stairs into the actual apartment complex entrance up another five stairs to where the elevator is and then across the tile floor of my apartment hallways and into my apartment. That was not fun. There are also like some random nails
Starting point is 00:26:47 There are also like some random nails coming out of the the dresser in Different ways so you got to watch out when you're moving dressers by yourself always tricky call an expert like Quinn because I've done it But unless topic of March manness There is one other wood that I wanted to knock, but it's my desk and it's really far away. Hey, to Paul housing services, if you're looking for a desk, I might have an extra one that I may or may not have lifted from one of your residents halls, but I, I, I, I debt. Excuse me, I did just here. I've had a hard time speaking today, but March madness. Here's the news. Here's the news. Taken some hits. Around a 64. Kansas State, I had them in the sweet 16, so they lost, but that was my only sweet 16 team that got knocked out in the first round.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Round of whatever, 32. first day was yesterday. I was in good shape to start the day and then right at the end, things not necessarily crumbled, but I just I took two gut punches that I was not happy about. I took Nova over Purdue. We all know what happened there. That was an absolute shit show. And I also took shoot who was the other team I had in the sweet 16 that lost yesterday now we got to look it up I Was so amped to talk about this and then I started knocking on wood and next thing you know It's all over Who did I have to use and oh I had Kansas. That's right two teams that got absolutely
Starting point is 00:28:24 Oh, I had Kansas. That's right. Two teams that got absolutely ass whipped apologies for my language Nova and Kansas and Kansas that was a four or five matchup so technically an upset losing Auburn but Depending on who you ask not really Nova was an upset pay guy took the only one of the day, six over three, produce a three. But seriously, if, and I know a lot of people feel this way, if you're losing two sweet, sweet 16 picks because Nova and Kansas lose,
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'm not feeling too bad about that, considering those have been, like perennial powerhouses in the last five years of college basketball. So I'm down three sweet 16s, Kansas, Kansas state, and Nova. I have, what do I have then? I have five that are locked in. Does that sound right?
Starting point is 00:29:17 No, I got six. I got six locked in yesterday. So six yes, three no. It means I've got another seven going today. So seven out of the eight games, I have potential for punching in correct sweet 16 picks. The scary thing though is I have five of my lead eight picks going today have Duke UNC UVA Houston and Tennessee. And the first game of the day, Tennessee vs Iowa. That's a national championship game pick for me. I've got UTK losing to Michigan State. So I will be very nervous, come around 12, 15 Eastern time here
Starting point is 00:29:57 when that game tips off. But so far we're in really good shape. Right at the top of all four of my different leagues that I'm part of. A lot of people do like a different bracket for each one of their leagues or some people do multiple brackets in each league they pay out more for that. I'm a straight shooter. I am a traditionalist. I fill out one bracket. I use that bracket for all four leagues so So we're either going to win big or we are either going to lose big or what's more likely is like the 95% chance that you're
Starting point is 00:30:32 somewhere in between and you still lose your money but you actually look decent on paper or you're just not at the top. That's probably where we're going to end up. But we're in good shape right now. Lead eight still intact. At the end of the day, that's what matters. Nice to keep your sweet 16 as sterling condition as you can, but you know if I, if I, what do I have seven going today, if I can get five of those right, then I think that's 11 out of 16. Not amazing, but better than I usually do. Usually I am down at least one or two lead eight picks by this point. And we're still in good shape. So there's that. That's what we wanted to say to you today.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Thanks everyone for listening a little bit of a shorter episode. I hope that works for you all. Don't forget to like us, share us, whatever you want to do to us on YouTube, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, not Cast Box yet, but anywhere else where podcasts are listened to unless we're not there, you can find us. That's gonna be a wrap. On Sunday, March 24th, we will come to you
Starting point is 00:31:43 next weekend live from Chicago. Beautiful city, happy to be a wrap. On Sunday, March 24th, we will come to you next weekend live from Chicago. Beautiful city. Happy to be back. Should be a good time looking forward to recording it out there. Good chance for joined by a guest or two. That tends to be the case when you're hitting the road. So, doing a show from Chicago should be a good time. So, special thanks to all the wood in my apartment and
Starting point is 00:32:05 this has been Quindy Avish furnace coming to you live from 817 Paul Street Bean Town podcast, the People's podcast, one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts, your number one source for misinformation probably. Thank you to our sponsors. I am gonna drink my Duncan and I'm gonna do a little family chat here on the phone and then gonna watch a whole lot of college basketball So thanks for listening to my podcast. Hope everyone has a good week be kind to one another Maybe I can use Serp Owens phrase. Maybe I'll get sued for being liable for liable who knows But have a good day have a good week and we will check in on you next time But have a good day, have a good week, and we will check in on you next time

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