Beantown Podcast - Mid-May Pop Culture Roundup (05102023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 10, 2023

Sydney Sweeney. AM Radio. Texas Trivia. This show had it all...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Fernos presents the bean town podcast for I don't know. this on May 10th of Wednesday, 2023. We'll get into that in one second. I do want to mention my name is Quinteted Furnace and this is my show, Quinteted Furnace Presents, the Bean Town podcast. We are coming to you live from the north side of Chicago where we are one of the five top 500 podcasts in the region. Basically, like on the block, I would say, I feel comfortable saying just this one block, you know, not like the regular one-eighth of a mile blocks, but like the half blocks, so the sixteenth of a mile block, that's more where I feel comfortable kind of projecting our numbers, our listenership numbers.
Starting point is 00:01:03 One thing I do know is that we are the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the nation of Pakistan. So no, I'm not trying to compete, with the global politics, the al-Qaeda, F-Hounds and your cricket recap, your AM cricket recap, AM, it's a plan, where it's because it's an AM radio station
Starting point is 00:01:24 and it's in the morning. Do they you know I know the US does the whole and by the way thank you to Karachi Hyder, Badkhyber, Pastor, Listenee, making us the 112-300 company podcast in the Great Nation of Pakistan. So my question is this. So in the US we have AM FM. Obviously there's a lot of, you know, you've got the instead of AM, not AM FM, AM PM. And so, but you go to other countries of course, and it's like we just used the 24 hour military clock, which just happened to us when we were in Mexico. And I kinda, I get it, I understand it. I'm not a huge fan personally.
Starting point is 00:02:12 You're telling me dinners at 19 o'clock, I gotta do some serious mental amount. But my question is, does the concept of AMPM exist in any other countries? And there's our first call to action of the week, because this one I actually don't know. Email us beantownpodcast at and it's
Starting point is 00:02:32 I didn't expect to go here on this early. I didn't expect to want to be looking this up or I've never even thought about it. Does AM or Googling it, does AM, PM exist in other countries? Or does everyone else use the military clock? Or is it just Mexico that uses the military clock? Everyone uses the AM, PM. So here, according to Google, it says most countries
Starting point is 00:03:00 around the world, okay, let's go to Quora. Okay, everyone loves Quora. It's like Yahoo Answers answers but for higher class people Okay, so the question is Well, I got a stupid highlight banner over okay there we go do all countries of the world use AM and PM to represent morning and afternoon And the top answers are essentially we shouldn't have come to Quora everyone has their own little opinion answers are essentially we shouldn't have come to core everyone has their own little opinion. Bad idea let's go back to world world world world exit NL I'll spell that for you so you can look it yourself. I'm not joking it's that hard to say W-E-R-E-L-D so it's already not a word, we're old.
Starting point is 00:03:45 R-E-I-Z-I-G-E-R-S.N-L, which must be New Bronze Waker, something with an L instead of a B. So where's the 12-hour format used? Okay, so it's used in the United States, Canada, except Quebec, Australia, New Zealand, and Philippines. Okay, so everyone else is 24 hour format, except for those five brave patriots. So there we go, look, we joke around
Starting point is 00:04:11 and have fun all the time in the Bean Tump podcast, but sometimes you actually learn something. Someone would ask me, hey, are plus or minus five countries in the world that use AMP, I would have said, I have absolutely no idea, because it's one of those things where it seems like a very US centric kind of thing
Starting point is 00:04:29 and it certainly is, but it's like, well, are there actually other countries that do it? And the answer is there's four other countries. So there you go, we're learning something on the Bean Town podcast today. One other thing I want to mention AMF, I know that's not like a, that's more has to do with physics and stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So my question is, is there AM and FM radio in every country? Let's look that up too. We're learning stuff today on the Bean Town Podcast, which is good because the centerpiece of today's show was gonna be a pop culture rundown, which I think was gonna fill about 42 seconds. Is there AM and FM radio in other countries? Maybe there's maybe North Korea developed a third frequency. Maybe there's AM
Starting point is 00:05:16 FM or there's XM radio. Maybe there's like an NKM radio, excuse me. Do different countries out back to Quora. Here we go. And Wikipedia just has a whole list of, let's go to this. This is a Wikipedia article for list of AM stereo radio stations. So this is just every single radio station across the world. So there's a couple of Canada. Apparently there's only 3 AM radio stations in Canada. That can't be right. It's a lot of Philippines, one in South Korea,
Starting point is 00:05:52 one in Panama, three in Japan. Let's go to US here. We can fact check this. I mean, there's got to be way more than this. There's no way this is right. There's a gazillion AM radio stations. Okay, what article am I on? Transmating in C, dash Q, UAM stereo, whatever that means.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Compatible quadrature amplitude modulation. I feel like I am back in physics class and I absolutely hate it. We're going to leave this where it is right now, and we're gonna mention that listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the bean-town podcast, number one will occasion you some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. It still have nightmares occasionally about physics,
Starting point is 00:06:38 and I don't really get nightmares about other classes, but it is, you know, it's very clear that these nightmares are like traumatic relivings because the only, you know, people talk about getting nightmares about, you know, school all the time and, you know, high school, especially and all that fun stuff and whatever. The only nightmares I really ever have that are school-related were the classes that were particularly traumatic for me. So those were any rockford Christian classes, math for three years, and then physics the
Starting point is 00:07:11 last year for just a whole litany of reasons. And occasionally grad school, because I would go show up to grad school classes without having done pretty much any of the reading or preparation depending on the class. Not solely, I was going to say not because, but let's say not solely because I'm just lazy, but just because I just kind of battering around my way through grad school. Working 40 hours a week and taking classes at night. It just, it was a unique combo. To cap off the kind of opening the intro to our episode, the reason we are recording, and then we'll jump into it. This will not be a long episode. It's just, I just got home from work I just got home from work and looking forward to work very late the last two nights downtown. Looking forward to just kind of putting my feet up, turning on the baseball game.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Although the Cubs have just been an absolute travesty to watch lately. They haven't won since Saturday, I suppose. Wednesday today. They're also their 17th straight day with a game, I think, so it's been just brutal on them. We went to the game on Sunday. It was 14 innings, which is not supposed to happen with the new rules, where you start every half inning, beginning the 10th inning with a ghost runner,
Starting point is 00:08:38 a man on second and no outs. I think there were two innings. It was like the 10th and the 13th or something where the Marlins scored one in the top and then the Cubs scratched one out in the bottom to keep the game going, but they could never get two. And then the Marlins finally scored one.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Top of 14th Cubs lost, whatever. But it was just an exhausting game. It was going very fast. It was get to the bottom of the ninth. Cubs hadn't scored at all. They were down a couple runs and it was like two hours in. We were like, all right, well, we're just gonna kind of finish this kind of crappy game to watch and then we'll go do something All set, you know three 30 whatever it was and then the game it ended up going for another 90 minutes in extra innings
Starting point is 00:09:17 So that was that was a lot to watch But we're recording on a Wednesday We are I am flying to just me and myself and I, flying to Texas, Austin, Berkstrom, I don't know who Berkstrom was. Maybe they meant Lance Burkeman is a typo and Austin Houston legend, rather. Maybe he's from Austin, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:39 We're flying to go celebrate the PhD hooding ceremony. H-O-O-D-I-N-G. I was going to say nighting, but I think they prefer hooding down there with all the KKK stuff. Of Brother of the Podcast, Walter Fernos, who successfully defended his dissertation all the way back in December, I think it was. Rachel and I were in SagaTuck. We had just come back from, I guess we must have gone to breakfast or brunch or something like that Oh, we went to our little coffee shop sister-in-law the podcast Nicole who I am almost positive is not a frequent listener of this program
Starting point is 00:10:18 It's this place she knows as well, and I can't remember exactly what it's called right now But if you're ever in downtown Saga talk Let's just look it up now for the listeners. We had just come back from there. I'll finish saying what I'm trying to say. So I'm flying down there tomorrow night, Thursday night, uncommon coffee roasters is that it. I think that's what it is, uncommon coffee roasters.
Starting point is 00:10:40 That's the place where I got a latte with half and half instead of just regular milk or cream or whatever they use in a latte. Milk, I guess, steamed milk. I got steamed half and half and it was basically a hot milkshake, which I wasn't complaining about too much. We're gonna celebrate, the family's gonna celebrate Walt's successful earning of his PhD,
Starting point is 00:11:04 and it'll be nice having been down to Austin for many years, Great, Walt's successful, erding of his PhD, it'll be nice, haven't been down to Austin for many years, definitely pre-COVID. Excuse me, I don't even remember exactly when it was, but it's been a while, I haven't been to Texas in a while in general, which is just kind of a thank God, sort of a blessing nod in disguise kind of thing, but willing to go down for family for about three days.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So, going down there late Thursday night, I, think of the last flight out in midway, and then coming back early Sunday morning to celebrate Mother's Day with future mother-in-law of the podcast, Betty Ramos, who is now on Instagram. Let's let's do our Instagram plug of the week. This week's account, Betty Ramos, who is new to Instagram. So if you want to go give her a follow, go to Betty Ramos 1966. That must be the year that her mom was born, I guess. I don't know. But shout out to Betty and shout out to Bob Chisholm. And shout out to all the Bob Chisholm out there. Bob Chisholm was the kind of inspiration behind a jeopardy question. The answer was Bobka. It was a Baker-regulated question,
Starting point is 00:12:06 which speaking of which, then we're gonna jump into our stuff here. The jeopardy is on for 90 minutes every night this week in our household. So, here's a crazy thing, I'm surprised they did this. So, they're continuing their regular games just one after another, and there's actually currently a champion. Oh, I got it. I got it. It's briefly recap this game from last night Tuesday night, May 9th. It's a four-day champion. She's a
Starting point is 00:12:33 data scientist from Chicago. It's kind of quirky, but also just like you can tell she's just like a genuinely nice person and super smart, but kind of like has like a low voice and like kind of crazy hair, but she's just she seems nice. So she's from Chicago. She's won her fourth game on Monday. She's playing for five yesterday and there's Lady in the middle who is just as kind of weird as not the word I won is at all, but I guess quirky. It's like the positive form of weird, right? Very unique. This lady ends up getting right up in this this returning champions grill figuratively going into final jeopardy. She's only basically it's not a runaway, okay? So this person is behind them by less than 50% of the
Starting point is 00:13:23 champ's score. So the champ has a lead. It's a big lead. I don't know the exact numbers, but let's say it's something along the lines of 22,000 to 13,000. So when you're in this situation and Jeopardy fans out there will know this is like the number one most obvious rule or I guess two rules, they go hand in hand of Jeopardy. It doesn't get more simple than this. When you are in the lead and you and it's not a runaway,
Starting point is 00:13:48 I mean, you don't have more than double your next opponent's score. You bid enough regardless of anything else because you come to Jeopardy, you play to win. You get to be on once in your life and there's a lot of money on the line. You play to win, okay? And so in a single game, now fans will say,
Starting point is 00:14:07 well, what about Madame Odeo's Wager against James Holtzauer and the Masters tournament, we'll talk about in a second. Completely different because that's a tournament format. It's not one game winner take all that sort of thing. And it worked out for Matt. He played some good odds. It was weird at the time to see though, like the wager that he played to lose.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Okay, back to the regular game last night. So this lady, all she has to, lady in the lead, if she gets it right, it's over. And so the only wager you can do in that situation for the lead is to wager enough to be sure opponent by one dollar. That way you minimize your losses if you get it wrong and you maximize, you're not maximizing your winnings
Starting point is 00:14:46 Because you're not betting at all But would you rather have in this hypothetical situation? Whatever the math I did was $26,000 and one dollars or risk Going home or risk getting you know $44,000 or whatever the math is. And I don't know, for me personally, and for 99.9% Jeopardy players who play, they'll take the guaranteed money, if you will. Now it's not guaranteed,
Starting point is 00:15:13 because you have to get it right first. But you play to win the game as her medwards once said. That's the thing, the overarching statement here, you get to jeopardy your in a position to win. You play those odds. You play to win, you get to jeopardy, you're in a position to win. You play those odds. You play to win. You bet on yourself. Okay. So this lady did everything she was supposed to do. The lady in front, except she missed final jeopardy. Okay. So in theory, she misses the lady who is in second place is, you know, 13,000 to 22,000 something like that.
Starting point is 00:15:48 She has to bid enough, no matter what, to beat the champion in the event that the champion misses it. And so the least the champion could go down if the person in the lead goes down if they if they miss it is zero dollars. So you have to bet enough to cover their current score by one dollar. It's a it's an open and shut case. No questions asked. That way if you you guarantee if you get it right, you know, it's like it's like the square, right? The number theory almost, it's like if you get it right, they get it wrong. You win no matter what, okay? If you both get it right, you're going to lose. If you both get it wrong, you're going to lose. If she gets it right and you get it wrong, you're going to lose. But you have to, you got that one kind of 25% result, right? And you got
Starting point is 00:16:39 it, you got to go for that. So this, and she seemed nice enough, but I can't hold back because it's literally a mind-boggling. There is zero explanation for this wager. She did not wager enough to cover the lady, she got it right, the second place lady, but she did not wager enough to get past the lady in front who had missed it. So basically if the lady in second had just written down a bigger number, she would have won, but because she went with a week wage, which has zero, it's not like, oh yeah, that's kind of an interesting backdoor strategy. If this and this and this and this things happen, then it works and it's all
Starting point is 00:17:20 the sudden it's brilliant. It's a zero explanation, never in a million years would her wage or work. And it's just, it wasn't a complicated third place kind of thing where it's like, oh yeah, it's break down the numbers. I guess this would make sense more than that. No, this is just the most basic fundamental wagering in jeopardy. And we talked about that for like five minutes
Starting point is 00:17:40 and I apologize. But if you haven't, go watch Final Jeperty from May 9th, Tuesday, 2023 of this week. It is mind boggling. So our champion, Hannah, is going for win number six today, Wednesday, May 10th. She's good, but she's far from infallible. So we'll see how that goes.
Starting point is 00:18:02 But Jeopardy Masters, which is hosted by Ken, I can't even, I'm not even gonna try to start to Explain the tournament format, but essentially they brought back six people all from you know very recent players With the exception of Holtzauer who's probably what four or five years old at this point Madame Modio, Sam Buttree, Mateo Roach, Amy Schneider, Andrew Hee and James Holtzauer. There are six of them. They play two games every night. So three and then the other three play a different game. They keep mixing and matching the combos. There's a certain number of regular season games, if you will.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And it's three points for a win, one point for seconds, zero points for a third. So after a certain point, they will determine, I don't know if they're going to semi-finals or straight to a finals. I don't know exactly how this works. There's all sorts of tie breakers. I read through the format once on Monday morning and was particularly convoluted
Starting point is 00:19:01 is how I felt that their instructions were. That's not, I didn't feel convoluted, but my brain cells did. I felt bamboozled. I felt confused, I guess, as the most simple word we can use, C-O-N-F-U-S-E-D. Let's give a shout out to our sponsors here at Home Pride Organ who, and you need your home inspector in Central Oregon, by the way, I'm pulling it Mademodio. My money is on James Holtzauer. In the final jeopardy, the second game of last night, so the fourth game total in terms of absolute bonkers as well, because James and Matt were tied for first going into final, which is just nuts. Our sponsor is Home Pride
Starting point is 00:19:41 organ. When you need your home inspecting in Central Oregon, call someone safe, certified, so when you can trust, call Steve at 541-0-0-0316 or go to or email HomePrideOrgan at You got a litany of options there. I think that's the second time we've used that word, L-I-T-T-A-N-Y, that's HomePrideOrgan at When you need it, oh, we're just restarting. Just hit the reset button there.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Let's go on to our friend's cuts by Q. When you need a fresh juice, something snappier new, call the experts at cuts by Q. We now do hot stones, cold stones, facials, Brazilian butt waxes, the facials where they do your hoo ha, whatever they call that. So we're doing all of it.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Here at our home studio cuts by Q. One of the top independent barber shops on the north side of Chicago. Wouldn't you need to fresh to use something snappier and you call the experts at cuts by Q or email us cuts by Q at Yahoo dot com. And of course, good friends, the Samsung Q2U series Old Testament New Testament First King Second Kings. It doesn't matter. Whatever floats your boat. Samson will be there along the way with you for an audio experience that you'll treasure forever guys. You got a lot, you got a lot of key core memories, great moments in life that you want to treasure forever.
Starting point is 00:20:59 What better way to memorialize those than having walking around with a great Samson Q2U series. Comes with an excellent USB cord. It's got to be at least, I don't know, three feet, something like that, a meter. You know, whether you're holding onto a Mac that it's plugged into, like I do, or literally anything that would be more convenient. Samson. When God speaks, He uses a Samson. being you. Samson. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. All right, we got through those, and I bet you can't believe this, but I didn't really go off a script there, which I know. You're like, well, Quinn, you're, you're dynamite. You're a pro, you know, no misspeaks, no, you know, it was exactly the way it was supposed to sound. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, our calendar of the of the day is gonna be by far the most disappointing palindrome of the day
Starting point is 00:21:50 we've had so far because I was on my run today and I realized I got a wonky schedule tomorrow with work and then coming home. I flights at 9.55 out of midway. So it was just like, I didn't want to get to tomorrow afternoon. I am leaving work a little bit early, but I didn't want to get there and be like, okay, I have X amount of time to pack. Do I need to do because I won't be back here until Monday night after work again. And then it's like, oh, I also have to do a podcast. I just don't want to
Starting point is 00:22:20 cram myself in that way. I was like, Wednesday, we'll make it work. But then the classic issue here is we're about 280 episodes into the bean town podcast is, okay, what do we actually discuss? And I said, well, there's been some great pop culture stories and just stories in general, more than a regular, right on cue episode would cover. So let's jump into that. So then I was like, pop, I didn't even have to think
Starting point is 00:22:46 about my paladrum of the day. It's probably the lowest-hanging fruit you'll ever find. Excuse me, until we do poop next week for our bowel movement, our salute to the duodenum. But put that one in writing, our salute to the duodenum. I'm pretty proud of that actually. Today's Ballad Room of the Day is Pop. We are going to give you a little pop culture run down.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I wrote pop culture round up. It could be a run down, it could be a round up. And then we're going to finish with our trivia question, which is a very straightforward, not complicated. You either got it or you don't, but there's very straight forward, not complicated. You either got it or you don't, but there's also six parts kind of question that is Texas themed. So our pop culture round up or run down. So first on the agenda that I just, I took a couple notes here.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I have six different things and I'm just jumping around base of how I feel. So yesterday we saw the first images of Jen Shaw in prison ever since she reported, which was back in what, it feels like it's been a while, but I think it's only been since February, March, something like that, maybe January. I don't really remember. I think it was after the holidays for sure. Yeah, because Coach Shaw was like in the Rose Bowl and stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:07 So yeah, it was definitely like January or February, I think. Apparently, according to her publisher, she's doing very well. The image was, you know, from the outside fence and stuff. She looked kind of glamorous, actually. It wasn't. Now she's wearing the huge windshield sunglasses, So it's hard to tell if she was actually dolled up. But sometimes you get, you know, you take these housewives that exist naturally
Starting point is 00:24:32 in the wild with just coats and coats of makeup and then you put them in a situation like this. Sometimes they'll look real. I don't wanna say rough. I think that could be offensive but just very different, right? Different than what you are used to seeing them as 98% of the time.
Starting point is 00:24:48 That these, now these images were not crystal clear quality, they were from the side, she had her sunglasses on, but she looked, she looked good, okay? Let's just put it that, leave it at that. So Jen Shaw first images from prison again. She's serving like a six-ish, your prison sentence, although I feel like Jen Shaw going to be a good prisoner. When I mean when I say that, I think Gen Shaz actually extremely smart. I think she knew everything that was going on with all of her
Starting point is 00:25:18 legal troubles. I think she likes to play a delusional character on TV for entertainment purposes and no one's going to claim that it's not entertaining to sort of watch. I think Gencha is, I don't think she's like a nuclear physicist or anything, but I think she's very savvy. Okay, let's say that. I'll redact smart, replace it with savvy. So the reason I say that is she can get out with, you know, good behavior in like four years and 10 months or something like that. I think something like that is
Starting point is 00:25:48 going to happen. I think she's going to serve them in a moment. Speaking of prison, we have George Santos arrested today and federal court on 13 counts. I don't know. Let's go to CNN real quick. Let's just try to get a quick jump on this. Because I was following along a little bit this morning about, you know, what exactly was going on, you know, because look, George Santos has been in the news for a while. Shout out to my aunt, Anna Ogunike, who was all over this story from the get go. I think back when he was like, and you know, when he was an undergrad at Harvard or something, she was all over this guy. So she's been following him for 20 years. He's a long Island congressman, an extraordinary trail of falsehoods. We've talked about him on the show once or twice before. So
Starting point is 00:26:38 Santos has accused of funneling contributions, meant to support his campaigns into his personal bank accounts from where it was spent on luxury clothes and paying off debt. That's one of those things. Look, I am not in politics and I'm not in any place of power. I'm not a celebrity or anything like that, but that's one of those crimes with campaign finances and stuff. It just seems so stupid, not because you're not using the money for something that's important to you. Obviously, these designer clothes and watches whatever George really wanted them.
Starting point is 00:27:12 But how, I guess just like blinded or arrogant can you be to think, oh yeah, I've got all these campaign contributions. Let's just throw them into the personal bank account. So we can buy some luxury shoot luxury suits like to me And maybe it's just everyone has a different conscience. I don't know, but that's a very firm line where it's like once you cross that you know You're a shit crank without a paddle And it's very likely only a matter of time before you get caught. And I don't know, you know, maybe maybe the catch rate on
Starting point is 00:27:48 campaign finance fraud is not as high as I think it is, but it just seems really stupid. Okay, so also he and this is all just allegations, right? We here at the bean town pockets are not accusing George of anything. We're just sitting and watching with our pop culture roundup. Prosecutors also led she fraudulently applied for and received COVID related unemployment benefits while receiving a six figure salary working for investment firm. That's just, I know we just said the last thing was really stupid. This takes it to a whole another level. How are you gonna be earning a six figure salary and have it even cross your mind to be like, oh yeah, let's get some COVID unemployment benefits. My base salary just recently went past 60, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:37 And I got a lot of other side hustles going on. So no, I'm not starving here in the expensive city of Chicago, but even I am not starving here in the expenses city of Chicago. But even I am not stupid enough to be like, oh, maybe we could squeak some unemployment benefits past. So there's some other things going on here. We're not going to read the whole article. Regardless, 13 federal counts he was arrested on. That is seems like a lot. And it's a very unlucky number. So Godspeed, George. Finishing up with this prison thing, I learned and with this to be very quick, so I don't really have anything else to say about it, but apparently
Starting point is 00:29:11 Osama bin Laden, you know, he has like 25 kids. It's not, it's somewhere between 20 and 26, according to the Wikipedia page that I was down the rabbit hole on this morning on my commute, that I was down the rabbit hole on this morning on my commute. But apparently he has like seven wives, or had seven wives, and currently has like, at minimum 20 to 26 kids just running around the Middle East, Iran, Pakistan, shout out. Maybe, maybe Osama Jr., and I don't mean to make light of this situation,
Starting point is 00:29:43 but maybe Osama Jr. is a fan of the Bean Tom podcast. I am not really gonna take a position on that, you know, with a whole, Al-Qaeda and the 3000 deaths at 9-11 sort of thing. So I'm just gonna say that, you know, if you're a bad guy, if you're a terrorist, then we don't need your listens, okay? But if you're like bad guy, if you're a terrorist, then we don't need your listens. But if you're an upstanding Pakistani,
Starting point is 00:30:08 or I guess Osama was Saudi Arabian, he was an Arabian Saudi, maybe you're just like a nice guy. Maybe you're assistant director of law admissions at Karachi College of Law or something. Then hey, you know, it's hard to escape our past sometimes. Oh Jay, I get it. That could be applied to more than one people. Three more items on our pop culture roundup before we get to trivia here.
Starting point is 00:30:38 There's been some little mermaid pushback. If you remember the, when the original Sonic the Hedgehog trailer came out, whatever that was, it was like a 20, 20 movie, something like that, and they made a second one. Which maybe came out, I don't know. But there is a lot of issues with like, not issues, but they made some bold choices and decisions with like, the eyes and the animation and stuff. Well, Lil Disney's quote, live action, little mermaid, which, look, don't call it live action unless you're actually going to the aquarium, or you're doing a James Cameron
Starting point is 00:31:12 deep sea mission, and you're actually getting great footage of King Triton. I'm talking real life stuff, not your CGI crap. I'm talking in the wild, King Triton. I'm talking a flounder. I'm talking a lobster. Look, and I understand why Disney's doing what they do. What they do. If you see a lobster in real life, he's not quite as fun and playful as whatever the lobster's name is and a little more made. But it's like Rafi or Rafiki. No, it's the baboon from Lion King. Tony. Is it Tony?
Starting point is 00:31:48 Lobster. I don't think it's Tony. Lobster a little mermaid. Let's see. It's Sebastian. This first, okay, the first hit when you Google, Lobster a little mermaid is from ScreenRat. It says is little mermaid's Sebastian a crab or a lobster? And if you look at it, it's kind of fair because it's kind of got the crabby claws, a little pinchy, pinchy, pinchy action. But yeah, I don't know. They did this with the Lion King too,
Starting point is 00:32:16 where I'll send their Lion King live action. And yeah, it's just a different kind of animation and you throw like one or two humans in there. Even the main character has to be partially animated, right? Mermaid's don't exist outside of Copenhagen. Javier Bardem. But it's basically no country for old men's sequel. He's playing King Triton there.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I also want to give myself just a morsel, nothing more, nothing less of credit for Sitting here and remembering that the name of the father figure the underwater sea king in Little Mermaid is King Triton without any sort of Googling or looking up I think I've legit never actually sat down and watched the Little Mermaid and I certainly have never read it Is it one of those is it one of those Hans Christian Anderson's that is like 20 pages or is it actually a novel? Let's see, we're gonna look this up. We're learning, I'm so proud of myself
Starting point is 00:33:13 and I hope that you're proud of yourselves too for listening to today's installment. You probably see the episode title, which I've yet to title as pop culture roundup and you're thinking, oh geez, it's a fairy tale. Yeah, I shouldn't have on that. You're thinking OGs, we're not going to learn anything. This is going to be stupid.
Starting point is 00:33:31 But how many pages is the little mermaid actually, or how long is it? Probably not very long, right? The little mermaid, what if we Google the little mermaid read online? I wonder something I never thought about. I wonder how close the Disney sort of animated adaptation is to the actual story.
Starting point is 00:33:56 So if you go read the little mermaid online, it's probably gonna take you like 15 minutes to read something like that, I would guess. So it's pretty short. They stretch a 15 minute fairy tale into a you know 90 minute Disney movie and then of course the the live action in quotes Disney movie version will be two hours with all new songs. Great new Javier Bardem backstory and even more flounder action. So little more made, a little bit of pushback,
Starting point is 00:34:28 Jacob Tremblay, who is that little kid from that movie about the one kid with the sort of brain tumor, his head was kind of, no, it was not a brain tumor, it was just face, it was just kind of weird. That's Jacob Tremblay. What was the name of that movie? Was it doing a lot of Googling today in the bean-town podcast, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:34:48 If we were doing this podcast in the 1880s, we'd have to be doing encyclopedia browns and stuff. Jacob Tremblay, he was in the room, right? The one with a Brie Larson, where she won the Oscar. And then he was in wonder, that's what it was called. Yeah, it might be a true story I'm not sure I don't think it is but he's got some sort of disease took a lot of makeup and then he was in There's something else he was in recently that I thought he was in a live-action film recently that was
Starting point is 00:35:22 Relatively well-known, but perhaps not I don't know. He played baby. Oh, you guys are going to love this. One second, he played like he was in Dr. Sleep that sequel to the shiny. Okay, so while we're on the topic, in very briefly on the topic of Jacob Tremblay's Filmography with Kapedia. I only mentioned this because I think you'll enjoy this. In 2016, he starred in Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal, The Movie as Kid 4. I'm not kidding. This is, oh okay, I remember this. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So this was a 2016 parody film from Funier D're dying This was the one where Johnny Depp played Trump I have only seen clips and I'm not gonna pretend to be able to explain it You're just gonna have to go look look at the Wikipedia watch some clips, but some of the some of the People or characters that are in the movie so Ron Ron Howard has himself, Johnny Depp is Donald Trump, Kristen Shaw, as Trump's receptionist, you know her from Bob's Burgers in 30 Rock. Pat Nazwold is Merv Griffin, Henry Winkler is in it, Rob Hubel Paul Shear, Alfred Molina, Ron Funches, Andy Richter. This is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Michaela Watkins plays a Von Atrump. Stephen Merchant is in it. This is Paul Fusco plays Alph. Jack McBrayer is in it. Of course, Jacob Trembley could for it. And then Christopher Lloyd reprising his role as Doc Brown. This is just, I remember it came out in 2016. It was like a, I would call it like a minor pop culture thing when it came out, which is appropriate for today's topic. But yeah, I had forgotten. When I saw that, I was like, I have no idea what this is. I thought it was like an old movie or something
Starting point is 00:37:23 that I realized Jacob Trumbly's like 11 years old, so can't be that old. Two more items here. There's new Vanderpump rules episode on tonight, I think maybe last night. Maybe it's Wednesdays, I don't know. But there's a whole big thing going on with, so Kate used to be married to one of the
Starting point is 00:37:50 Kate used to be married to one of the Tom's, Tom Schwartz, I think. And then there's this British kid who used to be married to Raquel, I think. And there's this guy with a mustache named Sam, Tom Sandeval. The two, one of the two of the main characters are named Tom. So there's Tom Schwartz and Tom Sandwell. Tom Sandwell has a mustache now. And Tom Sandwell and Tom Schwartz are starting a restaurant, but not really just kind of. The main character or it's named after Lisa Vanderpump.
Starting point is 00:38:20 She's not really in the show anymore. She used to be on Real House, who's at Beverly Hills. She has a website, or a website, probably. She has a restaurant that is now closing down in Beverly Hills where all these people in the cast used to be waiters and other gonna be homeless, which is kind of interesting, you know, kind of a neat twist. And so Tom Sanovall was married to this lady named Arianna and Kate is now divorced from
Starting point is 00:38:54 the British guy. I don't know his name. It's like Chester or you know, Jazz with or something. And then the other Tom Schwartz is used to be married to Recal, but he's not anymore. But he was married to someone else, but then he was kissing Recal and everyone was watching. And then there was Tom Sandivall who was married to Iryana. And then he was, no one really knew, but for like 25 years, I think he was hooking up with Raquel who's kind of the worst. And now there's going to be a big, and now a lot of people are broken up.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And now tonight there's going to be a big fight between Kate and Raquel. So that's the Vanderprung Rules update. In our last pop culture, tidbit, Glenn and Sydney and the other guy. So apparently Glenn is with this nobody and Sydney. Swini is an actress from Emporium and euphoria, sorry euphonium, and Sinny's married to this mechanic, I think, in real life, not in euphoria.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And now, they were in a movie together, Top Gun 2 or something, and Glenn's wife left him. I don't even know Glenn's name. It's not Glenn Davis. That's big baby from the Celtics. Go watch some of his highlights. That guy was huge. And Sinny's husband, I think is still with him, but he left the house with all their belongings and a dog that's kind of come into the picture recently. A glen and Sydney said, they're not together, but they're still hanging out at Luguna Beach and stuff, or Verona Beach, or any of Huntington Beach, Manhattan Beach, Anaheim, any of those beaches.
Starting point is 00:41:00 So that's basically what's going on with glen and Sydney. Okay, so there's your pop culture roundup of the week. And let's finish off, I mentioned a very simple six part trivia question here. It's not really six parts, there's just six answers. And you only get full credit. If you get all six, I will recognize partial credit with a verbal commendation, but I will not award any points
Starting point is 00:41:22 towards our year and a price, which is TBA at this point. Okay, so very simple question. I'm flying to Texas tomorrow. I want you to tell me what were the actual six flags over Texas. So while you're thinking about that, a very short history lesson, so you all are familiar with six flags, the theme park franchise.
Starting point is 00:41:46 It's not just a random name. It's named after the Six Flags over Texas, which are the Six Nations in history that have actually ruled, and we're not counting Native Americans, which is just a travesty, but I don't control the question. Who are the six nations that have actually ruled the territory of Texas, or just Texas as a place, however you want to classify? Don't get semantical on me. SCM-A-N-T-I-C-A-L. It's a classic question. It's one of my favorite trivia questions of all time. I think about it frequently.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I've only been to six legs once. It was six legs great American, old good old gurney, G-U-R-N-E-E. Okay, so if you still need more time, great, but I'm going to reveal the answer of the six legs over Texas. I'll give you the years too. Number one, Spain from 15 15 19 to 16 85 Semico and 16 90 to 18 21 then France. I think all expanse is probably the hardest one to get here France
Starting point is 00:42:58 Excuse me for five years from 16 85 to 16 90 and then Mexico from 18 21 to 18 36. Lattie, you probably know that one. This is a fun one that a lot of people forget about. The Republic of Texas, it was its own independent nation state from 1836 to 1845. The United States from 1845 to 1861 slash, or semi-colon, 1865 to present, and then finally, if you were listening along with the years, and you haven't figured out the sixth one yet, you would figure it out based off of 1861 to 1865 Gap.
Starting point is 00:43:30 CSA, the Confederate States of America, from 1861 to 1865. So again, what nations actually represented by the Six Flags over Texas. It is Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States, and the Confederate States of America. All sovereign states at certain points throughout history. Apparently, I don't know, I don't know what you need of American, like what were the big tribes that lived in Texas before Spain came along Nate it last thing on the Bean Tom podcast today Native American tribes
Starting point is 00:44:14 Texas because I feel like we hear a lot about the southeast, you know Cherokee and stuff and Seminoles and you hear a lot about the Southwest hierarchy and stuff and Seminoles, and you hear a lot about the Southwest Whether it's your command cheese your patches Your there's other ones and I in full disclosure about 75% of the way done with my whiskey so not doing well here mentally But you don't really hear about Texas that often so here is according to Wikipedia just some of the historical ones. So Apache were in there. The Blocsy, the Comanches, the I'm just
Starting point is 00:44:58 trying to think of big names here, okay. The Sumas and the Wichita. I never knew Wichita was actually a tribe. I always just thought it was like an Indian name. I learned something new among many things. I learned a lot of things on the Pintan podcast today. I came to a recap because I can't remember everything, but we learned a lot about AM, FM radio stations. We learned about AM, PM time.
Starting point is 00:45:21 We learned Wichita was an Indian tribe. We learned a lot of pop culture things. We learned about that crazy cast in the Donald Trump movie they made. So very informative show here on the Being Tom Podcast. I wanna thank you all for tuning in. Thank you for listening. A congratulations to brother of the podcast Walter Fernos
Starting point is 00:45:40 on his big hoodwinking ceremony. And I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in about 10 days here, 9 days here. And thank you to everyone who tuned in last week for our horse named special Kentucky Derby Congratulations to Mage on a big win, two fills just missed out the Chicago kid. That's what I got for you.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Let's play some outro music here. Everyone, I hope you stay safe. I hope you stay sane. I will check in on you next week. Bye. I'm just going to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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