Beantown Podcast - Mission Impossible: Scientology Reckoning (07142023 Beantown)

Episode Date: July 14, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE with some hot ideas for Mission Impossible 8, with a star-studded cast ft. John Travolta, Leah Remini, and the long-awaited return of the Masterson Brothers....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday, July 14, 2023. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn. And this is my show. I'm the creator, host and best boy of this fine program. Hello to our great bean heads out there in the state of Pakistan. Thank you for supporting us all across the Karachi Pass and the Hyderabad Pass and the Poon job region. Thank you for listening. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great country of Pakistan. Listen to discretion as advised
Starting point is 00:00:47 when you're listening to this fine program. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two. This podcast is objectively terrible, but it's good to be back. It's been what, nine days, I think, since we last recorded, I think last time was a midweek special, a little Wednesday action. We were getting ready for summer fest,
Starting point is 00:01:03 which has kind of become a highlight of summer for me as it is intended to be for many but it's the second year in a row now that Rachel and I have gone up for sort of a full weekend go up on Thursday after work, come back Sunday at some point and it's a ton of fun I mean if you're not super familiar with summer fest the way they do it now is is three weekends, Thursday through Sunday in a row. It used to be four med a different way. Some people like to change.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Some people don't, but this is just the way it is now. You can go for very cheap. You can do like GA tickets, single day day of as you're walking in for less than 20 bucks if you don't plan ahead at all. We probably didn't even have to do it this way because we only went up for one weekend but we bought nine day passes just kind of at the outside because I was I think the cheapest option at the time and yeah so we could have gone the other two weekends if we wanted to it's just it's in Milwaukee so we went up as you know after the podcast last week and had a great time,
Starting point is 00:02:07 got up there Thursday night after work, shout out to Betty and Jose for letting us borrow a car, very kind, very generous, that tracks with the profile. And we saw War on Drugs Thursday night and I'll just we'll do our our War on Drugs song highlight of the week and Just very briefly here man. They're they're so good When you want to talk about live bands and performing and just sheer talent and Man, just really like I think so last year we saw Portugal the man live at Summer Fest. And I'm a big Portugal the man fan.
Starting point is 00:02:47 They just dropped a new album a month ago, less than that even, two or three weeks. But you saw the show Portugal the man put on last year at Summer Fest. And I think they were pretty rusty, honestly. I don't think they performed in almost a year or something like that. And it showed they were out of sync. Like they're selling a great time, but it was just kind of like a shit show for lack of a better word. You compare that to the war on drugs. I mean, you have six people that are just completely locked in or seven, actually, now seven
Starting point is 00:03:18 people. And they're so tight and they're so good. And every single person is so good at their instrument. But the fact that they can blend it all together, the whoever they're I don't know if they have like a dedicated Audio engineer if it really does rely on each individual venue where they play but man the mix is just spectacular even in like an outdoor setting Like we were at Thursday night. It's still just amazing. So like we were at Thursday night, it's still just amazing. So one song that I've always been a fan of,
Starting point is 00:03:49 but you know, I wouldn't put in like my top five or on drug songs, but man, when they play an ocean in between the waves live, now if you don't know that song, go check it out, go listen to a live version from one of their recent festival appearances because they absolutely turn it up to 11. It's a great chord progression. It's very like moody, stormy, midnight kind of feel. And the album version is good too. And the album version also also rocks. But as if you know, we're on drugs live, it all live drugs. They really just go
Starting point is 00:04:22 and go and go and jam until you can't physically jam anymore. And this one, man, they really turned it up. So that was that was a clear highlight for me on Thursday night. And then they also play when they play strangest thing, which I like as well, but it's not again, like not a standout for me typically. But man, they've added some harmony at the end that is like four piece, feel like you're listening to like a Kansas or a journey concert. It's spectacular. So that was wore on drugs.
Starting point is 00:04:51 If you don't know them or you just know a couple songs, you just know Red Eyes or something from that car commercial, gold listen to at least one or two in live is even better. Pretty much across the board than album version stuff, which is just a testament to their abilities and their skills. Friday was fun, we woke up, I actually had to wake up pretty early, I had to do some work on Friday morning, and then Rachel had to do some work as well, so we just got our coffees and stuff and then I went for my run, a nice little run up to Bradford Beach. I think it's what it's called along Lake Michigan there
Starting point is 00:05:30 and back and then we ended up going to Lakefront Brewing or Lakefront Brewing. That was a Port Mantel not really kind of action. It was more like a word with a guarantee at the end. Brewering, B-R-E-W-E-R-Y-I-N-G. It's a, you know, it's a word we use all the time. No, but it's nice, it's fun because it's actually on a river, like front brewing, it's kind of one of those misleading things. It's like when Lee Ferrickson got to Greenland and he named it Greenland to fool whoever.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I don't really know who he was trying to fool, maybe some European nobles. If I was gonna try to, if I was a Viking, a Norse explorer, and I wanted to trick someone, it would probably be, I'm thinking like a king of England, one of the tutors to TUDOR.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Or maybe like one of those situations where you have like this British guy who becomes the king of Spain, and you're like, how did this happen? Kind of feel like if you wanna be the king of Spain, you should be like a Spanish dude. There shouldn't be like a king Charles, the first of Spain, right?
Starting point is 00:06:44 It should be like King I Don't know Eduardo the third It just seems like a Charles doesn't really fit. I don't even know if there's ever been a king Charles Of of of Spain, but feels like there was at some point like the 17th century, right? That just feels right. I don't know But yeah, we get we had some, some curds, good stuff on Friday, and then we had some of our friends come up and meet us shout out to Tom and Molly and Friday night. We went to Japanese breakfast, which I was psyched for. If you don't know, Michelle
Starting point is 00:07:20 Zonner, I just requested her book from the library, her memoir, Crying in H. Mart. I'm looking forward to reading that. And great performance is fun because her husband is the guitarist and she plays guitar too and sing. So it's a great show. I wish they would jam more.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Maybe I'm just spoiled from the war on drugs, but Japanese breakfast is like, man, they got good talent too. It's like giving me some more jams. A lot of times, kind of stuck in the pop mode a little bit more where they just be like, have a great song. It's going well. It's like, okay, they played the album version. And then they'll just give you like one or two more measures or cycles. And I'm like, no, give me like two or three more minutes. Because they end up playing in like a 90 minute set, they end up probably playing like, I don't know, 13 or 14 songs
Starting point is 00:08:08 when War on Drugs will, you know, do like 9 or 10. So anyways, good stuff, different bands, different sounds, both fantastic. And then man Saturday was a great time to woke up, got our coffees, went for some walks, long-lake Michigan with our friends who were staying with us, and then got to see good. Just talk about long time, close collaborators, friends of the show who just don't get as much love and attention these days on this program
Starting point is 00:08:39 as they absolutely should, but they're really just kind of, you know, had down, work in, go into school, all the good stuff, Ryan and Kristen English. You know them from the Car ride Convo's podcast. You know them from their Twitch channel, which has not been active in a while, but just good stuff across the board. We got to meet up with them at a brewery, Hacienda brewing. In case you're curious, yes, the theme of the weekend was drinks. Dinner drinks dancing,
Starting point is 00:09:10 although I didn't end up eating that much, just across the board, which was probably my problem, because eventually, after hanging out with them at the brewery go Saturday night, which Thursday was like, there was one band I wanted to see. Friday, one band I wanted to see. Friday one band I wanted to see. Saturday was more like there weren't any bands that I was as crazy about but there were more than a new like NIO was playing. Smokey Robinson was playing. Fleet Foxes was playing who was
Starting point is 00:09:35 great but I spoiler alert I never got there. But basically I were hanging out. I wasn't even drinking that much. I think I just excuse me. I don't know what happened. My body finally caught up with me And said enough and it just went all downhill went from like having a good time hanging out with friends to just completely Had to hit the head to hit the toilets coming out the the top end so It had to hit the toilets coming out the top end. So it turned, it went from 100 to zero pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And then Sunday was a rough day too, but appreciate everyone who was checking in and appreciate Rachel for driving us back. When I was not in, let's just say I was in dire straits. Okay, I felt like Mark Noppler, if you will, and no, K-N-O-P-F-L-E-R, who wants to take bets on if that's how you spell Mark Noppler. There you go, all right. Mark Noppler, British singer, songwriter.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Which reminds me is I'm doing my Google search here to check my spelling To come up with this week's bean town trivia Podcast question bean town that was backwards bean town podcast trivia question Which I've got in store for you and we're going to get to that in a second here I've been thinking about this a lot today We're going to get to that in a second here. I've been thinking about this a lot today. We're going to be, here we go, box off as Mojo. That's what I want. Okay, we've got that lined up. We're going to be talking Mission Impossible in a second here because I saw Winston and I, and I think Mission Impossible has firmly moved into pole position and there isn't really any competition right now as Star Wars. For me personally with Disney has really just fallen off like I
Starting point is 00:11:28 don't find myself enjoying Star Wars these days which just feels like very strange to say because if you would have told you know, Quinn that 20 years ago I would have been like are you absolutely insane? But I don't know it's just like the way they're branching out. I don't have any issue with like all the world building and all the shows, and they just announced a Soka show and season three of the Mandalorian came and went, which I didn't see. Yeah, and or it was good, but I didn't think it was like life-changing.
Starting point is 00:11:58 But man, just the the the misses with the sequel films, it went from like, oh fine, not amazing, not bad to, oh, this is a dumpster fire, to number nine, which to this day I've still never seen. But I know exactly what it is. And then the shows, I don't know, it's just kind of like, they're definitely parts of the Mandalorian I enjoyed. And some of the one off movies, obviously Rogue One was great. I didn't think Solo was like a disaster.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I think it was just a mistake trying to make this movie that was like a set up for a trilogy that then never got made. But I don't know, it just feels there's so much. And I think when I was a kid, stars were so special, right? Because it's just like you got these originally three movies and then eventually as you're growing up, it expands to six.
Starting point is 00:12:54 But it's just like, so each one, you really savor the moment, right? Like everyone, all the production elements that went into it, the characters, the casting, and now it just feels like you really kinda lost that to a certain degree and don't get me certain I'm book a boba fit, I think that thing was just trash. And I've tried to get into,
Starting point is 00:13:15 not, that's not fair to say, I've seen some of Clone Wars, just out of curiosity, never seen Rebels, but yeah, it's just, I don't know, I think it's like when Franklin Dallin of Bluth says you've lost the plot job It's kind of how I feel about the Star Wars Disney stuff right now Let's move off of that our palindrome of the day today is a classic palindrome But I was thinking about it this morning. I did not use this particular site
Starting point is 00:13:42 But I'm I am psyched. I guess we'll list what it is. First kayak is our palindrome of the day. This morning, just mentioned this briefly, then we'll hear from our sponsors, then let's talk nation and possible, because I've got some bold ideas. This morning I booked a trip, a very quick trip, and kind of classic quint fashion.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I always do this to myself, but it's out in necessity. Too Minneapolis, September 23rd through 25th. So I have to work the 23rd Saturday in downtown Chicago. It's like our biggest off campus recruitment event to the year, but it's in Chicago. And then I had this bold idea because Rachel is going to be in Arizona doing some family stuff, which I would have loved to go to, but then I had to work this Saturday. It's just like, that's literally not possible for me.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I could still make it for part of it, but not worth it. I think the party is Saturday. So I was like, you know what? Let's see if the Viking schedule works out. I'm actually going to be in Minneapolis the Sunday after, more or less, as well for work. But of course, just like what happened last year when I was there, they were in London. actually going to be in Minneapolis the Sunday after more or less as well for work. But of course, just like what happened last year when I was there, they were in London. This year they're going to be in Charlotte. So I was like, you know, let's check out the week before Rachel is not going to be here.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And lo and behold, they'll be at home week three versus Los Angeles chargers. Maybe we'll have a Philip Rivers sighting who knows. But I was like, and I came up with this idea probably like a month ago. I was like, I'm just, you know what, let's do it. It's not super cheap, but it's relatively affordable. I think my flight to like 170 round trip, I leave Saturday like four o'clock,
Starting point is 00:15:17 have to fly back Monday morning. It's like a 545 flight, so I can get back in time for work, which obviously not a deal, but you know, it is what it is. Then booked a hotel room, which was like 300 or something for the two nights total. So again, not so bad. And the reason it caught my attention, the first place was ticket prices right now. You can go to the game for like 65 bucks or something. And I was like, you know, throw that all together.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Is it a lot of money to spend on 36 hours, essentially? Yeah, but it's gonna be a great time. I've never been inside US Bank City and before I've only been to one NFL game and it was a road game for my Vikings. I was at FedEx Field in Landover where my purple Donovan McNabb, Jersey, which was just probably one of the most confusing things of all time considering Donovan McNabb, Jersey, which was just probably one of the most confusing things
Starting point is 00:16:05 of all time considering Donovan McNabb played for Washington, as well as Philadelphia, where he obviously made his living. But then also had like a very brief, uneventful cup of coffee with the Vikings, and it's like who on earth would have a Donovan McNabb Vikings, Jersey, and they'd wear it on the road to a redskins game where he also played But it wasn't as prominent when he was in Philly the whole thing is kind of a
Starting point is 00:16:31 It's it's be fuddling if you will But that was the the first and only NFL game I've gone to so I'm pumped Booked everything this morning. It's like actually happening the only thing you don't have yet is the game ticket So we're waiting to see who else might come but but it sounds like Brother the podcast Jack Fernis is confirmed. At least verbally, which I'm pumped for, like going to a Vikings game with my brother, hopefully both brothers can come. And if my dad is very long shot, obviously, but like just any sort of family in general, like go into a game with them, because I don't know that many other Vikings fans, like in person is pretty much just my family. That's going to be pretty special when you lose, like, it's going to be awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And I figure, hey, last Sunday in September, Minneapolis, it sounds like beautiful weather. I'm, I'm envisioning like 65 sunny, good for walking and go to Surley. There's other breweries and stuff so I'm pumped. I am pumped. Let's say thank you to our sponsors here and we're going to do a full read at least for this first one why because this Sunday July 16th it is a very very special happy birthday a little birthday shout out to father of the podcast Steve and furnace You know him from home prior to organ you know him From our daddy long legs kind of groundbreaking single that we shared on Father's Day last month Still get some radio play here in there, which is exciting
Starting point is 00:18:01 but happy birthday to my pop age which is exciting. But happy birthday to my pop age, indeterminate. Let's say 49 again. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, we're getting listeners, it got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon,
Starting point is 00:18:18 and central organs, hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both inspection certified and oh, contractor certified, I got it backwards, but it's okay, it means the same thing. So you know you're getting the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:36 If you're tired of big, real estate, sort of a little wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector, you can trust, call Steve at 541-1403-00316 or you can visit again that's 541-410-0316 or you can visit Homepredorine inspection perfection. I also want to give a quick shout out to the Samson Q2U series that has crisp clear audio quality from start to finish. Whether you are doing a little reading, a Psalm 23 maybe, right after the doxology before communion, or maybe you're
Starting point is 00:19:13 doing a little wedding, maybe lamentations. I hope someone biments something in my wedding. That'd be kind of nice. You're going to want a Samson Q2U series. It's got that powerful broadcast quality. It's the guys that's what they use. You know, when you're broadcasting a baseball game, just ask Pat Hughes. Pat Hughes here for a Samsung Q2U series. Speaking of which, we got the weirdest thing today. We got a Cubs night game on a Friday here at Riggly
Starting point is 00:19:41 versus the BOSOX. Friday night game, it feels sacrilegious, it's weird. It's like it's 5.38 right now, 5.38 pm. Got to get dinner going right after this. And you see all the cars pouring in, all the people walking to the game, it should be the opposite on a Friday. You guys should be clearing out. Excuse me, not going and loading in. So it might be kind of a loud night here in Riggly, but well, it is what it is. Can't complain too much. It's beautiful days. It's just hot. I had to turn the air conditioning on. When God speaks, He uses a Samsung. And of course, oh, I did in a nice little, it was bugging me so much. Well, last week when I shaved, it was just a normal shave, but then I shaved again this weekend, I forgot again,
Starting point is 00:20:27 and then I was like running my hand over the back of my neck yesterday, or I guess it was Wednesday. And I'm usually pretty good with a shave in the back of my neck and taking care of that stuff, but man, it really kind of grows down, if you will, and turns jungleish. So I really had to take care of that.
Starting point is 00:20:47 And yeah, it was a nice cut by a cue, if I will say so. Bob and we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by a cue. It's a little like Enter Sam and only different. Cuts by a cue has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations during Chicago Cook County, North,
Starting point is 00:21:09 West Indiana, the greatest Chicago land area from beehives to banges, fallhocks to laptops and everything in between call cuts by Q8152987200 or you can email cuts by Q8 again, that's cuts. Come again, that's cuts. QutZ by Oh, and you need a fresh do some of the snappy and new to call the experts at cuts by Q. Speaking of snappy, that's a pretty snappy quick rendition of cuts by Q jingle. It's not a lot of lingering. Lingering, what's the name of those,
Starting point is 00:21:45 that type of sauce to put the cranberries in at the IKEA, lingersauce, that's not what it is. IKEA cranberries. It's like Swedish, it's like lingers something, right? Lingerhosen, Lingenberry, there it is. Speaking of lingen Berry, Rachel went to get some ice cream the other night. She got Brambleberry Crisp. And I had to, I thought
Starting point is 00:22:13 about it for a while. I was like, I don't even really know like, what does Brambleberry mean? Like, that's not a type of berry. So I looked it up. And apparently, a little factoid for you, Bramble Berry just refers to any sort of, if you can believe it, and Berry that grows in a Bramble, which is kind of a difficult to define, like prickly, all kind of tangled and twined bush. So I think Black Berry is really kind of what we're talking about here.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I think that's a, that grows in a Bramble, BRAMBL, like preamble, but pre-bramble. What if you did like a ice cream, like a constitution-themed ice cream in honor of America's 250th birthday, which is coming up in two years here, three years, 20, 26, right? The pre-bramble.
Starting point is 00:23:08 You can see, write that down in my big ideas. Don't let me forget. I actually am gonna type that in. I don't really have a big ideas document going right now. We'll start that. It's almost time, speaking of future podcast ideas, pre-bramble, ice cream, brand-bble, well.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Brand is, I don't know, not a huge brand guy, pre-bramble ice cream. I love that. We need to do another big ideas podcast soon here. I just haven't thought of a big idea recently, so it's kind of problematic. The other thing I do, I'm not going to reveal too much about this though, but I thought about when I was reading our ads. I have a concept episode forming, brewing almost in my head that relates to ads that you guys will probably really hate. So I'm excited. I almost, I was thinking about that this week, I was like maybe that's what we'll do on this episode of the Bean Town podcast. It's my concept episode. But then it's something that actually takes some
Starting point is 00:24:08 work and some writing and some research. So it's not something that I could just like plop down at five o'clock after work on a Friday and just rattle off. So, but I'm not promising it next week or anything, but it should be in the next couple of episodes here. It'll probably be one of those where you turn, you hit your Apple Podcasts two times speed, so you can finish it in 15 minutes. Which by the way, ripped a stitcher, right? I think we mentioned that two weeks ago on the show. Stitcher is one of the OG podcast platforms
Starting point is 00:24:41 that is dying, they're officially closing out like end of this month or something like that. But however you listen to your bean town podcast, whether you are Apple podcast, Spotify, SoundCloud, whatever it might be. Thank you for listening. You can always get in touch with us here at the show. We love to hear from you.
Starting point is 00:24:57 You can email again. It's beantown, the A&Hin, or you go to, and you can leave a comment or a complaint or an appraisal there, you can appraise us. Like, here's the value of, it's worth negative money because you don't make any money and you spend money on it every year.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Listen or funded, right guys? Okay, so I saw Nation Impossible 7. Winston, I reached one out to dinner with our coworkers. I knew it was a perfect opportunity. She's not really a cruise head. She's not really a cruise missile. Not an ICBM or, if you will. IMDb, ICBM.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It's a lot of acronyms for movies. But I love that I'm a huge mission as a possible fan. I don't think I saw, you know, one, two or three in theaters while the mission Impossible One came out like what, 1993 or something, 94. Mission Impossible. There's too many mission Impossible films. It takes a while to search for it with one finger. 96. In case you're curious, submission impossible, OG based off the TV show 96. Two low point in the
Starting point is 00:26:15 franchise for sure is 2000 and then they've just gotten better ever since three oh six four eleven. We pretty sure we saw number four, ghost protocol on theaters as a family. It's the one where he climbs the Burj Khalifa, five, rogue nation, 2015. I think I saw by myself in theaters, fall out. I might have even gone twice. I can't remember, but that was 2018
Starting point is 00:26:37 and then dead reckoning, 2023, dead reckoning, part one rather. There is a part two, which brings me to this idea that I've had. I sat down this morning and I was like, you know what, what are they gonna do? With the next Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible, eight Dead Rectoning Part Two.
Starting point is 00:26:56 And I was, I was brainstorming, so I was like, okay, Mission Impossible has done a lot. They've, they've kind of, they've got their formula down, quest for, quest for Christopher McQuiery. It has directed the last three, I think now. Yeah, Brad Bird was four. That's a weird thing too.
Starting point is 00:27:13 They've had some crazy director as they brained a Palma. And then JJ Abrams did three, right? And then Brad Bird from Incredibles, he did four, and then Christopher McQuiery's done the three. But I was like okay so I think Mission Impossible 7 really good not quite as good as 6 for me but still really good. I was like how are they you know how is Tom going to keep up in the ante like what is a mission so impossible for mission impossible, eight dead reckoning, part two, that it might actually be impossible. And I
Starting point is 00:27:55 thought, you know what, Tom Cruise, Scientology, that's the angle we're taking here. The mission should you choose to accept it, Tom, is escaping Scientology mission, and possibly. So we're going to get kind of meta with some of these layers, I think. It's going to be within the mission, and possible universe, but the assumption is just going to be that Ethan Hunt is basically just Tom Cruise and he's
Starting point is 00:28:25 been in Scientology this whole time. So I don't have a full storyboard yet. I've just been writing some notes in my phone. Some of them are more coherent than others. And still up until the time we started recording, I was still having ideas pop up and I was writing things down and they didn't necessarily make sense. But here's what I got so far in my phone app and we can continue to build this out and not enough the studio wants to throw some money at it, that's totally fine.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Okay, so here's, I'm just going to give you what I have written down in order. There's actually not that much. It's a sort of thing where if I had a couple drinks in me, we might be able to compound it a little bit. I'm sipping on my first of the day. It's the last of our distilled breweries, Deadhead IPAs that I bought for Rachel, for kickballing, and I think I drank like four of the six.
Starting point is 00:29:13 So that's okay. Shout out to our friends in normal Illinois, is that where distilled is, yeah, normal Illinois. Okay, so if we're talking cast, right? It's a rich cast because not just because the Scientologists, like you charge money to be in Scientology or you get the way of wisdom or whatever by raising X amount of money.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But here we go, so good guys, let's see, Lieroy Meanie,, love interest, right? How, who else could you pick? I mean, there's obviously, the thing with this is it's tricky because some of the more prominent female former Scientologists have obvious ties to Tom, I'm thinking Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes. But I think Lear Remini could really get into the Mission Impossible Spirit, okay? So she's gonna be the love interest.
Starting point is 00:30:09 She's gonna be sort of the guiding voice of reason. I know that Haley Atwell is a big part of Dead Recting Part One. I'm thinking maybe we just replace her with Leah Remini. She can still have the same character and name and everything, but we'll just kind of throw on this whole her kind of primary character trait if you will will not be that she's this like pickpocket It will be that she used to be in Scientology and wouldn't you have fun watching Lee Remini do the stunts do the kicks
Starting point is 00:30:41 You know kind of her Brooklyn accent little Little King of Queens action. I think it would be a hoot, frankly. Other people that are kind of every mission possible, there's a crew, right? So Simon Pegg is getting the boot on this one, he can take a day off. Vingraimes, he got to have back, right? You want that RV's money.
Starting point is 00:31:00 It's gonna be important for production, because I think kind of have a sneaking suspicion that when the studio gets a rough cut of what I've put together here on paper, they might stop funding it. So having the Arby's money from Vinga would be good. Two other people I wanted to crew. Maybe not kind of your prototypical action stars, but Juliet Lewis, who was kind of an 80s, early 90s sweetheart, that would be fun.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And then Jeffrey Tambor, both of them, used to be in Scientology and now they're out. So if you thought, George Oscar Bluth, senior or whatever his name is, George Bluth, couldn't do action. Well, just to wait, because he's going to be kicking. He's gonna be shooting and he's gonna be great So that's kind of the good guy crew if you will our villains this gets fun, right? So I'm thinking and I had this vision
Starting point is 00:31:59 right before I went I was in the shower actually Excuse me. So the main villain this whole time, John Travolta, definitely, classic Scientologist. But I was thinking, what if we put this spin on it where it's like, and you'll see that this particular character is gonna be a big part of the movie in sort of an opening flashback sequence.
Starting point is 00:32:20 But what if it's sort of like a Darth Vader in the Emperor hologram sort of thing where he's like Travolta is kneeling in the middle of the floor and he's like talking to this AI generated El Ron Hubbard and you're not sure if he's real or not But it ties in good with dead reckoning part one because the bad guy if you will and dead reckoning part one is not a guy at all. It's a It's AI, right? And so that's kind of my vision is like, travel to is constantly like going into this dark room
Starting point is 00:32:52 and like interacting with Elron, and you're not sure if he's like, cryogenically frozen and actually still alive, or if it's just like a vision, it's, I don't know, I think it's gonna be really fun, really spooky. The other sort of the henchmen, I don't know, I think it's gonna be really fun, really spooky. The other sort of the henchmen that I have them labeled, the main ones, there's other ones too, which we'll mention in a second here, but I'm thinking the main ones, Chloe
Starting point is 00:33:14 Feynman, right SNL, she's got the spooky eyes, big time Scientologist from what I've read, and then classic Chicago zone, just really tough, Michael Pena, who I think could be a convincing henchman. He's kind of gritty. He's kind of got that Southside of Chicago grit, actually Westside, I think. I'm not sure where he's from, but okay, so there you go. So I had originally an opening sequence for something else, but I shifted it to be potentially act one.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Now we're talking storyboard a little bit. But here's what I envision as an opening sequence. So this is inspired by Indiana Jones and the Dallar Destiny where the whole opening sequence is like a 20-minute flashback with D-A-H CGI technology. You're not going to need the CGI though. I want this to be real. I want this to be raw. So here's where we're going.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Flashback 1969, okay. You've got Elrond Hubbard in his prime and a teenage Travolta. I did the research on this. Travolta is eight years older than Cruz. So I'm thinking Travolta is like played by some 16 year old actor. They like, they kidnap Tom somehow. I don't think Tom was a child actor, but maybe he gives off a certain aura, A-R-A-U-R-A. And they break in, they kidnap him. It's a dangerous stunt.
Starting point is 00:34:37 It's kind of dark outside. The drums are beating, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, and you know, we're gonna have to find somebody to spice it up a little bit, you know, to make it actually exciting, a great opening action sequence. But the kidnapped time crews, I'm thinking, you know, I'm thinking like, Christian Bale, I'm part of the Sun, that kind of like, that kind of vibe going on. But again, this is a rough cut. So there's sort of your opening sequence, if you will. And then, you know, what I had in here as original opening sequence before I realized, hey, the flashback, this is money, you know.
Starting point is 00:35:20 So I'm thinking like, Madison Square Garden, if you, there's a clip out there. It's actually hard to find because, like, for real, Scientology has a lot of very powerful people and they scrub the internet of this stuff. But there was this great funnier-dye clip, basically. Or it's Tom Cruise, like, at the Scientology convention, basically, he's, like, on the stage. It's very spooky.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And they melded it, or they meshed it, remixed it with the scene in Temple of Doom, where Harrison and Kate Capchon, Johnathan Kequon, first encounter Mola Ram and the thuggies, if you will, and they're watching this ceremony from behind the rock. So they spliced those two things together, and I loved it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So I'm thinking this type of weird, creepy ceremony I'm thinking like they rent out Madison Square Garden and he got this good guy crew right, Vingraimes and Leah Remini, Jeffrey Tamber, Juliet Lewis. They swoop in from the rafters, this big action kidnapping sequence. It goes well, it contrasts well against the opening sequence. This new one is an act one at Madison Square Garden, where both parties are kidnapping Tom, because he's got this power.
Starting point is 00:36:37 He's got the ability to sway the future of the world one way or another, which side are you gonna be on, you know? And so they have to kidnap Tom, and of course he's a big Scientologist, so he doesn't wanna be kidnapped, so it's tough, right? Now you're getting like bad-ass, Ethan Hunt verse, you know, like Bing Rames,
Starting point is 00:36:57 who's been in his crew, and Ethan is like, what are you doing, Bing? Like, what the hell is going on? And Bing's like, no, this is for your own good. Like, we're trying to save the world. Like, Scientology is bad news. you doing being like what the hell is going on and being like, no, this is for your own good. Like we're trying to save the world. Like Scientology is bad news. And so eventually they kidnapped him.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I did write in my notes so I think this is gonna be good and not without cost. Jason Lee, who you know from Elvin in the chipmunks or my name is Earl, reformed Scientologist. He's out now. He's part of the crew too.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I'm thinking to add some emotional impact or raise the stakes He's either killed in the rescue attempt Or I guess it's more of a kidnapping attempt at this point right because Tom Cruise doesn't want to be rescued Ethan Hunt if you will but Jason Lee he's either going to be killed or it's like They they he gets kidnapped here. He gets pulled back left behind as they're trying to escape Madison Square Garden in the subway or something. And I love a good subway scene.
Starting point is 00:37:49 You had both Indiana Jones, Dile of Destiny, and Dad Reckoning involved a subway to some extent or a train at least. And it's great, right? You're in kind of the shadows, it's dark, you can have loud audio mixes, it's good stuff. So, and it's New York City, right? It's Manhattan. Madison Square Garden Penn Station can't beat it. A great, dude, this is coming together. A great sequence in Penn Station in that new kind of architecture they've got in there. It's a beautiful space, but you got a lot, you know, it'd be an expensive
Starting point is 00:38:22 shot. You're gonna have a lot of extras, but Tom can make it happen. The studio's gonna throw money at this. Think about it, Penn Station, it's awesome. So that's gonna happen in Act One. And then what I'm thinking is like, you know, throughout the movie, it's gonna kind of, you got of course, it's action, it's time cruise, it's mission impossible.
Starting point is 00:38:39 But I think a lot of this is gonna be like psychological thriller as well. Ethan's gonna have to decide decide which side am I on? Who am I actually fighting for? Am I doing this for the Scientologists, for the US government? Is it for these? My people who I thought were my friends, Ving Rames, but now we got the new people like Leroy Mini.
Starting point is 00:38:59 It's like, who's actually good? What is good mean? What is the truth? And one other twist that I have in there that we could either do or not do, reveal or not reveal, I don't know. But I just wrote this down right before I started recording. It was, I wrote down, could they have stashed? So when they kidnap, when Travolta and Elrond Hubbard
Starting point is 00:39:19 kidnap a young Tom Cruise, it's like, could they have stashed the normal cruise and created some sort of clone who turns out to become like grown up time crews, grown up Ethan Haunt, like big movie star. And it turns out like the OG Tom gets woken up from his cryogenic freezing maybe he's been like trapped in L Ron's tomb, which I don't know where that is, but that could be like a big sequence of like him getting out and now there's two. Look, you kind of ask yourself, how do we make mission possible better? Well, what if you have two Ethan hunts, you know, not just one. I know Gemini, man, kind of sucked from what I saw. But what if you had two Tom cruises? Okay. I think that could raise the stakes. So that's pretty much where I have so far. I did write in ending, because we got it, there's got to be some stakes, right?
Starting point is 00:40:09 It can't just be the battle for Tom's soul in any sort of mission and possible, it's like, end of the world is on the line, right? So I'm sort of like nuclear missile, got it detonated, stop for the bomb goes off. So I'm thinking, what if like, Travolta In the bad guys, you know get this vision from Elron and I was reading a little bit about church of Scientology On Wikipedia, which was fun this afternoon But apparently they have the thing called the bridge to total freedom Which sounds like Whatever that guy's name is who does the like financial freedom things
Starting point is 00:40:44 He's like kind of Christian. I can't remember what his name is anyways who does the financial freedom things. He's like, kind of Christian. I can't remember what his name is. Anyways, I'll think a bit later. But it's the bridge of total freedom is in the sun. And so it's like, they have to either take a, I came up with two ideas, I'm not sure which is more probable, but either they take a spaceship to the sun
Starting point is 00:41:02 and they have to like blow the world up behind them to cleanse it or they find a way to rocket propel the earth into the sun and they have to like blow the world up behind them to cleanse it or they find a way to rocket propel the earth into the sun so that the entirety of humanity can be cleansed and can achieve this bridge to total freedom. I don't know, I like it, but I think at the end it's like, you know, it's got the psychological thriller, Cruz has to choose a side. It's like, he's got his friends in Scientology, he's been super nice. He's got these new people plus being Rames who he knows who are good to him too, but he's not sure what the truth is.
Starting point is 00:41:37 He's not sure. Does the bridge to total freedom exist? I think we throw in the Master's in brothers somehow assuming you know Danny gets off for the rape charges and then Christopher from Malcolm in the middle of course, but I don't know. I'm thinking yeah, it's not all ironed out yet That's what a house so far. That's what I wrote down, but Dude, wouldn't that be a banging Mission impossible eight not to mention just the I'm just guessing the chemistry between Tom Cruise and
Starting point is 00:42:04 Mission Impossible 8. Not to mention just the, I'm just guessing the chemistry between Tom Cruise and Lear Remini is gonna be dynamite. So That's what I have so far for Mission Impossible 8. Let us know what you think in the comment section You can also email us being Tompockess at But that's what I that's what I'm thinking right now. So that's what I got That's our show for today. I'm gonna go make some pasta Very simple. We're just using some macaroni, a cream sauce, with some cheese, some shallots, and garlic. Throw it together with a salad.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Just a nice kind of easy vegetarian, oh, sundae tomatoes is kind of the star of the dish, if you will. And we make it ice cream later, pre-amble crisp. Pre-bramble crisp, if you will. That's what I got for you., preamble crisp, pre-bramble crisp if you will. That's what I got for you. Everyone, I hope that you're having a great summer. Happy July. Happy birthday to my dad Steve. Hope it's a good one. And that's what I got. So everyone, stay safe, stay sane, stay cool, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye.
Starting point is 00:43:02 in and you next time. Bye. Alright, I forgot about trivia. We're gonna do it real quick. Here's the trivia question on the week. Ranked the mission in Possible is by Lifetime Gross earnings per box office So again, we're up through seven. We're not gonna count dead reckoning part one in this. Who knows where it falls?
Starting point is 00:43:23 So let's do the first six. So if you wanna really think about it and give it an educated guess, you can pause, but talking over the outro music, I never done that before, it's kind of a new concept here. So again, this is about lifetime gross. And here we go.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Number one mission impossible fallout, 220 million. Number two mission possible two. Surprise from the top rope. 215 million, only five behind. Number three is Ghost Protocol. That's number four, that's the fourth one, rather. 209, so not far behind, they're pretty close. The fourth one on the list is Rogue Nation,
Starting point is 00:43:58 which is the fifth movie, 195 million. The fifth one on the list is the OG Mission Impossible, 180 million, and the sixth one mission Impossible 3, 134 million. I would assume dead reckoning is going to be close to Mission Impossible 2 in the second spot. There you go. That's our trivia.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Bye. Thank you.

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