Beantown Podcast - More Medical Procedures I've Always Wanted to Try (08262023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: August 26, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE with pap smears, wisdom tooth extractions, catheter setups, and much more. Our sequel to the critically-acclaimed 2021 podcast episode!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Saturday, August 26th, 2023. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? Last podcast of August? last podcast of August 2023 is two thirds of the way over. My name is Quinn and this is my show. I am the line producer executive producer assistant producer of this fine program. Quinn David for this presented me in Tom podcast and we are the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pecky Stan Hello Hydrobad Kiberpass, Karachi, Bombay, wherever you get your podcast. Thank you for listening to us. Bean Town Networks, Bean Town, some real good stuff going on there. And hello to Chicago where we are recording from. Today I've been scatting and bebopping all over the city. Today I've been busy, I woke up, I'll say this, I had a decent amount to drink last night just beers out at the bars, watching the cubs get just not smacked but they lost two to one, they didn't score a run till the
Starting point is 00:01:21 night thinning and they just looked terrible. So that was fun to a miserable sorry franchise franchise like the Pittsburgh pirates. But had some of those and then you know just didn't get to bed till probably closer to 11-30-ish something like that. Rallyed this morning, set the alarm for six that didn't work. Try it again at seven, made it work, thankfully a kind of a cool morning here. We had a whole heatwave Didn't even get to record during the heatwave. It was like 111 Here on Thursday Wednesday and Thursday were be root hole Which reminds me before we go any further listen to discretion as and advice, when you're listening to this program, never wouldn't occasionally some language.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And speaking of drinking, I'm working on a neon. Nope, this is not the neon. This is the hazy beer, hug, a classic Chicago beer, classic goose island beer. So just, just tapped into it.
Starting point is 00:02:22 About five seconds before I hit the record button. So we're working on that. First bev of the day. The woke up this morning said, you know what? Let's go out there. Let's hit the trails, the lakefront trail and see how it goes. Good, you know, good people watching on a day like today, which is a little bit cooler so you can, you know, you don't have to wake up at like 5.30 AM to get your long run in. So I was out there, you know, eight o'clock and nine o'clock or so and I went down to Gold Coast and Backup log nine and a half miles.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It was probably my longest run in, I don't even know how long. It's been a while since I pushed myself that far. I was definitely feeling it. I forgot my knee braces. I just neglected to wear them. And yeah, it was a struggle towards the end. I'll tell you what, but a lot of good people watching.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And the sun was behind the clouds. So you don't have to worry about sunburn or anything like that. So that was nice. And then I just walked back in about 15 minutes ago from a long walk around the neighborhood, went down to campus, scoping out for Monday. All next week is teaching week here for the new first year students that I mentored
Starting point is 00:03:41 and shepherded and the like. So it just wasn't actually, didn't need to actually scope anything out, right? I literally worked there. But it just says, it's a nice day, very windy, but the sun's out and it's like 75 degrees. It's muggy, but it's perfect, just walk in weather. Walk in weather, W-A-L-K-I-N apostrophe weather. And so I logged
Starting point is 00:04:08 another like four and a half miles there. So, good day, lot of good steps. I guess if you're doing the math between those two things, we're up to, well, would that be like 14 miles, something like that, between the walk and the run. So good stuff. Back home in my itty bitty blue shorts here. The reason I had time to do all the stuff today, Rachel is out and about, now in Champagne, visiting future sister in the law, Sammy, his future sister in the law. It doesn't make sense. Future sister in law of the podcast, Sammy, who has returned back to school. So shout out to the whole Rainbow's clan, Betty Jose, Sammy, Amanda, Rachel.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Hope you guys are having a fun day. We, one thing I'm gonna get into here, there is podcasting me a little bit scattered. We do have a topic towards in here, but I do have my palindrome for you. I've got trivia for you. I have, it's a sequel episode, right? We don't do sequels too often.
Starting point is 00:05:14 There's, there's shows, annual shows that we do every year, right, our tax is special, fantasy football special, which will be next week, you know, Halloween, Spooktacular, all sorts of stuff, fun episodes for the whole family. But this is actually gonna be like a sequel because this is just a follow up to a show. I had to look it up, we did it, I think two summers ago.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I thought it was older than that, but it's not. It's, it was our top 10 medical procedures. I've always wanted to try. As you know, I'm officially an unlicensed unregistered nurse kind of a you are and So one of those degrees you don't really have to go to school for you can kind of watch some videos online, you know, do a webinar basically it's it's It's you know, it just you don't really have the hassle of all the credentials and the you know state laws and federal guidelines and stuff and I you know I don't want to get into that. I'd rather just hassle of all the credentials and the state laws and federal guidelines and
Starting point is 00:06:05 stuff. I don't want to get into that. I'd rather just kind of do the healing and kind of get in there with some snips. I love referring to scissors as snips because it's like you could be trying to cut the hook out of a fish mouth or you could be, I don't know, doing one of these medical procedures when I talk about a second here. So I'll give you the list of 10 when we get there from last time. And then this one, I think we have eight going on here. But Rachel was at Jonas Brothers last night, which was pretty wild from what I heard. And it reminded me I had to watch this today. So, you can't talk about
Starting point is 00:06:48 the Jonas Brothers without talking about bonus Jonas, right? And I think for a long time, bonus Jonas was not the butt of the joke, but he was just kind of, you knew he existed, but you didn't really know what his name was, or what was he doing in life you know he's he's like 14 years younger than the the the other the other ones I think I think Nick Jonas is the third youngest and I think he's like 36 or something now and bonus Jonas is like 21 or 22 or something so I actually I looked it up and Frankie Frankie Jonas if you can believe it. So you got Kevin, Joe, Nick, and Frankie in order of age, because I'm a total, I'm a total Joe bro ahead at this point. I know all the ages, all the names. And I had a texted Rachel this from Barless night.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Well, she was at the concert. I was like, because they were, I was, I was watching the Cubs game, but they were playing all Jonas brother and Jonas brother and Jason music on the loudspeaker. And Taylor Swift saw him came on and I had to ask Rachel, hey, did one of these J-brows, including Franklin ever date Taylor Swift, because that feels right up their alley. And apparently, she dated Joe Jonas, I believe. So I don't think they're still together. I don't think it worked out very well based off of my understanding.
Starting point is 00:08:16 But here's my question. Does Taylor Swift have a signature song about Joe Jonas because there's, you know, there's all too well, which was about Jake Jellin Hall, right? There's John John, I think it's called, which is about John Mayer. There is probably one about, I don't know, who else did she date, Justin Bieber? It's called, I think it was called, like, hey Justin or something like that. So she's, you know, she got a lot of songs. My question, which I've already asked, is did Joe Jonas get a signature song?
Starting point is 00:08:53 So that's something I'll have to look into. But my instincts did prove me correct. She did date one of the Jonas Brothers. I actually listened to a snippet because I couldn't, boy, I could not bring myself to listen to the full, you know, two minutes and seven seconds that this song was, but the bonus Jonas put out is putting out some music. He's trying to make it in the industry.
Starting point is 00:09:16 He's got a very deep voice and it's not like a bad voice or anything, but it's not really like a pop music kind of voice and the style of song he chose that I listen to like was a very strange fit for his voice so look I don't have any personal of indebted against bonus Jonas I hope he has a long and illustrious career but I don't know I think Franklin's fighting uphill battle it did remind me though of a great SNL sketch, which I would encourage you to watch. It's our bean town featured YouTube video of the week. This is where I'd play that jingle that I wrote for this recurring segment, if I had one. But it's a sketch about bonus Jonas, but not about Franklin Jonas.
Starting point is 00:10:03 The joke is that there's Alec Baldwin plays bonus Jonas, and it's pretty fun. It's a little, it gets a little stale around like, you know, 75% of the way through, but it's, Alec Baldwin does this great thing. A couple times in the sketch where they're like voting on something as a band, and he says, I'm the oldest, so my vote counts twice. And you just said you'd have to watch it. It's it's way funnier when he actually does it but he always counts. It's like one two for me. And then the Jonas Brothers raised their hand and they're like one two three and he realizes out number and he's like damn. It's a I hadn't seen it in probably three or four years at this
Starting point is 00:10:41 point but it's it's pretty enjoyable. So go check it out. That's our bean-town podcast featured YouTube video of the week. You can find the entire collection on slash videos. If you go there and you get a 404 page not found just, you know, it's probably, it's you, you know, it's not me for sure. But you could always email your complaints to bean-town podcasts at Yahoo dot com again. It's bean-town Thein podcast at Yahoo dot com. Okay today's palindrome of the day. I was listening to some journey Which we talked about a couple weeks ago on this program on my walk today and
Starting point is 00:11:22 This song or this this this this word I like it could be the name of a journey album. That's sort of the vision I've taken with this word. So today's Palendrom of the Day Reviver. Not Survivor Reviver. Like Reviver, I hardly know her. R-E-V-I-V-E-R. I had to stand up and podcasting while standing up currently. That something with these short shorts really was kind of
Starting point is 00:11:55 bunch in my Jimmy's. Russell and my Jimmy's getting my Jimmy's in a knot. My Jimmy's are doing all sorts of things. But we're back to being seated here. Probably should have turned on a fan. I'm just going to be doing some of the things I've been doing. I'm just going to be doing some of the things I've been doing. I'm just going to be doing some of the things I've been doing. I'm just going to be doing some of the things I've been doing. I'm just going to be doing some of the things I've been doing. I'm just going to be doing some of the things I've been doing.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I'm just going to be doing some of the things I've been doing. But I just felt like, you know, I was keeping the AC at like 74 or 75. And that's what the temperature was outside. And it's windy and breezy outside. So I was just kind of like, you know what, let's just, let's give the old, comed boy a break and get some all natural stuff going on in here. But it gets hot when I podcast, you know, speaking of tens of people, it can be nerve-wracking from time to time.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Even for season pros, I think we're like nine episodes or something away from maybe even less than that, maybe like seven or eight episodes away from number 300, which is pretty exciting. I mentioned Jonas Brothers, obviously played at Wrigley last night, the night before was Guns and Roses. And I wasn't home much last night to try to hear that Jonas Brothers.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I heard them a little bit on my walk. Excuse me, from the last bar I was at Greystone, back home, a song I didn't know. But the way the wind was blowing Thursday night when I was at home, I could hear full on Axel Rose, Guns and Rose's action. In fact, there was a point where I opened the window a little bit, not for too long, right?
Starting point is 00:13:38 Got that AC on, but I caught it in the right, perfect timing of the ending guitar solo for Sweet Child The Mind. Wow, runnin' down, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Where do I go now? Yeah. Yeah. OK. That's enough of that. But it's kind of cool. You know, kind of cool to hear live. Those tickets were going super cheap. I had my finger all the way in the button a couple of times on Thursday at the office just exciting.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Rachel was going on to dinner, drinks with her friends. friends And I was just like I got a wide open night here It's you know literally down the street from the apartment all that fun stuff But I was then I was just like you know what? I don't want to actually like I don't really care that much about guns and roses. I don't want to sit there for like two and a half hours overpriced beer to know like you know three or four songs right so and I'll say this I was walking home you know with different concerts at Riggly
Starting point is 00:14:54 it attracts different crowds and types of people right so like we went to spring steam and it was I would say white people was really the demographic which could be applied to a lot of the Riggly concerts, including Jonas Brothers and Guns and Roses and Pink and all that stuff. But, you know, Jonas Brothers, it was mostly females between like 16 and 30, I would say. And then Pink, we talked about this a couple of episodes ago, I think. But I was like, to this day, I still don't really understand pink's market. It's not that I dislike her. I just personally don't have a good grasp on like, who is a really big pink fan? Egy Lesbians, I don't know. I think that's probably a pretty big population, so I get it.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Not disparaging that in any way. I'm just not as perse familiar. The point I'm trying to make here though is I was walking home from the train Thursday, like an hour before the concert started. And the crew, I was going to say group and crowd and then it came out as crew, Columbus crew, MLS legends. The crew of people that that concert seemed to attract was a lot of like 50-year-old smoker, biker gang kind of, biker gang kind of people. And I just wasn't sure like if I wanted to be amongst that, you know, for two or three hours. Not to mention our stadiums have gotten less safe.
Starting point is 00:16:27 If you went to the White Talks Athletics game last night, not only did you witness the athletics went 12 to 4, and let's just put it this way. If you are a baseball team that loses at home in 2023 to the Oakland Athletics by 8 plus runs, that's about as just bad as it gets. is at home in 2023 to the Oakland athletics by eight plus runs. That's about as just bad as it gets. I mean, baseball, we've said this before, baseball is a random sport where you can be a good team, you play a bad team, you lose crazy games, random games, like, there's always so much you can always control. The white section on a good team, they're also a bad team, but the athletics are like
Starting point is 00:17:04 The White Sacks are on a good team. They're also a bad team, but the athletics are like historically One of the worst baseball teams in the history of baseball and so when you give up 12 runs at home It only score four against that type of machine It's pretty embarrassing, but of course How does embarrassing is let letting fans smuggle guns into your game. And the crazy thing is, these people got shot. During the game was like the fourth inning or something like that. They just keep playing.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Now, they finally came to their senses. They canceled the post concert, vanilla ice experience, which is, vanilla ice experience, which is vanilla ice after baseball games, something I'm very familiar with from my time up in Milwaukee last summer in front of the show, Sam Anderson, and I went to a Brewer's game and then stuck around for the vanilla ice concert with dancing, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and all that great fun stuff. But the fans in Chicago unfortunately last night didn't
Starting point is 00:18:05 get to enjoy that same experience. So they wouldn't post-polling or canceled the baseball game, but Vinny Lice got chopped. But I mentioned Guns and Roses because that's going to be today's Bean Tom podcast trivia question of the week. There'll be one trivia question and then I'll give you a little bonus action if you want to take a guess. Although it'll be one trivia question and then I'll give you a little bonus action if you want to take a guess. Although it'll be kind of hard to get the bonus question unless you just know it. It's not one of those questions you can sort of reason. I guess the first one, the main one, is kind of that way too. But it's one of those things you've probably heard before. You're probably not going to know it to per se unless you're really plugged into the history of guns and roses
Starting point is 00:18:47 But you can give it a shot. So guns and roses You might know Their names or the name of the band was formed because members of two previous bands came together to form guns and roses and so They took their names from the two, they took their name from the previous bands they were in. So I just want you to name those two bands that guns and roses were born out of. I will say this, I looked this up. It has to do with the
Starting point is 00:19:22 bonus question, which will not be about Axel Rose, but at first I wanted to look up just to see what is Axel Rose's real name. Is it actually Rose, how legit is the Rose aspect of Guns and Roses? His last name, his birth name is Rose, so it was William Bruce Rose Jr. So there you go. It's not nothing crazy. Our bonus question will have to do with his bandmate, however. So if you need more time to come up with the two bands who lost members to go on to form guns and roses, you can go ahead and pause. The answer to this one is Hollywood Rose and LA Guns. So there you go. If you had the bands, Hollywood Rose and LA Guns, so there you go, if you had the bands, Hollywood Rose and LA Guns, then you'd be in good shape.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I don't really have a lot of good additional information about any of these. Hollywood Rose was formed in 1983, and they did a couple little, some minor revival in like 1989 for a year, but that was about it. I think Guns and Roses has broken up a decent amount. LA Guns also formed in 1983, so everyone's kind of on the same page here.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And 1983, it's like the LA Guns stuck around for much longer. They have a much longer Wikipedia article than Hollywood Rose. And they're still kind of going. So go to them Tracy Guns, Tracy Richard Irving Allrich. No one professionally has Tracy Guns with two eyes, American guitarist.
Starting point is 00:21:07 There you go. He was also founding member of Guns and Rose, but left shortly afterwards and was replaced by guitar slash. So Guns and Rose has had the guns and then Guns got replaced by slash, which brings us to this week's bonus question. Can you tell me slash, slash is real name, slash is birth name. Okay, there's really no like beating around the bush here. You either know what or you don't. The first name is biblical. And the last name is the name of a big bay. Not Lizzo, right? B-A-Y, Big Bay. The answer, by the way, is Saul Hudson. Saul Hudson is slash his real name.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Is Lizzo partially canceled right now? I'm trying to remember exactly, she's kind of getting the Ellen DeGeneres thing going on where she's just basically like really shitty to her Like backing dancers or singers something like that and trying to call exactly what it was there's a lawsuit I haven't followed the story. I don't think it's been a huge story, but I can't recall if Lizzo is like out or not
Starting point is 00:22:22 She Lizzo has two two albums now, right? I think our first one was really big like five years ago, four years ago whenever that was and then I think the second one was maybe last year or the year before when it came out and it was like maybe she maybe had like one big single but I feel like it didn't quite make the waves That her first one did and now she's like Maybe partially canceled. Let's put it that way. So before we jump into some medical procedures here I want to give a shout out to our sponsors at Home Pride Oregon when you need your home-inspecting essential organ You better call someone who's safe Certified and expert you can trust that would be my dad Steve
Starting point is 00:23:04 Call him at 541-410-0316 or go to to get serviced to get the good stuff. inspection perfection. Also a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. We are approaching 300 episodes here in the Bington Bug as that's 300 times the Samson Q2U series has not let me down. When God speaks, he uses Samson. And then of course, our good friends over at Cuts by Q did some
Starting point is 00:23:34 more significant cuts by Q action. I think a Thursday night this week. You know, I trimmed off the sides a little bit, not like all the way down or anything like that, just to get rid of some of the kind of like bulk bushy-ness and then you know, shaving the neck and taking care of that stuff too. And it looked pretty clean. I got a good look going on right now, just in time for fall, just in time for teaching this fall and time for our fantasy football special.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Football's kind of a source by today, the Vikings lost in another preseason game. Which hey, if they keep a football, a football, a football, a a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, a football, football, a football, football, a football, a football, a football, a football, football a football, football, a football, football, a football, football a football, a football, a football, football a football, a football, a football a football, a football, football, football, football a football, a, football a, football a football a football, football a football, football a The way they do it in preseason is the like national broadcast of the game. It's not a national broadcast. It's just a local broadcast, but I think only one of the teams gets at least from a TV perspective. I think they both get radio. Well, I think I think only one of the teams gets TV. And the TV was for the Cardinals announcers today. And man, they were, I get it if you're a homer and I get it. It's like it's like Cardinals announcers today and man they were, I get it if you're a Homer and I get it's
Starting point is 00:24:45 like a Cardinals broadcast production, you're going to talk all about your own players. But they were especially their color guy was just a really like one of those guys who just like an old football player who's just not a good announcer and it's like how could there not be someone better in the pipeline to call this game? Because this guy it wasn't just that he was a homer. He was just like a really bad announcer and Vikings have a wide receiver Blake Prole who's the son of a former NFL player Ricky Prole and apparently this Cardinals color guy had like played against Ricky Prole and it happened on like three or four different occasions where Blake Prole caught a pass this afternoon. And every time the color guy was like son of Ricky Prole, that's crazy. He just couldn't believe that this, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:33 guy's kid also went to the NFL. And it was just the first time I was like, okay, yeah, like it's an interesting, you know, good point, you know, that's cool. But then he kept doing it the same thing over and over and he was so awestruck. AWEST, RUC, I don't know, and 297 episodes of the Binton podcast, if we've ever used the term awestruck before. But it's a pretty fun one. Anyways, Vikings go on to lose.
Starting point is 00:26:00 They were up 14 to zero, five minutes into the game and they lost 18 to 17. So that kind of tells you what, 5 and it's ended the game and they lost 18 to 17. So that kind of tells you what like the excitement level of the game. But the Vikings haven't won a preseason game in like what four years, five years, something like that. It's the longest streak in football. So, hey, it doesn't matter. But it's it'd be fun to win, you know. I think that'd be cool. But cuts by Q and you need to fresh to use something snappy or new call the experts at cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Okay, so to give you, last time we did this a couple years back, it was a top 10 medical procedures I've always wanted to try. Number 10, appendectomy, number nine, lobotomy, number eight, organ transplant, number seven, vasectomy slash hysterectomy, Number 9, Lobotomy, Number 8, Organ Transplant, Number 7, Visectomy, Slash, Historicomy, Slash Circumcision, that was a three-fer, which is fun because they're really not, you know, Visectomy and Historicomy, I think you can like, call similar circumcision as kind of its own little thing there. Six, C-section, five, boob job for separation of controlling twins.
Starting point is 00:27:05 That's a must have been a fun episode. Hey, if you're new to the show and you want to listen to just kind of a quintessential emphasis on the Quinn, being town podcast kind of stylistically, that sounds like something that would be up your alley. Number three, Traky Outami number two, Tons Select Me number one, of course, everyone's favorite, open heart surgery. So we have eight here. I did not rank them.
Starting point is 00:27:31 And this is just gonna be quicker unless Formle I got nine minutes for this Cubs game starts. But the reason I thought of this for today was Rachel had a visit to the OB-GYN the other day. And I, you know, she was telling me a little bit about it, and I thought to myself, you know, this is something as an unregistered nurse myself.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Something that is interesting to me, it intrigues me. It peaks my interest, it gets my, it wets my willy. I would love to try out a pap smear, okay? So the pap smear, of course, you gotta, first you gotta be a woman, but then you gotta lie down, you know, back down to the table, put your legs in the cool stir-ups, like if you're riding a horse at a 90 degree angle.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And then my understanding of the pap smear from, you know, some videos I've watched online, a lot of videos actually, but that's besides the point, the pap smear seems to be you kind of get in there with, you know, almost like a scalpel and you kind of just go to town on the land down under as Colin Hi would say. Any time I see Colin Hey's name, I always think of the Spanish word for, what does it say? Is it there? Is, is I there? H-A-Y? Something like that.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It's been a while since I took college Spanish. Although I got an A in all my Spanish classes. But you kind of get the scalpel going. And then my understanding with the pap smear, I don't really know where the pap comes into play, but I think you basically grab some eggs from there. And on fertilized eggs, I should specify. And then you kind of smear them onto,
Starting point is 00:29:09 I don't know if it's like one of those like strips that you put in the pool, the test, the chlorine levels, or what kind of thing you're smearing this on. But my understanding then of the difference between a pap smear and like freezing your embryos is the pap smear is just like it's for the doctor, you know, you test them and then you probably, you know, recycle them or compost them or something. If you want to like freeze the embryo as the eggs, obviously it's going to cost you extra
Starting point is 00:29:37 because they got to, you know, put them in the ice tray and then you're you're paying them for the storage. I think that's really where freezing the eggs becomes more expensive, which is understandable, right? Like storage isn't free, nor is cold temperatures. So unless you live up in like Baffin Island or something, Greenland, it's Fawabard, that's a VAL, B-A-R-D. So that's a perhaps smear, I think that would be fun.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And then Rachel was telling me something else that didn't happen at her appointment But apparently there's this kind of cool thing where you like press your boobs into like some sort of metal plate or something Which I mean I don't have like Female boobs would have man boobs and I feel like I could do something similar But one thing I think would be really nice is I remember when our dog died I think would be really nice is I remember when our dog died They did this cool thing Where you like press the pot into wet cement or something and so then you kind of have that
Starting point is 00:30:33 like The the paw print forever essentially. It's almost like a fingerprint or something like that But it's like in the in the concrete in the cement whatever So I'm wondering you know,, if we're pushing our boobs into metal plates, what if we push boobs into like, you know, wet cement or concrete or something. And then you kind of have that shape, you know, that way, you know, you wouldn't even like,
Starting point is 00:30:58 if you wanted to go like, by, if I want to go by Rachel Bra, I was at Target earlier, you know, getting garbage bags and toilet paper, but I was like, you walk through, obviously you intentionally walk through like the lingerie section to try to get some action and stuff. But it's like, hey, if I had a little cement boob in my back pocket, then I think it would just be easier
Starting point is 00:31:23 to be like, oh, let me whip this baby out. You know, hold it up against, you know, or we're talking A cop, we're talking F cop, J cop, where, you know, and then you got the numbers, you need a small medium large, a venti, but it would be a lot easier personally for me as someone who doesn't buy a lot of intimits if I may say so, to just kind of whip that out, I think something to consider, maybe there was more lightweight material. I think if you, I imagine if you were dating someone
Starting point is 00:31:54 with a larger bust, I could see that concrete getting pretty heavy. Although at the same time, there would be less concrete because the boob would push further in and it would take up more space. So there's probably some sort of like mathematical equation that like shows you the perfect size versus way, I don't know, but some things to consider. So not only would we be interested in the medical procedure, a pap smear, but I think Quinn's boob memories could be an interesting business, maybe pitch on shark tank or something.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Other things that could be fun, setting up a catheter. I don't really know the medical terminology for this, but it's something I'd like to just like set up. I'm more familiar with the male experience, although I don't think I've been you know, cauterized myself in the past, but you basically stick the tube up the urethra and until it locks into the ureter, U-R-E-T-E-R, and then basically that urine can just freely
Starting point is 00:32:59 flow, which is pretty nice. So, I think setting up a catheter could be pretty cool and you could while you're doing it for like increased accuracy you can listen to the smash death cab hit Cath from the album narrow stairs. Cath she stands She stands with a well-intentioned man, but she can't relax with his hands on the small of her back. And so on and so forth. So something to consider, I don't know if there's a more medically appropriate,
Starting point is 00:33:42 if someone appropriated a name for the catheter setup, but that's what I have written in my notes here. Next up, last episode we did this, we talked about the tonsillectomy. This is in the same kind of ballpark, but wisdom t3 removal. So what I like about this is you got to kind of slice into the gums to, you know, have first contact. Rambo first blood, right? There'd be, there'd be first, second and third, and much more blood if I was extracting
Starting point is 00:34:17 your wisdom. That's the other thing too. When you take out wisdom teeth, you don't just get them removed, they're extracted. So I could enact my scalpel and I could extract your wisdom teeth. And it's like, you can take one, two, three, four, some people probably have like five or six, I don't know. But my thing too is like, what do they actually do? So you slice open the gums, you see the teeth kind of hiding up there.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Then it's like, you know, they're probably like any other tooth, right? So they're kind of connected to the root, the roots and all that stuff with the quest love, etc. But then you got to, you know, what do you do to like cut that baby out? Do you just yank them with pliers? Like if you were taking out your own teeth, or is there more of like a cutting kind of action? This is one of that I haven't watched a video on so I probably want to do a little bit more research before I get in there but But then you stitch it back up just like tying shoelaces and then you're
Starting point is 00:35:17 You're good to go. So wisdom teeth removal Extraction rather I should change what I have written in my notes teeth removal, extraction. Rather, I should change what I have written in my notes. Cornia transplant, this is kind of an interesting one, right? You've heard the stories now of people who they're blinded, maybe, excuse me, solar eclipse or something, I don't really know what you did to get blinded. It's not my eyes, But then you can actually transfer cornyas to a new person with
Starting point is 00:35:51 bad cornyas. See, my thing is, though, who's given up their cornyas? This would have to be like one of your like, you die, but they check your wallet and you're an organ donor kind of thing. But how good, you know, how long do corny's last? I assume you got to put them on ice. Tom Cruise kind of did this in Minority Report. He gets the new Cornia's. So I think I wouldn't probably need to watch many videos because they're seeing that probably one and a half times. Minority Report. It's a Spielberg film based off of a Philip K. Dick short story. It's Tom Cruise and Colin Farrell. It's a great kind of sci-fi thriller, good, solid movie.
Starting point is 00:36:40 But I would probably watch that to get you some new cornyas. A couple more here. I don't really know what this is, but spinal fusion is what I have written in my notes. I guess you gotta like, you know, make an incision in the back, and then I imagine, you know, you got the welders, and they have like the cool welding tool and the whole like face mask looks like iron man or something.
Starting point is 00:36:58 I suppose if you were fusing something together, you would probably want to do something like that. Now the question I would have with that, which relates to the next thing we probably want to do something like that now the question for I would have with that Which relates to the next thing we do want to try which is burn Debridement I don't know if that's how you say it The word maybe think of debris, but this has a DE not an S Debridement DEB are IDE MENT So if you're if you're fusing the spine together with like a blowtorch kind of tool, it doesn't have to be able to torch but a similar tool.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Then, you know, you'd probably have some burns elsewhere on the skin. And you might need a skin graft, which is the last thing we wanted to do, and there's one more thing too. But burned abridement is kind of when you like are trying to like fix an open wound, but there's like other specks of stuff in there, you know, bones, cement, nerds, the candy. You know, so if you need to deep ride that region. And so you probably need to do that if you with the blowtorch First bundle fusion, but skin graft, anything is kind of cool too. It's where I can like
Starting point is 00:38:10 I Can turn you over. I can get your big old booty Probably want to wax it first to make it look nice and then you just kind of slice off that you know Epidermic region EPI DERMIC epidemic region, EPIDERMIC, and then you just kind of transplant it, you know, to wherever it could be your throat, you know, your left ear, your, the back ear knee cap, not the back ear knee, the back ear cap, specifically, which makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:38:46 But that's getting grabbed. And the last one, gastric bypass, right? I just imagine like, you know, when you're, you got a vacuum and it has like the attachments and one of them is got like a cool little tube. I kind of imagine like, what if I just like, I don't know, like kind of, kind of hold in like the belly or the butter, wherever they're, you know, bypassing the gas from any just kind of, uh, kind of put it in there and then, like, twist clockwise, probably to like lock in and then just, uh, you know, turn your vacuum on high or something.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I don't know. We used to have that cool vacuum system in our house grown up that we never actually used, but it's like, you can like connect a hose or a tube to the wall and I don't really know what happens after that but we never use it I thought it was I was kind of cool though when wasn't supposed to open it and like throw stuff in there but I might have thrown a nerd nerds in there once or twice just a grape once I don't care for those as much but those were my medical procedures part two I've always wanted to try. Pap smear, boob mold, quins, quins, boob molds. Trademark you heard of here first. Catheter set up with some teeth
Starting point is 00:39:55 extraction, cornea transplant, spinal fusion, burn, debridement, skin graft, end gastric bypass. So there you go. As an unregistered nurse, I am officially unlicensed to try these things, but that doesn't mean I won't try. So if you, I mean, if you lose your corneas or something or you want me to shave some skin off your butt, just let me know or attach Attached the vacuum hose. We'll see what we can do. Thanks for tuning in. Those were some medical procedures. I would like to try. Thank you for playing trivia. And you can always stay in touch with the show. We are on Twitter. I guess it's X now at beantowncast.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I am at white buns with a Z. Follow us on Instagram. Q.coldd. And of course, if you could, if you're listening, if you can, whatever podcast app you're listening and give us a like, a subscribe, a five-star rating, and tell us, you know, your favorite guns and roses song. That'd be great. That's what I got for you. Cubs game is starting up here in Pittsburgh. I'm going to keep going on my hazy beer hug, make some supper, and I'm done walking for the day, okay? 14 plus miles, although I will go listen to the James Taylor song Walking Man,
Starting point is 00:41:07 because that's a great song. That's what I got for you. Let's queue up the outro music here. My name's Quinn David Fernos, everyone. We'll see you in September next week for our Fantasy Football Special. Everyone stay safe, stay sane. I'll check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Bye. Yeah. next time. Bye! nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:42:38 nd nd Thank you.

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