Beantown Podcast - New Business Ideas and Stone Mountain Monopolization (01272023 Beantown)

Episode Date: January 28, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE hot off the heels of his Alabama trip to share new business ideas, talk about bubbling toilets, and call out Stone Mountain for monopolizing a mountain...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, January 27th, 2023, year six of this show. What's going on? What's happening? how are you? My name is Quinn. I am the AG key grip production line manager caterer Definitely caterer of this show made myself fact all I've eaten today a nice little slice of toast with butter and two eggs on top pretty tasty. I got to I got tell you, I was a little bit just frustrated with Terminal B. I guess they don't call it Terminal. They call it, um, if you think of it as Terminal B at a ETL, Atlanta, Hartstool, Jackson, right? You got, you know, you got T-A-B, however many they do, they're all parallel to each other. It's a very unique airport. You take There
Starting point is 00:01:09 Anyways, I show up at at you. Oh This morning I have a 70 in flight. So it's boarding, you know six 2630 something like that which by the way don't let me forget to finish the story, but I'll mention that I'm very tired. Consequently, K330 AM Central time is when the alarm went off this morning and that was going to bed at about 11 PM Eastern 10 PM Central. It wasn't like a I got three hours of sleep. I still, I still pulled down five to five and a half, but I'm, I'm, I'm gassed. It's about 545 in a night right now. So I don't think I'm gonna last much longer. After we finish the podcast, we make dinner, watch, you know, two
Starting point is 00:02:00 episodes or something, and then I'm gonna be down for the count. But I was disappointed because I wasn't, you know, crazy episodes or something and then I'm going to be down for the count. But I was disappointed because I wasn't, you know, crazy hungry this morning when I got to my terminal or whatever. But the earliest that a coffee spot opens in B in Atlanta is 6am. There's even a dunk in which was on the complete opposite end and I don't think I would have walked all the way there but that doesn't even open till 6.30. Doesn't that seem like way too late for a Duncan Donuts to open at an airport? Like not just an airport, you know, that we're not talking Kansas City or Sacramento, we're talking the world's
Starting point is 00:02:42 busiest airport. So how are you not gonna have your coffee spot open till 6.30 a.m.? So it's just weird. So they have a generic coffee roasters, whatever, and kind of their central area where the train lets you off. And it opens at 6 a.m. So I get up there at about 5555.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I timed it perfectly because I've done my research as I was writing the trains over first the sky train than the terminal train or whatever they call the plane train. I'm thinking, where am I going to get my coffee? Because it's going to be a long day, literally waking up that early to fly home, and then work from home, which granted didn't do it a lot today. It was pretty easy, but it's just been a long week. Crazy amount of driving. I don't know the exact mileage, but I would, and I took the scenic route here and there, because there wasn't that much
Starting point is 00:03:41 else for me to do, like, for fun. This past week, we'll talk about Alabama briefly. I'm not going to dig into it as much as some of my other annual Alabama shows because one, we've covered a lot of it and two, we got to finish up our thoughts from last week. There are multiple loose ends to tie it from last week and it's just going to be a shorter episode today because that's just some feeling beat. But I've you know I probably probably logged you know 800-ish miles maybe not quite that many maybe like 700 I would guess like 700 miles between month from Monday afternoon to this morning on the rental car and so just you know just just tired just long week of that sort of stuff. So I get up to the coffee spot and already,
Starting point is 00:04:32 it's 5.50, 5.50 a.m., schedule open at 6. There's a long line. And when I say long, I'm thinking probably just like, I don't know, 10, 12 people. And so I'm just kind of like, I'm just like, you know what, I don't wanna commit to this line yet because I don't know exactly how long it's gonna be.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And my plane's gonna board at a certain point and it's kind of an up in the air situation. If they open and the line is moving, I'll hop in there. So I wait till 6 0 5. The line has grown as you'd expect. But there's not even open and it's not even like, oh, they got the gate down, but there's people back there and you're just waiting for the second one. They open it up.
Starting point is 00:05:19 There's no gate or anything like that. The spot is completely dark shut down. You know, looks like a place that would never open the entire day, which is concerning to me. So I gotta say, I don't know whatever happened to those folks. Maybe it's, you know, we're 12 hours later, 12 and a half hours later. you know, we're 12 hours later, 12 and a half hours later. Uh, maybe they're still standing in line, hoping to get a coffee before, uh, before their flight. So anyways, Rip, I didn't get my coffee until all the way home, went hotel to Carrentel spot to airport to to our flight 90 minute flight to Uber home then got the coffee so it was it was a much needed coffee and yeah so we're feeling pretty gas but thank you
Starting point is 00:06:18 thank you for joining thank you for listening and I'm proud to proud and happy to bring you another installment of Quintet First Presents The Bean Town Podcast. I got my lemon lime carbonated water here. It is officially the last podcast of dry January and no this isn't gonna be another 2020 where I run it back all 12 months and don't drink. In fact, I was literally at Joule this afternoon, getting ingredients for our delicious supper, which is going to be prepared right after this.
Starting point is 00:06:52 A grilled cheese sandwich, two cheeses, goota and pepper jack, with buttered bread, a Caesar salad, dipped in gourmet tomato soup, has a specialty tomato soup that Rachel requested so we're gonna do that. It's gonna be delicious. But I also bought some whiskey, which I realized when I got back to the house that I had gotten whiskey for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And so now I have like two and a half bottles of whiskey. So that's gonna, you know, that'll last us for at least two and a half podcasts. But excited for that dry January officially ends Thursday morning 12 a.m. I do not anticipate breaking dry January until or I guess it's Wednesday Wednesday is February 1st. Let's get our production assistant aka me to check on that. Yes, Wednesday morning.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I knew that because Thursday is Groundhog Day. Pet minor pet peeve time. Well, that means next time we do a podcast, Groundhog Day is already going to be passed unless we do a Thursday special, which I don't usually do. Maybe we'll see. I don't know. Groundhog Day special. It could be fun.
Starting point is 00:08:02 The point I was trying to make is I, and this is, I'm not trying to impart this frustration or pet peeve upon anyone else because I think it's really like a stupid minor thing that really doesn't or should not impact anything. But I just have to say it, the amount of people that say Groundhog stay is, it's just have to say it. The amount of people that say Groundhogs stay is, it's just one of those things. You know, everyone has those little things where when you hear
Starting point is 00:08:31 it, it's just like, oh man, this is, this is very frustrating to me. You know, it can be whatever you want. For me, one of my pet peeves, I think we've done a pet peeves podcast before. It's tough to remember after six years, but one of my pet peeves is people calling it Groundhogs Day rather than Groundhog Day. And I almost feel that the usage of Groundhogs day within us as opposed to Groundhog Day has almost become more popular.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Maybe people just struggle with the back-to-back kind of hard consonant sounds of groundhog day, worst groundhog day. Kind of lets you slur right in, right? We've gotten lazy with our tongues, with our words. I feel like I'm giving a sermon right now. I listen to portions of some good sermons. This past week on the road,
Starting point is 00:09:23 I think my my like patience slash tolerance for just kind of soaking that stuff up has gone down. You know, I've been I've been traveling, been recruiting for work for what seven years now. And when I first started out, it would be like, obviously it's all tongue and cheek for me, but it would be like, oh yeah, I'm gonna listen to this for 15, 20 minutes, it's gonna be fun. Now it's like, I give it two or three minutes, and my attention span is done, and I move on.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Okay, let's keep things moving here. I'll mention listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Town podcast, number one, we'll occasion some language and the shoes podcast objectively terrible. I really kinda let's create that, speaking of getting lazy with your tongue. Not completely finalized but needs to happen. In fact, I'm googling this right now just so I don't forget. I want to take a look at this later. Custom stickers for the bean town podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It really can't be that hard to make. I'm sure there is some sort of like designing yourself kind of thing. But the reason I mentioned that is because our pledge to have Telethon special has not been officially announced yet, but it's that time of year I need to launch the group me, not group me, go fund me,
Starting point is 00:10:41 similar word. And I don't know exactly when I want to do it. Rachel and I are probably going away for an anniversary the weekend before our anniversary, which would be the third weekend of February. And I'm definitely not prepared to do it the weekend before that or anything. So that means, and unfortunately I work
Starting point is 00:11:03 on Saturday, February 25th. We've often done it on Saturdays before, but what I'm looking at potentially is, so write this down in your calendars with a little asterisk that says Quinn will decide soon, hopefully. Sunday, February 26th football season will have been over the Super Bowl is February 12th and I don't know it might I don't love like Trying to do big productions in the middle of the day on a Sunday. It's usually a very restful day for us And as you all know from the first five the bean town podcast pledge drive telephone fundraiser from the first five, the bean town podcast, Pledge Drive, Telephone, fundraiser, annual event,
Starting point is 00:11:44 is far from restful. It's chaotic, there's phone calls coming in, we got live streams to manage. But who knows, maybe we still raise the money this year. We still do the live Pledge Drive, Telephone, fundraiser, but I don't get so crazy about it. I mean, it's a really fun thing, and it's something I am looking
Starting point is 00:12:05 forward to doing every year. And it does take some works and planning some writing, some scheming, but maybe we just bring it all down a notch this year. We still have our top-ass elite members. And it's not so much that I'm like, not jazzed to put that stuff into it, but it's, you know what, We can raise money and still just have a good time and chill a little bit. So maybe that's what we'll do this year. And unofficially chill, sixth annual Bean Town podcast, Pledge of Telephone Fundaries,
Starting point is 00:12:40 or again, theoretically tentatively Sunday February 26th at I don't know we we could call it like 2 p.m. Central something like that. There that's that's a that's a placeholder. If you would like to be part of the show in any capacity whether you want to donate some money Donate, you know, five minutes stand-up set you want to do live on air. I'm down for anything email us Beentown podcast at again. That's beantown me and podcast at And we will pencil you in if you're a new fan of the show Maybe you're from the country of Pakistan. Hello to the country of Pakistan. Urdu village, it's probably the name of a city or a village rather in Pakistan, Kiber
Starting point is 00:13:34 Pass, wherever you're calling in from or emailing from. We do an annual pledge at telephone fundraiser. We raise money for the operating costs of the show, which there are two just things really. It's maintaining our website, annual hosting, web hosting, and then second unlimited upload ability through SoundCloud. And that comes out to like 160 bucks each year, maybe like 170.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And so we raise money, we don't cap it at that. We'll continue to accept donations beyond that. The kicker here, and I started doing this maybe like two or three years ago is I actually, so for being real on this, I lose money on this stuff because I donate dollar for dollar, whatever is received to a local charity. And so it's, you know, people could say,
Starting point is 00:14:23 well, why don't we just donate to charity and take the, the middle man out of it. I'm not even taking a cut. Well, it's because when I'm not taking a cut to it's, you know, we're doing this for fun, for charity, for bean town. And there are prizes, there are donor levels, donor rewards in the past. We've had signed autographed, or autographed pictures sent out in the mail. We've had bean town buttons. We've had interviews on the past. We've had signed autographed or autographed pictures sent out in the mail. We've had bean town buttons. We've had interviews on the air. We've wrote songs about our folks. Maybe we'll do Limericks this year. I don't know. Stickers, custom stickers. I literally googled it and minimized that tab on my computer. So that's ready to go. So that's what we're gonna be looking for. It's always at the end of February,
Starting point is 00:15:06 right before we get into March, my favorite month, say Patrick's Day, March madness, my birthday show, all that good stuff in March. So Shamrock Shuffle, I just sign up for. It's gonna be a good time. All happens in March. Okay, let's jump back in
Starting point is 00:15:24 to where we were last week. If you recall last week we were talking about bathroom adventures and then where I left off with you was things that they should have, you know, by the checkouts in grocery stores, convenience stores, wherever drug stores, things like, you know, you need a copy of your key or a change counter or something like that. So we're gonna, we're gonna finish those two points. So they actually had one bathroom adventure I forgot about just gonna briefly mention it.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Then we'll talk about some of my ideas for those machines. And then we'll finish up with just a very, some brief notes. I took very brief notes about Alabama. It's not going to be long. And we will try to get you out of here by 30, 35 minute marks until like that. That's the goal.
Starting point is 00:16:16 And I've got, I'm trying to make it more consistent with doing at least one solid trivia question this week. I have it for this week again. I try to make it on theme. So it is going to be Alabama trivia question this week. I have it for this week again. I try to make it on theme, so it is gonna be Alabama theme for this week. In fact, I think there might be two, it might be a two-parter. But this week's trivia, I just kinda thought of in the shower,
Starting point is 00:16:36 so I didn't really write it down. It's not super well flushed out, so it's more so just gonna be, I've got some, a couple items, facts that I'm trying to get you to realize or know, or guess, and I didn't, what I'm trying to say, isn't it right out, eloquently written question or anything, so we're just going to kind of dig in. But I wanted, our final bathroom adventure
Starting point is 00:17:02 to really cap this off. And I had mentioned I was going to say it, but then I think I got sidetracked by David Dahl, just ripping one while he's on his Bluetooth and the temple Baptist bathroom. This happened to me, I don't know, it must have been, I think it was mid-December or the first week this month. I don't remember, but it wasn't very long ago. So I mentioned I usually go to the third floor to do my morning constitutional, but I'm also, I'll say this, like I'm a little bit skittish.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So if I go into the third floor and I see that there's already like two people in stalls and I have to like go join the poop party essentially. I'm willing to duck out of there, like do a cover my ass really, like wash my hands, like so they're thinking, oh this guy wasn't a weirdo, he came in, he had to wash his hands, right? Like that's how far I'm thinking about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:01 But I'll do that occasionally and then I'll pop back out and if it's not going to be the third floor, I'll mention it won't go down to the second floor as where a lot of students are. 4, 5, 6, library, two risky bathrooms are too small. 7, 8, 9, a lot of like student lounges and classrooms, two risky.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So you gotta go above the law school. The floors for us stop at nine and then you get to 10 and above and it's other university offices, classrooms, all that sort of stuff. So oftentimes I will just pick a random floor. You know, it goes up to like 16, 17. So I'll go to like 13 or 15 or something like that. So I did that a couple weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:18:44 because I really had to go. We're talking morning constitutions here. Constitutions, I don't know the origin of that phrase. We should look that up later. If we had more time on the show we would, there's your, hey, if you wanna get involved with the show more beyond Pledge of Health on Fundraiser, look up morning constitutional and email us
Starting point is 00:19:03 the origins and we'll read it live on here. If this was 45 minute 50 minute show I would just do that because that's oftentimes how these things get derailed but I'm just gonna finish my story. So I go out there it's a wide open bathroom there's no action all the undergrads and all the other graduate students just not the law students are gone because they finished their quarter I think this wasn't December they finished their quarter before Thanksgiving and then they're out until January so I've got the whole whole place myself Go in the stall do my business now. I will say this one of my secrets
Starting point is 00:19:44 If I you know I do have my normal, whatever. So as not to stink up the joint, because I will sit there for a while and ponder life's eternal mysteries, I'll do a quick flush before, you know, taking care of anything else, you know, toilet paper, whatever, so that I can just sit there. It's not, I didn else, toilet paper, whatever. So that I can just sit there, it's not, I didn't bomb this place, it goes right down. Well, so I do that. I'm trying to tell the story,
Starting point is 00:20:14 I'm not trying to gross anyone out, this is just what happened. Do my flush, sit in there, not thinking about anything. And I start to feel, on my giblets there, feels a little damp perhaps, and this is all happens very fast. I, all of a sudden I look down and whoa, it's like old yellow, or old faithful,
Starting point is 00:20:43 in yellow stone, yellow stone, it's is bubbling and it's about to blow. It didn't actually blow, but as you can imagine, I leap up, I got like my coating there and stuff, so I like, grab that because it's all coming up and over. I will say this to kind of cap off the story because you might be thinking, oh, that's crazy gross. The poop wasn't coming up as far as I could tell. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I'm not a plumber. I didn't get a look into this all the way. I was, you know, very, had to move fast. I jump up. It wasn't like a total overflow. It wasn't like, oh, I flooded the bathroom. There was just, you know, it probably overflowed, you know, over the toilet rim for like two or three seconds,
Starting point is 00:21:30 and then it was done. But as you can imagine, originally, as you're sitting there and starts to come up through your, your buns, that's not a pleasant situation. So I was able to move over to the next stall and kind of finish what I needed to be doing, but it was soggy bottom band, right? That's the soggy bottom boys.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Is that from, I mentioned, we were not going to do Google searches, but we are going to, just because it's so fast. Sogy bottom boys from Obrother were, where art thou? So I was an honorary soggy nut's boys, soggy bottoms boys, all that stuff for five minutes there up on the 13th floor. That was quite an adventure. Okay, we're done with the bathroom talk, I promised grocery store ideas. It could be a convenient store I just see it all the time at the grocery store and you go to jewel But you know CVS 7 11. They'll have things like that as well
Starting point is 00:22:33 So you already know the common ones like As you're checking out you're walking out, you know, it could be a coin counter where you dump in all your loose Change accounts it it takes a commission, and you get your check out of it, or something, or cash, whatever. You need a key to be copied. You stick it in there for a fee, they'll copy it. You wanna get your,
Starting point is 00:22:57 these are less kind of gadget-y and more just, you know? Fifthed general bill, but like propane tank refill or like the big water jug refill or if you want to get a bag of ice. These are all things you can find there. So I was thinking, what are some more creative ideas for business, small businesses, machines, whatever you want to call it that we could put there to generate additional revenue. So here are some of the things I came up with, and we're going to just kind of go rapid fire because I don't want to spend too much time on this, but I just, it was an opportunity
Starting point is 00:23:34 to be fun and creative, and I hope you'll enjoy them. So here's what I, and I could, I could have kept going for 20, 25 ideas, and maybe we'll do this again in the future, I don't know, but here's what I came up with. Get any apple caramelized. It's perfect. You're at the grocery store, you buy your peck of apples. You got a beautiful red delicious or a honey crisp or a lazy granny smith.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I think they're just called Granny Smith. You pay five bucks, whatever, two bucks. You may be a two dollar base to get your stick. You get your stick, you punch your apple, you puncture your Apple P-U-N-C-T-U-R-E, and you stick it in there, you get it caramelized. And then of course, we can take it a step further if you wanna add nuts, you can.
Starting point is 00:24:27 If you wanna add, you don't really see many toppings on candy apples other than just nuts. But you know, it could be like, it could be like, froyo or something where you're adding gummy bears or gummy worms or chocolate chips you know or skittles whatever you want to throw on there you know 50 cents at the topping it'll coat it and you pull it out and you can eat it on
Starting point is 00:24:57 your walk home so that's get any apple caramelized next this is good for the grocery stores that have this particular item. Like this wouldn't work at a trader's jose at a CVS, but it would work at, you know, you go to a whole foods or something. Make nuggets out of a rotisserie chicken. So you buy your rotisserie chicken, five, six, seven bucks, whatever. You take the plastic off, you slide it into the machine. That's the sound of the knives going to work. It could be knives from the Tony, Chef Tony, whatever his name is, series that he's always advertising at 3 a.m. on network. Next thing you know, you got, I just Googled Chef
Starting point is 00:25:40 Tony's to see if like, um, yeah, there he is. Anthony Joseph Notaro, born 1954, an advertising pitchman for cooking and kitchen products often seen on infomercials. There he is. I'm going to leave that tab open just because I'm curious like what he actually does beyond infomercial acting. He actually like a cook or chef somewhere. We'll get back to you on that. But basically you stick your rotisserie chicken in there, and this could be like buffalo wild wings, you know, where you know, bone the swings, aka chicken nuggets, so you can have different dry rubs, what rubs, whatever you pay, certain amount, you can get multiple. But yeah, you stick your rotisserie chicken in there, you get it instantly nuggetized and you G-G-E-T-I-Z-E-D and you could have, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:26:28 Carmelo Anthony, his face plastered across it, famous Denver Nugget. Next thing, this one's very simple, knife sharpening. Now you gotta be careful because you don't want to just be bringing a ton of knives into somewhere, but you just stick it in there and with a wet stone or something, I don't want to just be bringing a ton of knives into somewhere, but you just stick it in there and with a wet stone or something. I don't know. You could probably, you know, commercially manufacture some wet stones for your machines pretty affordably. Knife sharpening.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Next, oh, this was one I am very proud of, inspired by my lovely and long-suffering GF Rachel. Stick your head in. This one's really for the ladies. I've inspired by my lovely and long-suffering GF Rachel. Stick your head in, this one's really for the ladies, for the most part. Stick your head in and get an instant French braid. And when I say instant, it could be, you know, five, 10 seconds, something like that. Who wouldn't want that? This could be a higher, you know, a higher priced item
Starting point is 00:27:24 I'm thinking. And it actually goes well with the next one I'm about to mention. And this was contrary to popular belief, this was not thought of this morning when I was at Hartstfield Jackson. It was thought of kind of on my own. Automatic shoe shiner. You stick your shoe in there. And it wipes it down and it gives it a nice rub. I don't know. It polishes it
Starting point is 00:27:48 What I don't ever I never had my shoe shine But that'll the machine will do it and to finish the hair thought it could do French braid it could do Italian braid Moroccan braid Pigtails, three pigtails, side pony, like Deb from Napoleon Dynamite could do all that stuff. The last two, this is near and dear to my heart. Thank you to Dry January, instant beverage carbonator. So really just a larger version of a soda stream.
Starting point is 00:28:19 America wants their beverages carbonated. America loves bubbles. So let's make this a mass-produced thing. And then finally, an anagram solver. It could be on your phone, it could be a piece of paper with, you know, 10 letters or something. You stick it in there, the letters are all jumbled up, you get it back, and it will tell you what the word is or all the possible combinations. That could be the thing. You could get like one word for a base price and then if you want five additional combinations,
Starting point is 00:28:50 you pay an extra dollar. So we're not only out here giving out great ideas, but we're really running the business side of things as well. Okay. Just because I know you wouldn't be able to sleep unless I actually told you this. Let's Google Tony Notaro and see what this guy actually. There's any other info out here other than his Wikipedia page is IMDb page. Excuse me. Here's a YouTube video from July 29th, 2022 called Exploring in my Explorer with Chef Tony Notaro. There he is. 345 views. So Tony's not really bringing
Starting point is 00:29:39 in the click. He once did Channel Angel Smedley. Commiser are turned off don't you hate that but yeah I might watch this later Tony's looking older which makes sense the guy is about to be 70 so Tony notar always here's his LinkedIn owner chef Tony Enterprises LLC there he is got a big ass hat. And it was one of these LinkedIn pages that you can't connect to. You just have to follow it. He's got 254 connections and 257 followers, but I can't be a connection. I could only be a follower. Don't you just hate that. These people who are so high in mighty.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Chef Tony thinks because he showed up on our television screens at 2 a.m. on a Saturday morning before the today show that he could only have followers and not friends. I feel for Tony, he's got so many followers but but almost no friends. That's got to be an empty cold lifestyle. Just some Alabama notes. And before we wrap up the show with that ever so quickly, I wanted to say thank you to our sponsors, Home Prior to Organ. And you need to do your home inspecting and central organ.
Starting point is 00:30:53 You need someone who's safe, certified, someone who you can trust. Call my dad, Steve at 541-140316, or go to Home Prior to Home Prior to Organ inspection, perfection. If you like what you're listening to, it's not just me. I couldn't have done 263 episodes or wherever of the Bean Town podcast six years without the Samson Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:31:15 It got crisp clear audio quality. When God speaks, He uses the Samson. And then of course, our friends, we just talked about, this could be cuts by Q big first, cuts by Q's first big commercial enterprise, the automatic French braider. Go find it a drugstore grocery store near you. You stick your head in, put on the safety goggles
Starting point is 00:31:36 and we'll braid it for you. That'd be pretty cool. You have to have those like, arms like doc, doc has to you know, very fine with the strands and stuff, and you don't want to murder anyone either. All that is to say, when you need to fresh do some fancy or new grocery store or at our home salon, call the experts at cuts by queue.
Starting point is 00:32:01 All right, so some things, Monday I flew into Atlanta. I had, you know, I got in, I like two or or something and I had to work in Emory at like five. So I'm like, okay, let's drive up over there. I've never been to Emory before. If you don't know, it's like Northeast of downtown Atlanta. And I'm kind of like, I hadn't planned much. So I'm kind of like casually browsing on Google Maps, just scrolling around and stuff, seeing what else is around there.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Like, you know, I've got 90 minutes to kill basically, because I don't want to just like go to Emory and sit there. So I see, oh, Stone Mountain, Georgia, something I think we're all relatively familiar with is just, you know, 10 minutes northeast of Emory. So I'm like, okay, let's go check it out. So basically there's a town of Stone Mountain, which is small, and then there's the actual Stone Mountain,
Starting point is 00:32:53 which is famous for on the north end having a, there's a much more accurate way to put this, but essentially a carved image of three civil war generals or civil war leaders. Off the top of my head, it's got to be Jefferson Davis, Robert Lee and Stonewall Jackson. I'm pretty sure that's right. We've probably all seen, you know, an image, a picture of it before. So I'm like, okay, you know what? I want to go there to basically spit
Starting point is 00:33:26 on the ground. I think it's ridiculous that there is this gigantic monument to these secessionists, just like traders to the country. Like, and this is the Georgia's number one tourist attraction. So I'm like, okay, let's go check this out. Well, I'm doing some more research kind of as I make him the way over there. And I learned and it was confirmed when I got to the pearly white gates. It's $20 just to get inside the park. And I'm a very crafty person, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:00 Hollywood sign, all that stuff, trying to see celebrities from like, let me find the back way. I don't even need to go inside the park. I just want to get a glimpse of it because all I wanted to do, I didn't have time to like walk around or anything. All I wanted to do is just see it and take a picture and burn it or something. You, there's no good, like, it's not possible. You have to pay $20 to see this thing.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And it's, it's like a mini Disney Land kind of thing. They've got, you know, they're small little like Civil War era towns in there and roller coasters and water parks. But of course, you know, all that stuff is extra pay to play model. $20 just to get your ass in the door. Stonewall Mountain. Stone, stone mountain, not stonewall mountain. I knew that was wrong when I said it. You can't monopolize a mountain, okay?
Starting point is 00:34:52 And George has got to do something about that. Those bastards got to get it. Those civil war, CSA Confederate bastards got to be taken down a couple of notches. The other, a couple other things that were noteworthy. Tuesday, I was driving from work in Tuscaloosa to my hotel in Montgomery. I took the long way. I went through Selma because it's a very historic,
Starting point is 00:35:16 important town for voting rights. And I drove through there and it was looking really rough. And I've seen some rough towns. I've been to Tuskegee, which I went to again this year, which is a very rough place. I've been to West Baltimore, I've been to East Baltimore, I've been many other places. And this looked particularly rough.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And I'm thinking myself, what on earth, how do people live like this? I do a quick Google search in my suspicions were confirmed. There was a tornado that went through there just two weeks ago. And half of this town was just entirely devastated. Homes just like completely, you know, top half just ripped off. Trees still blocking roads.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Like my Google Maps literally said, no, turn right here. I start to turn. There's power lines in this gigantic oak tree across the road. It's like, nope, we're not doing that. And downtown was just kind of very rough as well. So it was, I mean, I didn't take time to like stop and walk around and do voting right stuff, but I drove across the famous bridge where their marches started. So that was, it was, it was kind of cool. It was a bummer that it was so messed up from the tournetic activity. This is super random and I should go try to find it later because I just, I'm not remembering but I think this was like Wednesday morning, I was driving to Auburn to work and I was
Starting point is 00:36:39 on the jazz station there. I had never heard something like this. A jazz cover of stairway to heaven by Zeppelin and it absolutely slammed. It had zero business slapping that hard by only, only negative was that they only did the slow, you know, first four minutes, five minutes, whatever. They didn't get into the upbeat part. It would have been a crazy sax solo because it was sax was the lead instrument playing the melody. And that, you know, that, that, uh, tenor sax would have just killed it. It was, it was awesome though. It was amazing. It was like sitting there to stop it with my Starbucks, my Grande, Shaken, Brown Sugar, Oatmoke, Espresso. Definitely my favorite thing to get cold-wise at Starbucks. Two things here. From the same time, I think it was Wednesday after work. I dropped, I stopped in the historic town of Alexander City
Starting point is 00:37:48 at a McDonald's because I was just had a hankering for a Diet Coke. It was right along the road. I go in there and I was probably standing at the counter waiting for, because I went in, I had to pee. Standing at the counter waiting for like a solid two to three minutes, which might not sound that long,
Starting point is 00:38:04 but when you're just standing there like trying to get one diet coke and leave, it feels like an eternity. There was some sort of bruh-hah going on in the back with the employees. There were cookies, had been flung so far from the back that they were hitting the counter, and there was just a lot of yelling, and it and it was pretty, it was a very unique crowd of McDonald's employees at four o'clock in the afternoon at this particular Alexander City McDonald's. And I finally got my diet coke but I was, I was hoping they'd maybe give me a free cookie because you think maybe they're like throwing out the batch that they made extra
Starting point is 00:38:45 And it's what they're using for their Their warfare over there, but it was not offered because I'm not an insider from the north. I can't tell you How many kids I Talked to this past week that you know, I'm like, oh, you know You have any connections any ties to Chicago and they'll like oh, I never been to the north before It's like game of thrones or something like oh, I've never been to the North before. It's like Game of Thrones or something like, oh, I've never, never been banished to the North wall. Never been to the North.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Ooh, North of that Mason Dixon line. No, thank you. And then finally, at the similar Alexander city area, there's a man-made constructed lake called Lake Martin, I think, and it's very similar to Lake of the Ozarks. It's got all those like, gnarly branches and stuff. But I'll just say, I'm driving through there at Sunset. There's a bridge over the middle of the lake, and it was just a beautiful, there's a ton
Starting point is 00:39:36 of things to hate about Alabama, but I love that, man. You're like, coming down this bridge, golden sunset, millions of churches, which you know, we can get into that, but they look aesthetically pleasing. You know, it's just like, you know, this would be fun as hell to do that for like two days in July, give me some nanny lights, give me a boat and go to church
Starting point is 00:40:02 in the morning before I get blasted and you know just have a good time. That's about all I carried you to an Alabama, frankly. But you can rent a hotel for like, or rent an RV, get a hotel room for like 60 bucks a night, so that's not so bad. Guys that's what I had for you. I mentioned 35, 3035, it's 40. I'm wiped. that's it.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Thank you for tuning in. We will have more great bean town podcasts for you in the future. Be on the lookout for our Pledge of Health on Fundraiser coming up in just about a month here. Hope everyone has a great groundhog day. If we don't do a Thursday special, we will see you next weekend and NFL championship games
Starting point is 00:40:47 this weekend. My picks on the record, I'm taking the chiefs and I'm taking the Eagles. I think those are the teams that are going to win. Okay, my name is Quinn David Furnace. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, very last thing. I promise you a trivia question. I'm not going to forget. So we're going to blaze through it.
Starting point is 00:41:03 It's Alabama themed. So Taladega Super's super speedway, the cup race they hold there every year, now they do two a year, but we'll just consider the regular season one. It is like a Taladega 500, but that's not 500 Lapse, it's 500 miles, so my first trivia question to you is, how many, how many, gotta get this right? How many laps is it? If you wanted to drive 500 miles and erase it,
Starting point is 00:41:35 Taladega, so how many laps do you have to go? And then the second part of this is this legendary and ask car driver nicknamed the Intimidator, holds a record for the most ever wins in the CUP series, which is the top NASCAR series. When you say NASCAR, you're gonna think about the CUP series, Daytona 500 CUP series. So this driver nicknamed the Intimidator
Starting point is 00:42:01 holds the record for most wins at Taladeg, which was 10. If you need a clue, because this one's, they're both tough. Clue for the second one first, his racing number was three, as a gigantic clue, and he final clue for that one is he's no longer with us. And then the other one, I don't, you know, it's tough to give a clue. I'll say this, it starts with, it's three digits, it starts with one again, this is how many lapses it. So it starts with a one. And the final two digits are the number of the sun of the answer to number
Starting point is 00:42:43 two. So a little bit convoluted, but basically, if you can figure out who has the most wins, the intimidating driving number was three, has a son who's also a racer, figure out what his number was. Those are the two digits that will tell you what comes after the one and how many laps you gotta race at Telodego.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So here's the actual answer. If you're still trying to process it, take a guess whatever pause, but I'm tired. Answer to number one is 188 laps. If you figured out that Dale Earnhardt Jr. raised number 88, then you would probably all to figure out that his dad, Dale Earnhardt, senior, the intimidatinger number three,
Starting point is 00:43:22 is Rest in Peace, the record holder for cup series wins at Taladega, okay, that's what I had for you I was this close to ending the show without doing our trivia questions, which would have been extra tragic My name is Quinn David furnace. I hope you have a great week. Stay safe stay sane and I'll check in and you next time. Bye. nd nd Thank you.

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