Beantown Podcast - New England Road Trip Part One (11012020 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 1, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to recap the first day of his New England road trip, including rental car meltdowns a la Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, parallel parking skills, and French Press sponsorships...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn, David, Furnace, and welcome to my show. Quinn, David, Furnace presents the Bean Town Podcast for Sunday, November 1st. Wow, we made it to November. What's going on? How are you? And what is happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show Thank you very much for listening and Thank you for your support. This is our third November here on the bean-town podcast and That means officially we need a little alert here alert noise I suppose I could put something in post-production, but you know I'm not going to ding ding ding we
Starting point is 00:00:49 are officially on tonsillitis watch here up in Rogers Park so friends of the show are aware the last two thanks-gibbings I have come down with real bad tonsillitis. I think it was two years ago I had it really bad on actual Thanksgiving. And then last year it was I think the day after. Actually, I remember driving home from Thanksgiving dinner last year and starting to feel really bad sore throat. And that was the start of it. So we, you know, it's the end of November it's not it's never the beginning of November but we are officially on high alert for that and it's just it's the worst thing of all time and I think that's a very privileged thing to be able to say that your tonsillitis is a worsening of all time but it is some serious pain. So we are knocking on some serious wood.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, and I'm having a door. I can't do Axel Rose. And we just learned that for the first time right now, live on the podcast. In fact, we were talking on Family Chat this morning about, you know, what are some celebrity impressions you can do?
Starting point is 00:02:02 And unfortunately, I didn't have a go-to. I always try to do a live-a-remano a remodel come on Deborah each of my books cooking it's not good I need to be in the right mode I was I'll say this before we jump in actually a couple things see it going here before we we turned it over to our part one of our new England trip, and there's so much to say about that too, but let me try to keep everything straight in my head here. Oh, so I have a weird habit or tendency, if you will, of getting really invested when I'm traveling in trying to do the accent of the place where I'm going. So it comes out very frequently, when I go to the deep south,
Starting point is 00:02:51 or if I'm up in Minnesota with Scott's in, I get a little bit more of a Northwood accent going. And then I hadn't been to, I'd been to Boston a couple of times in the past couple of years, but never for more than 24, 48 hours. And so this time up in New England, I know it was on my road trip, particularly once I got
Starting point is 00:03:11 to Maine, I was really working on my main accent. And I can't even, I have to be like steeped or immersed in the culture, in the place to be able to pull it out. Like, I don't feel like I can just casually switch over and do it right now. I'm not that talented. But the point of my story is I was doing a lot of, I was doing a lot of accent practicing
Starting point is 00:03:39 while I was on a hike specifically out in Maine. And, you know, I finished my hike, which we'll talk about probably in a couple of episodes. And I get, I drive from, you know, the island where I was hiking and practicing my accent, my main or accent, down to Portland where I was staying. And I get out of my car, and the host is there, and she very kindly greets me. And she has not a super thick, main accent, I wouldn't say, but it's there.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And I instinctively, I wasn't even thinking I was pretty tired, it had been a long day. She starts talking to me as I get out of my car and I start talking to her in a main accent, which like she knew I was from Chicago, we had communicated over Airbnb leading up to this. And all of a sudden, after like two or three exchanges, I realize I'm talking to her in this thick main accent and I don't even know like I wasn't sure should I switch halfway through this conversation
Starting point is 00:04:56 or should I just stick with it and I ended up sticking with it. And then when she I was getting ready to leave early in the morning yesterday and she ran out to greet me and I had to whip it back on. So in that instance, I was able to just flip the switch. I don't think I can do it right now in order to I want to. But if you go to my Facebook page, you can kind of hear what I was going for
Starting point is 00:05:20 in a video I posted a day or two ago. So anyways, that was an adventure, but that's not the first time something like that has happened. I recall, you know, being down in Alabama earlier this year, like in January or something, and the accents were just so thick, the big Southern Drolls.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I would have people come up to my recruitment table and ask me questions, and without even thinking about it, I would be talking to them in a Southern accent. So it's not like the worst thing of all time, but it's also like you could catch somebody who might think you are making fun of them or whatever it is. So it's never intentional.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I'm never like, oh, I'm gonna try out my my Josie accent here on this Christy look and fell over in Newark. I can't do a Josie accent in case you thought that was my attempt, which it was. But anyways, that's the thing that happens. Primarily up in Wisconsin, Minnesota, the accent up there, and then the deep south, but apparently it'll happen
Starting point is 00:06:28 in New England as well. This is my show, and this is what we talk about. Listen to discretion, is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom Podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some colorful language number two. This podcast is objectively terrible, but I'm really happy to be able to share with you some of my journey, some of my travels, we friends of the show will know we spent this entire last week on the
Starting point is 00:06:55 road road tripping through New England and the plan and I was planning to execute the plan, was to spend a couple nights in my rooms after I got settled and doing some recording, but the technology does, or was not too interested in cooperating. My plan was to record things as they were happening and then just release sort of the audio footage in
Starting point is 00:07:26 a couple of subsequent weeks and that was going to take up the majority of our weekly installments. So what I did instead once I realized the technology was not going to work and I won't get into the details of it. Basically I was using Audacity on my consulting computer and the volume of the program, the audio or the recording volume was adjusting automatically. And I went through everything I could, Google search upon, Google search, Windows settings, Audacity settings.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Basically, I would start talking, it would be normal, and then about 10 seconds in, it would go, the volume would go way down. So if you were listening, you would have to, you know, to have it at a normal volume, then also you wouldn't be able to hear me. It was just, it wasn't gonna work. So we didn't record any audio footage.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I just took copious notes, and we're gonna be spending the next couple of weeks, just interspersing stories from the road throughout. And I've only kept the highlights. There's so much that we could talk about. And I also, you know, realize I didn't want to do it all in one show because there's a lot of material here and that one show would be like two hours.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And I think it'd be more fun to do some installments. That way we can, you know, talk about other things as they come up. And I do have one other thing I want to mention before we jump into the first couple days of the trip. But that's just letting you know what's happened. So everything is gonna be live as you're listening to it, but we're gonna be talking about things
Starting point is 00:08:54 that happened on our road trip from this past week, the last week of October. Okay, so the one thing I wanna mention, just kinda keeping in line on brand with some things we've been talking about in the past. We've been getting a lot of Instagram DMs from companies recently looking to partner up, looking to collaborate.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And the offers have been of varying greatness. There's a million better words for that. Variing successes is the word I want to use, but that's not at all what I'm trying to say. Seven have been good, seven have been bad. Apologies, I'm just cruising through the English dictionary right now. Anita, the Soros stat. Anyways, the best one they've had so far was a clothing brand offer.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And this was legit. We're going to give you, I think, 60% off. I don't even remember the name of the company. Vincent Ware or something like that. Anyways, and then once I purchased something, they were going to give me a code for my followers to use. We were going to maybe do an ad read on the podcast, something like that, whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:04 The problem with this place, and I think I mentioned this last week or the week before, probably two weeks ago, because last week was our election special, which by the way, if you haven't listened to it, go check it out. It's a normal audio broadcast from last week, or you can go to our YouTube page, and that video's already gone a decent number of views,
Starting point is 00:10:23 which for me means like 40, but that's okay. Because that's 40 more people who wouldn't have seen it, where we did the map, a live recording with a map where I predicted the election. And now in two days, we're actually gonna see how that holds up, although probably more like two weeks. Anyways, my point here, we got a message from a coffee company,
Starting point is 00:10:43 Cafe Du Chateau, and they do French press. They like sell French press makers, and I got an Instagram DM from them on Wednesday. I haven't had really time to go through it yet because I've been on vacation. They messaged me and said, hey, let's collab. Basically, they want to send me a free French press, make a story about it, and then I get a personal code that I can share with my audience. So I think we're going to try to do that because right now it looks like it's no risk to me. So I'm going to look for an ad read next week, and maybe we'll get an official podcast
Starting point is 00:11:22 partnership going with them. I don't, I'm not very expensive. I think I'm going to charge like a dollar a week for the AdWreed, which is big money. Anyways, I forgot to mention the thing with the Vincent Wears or whatever it was called. And the reason we're not doing a partnership with them, even though it was out there on the table for me if I wanted it, was the fact that I go, I think I mentioned this, I go to their store, their online store, and everything is like $99. And so for me with my 60% off they were offering whatever, I'm sure I could find something that I would pay, you know, 30 bucks for, okay, whatever, 40 bucks, but for you all, if they're only giving me like 20% off,
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm not sending you to this, you know, graphic design store basically, or like graphic tees store with like cool tukes and sneakers, whatever. Some of you might be interested a lot of you won't be, but you're not going to be paying 70 bucks for this stuff. So, I still need to mess this in the back and let them know that it's a no for me, how it, but it is just man, no thanks. So look out, we might have some special French press information moving forward here.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I've never used a French press before, but it could be exciting. So as promised, let's dig into this road trip. I don't know how many weeks of, you know, content about it, I'm going to release, but I will say the next couple weeks in this podcast, I'm going to try to keep it pretty short-ish, pretty light, although, you know, we'll see what comes up throughout the week, but today, for instance, I'm going to try to keep it pretty short. And in fact, we're not even gonna do full ad reads today.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So I'll just give a quick shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon. You got to call Steve at 541-410-0316. He'll get your home inspected right away, heating and roofing, plumbing, cooling, maybe roofing, I actually don't know but for all that you you can just call Steve and ask him and he'll get back to you that's where you're gonna want to go to get this stuff sorted out and tell them Quinn sent you and that'll get that'll get you sorted out. So, let's see here. That's what we wanted to say for Home Pride Oregon. Other, sorry, I'm getting distracted here.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Other sponsors of the show include, or unofficial sponsors of the show, include cuts by Q. And in fact, we did a, cuts by Q, and in fact we did a Cuts by Q special cut this morning, which is super excited. Super exciting, excuse me. It looks decent, in fact I shaved as well, spent a little bit of time on it. So thanks to Cuts by Q and oh, Cuts by Q, That's how you can get a hold of us or call us or text us,
Starting point is 00:14:26 A152987200. And then the Samsung Q2U series, it's got crisp clear audio quality. And I was really excited to do some recordings with the Samsung. Samsung, excuse me, no G. Out on the road there and our audio program slash computer was just not cutting it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 But Samson's gonna get us covered for the recanting of all these fun tales. So thank you to our sponsors and perhaps next week, we will get a French press sponsor, which could be very exciting. So let's jump into this trip a little bit here. I'll probably just give you one or two days here before we wrap it up. And we're going to go old school with our length here today. And we're keeping this under 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:23 You can hold me to that. So I fly into Logan, Boston Logan, general Logan, who I think was a French Indian war, British hero, or something. I don't know. I think he was Sam Adams, cousin, maybe, general Logan. Can someone look that up. We fly in Saturday, and I didn't even make a note of this, but I'm just recalling it as I'm thinking back to this trip.
Starting point is 00:15:54 So, to get to the rental car place at Logan, you take the shuttle, not super in common, and do that, it's packed on the shuttle. And then when I get, I was the first one off the shuttle bus cause I'm super speedy. If thinking, you know, this is gonna be great. I'm gonna be right at the front of the line. I'm gonna leave all these jibrones behind me.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And the only car place, I don't know why exactly this was. I haven't thought about it enough. I don't know if there is anything to figure out But you know, it's this one big long like corridor and every different rental car place hurts dollar National enterprise whatever avis has the their own counter right? We've all here before. The only one in this entire place budget that has a line is the one I need to go into, dollar. Which is, I normally am an enterprise guy,
Starting point is 00:16:53 but honestly, the dollar rental for the week was like 240 versus the enterprise, which was like 400. And I'm like, there are definitely instances where I'm willing to pay more for the brand, you know, where I have points. I know I'm gonna be taking care of very well. I've been, you know, running cars from enterprise for four years at this point,
Starting point is 00:17:15 but that, you know, $160, even spread out over the course of a week was just like, uh, I'm gonna bet on myself and bet that I'm not going to need to utilize customer service. You know, everything's just gonna be chill, relaxed, whatever. No, you know, not assuming no hidden fees. So I go for a dollar, which I've never rented from before and the line is I don't know maybe 10 people long 10 11 12 something like that and it just sticks out like a sore thumb because there are none of the other Car places have anyone in line. They're the people are just sitting back there chilling So I get into my dollar line
Starting point is 00:18:01 Which again, I don't know why I was the only one with a line, but there I am. And I witnessed not one, but two freakouts. The first was a lady in my line. There were actually two ladies, but there's one lady who's doing all the talking. She kind of had like a, I love Fisher thing going on, basically looked like her. And I think I was two or three people behind her. So she'd been saying the line, you know, for almost as long as I ended up standing in line for a little over half an hour. And she gets up to the front.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And the guy working the dollar desk is this, you know, nice, maybe 50-year-old overweight, but level-headed, pleasant guy, whatever. Very thick, Boston accent. And she just boom, you know how it's just zero to 60 right when she gets up there. She was wearing a mask, although I would have pegged her for an anti-mask her the way she was talking. But she was just, and I kind of understood why she was upset, but certainly didn't, and I kind of understood why she was upset, but certainly didn't need to raise her voice
Starting point is 00:19:07 or use this type of tone, but basically she had been, there was something wrong with her car, so she went one place, they told her to go to another place, they told her to go to this place, and this poor guy, you know, just following protocol, told her to go to another place and she was not happy. It definitely, it didn't reach like nuclear fission levels of crank and thank God it didn't but she was pissed and not willing to take anything for an answer.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Finally after like a solid 90 seconds to two minutes of this guy saying the exact same thing She finally left boy she huffed and puffed away and it was it was kind of like a reverse Plains trains and automobiles situation because now that it was the guy behind the counter who was very Well, I sometimes reverse because in plane trains and mobiles, they end up both losing their cool. I hope that turned out OK on the audio. My Mac is, after a very long period of really solid work, the past month or so, it has not been great with GarageBand. Anyways, what I was trying to get at is, I think the lady in plain strings and
Starting point is 00:20:24 automobiles is a redhead and this lady was a redhead Anyways, kind of switching whatever But then I saw Another meltdown not in my line, but a lady over at the budget counter maybe two Car rental places over looked like I think I mentioned this to some people last week looked like, I think I mentioned this to some people last week, go if you don't know the music video for Bon Jovi's
Starting point is 00:20:46 I'll be there for you with Ritchie Sambora. That hair style, ladies got going on. Total like, heather hairstyle, apologies, any heathers out there, but this is the type of hair that a heather would have, or I mean, I don't care in is such a cop out, but definitely a Karen hairstyle. Anyways, she was not happy and I didn't care and is such a cop out, but definitely a Karen hairstyle. Anyways, she was not happy and I didn't have the luxury
Starting point is 00:21:09 of overhearing what her conversation was about, but there was a lot of yelling, a lot of stomping, and I tried to get it for my Snapchat for the fans, but it's hard to do that casually, you know. People have gotten very aware of that. Anyways, I get my car and drive down to not down over to Cambridge Mass and had a nice little supper with my cousin Mocking Day who is getting his PhD from MIT in physics. So that's about all you need to know about mocking day and sort of how the two of us stack up in our academic rigor
Starting point is 00:21:54 But yeah, we we had a nice time I Parallel parked Not in downtown Boston but near downtown Boston not not even that near Arlington, Massachusetts, I think is what it was called. I was very proud of myself. I was driving a Chevy Malibu. And I ended up, it wasn't the onlyling metropolis of Augusta, Maine. And maybe Hanover, New Hampshire, I don't remember. No, I guess I didn't. But really proud of my parallel parking skills because the thing with parallel parking that
Starting point is 00:22:41 I feel like is true is that you get good at it from practice, right? It's just one of those things where after you practice it a couple of times and understand the vehicle you're driving, it's not hard. But for someone like me who hardly ever drives and has never driven a Chevy Malibu before and is probably only driven a Chevy three or four times in my life, it was nerve-wracking, but the thing is you just got to trust your instincts. I know the physics
Starting point is 00:23:10 of the situation. I've watched countless hours of YouTube tutorials on, you know, your angles and your your trig, your Soca Toa, right guys? Hypotnus, 30, 60, 90, 45, 45, 90. And I know all the angles, I have the best angles. People have always said that about me and I nailed it. Which reminds me of time, one time when I had to down or words are not great today, I had to parallel park in center city Philadelphia at 5 p.m. on a weekday. And that was probably like my best parallel park job ever and probably my riskiest as well because it was just a total like, I'm stuck in traffic at a red light. I spot the spot,
Starting point is 00:24:08 speaking of the spot, separate side story for, you know, in 30 seconds here, but we're still on the, you know, first two hours of my trip here. And I was able to parallel park in downtown traffic in the middle of America's, what, sixth largest city. It's Philly Bend Bump to sixth, where it goes New York, L.A. Chicago, and then what, Houston at four, Phoenix at five, Philly at six, or maybe Philly still five. I don't remember losing population fast.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I was really proud of myself. That was maybe four years ago, something like that. Speaking of the spot, there was a place, and I probably talked about it years ago on the Bean Sound Podcast. Back when I lived in Baltimore, up on St. Paul Street, I like St. Paul and Chase, or Eager, something like that.
Starting point is 00:24:58 There is this place in the back of a convenience store, which I don't even know the name of the convenience store, it's basically 7-Eleven, but there's a place in the back of a convenience store, which I don't even know the name of the convenience store, it's basically 7-11. But there's a place in the back called the Spot. And this was the best place at, we talked about pop as many donuts a lot in the past three months, four months here on the Beentown podcast. The Spot has a similar place in my heart, just in terms of like being cheap food, that's great for your budget, terrible for your about line, but just you get hooked.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And that was the spot for me and Baltimore. I would go there, get carry out from there like every Sunday night, it was really bad for me. But my mantra is the spot is hot. And I took one of my friends, actually she'd been on the podcast before our holiday correspondent from 2018, Megan Lundgren, lived like a block away from there
Starting point is 00:25:55 in Baltimore, just one block over on Charles Street and one time, and one time only, I convinced Megan to go to the spot with me. And we made, I don't remember if this was against my recommendation or if I didn't give her a good recommendation. I was two years ago, I don't remember. But basically, she got something off the menu that I had never
Starting point is 00:26:16 vetted before and it was not good. And it wasn't just her saying it wasn't good. I tried it, it was real bad. The spot let Megan down and Meg has never gone back to the spot. Anytime I tell her, the spot is hot. She says the spot is not. The reason I mention this is because I got dinner from a place called the spot. I would have to go back and think what town that was. Boy, just for Utica, I think it was in Utica, the spot in Utica, right in your downtown. I had to get it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Anytime I see a restaurant called the spot, I know it's gonna be hot. And so I go and I get it. But we're gonna be talking about our time in Utica, probably on the next episode here. But yeah, Sunday morning, woke up in Providence, Rhode Island went for a run around the Roger Williams Zoo, super spooky, super dark, pitch blackout.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I was the only one out there, a lot of open space. If you've never been to Providence before, it's just south of downtown there. And yeah, it went for a nice little joggula, it was maybe five miles, six miles, something like that and I had the whole place to myself. Drown to Manhattan where I parallel parked after doing a little concentric circle action and visited with Hashtag Brother of the podcast Jack Furnace and
Starting point is 00:27:43 we got some dining hall food and went to the park, played some cribbage, he whooped our asses and watched a little bit of football, cried over my fantasy football team once or twice. And then I finished up and or we finished up, I drove up to Central Connecticut and I do not recall, I can go back and look this up. I went to a kind of a little, I was Google Map searching Apple orchards, more or less. And it took me to this spot. That was basically just like a country store. I walked in and got some, got a half gallon of apple cider and a half dozen donuts. Which were interesting.
Starting point is 00:28:28 They weren't you traditional like smaller apple cider donuts. They were larger rings but kind of thinner and or more thin like me two months ago. And they were kind of crumbly. So I, you know, was eagerly hoping that I would find a spot that we could add for maybe a, you know, a donut power rankings part two. But unfortunately, not that these were bad,
Starting point is 00:29:00 but just, you know, nothing to write home about. They got the job done. Nothing super special though. Anyways, I stayed in Waterbury. I, the reason I was intentionally riding the line and the pronunciation there. I don't know, I still to the state don't know if it's Waterbury or Waterbury. Probably Barry. Waterbury, W-A-E-R-B-U-R-Y,
Starting point is 00:29:27 Connecticut, TBD. Not sure. Still don't know. But friends of the show, or if people are connected to me in social media, will know a little rhyming action there. What that room was like, and I'm going to tell you all about it on next week's installment of the Bean Tom podcast. And that's where we're gonna pick up. I promised we're gonna keep this short under half an hour, and we are literally hitting 30 minutes right now.
Starting point is 00:29:55 So I kind of kept my promise, not actually, but basically I did. So next time on the show, we will have a clearer, I was like four syllables, idea of election results, we're gonna talk about those a little bit, and then we are gonna pick up our road trip in Waterree, Connecticut. I promise, some of you might be thinking, well why don't you just go through the whole trip right now?
Starting point is 00:30:19 It would be a long time. I have a lot of notes here in my phone app that I wanna tell you about, because I had seven days worth of crazy things happening. So we will pick it up there. That's what I have for you this week. I know it's short and short and sweet. That's okay. I hope everyone is having a great week. This week is going to be a lot for us and for our country, but we are just going to take it one day at a time. Try to not watch too much CNN
Starting point is 00:30:49 and just let whatever happens happens. That being said, if you haven't voted, for God's sake, go out and do that. That's all I got for you, everyone. So thanks for listening. And thanks to our sponsors, maybe we'll have French press info for you. Next week, hopefully we will. I got to send them a DM. Anyways, thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:31:11 My name is Quinn. This is my show. This is part one of our New England road trip chronicles bean town fall 2020 shorter title still pending. That's what I got. Thanks for tuning in. Stay safe. Stay sane. Let's get some tunes going. Next week we'll pick it up with Water Roo, Connecticut, and my special room that I stayed in. Thanks everyone. I'll check in on you next time. Bye! I'm just going to sit there. ndご視聴ありがとうございました Thank you.

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