Beantown Podcast - Plum Grove Festival ft. Papa's Donuts and Election Trivia (10042020 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 4, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss COVID-free apple orchards, the 2020 Plum Grove Festival with Papa's mini donuts, and fun lil presidential election facts and trivia. Play at home!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos and welcome to my show. Quinn David Fernos presents the Bean Tom podcast. It's in the name. You know what? You'll love it. My name is Quinn. Thanks for tuning in today. It is a nice crisp fall weekend. I hope you're having pleasant weather, wherever you're at. This is like the, imagine what the, you know, stereotypical or prototypical October fall weekend is temperature wise. Slash activities wise, which we'll talk about in a second. And that's what you're getting here. Yesterday, cloudy at first, very chilly in the morning, as it will be in October.
Starting point is 00:00:59 It was reminded I was talking to my buddy Ian out in Baltimore. He's Scottish, but he lives in Baltimore. And I was talking to him about this, and he was telling me, you know, bringing his little kid to school. He's, you know, seven or eight, something like that goes to Catholic school. And how cold it is, this is even out in Baltimore. How cold it is in the morning.
Starting point is 00:01:20 So you got to wear your winter coat. And the reason I tell this is just nostalgia And you know, you you got to wear your winter coat in the morning cuz it's freezing I mean I went out from my run yesterday left the house about 515 and it was you know feels like 38 39 something like that and By the time you get to midday and the sun's toast and everything up, you'll get temperatures into the 60s. And your winter coat is gonna make you real sweaty.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And so it's always that balancing act. You wanna go out, here's a fun fall tip. I know we did a lot of these last week. When you leave the house, you wanna go out feeling just a little bit cold because by the time you get moving, unless you're gonna go like sit and watch a sporting event or something.
Starting point is 00:02:16 If you're gonna just be relatively inactive, hanging out, sitting down, then I can understand wanting to bundle up. And I agree with that. You don't want to sit there and be cold like if you're doing some outdoor dining. That's a big thing this year. And something that's new as a country, for most of us at least, you don't live in Florida or Southern California that we're now going to start having to
Starting point is 00:02:48 reckon with is outdoor dining per COVID restrictions. In a place, you know, you go down to certain places where it never gets colder than mid-40s, it'll be manageable. You'll bundle up, but you can still pull it off, but you go to places where there's a lot of population like Chicago, New York, Boston, DC, even gets very cold on the winters. This is going to be an interesting new chapter. And unfortunately, not to get political, I don't think this should be political, I don't think it is, but I don't think we're gonna have a vaccine in the next month or two and even when we do get a vaccine is gonna take a long time for it to be widely
Starting point is 00:03:37 Distributed if there's one thing I know about health care in this country. I don't know a lot about health care But if there's one thing I know about health care in this country. It don't know a lot about healthcare, but if there's one thing I know about healthcare in this country, it's that it's not typically equally accessible. Our healthcare system is not terribly just by most standards. So we have that to look forward to as a nation, which is exciting. But yeah, I mean yesterday went for the run nice crisp morning. Didn't see a lot of people out there, although it's worth noting that, you know, up until we get to daylight savings time ending, which I think is another
Starting point is 00:04:16 what, probably four weeks away, something along those lines. You know, if I leave the house at 515 in the morning, at this point sunrise is about 645 so I'm running a you know solid Almost not not all of my run, but almost all of my run before You know the sun even comes up. It was really it was really neat yesterday though. I was running my whole run was on the lakefront path. Yeah, you know, running 14, 15 miles, something like that. Yeah, even though it's dark on one side, on the west side of the sky, you got, you know, the moon. It was a very nice like spooky, The moon, it was a very nice like spooky, spooky season, SZN, kind of October moon. Oh man, they got, I just just getting around and turning these football games on.
Starting point is 00:05:13 They got the Greg Jennings broadcast going on the Vikings game. That happened once earlier this season. They put him with Chris Myers-Grey Jennings. He's as awful. happened once earlier this season. They put him with Chris Myers-Greek Jennings as awful. He seems like a decent guy and he lives in Minnesota. And hopefully he's a nice guy, I don't know, but his broadcasting, maybe he'll get better. Hopefully, he's getting tips
Starting point is 00:05:37 because it's not an easy job. Like, I'm not a type of person who's like, oh, he's awful, I could do better. But there are a limited number of broadcast spots out there. You'd think they would get the best of the best to do them. And great Jennings just, well, I don't know if this is first year. I feel like it is, but it's been bad. He's just analysis is okay, but just misspeaks all the time.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Where was I? Oh, you had the moon on one side of the sky, which was neat. Analysis is okay, but just misspeaks all the time. Where was I? Oh, you had the moon on one side of the sky, which was neat, and then eventually as the sun got closer as we got closer to sunrise, to start around like 6 a.m. You know, you get the east side of the sky over like Michigan, starting to brighten up a little bit, and then you couldn't actually see the sunrise
Starting point is 00:06:24 because it was cloudy yesterday until midday sun started poking out but I don't know kind of night so you get a little yin and the yang like a black and white cookie you got the moon on one side you got the sun on the other side it was kind of peaceful kind of relaxing not not too many folks out you, I think it's going to be interesting with gyms. I do what do gyms have full functional capacity in Chicago. I'm not sure. But, you know, I would assume you're going to see more outside. Oh, they just showed Brady and TV.
Starting point is 00:07:02 He's pissed. Oh, because his wider receiver dropped a wide open pass. Um, yes. Is that Ronald Jones? Uh, you're going to see more outside workouts. I would think I would imagine, you know, even if gyms are relatively open, you would think you wouldn't, you know, you have fewer people willing to take that risk. Myself included, although I don't even think knowing how my gym, it's not an official gym, it's just like a workout room almost owned by the university,
Starting point is 00:07:36 but it's not like the main one, so it doesn't get the resources or the cleaning or the maintenance too much. So I would be surprised. I don't even know if I could like go work out down there if I wanted to. But it's all the way down to the loop next to my office, which is very convenient when I'm working in my office, but not when I'm not.
Starting point is 00:07:58 You know, I've had people ask me like, oh, well, you have access to your gym, or you have a gym that you don't have to pay for. Whether or not I do have access, I don't know, but one way or another, I don't feel terribly inclined to take the train for an hour, not an hour, but an hour commute to go, you know, access some basic workout machines, et cetera. And I think most people would agree with me. That being said, Chicago runs,
Starting point is 00:08:33 get a little icy, a little chill. You get that wind especially out on the lake. You get that wind blowing in your face. Produce a lot of snott. And your fingers get pretty cold. Yeah, those are tough ones. You just got to get out, you just got to make yourself do it. Anyways, after the run, yes, Shay, which was pretty lovely, went out to a nice little app orchard, county line orchard in Hebron, Indiana, which was pretty exotic,
Starting point is 00:09:11 because it's Indiana, pretty neat. But by and large, the busiest, most crowded apple orchard, slash pumpkin patch, slash sunflower patch, I have never seen in my life. I mean, this was insane. Thousands upon thousands of people walking around, some of them with masks, many without. We hunted for apples in the trees. We were in the trees,
Starting point is 00:09:40 and we were in the trees. We were in the trees, finally after, you know, walk in for about a mile into the furthest of furthest trees in the grove, or the orchard, I guess, grove orchard, I'm not sure. We'll talk about groves in a second. Finally found a couple, but yeah, you had to reach up for them. It's a good thing I was there, because Rachel and her family are not the tallest of people.
Starting point is 00:10:17 What was I gonna say here? Oh, so we've got a couple apples, and got some donuts, some popcorn, all sorts of accoutrements and goodies. But afterwards you know we're out in Indiana and friends of the podcast who are connected to me on Facebook will know and have who even if you're not or if you are connected to us on Facebook you'll know where have who, even if you're not, or if you are connected to us on Facebook, you'll know where this is going, is what I was trying to say. But very exciting, because, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:53 we did our donut power rankings, what, about a month ago, a month and a half, something like that. And you heard us say that, Papa's was one of our favorite donut spots in the country. Papa's mini donuts and cheese curds, super exciting. You know, it's a good spot. The donuts are mini.
Starting point is 00:11:16 So it's out there in Lowell, Indiana, which is about half an hour from, you know, hebron, which is about by like, Crown Point, where we were for the Apple Orchard, which by the way, COVID, I don't think exists in Indiana, or at least the people of Indiana don't believe it exists because masks were not really required. But, you know, I follow Poppa's on Facebook
Starting point is 00:11:49 and they post every day. They've got a big social media presence, at least on Facebook. Every day without fail, Poppa is posting, I don't think it's Poppa himself. Poppa, if you don't know, is is looks like he's about 70 years old. Kind of looks like a pirate. I think we've said this on the show before. Go, if you're, you know, you got the time to do it right now.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Quickly, Google a picture of Guy Penrod. If you don't know who that is, famous Southern Gospel singer, who's with Gatherer for a while. You Google Guy Penrod and just imagine a handlebar mustache on that guy and looks like that image with the drugs catching up to him a little bit and being a chain smoker. We probably, we waited in line for about 10 minutes to get our, we got a bucket of cheese curge yesterday because the Rachel sisters were with us. And I think I saw Papa, you know, take down about four cigarettes in that time span.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I know they're cheaper in Indiana. Good for Papa for, you know, no one were to, no one where to operate his business. But, that's what Papa looks like. Kind of rough, kind of scraggly. But anyways, going back to the story, I don't think Papa's running his social media accounts. Because they're usually posting, unless Papa's in Somniac,
Starting point is 00:13:23 they're usually posted on us, Papas and Somniac, they're usually posting at about three, no, maybe like four, four, 30 AM. I think they're, I think, I thought that Papas were, you know, Lowell is Eastern time zone, although pretty much the whole time, as far as I could tell yesterday, we were operating Central time zone. It gets a little tricky there in Northwest Indiana. It's an aware, essential, where is Easter.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Not that it really matters. But I wanted to go to Papas, because we were so close, make that little pilgrimage, a Papas pilgrimage, a love eliteration on this show. Ooh, big touchdown for, Dishon Watson is out there playing his little electric guitar, touchdown celebration, wow, nice coverage. Well, but Poppas is normally out there in front of his house
Starting point is 00:14:19 out in Lowell in the driveway. Poppas was not there yesterday, according to social media posts. So we gotta say, okay, we gotta track down poppups. Find out, poppups is at the Plum Grove Festival in, was that in Hebron? I'm getting my towns mixed up now.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I don't know. Doesn't matter. We go down to the Plum Grove Festival, no idea what to expect. Don't even really know what Plumgrove is because it's not the name of the town. Plumgrove music is a music store in northwest Indiana. Like, you know, you go there to buy sheet music or some instruments. And there is this kind of like carnival, not really carnival, it's not rise,
Starting point is 00:15:08 but like little community festival with tables and tents all around the store. Pretty fun, there was, you know, throw the dart at the donut and get a free donut if you get it, if you know, you hit the donut with your dart, which I loved, because they just had a big ol' thing, a donut's,
Starting point is 00:15:26 big box, you just reach right in, no tongs, no gloves, no COVID, no problem, just reach and grab your donuts, perfect. They had, what was advertised, I was really excited when we first pulled in, because they gave us a map with, you know, locations of everything on it, and one of the things was the world's largest piano.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'm like, whoa, I'll hear an Indiana, that's exciting. It was just like a cardboard cutout. It was not particularly exciting, nor do I believe it to be the world's largest piano. But they had that. They had a human foosball, which sounds like something that Stefan would advertise at one of his nightclubs on SNL. And we had, let's see, Papa's was there obviously, there was a
Starting point is 00:16:13 fun little cafe that was there. We had, let's see, what else was going on there. There was live music, like an orchestra setup, and there was a little family of kids playing violin, viola, and cello, kind of some hold-down music, which was super exciting. And just a whole bunch of things. A dunk tank, a ukulele raffle, it was very exciting. We got our pop-as cheese curds, and it was like a whole bunch of Christians and home scores, a whole lot of skirts, a fair amount of denim, and masks, not really part of the experience.
Starting point is 00:17:03 But after that, we went home and hadn't parked out enough so we wanted more we had pizza and addition to our donuts and cheese curds. So really a great day. My second ever trip to get pop is, did not disappoint. I didn't you know, didn't get any of the donuts this time around because we already had Apple orchard and pumpkin patch donuts. But still exciting nonetheless, beautiful day. And I'll mention that listener discretion is advised.
Starting point is 00:17:41 When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast, number one will occasionally use some foul language number two. This podcast is objectively terrible although I hope all of you you know the listeners out there if you're able to do a nice fun Saturday fall activity like going to an Apple orchard or going to the plumgrove Festival, while you miss that, but you got a couple of other weekends here in October to go do a nice, fun, fall activity. So I would encourage everyone to get out there
Starting point is 00:18:13 and do that, please wear your mask, but please have some donuts. It's just, it's the little things in life. Trying to maintain a sense of normalcy and doing seasonal festive things is important, I think. And I would encourage you all to do it, if possible. Ooh, Adam Thielin's wide open. Wow, he's running kind of backwards.
Starting point is 00:18:49 That was an interesting play. Let's go ahead, sorry for the football commentary here. Let's go ahead and read our ads. And then in the second half, we've got a little bit of presidential election trivia for you. Nothing super organized, we're just going off of a website. I have not vetted these questions.
Starting point is 00:19:09 But just a little fun little nugget for you, or collection of nuggets, if you will. We got the election in 30 days, which is crazy talk. And there's just so much going on. And this is not a political show. I have plenty I could say about, literally this past week, you know the presidential debate happened this week,
Starting point is 00:19:37 five days ago, it feels like a month ago. But Trump has COVID, there's a million things. You don't come to the Bean Tum podcast to get your political commentary, okay? You can head out, head to my Facebook, head to my Twitter at white buns, email us, Bean Tum podcast, Again, this Bean Tum being about KSA for all, you know, those fun insights and stuff. But, where was I going with this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:09 We're going to, oh, presidential election trippy. Yeah, we're going to be doing that in the second half. And it's going to be pretty brief. We'll move through it fairly quickly. But I think you'll enjoy it. Although I haven't seen the questions yet. So who knows? And I'll be playing with you, along with you at home.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So let's read our ads here. Cuts. Nope, that's the last one. One of these days we'll do a backwards episode. It'll be like memento. Pretty exciting. Maybe I'll just record it in real time and then play it backwards.
Starting point is 00:20:40 That might be less exciting, because you wouldn't have any idea what I was saying Things to think about all right home pride organ are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth All because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time well organ listeners I got good news for you home pride inspection services in bend organ is central organs hottest new home inspection provider With inspection services, including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified,
Starting point is 00:21:14 so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate to wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust, you have to call Steve at 541-00316 or you could just visit Again, that's 541-00316 or you can visit Home pride organ inspection perfection. All right, I want to give a shout to the Samson Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:21:49 It's got crisp, clean, and clear audio quality. From 8 is E Alfredo Omega, just like Jesus, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. When God speaks, He uses a Samson. What do you think Deuteronomy means? And who's the poet or writer with old Deuteronomy, the cat? Who was that?
Starting point is 00:22:20 Book character, T.S. Eliot, there it is. What does Deuteronomy mean? Live Googling on the air. What does Deuteronomy mean? I bet we're going to get some Bible results here, not telling me about the word itself and rather telling me how to interpret the book. Yep, what is the dominant theme of the book of Deuteronomy?
Starting point is 00:22:52 What does Deuteronomy mean? Insight for living. Book of Deuteronomy overview. What if we go to Miriam Webster? Is it like a Greek thing, a Jewish word? I mean, where does that word come from? Middle English from late Latin, Deuteronomyum, D-E-U-T-E-R, I hope you're writing this down. O-N-O-M-I-U-M, from Greek for Deuteronomyum, D-E-U-T-E-R. I hope you're writing this down. O-N-O-M-I-U-M, from Greek for Deuteronomyum, D. Well, I can't say that I walked away
Starting point is 00:23:29 from reading that, feeling like I know exactly what's going on, but at least I did my due diligence. Cuts by Q. Are you, nope, a Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like NR Sandman just slightly different. Cuts by Q is been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago. Cook County, greater Chicago and area, including Northwest Indiana, and I think something else I forgot. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:24:05 From B-Highs to Banks, Fowlhawks to Flat Top, and everything in between, you have to call Nope, tough one today. I'm distracted. I got four screens going here. Cutsbyqad8152987200, or you can email. There it is.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Again, that's cuts. Q-T-Z All right, that's cuts Q UTZ by Q at All right, sing it together loud and clear. Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q cuts by Q. Good stuff. Good stuff. All cue, good stuff. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:47 All right, as promised, grab a cool bev, and put your thinking caps on. My computer's got 48% left, so that means we can record for another 15-ish minutes. We're going to do some presidential election trivia. And I'm just reading this off a website and I haven't vetted the questions nor have I researched the answers. If you got a problem with answers and you lost big, big money on this, you can email us
Starting point is 00:25:27 already said it twice earlier and dispute your answers. And that would be, you know, helpful for me as well to just kind of know, you know, how much this website sucked. Okay. first question. Everyone knows John F Kennedy was the youngest president who was elected to the office. He was 43 when he was inaugurated in 1961. I didn't actually know this,
Starting point is 00:25:56 but who was the youngest president period? I always thought it was JFK. So again, we're saying JFK was the youngest ever inaugurated, but who was the youngest to ever hold the office at any point in time? It was not JFK apparently. So who was it? Give you a couple minutes. Think it over.
Starting point is 00:26:14 You can always just pause. If you'd like, it's your call. The answer, Theodore Roosevelt was age 42 when he rose from vice president to president after the assassination of Bill McKinley in 1901. Oh Ding ding ding ding. We got a bonus Teddy Roosevelt fact very exciting. I Didn't know this was coming. He was the first president to win the Nobel Peace Prize taking it in 1906 president Wilson won in 1919 Kind of ironic president Obama in 2009 president Jimmy Carter one in 2002 after having left office I didn't know that that's kind of neat and president Trump Well on his way. All right. How'd you do on question number one?
Starting point is 00:26:56 There's still time for question number two. All right Everyone knows I love how these questions start with everyone knows. So if you don't actually know, you feel really stupid about yourself. Everyone knows President Bill Taft about whom we'll hear more later, began the tradition of throwing a first pitch on opening day. He did it in 1912.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Who is the only president since then not to do so? And I will mention this is important, this article is from February 14th, 2020. So relatively recent, it is not recent up to the day, I'll kill her fourth Sunday. This is recent as of Valentine's Day, 2020. So, President Bill Taft, throughout opening pitch, first pitch and opening day, did Bill Taft, throughout opening pitch, first pitch and opening day did in 1912, first president to do it.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Who is the only president since then not to do so? And I thought there was something where Trump didn't, throughout first pitch, I don't know, he's not the answer to this, at least according to this website. The answer to this question is someone who we just mentioned previously in the bonus fact. Give you a second or two, it gave you a clue, he's from the south
Starting point is 00:28:16 and he's still alive, that should square it away. Jimmy Carter, who served as president from 1977 to 1981. I wonder why that is. I know he's a he's a baseball guy. I don't know. Interesting. Okay. We're going way back in the record books here. George Washington's two terms as president were by dint of what does that mean by dint. I know I'm not familiar with that phrase of unanimous electoral college votes. Other than that, who won the biggest electoral landslide percentage wise? Well, this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:28:53 So I know that Reagan in what the 84 election I think it was won every state except for one state, I think, is that how it went? I don't know, I don't let me confuse you. I apologize for this. I thought there was an election where Reagan won every state except for one. I don't know if he is the answer to this.
Starting point is 00:29:18 So George Washington's two terms of president were by dint of unanimous electoral college votes. Other than that, who won the biggest electoral landslide percentage-wise? The answer, President James Monroe or Jimmy, as I call him, love my Jimmy Presidents. In 1820, who skunked future President J.Q. Adams,
Starting point is 00:29:38 231 to 1. Oh, that's got to hurt. The whole that was reportedly one elector who simply wanted to preserve George Washington's record as the only president to pitch a shutout. What a little bitch. Bonus Jimmy Monroe fun fact, he was the first president of a child
Starting point is 00:29:53 getting married at the White House. Well, that's very fun. Moving on, which president hollered, this isn't even an election question. What does this mean? Okay, apologies for this question. We're gonna move through it quick, because I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Which president hollered for a living in his pre-White House years? I don't know what that means. Hollard, that's a profession. We're an occupation now, hollering. Ben, Benny Harrison, they call him Benny the Jet Harrison. Benny the Jet Harrison. I wish they called him that. The only president to have been the grandson of a former president had trouble getting set up in a law practice in Indianapolis.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So he took a job as a court crier, not John Crier, a court-cryer. That was quite the question. Hullaring, court-cryers. Wow. Moving on here, which incumbent president suffered the worst electoral college loss? Which incumbent president suffered the worst electoral college loss. That's a great question. Our good answer. Our good buddy, President Bill Howard, first pitch-taft, just reading the script
Starting point is 00:31:17 here, in 1912, they hated that guy. Once he got stuck in the bathtub. His Republican party, re-nomination slip, that's right. The former, the party, former president, Teddy Taft, nope, Teddy Roosevelt, a ledging taft that stolen it for the progressive party, taking a lot of tasks, followers, Taft only gave one campaign speech. Wow, anti-Trump. Vice President James Sherman, or Jimmy Sherman,
Starting point is 00:31:43 died six days before the election and Taft was kept off the ballot in two states I didn't know that kept off the ballot in two states. Wow. They really really hated that guy Bonus bill taft facts. Oh wait, we weren't done yet. So yeah, Woodrow Wilson won the presidency with 435 Electoral votes Roseville at 88 tafft managed, eight. That's got to hurt. All right, we got a bonus Billy tafft fact. We need a little ding, ding, ding alert. He was appointed, oh, this is a good one.
Starting point is 00:32:17 He was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921. The heaviest president at $332, that is he is a tank. He got stuck in the White House bath of the first time he used it. You know, they say Trump weighs 247, which is not true, I don't think. Let's Google Taft height. How tall was Bill Taft?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Bill Taft was six feet tall. Trump is what? Little taller than that, six three. Six three is Donald J. Trump. So you're telling me that Bill Taft, three inches shorter than Donald Trump, is coming in at nearly a hundred pounds heavier than him. I mean, I know Bill Taff's a big guy
Starting point is 00:33:06 or was a big guy, wrestling piece, but I'm just not, the math doesn't add up there, for me at least. Anyways, moving on here. This is a short and sweet one, and I won't give you a bunch of time because we are back, I apologize, that was a technical glitch. I tried switching basically going from my internet browser back to GarageBand and it just couldn't handle that. One too many
Starting point is 00:33:32 clicks. Okay, we'll do a couple more here. Who is the only president buried in Washington, D.C.? I have no idea the answer. I'm going to guess only President buried in DC. I'll guess. I don't know, I don't have a guess. Here is the answer. President Woodrow Wilson, I feel like we're recycling the same seven or eight names here. President Woodrow Wilson who remains our NA sarcophagus.
Starting point is 00:34:00 S-A-R-C-O-P-H-A-G-U-S, in the national cathedral. Perhaps the previous picture was a hint to that. I didn't know what the picture was. That's okay. You can Google it. Next question. Four, oh, this is a great question. I love questions like this.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Make it, you know, think a little bit. And I'll encourage you to pause on this one because I'm not going to give you, you know, two minutes of dead air to just stew over it. You can pause it if you want. Four presidents have died in office, though they weren't assassinated. Who are they? So the assassinations are pretty easy. Once you memorize them, you just kind of know them. They are Lincoln Garfield, Bill McKinley, and JFK.
Starting point is 00:34:50 But I don't know if that might have the four who died in office, so I'm just gonna tell you right now. They are, I could probably get two or three off the top of my head. The one that I always think about the famous one to me is William Henry Harrison or as we call them, you know, Billy, Billy Hank Harrison, Bill Hank, I can call him that first name basis. Is it, is it William Henry Harrison? No, it's John Tyler or Zachary Taylor. I think it's Tyler who has living grandchildren,
Starting point is 00:35:22 is just like one of the most insane facts ever known to man. As Joe Mixin has just scored his third touchdown of the game after I wondered if we should drop him. Well, he heard, okay, four presidents died in office. They were not assessing. We got Billy Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding, picture above, great picture, and FDR. So I think I knew for sure Bill Harrison and FDR, and I think if you would have given me some time, I could have remembered that harding did as well. I don't think I would have gotten Taylor.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And with thanks to the many readers to point out that I missed this first time around, oh, I don't know, whatever. Medical records say he died of a heart attack and had high blood pressure as his FDR, but there are rumors he took his own life or was poisoned by his wife, Yikes. His love letters to women other than his wife
Starting point is 00:36:13 were released in 2014. Perennial discretion is advised. Oh, I hate when that happens. Bonus, Orangey Harding Fun Fact, love those. He was the only president elected on his birthday to be precise. November 2nd, 1920, the day he turned 55, was pretty young, or at least young by our standards. What else we got here? We got a bonus Zachary Taylor Fun Fact, a career army officer who never voted until the election he ran in 1848 and didn't resign
Starting point is 00:36:43 from the army until more than two months after he was elected. And all the grations happened in March and those days. The legend is that he almost blew off his presidential nomination. He got it in a letter that arrived postage due and he never paid for postage due letters. This guy, none of the main presidential history sources mentioned this, but it's too good not to imagine. Bonus, bonus, warranty, hearting fun fact. The G stood for, oh, this is amazing. This is the best fact of the day.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Gamalio. Weren Gamalio Harding, I'm not kidding. G-A-M-A-L-I-E-L. Weren Gamalio Harding. You're welcome. America. Probably the greatest fact of all time. Okay, a couple more here than I'm gonna let you go, I promise.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Who is the good one to know? Who is the oldest man to assume the presidency? Don't think too hard about it. Donald J. Trump, 70 years old. I'll mention this, I try not to talk Trump too much. I saw the opening, the cold open SNL sketch last night. And you know, Baldwin's, Alec Baldwin's, wow, apologies for another football interruption.
Starting point is 00:38:04 The Saints, the Lions were winning this game 14 to zero after five minutes and they're not losing 35 to 14. If that's not just a microcosm of what it means to be a Detroit Lions fan, I don't know what is. Wow, Kyler Murray's just ran like 70 yards. A little dude is fast. The Alex Baldwin impression is legendary.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And it's great, he does certain trump things really well. But what I've noticed is that I feel like the one thing that bumps me out about this is that I don't think his Trump impression has evolved at all. Like to me, it's the exact same thing he's done on day one. is that I don't think his Trump impression has evolved at all. Like to me, it's the exact same thing he's done on day one. And so it's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It's better than a lot of people's. But I don't know, it's just not as much like, like I have a friend on Instagram who does a really good Trump impression. What I love most about is it's constantly tweaking it, constantly evolving it to match Trump, because he's not exactly the same every single time he goes out there to speak.
Starting point is 00:39:13 But I feel like every time Baldwin comes out with each subsequent appearance, it just feels more and more boring. I don't know, maybe that's an unpopular opinion. I really think Darrell Hammond's Trump is underrated, and I wouldn't mind getting that again at some point in the future. Okay, let's do, well, we'll try to end on a good note here. Speaking of President Trump, that's not the good note. He has said he'll donate the salary that comes with the office to charity, actually refusing the money is rather difficult and may not in fact be possible. That's interesting. He has said he'll donate the salary that comes with the office to charity, actually refusing the money is rather difficult and may not, in fact, be possible.
Starting point is 00:39:46 That's interesting. He would not be the first president to do this, though. Who else has given away the pay? The answer is probably not what you were expecting. President Herbert Hoover and President JFK, well, we know he had enough money, so he got two answers there. Hoover and Kennedy. All right, let's scroll through here until we find a really good one.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That one's okay. This one's kind of kind of nuts. I want to find a real good one for you. Something that can really take us out on a high note. Okay, here we go. I think this is the last one we have. Yep. Everyone knows, again, starts with everyone knows. Sorry if we're insulting anyone.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Everyone knows Lincoln was the tallest president at 6 foot 4. It's actually kind of surprising because 6'4 is tall. No doubt about it. But it's not like gigantic. I think everyone thinks the Lincoln is being like the largest human, they're like, just crazy tall. He's not six four, he's a big guy,
Starting point is 00:40:58 but he's not like, he's not gonna go play power forward for the Celtics. You know where the question is going. Who was the shortest and it's the one you would assume, if you know your president's fairly well? James Madison, 1809 to 1817, he was 5'4". So also pretty small, but not like tiny. How tall is Kamala?
Starting point is 00:41:24 Because I feel somewhat confident at this point that Kamala here is going to be present at some point. Maybe that's kind of cryptic to say. It's just how I feel. I hope you enjoyed our president trivia. It was meant to be election trivia. Some of the questions were that. Some of them weren't. But you know, I had fun. I hope you had fun too. So we had a nice nice pretty nice little episode here talking about pumpkin patches, plum grouf festivals and I hope you enjoyed listening. If you did let us know, tweet at us we're at Bean Town Cast, you can shoot us an email we've We've already talked about how you can do that. We love hearing from you, the listeners. We have our New England road trip coming up
Starting point is 00:42:11 in three weeks here. I haven't quite decided exactly how I want to do it, but what I'm thinking of doing is recording maybe not every day. Even though I'm gonna be in a different state every day, we're doing Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, or Vermont, New Hampshire main back to Massachusetts. I don't think I'm going to do a podcast every day. That's too much. But what I would like to do potentially is, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:41 maybe record two or three and then just drop those, you know, pre-recorded, although I gotta say, in special, I suppose, it was, so we'll see, TBD, we've never, the Bean Tom podcast has never lived through a presidential election. We started a year after Trump took office, so, we'll see how it goes, but I'll keep you posted on what the plan is. And I think one way or another,
Starting point is 00:43:09 you all the listeners are in for a little treat. So thanks for tuning in. This week again, great opportunity to get out and enjoy some of the crisp, autumn air, a tummnal, great word, great adjective. Thanks everyone for tuning in. We're gonna queue up some of our music here and hope everyone's doing well.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Stay safe, stay sane, and that's what we got. So I'm gonna check in on you next time. Peace everyone, bye. I'm just going to sit there. nd nd you

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