Beantown Podcast - Quinn and Rachel and Saugatuck Mitch (12172021 Beantown)

Episode Date: December 17, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE to detail his weekend away in Saugatuck including his legendary story about the man, the myth, the legend: MITCH. Also, I sang Conway Twitty so......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday. Say Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday. Like my old algebra two teacher. Robert II teacher, Ted Davis out there at Rockford Christian High School. I tell you what, just half an hour ago I watched the finale of the Jeopardy Professors Tournament, the first ever and the guy who won, this is going to be spoilers, but he was the guy who was in the lead the whole time. But he was a operations professor, which I think is like a computer science thing, or maybe like business and logistics shipping, I don't know, at the, the, the, the, the, the graduate academy of the Naval Academy,
Starting point is 00:00:56 I think, something like that. And he kind of looked like Ted Davis, like if Ted Davis, like, lost a bunch of weight and was a little bit, well, they had similar personalities, they were different, but similar. That makes sense. It's Friday, December 17th, 2021, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:01:16 How are you? What's happening? We are this close, a hop a sketch and a smirk away, a sketch and a smirk. That is not a phrase. From the end of 2021, in the end of year four of the Bean Tump podcast, we're coming up to the five.
Starting point is 00:01:32 The V, the five dollar foot long Jared style. It is, well Christmas, Christmas is coming. We are eight days away from Christmas. And one week it'll be Christmas Eve, which is crazy. Because this week in the Midwest we were having tournatic activity. It was 60 degrees on I think it was Tuesday. Dude I tell you what I went for a run on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It was the most bizarre thing of all time. I'm running from my office down in Jackson up north to like where the big S curve in Lakeshore Drive is kind of around you know like division area that sort of thing and then back down to my office so going north and it got it's 60 degrees out but I only had my running stuff actually this must have been Wednesday or Monday I don't remember I think it was Wednesday because they didn't run on Tuesday and I'll tell you why in a second. But I was running north, went to my back and it was 60 degrees out but it was very gloomy
Starting point is 00:02:37 and extremely humid and very windy as you know if you live in the United States, super windy this year. So this week, excuse me not this year, but it's just like I was just flying and super sweaty on the way up and starting to get overheated because I'm wearing pants and a long sleeve and it's 60 degrees out.
Starting point is 00:02:59 And then coming back, you just get blasted in the face with wind. And at that point, it was crazy. I mean, there were people running in clothes like me, sort of winter running clothes. I saw a couple guys running shirtless. There, I got hit by a couple tree branches. My cheeks got scratched up.
Starting point is 00:03:16 So there was just a lot going on on that run. And here is the reason why I did not run on Tuesdays, because I got boosted on Monday run. And here is the reason why it did not run on Tuesdays because I got boosted on Monday morning. And man, I tell you what, I went into it with an open mind, a positive mindset trying to mentally will my way to it not being so bad, will my way to health, if you will. And Monday, I was thinking, okay, maybe this won't be so bad. my way to health if you will. And Monday I was thinking, okay, maybe this won't be so bad. Like, I'm doing okay. I got a low grade fever fairly early on. I got boosted at 9.20 am in the morning. So if that isn't just the best way to start your week, I don't know what is. But our arm was relatively sore, but not crazy. And then Tuesday hit, and I was just not like sweating buckets all day,
Starting point is 00:04:09 but just always a light perspiration on my forehead, if you will. And just it was the worst because we had our like staff holiday lunch out at a fancy Italian restaurant that afternoon. And boy, I was on the struggle bus big time. Couldn't focus at all, you know, running the fever. You know, it was a two hour lunch, which is just, I don't know, that's a long time when you are just like struggling
Starting point is 00:04:37 to be there. So I didn't run on Tuesday, and then Wednesday I was, the fever broke on Wednesday I think and was still sore and then arm was still a little bit sore and kind of just low energy and stiff all week. Certainly on Thursday yesterday today. Outside of like if I press my shoulder where just my left shoulder in general like I feel the soreness but otherwise I feel good. In case you're wondering the 60 degree,
Starting point is 00:05:06 was literally, 60 degrees was literally, like I think less than 24 hours total, cause we're back down to, you know, still windy, but now we're in the feels like like 25, 27, whatever it might be. Listen to discretion is advised, but I do encourage everyone to get boosted, do your civic, doodoo, doodil diligence, all that good stuff, keep us safe,
Starting point is 00:05:28 keep us healthy, especially with this new Omicron variant, with all your holiday travel and stuff coming up. And just know you're going to get slammed. But it's probably way better to get slammed like this than be not vaccinated or not boosted and get slammed with the real legit COVID things. So there's your your bean town PSA. That could be a whole new series. We'll see what happens in the future with that. Number one, this podcast is objectively terrible. Number two, we occasionally use some language on this program, although it tends to be
Starting point is 00:06:00 pretty fairly friendly. Did I say fairly friendly? It tends to be pretty fairly friendly. We're bringing in all the adjectives. All the, you know, friendly is one of those faux adverbs, right? Because they say the LY verbs are the adverbs, but friendly, hey, that seems like an adjective to me. A friendly guy, a friendly dog, a friendly adverb, if you will, it's an adjective.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's describing a noun or another adjective. I think is how that works. I don't know. Here's the thing. When we're talking about parts of speech, I don't know who came up with the whole parts of speech concept, but did we really need a difference between adverb and adjective?
Starting point is 00:06:46 Why couldn't we just have, we could just combine them. That way, no kids are getting confused. Hashtag, no kid left behind, okay, George W. Bush. And it's just, hey, if it's describing something, boom, you got an adverbative. There's a portmanteau for you. Portmanteau, P-O-R-T, my favorite drink, M-A-N-T-E-A-W. Like, bow bridges. Portmanteau truck. I think that's actually a portmanteau.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Not the one I did before. I'm sipping on something you would never expect today at Tasty Beverage and it's bringing me way back to college Because we had a lot of them in college because it's really easy to make. I am drinking a screwdriver I am confident. I haven't had one of these since you know well before I I didn't drink in 2020 It's orange juice and it's vodka The only reason I have this is because we had bought orange juice last weekend and sogutok, which is where we'll get to in a hot second here, one of the reasons we're not the one of the reasons, the reason why we recorded so early last week and why
Starting point is 00:07:55 it's been so long since you've heard my beautiful voice. But we got orange juice for mimosas, another tasty beverage, because we wanted to have mimosas in the hot tub. And obviously, when you got a jug of OJ and a bottle of champagne, you run out of the champagne, especially with mimosas, which is like 90% champagne. You run out of the champagne a lot more quickly than there's an adverb for you, then you run out of the orange juice. So I brought the carton home and I've
Starting point is 00:08:27 Spend you know sipping on it here and there this week, but I realized today, you know, I was really looking forward to You know like a glass of whiskey or something at the end of the day. Then I realized hey, I got all this old J-like I was out. I was out Excuse me out first at Trader Joe's and then a target then I was like, hey, maybe I'll just pick up some Svetka. When's the last time I bought Svetka? I don't know. It was probably like 19 years old. And I wasn't the one buying it
Starting point is 00:08:51 because I never had a fake or anything. But I got it and now we're sipping on a screwdriver. And it tastes just like I remembered it. Clean, clear, refreshing. Remind you of anyone. Hmm. But I'm savoring every drink at this point because I'm doing dry January. And yeah, I think it's I think it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:09:15 okay. I mean, I definitely, you know, look forward to like a glass of wine or the occasional beer. When I'm out with friends like last night, friend of the podcast, John Paul Pandowsky finishes first semester of finals for law school. Congratulations to John Paul. We love having him on this program. And we went out last night to the oldest building in Chicago. The green door tavern and had a couple of beers. I had a PBR from the can and then I also had the Great Lakes
Starting point is 00:09:49 Christmas ale absolutely scrumptious. I think I had it before but I really didn't recall having it because this was just I mean this was delicious. It was fantastic. I really had a good time drinking it Fantastic. I really had a good time drinking it and Had a lot of beer last weekend too. So Yeah, I think it'll be a little bit of adjustment, but the nice thing is it's it's 31 days like I can do it and I know especially once I start like Seeing in granted very slight differences, but like or small differences But once you start to see like those tiny body changes in the mirror I think that for me at least is inspiration enough to be like, okay, well, like another day, another
Starting point is 00:10:29 day looking good. I think that's kind of the key for me at least is like, you know, just lean into the 31 days of like being, you know, hardcore with the like eating well, just being smart. You don't have to do anything crazy. I'm not planning to really change up my diet, a ton, or exercise a bunch more, but just try to take advantage of like, okay, we're cutting out alcohol here.
Starting point is 00:10:57 You don't need to like, comp that by having other things. Just kind of stick to the plan, stick to the routine, and just kind of stick to the plan, stick to the routine, and just kind of like, you know, watch, you know, weight's not gonna fly off, but like, you're gonna get a little trimmer, a little toner, like the printer, and I don't know, like, I think you just gotta take advantage of that. That's my plan, at least, dry January. I did not do it this year because I was coming out of a full year of not drinking, and that just seemed crazy to do 13 months, not to mention unlucky, okay?
Starting point is 00:11:29 I'm not about to set any curses on my year in the first month. That's just whatever the opposite of common sense is. That's that right there. But yeah, dry January coming up soon here. So there's a couple of housewives things to check in on, real housewives of Salt Lake City, and real housewives of the North Pole, believe it or not,
Starting point is 00:11:55 and but I'm gonna move very quick, then we're gonna just briefly touch on our weekend and sogatuck, because I wanna promote it, and also tell about the legend of Mitch. I think you all are going to like that story. And that's how we're going to spend the rest of our time today. It's going to be an average length episode, but certainly not too long. And I'm just going to try to move it along. Because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I don't know. It's one of those days where I haven't really done much, but I'm not necessarily in the like, like, really want to really done much, but I'm not necessarily in the like, like, really want to talk a ton kind of mood. I'm just kind of like chilling, just hanging out like, and actually the biggest reason for that is because I just got off the phone with my lovely grandmother, Sal, and we talked for maybe 20 minutes or something like that, which for some of you might not seem like a long time, but for me, you know, as more of an intro, I don't always love talking a ton. I like listening a lot better. So kind
Starting point is 00:12:50 of doing this back to back is a little bit, you know, I don't know, like it can be a little bit long. So let's check it out in the real has a Salt Lake City. So the ladies have finally, it felt like forever, because it was like four episodes, finally returned from Vale, which was the kind of back half of the whole Gen Shas, it's Gen Shas getting arrested situation. And we're finally getting Gen Shas's a little bit more action. Okay. So she has apparently gotten a new phone number.
Starting point is 00:13:31 She calls a couple of the housewives, I think Lisa and Heather. And Lisa doesn't answer something like that. Heather agrees to meet with her. They end up getting like lunch or something, all the classic apps that that Heather's always getting Jen is basically just like crying talking about the details of the the arrest later. We see Jen and and Shaw having an emotional moment coach Shaw is like I'm not gonna leave you and it's kind of starting to feel like
Starting point is 00:14:02 Coach shop probably knows what's up in terms of like what Jen was doing. So it kind of feels like if Jen, if he wants to walk away, she's going to try to take him down with her. That's kind of my read on the situation. That's speculative at this point, but that's kind of where I'm thinking. We buzz over to Whitney's house, we learn that she's doing some sort of rebranding thing, and apparently it's causing them way too much money. I don't remember how much money exactly, but just a ridiculous amount of money. And it's just kind of like, yeesh, yikes. And also, there's been some talks going around on the internet between Justin Rose, Whitney's husband having some legal issues.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And Whitney seemingly closer and closer by the day to a multi-level marketing scheme than we once thought. There's for all the talk that obviously Jen Shoggets and then Mary Cosby, there's talk that Whitney might be the next housewife up on the chopping block here for legal issues. So that's something to watch out for.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Mary Cosby is crazy. She brings in this, I think interior designer, or organizer, something like that. What's the name of that? That Asian lady who was like, it brings you joy two years ago, something like that. I don't read Sue Chan. It was something short like that.
Starting point is 00:15:40 But this is basically that lady, and we do a little tour on Mary's house, one of her houses, because I think she has like eight. Let's tell you all, all you need to know about Mary, considering she's a pastor. And yeah, it's shocking. The amount of clothes, shoes, handbags, all that stuff. Weaves that Mary has. So that's crazy. We get a fun little moment from Lisa and Meredith. They go horseback riding And in classic Lisa fashion she's like hyping it up like this is the same thing if you remember I think they were in Vegas last year a couple of them went race car driving and
Starting point is 00:16:19 Lisa was like hyping it up and then she ended up being like super slow and it was pretty embarrassing Same thing with the horses this week like Meredith is just killing it, like hanging out by herself. And then you got Lisa who like can't get her horse to move. And it's like struggling to get on the horse and stuff. So that's basically what was going on there. Jenny, it really feels like they have no idea what to do with. She literally takes her daughter to some taste test Vietnamese thing, and it's just Jenny, her daughter,
Starting point is 00:16:49 and some other Vietnamese lady, and they're just chatting. I don't really know. Whitney has some sort of like photo shoot at her house, not everyone's there. She talks to Cameron, the guy who was part of Mary's church, but now he's dead on the phone. And I think next week we're finally getting all the ladies together in one place, which will be the first time since the Gen-Shaw arrest. And the little clip we got was basically
Starting point is 00:17:22 teasing the fact that Meredith had said after Gen Shy got arrested, I think, or maybe even before I don't know, like if Gen Shy is here, don't invite me. And I think it's Jenny who puts everything together. And so now Meredith is going to be pissed at Jenny, yada, yada, yada, but also Gen Shy is there. So it's going to be good. That'll be Sunday night. I think. I don't know what their holiday schedule is gonna be like, but real house for the Salt Lake City, bringing the heat this season from the ladies. Although we still, Jenny stole the poor lady,
Starting point is 00:17:58 the new one, they're not giving her anything interesting you do. Okay, so there was also a, a peacock original film that Rachel and I watched, actually I believe Sunday before Real Households is a Salt Lake City. So we did a little double header action and it's Kyle Richards,
Starting point is 00:18:17 who is a Real Households of Beverly Hills. She's also Paris Hilton's aunt, aunt, AUNT, and then Betsy Brandt, who breaking bad fans will know as Marie, Hank's long-suffering wife, who ends up being like the only person who kind of gets out of that show in an okay normal shape, I guess, although she's a kleptomaniac. It's the two of them, they have some kids that are like Sean Mendez and Camille have been narrow knockoffs and there's like very brief cameos from other housewives in there but when I say brief, I mean brief, like half a line.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And basically this this film is a solid one and a half stars out of four. I don't really know what it would take considering this is one and a half stars for a movie to be one star because this is pretty awful. But I feel like I really have to to oh you know what is one star out of four. The the film we watched last year Christmas cookies which halfway into it turned into like literally a chopped episode. The most bizarre you can't even call it a movie. It was like a media production. I don't know what that was.
Starting point is 00:19:31 This movie was like still a movie, but just everything terrible about holiday, cheesy holiday movies, this was that. But not bad enough to be like a fun loving sort of like a cute kind of like oh knee slap or sort of thing. Just like pretty tough acting, you know, the my least favorite thing about these these Hallmark style, these holiday movies is the music in the background that whatever mood it is cute, somber, sad, spooky, it's always just like the most
Starting point is 00:20:10 Just not helpful kind of thing cheeky. I don't really know how to describe that I had a word that I wanted to use that started with the C and it slipped my my brain I can't recall what it was but just like Just doesn't help things it makes makes things C or makes things like a thousand percent worse And this movie was was makes things see or makes things like a thousand percent worse. And this movie was certainly a victim of that. So you definitely don't need to watch it. I mean, we had to scour all over the internet and eventually get someone's peacock log in just to find it.
Starting point is 00:20:38 How so has the North Pole two thumbs down. But you know what was two thumbs up? And this is the this is our my last piece of today's episode. Saga Tuck Michigan. Okay, so the reason I recorded so early last week was because Rachel and I went away to Saga Tuck for what we got there Thursday night. We left Sunday midday. We had a if you don't know Sagittuck it's a it's a like a beach town. Technically it's more on the Kalamazoo River than Lake Michigan but you're literally half a mile from where it flows into Lake Michigan. So you just hop
Starting point is 00:21:17 in your car drive down the street you got the beach right there. But it's about an hour north up Lake Michigan passed the Indiana border. So about three hours drive from you know downtown Chicago area north side of Chicago. And we picked it kind of randomly. Neither one of us had ever been to Sauga Tuck before. We've spent I spent some time, excuse me, I was getting a sip of my beverage and I accidentally swallowed the ice cube. We've spent some time as a couple in just the sliver of Michigan.
Starting point is 00:21:54 We're talking like new Buffalo, Sawyer area, but we decided to take it up a notch, literally up, although not the UP, that would have been a really good pun. Although I do want to go, it's just, that's an investment, like six, seven hour drive minimum, something like that. So that's going to take a long time. We wanted to go a little bit further than we've gone before, like the Conway Twitty song. I'm gonna find the lyrics to that, and I'm gonna sing it to you to end the show today, because I can.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Conway Twitty. If you don't know Conway Twitty, you're gonna know I'm after I sing this song. Is there maybe, okay, you know what I really wanna do is find karaoke, and maybe I can play the music through my phone on the stream while I'm singing. Let me see if I can find CAH, I'm on YouTube now. Little side track here, Tangent, that's what the show is all about.
Starting point is 00:23:01 This far, I'm typing with one hand because I got a hold of Mike karaoke. There we go. Let's see if we can get it. Oh, it looks like it's there. Okay, we're gonna come back to that in about 10 minutes here. We found we were searching all over really. Little, you know, towns in Michigan, really looking for anything in Michigan, as long as it had a hot tub, okay, that is absolutely What we wanted to have because because my initial thing that I wanted Was somewhere warm because I'm not going anywhere at at any point in the next
Starting point is 00:23:43 X amount of time. And so we wanted somewhere warm, but eventually the flights just didn't work out. So I had to end up just finding a hot tub, okay, that was sort of our compromise to the situation. So after some searching, because Rachel is just good at finding the best spots, we found this cozy little, all I can really describe it as is you have like a regular kind of ranch house and they had, I think it was originally part of the house, but then they like sectioned it off
Starting point is 00:24:26 like a separate little thing to the side. That was just like a studio you walk in, the bed is right to your right, there's a couch in front of you, the television, the kitchen, in the back part of that space, and then a bathroom. That's all the space was, it was really small, but we weren't really hanging out at the house too much,
Starting point is 00:24:44 but it had the hot tub, which was clutch, and that's what we wanted. And the other nice thing, it was right on the north edge of kind of town, it's a very small town, so you could like, we could drive into where we wanted, or you could just leave the car keys at home if you're doing something downtown, which you did multiple times. Thanks to Rachel's great location pick. So we got third Thursday night. We got some callvers, oh baby.
Starting point is 00:25:11 A little bit of chicken, a little bit of cheese curds. That was delicious. And watch the rest of the Vikings game, they almost blew it, but they still won, which was spectacular. And then let's see Friday we went to we went to Sogutuck Brewing actually oh I had forgot I had forgot about this one okay here's the thing we got some coffee at a place that had been recommended to me by my brother
Starting point is 00:25:49 Jack's partner called the uncommon coffee. I think it was called and I was must have been halfway asleep slash like panicked in the moment. I think you're gonna like this one at home because it home because I've never seen this before. I've never tasted this before and I never will again, but it happened, okay? It's an experience. We went and got coffee and a pastry or two. I got a lot takes, I was feeling fancy and free.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's a Friday, I was on vacation and she asked what type of milk I wanted, and I wasn't really thinking, that's focused on something else and not focused at all, and I just said half and half, because when I get a coffee, if they have half and half and they ask me,
Starting point is 00:26:37 I just say half and half. And so I didn't realize that until we sat down and it got the coffees, but Rachel pointed out to me that I just ordered a half and a half latte Which I don't know anything about lattes, but apparently that's a lot of half an hour It was creamy like a milkshake It was delicious though. Oh, man
Starting point is 00:26:57 I gotta tell you my stomach was not well on like Sunday and Monday But it was a champ the weekend. And that was, you know, you might be cringing at home as you are entitled to be. But like with the cheese curds, the amount of beer we had, they haven't had latte, just the fish, we had a lot of perch, my stomach held out for as long as it could, and I'm really proud of it.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Okay, so hats off, kudos to that guy. We've had a lot of salad and vegetables this week to compensate. So we got our half, I got, they have in half latte. It's a soggy tux special, okay. And then later on we went to soggy tux brewing, South of town and Douglas, Michigan. I was really excited because I still haven't.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I had purchased a six pack of the peanut butter porter around a month ago because they had it at the Trader Joe's. And I still have two cans in my fridge, but absolutely delicious beer. So it's like, we got to go here, we got to try this as well as other beers. We each got a flight. It was fantastic. We had some Brussels sprouts while we were there, had a little salad, just a nice quaint little lunch. They were running this program, a volunteer program for I believe autistic children. It was or with down syndrome as well.
Starting point is 00:28:25 So we were able to interact there, you know, very lightly, but it was fun to see that. They brought them up on stage. It was just, you know, I felt like I was in an episode of Real Housewives or something with the charity event. So we did that and then of course, we had some hot tub time, good stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Mimosa's in the hot tub. That is, I mean, what more could you want? Being on the beach and the Caribbean sea is nice, but like Mimosas in the hot tub, not too far behind. And so then, oh, it really started coming down. Friday night, we went to this restaurant that everyone raves about the southerner. It was really good. I had this gigantic Nashville hot chicken on a biscuit sandwich. We had jelly on rich crackers. It was, you
Starting point is 00:29:11 know, just like, just like mama used to make down there in Ole Mississippi. Olive branch, Mississippi. My favorite place to go, just south of the border for a little bit of, a little bit of wine in and a whole lot of dynon You can get a five-course meal for $10 down there in all of Branch, Mississippi Not too far from Tupelo where Elvis Presley is from Saturday we got we drove a little bit we actually Friday night had received a recommendation from our server to go up to Friday night had received a recommendation from our server to go up to a town maybe 45 minutes north of where we were staying we got brunch up there at this gigantic cinnamon roll Add some just good food quality quality people gods people's like a John melanchamp song up there
Starting point is 00:29:56 I tell you what we went down to Holland Michigan before where there is a Christmas market and a Quote sled dog demonstration which ended up just being like eight sled dogs, a various breeds. These were not Huskies, maybe one or two of them where I don't recall, but they were just kind of chained to a side of like a trailer, which was really sad, but we got to pet them, which was really fun. The wind was going crazy in one direction,
Starting point is 00:30:22 so you kind of had to stand looking one way only windy blowing all that stuff. Got back spent some time in the hot tub. The rain was coming down ever so slightly. It was just, you know, more mimosas in the hot tub. We went to Mitten Brewing Company. They have a small outlet down there in Sogutuck. They're originally based in Grand Rapids, I believe, had some more flights. And then, Mitt Chappend. Okay, so let's just put our feather in our, or make a note of this here. This is one of your, your bean town stories, okay?
Starting point is 00:30:59 That this show is known for on occasion. So we've had our flights at Mitten brewing and this is already after we had some of Moses in the hot tub So we're feeling you know, it's a Saturday. It's like 5 p.m. Something like that. We've had multiple drinks. We're feeling good like just enjoying each other's company having a great time And we're walking down this street. We had a place called Wallis that we wanted to go for supper. And actually, we went to Wallis first. Had some more cool beves, ate some supper.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I had the perch, which Rachel had had the Friday fish Friday the night before the Southern, I believe. And so at that point, we're like, we're, I only can speak for myself, but like, you know, I'm probably like four, five drinks in. I'm not like just, you know, stumbling all over the place and I never was at any point of the weekend,
Starting point is 00:31:57 but like, they feel good about myself, okay? A little, little, buzzy, buzzy. So we're walking out, we're like, what's next? Like, where are we gonna go next? There's a couple bars around the downtown area that we had wanted to try previously, I think Friday. We wanted to go someplace, but we were walking out at 3.30 and there's a sign that said,
Starting point is 00:32:15 happy hour all day, we were like, oh, we gotta go here, I think it's called pump or nickel. Also, we're close from three to four and we really had a pee. So we were like, well, that's a, that's a lose, lose situation for us. So we're like, okay, well maybe we'll check this out. We're walking down the street, okay. And downtown Sagittuck, a quaint little Midwest downtown
Starting point is 00:32:38 with tons of kitschy shops and all that stuff lining the street. Christmas lights all over the place. It's beautiful, It's really gorgeous. The weather's not too bad. It's like 40 degrees out. And all of a sudden, we hear some commotion, a party, even perhaps, happening above one of the stores.
Starting point is 00:32:57 There appears to be an apartment, a room, a collection of rooms above this store with a nice kind of outdoor deck over the store so you can kind of see the railing extending out from the street or over the street. And there's a side door kind of going down a short alley and we see people kind of coming in and out and there's a lady named Robin who is obviously had a couple of drinks and Robin could only be described as like a 50-year-old like Short brunette hair wearing a hoodie and jeans looks like maybe your your gym teacher in middle school or something like that
Starting point is 00:33:38 But we're like hey, you know what's what's going on up there? It sounds like a good time people are coming in and out You know, it's not it doesn't look like a bar or anything. It sounds like a good time. People are coming in and out. You know, it doesn't look like a bar or anything. It looks like a private residence. It's just like, oh, that's Mitch. That's, you know, that's Mitch's party. You don't know Mitch. And we're like, I, we don't know Mitch.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Like, maybe we should go to this party. And it's like, hey, it's a $10 cover per person. They got all the drinks you want, all the food you want. There's gonna be live music. And so Rich and I are like, hey, I mean, we could no match for $10. And so we go in the side door, we are halfway up the stairs. And we were that close to glory before getting cold feet. And the the the the shred of common sense that we had in our minds at that moment,
Starting point is 00:34:25 made it glorious come back and overcame the buzzed stupor STU-POR that we found ourselves in. And never made it all the way up to the top. So we had to lick our wounds a little bit, we went back down the stairs, we went around to the corner at Pumpernickle, we had a cool bev or two and I tell you what everyone in there was talking about Mitch's party. Robin was even in there. We got, we get in there
Starting point is 00:34:51 and like, oh, hey, that's Robin. She's wanted to tell us about it. And Robin had told us that her partner Melissa was going to be up there. So these are lesbians, mind you. And we were like, hey, we should go up and say hi to Melissa, say, hey, we're friends of Robin, maybe we get past the cover charge. Who knows? But we had a bev or two. And everyone was saying, man, which is party is going to be glorious. It's going to be a good time. So eventually we wrap up, we get the check, we leave, pump or nickel, we're walking back past, bitches. we hear the live music, it is a joyous time think of like who will when all those presents come back,
Starting point is 00:35:28 everyone is just hanging out and happy. But we were tired, we had eaten already, and we had more drinks than we needed. And we never went up to Mitch's. But here's the thing, Mitch in our minds will be whomever we want him to be. Mitch could be old, Mitch could be young, he could be, you know, J. Gatsby, he could be the other one, Nick, something, Nick, uh, offerman, uh, you know whomever you want Mitch to be. Mitch can be in your head, and that is what Christmas is all about.
Starting point is 00:36:06 The only other thing I have to mention is the orb. On top of Mount Baldhead, you have to Google Mount Baldhead, see the orb. It's an old Cold War era satellite that they put a white orb around. It's beautiful. You can see it from Michigan. You can see it from Sogatuck.
Starting point is 00:36:23 You could even see it from our house. It was fantastic. It looks over the town, it is the guardian of the shore line. And I loved it. We hiked up the stairs to get there. It was like 306 steps or something like that. There's a picture of me on social media holding the orb, the leaning tower of Pisa has nothing on this baby.
Starting point is 00:36:45 That was my favorite part of the trip. Besides getting spent time with my, the love of my life, Rachel Raymos. Sunday morning we drove down, well we got some coffees at a little place, the promissary note or something like that. Rachel kept thinking he was French, it wasn't, but we got coffees anyways. No half and half lattes this time, it can only do one in the weekend.
Starting point is 00:37:11 And that a bacon roll or something, it was like a roll, like a dinner roll with bacon inside, like in a tiny little pocket, now like throughout like one little pocket, which was kind of wild. And then we went to, we drove down New Buffalo, which I had mentioned previously on the show, and went to Rachel's favorite place in New Buffalo, the
Starting point is 00:37:33 stray dog, and had to get, I believe she got her Caesar salad, although it's not recall, it's something she always raves about, we had tried to go in the summer, we were there in like August, I think, and couldn't get a table. It was like a three hour wait. And so I was happy that we could make it happen this time. Drawback to Chicago, all sorts of other high jinks, football, wine, housewives, whatever ensued,
Starting point is 00:37:59 but that's as far as I'm gonna take you on today's show. It was honestly one of my favorite weekends ever, and I was really happy to be able to do it with someone who I love a lot and care for a lot. We had a really good time. So that's Saga Tuck Michigan. All I'm gonna say is like 10 out of 10, you gotta go. It's like a classic summer kind of beach town,
Starting point is 00:38:24 but really they did a good job in like the winter the Christmas time stuff again So I know we'll be back because they really enjoyed it and hey maybe Mitch is throwing another party next year Okay, you might have thought I forgot I did not Conway, Twitty coming at you hot But I also wanted to before we wrap things up today, say a good bye and a good night and a farewell to our friends in Pakistan. Until next episode, Khyber Pass, Hyderabad, Islamabad, wherever you are at. Thank you for listening.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Thank you for making us one of the top comedy podcasts in the country of Packy Stan. So without further ado, I have not listened to this song in maybe a year, maybe less, maybe more, but I'm gonna do my best through the karaoke. Thank you all for listening, and this is Conway Twitty. We'll come at you next week with our Christmas special.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Thanks everyone, have a good one. Stay safe, stay sane. Check in any next time. are beating a bum bum bum and I can almost hear the echo of the thoughts that I know you must be thinking a bum bum bum and I can feel your body tremble As you under this moment holding store A bum bum bum And as I put my arms around you I can tell you've never been this far before A bum bum bum You've never been this far before.
Starting point is 00:40:25 A bum bum bum. Well, I don't know what I'm saying. As my trembling fingers touch, forbidden places. A bum bum bum. I only know I've waited for so long for the chance that we are taking a bum bum bum Well I don't know and I don't care what made you tell them you don't love him anymore A bum bum bum And as I taste your tender kisses
Starting point is 00:41:14 I can tell you've never been this far before A bum bum bum And as I take the love you're given I can feel attention building in your mind I'm loving you tonight You have no way of knowing but tonight will only make me love you more. And I hope that you'll believe me because I know you've never been this far before. Bum bum bum bum Hey, that wasn't so bad. All right, I'll check in any next time for a little Christmas action. Bye

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