Beantown Podcast - Quinn Gets a Recliner (8252019 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: August 25, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Rogers Park to discuss getting a free recliner off of Craigslist, why Aldi is leaps and bounds better than Whole Foods, and how to cross the River Malort without the help ...of Charon #friendsofthepodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Sunday, August 25th, 2019, what's going on? How are you? What's happening? It was a beautiful Sunday here on the North Shore about 72 degrees low humidity and nice little breeze going Feels a little bit more like late September than late August but hey, I'm not complaining. I give you a little detail into the weather because I forgot to get a climate report from a hashtag friend of the podcast this week. So we'll put that on hold
Starting point is 00:00:41 We will do our best to return to that segment next week. But before we go any further, thanks again to the Comish Hunter Bowen for coming on our show last week. Talked for a solid hour about fantasy football. And there was a lot of good stuff in there. And man, if we were doing the episode this week, we would have had so much more to talk about because Andrew Luck has announced that he is retiring from football, Colts starting quarterback for the last, what, six, seven years, something like that.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And pretty, pretty big news. Always a guy who had some injury problems, but you know, at 29, you don't expect to hear hear that and it's so strange to to hear it at the beginning of a season You know what 10 days before opening kickoff I guess two weeks 14 days, but yeah, just just kind of strange So but but long story short. Thanks Hunter for coming on and we got the Rigglyville dogs auction draft Oh boy one week from today. That's something that we didn't really bring up on the podcast last week because a lot of people
Starting point is 00:01:52 have not most people when they draft or do in your classic snake draft format. So that's how we sort of frame bear conversations. But what you might not know is that when I play fantasy football with Hunter, that's not how we draft. We do an auction draft. Everyone gets what I think $150. And you got to fill out a team of 15 players. So you'll usually see the top guys for anyone who's never done an auction draft before. You'll usually see the top guys go usually running backs. You know, your Christian McCaffrey's, Alvin Cameras,
Starting point is 00:02:27 Seeklin' Barclays, usually up high 60s, is where those guys go. You might see Patrick Mahomes, somebody put 50ish on in this year and then you might, depending on where they go, got like Hopkins or Adams or Jones or OBJ. Those usually aren't quite as premium as the ARBs, but usually still in the 40s somewhere. I remember getting, I paid like 40 something
Starting point is 00:02:53 for OBJ last year, but then I got Devonte Adams for like 20 something and I think he was the number two I received last year in fantasy. So that was a steal and will not be getting Devonte Adams for $20 this year. But we'll do our best and we'll have some fun, so thanks Hunter for coming on. This is the Bean Town Podcast, one of the better podcasts on the north side of Chicago and your number one source for misinformation.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Spread far and wide across the internet thanks to my handy, dandy, RSS feed. Don't forget that you can always follow us anywhere podcasts or listen to unless we are not in one of those places. Preferable sites are YouTube, Google, Play, Apple Podcast, iTunes, SoundCloud is always good. But we're on Spotify, we're on Stitcher, we're pretty much everywhere, except for where we're on Spotify, we're on Stitcher, we're pretty much everywhere except for where we're not Subscribe leave us five stars leave us a comment email us beantone podcast at Yahoo dot com again
Starting point is 00:03:52 The speed town being podcast at Yahoo dot com. You can always tweet at us. We're at bean town cast on Twitter And you can always check out We have all our latest episodes there every week. And, oh man, did I upload the most recent one? I might have to do a double D-on. That's a, um, that's a Pyramid Gwyer reference. For all you Hoki fans out there, Pyramuire. Go find the Pierre McGuire, double D on clip. It's D on Fennouf, I think, Fennouf, however he says, name, scores a goal, and people just go nuts. Yeah, I forgot to upload the August 18 episode with Hunter on our website.
Starting point is 00:04:42 So you've all listened to it Basically what happens is while I upload The talking real slow because I'm trying to type here So I you know I upload the RSS feed soundcloud and that then disseminates to Pretty much all the sites where you can find our show But then I do a YouTube upload as well What I have not been doing from home the last month or so is Going to be in town and linking the
Starting point is 00:05:18 Soundcloud URL to there because on my Mac it's just getting a little old here and It just takes a really long time to not get podcasts on there but then the way the website is built it automatically builds stuff from the bottom but I want my most recent things to show up at the top understandably so essentially what happens is you have to click, click, click, click, click, one click per episode so that it jumps up a spot closer to the top. There might be a way around it, I'm not sure. But on my computer, it moves real slow and then things end up getting frozen.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And the whole thing, just to get from the bottom of the page all the way to the top of the page, the most recent, can oftentimes take four or five minutes and that's just frustrating. And it goes much faster when we're a computer which has got a lot of horsepower. So, sorry if any of you, I don't know if people really use the website, but if you were using it and saying, hey, where's bean-town podcasts for August 18th? You can find it on YouTube, you can find it anywhere podcast. I'll listen to you and as of tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:06:29 you'll be able to find it on Listen to discretion as advised when you're listening to the bean-town podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some injectionable language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. So consider yourself warned, oh well, you'll know it if you listen to the white noise podcast for this next week.
Starting point is 00:06:49 But I have been in mass acquisition mode here at the apartment. We have been picking things up left and right. So Monday, network, I'm perusing Craigslist as I often do. And if you don't know, I use Craigslist quite a bit. Here's what I use it for. I look for piano gigs, which I haven't done really anything
Starting point is 00:07:12 in a long time, but I will look, you know, if there's a church or something that needs somebody for a date, a date, meaning like a physical day, then I'm happy to fill in, make, you know, $5,100, something like that, because it's the easiest stuff of all time for a pianist. So I use it to try to look for those things. I use it for focus groups.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I think I've talked about focus group on the show in the past year, but those can be some really easy money. Oftentimes, I'd say your standard one, you make like $131.40 for 90 minutes to two hours. So that's a pretty, shwanky hourly rate. I use it, I use to use it for Craigslist personals, of course, right? Guys got to find love.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And then I will also use it for Craigslist free. So Craigslist classified is actually really well built out. I don't think I've ever bought something from Craigslist where there's actual money involved, but I do use Craigslist free all the time. And this last week, I'm perusing on Monday for my office. And you know, you go to Crix's free, you say within, you know, two miles of my zip code, whatever. And it's just everything. So a lot of it is like baby clothes or like random scraps of wood or something
Starting point is 00:08:42 or oftentimes mattresses, a lot of mattresses. But occasionally you get some clutch furniture, postings, and I happen to see this lazy way recliner. That's pretty old school, right? It looks like it's from a grandma's house or something. And it's got a little bit of wear and tear and the reclining function of it is not perfect.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I can't really describe what's wrong with it, but I don't really care. It's just nice to have a recliner. And I notice that the, you know, it doesn't show you the exact address on the classified, but it shows you within a certain like circle radius where it is. And I'm like, hey, that's right over my house.
Starting point is 00:09:23 So I got lucky because the posting had only been up for like 45 minutes So I I sent an email to the person through the Craigslist site and I'm like hey New new to the neighborhood will love to take this chair off your hands Give my number because that's the thing any if you're if you ever reach out and crisis you're trying to pick something up in its situation where you want to If you ever reach out and create this, you're trying to pick something up in its situation where you want to be the first person to get it, especially if it's something free. Leave your number because people don't like
Starting point is 00:09:52 interfacing through Craigslist. Understandably, it's the same thing where it's like you're talking to a Tinder girl for a couple days and your events, sure you're like, let's just do this over text. It's going to be so much better than having to go and attend her every single time to interface. Long story short, she texted me this lady and she's like, hey, your first in line, come
Starting point is 00:10:13 pick it up. So Monday night after work, I walk, I walk to my apartment first to change. And then luckily this place is literally a block and a half away. You know, because I don't have a car, I don't have a truck or anything and because this was such short notice, I didn't ask anyone to come up to Rogers Park to help me move it because it just felt silly. And Monday and Nights are nights I try to have to myself where I'm not like hosting someone or entertaining someone, it's just at home do some cooking maybe watch a ballgame
Starting point is 00:10:47 Go try to go to bed early. It doesn't always happen that way But so I go to the apartment it's on the third floor. I see the chair and like ooh looks heavier than I thought So I lifted up and it's definitely a type of thing and anyone who's moved in the past knows There are things where you you pick them up in at first. you're like, oh, this isn't that heavy. So then you start moving with it and you start to realize, hey, this is kind of heavy. And it was absolutely a situation where the physical weight of it was not the worst thing in the world. And if any of you ever come under my apartment, you can lift the chair and decide for yourself. But it was just awkward. And it's tough to find the perfect way to carry your recliner.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I was doing it pretty classic mode so that my knees were up against the piece that reclines and my forearms were in line with the forearm rests, I guess you would say. And it was just kind of awkwardly shuffling. And not shuffling, so it was off the ground, but my feet were kind of shuffling, because your knees kept keep hitting the reclining portion. I suppose the other way is, and this probably would have been smarter,
Starting point is 00:11:58 but it takes a little bit of manpower to physically get it to this position. What you might wanna do is you pick up the recliner, you hoist it to like your head level, and then you physically just like do a little 180 action. So the backrest is physically going over your head and then like to your back, but now the legs of the recliner straight up in the air. And you're holding the rests, I'm giving you expert reclining, moving advice right now. Recliner moving advice, you're holding the armrest
Starting point is 00:12:33 kind of like you're carrying the arc of the covenant. And the physical seat of the chair is resting on top of your head. I think that could have worked. And on hindsight, I think it would have rather done that because then the strain is rather than the way I was doing it, which was like all forearms and boy, did my forearms burn the rest of the night in the next day.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And even into Wednesday, because I don't lift on Tuesday, so I left my day Wednesday Fridays. Man, when I finished lifting on Wednesday, whoo, that was tough. But physically getting back to my apartment Monday, I still had to cook. It was a struggle to chop up the veggies
Starting point is 00:13:14 because I had lost a lot of dexterity in my fingers. I don't know what the science is behind it, but my forearms were in rough shape because of the carrying position. So I think this new and improved way, which I would try next time, it wouldn't be good for like moving within the apartment and up the stairs and stuff because it would just be too tall, you'd be, you know, 10 feet tall. But going down the street, it could have been a good.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So again, it's only a block and a half. It's probably physically like, I don't know. I'm just looking out the window doing the math in my head right now probably like 600 feet something like that total But yeah, pain in the butt It felt pretty good when I got it out of their apartment, but I did have to bring it down from third floor to street level And then I live on the second floor. So by the time I got it in here, it was pretty, yeah, I was, I was feeling it quite a bit. Lifting lifting the heavy furniture by yourself can be kind of rough.
Starting point is 00:14:18 And it gave me some flashbacks to moving to Baltimore and unloading my truck there by myself, which was just man. Looking back, I don't know how I did it. Honestly, the dresser I have is like solid oak. The bookshelf is pretty unwieldy unwieldy. UNieldy, W-I-E-D-L-Y. Hey, speaking of spelling bees, kind of in that similar vein, we did geography bees growing up and I had a day at work this past week where I was just less busy than usual. It was in the middle, it was kind of an I have a storm thing because we had orientation this week with the middle day. No one was the students who weren't on campus. They were doing service projects off campus. So I had some more time to breathe. And so I am a big geography fan and used to go to
Starting point is 00:15:14 the state geography, be screwing up as a kid. So I found the National Geography B from 2018. Courses are televised on PBS. It used to be Trebek who hosted them. Now they have Mooraka. I always love that name, Maraka. And I watched those bees. The first couple of rounds were all in the US, and I was actually like, hey, old man can still hang. I know these stuff, know these stuff, this stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But eventually it got a little bit more tricky. There is this one interesting section. I don't, maybe it's always been this way, but I don't recall it ever being like this. So the kids, they give them like a paragraph. And I think one of them was like, you have three cities, one along the Rhine, one along the yellow, or the Yangtze, and one along the Niger Rivers. And it's like, where would you implement a, I don't know, plastic waste, clean up plate or something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:15 And the kids physically got like 10 seconds to think, and then they had to stand up in front of the judges and give it detailed response with why they choose one and not the others. But it wasn't, it's not like a trivia question, it's physically like formulating an opinion and stating it. So it was interesting, it's not, I mean, it's just different.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I had no idea, I don't know if that's a new thing of the National Geographic B, but it was interesting. It's seen pretty obvious that you do it at the mouth of the yellow or the ink sea, which everyone, China, was. Right. Population centers, way more people than the Rhine, and then the Niger has a lot of people. It's about to swear, but I didn't.
Starting point is 00:17:02 But not the level of plastic waste, right? So yeah. China, we are losing so badly to China. Let me get a sip here. All right, last week was really long. Excuse me. So I'm gonna read some ads here, and then I got a couple things that surprised me that
Starting point is 00:17:26 I just will introduce a new segment on the Bean Town podcast in the second half of the show, which will be a short show. We're gonna comment right on half an hour if not shorter. Things that surprised me this week, I think you'll like it. So let's read the ads here. Home Pride Oregon. Actually, I was on a date Friday night with a girl who was talking about her sister was looking to buy a house but then they didn't find something on the home inspection
Starting point is 00:17:54 and it was really bad and so she backed out of the deal. So I introduced her to and granted this was in Minnesota, but I don't know, call Steve, maybe he'll make an exception for you. Little business trip. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find
Starting point is 00:18:11 a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, tell you what, we got good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central, Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified.
Starting point is 00:18:33 So you know that you are getting the good stuff time and time again. If you're tired and I tell you what you listen to the fans, they are tired. listen to the fans, they are tired. If you're tired, a big real estate store angle hold on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home instructor that you can trust time and time again, doing a lot of ad lips here on the ad read. Hopefully home pride organ isn't isn't too upset. But you know what to do, you got to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can always visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or visit Home Pride Organ and Suction Perfection. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series Crisp Clean Audio Quality every time from
Starting point is 00:19:30 Genesis to Habakkuk. I don't know. What's the last book of the Old Testament? Dude, I haven't gone to Sunday school in like 15 years. Let's investigate. So you got a new test in it, which starts with Matthew, and ends with Revelation, which is a total trip. If you've never read Revelation, here's what I encourage you to do. Drink a cup of glass of whiskey, take an acid pill, and then video record yourself reading all whatever 26 chapters of Revelation, and just go crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Malachi, by the way, is the last book of the Old Testament. Who would it guess? I don't think I've ever read Malachi, have you? I was, you know, when I was doing the piano volunteering, it was at a church this summer, and I had some time to kill at one point, so I was sitting in the sanctuary, just casually picked up Matthew, and I like the first half of Matthew.
Starting point is 00:20:39 There were so many, it moved so fast, you know? Because I'm used to reading, not that he doesn't move fast, he moves very know, because I'm used to reading Not that he doesn't move fast. He moves very fast when I was used to reading Stephen King because I was reading it at the time and But there's just a lot more descriptors going on the Bible is literature kind of blows You know, it's just like I'm not getting any descriptions. It just goes goes. It's all plot, you know Until Jesus starts talking and okay, you get some parables going on, but there it's a lot of just like, and then they X went to this place and they saw this and the next day this other, you know, person I never heard of goes to goes down to the valley of Yadda Yadda Yadda
Starting point is 00:21:19 and it's like, I feel like we could have condensed a lot of this down. It's just very, I guess I just said, it's very plot heavy, but also there's not enough flowery stuff in there, but then I also just said condense it down. So I don't know if it makes sense what I'm trying to say, but it's just like, maybe we could, I know you got new versions in revised King James and new international version and
Starting point is 00:21:48 HJ7 or something, but I don't know. Maybe we could spruce it up a little bit Get like the illustrated classics version of the Bible. That's that's what I want That's what I think other people want as well Well toward curves have been checking my mail every day hoping we get another magazine from you guys nothing yet but Ford curves have been checking my mail every day hoping we get another magazine from you guys nothing yet but Keep us on your list start. We got one more here and then we're gonna get to some things that I don't understand Cuts by Q Bob and weave we all know the hairstyle and we all of it But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve enter cuts by Q It's like enter Sandman, but completely different.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations. Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, It's about as high as I can go. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. Serving Chicago Cook County in the greater Chicago Land
Starting point is 00:22:49 Area. From B. Hives to Bangs, Fowah, it's the flat tops, and everything in between call cuts by Q at, yeah, I was going to say at Call cuts by Q at 815, 298, 7200, or email cuts by Q at That's cuts. If you heard the beeping going on in the background, it's because I got chicken in the oven, and I'm gonna go take it out after I finish the sad read.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Q-T-Z by Q at Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q. Cuts by Q. by Q you hear that beep again I gotta go take care of this I'll be right back. All right got the chicken out of the oven went to the bathroom got a sip of water I'm refreshed restocked and ready to go three are E words re Eddie re 80 I guess for the second half of this podcast, which is going to be the short half of the podcast. Just got a couple things that I'm going to introduce on this week's
Starting point is 00:23:52 New segment called, these are things that I don't understand. Right, it's like the coldplay version of my favorite things except sort of the opposite. Favorite and non-understandable. Ununderstandable, disunderstandable. Inunderstandable, I like it. There are a lot of prefixes that mean no or negation. Fascinating, fascinating language we speak. Okay. fascinating language we speak. Okay, first things first, so I've been talking to people as I do
Starting point is 00:24:28 casually. And what I've learned since moving back here, and they had some of these stores out on the East Coast, but not a ton. There was one in Baltimore, but it's just real tough to get to as far east Baltimore. Aldi, the classic grocery store chain from Sweden, I believe, Denmark, something like that, Finland, perhaps, which is known for its excellent business model. They know frills just low affordable prices. They don't have a huge staff. The staff members who are there work their butts off and get paid very well. It's a great model. I love it. People around here that I've interacted with recently are like, oh, I would never go to
Starting point is 00:25:19 all of the, it's gross. I'm like, what are you talking about? Like, where do you shop? Like, whole foods. What? How do you have enough money to shop at Whole Foods? Most of the people here being supported by the parents. Still though, I don't see like, there being this big quality jump between all the in whole foods. You go to all the, it's delicious. They got good meat, solid produce, a lot of good dried goods, delicious snacks. Yeah, you don't have the variety of 50 different brands
Starting point is 00:25:58 and everything, but I mean, there are two types of pop, there's pop tarts and then there's toaster tarts, which are delicious and like half as expensive as pop tarts. And I would even, and I'm gonna get crucified for saying this, I like toaster tarts better than pop tarts. They're thicker, thicker, THICKER, thicker. I love toaster tarts. Only at Aldi, will you find the Milville brand?
Starting point is 00:26:24 Milville, sounds like you're saying a little bit, Mil will you find the Milville brand Milville sounds like you're saying Louisville, but Milville not herman Melville Milville and Feel like this podcast got really like neurotic the last five minutes Aldi is great and you can buy all your food for a week and it's like 40 bucks and Boom you're good to go. Also kick ass frozen pizzas. You can get the jumbo family size, family of 15 pizza for like six bucks.
Starting point is 00:26:51 It's amazing. And when you eat as much as I do, that's dinner for one night, it's perfect. Okay, so what's the deal? Who you're crappin', why you giving shit on Aldi? I don't get it, they're amazing. Aldi is fantastic. And you have to bring your own,
Starting point is 00:27:06 you're in court or to get a cart, it's perfect. So the way America should be, all these stores hanging out, free carts like their cupcakes. Although, you know, you don't find many free cupcakes these days I suppose. Okay, something else. Some people I've talked to and people, I think,
Starting point is 00:27:26 have a pretty good understanding of this. I do a lot of things alone. And it's not because I'm a loner, it's not because I hate being social. No, I love going to things with friends. I love meeting new people. But if I only went to things when I, you know, had people to go with, then it just, I would not go to many things. So, for example, I went to the war
Starting point is 00:27:46 concert last night you know war low rider and why can't we be friends and Cisco kid you probably know, spell the wine. Anyways, great, great jazz work in that song, but they were playing at the Skokie Backlot Bash last night. And I actually had the potential to meet up with one friend there, but he wasn't able to make it. But so I ended up going alone.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And you know what's mean? There's a lot of couples who are like middle-aged to older age, you know, 40s to 70s age. And I was just there by myself. And they're ended up, so this was fun, actually. I got there and it was pretty packed, but I managed to squeeze my way into a spot. And I was standing right behind these two,
Starting point is 00:28:50 probably about 50-year-old ladies, who were like fairly attractive. And one of them, the blonde one, had her husband was there for like the first two songs, then he left. I don't know where he went, but then it was just me and the two females, the blonde lady, the brunette lady.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And you know, it's war, so we're getting funky and just having a good time dancing. It was great. I don't know them. I didn't get their names. We left after. I think they were pretty drunk. I did not drink yesterday. A lot of people were smoking because it's a war concert, but I do not smoke.
Starting point is 00:29:26 So I was completely clean, completely sober. You know, I had to walk past the police dog to get back to the train. But it was a great time. And I did it alone. And I, you know, quote, met people. Didn't, they're not, you know, friends moving forward because didn't exchange information. And I don't know how many fifth-year-old ladies I really want to hang out with, but You know what? It's a good time. Do you just go? You experience the community? You support the art listen to some kick-ass music, war's been around for 50 years, 5.0 Best selling album in 1973 Some amazing hits great night 90-minute set on core. You know what? It's fun. Why wouldn't I want to go to that? If people want to come with me and I invited a couple of people,
Starting point is 00:30:08 they weren't able to make it, that's fine. But I'm not going to sit here and listen to you, you know, be all weird about, oh, he's doing stuff by himself. That's strange. Okay, I guess next time I'll just sit home on the couch. Let's see. Oh, one other thing is so quicky. There's so many people living in Chicago,
Starting point is 00:30:28 and this is I'm about to bring up a Chicago institution, this is the last thing I'll say, who not only have never had Malort, but they don't even know what it is. Carl Jepsen's Malort, known or made, excuse me, from Wormwood, W-O-O-O-D, fun word. And it's kind of bitter. It used to be used from medicinal purposes.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Carl Jepsen used to sell it door to door for medicinal purposes. But now it's a classic Chicago thing. It has expanded. You can find it in a couple other markets, but yeah, it's actually pretty awful, but here's a great thing, because there are kind of two people who live in Chicago. There are people who know Mollart and have had it and there are people who don't know Mollart and haven't had it.
Starting point is 00:31:16 So the great thing is, you can be with someone else who's never had it and you can kind of be like the judgey person is like, oh, you've never had Mollart. Oh my God. And then you make them have a shot. And I took the shot with this person I was with on Friday. But now it's like, once you're, it's kind of like being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Now you're on the other side of it. And so you can pay that, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:36 judgmental bichiness forward to your other friends who have never heard it. And soon if we continue this cycle for a long enough, then everyone will know my Lord. And it'll just be a better world for everyone. But it's a great thing because then you get to watch them or share that experience with them, tasting it for the first time,
Starting point is 00:31:53 which even though you have to go through some pain yourself, it's totally worth it to inundate or induct somebody into the world of Malort. So if you don't own a malert, but you live in Chicago, next time you're at a bar, take a shot, you don't even need someone else to sort of bring you over. You don't need a, oh man, what's the name of the,
Starting point is 00:32:17 in Greek mythology, the river sticks. There is a guy who will take you across the river, and have to that's why when the Greeks were buried they put a coin under Under the mouth so that you could have the payment for this guy who will take you across what was his name though? Boatmaster 3000 something like that. I don't know. But what was that? How did I get to sticks?
Starting point is 00:32:52 We were talking about sticks across the river. Oh, crossing over to the other side. You don't need someone to take you across to the other side of the Millort River. Once you get across and you can do it yourself, then you can take other people across. So it's fun. And I looked it up, you're gonna think, oh, he thought of it on the blue.
Starting point is 00:33:11 No, I never would have thought of this name. Charan, Karan, C-H-A-R-O-N, don't know how to say it. Is the fairy man of Hades who carry souls of the newly deceased across the earth sticks and acre on, there's another river. I didn't know that. Divided the world of the living from the world of the dead. A coin to pay, car, and for passage, usually an obelisk
Starting point is 00:33:29 or dant, dant, dant, like dant, hip, patrick, was sometimes placed in or on the mouth of a dead person. Fascinating. Well, who knew there was another river? Wow. Oh, it's a real river. Would you believe that? It's in northwest Greece, because sticks it's a real river. Would you believe that? It's in northwest Greece, because sticks
Starting point is 00:33:46 is not a real river. Sticks is a fictional river, isn't it? Sticks is a deity in a river that forms the boundary of the earth in the other world. That can't be a real river. But there's a picture of the river sticks and it looks real. It's a photograph of one stick.
Starting point is 00:34:05 What does that mean? We have got an off topic here. I've got about an hour of Wikipedia hunting to do relating and pertain to Greek mythology. So I'm gonna go do that. We're a 35 minutes. That's good. Thanks everyone for listening.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Fantasy football drafts happen in this week, next week. A very exciting time. Andrew Luck is out. Maybe draft a Kobe percent Maybe check in with Hunter send me a message on Facebook. See what he says That's all I got for you. Everyone. Thanks for listening. Be nice soup. Excuse me each other man I built you've got my information. You know how to find us Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a nice message and of course course, you got new episodes of the White Noise Podcast coming out every Tuesday morning with Matthew Feedler.
Starting point is 00:34:49 All right, that's what we got. Have a good day. Time for my nap. Check in on you later.

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