Beantown Podcast - Quinn was the Founding Member of a Chicago Gospel Band (11102019 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 10, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Chicago to discuss being the original founder and keyboardist for Chicago Gospel band Audacious Praise as well as sitting in the middle seat next to a college professor an...d a baby and the new EP from Tariq Shihadah "Hum"

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn DeVivian. Welcome to my show. Quinn DeVivian presents the bean town podcast for Sunday, November 10, 2019. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? Come into your live from Chicago.
Starting point is 00:00:17 I got to do the accent. I love saying Chicago in like an over exaggerated fugitive style 1990s CPD accent. Anybody who's watched the fugitive knows what I'm talking about. I love saying it that way to people when I'm not in the Midwest and just seeing how they react and some people think it's just how I normally talk and other people are like, wait, say that again, but it's fun. Chicago, I feel like I'm, you know, Larry from Orland Park or something,
Starting point is 00:00:53 calling into 670, the score to complain about Lovey Smith, something like that. Although good for, did I see the Align I won again? Yesterday, I think they're bull eligible, which this year for the first time in God, what feels like at least 10 years, maybe not that quite that long, but a long time, where both Illinois, Illinois football and basketball are significantly better than Northwestern, football and basketball.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Not that Northwestern is the gold standard of athletic accomplishments in the state or Nationally, but you know Illinois sports has been so awful for so long University of Illinois that it's it's fun to see them You know have a solid football program this year. They're not amazing, but I mean, bad teams, usually bad teams don't get to bowl eligibility because you got to win I think at six games. So even if you have an easy non-conference, let's say pick up three wins there, you still got to put up three wins in your conference play and go, you know, three and six or whatever it is. So, you know, it's not, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:06 have to be world-beaters to do that, but good for them. And then there's Northwestern football who has still, I believe, won one game this year versus UNLV. And I didn't even know UNLV had a football program until Northwestern played them. I thought they were just a basketball school. But yeah, rough year for the Wildcats. In Illinois basketball, so it's going to be good this year too. I don't know if they're in the top 25 right now, but they'll be there eventually, I would think. Let's see, we're coming to you live from the north side of Chicago, where I still have my Halloween decorations up and by that I mean one pumpkin and one card from grandma. That's all the decorating I do because I haven't been home much. Believe it or not I was in
Starting point is 00:02:55 Boston a couple days over the weekend the city doesn't really have a nickname but that's okay you know most cities do but Boston doesn't seem to have one. I was there working and wore my eye-heart bean-town button all around town, spreading words, spreading the gospel of bean-town. Maybe there's an idea there for a bit or an episode or something. I know we did our, we've done a Fox News parody before we've done an Easter sermon parody before. Maybe there's a gospel, the bean town gospel. Maybe that could live somewhere. You know what I got to do? I got to get in touch with Lonnie Norwood, Jr.
Starting point is 00:03:39 head of audacious praise in the Southside Chicago down in like, Deicis praise and the Southside Chicago down in like It's just south of Hyde Park with the name of that neighborhood Shoot what does it call well it'll it'll come back to me But when I was a freshman in high school not in high school in college You know looking for ways to make extra money classic Quinn So I'm all over Craigslist and the king the king of Craigslist, if you will. In fact, right now I'm doing this podcast live from a Craigslist couch and my feet are resting
Starting point is 00:04:13 on my Craigslist recliner. So I see an ad on Craigslist, looking for a pianist to join forces with Chicago musician Lonnie Norwood Jr. who was from Florida originally I think I think his degrees are from like FSU or UCF or something like that in music. And so I'm like all right I'll see what this is all about. So I go down there on a Saturday morning to the Southside of Chicago. And God, what is it called? I just were pulling up the phone, Google Maps, to find, remember what this jog, jog my memory,
Starting point is 00:04:55 what's the neighborhood that that is called? It's just south of, I had part, wood lawn, excuse me. That's what it is. So to get to wood lawn from the north side of the city, you know, you got to take the green line, it's actually not too bad. You got to, you know, take the red line into downtown transfer to the green line, and then you basically take the green line to one of its two ends. I always took it to Cottage Grove in 63rd, which is not like deep deep southside but pretty far down there you know past Yusha Kaga past Hyde Park close to where 90 and 94 split just
Starting point is 00:05:36 east of there a couple blocks mile or so to Cottage Grove and so I go down there on a Saturday it's probably right around this time of year, late in the fall. Animita Puglani Norwood Jr. Add this church, I don't recall the name, but I could find it if I had to. And we play through some gospel music and learn more about this project he's looking to put together. Audacious praise, which is just a fun name,acious, A U D A C I O U S something like that. And I don't know if they were going for like a plan words because audacious has the same start as like audio or modular. It's just a fun word that I just made up. Anything you know pertaining to music, which is fun. But Lonnie offers me the job on the
Starting point is 00:06:29 spot. I'm like, all right, cool, let's do it. So we're going to be rehearsing every Saturday morning, which is not a problem for me as a college student because Saturday morning is I tend to be wide open. And I don't remember what we agreed to for a payment, probably something agreed just low. But, you know, when you're 18 and living in the big city for the first time and your only income is playing church jobs on Sundays, you'll take anything you can get, which is the situation I found myself in. So, I take the job and I think the next week or something like that, Lonnie texted me and says, hey, not healing well or amount of time or something. So we got a cancel for this week, but I'll see you next week. I'm like, all right, sounds good.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Same time. So next week, I go down there and the first time he canceled, he had texted me in advance. I never had to leave my dorm or anything like that. This next Saturday comes up, we're all good to go. So I take the train all the way down there, which on a weekend, anyone who's written the CTA on a weekend's nose, it can be a pain in the butt. And I should quickly mention here that listener discussion is advised. When you're listening to the bean town podcast number one
Starting point is 00:07:46 We'll occasionally use some colorful language, and I was about to say ask there But now I can and we won't FCC won't be all over my ass number two podcasts is objectively terrible So I ride I ride the Greenland all the way down to woodland cottage Grove Get off, you know as a Saturday morning. It's like 9 a.m I otherwise wouldn't be out and about at this hour. It's cold. I go to the church. You know, this whole thing takes over an hour
Starting point is 00:08:13 to get there and knock and I ring the buzzer and nothing. So, and I'm already feeling a little bit skittish, and now I can walk around honestly pretty much anywhere in Chicago and feel completely safe, completely comfortable, because I have a better idea of how to navigate and places to go, places not to go, etc. But 18-year-old little skinny white Quinn who doesn't know much about big cities and urban life in general was feeling a little exposed, just like hanging out in a parking lot on the south side outside of this church in a fairly rough area, right? Right along like Cottage Grove, 63rd MLK.
Starting point is 00:09:00 You're not that far from Hyde Park, but once you leave Hyde Park, it really gets just pretty rundown. And, you know, you see, you know, people walking in street walkers and saw some drug deals and stuff. And it's just like, I'm not bugging anybody, so I feel like nothing's gonna happen to me, but at the same time, I just don't want to just be walking around down there by myself, waiting to hear from Lonnie Norwood Jr. So I give him a call, no answer. At this point, I'm just starting to have like a little freak out, just like what am I supposed to do here? Eventually he texts me after I've been outside this church for like 15 minutes on the street after I've been outside this church for like 15 minutes on the street. And he's like, hey, really sorry, I have pneumonia.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And I'm like, okay, well, thanks for telling me. So I go all the way back home, you know, there's my whole Saturday morning, didn't get paid, nothing like that, frustrating, right? Eventually, so that was the last time I ever really talked to Lani Norwood, Jr. The project just completely fizzled. And then about a year later, he emails me and is like, Yo, Quinn, really sorry, things fell off the wagon there. I wasn't able to get an invest in the project this year,
Starting point is 00:10:18 but looking to get back into it now, are you available? So that would have been in 2014, something like that. I have an emailed Lonnie back. I haven't figured out exactly what to say yet. And I think it's getting a little bit long since he emailed me and I should probably respond at some point in the next couple of years. I feel bad for leaving him hang in there, but I haven't responded yet to Lonnie, but I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I just haven't found the right words to say in the last five years. So you can, however, go to, and this is just, I'm doing free advertising for you, Lonnie, you can go to YouTube and just Google audacious praise or like, or Google, you search audacious praise or like audacious praise Chicago or just Lonnie nor would junior. And you'll find some of their stuff. And of course, I'm not in any of it because I left the band. But hey, if they ever make it big,
Starting point is 00:11:11 I want to be on the Wikipedia page as the original founding pianists, slash keyboardists of Dacia's praise. So boy, I don't even know how we got there. But, you know, love a little story time. And there's not a ton going on in this podcast outside of story time. I do wanna talk about a flight.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I took this week. That was very fun. But I did get to spend some time with my parents in Oregon, my sister. I had some beer. Did not go to the dispensary. I've still never been to the dispensary. One of these days, perhaps, and I don't know what that's going to look like in Chicago after January 1st, but it will be interesting to see the biggest thing there is that it's
Starting point is 00:11:59 expensive. And I've never smoked and I don't want to smoke, but I would be curious to have a brownie or something or another like that, just to, you know, see what it's like. It's just in it's a really interesting concept slash culture because it was such a, and continues to be, but for me growing up a huge taboo thing like smoking pot is You're probably going to hell if you're not already there It's you know devil's grass that sort of thing and it's interesting now. It's a completely legal thing in many states and soon to be Illinois
Starting point is 00:12:43 and I still don't smoke pot and probably won't after it becomes legal, but it's just interesting how it has gone from like the worst possible thing you can do outside of like murdering your family to all of a sudden, yes, it's just a completely legal recreational activity. And of course, in Oregon, you can do it as much as you want. Classic, Pacific, Northwest. So yeah, I had a flight from Salt Lake City to Boston. So Thursday was a travel day for me, and it was a real pain in the butt. Going all the way from the west coast to east coast is hard enough, but you have to connect in Salt Lake City. So it's a two hour flight there for my parents' house and then a two hour layover and then
Starting point is 00:13:29 a four hour flight to Boston. Right there, that's eight hours right there, plus you lose three hours. That's 11 hours on the clock, just from the time your flight takes off to the time your flight lands. And if you get to the airport an hour and a half early and wait half an hour if you land taxi, that sort of stuff. You're at another tour, so that's a 13 hour travel day,
Starting point is 00:13:55 which is more or less what it came out to be because I left at 10 in the morning and it was actually longer than that. I didn't land until after midnight and didn't get to my hotel till after 1 a.m. which was fun. But on this flight from SLC to Logan, middle seat, which is becoming a recurring theme for me because I flew from Chicago to Seattle a couple days prior to that.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And that's a four and a half hour flight, also middle seat, very fun. And so I'm sitting there, find my seat on this plane to Boston. On my right is a man who I think was some sort of college professor. He had his tray table down the whole time, had his laptop up doing a lot of research, typing that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:14:44 He also happened to have about a gazillion papers just completely unorganized all over the place of lots of stuff on the floor so he's consistently been he down like into my lap where his head was going which was myel high club, to try and get his pages, pages, pages and papers. And at one point, I asked me to hold something for him for like 30 seconds, switch, I don't care whatever, but it's just like lacking some airplane etiquette. And then that was that was the good, the good side though, because to my left was a mom and a child. And I think it's supposed to be two years in younger is like you can have a kid on your lap anything over that they have their own seat. Maybe this kid was two, but boy he he looked like if he was that
Starting point is 00:15:39 tall when he was two, this kid was going to grow to be yoming because that was the biggest two-year-old I've ever seen. And this kid was having the time of his life all over the airplane on top of mom, on top of me, on top of college professor. Just all you could not hold this kid down. Eventually, the time a diaper change, which maybe I'm wrong in this because I don't spend a lot of time with parents of young toddlers and babies, but I thought you'd go to the airport or the airplane bathroom for a situation like that, and not use your tray table, which was an interesting experience to, you know, be sitting next to and you know how these middle seats are there's not a lot
Starting point is 00:16:30 of room to operate so that was that was fun you know get right up in personal with the dirty diaper and the smell was just woof we were having fun in quotation marks And then this kid finally decides he's going to go to sleep, which was good, but I didn't know how painful sleeping could be. So this kid lies down, he's got head on mom's lap, and you just imagine this body, the legs are swinging out on me, and the feet were more or less right where my thigh ended and the college professor started. So if you're imagining this visual in your head, I've got full legs on my thighs. The kid was a kicker, bruised thigh a little bit. Occasionally
Starting point is 00:17:20 we got close to the crotch area which was was just, boy, little rough at times. There were times when I started Doze Off, which was, I was pretty impressed by, because I don't usually seep on planes, but wouldn't you know the kid made sure that I wasn't able to completely enter a catatonic state. And that was another two hours of that with the legs on me, the feet on me, and it was just, you know, how these things go. And you're on a long travel day.
Starting point is 00:17:57 So just starting to run out of patience a little bit. It was very hot, very sweaty. The dirty diaper smell was just ruminating. And I guess all this goes to say, I know what it means to be a mother now. So I really learned, I really grew up a lot in those four hours and thankfully I made it out. But boy, the middle seat when you're 6'1,
Starting point is 00:18:24 pushing 2'30, 2'40 is just, that's a tough experience. And I talked to co-workers or colleagues from other schools and stuff about, like, well, why don't you just pay to get out of there or something and I, well, I'm not authorized to do that because work is paying for it and work pays for the cheapest ticket. So it's a lot of fun. We have fun with it. I mentioned, I'll do a little teaser here before we'd be the ads. I mentioned that I was with my parents for a couple of days this past week. And we, I'm happy to announce our next bean town unplugged special. So yes, we've had fewer of them.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I think we've only had one or two this calendar year than in 2018. But we've got a good one coming out. It's going to be an interview with my mom about her time in prison, which was something that I didn't know about. I just recently learned about it that mom went to prison. So we're going to be talking about that.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Look for the bean time unplugged interview to come out in the next couple of weeks here. We still have to conduct it and then I'll have to edit it and all that stuff. But yeah, mom goes to prison. It should be good. Let's read some ads here and then we'll close up shop a little early today.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I got to take a shower. It's a classic problem. So not wearing my glasses. And I'm lying far away from my computer, but I think I can do this. I can just barely reach. Okay, let's read our ads here. And if you're like, oh, let's add time, let's skip through it. First thing I say is, hey, your body, your choice. But the second thing I'll say is, if you didn't listen to our ad read for Home Pride Oregon last week, we did it while we were in Oregon. And I really think it's worth listening. So if you didn't get a chance to listen
Starting point is 00:20:14 to the ad reads from last week, go check it out. Check them out if you're not going to listen to these ones. Home Pride Oregon, are you tired of selling your house or less than a quarter of what it's worth? All because you can find a reliable home inspector in time. Well organ listeners, there's good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is such an organized, hottest new home inspector provider, with inspection services including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know that you're getting the good stuff
Starting point is 00:20:45 If you're tired of big real estate Wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust You know who you got a call his name Steve is number 541-410-0316 and he's my dad or you can visit Again, it's 541-410-0316 or just visit HomePrideOrgan and Spection Perfection. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Worked great this morning on Family Chat. Works even better on today's Quindy reference presents the Bean Town podcast. It's slick. It's sleek. It's sheer amazement. It's like if clean Chris Baudio quality was all rolled into one gorgeous handheld microphone. Don't forget when God speaks, He uses a Samson. It was actually interesting. I was at, and we're going to talk about this just briefly in the second half of the show here He uses a Samson. It was actually interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I was at, and we're going to talk about this just briefly in the second half of the show here today. But I was at Hashtag friend of the podcast and host of the local Globe podcast, Hark Shahada's house last night, for an EP release party, which we'll discuss. But he brought out his teen study Bible, which I hadn't seen. A relic like that in years.
Starting point is 00:22:11 And it just made me think of the Samson Q2U series. And we had some good conversation on organized religion and Catholicism and Lutheranism and all that good stuff. And the TV guides, you know, they stopped coming so I don't know what's on the tele, which is unfortunate, but I did have a friend sending me a Snapchat, she's at her grandma's house and the grandma uses the TV guide
Starting point is 00:22:37 to see what's on television. So this only further promotes the idea that I am in D-Day, 65 yearold man. And I may only be 24, but if this is what 24 feels like, God, what is 40 gonna feel like? Cause I feel like 40 right now. I don't know how much these knees have left in them, which is just a shame. But let's finish up the ad reads here. Cuts by Q, Bob and weave. We own the hairstyle and we all have it. But how many Chicago-based, Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Enter cuts by Q. It's like Alexander Sandman, just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago. Chicago, Cook County and Chicago land. From B. Hives to Bangs, I should make my own character. What did I say earlier Larry from Orland Park? I don't know if Larry's exactly the name I want to use. I think there's more of like a, there's a better like Chicago Polish name.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I don't know if it's like Jeff or Dan or I don't know, think about it. It's just like basically taking like all the classic accents and tropes from dot bears fans. And you just, and I just gotta watch the future of a bunch of times and I'll get it down. Larry from Orland Park, that's the working title, but we can do better, I think. Let's see, beives, the bangs, fo-hawks, the flat tops, and everything in between.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Call it cuts by Q8152987200, or you can email again that's cuts Q8Z by Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new just call the experts that cuts by Q. Love a Good Song. I don't know when I first developed that song. It was, it was probably around this time last year, right? It's probably about a year old. The ad reads, if you're fairly new to the podcast, the ad reads are not, they have not been parts of the podcast since its inception. We almost started doing it kind of middle to late last year, I think. I have to go back and see when we did our first ad read. I really don't remember, maybe like September or October of 2018, something like that.
Starting point is 00:25:20 The first, you know, 30 episodes or so of the podcast did not have ad reads in them. But you know, you got to bring in the bacon somehow. I mentioned that I went to Hashtag friend of the podcast, Tark Shahada's house last night. He's gracious enough to host us him in his wife, Laura. Great people, great couple, power couple, really. Hosted us, so Tariq is in addition to host of one of my favorite shows, The Local Glow podcast. He is also a local Chicago Chicago musician who operates under a couple different names. He has a band called Discoverer.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And they are excellent. You can go see them pretty much anywhere. They're doing some tours upcoming, or if I don't know if it's just Tarek who's playing the sets. He's actually playing with another band too. I don't think Discoverer has sets coming up. I think Tarek does though. Tarek, in addition, excuse me, to playing with the band Discover, he also
Starting point is 00:26:31 has some solo music and he just dropped some of it on Thursday night. So the EP is called HUM and it has three songs and it's just excellent chill music, very indie feel, but excellent songwriting. And Targ was generous enough to host a little get together at his place last night. We were able to discuss the EP, some themes interwoven throughout interwoven, INTRN-T-E-R-W-O-V-E-N. It sounds like it could be a German camp or something for music kids. But it's a fantastic EP. I was fortunate enough because I got to my hotel at about 1.30, 1.45 a.m. Eastern time, and I think the EP dropped at midnight, central time. And so I needed a listening to it about 15, 20 minutes after it came out, which was just pretty lucky considering that it dropped at midnight.
Starting point is 00:27:34 But I've listened to it a couple of times since. It really speaks to your soul. It is like audio, chicken, soup is how one person described it on Facebook. That person was me. It is absolutely wonderful. Go check it out. Induce some intentional listening.
Starting point is 00:27:50 This isn't like a full length hour long album where you're just struggling to keep up. This is three songs, listen to the music, listen to the lyrics, let them speak to you, and think taric for putting that stuff out because the world needs more of that guy. I'll tell you what. And if you don't know the local global podcast, you got to go check those guys out too because it is a lot of fun. And you basically have a spectrum in terms
Starting point is 00:28:19 of production value right on one end. You have the Bean Tom podcast. And on the other end, you have the local global podcast. So if you're like, well, this Bean Tom podcast, production value, sure is high. I don't know how anything could ever get better than that. I present to you the local glow podcast. Go check that out and check out the new EP HUM from Tariq Shahada and he'll be on tour coming up here. And even as a Chicago date this week I think I gotta check that out. I won't be here unfortunately I'll be traveling back to DC one more
Starting point is 00:28:49 time but check his stuff out. It's great. The last thing I want to say is that I watched a movie on the plane yesterday morning from Boston to Chicago that I never seen before but it's a movie that you hear about frequently because it's fairly well respectedrespected movie, and is responsible for launching the career of Billy Bob Thornton. Stling Blade, I didn't know much about. All I knew was that it was a Southern drama set in Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:29:19 If you like something like Leave No Trace or the Winter's Bone, the other Dead Pro Granite movie, as far as Southern kind of dramas go. It's kind of that with a little bit of, I don't know, like Rain Man thrown in. It's fantastic. It's 1996, Billy Bob Thorne wrote and directed it. Adapted the screenplay from a book, I think. And he won the Oscar for Adapted
Starting point is 00:29:55 Screenplay and was nominated for Best Actors as well. The basic plot tease is that there's this man with an intellectual disability who has a fairly dark past has been locked up in a mental hospital for a long time. Finally, gets out and tries to fit back into society and ends up encountering a lot of the same socio-fimilial problems issues that he faced when he was a young child and there's kind of a chance for him to do things differently or maybe not so differently the second time around. So two hours very much like a 90s feel type of movie really good music to though. And there's a song that plays in the credits by the guy who
Starting point is 00:30:42 did the music for this movie Daniel Lin-Wa's name something like that. He's French Canadian, I think Called the maker if you don't know it. It's gonna it feels very you know late 80s 90s type feel But it's a really fantastic song if you like You know something like oh Man who did who's saying bird on a wire the Neville that's Aaron Neville who sings that, I think. And I didn't do it justice. Shocker.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Because it's a tough song I was saying. But it feels this, the song, the maker feels a lot like that song, which they're both fantastic songs. And I know what I'm about to listen to in the shower. Speaking of which, got to hop in the shower, get cleaned up. It's a rest day, watch some football day. Vikings versus Cowboys tonight, go vikes. The Minnesota Golden Gofers beating the Penn State Knitney Lions.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Gofers are now nine and oh three games left in the college football season. If they run the table and defeat Ohio State in the Big Ten Championship game, guess who's going to the playoffs. So a lot of a lot of ifs in that statement. But hey, you know, we can have fun until the cows come home. Thanks for listening. If you like what you hear, please leave us a comment. Beentown podcast at again, it's Beentown BA and you can broadcast at We love hearing from you, the fans.
Starting point is 00:32:34 You can also tweet out, we're at Beentown Cast. I am personally at White Buns, or I'm on Instagram at Q.QueenD. Love to hear from the fans, the followers, and the hashtag friends of the podcast. Okay, that's what I got for you. Stay warm. It's going to be cold as hell at the early portion of this upcoming week, 16 degrees in Chicago, classic pre-things giving weather. Okay, that's what we got. Be nice to everybody else. Have a good day. Watch out for toddlers on the planes because they might not be two years old. Check in on you next
Starting point is 00:33:08 time. That's what we got. Be nice to everybody else. Have a good day. Watch out for toddlers on the planes, because they might not be two years old. Check in on you next time.

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