Beantown Podcast - Quinn's Autumn Airing of Grievances (10222021 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 22, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE on a chilly Autumn day to air some grievances! Ghosted by 20 year olds? NO piano pieces shorter than 5 minutes for talented kids? "It's Not Difficult!" ???????? This is a hot

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday. Thank God it's Friday. What a week. October 22nd, 2021, a Palantra McDate, if you can believe it. What's going on Horrier my name is Quinn David furnace and this is my show I am your creator host live streamer All that stuff on this fine program Quinn David furnace presents the bean Tom podcast I want to give a shout out to all of my friends in the country of packy stan Karachi Hyderbad Hyder Pass, hello, how are you? What is happening? This is one of the top 500 podcasts
Starting point is 00:00:50 on the north side of Chicago. And this podcast, while objectively terrible, or how does this thing go? I've only said it like 197 times. Listener discretion is advised. That's how it goes. It's like memento today. We're doing it backwards. Hey, Seinfeld can do it. What's the
Starting point is 00:01:07 name of that? Epis or season nine Seinfeld episode, the the dastardly move or something like that. I don't I don't remember what it's called, but they go to India. The whole thing is backwards. Gotta tell you one of my least favorite episodes. I appreciate the like artistic creative nature that it has to it, but I don't know. I never find myself in this goes against the grain of pretty much anything for me. Signed for like post season 3. Pretty much any episode and there's a lot of them. I can turn on and really enjoy it and have a good time.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Anytime that one comes up, the stuff you're sorry is in the sack, all that stuff. And just like, I don't know, the only thing I really like about that is Cramer's subplot because it's got Franklin Delano Romanowski and I love that guy. But that's neither here nor there. Listen to this question as advice when you're listening to the podcast. Number one, this podcast is objectively terrible and number two will occasionally use some language. So there you have it. I wanted, there's a lot of different things we're going to talk about today, but this was not intentional. I've already mentioned sign fold in the first two minutes of this program today, but today
Starting point is 00:02:19 is going to be a little airing of grievances, which is a term from the sign fold episode, the strike, also known as the Festivus episode. And it's been a long week. And nothing that's been like too terrible, just some really irritating frustrations, just enough to really get my blood pumping, really chap in my ass. And so we took to the streets today on social media, Facebook and Instagram and did a little poll of the friends, fans and enemies to see what was really rubbing your
Starting point is 00:02:55 keyster the wrong way this week. And we got some fun responses that will not amissly read on air a little bit later on into the program here. And I don't anticipate this one being terribly long. We'll do a little housewives check in. We'll check in on our countdown to 200, which I guess I'll just mention right now. So this is episode 198.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And we got two to go until we hit the big 200 live from the big apple. Rachel and I will be flying out there two weeks from yesterday. So in 13 days and we're staying at a fancy bougie hotel and time square. It's a work event if you're curious and not just going out there for fun. Haven't been to New York in what two years I think, man, it's crazy. Pre-pandemic since I last been to New York,
Starting point is 00:03:46 which is wild, because I love New York. And there's so much of it that I haven't explored yet. And I don't anticipate we'll do a ton of, you know, are all see a lot of new things this time around, but it is Rachel's first time in the big Apple. She's been to Newark and seen the skyline from across the Hudson River there. If you can believe that how how awful is that to get that close and still not be able to have gone. But I'm really excited that she gets to come with. And the only thing she was paying for
Starting point is 00:04:21 was her airline ticket because my airline ticket and the hotel are booked on the company's dime. So very excited for that. We'll do our show live from there. Thank you to everyone who has supported. I know support can kind of like come and go in waves and seasons. And that's, I'm the same way too, right? Like I haven't watched a J-Rose Pokemon stream
Starting point is 00:04:46 in a long time, but I am really excited that we're able to get to episode 200 and season four of the Bean Town podcast, hard to believe. We're getting ready to start our fifth year, which is crazy. Yeah, I mean, I just like didn't expect it to be this way when I started. I thought I would just be like, I mean, I guess I didn't really know what to expect. I didn't really have a plan, you know, going in.
Starting point is 00:05:20 But, you know, I've started my show, kind of some of our sister shows would be things like, and when I first started, I had a couple of friends who were, you know, we were all really into podcasting. But, you know, sister shows would be things like Tark Shahada's local glow podcast, which is easily the best produced out of any of these, including my own, that I'll mention, but the car ride kind of was podcast with Ryan and Kristen, the, the actually nothing podcast, my friend John Paul Pandowski, dear friend of the show is on there,
Starting point is 00:05:53 and then the show that Matt Fiedler and I have, which the white noise podcast, we still, we're still, Matt, I know you're out there listening to this, okay, we're still sitting on a couple unreleased episodes. I understand if you don't want to continue the show because we haven't recorded in like two years, but at least, at least release the unreleased tracks. Okay, so that's sort of where we're at. And my, the point that I was making, and this isn't to boast or anything,
Starting point is 00:06:18 it's just kind of like I, at this point, I don't know where I'm going because this is uncharted waters. I mean, car ride convo is what, like, 20, 25 episodes, something like that. Local glow has two seasons, and, you know, who knows, like, Tari could come out with a third season anytime, I haven't worked with him in a while. I'm not sure exactly what he's been up to. I think the car ride convo's podcast is dead
Starting point is 00:06:39 because they're going through TikTok now, which is like, have fun, guys. I'll see you on Twitch. And then I can tell you that the white noise podcast isn't going any more too soon. And I think they actually, nothing podcast with John Pope Pindowski, probably going to be a little slow in the future too, because he's in law school now.
Starting point is 00:06:57 And I've heard that that takes up a little bit of time, occasionally, here and there. So yeah, the point to this is we're kind of just going along at this point, having a good time and I know it's not quite as zany or always crazy creative as you all would probably like and I certainly would like, but I still have fun with it. And every once in a while, I've got a little bit more time in my schedule and inspiration strikes and allows us to produce a special or something or have a really great episode, some power ranking, something like that.
Starting point is 00:07:36 This came to me in a dream the other night. What if we had a bean town bus? I'm not talking about Jerome Bettis and the t-shirt. I'm talking about like a tour bus, but we just kind of you know like park it outside and you know obviously you'd want it to have some good like decals and logos on there and definitely my face is I think that aspect is inspired by a very specific Saturday night Saturday night life sketch of the view or Keenan Thompson's playing, I was gonna say Oprah,
Starting point is 00:08:08 but that's not right. Whoopi Goldberg and some comment about having a tour bus and her face is on it and that's kind of, it's what I think we could do with the bean town bus. I think it would be fun if we, you know, inside, I haven't really thought about it this far yet, but I would want a lot of cup holders, because I want it to be a party. Definitely a shower. I just feel like sometimes you want to get clean and stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So cup holders and showers, preferably a shower, or a cup holder in the shower, because I love a good shower beer. I haven't had one in a while. My current shower is not conducive to a good shower beer. I haven't had one in a while. My current shower is not conducive to a good shower beer experience because there aren't any good like shelves or ledges of any kind where I could prop one and the way it's like a sliding door sort of thing. So I can't, you know, before it was like I could, you know, pull the curtain back, have a shower beer on top of the like toilet sink or something, toilet bowl,
Starting point is 00:09:08 not the bowl, the tank, the toilet tank, before you think I'm disgusting, on top of the tank, the back, okay? But, you know, I can't, I don't really have a good opportunity for that now, other than it just being on the floor, which just feels like so neolithic, N-E-O-L-I-T-H-I-C. So, that's TBD. Beantown bus, stick that one in the, you know, back in my head, we'll come back to that
Starting point is 00:09:32 like season eight or something. I wanted to, before we get to the airing of grievances, I wanted, so we don't forget, to do a quick check-in on our ladies, the real housewives of Salt Lake City, and I gotta tell you, all kidding aside, it can be tough on a week to week basis to keep up with the ladies,
Starting point is 00:09:52 not because they are so go go go all the time, although some of them are, but because I'm literally, Rachel and I were watching real housewives of Beverly Hills, part two of four, season, women tell all whatever they call it. I can't think of what it's called. Whatever, was this week.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And then we're still catching up. Potomac is happening live right now. I think it's season six maybe. But we're on season four. And so we're trying to catch up and moving pretty slowly because I just get sleepy. But we watched two episodes last night, so there's progress there. And Real Houses in New York, not on right now,
Starting point is 00:10:30 they finished a couple months ago this season and the reunion got canceled, the reunion, that's what it's called. But now we're also, so now we have Salt Lake City live and World War II, like six episodes, something like that, seven episodes. So there's a lot to keep track of. And, but I feel pretty good.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I think I have a good understanding of what happened this episode. And before I do that, because I remembered completely off topic, but a quick birthday shout out to my brother Walter, he turned 32. What famous NFL player wore number 32, I don't know, is that that a martial fork number or something?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Some's gonna have to go look it up off the top of my head. I can't even think of like a current NFL player. You'd have to be a running back, you figure, or like a corner back maybe, NFL Jersey 32 players. Trying to Google while being on live air and type with one finger, not easy. Okay. Who?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Okay, here we go. The best NFL players who wore the number 32 jersey. This is what I want. Okay, here we go. Marcus Allen, Edron James, Franco Harris, Jim Brown, O.J. Simpson, and Red Bad Grow. I apologize because I don't actually know who Red Bad Grow was. Let's click on his name and see what we get.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Nothing interesting. I'll have to just Google him later. But yeah, those first ones, I should have been able to come up with at least Eddron James because I watched him play in my lifetime. But let's see. Other famous players, they say who are not in the in the Hall of Fame. Yeah, I'll just give you the ones you might know. Eric Wettel, Devon McCordy, Maurice Jones drew. There we go. I should have got that one. I had him
Starting point is 00:12:12 on my fantasy team. His rookie year, here's a crazy thing. You think of Maurice Jones drew now and you look at him and he's just like, he's always, you know, he was always short, obviously, but he is extremely like stocky now kind of castanza-esque. The crazy thing, his rookie year playing down there in Jacksonville, I don't know where he went to college actually but for the Jaguars, he was returning punts and he was a fantasy machine. I mean that was his rookie year that must have been like season one or two of the Great White North. I'm not sure. But he was a tank. He had at least five or six really great fantasy years. And I tried to get him on my team as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:12:50 He kind of took over after Fred Taylor in Jacksonville there. I got some whiskey, some bullet bourbon, very excited for this. I actually had a glass on Wednesday. That's how after work, that's how many grievances I had on Wednesday. Cause there's no way you would ever catch me just like drinking whiskey on a Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:13:15 as fun as it is to say, but that's how rough of a day Wednesday was. And not because of like me getting into like issues or anything, just like people on dealing with just being total POS's man. Okay, let's finish up this 32 number here. Tired Matthew, he's the honey badger. I don't know is he still playing?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Is he playing for Kansas City or you know, not sure where he goes. He was he was really famous at LSU is that where he went to college. I'm not sure. Let's see. Anyone else, Cedric Benson was he the guy who just passed away or was that Tomic Jones, Tomic Jones, Thomas Jones? I think Cedric Benson passed away, didn't he? Let's see here. Yeah, he did two years ago. Thomas Jones ought to still be alive, I think. We're really getting deep into the football stuff here. Okay, I'm done, but I just wanted to say happy birthday to my brother Walt. Hope it was a good day, and maybe you should come on next week to give a movie review of Wes Anderson's newest film,
Starting point is 00:14:14 The French Dispatch, which I'm told is not a sequel to The French Connection with Jean Hackman. How love a film though. My dad and I were driving down Lake Street in Chicago last month and he was like, oh this reminds me of where they shot the French connect or what you know that's seen in the French connection the car chase and I'm like I'm pretty sure it was and I haven't looked it up to verify whether it was or not but you can just assume it is because I'm right like 51% of the time and that's a majority of my friends. Okay, so Salt Lake City, I apologize last week. I was talking about Heather multiple times
Starting point is 00:14:56 and I kept calling her Meredith and I caught it when I listened back to it. As did my lovely GF Rache, who texted me out of the blue to say, you Key messing up their names and I felt really bad so We're gonna get it right this time even though I have now just taking my first sip of whiskey. Okay, so let's start there So I don't mess it up Heather as you know is I would say I mean It's kind of build as like the main protagonist of this show I feel like because she's like the
Starting point is 00:15:27 most eutonean one of them, the former Mormon, like it's now divorced, single mom, three kids, like she just kind of checks off all the boxes for this show. Basically, they're not giving her anything really to do the first part of this season so far. And literally last episode, all she did was talk with her daughter, college acceptance, all that stuff. It was great. In this episode, all she does is like, kind of talk to her daughters about like birds and bees stuff, but not actually, but you know, kind of like, kind of talks to them about it, which is fine. And it's heartwarming. And I mean, I don't mind watching it. It's just like,
Starting point is 00:16:06 they're not giving her anything interesting to do. So that's really what Heather has been up to. Then you have, they're really trying to lean into this storyline now. You have the newest housewife, Jenny, who is not Gen Shaw. This is Jenny. She is like Thai or something like that. Or Cambodian, I apologize. Burmese, I'm not sure. Lay ocean. Vietnamese probably. Jenny. And she's married to her husband, Dewey. Dewey, not Dewey, Dewey. And they have three kids.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And their youngest kid is like nine. And you know, last week, like, Dewey wants more kids. She doesn't. And it was kind of like, okay, like uncomfortable conversation. But they're like, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. and they have three kids and their youngest kid is like nine. And you know, last week, like, do we want some more kids?
Starting point is 00:16:46 She does and it was kind of like, okay, like uncomfortable conversation. But they totally like quadrupled down on it this week. They go cross country skiing, they're having a great time, then they're all with sun after that. They're sitting in the snow. And this guy just keeps coming back to this conversation. And she's like, no, I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:17:03 It gets really heart-felt. We realize she's had like, I don't remember exactly what it was. I'm not kidding. It's like 10 miscarriages, something like that. In addition to her three kids that she has and she's like, I just can't go through it anymore, which is like, hell no, you can't. And he's just like, I really think we should. She's like, no fucking way. And then it's like, what about a sister wife? And it's just like I Mean there are some really bad housewife husbands out there I'm looking at you Michael Darby from Potomac, but oh and by the way, I listen to Rachel Darby's single
Starting point is 00:17:36 Last night coffee and love it's rough look it up if you want Great music video. He says smiling through his teeth Rachel Darby coffee and love I got to listen to it after this it's so bad I'm not saying I could do any better in fact I got a little music free at the end of this program but it's rough so this Dewey character is just like dude, like, you got a, he's got three kids, he keeps talking about like, I want a big family and it's like, I get that, but also like, dude, it's not like,
Starting point is 00:18:11 I could understand if they like, didn't have any kids. And we're just having like issues with miscarriages and you know, maybe they were younger and like, I think I would feel a little bit more sympathy towards him in that scenario, but they have three kids that are like grown kids. They're like nine to 16 or something like that. It's like, come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Cause obviously he's not gonna be the one taking care of these little toddlers running around. He's out there working. He all he gets to do is come home. Sure, he works his ass off. He's a doctor, but he comes home, you know, hot meal on the table. Kids are taking care of and stuff and that all falls on Jenny. So it's still the same storyline, but it just it keeps getting worse and worse every week, making this guy like worse and worse. And he is. It's a really bad, I know,
Starting point is 00:18:58 he's a smart guy. I don't really know what his agenda is. Else in in Salt Lake City. We have This was pretty funny. So no Brooks this week, but Meredith and Mary Cosby go to play tennis of all activities and my first thought is like oh my gosh This is gonna be a disaster Like Meredith is this white lady from I think North Shore in Chicago or something like that She you know very wealthy well off. Like, she's obviously gonna know what she's doing with tennis. In Marikaze, he's gonna be just awful. And then my second thought was like,
Starting point is 00:19:34 well, hey, Marikaze, literally doesn't do anything all day. So maybe she has this like secret tennis skill that no one knows about. And then it turns out that my original hunch was confirmed. Although Meredith wasn't particularly adept with the racket, Meredith Cosby was just like, girl, have you like,
Starting point is 00:19:55 you were playing tennis, right? Like this sport, not that one. Like have you seen this one on television before? It was rough. And that's really kind of, you know, we haven't really gotten a ton out of Meredith so far this year, other than the, you know, Gen Sean, Brooke stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And Mary Cosby, you're never gonna get much out of, but I do appreciate that she's like sticking around and shows up here and there. So, and it's, she's always entertaining. I mean, I can't tell if I dislike Mary Cosby or not. Like, I'm pretty neutral on her, but I'm pretty entertained. So, I don't know. I can't wait for, uh, gender to get arrested and for the good Mary Cosby stuff out of that. Okay, wrapping up here. Basically basically the primary drama happening,
Starting point is 00:20:45 as you might remember, is between Lisa and Whitney. So I think at the end of last episode, they had made up and are trying to start fresh, all that stuff. To refresh you, because it's important to understand what happens next. Basically, Meredith or Lisa, it has a catering company. She has a million companies.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's hard to keep track of it. Whitney was throwing some charity program or some charity event. She was going to use Lisa's caterers. Lisa and Whitney got mad. And so then Lisa like canceled the caterers. I don't think they're her caterers, but caterers, but they're like tangentially related somehow on Whitney's charity ball or whatever it was at like last second. But like not, not on, you know, she didn't come out and say like, I'm canceling it, just like happened. And then, you know, Whitney kind of played clue and put the puzzle pieces together. So Whitney and her husband, Chris, no, John, no, Chris, Chris is Whitney's husband. John is Lisa's husband. God, pick some better names. They, the four of them go
Starting point is 00:22:03 to dinner. And all of a sudden, all of a sudden, the wait staff or something comes up and is talking to Lisa and was like, oh my gosh, so sorry we had to cancel that party the other day, some weird excuse, that might be an excuse, but I'm not sure. But then that sent Whitney just snap of a finger without anything else happening into just over drive mode. Then she got super pissed off. And once you come to fight Lisa, she's gonna punch back. And it's really hard to tell,
Starting point is 00:22:40 did the caterers actually have a legit reason or is Lisa actually playing the long game? But basically Whitney was like, Lisa, you brought me here to sabotage me and make me look bad, which is probably true, but it's also just a little, Whitney definitely reacted way too fast and way too strongly, so it's just kind of hard to tell what's going on.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And at this point, it's just very exhausting and tiring and you're not really rooting for either one of them because they both have like some serious issues here So that's the lovely stuff that's going on so we've covered we've covered Meredith We've covered Mary. We've covered covered Jenny. We've covered covered Who Lisa and Whitney so that just leaves Jen shot, right? There's no one else.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Am I forgetting someone? There's seven, right? Jen, Jenny, Meredith, Mary, Lisa, Whitney and Heather, okay. So basically Jen shot doesn't really get to too much this episode. There's one scene outside, she's like outside of Shaw Shelley number two,
Starting point is 00:23:46 where she's out there and her husband, coach Shaw, Sharif, is like training their son, who I think is like 15, 16, I think is like a freshman in high school. And I think it's football drills, you know, he's doing some like fast reaction stuff for the tennis ball, he's doing some like, feet drill stuff. And then, and then Gen Shaws just kind of like off to the side, trying to talk to them while they're training, which is awkward. And it's this was my favorite part of the episode, because you can so clearly see how this poor like 15 year old son just wants nothing to do with his mom. And you know, for the moms out there listening, you might be like, oh, that's heartbreaking. But if you know Jen, Shai, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:29 she's like just an awful person and so insufferable, like impossible to be around. She's talking to her like son, who's 15, 16 something, she keeps calling herself mommy and like, oh, mommy will take you to school. Actually, he's 16 because coach, Shai was like, well, he has his driver's license now because Jen and like, oh mommy will take you to school. Actually, he's 16 because Coach Shaw is like, well, he has his driver's license now. Cause Jen is like, oh, I'll take you to, I can, you know, I'd like to like, start taking you to school and coach Shaw is just like,
Starting point is 00:24:53 cringing in the background like, well, he has his driver's license so he can, you know, he'll just drive himself to school. And it's like, Jen Shaw clearly has no idea what's going on with her family. And I said to Rachel when we were watching, I was just like, how on earth is Coach Shaw like, slash why on earth is Coach Shaw,
Starting point is 00:25:09 it's like still married to this lady? I almost wonder like, you know, I think Coach Shaw is like a pretty, not pretty, but like I think he's like, adheres some semi-strictly to his religion, which is Islam. And I wonder if there's just like stuff in the code or the Quran that's like, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And he's just like going down with a ship. I don't know. That's my only thought. Because she is just like, I don't know. We don't get those moments on camera because I think they don't exist that show like the positive aspect to Jen and Coach Shah's relationship. I just don't think it's there. I think it was there 20 years ago and they got married and I think now she's just like probably turned into a Shah of herself
Starting point is 00:25:56 and I feel bad for him. But that's the way it goes. So that's real House of Assault Lake City. Again, we're progressing towards the infamous junshah arrest as well as for assistant stuchains, Stuart. So that was a fairly long recap, I apologize, but that'll get you caught up. I want to give it a shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon. If you need your home inspected and central Oregon, call my dad, Steve. He's got the good stuff. He's been doing it for a while at this point. 541-403-410-0316 or visit He'll get your home inspected and if he misses something, then you get your home for free
Starting point is 00:26:39 or something like that. It's crazy. There's some sort of insurance backed protection. Pretty cool. The Samsung Q2U series has crisp, clean audio quality when you're recording an EP and album or just a shitty podcast. Call the experts at Samsung. Now speaking of calling experts, cuts by Q,
Starting point is 00:27:00 when you need a fresh do something snappy or new, just call the experts here at cuts by Q. I got to tell you, lately, in particular, while I've been, I was running this best week, getting back into a semi-regular schedule, kind of, you know, post marathon, post training for anything specifically, like trying to figure out what is gonna be the best routine for me. That's not what I wanna say.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I've been having a lot of creative, comedy ideas, including the bean town bus. So if you thought that was a knee slapper, there's a lot more where that came from, but I don't know, I'm feeling like squeezed between you know working three jobs plus Rachel and family stuff, which is amazing. I live for that stuff. But add in a little bit of piano here and there and just like feeling and you know, tune blast together with my tune blast. They're just, I don't know, I'd rather just like,
Starting point is 00:28:09 have the foot off, the like comedy slash social media pedal, the proverbial pedal, and just kinda like, you know, run the podcast every week. And I'm really not doing a tunnel like laughs wise and for now that's okay because I could fit it in but it would just start cutting into sleep it would start cutting into some of my work which I'm just not willing to compromise on at this stage in my life because I'm in that late 20s grind your butt,
Starting point is 00:28:45 like work your ass off, make as much money as you can. That's a strategy, man. Make a crazy amount of, not crazy amount, right? I work in education, okay. But make a lot of money relative, or save a lot of money, relative to what I earn, stash it, retirement, accounts, Roth, all that stuff, and hopefully in, you know, 35 years,
Starting point is 00:29:11 that means early retirement, okay, knock on wood. So the goal of, or the point of today's episode, we got two more things. We're going to talk, we're going to, we're going to air some grievances. And anonymously, I got plenty and then we'll go to the fan vote here. Thank you to everyone who contributed on Instagram and Facebook. And we did get a lot of responses.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I'm excited to read those live on air. And then I'm gonna finish up with a song that I actually pre-recorded. And then we're gonna be playing it through my phone into the Samsung Q2U series into GarageBat. So no promises on quality, but it's just a song that I really loved through my phone into the Samsung Q2U series into GarageBand. So no promises on quality, but it's just a song that I really loved for the past couple of months. And I wanted to do it in honor of the fact
Starting point is 00:29:53 that I'm going to see this band who recorded this song in six days. Thursday, the 28th, very excited to see bleachers. So airing of grievances, Okay, good thing I took notes because There's a lot going on these are work related and as you know if you've you've you know been following this show for a while I don't I don't like to talk much work stuff Just because I don't like to think about it when I'm trying to have fun on my podcast But also just like just to stay out of any, you know, tips, trouble, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:30:31 There's no reason to get into any issues at work because of the fun I'm having live on Air with you all. Okay, but here's the first thing. This, I've never encountered anything like this in what am I on? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, this is my sixth year working in college admissions. So six might not sound like a ton, but really in college admissions, you kind of get the general ropes after about a year, a year and a half. You're not an expert, but you know how this stuff works, okay? We're talking recruitment specifically.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So I'm in charge of recruitment for my college. And we have this great event coming up that happened on Wednesday, something like that, Tuesday Wednesday, something like that, whatever. Add a school in the southeast, definitely not naming names here. Okay, and I'm not actually, this isn't a podcast to put people on blast.
Starting point is 00:31:32 This is me wanting to, you know, air my grievances. So we got this event coming up and I'm the one running it. It's scheduled from 11 to 4. It's labeled as a virtual recruitment fair, and it's a very important event for us, because it's an event that attracts a lot of underrepresented students. Very excited to do it, very happy to do it. So I'm all signed up, got the registration fee paid and all that stuff, a couple hundred
Starting point is 00:32:05 dollars, get an email on like Monday or the day before whenever it is being like, hello schools, thank you for attending our virtual fair, attached you'll find the agenda. And here's the kicker. The format of this fair is like four hours of schools, colleges, law schools, presenting about their programs in 20-minute blocks. But here's the thing. According to their email, there were approximately 75 schools at Redstered and paid the registration fee. And they're only selecting 20 to present to students.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And obviously, good old DePaul Law, not on the list, or else I wouldn't be having this as part of my airing of grievances. And so obviously, strike one. That's just, so what did I pay for? Because I swear to God, their email is like, we recognize that only a third or a quarter of the schools that registered will be actually
Starting point is 00:33:08 be able to present, but we still encourage you to join us for the entire time. And it's like, what do you think? I'm just like, nothing else in my life. Like here's four hours, let me watch. Let me watch all my competitor law schools get to talk to these students. I really want access to a banami.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Sounds like a beautiful Wednesday. But here's the kicker strikes two and three. So I emailed them back like fully understanding what they're saying and just in utter disbelief. And I'm basically like, Hey, this doesn't really make sense. Like, could you clarify? I think I missed something. Like playing dumb a little,
Starting point is 00:33:47 but just more so trying to just be like, cordial, and maybe I am missing something. Like maybe this is the first day, and there's another day coming, I don't know, whatever. Here's, this was Strikes 2 and 3. They send me back an email very quickly, and they open it up with Dear Quinn. It's not difficult.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And it was just like, I have just paid you hundreds of dollars for an event. And you're emailing me saying, I'm not going to be able to speak at this event that I paid for. And it's not difficult. That's that alone. I got other items on this list that I'm gonna get to right now, but that alone prompted me to be like, what the, what the f, like, what are we doing here? I worked for a Catholic non-profit university
Starting point is 00:34:38 I'm trying to increase access, equity, inclusion. That's why I work in this business because I'm passionate about that stuff. And you're telling me, it's not difficult. It's like, okay. All right, so that just gives me a great taste in my mouth regarding that school moving forward. So here is another thing, this is gonna sound silly,
Starting point is 00:35:04 but it's just like trying to think how I, I'm not going to delve into specifics. I don't want to really mess anyone up or say anything I shouldn't. But basically, we had a meeting that I didn't get invited to, but needed to be on. I had a meeting that I didn't get invited to, but needed to be on. And then, you know, it's like, I come back from a run and they're 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:35:36 into the meeting already, messaging my phone, because I don't, you know, different people messaging in my phone, because I don't run with my phone being like, hey, where are you at? Like, can you join this meeting? And it's like, I literally didn't get this meeting invite until like two minutes ago. And then I got back from the run and joined while I was
Starting point is 00:35:52 in my hot sweaty clothes and all that stuff. But it's like, I've been on all the other meeting advice. I don't know. When I'm creating a meeting, it's always like, okay, let me check. Do I have everyone that's been on all the other calls that needs to be on it? Yes. Cool. Send it. That just seems like a really basic step.
Starting point is 00:36:17 It was an external party. Okay. That's not throwing, not even throwing shade at my own office. Because I love my office. We're great. We are a bad-ass team, man. Easily the best office I've ever worked in. There's five of us. It's great. I got stood up by so many kids this week. First, I was supposed to have a consulting meeting with a student on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Just didn't come. Had to reschedule it for today, did it. And here's a thing with that. It's like, I've got the half hour, or in some case, the 45 minutes reserve to do this now. And it's like, if you don't come, I'm still waiting for 20 minutes for you on Zoom to see like, oh, maybe they're just running late. So it's like if you don't come, I'm still waiting for 20 minutes for you on Zoom to see like, oh, maybe they're just running late
Starting point is 00:37:07 So it's like Then I just have to do the same thing again two days later and there's another 30 or 45 minutes out of my out of my day And it's I'm doing double the work because you decide you didn't you didn't want to come first time and then I got um I got stood up slash ghosted by some of the undergraduates I advise one yesterday and one today. And it's just like what like I don't know. What are we doing here? Like you want to go to, you want to go to law school? You might want to stay on top of your deadlines go to law school, you might want to stay on top of your deadlines and meetings with staff who decide whether or not you actually get to go to law school. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:51 It could be a good idea, something to consider in the future. My last thing here, I, one of the students I consult is a, is a great pianist and is applying for this really wonderful program opportunity. It's like a scholarship foundation or some sort of volunteering something. But as part of it, as the musician's listening to the snow, you have to upload two videos, different pieces, that sort of thing. The instructions clearly ask, no recordings longer than five minutes.
Starting point is 00:38:22 So we need two pieces shorter than five minutes. So I get the recordings from the students' family being like, this is what we're going to submit. And they're great pieces. They are a blood by Shilpán and a third movement of a Beethoven sonata. And they both sound fantastic. This student is great.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Love working with this student. But they're like, you know, each about seven or eight minutes long. So I'm like, hey, these are great, technically very proficient, but, excuse me, like we're not following their program rules. So I get an email back. It's like, not an email email but a wechat message.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Being basically like you know when you get to this skill level this isn't from the student. This is from family. The student would never say something like this because he's great. Family is basically saying when you get to this skill level there aren't any pieces that are shorter than five minutes long. And I'm just like the musician, the piano major in me, I got so upset at that. And they know I'm a musician. They know I was a piano major in college. And they're not talking, they're not like trying to sneak something past me. They're just straight, some straight up like, that's not right.
Starting point is 00:39:42 So I, I don't think I came across a snarky, and I hope I didn't, cause I really wasn't trying to be. I was really just trying to be informative and educational, while I was like, I got so many showpan A2's, Pre-Ludes, Rock Pre-Ludes, like it's rock, monon,
Starting point is 00:39:57 off for people who don't know classical music. Just like, there's so much out there that I can show you that is shorter than five minutes. I promise you being a fantastic pianist doesn't mean that you can only play sonatas that are 30 minutes long. I have so much to share with you. And that just really rubbed me the wrong way. So I decided you know what I was having just like a not a I wouldn't describe this as like a hard week but rather just like a frustrating week and all those things that I just try that I just describe
Starting point is 00:40:29 hopefully you will realize that like that didn't mean my week was awful it just means that like God this was just so much unnecessary pain in the assery okay So I decided this morning hey we're gonna record later today So I decided this morning, hey, we're gonna record later today. Let's take it to the streets. Let's see what you all the fans think. So starting with Facebook, I think we only got one comment. It was a quiet day on Facebook today. I've really given up on trying to figure out Facebook
Starting point is 00:40:58 or their algorithm or any of that stuff. And I don't really care anymore. I remember two years ago, two plus years, like two to four years ago, when I got phased out by the Facebook algorithm and just being like really upset about it. And now I'm honestly just like, I don't care, whatever, because I don't think people are on there anymore.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Like literally when I go to my Facebook newsfeed, I'll scroll for like five minutes, 90% of it is just like memes or articles. I can remember when people used to write their own things on Facebook. Yes, but it was like 15 years ago. So we got one thing on Facebook. I said, you know, what really busted your behind
Starting point is 00:41:39 this week, the comment said, being alive. It's pretty dark. I'll tell you what, like there are definitely days that are tough for me being alive, but I really like living. And I'm gonna really be sad when it's gone. But yeah, every good poll question needs one classy, dark response. I'm getting an ad for KFC on Instagram right now some sort of thick Sandwich for $3.99 that's $4 for you scoring at home I've never like gone to a KFC and Bought stuff from the roof or I'm sure I've eaten it once or twice, but I've never you know as much time as I spend on the road
Starting point is 00:42:22 I have literally never like pulled into a KFC in order, something nor have I felt compelled to. I don't know, it's just kind of like, when I'm on the road, I would never want to have like fried chicken for lunch because I feel like that would just knock me out. And then you get to dinner and it's like, well I'm not gonna spend spend my precious pro-card dining
Starting point is 00:42:47 money on fast food when I could go get an actual nice meal regardless of if it's carry-out or not. So it just never really happened. And I do like fried chicken. I think it's delicious. Shout out to brother of the podcast, Jack Fernis, who would always, before he was vegetarian, most people don't know this, would always request fried chicken on his birthday, believe it or not.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And then have chicken for dinner too, fried, yeah, the fried chicken was lunch. And I won't list what, what I'll see, uh, requests it because it's pretty ghoulish. Um, but he would have chicken for supper as well, which was great. Okay, so let's go to the Instagram comments here. Let's read it in the order they were received. And I'll keep you anonymous because I didn't say whether or not I was going to a nice one everyone to feel comfortable here. My dog is an asshole.
Starting point is 00:43:36 He's cute and he uses that to his advantage to bully me. Sounds like me in high school. I tell you what. No, I wasn't cute in high school. We got two, oh no, here's one. A canceled flight. And I want to preemptively, individually, thank everyone who did submit.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Let's see, we got one, two, three, four, five, six responses, which is pretty good. Because I could have posted this yesterday, like my story yesterday got over 100 views, which was good for me, actually. And this one today is sitting at like 50. So we probably would have had more. And more will probably come in. We'll try to remember to grab those next week.
Starting point is 00:44:11 But thank you to everyone who did submit a response. I really appreciate that. We've got this one here. I know who this is from. Canceled Flight. And I got to tell you, as someone who flies a ton, I have had a very good luck overall in my flying career since I've been recruiting heavily
Starting point is 00:44:31 for the past five years or so. I really haven't had too many flight issues. My most notorious one was when I got stranded in Atlanta, Hartzville, Jackson overnight. They lost power. This was like 2018, 2017, something like that. And yeah, we were stuck on the tarmac or the runway or whatever for hours and then you get into the, you finally got off the plane,
Starting point is 00:44:55 you get into the airport and it was just completely dark. It was kind of scary. But we weren't allowed to leave. Otherwise, I would have just grabbed a car and driven up to Baltimore from there. It's probably like 10 hours, something like that. But we weren't allowed to leave. Otherwise, I would have just grabbed a car and driven up to Baltimore from there. It's probably like 10 hours, something like that. I would have done that. And I finally got home the next afternoon. Okay, we got two from this user.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I appreciate the double dip. First one says, buy it in, coming to town and making it possible to drive around in Baltimore. You know, I had seen a little bit of this stuff on Reddit Baltimore, because I'm still part of that community, but I didn't read into it much. I'm curious to read like, where did he speak?
Starting point is 00:45:32 Was it at the arena downtown? I already forget what it was called. Or did he go to Hopkins? Or, you know, where exactly did he go? But I can imagine that's tough. Yeah, I mean, I feel like Baltimore is not one of those cities that usually has this type of stuff figured out. Men who harass you on the street,
Starting point is 00:45:50 that I gotta tell you, that's one that I very rarely myself have to like deal with or encounter, which is a very privileged thing to be able to say, but I have been harassed once or twice and I'm sure the person submitting this, who's a female, gets that every week. So I'm sorry that you're going through that or have gone through that
Starting point is 00:46:10 and we'll go through that because it's ridiculous. This one, close listeners of the show might know who submitted this one. Columbia's assets grew from 16.3 to 19.6 billion with a B since COVID and they still hiked tuition. Yeah, I got to tell you what, is someone who has gone through a master's degree in education policy and administration and is like, take in education finance questions or questions classes. I have questions, classes. It's all really kind of like strange, murky. It's never as like clean or clear as it should be. In terms of like colleges are measured by their endowments and stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And it's like, well, what does that actually mean? Because you can't always just like access that. Same thing with like specific funds and stuff. It's just, you know, There's a lot going into it, but I'm sure that Columbia being an Ivy League school, I'm sure they could figure that out if they wanted to. But they got an Ivy League education and there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who want that and are willing to pay for it. So, supply and demand, baby. And our last response here, supervisors not doing their job correctly in zero repercussions
Starting point is 00:47:30 for it. The thing I like most about that is they use the correct usage of there, there and there. But yeah, definitely, like some shit goes down above you and a little bit of a power trip. And you don't really get to do anything about it. So, yeah. Definitely a pain in the ass. I don't know, I feel like I'm one of those people
Starting point is 00:47:52 who's like always, when I definitely like clearly fuck up, like, I'm gonna, yeah, you're gonna get your apology for me, like, I wear things on my chin all the time. And you just gotta realize, like, don't let it bother you, but I would never be that type of person who's just like, whole year than now. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Maybe, maybe it's the way he was raised, maybe it's Maybelline. Who knows? But I definitely, I think everyone who submitted those and everyone's got their own stuff that they're going through, even people who didn't submit something. So just know that even podcast legends go through some of that same stuff too. And I appreciate everyone who did submit something because that was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:48:40 That's what I got for you. As promised, I decided I was playing around earlier practicing my classical pieces that I'm getting ready to come out with, hopefully soon this year, and had a song stuck in my head by the band, the band, the band Bleachers some knights or carry on with Nate Rus, who is just on SNL last week with young juicy baby or something like that. But I'm going to see his band on Thursday, which I'm very excited for, and I decided, because I've had one of their songs stuck in my head, I decided I wanted to give it a whirl. This was first try, never had seen the lyrics before. So could I have done a better version?
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yes, but I wanted to stay raw for you all, okay? So I'm gonna get that cute up for you. All right, so I've got it up on my phone here. And again, we're getting a little wonky with technology And again, we're getting a little wonky with technology because I literally recorded it straight from the piano and voice into my phone using the internal microphone earlier this afternoon and now we're just going to
Starting point is 00:49:58 play it straight from the phone into the microphone. So, Michael, look quiet. If you don't want to hear Quinn cover bleachers, thanks for tuning in. If you do, you look quiet. If you don't want to hear Quinn cover bleachers, thanks for tuning in. If you do, you might need to turn up your headphones a little bit. Thanks everyone for listening. We'll be live next week with episode 199,
Starting point is 00:50:16 our Halloween Spook Tagular. I just remember next Sunday's Halloween, so I'll plan something. It'll be spooky. But here we go. This is Quinn covering the song 45 by bleachers. It would have been appropriate if it was 32, as we were talking about that earlier,
Starting point is 00:50:31 but nope, this is called 45. And that's what I got for you. Thanks for listening. I'll check in on you next time. Here we go. Here we go. Count steps around the park, consider drinking in the yard, hang the words of a perfect stranger, I'll always suffer my heart, cause all the blessings are somewhere else's, if I was in my name's part I'm turning second to pieces When I see one one is got dark
Starting point is 00:51:28 But I'm still inside And you're fast and she I'm always holding your low-supreme Mo' 45s Spending out of time But I'm still on the side Moved forty-files, spending out of time But I'm still hopes finally gonna waste me, and my love was compass I could know.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Took a bus across the bridge, so my bedroom from my home Baby, seascoast in the music Oh, they're strong from the past Why bring it out to 90's, the cover no big deal Last but I'm still inside, you're fast-pushing I'm always holding your love's free Glow forty-five, spinning at the time My honey, I'm still on the side
Starting point is 00:53:00 Now you're no stranger stranger I know best You're a stranger in my bed You're a stranger I know best I know that I can live by, just as neckings I can shake I'm coming from the basement, a little crying out for crying out loud If I can learn love and shout out when the shadow hits the line And a trace of why we've been through Little shout from the dead I'm still inside Yeah, fast machine I'm always holding those and praying
Starting point is 00:53:57 So 45, spin it up tight Stay at a time My honey, I'm still on your side I'm still alone, you're sad Thank you.

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