Beantown Podcast - Quinn's War on Lady Gaga, Overpriced Iced Coffee, and Podcasts without Purpose 06052021

Episode Date: June 5, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE (unlike some other podcasts) to do all the stuff in the title PLUS 'A Quiet Place 2' review, a shoutout to myself, and an in-depth discussion around breakfast sandwiches...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Saturday, June 5th, 2021. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show, Quinn David Furnace
Starting point is 00:00:23 presents the Beanentown Podcast. Welcome if you're watching us on a live stream on Facebook. Um, why is been rough this week? So in Facebook, the video player already tends to be pretty spooky with cutting in and out and stuff, even when I have good internet. So my hopes are not high or particularly high for this recording. But you know, if you come on in, say hi, say yo, and we'll just, you know, we'll keep going. We got a lot to talk about, okay?
Starting point is 00:01:01 And I know I always say that I always try to cram way too much into every episode. I come in so prepared. I'm like, we got to do this and this and this. But I actually legitimately this week, I have so much that I want to cover that actually wrote, took notes in my phone. I wrote it down. So we're going to be getting to those. Just lots of things to check in on. There's so much that's been happening. Last weekend was a holiday weekend, three a weekend, so lots of stuff going on then. And we're getting settled into the new apartment here. I had to, I was about to start the live stream
Starting point is 00:01:37 and I had to close these blinds behind me because in that, that's probably my least-serving about my current setup on the couch here anytime you turn the video stream on you know zoom or only fans or whatever I'm doing on video you know you got this blinding light coming from behind and not the good kind like the hit the smash single from the weekend the weekend is missing a vowel at the end. So basically if I keep those blinds open, we got sunshine stream and straight in.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I got a whole kind of like Jesus vibe going. It's very kind of illuminating, ethereal, bright, if you will, so it's kind of hard to see anything. Which, you know, sometimes I kind of like, you know, if I'm like talking to a prospective law student or something, I want them to kind of see me as this Messiah, Christ-like figure, give me your application and I will give you the opportunity of a lifetime, right? I think that's a Bible verse somewhere, maybe Habakkuk. How do you spell that one? Habakkuk, HA, B-A-K-K-U-K, something like that. I don't know,
Starting point is 00:02:56 someone can look it up. I have never read that one. Those minor profits are just, they're a little sneaky. You got to check,, you gotta watch out for them. I'll let you know the listener's discretion is advised or listening to the bean-town podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. But we're gonna have fun today. Guaranteed fun or your money back.
Starting point is 00:03:19 You won't be disappointed. Let's turn to the notes here. Let's get started, you know. The new APT, I moved two weeks ago. I'm more or less unpacked. There's still a couple boxes, random things that obviously aren't essentials that I haven't gotten to yet. I think I got two boxes left in my bedroom. But the biggest thing with his apartment and that one of the toughest things to commit to, I think there was just a derecho outside or something, weird, big gust of wind. One of the toughest things to commit to was the smoke smell. So the previous tenants in here were big smokers
Starting point is 00:04:07 according to the property manager who showed me around. And I knew that going in, I knew that was a risk, right? And it wasn't ideal for multiple reasons. But the property manager was very reassuring in the tour, which he's making a sales pitch's making a sale, sales pitch, I get it. He was like, you know what, we're going to get someone in here, we're going to take care of it. And I was like, you know, whether I believe in or not, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:35 But then I was in here, you know, a week after that, two weeks after that, you know, three weeks, whatever, to pick up my keys right before my lease started. I met my landlord and I met our handyman. And they were the same. Like, oh, yeah, it's, you know, not great in here right now, but like, I met my landlord and I met our handyman and they were the same like oh yeah it's you know not great in here right now but like we're gonna get that taken care of I was like great excellent so I get in here two weeks ago and of course it's as bad as ever smokey and if anyone listening out there has ever been to the cherry bowl and cherry valuelinoin, one of the finer bowling establishments in the country I would say, there's a certain distinct smoky smell going on there and it's that
Starting point is 00:05:20 beautiful mixture of cigarette smoke and like a $2 pint of bud light. And just the right amount of cheese, you know, whafting throughout the air particles. And that's kind of what my apartment was like. So first we started off with, you know, kind of the basic things like, okay, cigarette smoke, it gets everywhere. Nicotine, all right, you gotta scrub everything down. So I was scrubbing the walls, scrubbing these blinds,
Starting point is 00:05:54 these babies can hold a lot of nicotine. Given everything a good scrub, the kitchen, cupboards and cabinets, I needed one of those scrub daddies from Shark Tank Tank because that's how much I was scrubbing. So we did that. And then next up, we said, okay, let's bring girlfriend of the podcast Rachel Ray-Mos in here and get, you know, not physically in here because they didn't want her to be in here because of the aforementioned smell. But she has a client and we're not gonna do any free,
Starting point is 00:06:26 there's no free advertising on this show. So we're not naming names, but they offer a variety of scent and odor and smell line products. And so she, I got one of these little like two or a tubs that has these little balls, which I haven't, you know, I haven't tasted one yet, but I suppose you're probably not supposed to. Apparently they soak up the nicotine, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:06:52 if it works. It's just kind of sitting there over there. Also a small spray, but I feel like I got this huge apartment, it's not huge, it's a small apartment, but you know, here's the size of the can, if you're watching on the live stream, and here's not huge. It's a small apartment, but you know, here's the size of the can if you're watching on the live stream and here's my apartment. So it wasn't going to be enough. So then we turn to the big dog. And I got to tell you, I got some affirmation last night that I'm not like subscribing to a scam. I'll tell you in one second.
Starting point is 00:07:27 So the big dog. I was reading all about this online. I'm not the first person to move into an apartment that was previously rented out by smokers. And I got to introduce you on the show to the concept of the ozone generator. Yeah, remember remember when the the hole in the ozone layer was like our biggest problem 20 years ago while I'm bringing it back. I'm doing my part to release so much ozone into the air in this apartment that we can fill the hole basically, repair the hole if you will. And as a quick aside, I've been getting a ton of, this is a new one. I mean, everyone knows about spam calls. I've been getting lately all of these text messages from an email, different message shreds, different emails, whatever, but it'll just be like sent from an email address to my phone's messages, like my phone's text message This one says sex contact, K-O-N-T-A-K-T dot photography.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So it's spammy, but it's also like, it's low effort spam. What is that supposed to mean? What am I supposed to do with that? Any good scammer and any good spam needs a call to action. Okay, that's very important. I do these software tests all the time, which they're not spam or they're not scamming. But you know, oftentimes I'm reviewing web pages and I'm like, you gotta have a call to action.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I gotta know what I'm doing here. Very important, right? So for all you scammers out there, if you're taking notes, you gotta give me something to do. Okay, just tell it just telling me Sex contact dot photography. I got nothing to click on. I got no credit card details to input no place to put them Mr. Rock Chris call back to literally like three years ago on the show Would would be very disappointed. I gotta tell you that.
Starting point is 00:09:49 But we go back to the ozone generator, which I bought, you know, you can go all the way from like little portable ones, which is what I purchased, because I didn't want this to be a huge investment, all the way up to like literally industrial size, industrial strength. Like that's what I don't know if it's the fire department
Starting point is 00:10:06 or whoever does this, but like after a place experiences an indoor fire in order to get that fire smell, smoke smell, whatever like out of the walls out of the air, they bring in these industrial units. Okay, so that's what we're talking about here. So I got it, you know, 10 days ago or so. And so I've now used it twice. You can set it for a timer up to three hours or turn it on indefinitely. Both times I've done it, I've just done it for two hours because you gotta be careful with this stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You gotta shut your windows, it's almost like having an exterminator come in and gas the place. The studies in terms of like health effects with these ozone generators are just like, the verdict is out. In terms of like, is it bad for your respiration, your lungs, whatever, like having all this extra ozone? I mean, I don't think anyone's like, oh yeah, it's better for you. It's just like how potentially detrimental is it?
Starting point is 00:11:06 So basically, you know, once it finishes up and I use it for the second time this morning while I was out on my run, you come back in, you open up a bunch of windows, you get the fans going to get the circulation going again, but it definitely takes a little bit of time. I mean, I came back and there's a distinct smell. You know, people, people in the, you know, Amazon reviews or wherever I bought it were, you know, given reviews and they're like, oh, and it leaves no smell. People in the Amazon reviews or wherever I bought it were given reviews and they're like, oh, and it leaves no smell. It just smells like normal, like fresh. There's a smell. There's a distinct smell. It kind of reminds me of the inside of an inner tube. If you're like, I know what you're thinking. How do you smell the inside of an inner tube?
Starting point is 00:11:42 We used to, we had a pool growing up, and every year at the start of the year, and periodically throughout the summer, you'd have to blow like crazy, speaking of my only fans, you'd have to blow up these inner tubes and floaties and all sorts of things, and that takes a lot of oxygen out of your lungs,
Starting point is 00:12:02 and so it gives off, or there's a certain smell inside the plastic, whatever it is. That's kind of what it reminds me of. So we're doing that. I got to say, and I'm always very hesitant to say this, because part of it is just, I live here, and I'm used to it, or becoming more accustomed to it. So I don't want to be, it kind of looks like on the Facebook
Starting point is 00:12:23 stream, like, I'm naked, I'm not, I'm wearing shorts, I promise. It's just, I'm in a very strange angle. Well, that's not helping. Wow. You're missing out. I believe it is helping. We've ran it for a total of four hours now, two hours last weekend, two hours today.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And I think it's getting better. I'm feeling pretty good about it. So we'll continue to run it. I mean, this thing lasts for a lot of hours. And yeah, you just gotta be careful. Like, do it when you're away. Set the timer, I think doing it indefinitely is just like,
Starting point is 00:13:05 maybe a little bit, not a bridge I want to cross, but yeah, so that's an update on the apartment. I think it smells pretty good these days. It definitely helps me to have the windows open when you close the windows, it gets a little bit worse. But yeah, little bit of a saga. I mentioned I went for a run and I'm checking my notes here. I went for a run this morning. First, long run of the year, where it's like
Starting point is 00:13:33 really hot, right? If it had runs in the heat, not this past week so much but the week before, we're kind of on a, on a every other week cycle here in Chicago. This past week was pretty mild until yesterday and today, or both very hot, but the week before it was blazing hot for a while, but it just comes and goes. We'll, we'll be like 90 degrees and sunny. And then there was a point last week and where I turned my heat on. And now we're back to 90 degrees and sunny. And then there was a point last weekend where I turned my heat on.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And now we're back to 90 degrees and sunny. I woke up this morning at 5, which was relatively early, compared not compared, based off of what I did last night, which was just, I was out with friends having drinks. But I basically did all the wrong things in advance of this long run, which was going to be like 14 miles, something like that. I drank last night.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I didn't, it wasn't like I didn't sleep much. I slept like six hours, five and a half. But you know, you want to get seven or eight if you're going to go for a long run. One thing I did that I almost never do and have almost never done ever in my life, I ran yesterday so I didn't have an off day to freshen up my legs. The reason I did that, we took Monday off, and I took Monday off from running with some Memorial Day, and we saw a quiet place to instead. I'll give you a little rundown later on, no spoilers.
Starting point is 00:15:13 But we slept in, went to brunch, so I'm moving the afternoon, hung out, and we were together all day. Rachel, there was never a good time to be like, hey, I'm going to go over on right now. See you later. Which is fine. And I was still planning throughout the week, you know, to just run Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and take Friday off. But yesterday, man, it was so nice. And I had just like, it was like Zoom, just Zoom Kingdom, okay, starting at 8 a.m. And so by the time he gets to 2 p.m. and I'm off Zoom, I was just like, I gotta get out.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And so I could have just taken a walk, but I was like, you know what? I wanna stretch my legs so I wanna go out. So I ran for yesterday. In the heat, it was 90 degrees in the afternoon. No clouds in the sky, Today is the same day. So I kicked my ass. And so I ran yesterday.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I didn't have fresh legs for this morning. And I also just like, I hate to say this because it sucks, but I also just like got up too late, which is just like, sounds kind of crazy. I just told you I woke up at 5 a.m. And I actually, I set my alarm for five and then one for five, 15 and five, one for five, 20 as well. Anticipating the desire to snooze.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Desire to snooze would be a good like band name or something. I don't know. But actually I woke up on the first ring because I was like, man, if I wait till 520, like I'm gonna get my ass kicked. It didn't matter. I still got my ass kicked. I ran summers here, folks.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Like, it is blazing. The beach is packed. I kind of want to go out to the beach this afternoon, but I'm just feeling like sun's out. I mean, I was out there for two and a half hours this morning on my run. Just basically, I went south. I got down to like just past soldier field,
Starting point is 00:17:13 and I came back up. And I was moving pretty slow. I was probably running like a 845 pace, something like that. But man, I got back up to North App Beach. And although it was low to mid-70s when I was running in the six and seven AM hour, the sun was just there. And it wasn't like I was getting sunburned or something. You might, if you see in the last year,
Starting point is 00:17:37 a little right up here, that was mainly from yesterday when I went out for my run, because I went out kind of in the mid to late afternoon when the sun is very intense. Today, it got a little bit worse, but you're not going to get that much of a sunburn from the sun at 6 a.m. thankfully, or else I would be in really rough shape. But I get back up to North Ave and and I was just like I had already like mentally willed myself Pretty pretty far at that point because I got to tell you like I was I was you know crossing Navy pier the new Flyover they got which is pretty neat
Starting point is 00:18:18 And I was already turning into like baby steps and It was getting rough, but I will say I'm proud of myself and to finish my previous thought from North Ave back home, I kinda did a little walk and then a little running and then a lot more walking. But what was I gonna say? Oh, I'm so proud of myself, one for getting out there and running, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:45 slash, you know, in the last three miles run slash walk, 14 miles. But also for the fact that like I still didn't get this, I always take some pride in this. I don't know if it's means anything or not, but it mentally it's how I think about it. I didn't get passed by anyone on foot all the way up until like between Oak Street Beach and North Ave, closer to North Ave. So that's about 10 miles or so. And so I'm proud of myself there.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Even when I feel like I'm going really slow, I was still moving. And maybe that's something I should practice or work on or just think about a little bit in advance of, you know, potentially running longer races. Some time in the future when it's safe again to do so is just like, because I pass people all the time when I feel like I'm just like out of gas and I'm just like running in mud and block style. But I'm still passing them, but they're running. And so I think I'm not because I go from like that speed to, all right, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I'm walking out. Whereas there are people who are like, who are, who find a way to be halfway in between there. And I just, yeah, I haven't been able to like, slash haven't really wanted or need it to, but I'm not really good at tapping into that, like run extremely slow pace, probably like, I don't know, it's probably like 10 minute mile or something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Which for a lot of people isn't slow, but I've just like, once they get around like 9.15, 9.20, and I'm just estimating this, they don't run with a watch. That's when I'm like, all right, now, if I go any slower than I'm walking. But that's not actually the case. But summer is here, it's hot. Where your sunscreen reapply, stay hydrated.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I got a little, it's my first usage of this guy that I got an ice coffee in here Speaking of ice coffee War on iced coffee more to come in a second, but this is this was one of my Christmas gifts from Betty and Jose Ramos shout out It keeps your beverages cold for up to 18 hours according to the leak proof label, and hot
Starting point is 00:21:08 for seven hours. Now that is quality. So I got out this morning after I came back from my running shower up because I needed to go to the grocery store to make some bomb-ass breakfast sandwiches. They were delicious. Very simple. I kept it straight forward. We weren't doing anything fancy.
Starting point is 00:21:31 No sauces, no condiments, no toothpicks, just some everything bagels, some eggs, basically scrambled up. I got slices of sharp cheddar, just old-school classic. And I had some turkey bacon still in the fridge from making some chili earlier this week. Toast your bagels, scare up those eggs. Basically, two small eggs per breakfast sandwich two slices of turkey bacon slice in a half
Starting point is 00:22:09 So you got four little bits one slice of cheese each I Got it tell you partially it's because I ran 14 miles this morning So I would have like loved to have eaten anything at that point, but that is a quality Breakfast sandwich, okay? You don't have to do anything fancy. Breakfast sandwiches are one of the greatest things of all time, they are amazing. But going back to that war on ice coffee,
Starting point is 00:22:34 I was like, you know what I can do? I can go to, now I live in Boozzy, USA, so I can go to Starbucks or any other coffee place and get a nice coffee for most of them run on the menu for like $4 or $450 for like a 12 or maybe like 16 ounce iced coffee. But with all the ice cubes in there, you're actually only getting like two ounces of coffee because of buoyancy. But I was like, you know what, I don't wanna do that.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Then go to Trader Joe's, you can buy iced or cold brew there. So I do that. You can either get the big one, which is obviously the most cost-efficient. And that makes like 64 ounces when you factor in the ice. And that's like eight bucks, or you can get these little cans. And I was like, you know what, let's start off little. And then, you know, like Clay Davis said in the wire,
Starting point is 00:23:34 three years, crawl, walk, and run to string your bell. I was like, let's try these little cans. There are eight ounces each, so I get two of them. Pour some ice in this baby, my travel mug, contigo. Actually, I have two, one is camouflage. So if I'm ever hunting or have a Vietnam flashback, it'll be good.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Put some ice cubes in there, load it up on the coffee, and I'm still working on it. And it stays cold for up to 18 hours. Okay, I could be here until 4am. and it stays cold for up to 18 hours. Okay, I could be here until 4 a.m. No problem, still sipping. But my point being is that, and it's not just a summary thing,
Starting point is 00:24:17 it's just called living around here. The coffee spots are significantly price-gouging their iced coffee. That's why I either make it myself, or I go to Duncan from two to six, you can get $2 to large iced coffee, and you just pray they don't put sugar in there when you don't ask.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And occasionally I'll slow splurge on the expensive iced coffee, but we're cutting down on that, okay? Because each one of these cans, I'm getting a lot more from, I think each can was like 140 or something. So, you know, tax and tip, three bucks for a bigger ice coffee, making it myself, get to have it in this cool, contigo mug, travel mug, it travels and it keeps your beverage cold for up to 18 hours. I don't know if I mentioned that already, but I'll take it. Okay. And we're saving on plastic. So in addition to
Starting point is 00:25:20 refilling the hole in the ozone layer, yours truly is saving plastic. It's not even arbor day yet. I think I missed it. I think it's in April, but consider this a makeup. All right, let's go ahead and read some ads here. And then when we come back, we're gonna pick it up with our beef with lady Gaga, part seven.
Starting point is 00:25:47 A little Elton John recommendation. Talks of or discussions of a new podcast, not mine, someone else's. Just a quick shout out to myself regarding a video game and our very brief review of Quiet Place 2. Okay, I promise all of that is to come on the second half of the Beans on Podcast. And I'll try to move through those things pretty quickly so I can continue to work on my iced coffee. And I'm just like, you know, I've been done with my run for four hours now, which is a lot. But I'm still just like, I think, honestly, like, I mean, the sun was obviously a lot, but more than anything else, and I just did this to myself, but it was just like, running,
Starting point is 00:26:43 this was my fifth straight run day, which I don't normally do. I almost never run five days in a row. And then, you know, trying to, you know, trying to make the caboose be 14 miles. Like, the fact that I was able to like, get myself into my running clothes, into my running shoes at 5.30 in the morning after a night of drinking
Starting point is 00:27:07 and like get out there and lay down 10 salad miles before I was finally like, we gotta do a little walk, run combo here else I'm not gonna make it. The fact that I was able to do that much on the fifth day, fifth straight day, I'm actually really proud of myself, okay, so never give up. Even when your runs don't meet your expectations, you gotta take solace, you gotta take pride. Great Scotch, Oplentune, by the way, Solace, S-O-L-A-C-E. Let me pull that up, and I'm gonna play it after
Starting point is 00:27:40 for myself, not for you. You can pause this right now and go listen to it. It's a slow Mexican serenade and it is excellent. You got to take solace in the things you do well, okay? So that's that. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, Oregon listeners, they got good news for you. Home Pride Inspection Services in Bend, Oregon is central organ's hottest new home inspection
Starting point is 00:28:13 provider. With services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more, home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified as a little double dip action. So you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, a little little little angle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe, certified home inspector that you can trust, you have to call Steve.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Here's his number. He's my dad, 541-03036, or you can visit Again, that's 541-03016 or you can visit Again, that's 541-414-0316 or you can visit Homeprydorgan inspection perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. We have not had to break out the second Samsung yet. Second Samsung would be a good horse name. I might write that down for next year. But looking forward to the day when we can
Starting point is 00:29:09 hopefully very soon host some in-person interviews. Haven't done any in-person interview of any kind on this show since Christmas. Which in some ways like, oh yeah, it's just Christmas. Like that was just a little bit ago. It's already, it's June 5th. The days start getting shorter in like two weeks here. Guys, we're running out of time. Soon it's gonna be winter in Chicago again and it gets dark at 1.30 in the afternoon. Gross. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle,
Starting point is 00:29:41 we all love it. Check out this hairstyle. I was pretty committed last week, in case you're missing a live stream, I look like that guy from Mulan. It's got like the cool little, I think he's like the male good guy, because the villains, that old crusty guy with spooky eyes,
Starting point is 00:29:59 I don't know any of these names, Chiang Kai Shek, something like that. I don't think that's racist. Sorry if it is. I just don't know a lot of Chinese names. I was going to cut it last week, and then it just like, you know, the holidays and you're busy. And then I kind of had a rejuvenation this week. Rejuvenation, that's a great word.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It sounds like one of those, the name of a song from the Gator revival tense. If you don't know about the Gator revival tense, dude, if you want some good, old, white, Christian music, just go YouTube, Gator revival, see what you find. If you see anything with Wesley Felps, or Wesley, on what's his name, or David Felps, any of those guys, just take it.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Wes Hampton, that might be his name, Wes Hampton. There's a little tiny guy with a big, beautiful, tenor voice. Where were we? Oh, I was gonna come here and now I'm like, feeling a little bit better about it. We'll see, TBD. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it,
Starting point is 00:31:10 but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? And I gotta tell you, I live just right down the street now from I think it's a great cuts or sports clips or whatever, competition folks, it's out there. Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better
Starting point is 00:31:34 barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest, Indiana, and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to bangs, fohots, flat tops, and everything in between, call cuts by Q at815298 7200, or maybe that's how the, you know, sexy email seven getting my number. I don't know. We should check in with Steve from Home Pride Organist, see if he gets sexy email texts too. TBD, or you can email Cuts by and that's CUT! QUTZ Okay, here's the part of the program where we sing.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts. By Q. Excuse me. A little belt to kick off our second half of the program here. My ice coffee is getting low and I'm getting sad. Okay, as promised, we got a couple different things from part two we're going to touch on here. First, my long standing and very public beef with Lady Gaga is continued or continues in perpetuity. That's a good word. Perpetuity, P-E-R-P-E-T-U-I-T- Purpetuity. Hello, Edward. I love nouns that end in Y. So, to, to, not, I don't want to stew. I don't want to live in the past too much,
Starting point is 00:33:18 but you all may remember this was right before I launched this show. I had tickets to see Lady Gaga at the Wells Fargo Center in South Philly. And I go and I wait, and I wait, and I wait. And it's like, show is supposed to start at 7.30, it's 9 p.m. There's just nothing. Like, oh, there's a lot of people there. A lot of Gaga gals, or, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:43 believers or whomever was there. I don't know. There's no opener. There's nothing. There's no announcement. There's just nothing. And I gotta, you know, I gotta work in Newtown, you know, at 6 a.m. the next day or wherever,
Starting point is 00:34:00 you know, Delaware County, whatever. I don't know, Bucks County, Philadelphia County, they're five right there in Southeast from Pennsylvania, I just named three of them. I don't remember what the two other ones are. It's not necessarily, you know, important in any way. But I like naming counties, Cook, Kane,
Starting point is 00:34:25 Will, But I like naming counties, cook, cane, will. And so she is just like not there. And I left. I paid 30, it was a really cheap ticket. It was like 30, 40 bucks, something like that. And so I didn't get to see Gaga because she wasn't coming out. Later with Learn, she had a some significant health crisis and she ended up cancelling her South American tour, but she did play that show.
Starting point is 00:34:53 She just came out at like 10 pm. It was like, Gaga, like give us an announcement. And so that was kind of the start of the fuel. Start of the fuel that would fuel this, you know, long-standing beef. And so I bought two summers ago, or in advance of two summers ago, I bought the Lady Gaga Concert Tour Series tickets
Starting point is 00:35:24 at Regla Field through a city pre sale through my credit card. So I got three at I think 84 per ticket, which is just like Katshing, Katshing, cash cow. You know, I can flip each one of those easily for a $40 to $50 profit. So just by being vigilant, I make in 130, 150 bucks off of this. And of course,
Starting point is 00:35:48 COVID happened, which another beef, I won't get into it. But then Lady Gaga had rescheduled her concert for this August. And I'm like, I was actually going to just straight up, you know, give my tickets that basically face value to a friend of the podcast, John Paul Pendowski, and friends, or guests. I don't know if they're friends, I assume, not my friends. But then I got the email two days ago, Gaga, canceled, or postponed, if you will, to 2022, potentially.
Starting point is 00:36:24 So I don't know, can I call you Stephanie Unclear. Just take a chill pill for once, OK? Realize that the whole world doesn't revolve around you. OK? That's what I would tell lady if I was, if she were here right now. Speaking of musicians, actually good friend of Lady Gaga, Elton John, you know, we've done shows in the past and it's no secret that I'm a big, I'm a big Eltonite. And I've actually done it like an entire show around the concept of like, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:37:05 recommendations for underrated, Elton John songs. Right, these aren't your Daniels or Philadelphia freedoms or Nikita's. These are songs that you probably never heard, but I only give hot recommendations and I got another one for you. And I've known about it a long time. It's been listening to it a lot lately. It's from Don't Shoot Me. I'm only the piano player, which is also a Daniels from, I believe.
Starting point is 00:37:37 It's called Whenever You're Ready. It's a Bob. It's like two minutes, 45 seconds. It's just zips. But it's Action-packed great lyrics and I really fun bridge Okay, go check it out Tell him quinsensia, although all those I don't know I read about this a little bit like months ago
Starting point is 00:37:59 But I don't recall nor do I have a great grasp on the situation. A lot of these big musical artists on YouTube have turned off commenting. I don't remember exactly what it stemmed from or why it was the case, but a lot of these big artists, none of their YouTube songs have comments on them anymore, which is a bummer because comments are fun. Look at this thumb. People always said, look, if you're looking on the livestream, I'm bending my thumb way back. People always said it was really like strange. How far back
Starting point is 00:38:34 I could bend my thumb. I never thought it was that like weird. I can basically bend it to the right. 120 degrees. No. What is it goes? 90 degrees is straight up. When 80 is straight to the side, horizontal. What would halfway between those two be? You don't want to have 45. So 135 degrees. is that right? Is that, is 135 degrees three-quarters of a, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:11 180s? I'm not sure, math is not my thing. I think I'm pretty good at math, but I don't really care for it. Although I understand it's importance, spooky noises again. I wanted to mention, somehow, and I still have no idea. Like, I don't, it's not like, oh, maybe this happened.
Starting point is 00:39:32 No, I have no clue. I lost the power cord to my PS3, which was a gift from Jose Ramóns again. A lot of gifts from Jose on the show today. I lost it on the move, and I have no idea what happened to it. So I just hadn't gotten around to replacing it. It's just like, you know, two bucks online order, whatever. Got it the other day. I think Thursday it came in, or Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And so I'm finally back to playing my PlayStation. And I pretty much just played NHL 11 hell of a year. I feel pretty current, although I also realized it's 10 years old. But in my old apartment, I had this very little TV, which is now in my bedroom. First TV I've ever owned. Only TV I've ever bought.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Now it's in my bedroom, which I probably won't even ever hardly use it. But I got this big screen TV here from Jose. It's like 171 inches or something like that. And I've been playing hockey on the big screen. I can see everything. My strategy is so refined. My hits are unmatched.
Starting point is 00:40:42 My sharp shooting abilities, a dynamite. I've played six games of NHL 11 and have yet to lose on the big screen. I'm getting so cocky that I'm about ready to, there's like four skill levels, five skill levels I've been playing on the penultimately most challenging one. And I'm getting ready to bump it up to Wayne Gretzky mode or whatever it's called and just go nuts. That's how good I'm feeling about it. So that was a shout out to myself
Starting point is 00:41:20 that I mentioned earlier, just really proud of myself. Folks, I got two more things for you. Number one, I almost made the whole podcast around this but I don't wanna start any podcasting wars or throw too much shade. But just, I got a friend from college who I was not close friend or anything like that but just connected on Facebook and Instagram these days and stuff and he started
Starting point is 00:41:49 Along with someone else who I don't know who also went to school with us But I just don't know I'm he started a podcast and they had their first episode come out this last week and They got the whole you know, they're real fancy, okay? They got a YouTube feed, you know, lighting. I think there was a gaffer. But, you know, it starts off. I'm watching the YouTube feed, big premiere. And they're, you know, they're doing the, it wasn't a live show, which...
Starting point is 00:42:24 Anyone can pre-record something, they're doing the, it wasn't a live show, which... Anyone can pre-record something, throw it on the editing room, make it come out looking like, you know, an Oscar-winning film. But, you know, it's a whole other battle for live shows, which is why here in the Bean-Tum Podcast, we are always live. But they do the fun, cute thing where you start the show and it's like, oh, they're already talking. And I make fun of that, but I'm pretty sure like the way we've edited the white noise podcasts, other show that I am part of,
Starting point is 00:42:58 I think we've done that before too. Not throwing shade, it's just, it's a trope, okay? But then, I don't really take issue with that. What I take issue with is this. They start talking. And first of all, the, how many more podcasts are we going to get? Where it's just like, yeah, we're just two guys. Like, we just want to chat and hang out. Like, come listen, have a good time. Like, you need a subject. You need a topic. Your podcast has to have purpose.
Starting point is 00:43:33 It has to have direction. In very few circumstances, can you just throw someone in front of the microphone, in front of the camera, and just let them run with it and it it'll work. It won't it will fizzle out. It only works if there's a certain amount of star power, charisma, genius, any number of synonyms for those three like that's the only time it works. Otherwise, you gotta have a plan. You gotta know what you're doing. You gotta know your market. Just, we don't need any more podcasts where people are like, yeah, we're just hanging out, having a good time, talking.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Like, I can listen to anyone talk. I've got 180 episodes of the Beentom podcast of talking, but with more sex appeal, okay? So it's like the choice is clear to me at least. But the final thing I'll say, because I only listened to the first five minutes because I was like, they just started talking about topics. It wasn't like, hey, your first episode, your pilot, if you will, you need a thesis. You got to say something about your show, what you're about,
Starting point is 00:44:55 what animal rights causes you support. Like, you can't, they just opened up and it was like, now we're talking about this topic. And it's like, wait wait what show is this? Who are you? Why are you doing this? What gives you the right? And questions of that nature.
Starting point is 00:45:17 And so who knows me if there's a second episode, if they didn't already get canceled, maybe they'll take, they'll heed my advice. We'll see. Good luck to those guys, but boy, it is, you got to be a shark to make it in this industry. And I know something about sharks because I made a scrub daddy reference earlier in the show. Checkmate. The last thing Rachel and I went to the movies on Memorial Day. It was our first time in a movie theater since February of 2020,
Starting point is 00:45:55 or perhaps very early March of 2020. We saw Emma that time, starring Oni Taylor Joy. This time we saw a quiet place too. It was very spur of the moment we were walking back from brunch and we walked past the theater and I saw on the marquee like quiet place too and it's like, that's definitely a movie I want to see and certainly one that I'm willing to pay premium price for to see in theaters to have the audio experience and So it was like you want to do that this afternoon. It's like yeah, absolutely so we did and And in case you don't know I'm not there no spoilers and I'm gonna be brief with this I already wrote a little Facebook review about it and I have lots of thoughts
Starting point is 00:46:38 But I know most people haven't seen it yet. So I don't want to go nuts with it But it's the you know sequel to the first quiet place. Okay, so that wasn't clear. It takes place, you know, these two parts could just be one movie. It takes place, you know, as the other one ends. Every, basically, everything that was good about the first movie, from a technical perspective,
Starting point is 00:47:04 acting, you know, acting, audio of course, that is present that carries over into the second film. Still excellent. John Kuzinsky did a great job. I was also really happy because I knew that Kylian Murphy, one of my favorite actors, who just doesn't do a lot from like a Hollywood perspective. I mean, he does a lot of, you know, stage stuff back in Ireland.
Starting point is 00:47:30 But you don't get to see him in that many movies. And so I was really excited to see, because I hadn't seen Killian Murphy in a movie and probably isn't Dunkirk. And even there, like, he did a great job and he didn't have a ton to do. So I was really excited that he was in the movie. I didn't really know that he was gonna be like
Starting point is 00:47:47 the main character. I thought he was just gonna be, you know, secondary or perhaps tertiary, but he is like the person in this movie, which I find with me. He's an excellent actor and one of my favorites. I mean, there's some negatives that I could get into, I would say. If you're going in, you're looking for a movie that expands on the first one.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I didn't honestly, and I feel like this one really expanded that much. I mean, they did a little bit of world building, but nothing crazy. I was a little disappointed that like, I'm trying to figure out how much I want to say without spoil. It's not really a spoiler. I mean, Noah Joupe, great child actor, you know, if you've ever seen a quiet place, the OG, or a honey boy, he plays, you know, young shy love buff, or the undoing, all that is no adjume. He's great. They really didn't give him anything to do in this movie. And kind of the same ghost for Emily Blunt. Like, I was really disappointed. We like didn't get to see her do
Starting point is 00:48:57 much. And that baby, that's, you know, 90 seconds old or something. Probably is not going to end up being an actor. It's probably not in the stars for that kid. And then the last thing I'll say, and this isn't a spoiler, because you can look it up online as you're getting ready to watch the movie. This movie is short. Like not just like, oh, that was a little bit short than I thought it was gonna be.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It ends and you can kind of tell that the end is coming, but the whole third act is like a scene or a sequence. The third act isn't like a collection of tension building, like sequences and scenes. It's just like one thing is the third act. And there's no, there's really no emotional resolution or time to breathe.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It's just like, oh, that's over, which I really disliked. I would have loved, and it also, I'm not saying this because like Well, they said everything they wanted to say There were times when the movie needed to breathe a little bit more Just give it a little bit more space In various parts multiple times I you know not a huge like movie person in terms of knowing about them, but there were many times watching the movie sitting there being like,
Starting point is 00:50:31 oh, we're doing the next thing now. Like, we needed to just like give me a little bit more of that. So, mostly positives. I didn't feel like it was as good as the first one, but it's still very entertaining, still very watchable, and had a very similar vibe and feel to that first one. So, overall, very solid. If there was a rating between three and three
Starting point is 00:50:57 and three and a half stars, I would give it that rating, but I'll give it three. I would probably give the first one three and a half stars, and it's not like any sort of significant downgrade from the original. It's just, I don't know. Still good. I still very much enjoyed it. And compared to most films that are out there, excellent.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Folks, that's what I wanted to share with you today. We ran pretty long. and I don't feel bad about it because we had a lot to cover. If you like what you hear, you can always email us,, again, it's, and I'll hook you up with a button, and maybe a multivitamin. You can also listen to about 180 previous Bington podcast episodes on our SoundCloud channel, or by going to And yeah, no fat here.
Starting point is 00:51:57 We're going to queue up our outro music. I'm going to take a little siesta. And that's going to be it. Thanks for listening listening if you've viewed us on the Facebook live stream good to see you You should be able to watch it out to the fact. I think that's how Facebook works. I don't really know TBD everyone. Thanks for tuning in I am going to get the music cute up and I'm going to check in on you next time. Bye! I'm just going to sit here and sit here. nd ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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