Beantown Podcast - RIP WFH also Friday the 13th (08132021 Beantown)

Episode Date: August 13, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE with a touching and heartfelt eulogy for America's greatest natural resource, Work from Home. Gone too soon ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David been knee deep, waist deep, nipple deep, lip deep in work this week and we'll continue to be that way through next week next week is orientation for our new class of students We are orienting them So that they can be emboldened impassioned and Another word that starts with M
Starting point is 00:01:04 leaders of tomorrow Another word that starts with M. Leaders of Tomorrow at the DePaul University College of Law. Located at 25 East Jackson Boulevard. My name is Quinn. This is my show. And we're coming to you live from the North, side of Chicago. We are one of the top 500 podcasts in the city. We are the People's Podcast. I am the Karachi kid. Hello to my friends in Pakistan.
Starting point is 00:01:32 How are you? Good to see you. It's no longer Friday the 13th where you are. The ghouls are gone. Okay Yeah, today's one of those shows. We've been on a pretty good run the last, I don't know, four weeks or so. Not only good, what I feel has been good quality content. In fact, I've listened back to the last, at least four or five shows I've done in a row, which I don't normally do.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I used to consistently listen back to my shows, not as frequently these days, but I have listened back to the ones I've been doing for the last couple of weeks because I just thought they'd been really fun. I'm coming in today without much of an agenda. And I know that's a surprise, but I figured I would be forthright with you. Here's a deal. Work has been crazy. I am just overall across the board low energy. It's just like I've still been running my normal schedule, but yeah, I think it's just a combination
Starting point is 00:02:50 of the heat outside and work me crazy. And then here's the big thing. And I guess this is kind of what we'll lean into today. Rest in peace to work from home. When you talk about things that spook me, number one on my list today, work from home is officially dead. Today is the day. So last two weeks we kind of had like a re-transition period back into the office, even though everything with COVID is going one way, we are going the other. And that way is downtown to our office. Yeah, work from home started my last day of like normal nine to five life up until this Monday was March 16th, 2020, my 25th birthday. And so for the last 17
Starting point is 00:03:56 months, almost exactly, it will be exactly 17 months on Monday Monday to Monday It's been work from home two different apartments first up in Rogers Park now down here in Lincoln Park and I got to tell you I I thrived It and it's obviously COVID is awful. And so many terrible things have happened in the last 17 months. But I got to tell you, for me personally, and not saying like COVID was amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:40 No, work from home was, I did so well. I could wake up, roll out a bed at 85. Here, I will just go through like the routine, I guess. And I'm going to, we're just, the Friday the 13th style, spooked out, rest in peace to all the things that I'm gonna list here that I'm going to miss so much and I think most people who you know are listening in Some capacity probably had a work from home period some of you might still be going Work from home some of you might have only had it for a week or two weeks whatever, but Hopefully we can all relate to my eulogy, my extended work from home eulogy. Here's the, I honestly, there's a lot of things I like, but one of the best, if not the best things, going to sleep on a work night and not setting in
Starting point is 00:05:43 alarm. Because it didn't matter. If I woke up at 6.15 and I was ready to go, cool, if I woke up at 8.59 and I was ready to go, what's the difference? As you literally just wake up to be perfectly honest, from about, you know, summer months,
Starting point is 00:06:04 so from like May until September you don't even need to put a shirt on unless you have a Zoom call. I will say for the first maybe three or four months of the pandemic my office which there were five of us to start then four for most the pandemic and hour back to five. We had a daily Zoom call at 9.30 AM to check in. And that was something that I have long forgotten about because it's been gone for a year now, but I really didn't miss it. That was the worst.
Starting point is 00:06:37 But then you've finished that, you whip your shirt off because it's hot, you got no AC. And you're just living the dream, man. Like you're just, I, you got no AC. And you're just living the dream, man. Like, you're just, you know, answer emails as they come in, do whatever I need to do, but yeah, you could just sleep in. I mean, occasionally I would wake up and go for a run, but I'm just not a morning runner type of person, except for 4 AM on Saturdays, which is calling my name in
Starting point is 00:07:08 literally 12 hours here. It's 3.30 p.m. on Friday the 13th, 2021. Yes, I am on the clock. I am working. I'm taking my lunch break, which kind of sounds like a cop out, but it's actually true because I haven't left the house yet today and I've been Mostly working so This will count as my lunch break, okay? Get off my back sleeping in was amazing and to be perfectly honest in my new With my new commute moving down here to Lincoln Park. It's really not so bad. I mean If I just want a normal day where I get to my office at 8.30, as long as I'm out the door by 750, 755,
Starting point is 00:07:54 I'm good to go. And frankly, I don't really do much in the morning other than put on clothes, you know, prepare coffee, lunch, whatever, and head out the door. That usually takes 20 to 30 minutes total. And that's moving at my morning pre-coffee snail's pace. Because God knows once I get that coffee going, I am just boom, boom, boom. I am unstoppable
Starting point is 00:08:27 I go I go front there. I am there's such a fine line for me between like I can't function and I'm jittery and nauseous I don't know if my coffee portions are just too big right now or what the problem is and it's really it's not a huge deal I'm not actually that like Jittery or nauseous usually after one serving of coffee, but if I dip into that second serving I Can be so tired in the middle of the day Go get a coffee and come out on the other end and be like, holy moly.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Time for me to discover a new element or something. Quintonium with one end, just because it would be, just because it would be, you know, kind of fun that way. I think, you know, Quintonium. I think that would be fun. So yeah, sleeping in was awesome. Here's the next favorite thing. And for me, it's really a bigger deal in the summers
Starting point is 00:09:43 than any other season, but it's just way too hot and humid. I, the last couple weeks ago in the office here, inconsistently, soon to be consistently, I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I really hate having to put on pants and like talking a shirt and wear a belt and then have to go outside. Because even though I have a short half mile walk to the train, it's just, especially the less couple weeks in Chicago, it's been pretty miserable, temperature-wise, and it's so humid, the air is so thick. You get to the train, and it's just, you got sweat just rolling down your legs. And your lower back is like the Bolivian rainforest. And I don't know. I just, that doesn't, that really doesn't do it for me at 8 a.m. Because with work from home, the only time I'm ever sweaty is when I go for my run. Come on, you showers. Great.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I really, I like exercising. I don't like just like being alive when I'm not working out and feeling sweaty and that's what summers are like when you got to wear dress clothes and walk around outside. It's very unpleasant and then of course you get into my office which sits at a cool and comfortable 41 degrees Fahrenheit year round. Which is great because for a hot second you cool off very quickly. And then you you're in that sweet spot, kind of like my coffee. You're in the sweet spot for all of 10 minutes, where you're de-swedified and feeling good about yourself and then you start
Starting point is 00:11:47 throwing on your winter parka because you can't survive. It's so cold in there. So yeah that's something I miss. I don't mind in you know the older I've gotten you know the more you spend in the vass on your clothes etc. You know getting stuff that you like fits right not just the cheapest option all that great stuff So I'm not necessarily uncomfortable in the clothes I'm wearing Although I I'm wearing Jim shorts and a white t-shirt right now. I tell you what I'm very comfortable But it's just the sweat Coming back home, I still get sweaty. I don't mind it as much because I can get home. I can throw my stuff in the washer
Starting point is 00:12:31 dryer, but I miss that. Something else I'm going to miss in our, as part of our rest and peace to work from home eulogy, is what I'm doing right now. I'm lying on the couch and it's awesome. Here's the thing. It's 3.30 p.m. Yes, it's a Friday, but this generally applies to most of my work days. I tend to have most the majority of my meetings before 2 p.m. in any given day. the majority of my meetings before 2 p.m. in any given day. Calls meetings, whatever. And then it's it's not uncommon at almost always one night a week, sometimes two nights a week, for me to have to work late. And not crazy late, but you know, some event that happens at 5 o'clock, 536 whatever ghost will 7 7 30 yada yada yada But my time from like 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock every day now do I typically go for a run? Yes
Starting point is 00:13:43 But outside of that time it's usually not too crazy not that much the way of emails coming in or anything like that and So when I work from home, I will just chill, man. Put the feed up, line back on the couch. Do I ever actually like actively take a nap? No, I don't, sure it's happened. A handful of times, the last 17 months, but I'm not actively like, okay, and here's nap time. I will just like lie
Starting point is 00:14:05 there and watch something on, you know, computer or TV or listening music or something, but I'm not like sleeping. Not that it's that big of a deal anyways. But just going back to the office, you realize like, you can't lie down on the couch because they don't have a couch in my office. So I've been looking into maybe buying a cot online, something that folds up real nice. Am I slowly becoming George Costanza? Yes. That's okay. But I definitely miss it, right? Like, my job can be really busy at times. It's very busy right now. But for the most part, because I'm relatively low
Starting point is 00:14:51 on the total pull, my job, at a certain point in the day, becomes answer some emails, maybe one or two pressing things that come in via direct message on Teams or text message, whatever, but otherwise, it's not like, okay, I have a project that I'm actively working on until I punch out at 4.30 pm. So there's that aspect of it too. Kind of on the flip side, one thing about going back to the office set is nice, I don't want this whole thing to be a downer. One thing that's kind of nice about it, I mentioned I started 830, and I just mentioned that I end
Starting point is 00:15:35 at 430, et cetera. But work from home, we've everyone in my office, and I'm sure that this is very common elsewhere. It's like, and I mentioned earlier, right at the top of the show, maybe I wake up at 6.15, maybe I wake up at 8.59, it doesn't really matter. Well, here's the thing with me personally.
Starting point is 00:16:00 If I wake up and at 7.30, and I'm just like Not doing anything because I have time for a run later Then I just start working and it's your emails work on stuff. I know I need to do that day but it's not you know as if I'm like stepping away from my computer We're closing my computer for good
Starting point is 00:16:26 You know I like 3 p.m. on those days, right? You still go. And for the most part, it's until after five. Not crazy after five, but you know, someone shoots me an email at 515. I'll answer them. With work from home or with back into the office, yeah, do I consistently need to make sure I'm getting at a 30-year, it's not a huge deal, but getting you to leave at 4.30 and having a hour-long lunch break in there which I haven't utilized really yet because I still been running at home, but as I'm back in the office full time now I will plan to bring my running stuff to the office so I'll get that hour back. Leaving at 4.30, it's great. Most days can walk into the apartment 505, 5.10.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You know, if I want to do something that night, it's not as big of a hassle or if you can do something right after work, it's great. I can cook if I want. Now granted, this isn't necessarily a gigantic improvement on the work from a home model. It's simply just like not as huge of a loss, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:17:36 At some nights I got stuff to do, a real house-wise Beverly Hills Wednesday night, it starts at 7 o'clock sharp. They're not waiting for anybody. Speaking of which, little announcement, because it's happening a lot sooner than anticipated, for me at least, the real housewives of Salt Lake City, season two trailer dropped today, along with the premiere date, September 12th, which is, is that a Sunday? What night are they putting that on?
Starting point is 00:18:10 September 12th, it is a Sunday. Is that when they're premiering it? Are they putting real housewives of Salt Lake City on Sunday nights? I'll circle back. That would be the worst thing of all time. I don't have official confirmation on that yet. I thought that's what they said though September 12th, which would just be like terrible. I know that there aren't maybe not or
Starting point is 00:18:40 not a ton of people out there, viewers who would want to simultaneously watch Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and Sunday Night football, but there is one. And he happens to be the host of this show. But yeah, if you don't know, I've been watching Real Housewives of New York and Real Housewives, it sounds silly to to say out loud but it's true. And real housewives of Beverly Hills, these seasons, it's pretty fascinating, but we will
Starting point is 00:19:17 get back into our weekly real housewives assault exceeded recap. I'm excited to bring that back. That's a fun segment that we did. And the last season started this season. And yeah, we're bringing it back, baby. Okay, what else about work from home? Am I going to miss? Oh, here is a huge thing. This is slightly lazy, but I just think it's the way it should be. This is slightly lazy, but I just think it's the way it should be. I'm really going to miss being able to just like,
Starting point is 00:19:48 pop out to get groceries anytime I want. Maybe it's 11 a.m. on a Tuesday. I don't have anything going on until one. I'm all cut up on emails. I'm good to go. I'll have teams on my phone if anyone needs anything urgently. Yeah, I'll take a 10 minute walk to Mariano. Let's get my groceries for the week. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Now, when you go back to the office, and here's where I mentioned, it may be just me being a little bit lazy, but you got to plan ahead, right? Go on the weekends. Which is what I did before. But my weekends, at least right now, my weekends are just really busy lately. It'll clear up a little bit after like Labor Day, like two weeks after Labor Day. But for, yeah, for now, it's just really crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:38 But yeah, I'm really just gonna, because if you go to the Goaster store, I can't really go before, although I think one of my local spots opens at seven and I don't really have to leave the house till Almost eight so that is an option But you go to the grocery store afterwards, man. I was literally I finished a run Last night I had to work late and
Starting point is 00:21:02 It got back went for a run. I was walking back was like 745 and granted this is later than I would go if I went to work late and it got back, went for a run. I was walking back, I was like 745 and granted this is later than I would go if I went to the grocery store right after work, but I don't think that the traffic with the volume of customers in the store would be significantly less. The lines in the Trader Joe is alone, we're just horrific. And it's because we're all in the same boat, slowly sinking, crashing against the rocks, fading into the nine to five, America corporate, black hole of death and heart disease. It might be the most poignant thing I've ever said on the Bean Tom podcast. Speaking of sad and poignant,
Starting point is 00:21:52 actually the killers dropped an album today. It's their second one in under 12 months. Or just maybe just over 12 months, I'm trying to remember when imploding the Mirage came out. Maybe it was last summer already. Yeah, it's called Pressure Machine. It's like a concept album. There's a lot of kind of narration.
Starting point is 00:22:15 It's about basically kind of like an autobiographical thing by Brandon Flowers, but growing up. I listened to it once through just about an hour before I started recording here. They didn't do much advertising. They didn't release any singles or anything leading up to it. They just kind of dropped it overnight. And it's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:40 It's very restrained, laid back. It's, you know, every band's going to do that eventually. But I mean, I was, I want to listen to it, obviously, again. But there's only one or two songs on the track of, you know, 12 or 13 that kind of get up into that, like, killer's energy level that is kind of their standard. So it's interesting that, you know, this is there, what did I say seven? I think it's their seventh. Let's see, you got hot fuzz, Samstown,
Starting point is 00:23:13 day and age, battle-borne, wonderful, wonderful, imploding the Mirage and number seven. It's called pressure machine. Every single one of those albums before this, and obviously they've evolved a lot over the last 17 years, but they've, the energy level that spring steam-esque boom,
Starting point is 00:23:36 anthem, stadium rock, high energy that's been there, and this one it's not. It's reminiscent, it just just not necessarily stylistically, but just kind of from an overall discography perspective, a when Coldplay went to Ghost Stories, which obviously was also not intended to be. Ghost Stories by Coldplay is very much like Chris Martin writing about his divorce, much more personal
Starting point is 00:24:04 than most of their albums. And this one, I guess, is the same way. It's not about divorce, it's about a lot of other themes. But yeah, it's super restrained. It's one of those albums. If you just turn it on and have it in the background, you're not paying attention. You're doing something else. It'll finish and you'll be like, well, I don't know about that. But if you do active listening and really pay attention
Starting point is 00:24:27 to the brand flowers lyrics, really well constructed, very applicable, almost death cab-esque in terms of like, these are poems basically, or ballads, or the stories in general, and we threw some music on there, not to diminish the music in any way we threw some music on there not to to diminish The music in any way, but it's not really the focus. It's much more laterically So yeah, this isn't the type of like they're probably gonna just pick one song off of this album and I think I already know what it is but and play it on their tour
Starting point is 00:25:02 I can't imagine they would play more than one on their upcoming tour whereas their album before this imploding the Mirage has at least three I would think songs that they're gonna like consistently integrate into the set list. So yeah, it's still good. I want to watch or not watch. I want to listen again. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. Here is something speaking of watch. We haven't done a lot of movie talk on the Bean Tom Podcast
Starting point is 00:25:41 lately. I haven't done a lot of movie action In general, I haven't haven't watched a lot by like at home by myself. I mostly just been watching television And just not watching that much in general outside of like real housewives and Bachelorette on Mondays, which is done now was the finale of this last week, but we didn't even talk about that. But, you haven't just watched much in general, just entertained myself with other things, I guess. But we saw the Suicide Squad, not Suicide Squad, the Suicide Squad, which is a sequel slash reboot slash remake of
Starting point is 00:26:28 Suicide Squad from what was that 2017? And it's probably a lot less confusing because I didn't see Suicide Squad or I'll say I would have a whole lot of questions about what you know what's the same what's different. So I don't think there was any recasting. They just like some characters were holdovers from the old one and then most of the characters were new ones. But it was, I'm not a superhero person movie. And outside of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, I really don't think I've ever seen a DC superhero movie
Starting point is 00:27:19 that I'm like, oh yeah, this was actually really well-made, well, well crafted, whatever. Man of steel, I thought was solid, but not spectacular. And to be fair, I haven't seen suicide squad. I never saw either Wonder Woman. I didn't. I actually, I saw most of aquaman with Sam Anderson two months ago on television. And I, a list of our discretion is advised me to listen to being in the box.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I'm more on location. I use language number two. It's objectively terrible. Aquaman I thought was just, and just, I'm going to swear. I thought it was fucking awful. And I know it did really well. The box office and people loved it. I was like watching the acting.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Maybe I just missed all the Willem DeFosines, but I thought it was like, this is the worst. I hate this so much. I never saw Batman vs Superman. I tried to watch it on a plane once, and it was so bad I turned it off. And I don't, I just just league, I don't know if I already mentioned that. I didn't see that. So granted, I'm not the best judge of DC movies because I haven't actually seen that many of them. But I thought this one was fine. It's the same director who did
Starting point is 00:28:46 Guardians of the Galaxy. And so from a filmmaking perspective, I actually thought it was really solid. You know, it has a ton, Harley Quinn, the cast is crazy because there's kind of like two different sets or groups of people. Violet Davis, David Dust Malcian, who's a DePaul alum. Also the director's brother plays a character called the Weasel, who's also a DePaul alum, the brother, not the Weasel. And Michael Rooker to Paul alum. This movie featured like three prominent characters who all went to DePaul, which I thought
Starting point is 00:29:37 was really cool. And a whole Pete Davidson is in there, of course. Jay Courtney, Jay Courtney, however you say his name, Captain Boomerang, whatever the guy's name who plays Rick Flagg, what is that actor's name? Rick Flagg, actor. Joel Kiniman, I'm not as familiar with him, but I know his face and definitely other people I'm forgetting but they're all in the film and
Starting point is 00:30:18 Tyka Wattiti the like new West Anderson guy he's in there too the like new west Anderson guy he's in there too crazy cast I thought it was I thought it was fine we watch it on HBO Max or go or whatever it is I think there's HBO go and there's HBO Max which seems silly to say out loud but I think it's true anyways other things that I will miss about work from home, just the grind, man, that every day until retirement, when you, you know, you got a commute and go into the office, it's like, this is my life. Whereas work from home, I just felt very balanced. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:04 There's a lot of things about being back in the office that are good, that are healthy, being much more social, all that stuff. It's great. I'm a little reluctant to do it, but it's good for me. But I don't know. I just felt like work from home was something where it's like I can do this and not feel like I'm going to be a mid 30 year old burnout. So that's a little sad to say too. Here's one one thing that is really tough about COVID still being a serious threat. And why it feels a little silly to me to be back in the office full time, rather than more of a flexible hybrid schedule. When I go to my office, I'm behind one locked door and then walk through our lobby area
Starting point is 00:31:59 and behind a second locked door and then when I am working in my office I have to work in my office with the door closed and this is a solid wood door highly sound proof, all that stuff. So it's nice to have a private space whatever but it's like the whole point of being back in the office is to support our students. And how can I support our students when I'm behind two locked doors? Like, that one doesn't really work for me. Okay. So, yeah. There are other things I will miss about working from home, but
Starting point is 00:32:49 I'm curious to hear what you all the fans will miss. Shoot us a message, www.BentownPodcast at That's Bentown being podcast at to let us know what you'll miss or what you have missed or what you will miss about working from home. I think I pretty much covered all the all the things. Yeah, I mean, it's just you're more flexible. You can go do stuff when you want. If you need to duck out at 4.30, which is technically when I'm supposed to be off, but to like go do something that starts at five or like get a jump start on your weekend or something,
Starting point is 00:33:34 it's just like nice to have that flexibility. I don't know. I apologize for the very low energy show this week, but I promised to always be true, loyal, and consistent to you, the fans. And I'm putting both of my best feet forward. One foot is that charismatic, sexy leader you love, that other foot is that authenticity, that genuinenicity, that you expect from Quinn de Vifernes in my show. We are never pretending to be something that we're not. Okay, and that's what you got this week. I do my last point here.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Shout out to my lovely partner in crime, Rachel Ramos. She turns 26 on Sunday. Happy birthday, babe. I will see you very soon. Love you, XO, XO. Yours truly, Quinster. Now, she listened to that.
Starting point is 00:34:51 It would be really touching. But I'll just have to tell her that I said it, because I think she's listening into some sort of crime podcast instead this week. I got bumped out of the rotation. Like Jake Arietta. Oh boy, speaking of Rest in Peace. That's what I got for you. Everyone thanks for tuning in. I'm not going to keep you for any longer than I need to. Everyone stay cool, stay safe, stay sane. We're gonna get that music plan. Rest in peace, work from home. Gone too soon. I'll check in to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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