Beantown Podcast - Salt Lake City & Things I Love (10212022 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 21, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to recap the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City so far as well as share some things he really loves, like his gf Rachel...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, October 21st, 2022. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn. And this is my show. I am the producer, writer, copywriter, editor, all that good stuff of the Bean Town podcast now streaming across Bean Town networks. And I was thinking the other day, because I was actually on Bean Town as we're getting ready for some merch drops. In the near future here, I promise it's on my mind.
Starting point is 00:00:42 It's not ready to go yet, but we put out design. In case you missed it, we put out our second design. You could probably find it still on my personal Facebook page. I'll try to put it on the website as well, but we're gonna have some t-shirts coming just in time for the holidays, I'm hoping. But I did not forget about our right on Q news segments. We haven't had a new episode since maybe August or something like that, but I probably But I did not forget about our right on Q new segments. We haven't had a new episode since maybe August
Starting point is 00:01:08 or something like that, but I promise it's gonna come back. It's just podcasts is not the top thing in my life right now, but I keep it going. And this is episode 249 for you all the fans. We are one episode away one week away from hitting the quarter of a thousand mark. Can you imagine in 15 years or whatever when I'm in my early 40s and we have the 1,000th Being Town podcast extra Avaganza
Starting point is 00:01:44 It's gonna be crazy. Me and my two listeners are gonna go nuts. Listener's question is advised when you're listening to being Tom Podcast. Number one was podcast of Jack Flee Terrible. Number two, we'll occasionally use some file language. I think I got that mixed up.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That's okay. Hello to my friends in Packy Stan. A quick Packy Stan story. Maybe you know him. My friend, Medi, who I went to college with, we were Well, he he was an orientation leader the year before I was an orientation leader But then a couple of my friends who were orientation leaders were his roommates for like a year, I think And I just kind of met him through them and we're still connected on social media and stuff shout out to Medi. He's a
Starting point is 00:02:23 flight attendant for America, I think. I hope I'm not messing that up. But he, I don't know if his Instagram's private or not, but last night or like yesterday into the day before I think he is in Pakistan, which might be where his family is originally from. I don't really know. I'm not sure why he's there.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I don't talk to him that much But he's a good guy And my first ever ever alcoholic beverage in his apartment believe it or not a tequila sunrise without the Whatever the third thing is the kind of flashy extra part granadine is that what it goes into tequila sunrise It's basically a screwdriver, but with Tikila. He was in pack, he's maybe still in pack, he's standing. He's supposed to have some sort of dinky little hour
Starting point is 00:03:14 and a half flight in country domestic and instead had to drive. And I think he said on his Instagram is a difference of like an hour and a half flight versus 14 hours driving. Because it's just, he's in like, you look at a map of Pakistan and, you know, I'm going to most people think of Pakistan, they think of like India and Afghanistan and kind of down around the Indian ocean there. But you go all the way up to the tiny little finger at the top.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You get around like your Tajikistan's and your your kurgas stands and your Turkmenestans and your ginas. It is just giant mountains, what are they call it, the Hindu Kush. And just, you know, really beautiful, but also extremely rugged. And I commented on his, you know, video, the other day, I was like, look, little remote. And he said, it's, look, it's a little remote. He said, yeah, it's a little remote. But he took some sort of 14 hour road trip to the Hindu Kush of Pakistan and is somewhere on the crazy border of Pakistan
Starting point is 00:04:20 and to Jika Stan, I don't even know if those two border let's pull up a map real quick the map heads will love this. Let's see, so you get up to Islamabad which is way up north in the Kashmir region, good lets up and song. It looks like it just barely gets cut off although I feel like this one of those things were because it's in the dotted lines on Google maps all this stuff is kind of disputed. It looks like Afghanistan claims to be touching China, which speaking of China,
Starting point is 00:04:51 you ever look at Western China, it's just crazy. It's literally like Canada. It's, you know, we know China, we know how many people are there. But there's also just like this gigantic expanse of land that's kind of mountainous. It's just the whole western part of China. It's like the middle of Australia.
Starting point is 00:05:09 There's literally nothing there. It's crazy. But back to Pakistan, it looks like Afghanistan claims to cut it off. So Pakistan doesn't actually border to Jiggystan, but it's very close. I mean, this must be some sort of mountain valley or something. It can't be more than 10 miles. That Afghanistan has this tiny little finger going through there. Anyways, good stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:35 You got to check it out on a map. This stuff is crazy remote and beautiful. I wanted to, what we're going to do, two things on the show today. It's not going to be a terribly long episode. We're gonna check in on our real housewives for the first time, and I'm gonna try to do better about what we've always done, which is checking on them every week. We have three episodes of Real House of Salt Lake City
Starting point is 00:06:00 that we have not touched upon. They are airing Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. Currently. I don't know if that's gonna change because Beverly Hills ends this upcoming Wednesday But I don't know we'll see and then we're going to a quick segment just one of those segments where I just you know I had some things written down in my phone and I kind of got to a point collectively where it's like there's enough for a segment there so let's put it out there. I think it was a lot of like driving thoughts when I was on my my road trip in Minneapolis and Wisconsin and Illinois about three to four weeks ago and that's gonna that segment is gonna be called Things I Love and before we go any further I mentioned to Rachel before she left for the gym a couple minutes ago that that we were gonna be doing this segment. She says, hmm, I better be on there. I said,
Starting point is 00:06:48 yes, absolutely. Your number one, you're featured, of course. So I'll give you a little, we'll just do number one right now. It's my hot GF Rachie. And I think she'll appreciate that shout out. But back to real housewives. So I'm not going off of any notes here. I'm just, which is maybe a mistake. I'm just gonna kind of, let's set the scene for season three here. By the way, we got a glass of Canadian whiskey and a Sam Adams Boston logger
Starting point is 00:07:20 and we're having wine after this. So I'm really hitting all three. I was really, you know, normally I would just go for the whiskey and save the beer. But I was really in a brewery mood. I think ever since, you know, two weeks ago, I went two weeks ago, I was crazy. And so before that YouTube stream we did,
Starting point is 00:07:40 I went to a new brewery about myself because Rachel was gone. So I had an open Friday night, which just like happens like once or twice a year, honestly. Or it feels like that. And so I went to Burning Bush brewery, which was like a two-mile walk from here. And it's one of those things where I hadn't eaten much and I had like three beers. So it wasn't completely slosh, but I was starting to feel a little jolly.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And ever since then, excuse me, and just this fall in general, I've been drinking more beer than I should. And it is what it is. I'm just trying to enjoy it. I'm not just sitting there on a random Tuesday night, just throwing back three beers just because it's fun. I'm like trying to try new things, go to breweries. I love those vibes, but I did
Starting point is 00:08:28 that. And ever since then, I've just been in a brewery mood. I'm literally thinking tomorrow, like we're taking the dog to a pumpkin patch. And I'm already thinking like, is there a brewery nearby? Which I don't know if there is. I don't know which patch we're going to. These things are all up in the air. I'm also, before we dive into real Haasos here, I'm also still on the tail end of this sickness. We recorded last Sunday, and I was right smack dab in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:08:57 We had just gone back from New York. It was a long travel day. I'm feeling mentally, I'm pretty much good, but I'm still blowing my nose a little bit, and we're still getting like, you know, it's not just like the clear stuff, we're hitting some chunks coming out, and I'm actually about to do that for a hot second. I'm going to pause, and I'm going to come right back. That was a good blow.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And it's one of those things I've especially noticed that today only had, I guess, like two calls basically, but it starts to affect your ability to talk and to not see it clearly, because you're just like so, it feels like you're two miles inside your own head. But I think my cold's last a week, I came down with this one,
Starting point is 00:09:41 like I knew it was coming when I was flying to New York last Thursday night, and this is eight days later So I'm like this is okay. What's compounded it? We talked about this last week was the headaches I'm having after the dental work, but those are it's very slow progress But it's I know what's getting better. It's it's definitely better shaped than it was But it's it's not 100% or is it close to 100% yet, which is frustrating.
Starting point is 00:10:07 But it is what it is. Trying to get off pills for sure. But last week was a lower energy episode, which sometimes that happens on the bean towel podcast. Thanks for sticking with it. And I hope you learned something about Togo. And in the similar vein, there is a question about this sled dog has his own statue in the central park today on jeopardy and we nailed that
Starting point is 00:10:31 Rachel's gotten into jeopardy last couple weeks and We've been watching it together. It's a lot of fun She'll get some right. I'll get some right and And either one of us got final jeopardy today, but I nailed final jeopardy yesterday, which will just give you the clue live on air that we'll talk housewise, I promise. It was a very straightforward question. It was just international borders.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And it was, if you know Asian geography, it was pretty straightforward. But because there's two obvious ones, and then one kind of, you gotta use your head a little bit. But it was, name two of the three countries that share land borders with both China and Russia. So again, it was name two of the three, so there's three total, countries in the world that share land borders with both China and Russia
Starting point is 00:11:27 Okay, so there's a question if you need more time pause the show, but I'll tell you the obvious one is Mongolia Like that's what my goalie is known for For me the other obvious one was North Korea even though it's a very short border North Korea and Russia, it's just kind of like once you learn that fact You just kind of know it. You know, it's like, I don't know, 100 miles from by a stock or something. I don't think there's a lot going on out there around that border, but you know, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And then the third one, I got it. And then I was starting to like get too far into my head. I knew I had the question right. I would have put my goalie in North Korea if I was at the lector. But I was like, I'm pretty sure Kazakhstan does because I'm pretty sure that Kazakhstan and Mongolia almost touch. And that would mean that, you know, it's a, it's a, you know, locked in. Speaking of this almost touch thing, and then we're going to be done with maps today, I promise. They literally are, as the crow flies about 30 miles from touching,
Starting point is 00:12:30 that's crazy, Russia and China just barely seal them off. I was like, I'm pretty sure it's Kazakhstan, because Kazakhstan is huge, but then I was like, maybe it gets cut off in the southeast by like Tijikistan, and that's actually what it is, but or Uzbekistan actually is what I was saying, but not to be So again your three answers are Kazakhstan
Starting point is 00:12:52 Mongolia and North Korea. Okay Let's jump into real houses to Salt Lake City and I'm not gonna go on and on and on about this Because I'm going off the time I had from what I remember To recap where we left off at the end of season two, there were seven housewives of real housewives of Salt Lake City in season two. There were six in season one. So going back all the way to season one, just so we're all on the same page. So remember who we're talking about here Because I recognize that everyone watches the show like I do so I'm trying to paint a picture for you So you have Let's see where do we start. We'll start with the their brood nets. You have Meredith marks
Starting point is 00:13:38 she Has a lot of Botox and each season is just getting more and more to where you can't tell her how she's feeling based off of the faces she makes. She is an attorney alum of Loyal, a law here in Chicago. She is known for her kind of droning voice and her catchphrase is basically I'm disengaging from this conversation and from the drama. And her husband is Seth Marx and he's kind of a creep and they kind of go back and forth on whether they're together or not, but nowadays by the time you get to season three, they're pretty much together.
Starting point is 00:14:18 They have a son Brooks and another daughter and stuff, but Brooks was on the show a lot in season one, season two, and he's gonna finally be on episode four of season three. That's Meredith Marks. Then you have Lisa Barlow. She is like, you know, five, five, 85 pounds, and drinks a lot of Diet Coke claims that she only eats fast food.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It's hard to believe because she's skinny, crazy skinny. She has two sons, they have their own like Product slash brand called fresh wolf. It's basically like acts for young boys They're like teenagers like in ones in high school. It's probably in middle school her husband is John He's adopted. He seems like easily the best husband out of this bunch, I think personally. Okay, then you have the one that gets the headlines, Ms. Jen Shaw, who is Tongan, and very kind of scary looking at Times,
Starting point is 00:15:21 has some very wild fashion, she's known for her Shaw Squad, which are her, squad, which are her, quote, assistants who have mostly now been indicted and charged and taken pleadails in this whole Gen Shaw case. And she's married to Sharif Shah, who is the defense of backscotch at the University of Utah, which is just funny to me, because every single time I check in on a Utah game, they give up like 42 points. And it's like, is this just what the Pact 12 is or is Shreef Shahlik low key, a terrible
Starting point is 00:15:55 defensive back coach? He's also an attorney. Okay, then you have the two blunts. You have Heather Gay, whose main storyline throughout the last two years. It basically been, she used to be Mormon, and now she's not, and she's dealing with those feelings. She has a couple daughters. Her oldest one was like applying to colleges and getting into colleges last season, season
Starting point is 00:16:17 two. Now she's away at college. Heather has never had a romantic interest of any sort shown on camera through two seasons in three episodes. She had a date with a guy named Big Daddy. It was like a group date though in season two and he was just so nice and so kind and I think she was just really like horny on that date and she was like let's hook up internally and that's not what not the vibes. He was giving off. He was asking for like a water to drink and she was like, let's hook up internally. And that's not what, not the vibes he was giving off. He was asking for like a water to drink.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And she was like three tequila shots. And it just didn't work out. And then you have Whitney, Whitney Rose, who had a original husband before the show started filming. And then she ended up sleeping with her boss, whatever his name is, Kyle Rose, Justin Rose, who's now her husband. She has like three kids.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I think she's the youngest of the bunch. She's only in her like early to mid 30s and she's kind of a train wreck. She's very kind but just when she drinks, it has no social understanding really, it says a lot of shit. So that's Whitney. Now, those are kind of five. In seasons one and two, you might be asked, well, where's Mary Cosby?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Where's the lady who married her grandfather? She's gone now, and there was never any like big, big hurrah or something essentially what happened. She's you know, she's in all of season two. She just didn't come to the reunion taping and now she's not on the show anymore. So there was one mention of her, I think in episode one, I think it wasn't like a show mentioned her as like Heather said something about her or something But she's just gone which is which is tough Mary actually Mary I think is like a very terrible person and dangerous, but she provided a lot of comedic relief because she was just so
Starting point is 00:18:17 Just mentally like a drift There would be like full-fledged conversations going on every room with all the ladies and then she would just be like doing something else and be like, Mary, are you like part of this group? What's going on? And she's terrible, but that would happen. And occasionally you get glimpses into one of her closets. She's just one of those people who's like head of the church and makes way too much money and has like six houses and you're like what something's not adding up
Starting point is 00:18:50 with the taxes or something here. So a rest in peace to Mary, definitely miss her because this season there's only five and I could definitely use some of that just kind of, I guess I would call it like quiet chaos that she brings, she's just kind of, I guess I would call it like quiet chaos that she brings. She is just kind of nuts. And then finally, a final rest in peace to Jenny
Starting point is 00:19:12 who lasted one season. She was Vietnamese. They were really trying to branch out and get the diversity stuff going. And Mary's gone and Jenny's gone. Jenny said some very offensive, Trump related things. I don't even remember exactly what it was. She was kind of terrible. I wanted to like her at first. And her storyline, last season was basically her husband who's a physical therapist or a chiropractor. Like,
Starting point is 00:19:41 wanted more kids, but she was already like 40 something and had three kids and her youngest was already like 10 or something. And her husband, Dewey, was like, maybe we would get a sister wife. It was just like a quick little sound bite in that became her whole storyline. And she was just really, I hate to say this because she can't control it, but I just really couldn't stand her voice. It was like nails on the chalkboard to me. I don't know what I don't know what it was about her exactly, but anytime she talked
Starting point is 00:20:12 even in the group, it was like she was really trying to like dig in and stick up first off and establish herself and she just had to be had to be liked had to be heard. And I just got really tired of it over the course of season two. So I really do not misjunny at all. She was quietly fired in the off season essentially. So we're back to five. To start season three here, that catches you up. Again, we have Whitney, we have Heather,
Starting point is 00:20:44 who are, they just say we're, you know, we're cousins in the show, but they didn't find out until like the show started. So I'm thinking they're like third cousins and they just used cousins as a colloquial term. So Whitney, Heather, Meredith, Lisa, and Jen, and Jen Shaw will start there, I guess. And Jen Shaw will start there, I guess. So, one of the greatest housewives moment in history, season two, the cams were rolling, essentially, more or less, well, Jen Shaw got arrested. If you don't know the full story, I'm just gonna leave that up to you to read about,
Starting point is 00:21:19 but essentially, no one really understood what her business was, and more or less, what she's doing is selling products over the phone fake products imaginary products with her shot squad including including Stuart Smith aka Stu chains Her first assistant who got a lot of airtime on seasons one and two She was selling products and then were not, you know, nonexistent, they weren't delivered, whatever, primarily to elderly people. So the feds busted her for fraud,
Starting point is 00:21:55 you know, wire fraud, you know, all that good stuff. I'm not an attorney. And over the course of the last couple of months, I guess, leading up to the start of this show, and while they were taping, more and more people that, because there's like six or seven or something, including Jen and Stu Chains, who were indicted on this and arrested and all that stuff, they started to take the plea deals. It started to be, the group was getting smaller, and eventually Jen Shows is the only one who had not taken a plea deal when it was planning to take this to trial. So that's kind of where things pick up at the start of season three. We've gone through the first three episodes and she's still planning to go to trial and to clue you in in October of 2022, not when they're actually filming, but it was actually happening in real life right now.
Starting point is 00:22:49 She has since taken a plea deal. She was the last one. It was the last day that she possibly could have taken it. Doesn't mean she's going to serve less time than she would have she would have gone to trial almost certainly. But because she was the last one, she didn't have anything left to give them. I think Jen Shaw is still gonna do at least like, I think she's gonna get sentenced to like three or four years, and then I think she's legit gonna do at least like a year and a half to two years before she gets out for good behavior,
Starting point is 00:23:18 whatever they do with that stuff. So I think her sentencing is soon. I think it's, let's try to get that they keep pushing this stuff back, which is frustrating to try to keep track up. Let's see when it was because I thought it was like early November or something. Let's see, yep, the first article says it's her sentencing post poem. Maybe it's not until March or something. Okay, Thursday this was four weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:23:49 The attorney filed a letter requesting Shaw sentencing be moved from November 18th to December 15th due to scheduling conflict. Ironically, December 15th is Shaw's close friend Meredith Marks birthday. Okay, so the latest update we have so far as I can tell is December 15th. Okay. And also, I think we mentioned this last week, but Brabocon was happening in New York City while we were there last weekend. And Andy Cohen basically said without actually saying it, that Jen is fired, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:27 We are very likely seeing the last of Jen Shaw on our airwaves, at least in this platform. So save it while you're watching it. So that's Jen Shaw. And episode one, kind of the big thing was she threw a 51st birthday party for Sharif Shah again her husband the football coach. There was a lot of dancing. It was kind of 20s themed, a lot of good fedoras. I told Rachel, I want that one. She said, no, you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:57 So that's that's what episode one basically was. The other thing we really got to check in on. And we're almost done with this, I promise, is towards the end of season two, there's a big girls trip, and I don't remember what was going on, but basically Lisa totally freaked out. She thought her mic was off, she was behind closed doors by herself,
Starting point is 00:25:20 and she went totally ballistic, like absolutely nuclear on Meredith, who the perception has always been that they're close friends. And I think they both felt that they were close friends. And she just said some very nasty things about Meredith, mostly untrue. And that's kind of the tension, the drama, that they're, you know, coasting on going into season three here. And so, throughout the first three episodes, the two of them are still working on that. It's definitely awkward. Lisa's not doing a great job at taking responsibility. Meredith is kind of being a pain in the ass. And now there's some re-italiation going on. The next big drama happening is that they're on a girls trip in Arizona, the five of them.
Starting point is 00:26:08 And basically, they're drumming up rum, like Meredith is drumming up rumors in her kind of sneaky little way, that Lisa has potentially performed sexual favors with people in power in order to promote her to Keela brand Vita to Keela, including potentially giving a blowjob in order to receive courtside tickets to a Utah Jazz game, which I don't really know how that fits into the whole promoting the Keela brand storyline, but that's something that's been said.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And the next level of drama that came into this is that Meredith kind of shared that with Whitney. Whitney said she's also kind of heard it. But then basically very late night in Arizona on the girls trip, Whitney gets really drunk as she is often does. And she said something and then was like, well, yeah, Meredith told me and then Meredith was like, I'm disengaging and Lisa was freaking out. And then then Whitney was like, well, Heather heard it too
Starting point is 00:27:08 and then Heather freaked out because Heather was like, I did not and Whitney was like, no, you definitely did and Heather was like, you are a liar. And so now Whitney and Heather, who are again, cousins of some level and are like total besties in the show, things are ICB between them,
Starting point is 00:27:24 which is definitely like an unexpected twist. That's not supposed to happen between those two. And it's amplified because there's only five girls to focus on. And so you got Jen Chow with her own shit. You got Lisa and Meredith going kind of, they're in better shape right now. But then all you have left is Heather and Whitney. Yeah, right? Heather, Heather gay, Wendy Rose. Yeah. And it's like, wow, this is the magnifying glasses on them, the microscope is on them. Other things to note, I guess there's not that much
Starting point is 00:27:58 going on. We haven't, we haven't really seen any beauty lab stuff from Heather, which is what she's really known for. Whitney's going through some childhood abuse trauma connecting with some relatives kind of stuff. We haven't really seen much of the husbands. We got them a little bit in episode one with Seth and John and Justin and Sharif and whoever else I'm missing. Oh, that's it. There's just four husbands. That's the thing too.
Starting point is 00:28:29 There's only four husbands on this show now. We won't get any more dewey. We won't get any more of whatever Mary Cosby's grandpa's name was, slash husband, Robert, I think, Robert Cosby, Bob Cosby. And that's pretty much where we are. I believe the girl strip is wrapping up. So we've had three episodes. The first one was a party next to where girls tripping Arizona. I think the girl strip is pretty much over. And that sketchy caught up. Season three of the real housewives of
Starting point is 00:29:00 Salt Lake City airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. Central. If you don't have a good link or if you don't pay for a cable, you don't get bravo. Let me know because I can usually find a pretty solid, consistent link. So I'll get that your way. This would be a good time to quickly hear from our sponsors before we wrap the show with things I love.
Starting point is 00:29:25 It's a nice tight episode. This is good for 249. This would be a good time to quickly hear from our sponsors before we wrap the show with things I love. It's a nice tight episode. This is good for 249. Let's hope 250 can live up to the expectations. Maybe we'll have tails from the pumpkin patch. When you need your home inspector in central Oregon, guys, you got to call someone who's safe and certified. Someone that you trust, call the experts at home pride Oregon 541-410-0316 or visit call Steve, Tom Quincencia, Use Code, QUIN, and at checkout for 0% off limited time only. What's the catch? Oh, when God speaks, no, that's a microphone. Hope I don't get an inspection, perfection. This is what I get for not having my notes in front of me. And relying on the Sam Adams, and I have to blow my nose again.
Starting point is 00:30:12 But I'm not going to. I've got, it's that thing now that I mentioned 20 minutes before. It's like hard to talk. Not because I'm just so congested, but there's just like stuff going on back there in the ear, nose, and throat. I can't really do much about it.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It's okay for like day to day stuff. It's just hard to run a podcast like that. That's what I need to do. Unpleasant noises for 400 Alex. Also our good friends of the Samsung Q2U series. You want crisp, clear audio quality. You got to trust the experts. Trust God and go to, I think. I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I haven't really been there in a while. They've never responded. I've told them, like, hey, I love the partner. I read your ads that I created on the show every day and nothing. So maybe I'll reach out again. I just don't think they have much of like a customer service presence.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Maybe it's just more of like one guy in a closet. I don't know. When God speaks, he uses a Samsung. They've never even asked me about using that tagline. That's dynamite. An educated crowd would get it. And then finally, of course, our good friends, cuts by Q actually gave myself a solid cut by Q today.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Nothing crazy, but wanted to take care of some of the stuff on the back. And the sides a little bit, the neck shave, the nether regions, all that good stuff. When you need to fresh do something snappy, new call the experts at Cuts by Q. All right, we already mentioned our new segment here called Things I Love, that Rachel is number one on the list,
Starting point is 00:31:49 but coming in number two, and this is just kind of, these are my fleeting thoughts, fleeting F-L-E-E-T-I-N-G. There's a lot of things I love in this world, but these were some things that I made note of, and I wanted you to know about it too. So this week's Bean town podcast called Action. I'm doing my drinks here. What are some things that you love?
Starting point is 00:32:14 Email us. Bean Town Podcasts at And that's bean town podcast a are tweeted as at bean towncast. I'm personally at white buns with AZ. These can be things like, you know, a hug from your grandma, or maybe smaller things like syrup, or even smaller things like half of the syrup you had before. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It's not, it's not things that, that Quinn thinks you should love. It's things that I love, okay? And that's, that can be true for whomever you are. So go ahead and let us know. What are some things you love? I'll tell you, besides Rache, other things I love. I mentioned I came up with this when I was driving
Starting point is 00:32:58 and this is very apparent with this first thing. When the interstate splits and there's a magical forest or patch of land in between. So you got your northbound interstate, your southbound interstate, or east first west, and usually they're close to each other, right? But sometimes they split, they widen. There's a large gap between them for, I don't know, quarter mile, half a mile, two miles, it doesn't really matter. But sometimes you just get some wild space in there. And usually it's just kind of some trees or some shrubs or some grasses. But who knows, maybe there's like a cool bird that lives in there
Starting point is 00:33:35 or maybe an underground cave system. Why did they split the highway in the first place? I don't know. Sometimes they'll have it where one of the directions is really high up. One of the other directions is really low. I don't know what's going on. I guess it just had to do with the topography. T-O-P-O-G-R-A-P-H-Y. But that's something I love. You're always looking over there to the left and you're thinking,
Starting point is 00:33:59 I wonder, one, I wonder what's going on in there too. I wonder how they're doing on that other side of the road, because I can't see them. So that's one thing I love. A second thing I love, constellations. When I was in Wisconsin about three weeks ago with good friends of the show, Ryan Liggin and Kristen Austin English,
Starting point is 00:34:18 I got that kind of backwards. That's okay, they won't mind. They don't listen to the show. I wish they did. Maybe they do. I don't know. Email me, let me know. Tweet they did. Maybe they do. I don't know email me. Let me know tweet at me Discord me. I talked to them on discord. How cool is that? We were out taking their new pup for a walk and we got it some good consolation action
Starting point is 00:34:35 We saw the little dipper with Polaris the North star at the end of the handle and Really the old me other consolation I know is Orion. But I love consolations and I love to learn more about them. We had kind of this cool like consolation book growing up and you get some light pollution in the rockford area. Not too much that's overwhelming, but compared to Chicago. I mean, I can't see shit out here. I can look up and say, I think that's Sagittarius. I think that's or some minor. Hey, that looks like Justin, but I don't actually know what it is because I can't see it. So I'm not an astronomer. I'm not an astrologer. I guess consolations are kind of the overlap of those two fields, right? Speaking of astrology, I had my last class that I teach.
Starting point is 00:35:29 On Thursday nights, last night, for the quarter, my TA was doing a warm up game where you can't talk. The students can't talk and you have to line up in order of your birthday. One night at the room goes January, other end goes December. And then after, you know, we finish, she's like, okay, so raise your hand if you're a quarreious, raise your hand if you're cancer, raise your hand if you're, you know, the other ones, aries. And she gets through all of them and it's like, okay, that was fun. And the one she didn't announce was Pisces, which I don't know shit about astrology, but Pisces is the one I am.
Starting point is 00:36:06 So it was like, dude, where's Pisces? And she was like, I don't know. And that's the whole story. So consolation is number two. We got three more. Number three, and I don't know if there's a, I should have looked this up. Maybe you can let us know.
Starting point is 00:36:20 If there's an official term for this, I guess there is, there's like three different things you could call this. I think I know what it is. So I'm gonna call it, I wrote it down differently. I wrote it down as flood lights, but that's not the most accurate term I think. I think search lights is what I would use.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I love search lights that advertise something, whatever it is, like a concert or a car sale or in like Charlie Brown Christmas. You know, there's the two search lights going up in the sky. That's the key here. They got to go up in the sky. That's the key here. They gotta go up in the sky. That's what I love about them. When they're at the tree farm or like space jam, there's a search lights going on, advertising a big game.
Starting point is 00:37:14 You just don't see that very much, but I remember growing up as a kid, I could see out of my bedroom window. I guess that window looked north, I think, and sometimes in the far off distance you'd see search lights. Two in the sky and a kind of a rhythmic pattern, a rotation, kind of going back and forth. And I would always wonder, like, what are they advertising? I was trying to think, like, what is up there?
Starting point is 00:37:38 I have no idea. I'd be like, way past the mall, I think, like way further north than that. I can't think of what there is on like the east side of the Rockford area that would be using search lights. But I love search lights. And there's a sky-joplin rig called the Search Light Rage, which I can't sink for you, because I don't actually remember how it goes right now.
Starting point is 00:38:01 But that's something you could listen to after the show here. And if I had a royalty-free, you know, recording just lined up for you here, I would just play that, in fact I'm going to, and if we get, you know, if we get DMCA'd here, that's okay, but that'll be our outro music, okay? That's how we tie this back in. It all connects, unlike lost, which was just, I don't know what that was. I got that cute up for it. I'm gonna play that for you in about five minutes here. Our penultimate item and things I love.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Small animal prints in the cement. So you have poor new cement and a week later, excuse me, the average pedestrian, pedestrian I think is what I said is walking past and you see some small animal prints or any really kind of animal print doesn't have to be small but more frequently you're in these small you don't see a lot of mousse tracks in the cement. But you're walking and you're seeing it in the cement and it's permanent now and you're thinking, what animal was that?
Starting point is 00:39:13 Was it a small, you know, a pug or a cheat zoo or was it a mangoes or a baby coyote or a bumblebee or, you know know a blastoy's or was it just a small footed person. I saw a guy on the street today with a dog while I was walking in the grocery store. I had never seen this. Sometimes you know sometimes you see that the dogs their back legs don't work so they got the little like wheelchair rolly thing and that's perfectly normal I've seen that but this I had never seen before. The guy had this some sort of leash contraption with a harness to where the dog was being walked the dog was only using its front to feet and basically its back
Starting point is 00:40:00 hips were being held up by the leash. And so his legs are in the ear like imagining you're doing the wheelbarrow as you know, kids, the two man wheelbarrow. And the dog was just looking very happy, just walking. And so I don't know if those prints would look any different than if you just had a regular dog but it could be that sort of beast if you will. You never know what you're going to find. You got all
Starting point is 00:40:32 sorts of crazy animals and critters here in Chicago. You got coyotes, you got squirrels, chipmunks, cardinals, Albert Poohols, Adam Wainwright Chris Carpenter Matt Carpenter Yadi Air Molina Jim Edmonds He's pretty famous on Bravo these days You never know what you're gonna find our final thing that I love and I just that I added this today because it is Saw it and I think it's spooky and it's fun using caution tape as a Halloween decoration as in What there's some sort of spooky crime scene there. What kind of ghoul was murdered? You know, what, which is brew is happening inside here?
Starting point is 00:41:20 What's going to happen if I, you know, go pass the caution tape? Like, is there some sort of gargoyle that's going to come out and spook me? I don't know. You don't know. It's caution tape. Now there's a difference. This is an interesting thing. The last thing I'll share on the show today. There's a difference between caution tape and police line do not cross tape, but they look exactly the same. They're both yellow with the black lettering. And so I implore you, I am P L O R E to really read between the lines. If it's police line do not cross, you got to let the boys and blue conduct their official
Starting point is 00:41:57 business. But if you got caution tape, you can really go wherever you want, just exercise caution. I love that phrase, exercise caution. Where else do you get to use exercise as a, there's got to be some official grammar term for this, right? But as a, as a verb that has like a, a noun that's coming right after it, usually you say, like, oh, I'm going outside to exercise or I didn't exercise today. But in this case, you get to say exercise caution. What are their phrases? Could you say, I exercised, I guess you could exercise restraint or exercise, good judgment. But I feel like exercise caution is probably probably the most common Guys, that's what I got for you. Those are some things that I love again
Starting point is 00:42:49 You can let us know what are the things that you love in the comments Thank you all for listening. You can find our show on Apple podcast soundcloud You can always of course go to bean-town podcasts at yeah or excuse me bean- and go to the right hand side to see our most recent podcast. Like us, leave us a review, stitcher, cast box, wherever you find your podcast. I don't care. Spotify were on there. It's going to be interesting weekend because Taylor Swift just released her 10th album of last night. So seeing how the Bean Tom podcast stacks up against that will be interesting.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Okay, so to play us out, we have the Scott Joplin Searchlight Ragn. I don't know who played this or performed this. I want to give kudos to them. Oh, I'm looking, so I'm on YouTube. And it says, this is pulled from Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. It should play a lot of as a kid and one of the comments that's heavily upvoted says, marry you around one looks too intense for me, which would be one of the things that one of your park guests would
Starting point is 00:43:58 sort of say in their thought bubble as they turn around because they're whimps. So I don't know if this is going gonna sound like I'm just pulling this up, but this is the search light rag. And everyone, I hope that you are staying safe. I hope that you are staying sane. And I'll check in on you next time, for episode 250. Bye. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:45:04 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. Thank you.

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