Beantown Podcast - San City Power Rankings (06022023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: June 3, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE by way of San Diego, California to power rank some 'San' cities from around the world...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the Beentown podcast for Friday, June 2nd, 2023. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? Thank you so much for joining me. We are on the true DIY podcast setup today. We are recording right into the laptop mic. I didn't even remember to bring the Samsung Q2U series, so that's why the quality is off. Believe it or not, I decided, hey, let's get social. Let's get in touch with the bean heads out there. So we are streaming this live on Instagram. It can follow us follow me at q.cleanDQperiodCleanD.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And so if you want to watch this there, you certainly can if you're listening, audio only, it's good to hear from you. Good to hear from me, really. And we've got the entertainer. This is not me. This is someone performing this from the Scott Joplin topic YouTube page.
Starting point is 00:01:18 This is a copyright strike waiting to happen. We got that coming from my very old Amazon Fire tablet. This thing is like Gen 2 and a half. I bought it four years ago and back to Chicago. It is extremely slow. It's got to be only the second or third time I would actually use YouTube on the tablet. And've all it's all coming together in a beautiful hermoneum of sounds, H-A-R-M-O-N-I-U-M. And the reason for all this is because I am on the road. I am coming to you live from San Diego, California. If you are watching about the Instagram, maybe I can just flip this camera there and it's easier You see not only my running clothes
Starting point is 00:02:10 Hey on the chair on the balcony, but you're gonna nice you of downtown San Diego with the ocean between those buildings there so if you If you are not watching our livestream and you want to see five seconds of Quinn shaky camming this view from outside of his hotel in San Diego. You're missing out big time. So before you do anything else apologies for the audio quality if you're sitting there wondering does it ever get better for the next 25 to 30 minutes my answer to is no and I'm just I have to live with that, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Before we do anything else, I want to mention to our listeners, or followers, that listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean-town podcast. Number one, we will occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. But we're just trying to get through the next 20 to 30 minutes or so. We've got a power rankings episode coming for you. Something fun, something creative, something highly original.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I think you're going to enjoy it. Certainly the geography heads out there, the urban planning heads, all of you are going to appreciate it. And certainly our friends in the great nation of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and some some Jeopardy fans, probably some keen Jeopardy fans if you locate it. And I love using that adjective in the tongue. I get the chance. That's the end of our job one. We played the full version today. Got to turn this volume off for auto play another YouTube video. I'm not signed in on my YouTube, so it's probably going to give me like a Mr. Beast recommendation of next or I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Do you guys ever do that quick, quick side track thought here? But a real thing for the listeners whenever you know you have your YouTube, you're signed in with your Google account or whatever, you have your very specific likes, recommendations, you know, it's a it's a it's a whirling dervish of sort of echo chamber giving you the same things over and over again and I'll be honest, I do listen rarely in my expanding when I'm listening to it's oftentimes the same things over and over again and I'll be honest I do listen rarely in my Expanding when I'm listening to it's oftentimes the same thing over and over watching or you know Whatever it is health kitchen or death gap for cutie or Pokemon speedruns like that
Starting point is 00:04:36 So that's when I get in my YouTube, right? So you kind of get to a point And we've been talking about this just kind of echo chamber concept At this conference I meant. In fact, it was at a talk by Ronin Farrow this morning, son of the legendary Amy Farrow and Woody Allen this morning is a journalist, but he was talking about echo chamber and social media kind of the same way with YouTube, right? So when you do end up going to YouTube on someone where you're not a platform or a device
Starting point is 00:05:04 rather that you're not logged into, You see a whole different world man. It's absolutely nuts and I have to give that pause for a second because I got the window open on the balcony. The sun, I'm not joking, the sun is out for the first time since I've been here. I've been here for a little over 48 hours now. It's been gray the entire time and on top of that has been cold. Not like oh freezing but you know 60 low 60s during the day high 50s at night. I don't know about you but San Diego and June that's that's pretty cold for me. But the reason I mentioned my balcony I got this big waft W A F T of I don't know if it was barbacoa B a
Starting point is 00:05:48 R B a COA barbacoa or Chipotle mayo or what it was, but it was absolutely delicious We're gonna be looking to get maybe invest in some ballpark food tonight. That's right. It is Cubs vs Padres game one of the series today at Petco Park. And I apologize if you're watching on Instagram. I'm trying to get this thing framed in a way that makes sense. There we go. Yeah, going to Petco Park, it's a new stadium on my list, which I'm excited for. I get questions oftentimes from people who know that I like baseball one and that I like
Starting point is 00:06:30 to travel to. But when I say when I, you know, I get questions, it's kind of the Trump thing where people are always asking me, but I will say I've probably been asked this at least five times in the last two years. So for me, that constitutes getting questions. But I've freaked people are free to layer curious what stadiums have you been to because people know I like to travel, people know that I like baseball. And off the top of my head, I'm trying to think this, so this one will be a new one for me. I've been,
Starting point is 00:06:57 you know, sort of in the pet go park, this synity before VICI and ITY. And I'm going to pin it up in this because I got to finish the other thought we had about the great Islamic state of Pakistan. Hello to our friends in Karachi, Hyderabad, Kairbidh past. But there was a final jeopardy, I believe it was Wednesday night. The question was something along the lines of this is the first, it was the first nation I believe to include a religion and its official name. And there's probably some other aspect of the clue. But I knew it right away, right? Islamic State of Pakistan, the number one funder, a more on supporter of the Bean Town podcast, a 112th ranked comedy podcast. You know, they get it across the mountains. I don't know their spotify their Pandora signal must be extremely strong there. But yeah, so it was I think you know, a clear nod as being Tom podcast now in your six has grown to such great heights.
Starting point is 00:07:58 If you will, it's impossible for that to sort of be not a coincidence, right, or a coincidence, coincidence rather, coincidence, Q-U-I-N-I-C-I-D-N-C-E. So I appreciate the writers, the producers, my ambiallic, I don't particularly appreciate this generally, but I give you sort of that tip of the cap, if you all and I have my Cubs cap on today for the Cubs or his Padres games, but going going back to that thought, yes, Petco Park will be a new one on my list in about two hours here. It's about five o'clock local time. So other stadiums I've been to, obviously the
Starting point is 00:08:39 hometowns, Rick Lees, Bl blagetch thanks for tuning in on instagram at q.cleand. hi to you as well. I don't know what's going on. I know you're from the suburbs. Apparently, the bears are not moving to our length and heights anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:52 It is a whole tax situation in Cook County to which I say, yeah, I've been saying that for years. But thank you for watching our show. Thank you for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You can find new episodes of Bean Tom Podcast weekly. Bean Tom Podcast dot com or wherever you listen to your podcast. So thank you for watching our show. Thank you for tuning in. You can find new episodes of Bean Tom Podcast weekly. or wherever you listen to your podcast. So thank you for tuning in. It's good to see you for fantasy football season in a couple months here. So I've been to you know, Riggly of course, with a white sax play, whatever you want to call it, the cell, the rate, the dump, any of those work.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Beyond that, so Petco, this will be a new one for me. I haven't done anything else on the West Coast as far as I know. I've never been to Dodger Stadium. I've just been outside of it. Certainly nothing in Anaheim or Seattle, definitely not. So as we move further east here,, things like course field, again, been on the outside, never actually caught a game, certainly never caught a game at Chase field. Is that what they call or the debax play? What I'm not going to do
Starting point is 00:09:56 is go through all 30 MLB teams and say, yes, I have no I haven't. So let's actually get to the chase here so we can talk power rankings. So other fields, other stadiums, baseball specific that I've been to. So we mentioned Chicago times two pet code tonight will be number three. And then beyond that, it's kind of tough to think on the fly actually when you got live air in an audience of a million. It says one on Instagram. I'm guessing that is per million. So thank you for tuning in. Probably a lot from Pakistan. It's the middle of the night there, which would make sense. You kind of stay up late. Like, you know, in the Super Bowl happens. You
Starting point is 00:10:36 can't go to bed. You got to stay up late. I have been to a PNC Park or the Pirates Play. My I have been to PNC Park where the pirates play. My contention that it is the most beautiful backdrop in all of sports, PNC Park, go check it out if you don't know it. I have also been to Miller Stadium, of course. It's not called anymore. I think it's family life, stadium, American family insurance stadium, something like that the brewers the brewers as a
Starting point is 00:11:06 Tough word say the crew play So that puts us up to what where we end in our count five. I guess I'll keep going here. I have been to Tropicana where the Tampa rays play Tampa Bay rays So I've been playing Yankees there one time. Thank you for listening, Mama Apsha. Thank you so much for tuning in. I'm still a TBD on your big race on Sunday in case you don't know. Send some love to good friend of the show. We're gonna get on very soon here. I'm confident of that Abby who's running a half marathon this Sunday, and I'm hoping to be there.
Starting point is 00:11:43 My flight lands about seven hours before you start running. So that's so lucky if I don't make it but I'm hoping to got again in touch with you guys about that. There are certainly others and I'm not gonna sit here and rack my brain for hours and hours seeing all the places I have been to games but the point I tried to make about seven minutes ago is that it's not as many as you might surmise or assume. And these are the words that I've just thrown out there in mind. We've got to find a palindrome of the day here,
Starting point is 00:12:18 because I actually did a decent amount of preparation for the show in terms of writing things down in the notes. I've got a great trivia question for you. So here we go. I'm not going to be able to write this down right now because we're livestream on Instagram and I don't know if I open up a different app with that message. Messes it up or anything.
Starting point is 00:12:39 But here, we'll just try to remember not to use it in the future. And if we ever do reuse it, let me know. To that guy, I'm thinking, you know, Sesame Street, they've got their letter of the day and their number of the day, right? They had to read. There's only 26 letters. So unless they started tapping into the Greek alphabet, they must reuse letters all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And so sometimes being time podcast, we might have to reuse a palindrome. So today's palindrome, and I haven't counted this out myself to see if it actually is legit, but this is from the oldest looking message board kind of thread you could ever imagine here. Mike D, Thursday, July 14th, 2005 at 1229 PM Eastern wrote go hang a salami. I'm a lasagna hog It's fun one to say again. Go hang a salami. I'm a lasagna hog Lasagna hog could be a good horse name. Anyways, there's your paladrome of the day And as we continue on in the show here if I think of any other great
Starting point is 00:13:43 Baseball stadiums. I've been to oh other great baseball stadiums I've been to. Oh the metroidome, I've been to the metroidome, I've never been to target field up there in Minneapolis but I did go to the metroidome before it was leveled and replaced by US bank stadium which is also on my bucket list places to go to. It's a beautiful stadium I've been outside a couple times and man I every time I go to Minneapolis Which is not super frequently these days, but I'm like this the time it's gonna link up with the Vikings game I'll drop the you know 150 for a nosebleed ticket and it's never worked out unfortunately They've never been there when I've been there so I'll keep trying I'll keep open
Starting point is 00:14:23 Last thing before getting into our power rankings here and we're gonna have trivia that's related to the power rankings as well. What are we drinking here? I got here two days ago. I'm leaving tomorrow so kind of a not a not a quick trip not a long trip, but I got two things I'm in drinking. So first the basic one I got some some of those green bubblies, whatever flavor that is, lime I think. So I've been mixing those with a little bit of vodka and ice. They got this great ice machine here on the 14th floor. It's, you know, it's not too big, not too small, it's sort of perfect size. It makes your drink kind of frothy, if you will, frot, O-T-H-Y frothy. And that's good stuff. So we've been working on those.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And then, and if you're curious, Hey, Quinn, are you, uh, you go on this conference just to play? No, I separate business and pleasure. Okay, I do my conference stuff in the morning. And then I go get my workout in, I've been running, I've been lifting, I bike to yesterday, ran more today,
Starting point is 00:15:23 and then I, then I come back and I party. Okay. Last night, I was drinking a little bit, and then I watched the NBA finals game one, then I went to shout out to Boat Brewing, Boat Brewing here in San Diego. Boat, like that great movie with the dog. Excuse me, to watch the fourth quarter and eight dollar flights on Thursday night. So big promoter them. I stumbled into it. That was not my plan to take advantage of such a great deal. I don't know, you know, the exact number of ounces, but it was probably four, I don't know, four to six ounce pour or something like that. So I was pretty happy with it. And you can get any of them, right? Sometimes you go to
Starting point is 00:16:03 these these flights and they're like, okay, you can get anything from column A, one from column B, you know, half a one from column X or something like that. This was like, no, here's all our beers. Uh, and you pick the four that you want, which I appreciate. Cause then I can be like, okay, I'll get the light one. So I'm healthy. Or a lighter one, then I'll get a second one that's maybe like a five percent or something like that and then you can have two that are just going to knock your socks off. But the beer that I've had as well, so I want to have a little cocktail action, very basic bubbly water and vodka.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Excuse me, and then just a craft beer. I try to do that when I go to a place I'm not familiar with. I haven't been to San Diego in 20 years Give or take so it's been a while and suffice and say I was not a legal drinking age last time I came here This is the trend laser Tropical pillow-y hazy India pale ale 6.5 percent from modern times beer here in San Diego It's got an IVU ranking of 50. That's pretty good 1.02 1.01 to final gravity You know if you if you run in these beer circles like I do you know final gravity. That's what you know
Starting point is 00:17:18 That's what it's all about and so it says it's got Amarillo hops. It's a hazy marvel. Singularly delicious, just like me. Pillowy soft, definitely like me. Resounding notes of pipe, ripe, juicy peach, and trap will fruit prepare to be delighted, and I'll tell you what I've been through. Five of my six now.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And in case you're wondering, yes, I haven't drinking a lot. Not necessarily today yet, but the last two days. And yeah, modern times beer out here on the west coast. So that's it. Let's jump into our power rankings here. We haven't even really mentioned the topic of the show here. I'm going to go through these power rankings pretty quickly, though, because we're already at 18 minutes.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And I don't intend, I got to leave for this ball game in an hour here. I don't intend to spend half of my free time just rambling on and on. So you're gonna you're I think you're gonna be excited for this because I've basically written down the things that we're ranking but I haven't actually ranked them yet. So that's always a little bit more fun when you can do it on the five. a little bit more fun when you can do it on the fly. And we have eight things that we're ranking. So what are we ranking? It is San City is the title of today's power ranking.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Not San City, San City. And I'm actually going to, let me make a list here with one through eight, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. And we'll start at eight and we'll move down. I'll also mention, so we have eight. I think that was a healthy list. It wasn't, we could've added some more, but when you start to think about it,
Starting point is 00:18:56 when I first came up with this concept for power-winking sand cities, I thought, oh, we're gonna have a lot to choose from. There's not actually that many. Unless you wanna start to expand into like Costa Rica or something, which I didn't particularly want to do. I also have, if you're watching an Instagram, we're back to shaky cam for a second here. I needed to plug my phone in. And unfortunately, the biggest defect with these Apple phones
Starting point is 00:19:18 is there's not a good way to plug your phone and have it charging and also do a live stream. So I'm now holding the phone so that I can be plugged in so that I'm not at 0% when I go to Pat Gopark to boo for Nando Tati's junior in an hour here. So we're gonna have our San City power rankings halfway through, we'll take an ad break and then we'll finish with our San City trivia. Okay, so here are the cities that we're power ranking eight through one
Starting point is 00:19:46 in no particular order I've just written these down and I also have given no thought honestly to how I'm going to power rank this so we're going through these organically and I absolutely mean that. I didn't even cultivate this list until 30 seconds before recording. So here are the cities on my list. San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Marcos, San Antonio, if you listen, you don't know San Marcos is in Texas. San Antonio, San Bernardino, San Marino, and San Juan. So let's get right into it here and I'm googling this stuff on the fly to hello to HBA Lee Benson for tuning into our live stream. Thank you for joining our show. You're just in time for San City power rankings here. So number eight, probably not a surprise to anyone. I included it here because I just kind of felt like I had to because it was big enough to be included. San Bernardino, California, it's Spanish for Saint Bernardino.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So we're learning a lot on the Bean Tom Podcast. I would say I'm familiar with San Bernardino from, if any of you are a fan of the onsenma Tim Heidecker, universe Tim Heidecker from Tim and Eric fame, but the onsenma universe is just this whole world, ten seasons, 13 seasons actually, 10 Oscar specials, all sorts of just hijinks and craziness. But if you ever saw that movie Mr. America that he made as part of the universe, I believe San Bernardino is where he's running for district attorney against Rosetti the rat after his
Starting point is 00:21:26 electric son 19 trial. So San Bernardino is just kind of inland in SoCal 222,000 people with 18 largest in California. There's just not a lot going on. It looks kind of like a desert. I don't know. It doesn't seem that interesting to me. I guess some good like Latin American inspired architecture, but it just looks very hot Which is not really a thing for me. So it's growing a lot. I think diversity increasing all good things but it's largest employer is stator bros Which is a supermarket chain in case you don't know stator bros, which is a supermarket chain. In case you don't know stator bros.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So, San Bernardino coming in at number eight, there's not much left for me to say about that. Number seven, we have San Marcus, Texas. I give it a little shout out and speaking of, I think there's mountains in San Bernardino, I think you're right. Thank you to Instagram for coming and clutch with our supportive knowledge, which I appreciate. I'm not an expert in all these cities. I've never been to San Bernardino. I've been to most of these other cities on here with the exception, maybe I guess two. So San Marcus was just there, shout out to, I got two shout-outs, the one shout-out to Walter
Starting point is 00:22:41 Fernis, brother of the podcast for completing his PhD from Texas State in San Marcus. It was just there about two or three weekends ago. My other shout out, except for guys who'd said the top of the show, to my lovely hot lover fiance, Rachel Raymo, who requested a shout out at this show. So I hope she doesn't mind that. It took us 24 minutes to get there.
Starting point is 00:23:03 But San Marcus, Texas, it's just kind of on the Interstate I-35 there. There's not a lot going on. I will say this so they're big tradition at Texas State when you graduate, you jump into the river. And I got to say this river is kind of questionable if I'm being honest with you. It's weird. It's not like a big rushing river. It's very kind of shallow and in many parts or bends or nooks. There are a lot of there's a lot of weeds and algae and pond scum and you just kind of look at it as an observer and you're kind of like I don't know this kind of looks suspicious but then I also get it like you've spent all that time you worked hard you want to swim in the
Starting point is 00:23:44 river. It's the same temperature all year long apparently. It's been going on for twenty or twenty minutes. Yeah, it's a podcast. This is a short podcast by most standard. So well brother of the podcast got to do it a couple weeks ago and he did his graduation ceremony. Apparently they do swim practices in there as well, which seems crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:24:10 But other than that, it's kind of, you know, nice architecture, red brick, which is great. But there's not a lot else going on. So that's why I give San Marcus the number seven spot here in our power rankings. Okay. So we had San Bernard, you know, eight Marcos 7 coming in here at number 6 maybe a hot take and we're going to offend some people but we got San Jose California. If you've ever seen Silicon Valley which I have that's basically what I think of when I think of San Jose without actually having been there. If you don't know it's at the bottom of the Bay San Francisco the whole Silicon Valley kind of region. But it's a huge city, but I just think of like tech bros wearing cardigans and button down shirts and
Starting point is 00:24:54 like shorts. And what's his name? TJ Miller basically. So hot take. I don't know if this is coming from the Instagram comments for our audio listeners We got a hot take about San Jose that I'm giving it apparently so you can share please share our show good time to remind our listeners or you can email us show Beentownpodcast at again It's Beentown Beentown podcast at For all your inquiries comments and complaints all that fun stuff and apologies again for the shaky can but I got to charge my phone here. That's really all I want to say about San Jose
Starting point is 00:25:35 I've never been there and I'm not afraid to whip out these like unjustified hot takes because hey, someone's got to be number six and I'll say this, there are some solid cities on this list This isn't like ranking cities named after US Presidents and you got to find a place to put Jackson, Mississippi and Jacksonville, Florida and it's like well these cities kind of suck So it's easy put them at the bottom. I'm struggling here. Okay, I'm doing my best and I mentioned this at the top of the show The Zull organic as well. We are ranking this stuff in real time.
Starting point is 00:26:08 This was not planned out. I wrote down my list. I didn't rank it anyway and I will ranking it live. So I appreciate you bearing with us. All right, our last city here before we do a quick ad break. We've got five cities left. Things are getting tough. Coming in at number five, oh man,
Starting point is 00:26:26 how do I actually want to do this? Okay, let's piss some more people off. Let's do same one Puerto Rico. You're coming from the top rope. Puerto Rico, the 51st state, not actually yet. But it is hopefully coming soon. That will be good for, that'll be good for, you know, the blue vote, the Democratic voters.
Starting point is 00:26:52 But we have San Juan Puerto Rico, which we should have brought in the expertise of brother of the podcast, Jack Furnace, case he's been there a handful of times, actually, I've personally never been to Puerto Rico, but my future father-in-law is from Puerto Rico, from the high, the highlands, the mountains up there. And San Juan, from what I've seen, looks very pretty, just kind of rustic, laid back,
Starting point is 00:27:17 not terribly expensive. But yeah, I don't know, I think I would need to learn how to ride a bike to get around, probably, right? So it looks beautiful. It looks pretty, but sometimes that doesn't get you any higher than number five. So that's why San Juan Plan 30 gone. Remember when Trump went there through all the paper towels. It was awesome. Comes in at number five. Okay, let's say a quick shout out to our sponsors here.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, we're going listeners, you got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon. Central Oregon is the hottest new home inspection provider, with inspection services including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractors certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:06 If you're tired of big real estate, with a little angle hold on the home inspection market and you want to save certified home and start that you can trust, call Steve at 541-403164 go to Homeparte Again, that's 541-40316 right down or go to homepartired organ dot com home pride organ inspection perfection. I also want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series that's got crisp cleaving clear audio quality. It's taken a week off today, which is totally, you know, everyone's got to take a vacation sometimes. Today, Samson is taking a vacation. It's at home. Rachel Raymo is taking good care of it. She's probably using it right now to record her own podcast Which hopefully is coming soon. I think America, Pakistan,
Starting point is 00:28:51 Burbank, Illinois, everyone would love to see that so Plug to Rachel's future podcast. Rachel's reviews. I think it'd be a great title. She can do books She can do orange theory classes. She can do title, she can do books, she can do orange theory classes, she can do souffle recipes, she can do it all. Okay, she's very talented and she's a lovely fiance. When God speaks, he uses the Samson. And Rachel, if you're listening, I'm happy to lend you a Samson Q2U series as you know, we have two at home and typically one is kind of on the bench not being used. So you're welcome to it. Finally here before we return to our powering, he's Bob and we, we all know the that typically one is kind of on the bench not being used so you're welcome to it.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Finally here before we return to our powering in Bob and we we all know the haircut we all love it but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter Cuts by Q it's a little like and or sandman just different because by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations during Chicago Cook County, Northwood, Cindy and in the Greater Chicago Land area. I'll even do Lake County for you. Okay. From B Hives to Bang, it's Full Hocs of Flat Tops and everything in between
Starting point is 00:29:53 called Cuts by Q at 815-298-7200-Ori, you can email and that's Cuts! Q-U-T-Z All right, if you're on Instagram, you can sing it with us. Live streaming from the balcony here in San Diego. Oh, and you need to fresh do some snappying new, call the experts at cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:30:19 All right, quick shout out here. A lot of shout out today, but this is crazy. I got breakfast the last two days with my aunt from Delaware. Yes, we're in San Yegoni, managed to link up here, just here to receive an award and honor my late uncle. So shout out to aunt to the pockets Anoguneke and cousin of the pockets Oumakune Ogunneke, who's with us yesterday for breakfast, and I'll see them next weekend for a cousin of the podcast. I would age the Ogunaik's wedding celebration.
Starting point is 00:30:48 So three times on the span of eight days. What a treat. I'll just say that. Okay, coming in at number four is San Antonio, Texas. Good friend of the podcast. Good friend of the show. He's called in a number of times Eric DeBioa and I apologize for my butchered your last name bro. I think it's DeBioa right not DeBioa.
Starting point is 00:31:11 It's from San Antonio Big Spursman as in my friend of the podcast PJ Schiller turned me on to Tim Duncan and I just couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't, couldn't, you know, look away. I love them. Yes, Hailey Benson, a friend of the show, been on the show before, following along an Instagram tonight, gives us a good point. I'm missing her birthday for this wedding, so it must be good one. Yes, I am sad because your birthday, you were in a friend of the show, Matt McIntyre's birthday is like a highlight of the year for me and it was just a total bummer that my cousin decided to express his eternal love. So I will Celebrate with you gladly when I come back. I'll be around the rest of June and July. It will be great stuff
Starting point is 00:31:55 But San Antonio have been there only once in my life But yes, I did all the stereotypical things the river walk the barbecue actually prepping out the barbecue It's really just a river walk, the barbecue, actually probably not the barbecue, it's really just a river walk. But I'm a big San Antonio fan, it's a huge city but you got the great spurs going on there and a great pop of it, and all that fun stuff. And they're about to drop Wemba Niana, who is the consensus number one overall, pick the French kid. So I'm a big San Antonio fan, even though I've only been there once I had a good time while I was there. Coming in at number three, it's where we're broadcasting
Starting point is 00:32:31 from right now at San Diego, California. This is now my third time in San Diego. I celebrated my third birthday here, likely at the spaghetti factory. It didn't return maybe like four years later, five years later, something like that. We did a so-called trip. Well, she was a big, it was a big trip. We started in Vegas. We walked around as little kids on the strip for two hours,
Starting point is 00:33:00 which was a wild experience with very conservative parents and family members and grandparents. So that was great. And then we drove and did the Grand Canyon. And we also then finished up in San Diego where we went to the San Diego Zoo. I don't really remember anything about this. Back when they had pandas, which was lit before China took them back. And we went to Disneyland in Anaheim, which was pretty neat, and went to Tori Pines, all that stuff. So that was my second time. That was the big trip for me personally. And then this is my third time if I'm remembering everything correctly here in San Diego. I haven't really done any like touristy things. I mentioned I walked around a little bit yesterday, little Italy, downtown, and we're going to Petco Park
Starting point is 00:33:47 tonight. But there's no no zoo, no sea world, for me, no Tori Pines, Belboa Park, anything like that. They do have a it's you know a lot of work while I'm here just kind of regular work stuff and then the actual conference reason I'm here as well. So I'm very busy. But I'm a big San Diego fan. I think it's lovely, it's beautiful, it's extremely expensive, of course. But there's just, you know, it's a nice kind of,
Starting point is 00:34:12 a little bit more relaxed, chill, pace of life. So I do like San Diego. Coming in at number two, is San Francisco also California. I'll say this, I know some people who are like obsessed with San Francisco. I am not in that same way I am however a big princess diaries fan and Princess Diaries 2 royal engagement
Starting point is 00:34:32 Which that one does not take place in San Francisco. That's more of a genovia kind of based program But San Francisco course you got you know just know, just the whole region, the wine, the Chinatown, the big hills, of course, and it's just, it's a fun place to go out. It's a fun place to hang. I've not personally spent a ton of time there because I don't actually have anyone I know in San Francisco. And I don't think I've ever, I don't think I've ever been sent to San Francisco for a work.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's one city, a large city that keeps ev evading me but I'm a big San Fran fan and it's kind of my vibe you know I'll say this like I love the occasional 85 hot summer day that you know in even hotter than that that you get in Chicago all the time like there are some of those days that really speak to me and I like, but, oh, more or less, I'm a big, like, 50 to 60 degree kind of guy, and that's what San Francisco gets you. So, I would take that over the Chicago winters, I think. I think I say, like, oh yeah, I take Chicago winters,
Starting point is 00:35:42 it's not so bad, I put up with them, but that's just because I know how great the summers are. I think if everything is a little more balanced out, I could tolerate that too, which brings us to our last city here. Number one, San Marino, and I'm not talking the country. I'm talking the capital city of San Marino, San Marino. It is a city built on a mountain, is badass and if you don't know here let me find it for you there's the the biggest like most notable part of the city of San Marino is the three what are they called the three towers and the first one you got to go look this up the three peaks of Mount Titano because San Marino is just a nation state on a mountain, which is amazing in Italy, completely surrounded by Italy.
Starting point is 00:36:30 The first one is called, and I don't know how to say this, but G-Ga-Ga-T-A. A lot of bells, G-U-A-I-T-A. If you don't know, do a Google search, Google image search for G-Ga-T-A, G-Ga-T-A. Yeah, that's the only one. It is beautiful. Just look at it. search for guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita guita just get this tower. You have to tower, okay? It's as bad as old school castle slash fortress thing at the very top of a mountain and that's San Marino. It's an awesome place.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I don't really know much about San Marino. San Marino language. It's gotta be Italian, right? But it's just this cool tiny little country But it's just this cool tiny little country. And it's city is the same name. And capital city is the same name as the country, which I always always bad at. You get that with like, what are some other examples of that?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Well, you have Panama City, Panama. But Vatican City, Vatican City, of course, San Marino, San Marino. There's a couple other ones that do that as well, but great time I've heard. I've never been to San Marino. I would love to go, but it looks like probably a lot of stairs to get up that mountain. So I don't know if we had to redo this, I might bump it down to number three or something like that. Our last piece, oh, to just cap this off, here were our final power rankings from eight to one. San Bernardino was eight, seven San Marcus,
Starting point is 00:38:10 Texas six San Jose, five San Juan, four San Antonio, three San Diego, two San Francisco, and one San Marni, you know. And our last piece here before I wrap it up. And we will not have any outro music today, because I am not going through all that with my tablet. That is slower than Windows XP at this point. San trivia, okay? So this will be fun for the population heads watching here.
Starting point is 00:38:42 So pretty basic. Place these five San cities in order from most to least populous, okay? So the five cities I'm giving you are from the list we just did. They are a no particular order San Jose, California San Marino San Marino San Antonio Texas San Diego California and San Francisco California. So again San Jose San Marino San Antonio San Diego and San Francisco put those five in order from most to least Populated and this was just I just did a Google search like San Antonio population. There's a number
Starting point is 00:39:24 That popped up very quick. That's those are the numbers I'm using, okay? There's only only two that are, well, no, I'll say this, one and two are very close, three and four are very close, three and four are kinda close, one and two are very close, and then there's one that's not close at all.
Starting point is 00:39:40 So that's the question here. If you want more time to put them in order, go ahead and pause our program now, because I going to go ahead and give you the order. After a big sip of vodka and bubbly. Okay, here we go. From most of these populous, I have the numbers as well, the population numbers. Number one, San Antonio, Texas is 1.45 million people. Two San Diego, California 1.38 million people. Three San Jose, California is 983,000 people. Four San Francisco, California is 815,000 people. And it's just because there's no space.
Starting point is 00:40:20 If you ever looked at a map of San Francisco, you're like, well, where do all the people actually live? They're all packed into like five city squares. It's very small. If you ever looked at a map of San Francisco, you're like, well, where do all the people actually live? They're all packed into like five city squares. It's very small. And the number five coming in, bringing up the rear of a looking good, doing it. Number one in a power ranking, San Marino capital city of San Marino. The nation has 12,000 people in it. So slightly less than San Antonio's 1.45 million. So again, one through five, that those San Antonio, followed by San Diego,
Starting point is 00:40:45 both are top 10 most populated cities in the US and San Jose, San Francisco, and San Marino. That's what I have for you. That is today's Bean Tom Podcast. Thank you, everyone, for listening. Thank you to those who joined us on our Instagram live stream. It was great to see you from you. Here from you, see you.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I appreciate your comments making this show go around. Reminder, you can listen to all new Bean Town podcasts every week at Bean Town or wherever you find your podcasts. So completely, Quinn Driven program and show. I appreciate your support for sure. We'll come back to you all why next week, week of second week of June here. although I got to figure that out too,
Starting point is 00:41:26 so I'll be in Boston. So we have to figure something out there. Bean Town goes to Bean Town, that could be a title of the show. That's what I have for you. No outro music today. You can play it yourself if you like. Everyone, I hope you stay safe. Stay sane. I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'll check in at you next time. Bye.

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