Beantown Podcast - Sexy Date Ideas for Valentine's Day (02092024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: February 10, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE with Super Bowl picks, sexy date night ideas for Valentine's Day 2024, and an elusive shin zit...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday, March, uh, nope, Friday, February 9th, 2024. What's happening? It feels like March outside. It's, uh, well, the sun's going down right now. It's about 530 PM. We tried to start recording at 5 PM sun's going down right now. It's about 5.30 p.m. We tried to start recording at 5 p.m., finished the thought, it's like 55 degrees out here in Chicago in February 9th, the first half of February, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:34 February's like the sneaky month where you're thinking like, okay, now we're coming out of winter, days getting longer, but oftentimes it's the most harsh, brutal month. Not so much the last two days. It's been in the 50s here in Chicago, which is just strange. Chicago would get weird weather,
Starting point is 00:00:50 but usually February is a guarantee, just pain in the butt. But what I was trying to say was, I don't know, I don't know what I was trying to say. It's Friday, February 9th. It's a Bean Town podcast. Welcome, come on in. Stay for a while.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Have a good time. Pour yourself a drink or, you know, grab a Diet Coke or some Tang. Tang was being discussed on, I think it was the wire we were watching yesterday. They mentioned Tang. That reminded me, the pieces all start to come together for me personally in terms of a stream I had. We were talking about, or Tang was being talked about in the Y or T, A, N, G. If you don't know, Tang was like a,
Starting point is 00:01:29 I actually have to look up exactly what it was, an orange-ish drink. But I don't know, it wasn't like soda or was it carbonated? I don't necessarily know, recall exactly what Tang was, but Tang was featured in John Glenn's Mercury Flight in 1962 and it became like the space program drink. It's basically like Kool-Aid basically is my understanding, but different variations of it. I recall having Tang, ultra randomly, but these things just live in strange crevices in your mind. We were up at my grandfather, my grandpa Bill's house in Wisconsin, must have been early 2000s or something like that,
Starting point is 00:02:15 picking up a car, exchanging a car, I don't remember exactly how it worked. We weren't staying for very long, but we had Tang, like we were drinking Tang in our own car. And you're right, that's just like the most random thing I could think of. But I remembered what I was, my original thought from like two minutes ago. I'm going to mention that. But what happened last night, then I had a dream where I was visiting my grandfather, but not at his house, not the house that I knew him to live in. This this wild like ranch house and the whole family went there and sister inlaws and everything
Starting point is 00:02:46 and there were like 12 of us and one bathroom and it was just a bad time and we couldn't figure out the wifi password, which tracked like, I don't think my grandpa ever had wifi in a house but it definitely would have been difficult to obtain that password if he did. So, Tang to my grandfather's house to Weird Dreams last
Starting point is 00:03:06 night, one of those like extended dreams. Not like a quickie, but you know one that went for a while. What I was going to say before is that we, it's now five, well five thirty-seven p.m. We, I tried to start recording about five. So there's about half an hour, thirty-five minutes. Between when I wanted to record and when we actually started recording, the reason for that is my laptop accidentally got unplugged or shut off or something and so I had to reboot the whole thing, this old Mac. Macbook Pro bought it in 2013, so we're about to hit
Starting point is 00:03:39 11 years now. And it just takes about half an hour to not only start up but to get to a point where you can actually like close out This is something that pisses me off. There are certain apps on my Macbook that start up when my computer launches One of them is like a VPN. I don't even remember where the other ones are because it don't even you know I don't even think about it. I them. Just close out as fast as I can. But it takes a lot of energy and brain power on the max part to just close those things out.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Then you have to try to launch GarageBand and it's always scanning for jam packs and stuff. And of course I haven't updated GarageBand since the, quite literally probably the Obama administration, which is getting further and further away as we speak. We'll have this week on the campaign trail in a second here. But yeah, next thing you know, my laptop's already at 73%. And we've been recording this show for four minutes. So that's where things are.
Starting point is 00:04:39 We're going to get right into it in a second here, because we got a lot that I want to cover. Valentine's, this is our Valentine's Day special, Valentine's date ideas. A lot of brainstorming, but a couple things I need to knock out before we get there. First, before I forget anything else, two important things on every show. Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program. Number one, we'll give you some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Number two, shout out to our good friends in Pakistan. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Hyderabad, Karachi, Khyber Pass, all the stands, really, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Stans Donuts, and beyond. Thank you for listening to our show. Appreciate your support. Speaking of support, a couple of other housekeeping things here. The Beantown podcast's seventh annual Pledge Drive Telephone Special will be taking place on Sunday, February 25th. So actually, after today, there's only one more episode, and then we're going to
Starting point is 00:05:43 have our Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser. It's a live stream on YouTube. Sometimes we'll do some Instagram stuff as well, but it's just like you need to have one device for each platform. So I have to choose wisely. Sunday, February 25th, I think the time we chose was 1pm central time. So 11, 11 Pacific, time. So 11th Pacific, 12th Mountain Time, 2th Eastern, and in Karachi. You know, I want to make sure I convert the time there. Of course, I'm going to have to look it up, though. Karachi is 11 hours ahead of here, so that's going to be too, let's see, you know. Midnight, midnight time Karachi, Karachi when the clock strikes midnight in Karachi that's when bean town comes to life. So that will be February 26. The reason I mentioned it not just to plug a show in two weeks but our
Starting point is 00:06:36 telethon fundraiser is open. So if you're new to the show, here's how this works February is pledge drive month got a little bit of a late start this year, but we are up and running. If you want details, go to right on the homepage. As you scroll down, there'll be a link to our GoFundMe page, how this works. We raise money every year to cover the operating costs of this program, which would be the domain name, and its subsidiaries, and then actually having a platform host, a podcast platform, which I've always used SoundCloud, it's like 100 some bucks a year, the whole thing comes out to like low 200s a year for the operating costs of the program, nothing to do with my precious time and energy and my writing skills.
Starting point is 00:07:23 That's all pro bono for you. P-R-O-S-B-O-N-O, pro bono. If, look, that guy's gonna get out of the sphere one of these days, he's gonna have to start a podcast, call it pro bono, or it could be like an HGTV show where he goes around helping communities in needs. Yes, it's these very same creative ideas and visionary concepts that I'm not asking you any money for. But you can actually go to GoFundMe, you can donate now. We have all the information about our pledge drive tiers just announced this year for the first time ever. The Topaz Elite Club 26...
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah, GarageBank cut out there and lost about a minute of recording. So I'll try to replicate for you what I was saying was the Topaz Elite Club $26 donation and up this time this year, limited edition, Beantown podcast, Totebags. So if you want in on that for you know, carrying your lug in your books around lugging, what a great verb to lug. I've been doing Duolingo. I started like first of the year or something like that. Haven't missed a day yet. I'm on like a 37 day streak. I'm killing it. But lugging around your books,
Starting point is 00:08:29 your groceries, your knickknacks, whatever you might want to lug around, be part of our Topaz Elite Club. And you absolutely will get one of those. And I'm very committed to doing a better job with our donor prizes this year than we did in the past. Last year, just dropped the ball. And I will own it. I will apologize to anyone who donated thinking they were getting a beat-down pocket sticker. Here's the good news. It's
Starting point is 00:08:51 not like I just said, oh yeah, we'll do stickers. Sounds good. I actually have the stickers. I just never mailed them out. So if you're ever, you've run into me on the street and you're like, hey Quinn, I'm in the Topaz Elite Club. Where's the sticker? Follow me back to my apartment. I'll hook you up. Okay, I got the goods over here. It's just the distribution. So it's just like the wire.
Starting point is 00:09:12 We're smack dabbing season two, by the way. You know, I got the goods. I just need the distribution. That's what Prop Joe's all about. Season two, east side versus west side. He's coming up to string and he's like, hey man, I got this 90% pure heroine, but I'd love some of those Westside towers. Let's work together on this.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And of course, Avon in prison is like, no, no, no. And Stringer is like, well, maybe I'm going to go behind your back. We'll see what happens. We don't know yet. But Prop Joe, what a great character. Robert Chu, is that the actor's name? He's passed away now, but I love, you know, Robert Chu is such a good guy. He was just like a local Baltimore actor. He kills it in that show. And then he like mentored other actors on the wire as well. And like, you know, he was just like
Starting point is 00:09:56 the ultimate perfect, the consummate professional. What a great adjective consummate. Got a weird, I don't know if this is a zit, a scratch, a bug bite, what I'm looking at here. Oh, I think it is a zit. We're going to pause. We're not going to do a live. It's the weirdest spot for a pimple. It's almost exactly on right on top of my shin bone on my right leg. I don't know if I've ever had a zit pimple, whatever you want to call it there before. Maybe it's just an ingrown hair. Not sure. We're going to pop that in a second here.
Starting point is 00:10:28 But yeah, to just close this thought on the pleasure of Telephone Fundraiser, 7th annual, February 26th, you can donate any time between now and then. You also, it's a Telephone. So you can call us, 815-298-7200. We'll post the number on the site. Go fund me on Instagram, Snapchat, wherever you follow, be on town podcast, Facebook, Twitter, X, I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You can call into the live show. We usually go for about two hours or so. And every year we have new things planned. This year I've got a special challenge that we're gonna do on the show. I am not going to announce it yet. Maybe next week we'll save it, or maybe it'll just be a surprise in two weekends here. But we try to do stuff the show, I'm not going to announce it yet. Maybe next week we'll save it, or maybe it'll just be a surprise
Starting point is 00:11:05 in two weekends here. But we try to do stuff that's fun and new and crazy and interesting over the years. So that's going to be in two weeks here. And we'll see you then next or in two Sundays. Just remind me, it's Super Bowl. This Sunday, I got to make my picks. We're not doing a full Super Bowl episode because that's a tough thing.
Starting point is 00:11:27 This show could turn into just a straight up sports show and I think it would work well for me because I love that stuff and I consume it a lot. But I don't necessarily think that all of our listeners are huge sports people. I think some of them are, but towing that line is difficult. I've made a note. I will make my super low prediction
Starting point is 00:11:45 in a second here, but three orders of business, including the visit, which won't be featured live on air. I don't even know if we're going to get anything. I'm looking at it right now. It's not like a juicy thing. It's just like strange. I am drinking, of course, dry January is in the rearview mirror now. This is the Imperial IPA. I can't even remember what it's called from Surly Brewing. No, it's not from Surly. It's from Fulton. This is a throwback to Minnesota Hop Kingdom. Yeah, it's the Hop Kingdom Imperial IPA with a little dash of whiskey thrown in. So I frosted my pint glass. I got that going shout out to Fulton Brewing up there in Minneapolis, South Loop area. And then I do want to shout out our supporters of the show here because,
Starting point is 00:12:35 you know, sometimes we shaft them on the ad reads and I want to give them a full opportunity here. Here we go. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate's little angle hole on the home inspection market and you want to
Starting point is 00:13:10 save certified home inspector you can trust. My pinky just keeps twitching here it's killing me. Oh we got Rachel live on the podcast you want to do the ad reads? Oh she's got a question. Okay, let's pause. Question about our pasta. I was so bummed. I went to a jewel this afternoon and it's just like a very simple lemon butter. It's literally like chardonnay, butter, cream, your noodles, garlic.
Starting point is 00:13:41 That's pretty much all it is. I'm gonna scare up some, scare. Another great verb, jaw. What did I, what did we say earlier? I don't remember, but scare, that's a great verb in the context of cooking. Scare up some, some turkey bacon is what I'm going to do. And maybe make it nice and crispy, break it up in little bits.
Starting point is 00:14:01 That's going to be good. Got a salad, Got some wine. It's good stuff. I should have used the pause opportunity. I was talking to fiance of the show Rachel to take care of this weird zit on my calf. But it's not my calf, my shin. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:14:19 So we're going to have another pause in a second here. But to finish things up here, call Steve at 541-LongestAdRoallTime. 410-0316 or visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or visit HomePrideOregon inspection, perfection. Also, a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. My MacBook Pro might take half an hour and 30% of its battery life to boot up, but you know what doesn't? The Samsung Q2U series is's always fresh it's always ready to go crisp clear audio quality. One of the jeopardy categories the other day was I think it was either Bible or Old Testament but one of the answers was numbers and
Starting point is 00:14:56 that's one of those books where I'm like books I'm just like I don't know what happens in there. It's a census apparently, it's numbers, but like is that the whole thing? Just a whole, you know, 30 books, 30 chapters worth of counting. That Sesame Street vampire would love that. What's his name? Justistines. Ah, ah, ah. When God speaks to you, he uses a Samson. And of course, they're good friends. Cuts by Q, Bob, and we. We all know the hairstyle. We all love it.
Starting point is 00:15:32 But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's a little like Enter Sandman, only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest Indiana and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to bangs, faux hawks to flat tops and everything in between, call Cutz
Starting point is 00:15:54 by Q at 815-298-7200 or you can email Cutz by Q at Again, that's Cutz. QUTZ by Oh, I've noticed this one has not been Grammy nominated yet. We watched the Grammys last Sunday, all three and a half hours. I gotta say, I've never sat down and watched the Tonys before, but I think the Grammys are my least favorite award show. Just, how many times do we need to listen to... I swear, there are like four categories in the night where the nominees, you know, it's like song of the year, record of the year, artist of the year, album of the year. The nominees are all exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So you hear the same little like eight clips of music every single time. And it was Miley Cyrus and her Bruno Mars rip off. I am buying you flowers. Taylor Swift and whatever album it was and always waiting for the anti hero. It's me. Hi Who else was was featured prominently like one male. It was mostly females. Oh, uh, see ya. No, SZA one of those two, whichever one is more famous right now and it was She has a song called kill bill apparently, which was a Quentin Tarantino movie. I just killed my ex Oh, and of course Billy Eilish who was I meant to be?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Or whatever her Barbie song is called and he got her weird Brother Phineas not sure if they're like actually hooking up hard to say And they may be like one or two other people that I forget but every single time a category came up Brother Phineas, not sure if they're like actually hooking up, hard to say. And maybe like one or two other people that I forget, but every single time a category came up, it was just those people. And it was just exhausting. Like shake it up a little bit. Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy or new, just call the experts at cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And yes, in case you're wondering, this would have been the year for daddy long legs to get nominated. This was its window and no dice. So that's pretty upsetting. Not super happy about that. All right, we're trying to do the calf thing live on here. I think it might be an ingrown hair, because I'm not getting much traction here. Oh, it might be an ingrown hair, because I'm not getting much traction here.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Oh, it's definitely an ingrown hair. This might be one where we got to go to the tweezers. Yeah. Hey, BRB, then we're going to jump into Valentine's Day date ideas. And we got a trivia question of the week. Oh, first we're going to do campaign trail stop. Oh first we're gonna do campaign trail Stop so I'll be right back with you Welcome to a new segment on being town podcast title. Do you ever get?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Zits that you think are gonna be awesome based off of what they look like and just how prominent they are and They're not they suck they blow this was this instance So it was like an ingrown hair, but not one of those gnarly ones you see on YouTube where like 10 feet of hair comes out This was just like it wasn't even really an ingrown hair. It was just a regular hair that had a zit around it I don't know if that's the same thing as an ingrown hair, but there wasn't a lot of growing in going on So I get you know I get the hair out. It wasn't like a juicy pole or juicy pop or something. It was just like a lame hair coming out. And then no good action. This thing is like red, got a nice white head.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Sounds like a penis. But yeah, just disappointing. So that was frustrating. This week on the campaign trail, I had to drink some more of my hop kingdom here, I'm lacking. This week on the campaign trail, the big attention really shifted to President Biden. So There was some kind of report Going on this from CNN politics Biden tries to lay to rest age concerns that may have exacerbated them ex a C e r
Starting point is 00:19:58 B a t ed So there was some special counsel Robert her not been her Robert her Council, Robert Her, not Ben Her, Robert Her, basically about Biden's handling of classified documents saying that, you know, he, he didn't break the law or anything like that, no criminal acts. But he did assert that Biden was elderly and forgetful, which ignited a political fire serum that cut directly to the heart of the president's chief of vulnerability in the 2024 election. So, Biden, uh, did a Nudes conference just yesterday, last night, saying, I know what the hell I'm doing. And basically saying that Biden
Starting point is 00:20:37 pointed out that hers report your distinction between his handling of classroom material and Donald Trump's allegedly criminal and obstructive conduct on the same issue, Biden appeared fired up and passionate. Okay, so it goes on and on and on. But basically raising questions about Biden's age, his mental ability, his cognition. Didn't, Hillary got in trouble.
Starting point is 00:21:01 This was the thing with Hillary too, right? Before the 2016 election. She got busted for you know documents storing them illegally Or just in the improper way, I want to say illegally when she was secretary of state So now, you know, Hillary got busted for that Trump got busted big time for that and now Biden's being questioned over that as well Is this just like everyone
Starting point is 00:21:27 was fucking it up and we only started paying attention in 2016 or do we just had a string of three in a row who just are really bad at this I It's You feel like you could just pay someone on your team to take care of your documents just pay someone on your team to take care of your documents. And why don't they just, I don't know, there's no way for me to verbalize this in a coherent way, but it just seems ridiculous that you'd have three prominent politicians in a row,
Starting point is 00:21:55 Hillary, Trump, and now Biden, have major issues with this stuff. Like fool me once, okay, fool me twice, but fool me thrice maybe maybe Joe's getting too old I don't know what I really don't want is you know Joe to pass away or something when a second term in the past we then we got Kamala who I think would be even more boring than Biden and Trump's. Hey, say what you will about the Trump circus
Starting point is 00:22:28 and all that stuff. And it's not that exciting to me anymore, but hey, man, back the politics in 2015, 2016, that whole circus, Jeb Bush, Jeb is a mess. Those debates, ooh, with Rubio and Kasich and Ben Carson. Dude, that was political prime time. Eight years later, we say this every week on the podcast, Rubio and Kasich and Ben Carson. Dude, that was political prime time. Eight years later, we say this every week on the podcast. It was such a broken record.
Starting point is 00:22:51 But man, this campaign trail, it's already February. The election's in nine months. It is so boring. Even the Democrats, we've gotten good stuff in the past. The Bernies and the Klobucharist and the Warrens and the Yang Gangs and the Beto Works. This is just, it's depressing. When's the last time you had a presidential general election where the two candidates
Starting point is 00:23:14 were set in stone before it even started? I don't think that's happened in my lifetime. I'm not used to that. I'm sure it's happened many times before if you go back, but certainly not in the last, you know, eight or nine elections that I've been, you know, alive to be part of. I'm really boring. So that's this week on the campaign trail. I guess we have a summer Olympics to look forward to 2024. It's a leap leap year February 29th that's coming up shortly here. We could do our show on February 29th. It's a Thursday. We'll see what we can get. But yeah that's what's going on
Starting point is 00:23:56 on the campaign trail. Let's see. Oh I'm gonna make a super old prediction and then we're gonna go through quickly go through because my laptop's running out of power here. Some fun date ideas and then finish up going to go through quickly go through because my laptop is running out of power here Some fun date ideas and then finish up with our trivia question of the week. So The Super Bowl is this Sunday, February 11th at 5 30 p.m. Central time the NFC champion San Francisco 49ers who were the one seed versus the AFC champion Kansas City chiefs Who were the three seed chiefs had a little bit of a down year as far as their standards? And were frankly limping into the playoffs. They've had to go on the road the last two games verse the
Starting point is 00:24:41 Baltimore Ravens and then no that was the AFC championship game. I don't know who they played in the divisional the bills they must have gone to Buffalo that sounds right and Still you watch them play and you're like no, they're not really that good But they just don't really make mistakes. They don't get penalized. Maybe it's they're good at that Maybe the refs don't want to penalize them the whole Maybe it's they're good at that. Maybe the refs don't want to penalize them the whole NFC or NFL conspiracy theory about getting tailored to the big game to sell more tickets is alive and well I'm not really a conspiracy theorist. I do think that aspects of the NFL are fixed. However
Starting point is 00:25:20 Like I actually firmly believe that So that's a Kansas City Chiefs the Nin Niners weird season. Kicked everyone's ass in the regular season. Get to the playoffs and they had to come back twice against the Green Bay Packers. The game they were very close to losing and then the Detroit Lions. The game they were down by 17 and a half time, I think. So it's weird. The vibes were so bad in Kansas City going into the playoffs and they just keep eking them out and the vibes were so good in San Francisco going to play us and they had to come back twice with a very unproven quarterback versus you know greatest of all time or one beat of Brady Patrick Mahomes what do I think is actually going to happen I think that the chief's defense is the best unit on the field, which is weird,
Starting point is 00:26:06 because they're not usually known for that. I just don't think the Niners offense is good enough to overcome it, even with Debo, even with IU, even with the CMC. I don't think Perti can elevate that unit past the Chiefs defense. And then the other side of the field, the San Francisco Niners defense is kind of like ubiquitous or synonymous with, oh, just like lockdown, good defense,
Starting point is 00:26:30 but they're actually not anything that special. Like they got chased younger, the deadline and he hasn't been that impactful. Not saying they're a bad defense by any stretch of the imagination, but they're not actually that dominant. And I can't really explain it, but Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelsey and Rishi Rice and Marcus Valdez scantling and Mikkel Hartman and Justin Watson somehow are just like beating every defense. It doesn't matter. I could see Bosa, Nick Bosa, Joey Bosa, whichever one it is, causing some problems for my homest, but he's so shifty, he won't get sacked. He'll get out of there.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I just think this is going to be another irritating chiefs game to watch where it's like they're not, they don't look that good, but they're disciplined, the refs help them out where they can. So I'm taking the chiefs to win this game. I'll take them 20, I'll go 24 to 20, Chiefs over Niners. Chiefs beat them in four years ago in the Super Bowl and I will take the Chiefs again. So 24-20, Chiefs over Niners is my official pick. I don't have any money on this game.
Starting point is 00:27:46 In the past, I've had super wool squares, and prop bets are big this year with the Swifties, but nothing on my end. I don't know. It's just like, if you want to have fun with the prop betting, and I think I would have fun if I was watching with a big group or something, but you've got to be comfortable with losing up to a certain amount of money. Because if you bet enough, you're just, it's almost a guarantee that you are going to lose some money, even if you have a couple wins. And there's just something about that, like, concrete notion of you're going to lose some money by,
Starting point is 00:28:21 like, playing this way by having fun this way, that just really messes me up. So I'm willing to spend money, and it's not really lose money, but spend money. Last Sunday I went to the CSO, saw Eileen Grimaud play solo piano, Brahms, and Bach, and some Beethoven. And a show like 42 on that went by myself had a fun time it wasn't like a life-changing experience but it was something fun and cultural to do and get back to some of my roots on a Sunday and it's like okay you know what $43 is not cheap but it's not gonna break my bank and I had some
Starting point is 00:28:58 fun watching it but if I lost you know 42 on prop bets at the Super Bowl or you know watching the Super Bowl I just don't think I would have as much fun. I do agree that betting on sports and all that stuff makes it more watchable, more enjoying. I get super invested in games when my fantasy football players are playing. I get it. But there's just something about the idea of I've worked so hard and gone to school and gone back to school and worked side hustles and all sorts of jobs and long hours and all that stuff. The idea of just saying, oh no, just let's do some silly bets and probably not going
Starting point is 00:29:36 to win and I'll lose 50 bucks and whatever. There's something about that no matter how much I save, how much I earn, maybe it'll be different when I'm 65 and hopefully retired knock on wood. But right now, just not scratching that itch. So I think we said something about something similar or a kin aka not a con famous African singer but a kin. Last week, it was about buying the Beantown web domain name for $12 a year. And I was like, that's a pretty low stakes financial investment, but I was like three drinks in when I had
Starting point is 00:30:17 the idea. And I was like, I don't want to make any financial decisions when I'm three drinks in. So maybe I should start keeping track of these things. In fact, I'm actually gonna put my money where my mouth is. Financial advice, new note on my phone. I really, for the BeanTOP podcast, Samsung needs to make a hands-free device so that I can use two thumbs to type on my phone while we're recording
Starting point is 00:30:44 because I'm doing one thumb over here And it's tough don't make decisions after See I can't even talk and type at the same time after two drinks And then what was our first one or what did we just come up with there? Don't bet on sports. So we got a collection going here. Financial advice for the last two weeks. Don't make decisions after two drinks and don't bet on sports. Email is What are some of your other key or core financial decisions? And we'll read some of them live on air. If I really like them, I'll steal them. I do want to mention before we get into our Valentine's Day date ideas here, the 2024 top 10 horse
Starting point is 00:31:36 names special, that's going to be coming out, you know, around Kentucky every time. So still another two, three months. But I did just come up with our first potential name for 2024 season seven I'm not going to reveal it that's boring but I will use a listener suggestion name you have any sort of name it can be as funky goofy whatever you want but we always try to do one listener suggestion for our top 10 list. Every year we do a top 10 list of names that could be good for race horses. I think Kentucky Derby, Preakness,
Starting point is 00:32:16 are meant to just be creative, goofy, fun, don't have to be grounded in reality. I try to make mine personally tied to things that I've experienced in real life in some capacity, have to be grounded in reality, I try to make mine personally tied to things that, you know, I've experienced in real life in some capacity, but get creative, get weird with the spelling, email us and we'll have those that list for you. We do it every year. So this year we'll have our 61st through 70th names. And I will always keep track of the number one names because those are a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:32:47 The original number one, the OG still never to be beat in my mind personally, Episcopalian, although I really like Pentatook too. I think it's the EUCH at the end. It's just like that's so badass. Okay, let's buzz through these so I don't keep you too long and then get to our trivia question as well. A very scattered, not scattered, because it was all planned and all organized, but just touching on a lot of different topics tonight here on the Beantown podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:15 So thank you for sticking with me. But some fun date ideas. So Valentine's Day is coming up. It is what? Wednesday? Wednesday, February 14th. And then shout out to my lover, my fiance, Rachel. Our current anniversary is February 22nd, 222. This year will be our fourth anniversary. We'll get to celebrate that one more time in 2025. And then just a month, two months after that, we'll be our wedding. And we'll have a new anniversary, which will be exciting.
Starting point is 00:33:47 So our penultimate opportunity to celebrate this anniversary, which is just our first date. That's just sort of the date we've picked because there wasn't a day necessarily when we were like, let's be boyfriend, girlfriend. It's just like we celebrate our first date, which was down in technically Lakeview across the street from Lincoln Park. But these are some fun date ideas.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Hey, if you're looking for something to do Wednesday night or next weekend or this weekend or just you're looking for a spark with your partner, I wrote all of these down while I was on the bike two, three hours ago, and there's a lot of ideas. So some of them may be better than others because I didn't really filter them at all Excuse me first idea. I wanted to come back to and workshops and new things, but My mind went elsewhere. It's anything to do with a hot air balloon. I
Starting point is 00:34:38 Don't know man. If you're you're on a fun date. You're looking to kindle the romance what better way to do that than floating wicker, powered by fire? There, I feel like there could be like a ABC reality show or Bravo or something where it's like, love is in the air. Okay, just came up with that trademarked copyright. You know when Steel, this idea,
Starting point is 00:34:58 we talked about stealing ideas last week, love is in the air. The first ever hot air balloon centric-themed dating reality show. How about that? Strike in Gold, one for one here on the BeanTown Podcast today. All right, someone tell Andy Cohen, Love is in the Air. Anything to do with hot air balloons.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I love that canvas. Second here, watching nature documentaries. Love is in the air. Anything to do with hot air balloons. I love that canvas. Second here, watching nature documentaries. And the reason for that is, hey, sometimes you're watching a nature documentary. Gorillas, hippopotamide, muskox, muskoxon. We used to have my brother Jack, shout out to brother Jack, had a hunting game
Starting point is 00:35:45 on our personal computer, PC hunting game growing up. It was one of the last hunting games we had. But this one was more advanced. This was like 2007 or something where you could actually go to different regions like Baffin Island or wherever it was up in Canada or the Sonoran Desert. I think that's where you hunted Havilena, these little
Starting point is 00:36:05 pigs. But anyways, up in Canada, you could hunt muskox, probably polar bear. I don't really call. But I didn't, you know, what I remember about that level or that world in particular was they made you go hunt up there in like November, you would legit get You know in real life that would be like four or five hours of daylight in the game They simulate it so that it's like 20 minutes less than that probably like 10 15 minutes And of course you're walking everywhere and you lose track of your snowmobile and then it's just it's dark So you can't hunt you got to set up your tent and just there you go
Starting point is 00:36:45 It's dark so you can't hunt you got to set up your tent and just there you go But these nature documentaries things these animals can go from cute and cuddly you're watching this you know gorilla and Jane Fosse Diane Fosse and all of a sudden he's walking up and you're like oh, what's he up to now? He's he's he's he's venturing over there Next thing you know boom his dick comes out of nowhere this thing goes from invisible to erect in like five seconds and he's just going ham on this lady gorilla like it's you know Jane from Tarzan or something you're like that'll get us in the mood yeah I'd say that would do it so watching nature documentaries with your
Starting point is 00:37:20 lover especially like seahorses aren't the male seahorses, can their hermaphrodites, they have both parts going on. That's pretty sensual. Great adjective. S-E-N-S-U-A-L. We've got some good adjectives on today's show. Next up, either cash, participating in cash cab or comedians in cars, getting coffee, because we all know that car sex is a whole wild new experience but imagine how it would take it to the next level of Jerry Seinfeld was watching you. What's the deal with car sex? It's so crammed you can barely get your top off. Yeah it's not an award-winning Jerry Seinfeld impression, but it's an impression nonetheless. We used to do this stupid thing.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I don't really have a good contextual explanation for it, but in college there was the idea floated around once very briefly of combining. Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up act with Star Wars, and the idea was to just have Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up act with Star Wars and the idea was to just have Jerry Seinfeld in Darth Maul makeup, the costume with the red and the black and the horns and what's the deal with all these lightsabers and that's literally it's not particularly funny but it's one of those things where if you were there in the moment it was you know as a 19 year old kid just the best thing of all time. So there you go. More here, the produce aisle.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Oh man, we're talking. Zucchinis, Gordz, G-O-U-R-D-S. Georgia Peaches, right, that booty. I'm thinking Timothy Chalamet and Armie Hammer and Call Me By Your Name. What are the other most explicit produce items out there? I don't know. I feel like gourds and zucchinis and eggplants really rule the day. But hey, don't sleep on those tomatoes with sort of the big creases, you know? Juicy?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Love a juicy tomato. Right? That'll get you in the mood. Some more date ideas here. This is ridiculous. A mukbang. A mukbang, if you don't know, is where people go. It's like a Japanese culture thing,
Starting point is 00:39:42 where people go on the internet live stream or just you know any sort of video stream and They eat so much and it's like a sensual sexual Not actually I don't think it is I think it's literally just like I'm gonna eat a ton on camera And it's like there's some ASMR type stuff you hear me chewing and swallowing whatever But mukbang just sounds dirty already, right? It's like halfway to Onlyfans. Like you're streaming, you're eating, so you might as well stream and eat and
Starting point is 00:40:15 look some booty, I don't know, whatever you wanna do. I should have mentioned at the top of the show this things were gonna get weird at the end, but moving ahead here, next idea, to kindle up the romance, a date idea, a 1970s key party. The whole, here's the thing with key parties. You see them in media all the time. How real were those things? How frequent were those things? How common were those things? Basically the idea is a key party where you go as a couple to another couple's home. You know, there's multiple people there that say eight, nine couples, whatever. You get there, there's a fishbowl. You throw your car keys, your
Starting point is 00:40:56 house keys, whatever into the bowl. And then at the end of the night, instead of going home with your partner, one of the partners in the couple picks keys out of the fishbowl and they go home with whoever's keys those are. And you go home and you bang and you have hot, passionate sex and that's a 1970s key party. The whole thing is like, I don't know man, I feel like our society now is much less conservative than it was 50 years ago.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But you had a lot of key parties in the 1970s, at least that's what the media has told us. So it's a little bit strange here. But yeah, that could be a fun way to re-energize your relationship. Next up, grab some over. I've always wanted to try this one, so Rachel will listen eventually, hopefully. I've always wanted to grab some overpriced airport food and head into one of those nursing mother lactation pods, you know, the things they got kind of out in the middle of the the concourse there, or any, you know, any really any sort of
Starting point is 00:42:00 unisex single stall bathroom. But man, those lactation pods, you go in there and you got some Panda Express that cost you $22 because you wanted the extra fried rice. Oof, those mothers with triplets, the octomoms out there, right? They're just gonna have to wait because it's Valentine's Day. Okay, so another good idea for you.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I got four left here for you. On the set of Euphoria Season 3, which, hey, it's not like a thing. It hasn't started filming or anything like that. Who knows if it ever will. But Euphoria from what I've seen, which is about three and a half episodes, all sorts of drugs, all sorts of sex, you know, it's a bunch of 28 year olds pretending to be high schoolers, titties and cocaine and they got Zendaya, she's doing all sorts of drugs and her mom's a narc, and you get you say Sydney Sweeney, hey, say what you will, but
Starting point is 00:43:01 it's Sydney Sweeney, right? This could get your couple, you and your, your, uh, nobia, nobia. That's boyfriend and girlfriend. My dual-lingo streak there. That could get you guys in the mood. Uh, these next two go hand in hand. Nursing home and or bettered women's shelter. Uh, obviously those two things get put together all the time. Nursing home because I've heard there's a lot of sex going around.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I don't think that's a new revelation But a lot of sex a lot of Jello The Jello you get shots Jello. I feel like you could do like weird like body shots sexual things make a mold of my Private parts I don't know All that is going on in these nursing homes and the better the batter women's shelter, look it's just a lot of single ladies. Surrounded by single ladies, if you're not a lesbian, you're probably looking for an out, right?
Starting point is 00:43:53 The key here is don't go in there and batter a woman. Just have gentle relations. Okay, gentle relations could be one of our horse names. We'll see. We'll see if it makes the cut. And then finally, I love this one. I came up with this on my walk after my bike ride. A gondola ride in hippo-infested waters because love should be scary.
Starting point is 00:44:17 And I also want to point out that's water's plural. I love when you reference or just use the terminology waters with the plural s. So, you know, I could say hippo infested water, right? It's pretty standard. It's just like, okay, yeah, it's water. Like obviously I love anytime nature documentary. Otherwise you get to say waters. It's like, I feel like it raises the tension, right?
Starting point is 00:44:40 When you add that plural s to waters, it's like, oh, there's multiple bodies of water here hippo-infested water sounds pretty scary I don't know about you guys all right we got 19% left here on our MacBook Pro so we got to jump right in if you have any other to attribute if you have any other Valentine's Day date ideas 2024 season 7 email us being town podcast at okay this is the no bullshit part of the show where we just go right through our bullet points and end so that you can get on to your day uh trivia question in addition to love st valentine who by the way is like a third century saint, so from like 200 years after Jesus. St. Valentine is also the patron saint of these two things. And yes, that's
Starting point is 00:45:33 all I'm going to give you. And yes, this is a trivia question where it was like, how do I take this from impossible? And you just have to guess to like way too obvious with clues. I decided to go the way too obvious with clues route and maybe it will be obvious, maybe it won't, I don't know, but here are my clues for you. So as a reminder, here's the question. St. Valentine is also the patron saint of these two things in addition to love. So there's two things, one hint for each.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Hint number one, apiary. Okay, A-P-I- A-R-Y. I think. I don't know. I didn't spell check it. Hit number two for item number two, flashing light warning. Or let's say bright flashing lights. So yes, this is going to sound weird because you're thinking like, oh, love related things. What could that be?
Starting point is 00:46:22 Apiary, flashing lights. I don't know. No, forget love love-related things. What could that be? Apiary, flashing lights. I don't know. No, forget love for a second here. And you gotta go outside the box. So again, hint number one, apiary, hint number two, bright flashing lights. If you want more time to take a stab at this, go ahead and pause,
Starting point is 00:46:38 but I'm gonna reveal the answers now. In addition to love, St. Valentine is also the patron saint of beekeeping and epilepsy. And that just sounds like the most random, no way in hell could that be true sort of thing is possible, but I did confirm it in multiple sources. The good news is if you didn't come up with beekeeping or epilepsy, I have a bonus question for you. Here it is. Some believe that this author's
Starting point is 00:47:08 1375 poem, Paramount or Parliament, I'm not sure, of Fowles, F-O-U-L-E-S. I don't know what that means. It's like chicken, I'm not sure. Brought Valentine's Day into existence. So even though St. Valentine existed third century, whatever, many believe that this author's 19th, sorry, 1375 poem. Yes, I said 1375, 14th century, okay? We're not talking James Baldwin or Carl Sandberg here. We're talking about like 14th century. So that should help narrow it about like 14th century. So that should help narrow it down. 14th century poets slash authors. Here is your hint number one.
Starting point is 00:47:53 If this author wrote a chapter about Valentine, it might be called The Saints Tale. So there's your clue. The Saints Tale might be a good way to describe Saint Valentine And that's based off of this author's most well-known work, which is the Canterbury tales If you don't know the answer Jeffrey Chaucer
Starting point is 00:48:26 Geoffrey like Jeff Jenkins with a G Jeff Jenkins would a player right field there for the Milwaukee Brewers. There you go. That's our bonus question of the week. Jeffrey Chaucer wrote a poem in 1375, Paramount of Fowls or Parliament. I can't remember if I misspelled or not. And it referenced like a feast on St. Jonathan's Day in Lavin. That was the first sort of reference they have in history of it. So there you go. That's the end of the show. Thank you so much for listening. Thanks for sticking with us through today's technical difficulties. Much appreciated.
Starting point is 00:48:52 My name is Quinn David Furness. We got one more show next week, and then we'll have our Pledge Drive telephone fundraiser in about, what, 16 days here? February 25th, 1 p.m.m. Central don't forget you can donate by going to bean Tom podcast at or actually just sorry bean Tom podcast calm check out the homepage there to donate topaz elite members getting the commemorative tote bag this year limited edition so jump on that fast all donations are matched 100% to charity.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I forgot to mention that earlier. Kind of the key linchpin here. That's why I had a final reminder of my prediction. Chiefs 24, Niners 20, and Patrick Moems wins Super Bowl MVP. Thanks so much for listening to my program. My name is Quinn. I will check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Stay safe, stay sane, and see you soon. Bye. మారిలులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులులుల� වවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවව� ʻɪʰɪʰɪʰ වවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවව�

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