Beantown Podcast - State Flowers and Al Pacino 4 Biden (05282024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 29, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss horticulture, De Niro press conferences, and all new acoustics...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn Davis furnace presents the Beantown podcast for Tuesday, May 28 2024. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? If you're just as mixed up with the schedule as I am. Apologies in advance. Last week we recorded on a Monday because it was moving weekend. This week recording on a Tuesday because gonna be in Nashville this weekend. Just all sorts of crazy chaos here in Beantown land. But it is the new apartment. We got new acoustics and everything. Welcome to the fifth home of Quinn David Furness Presents, the Bean Town podcast. I am the renter, I was gonna say homeowner, but that's not really true. I'm the renter, the host, and
Starting point is 00:00:56 the best boy and oldie but goodie of this program, Quinn David Furness Presents, the Bean Town podcast. Shout out to our good friends in Pakistan. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan. Hello Hyderabad. Hello Karachi. Hello Ganges River Delta. Rachel and I were playing some trivia at, well, just our own little trivia game that we have, kind of like a card game and you can play with points and stuff but we just like to ask questions we were hanging out at burning bush brewery my favorite biblical themed brewery here in chicago yesterday out on the patio drinking
Starting point is 00:01:37 some brews and playing our trivia game and one of the questions was asking about the Ganges River G-A-N-G-E-S. Kind of sounds like gangrene, but it's the Ganges. What is gangrene? I have no idea. It makes me think of gout. The gout's in your toes. I think gangrene's in your teeth, right? What are the what are the Latin roots of gangrene? Speaking of roots, another thing that came up, this is going to be a scattered episode, what else is new. It's also going to be quick. It's seven o'clock at night on a Tuesday. I'm hungry, I'm wet. I was just out on a walk and it's sunny and also raining at the same time. It's down by the river and it's just kind of a bizarre world kind of day. And I've got a couple things I want to touch on, but no kind of one big ticket item, you
Starting point is 00:02:26 know, going to bounce around a little bit, kind of classic bean town bouncing around. The other thing I wanted to mention, and this is going to sound embarrassing, is someone who likes beer, but did not get this question right. And I'll say this, I had narrowed my answers or my guesses down to Germany, which in hindsight is an excellent guess, or Japan, which in hindsight is a stupid guess. But the question was, where is Heineken beer from? And it's one of those things where I just knew that I didn't 100% know, but thought, oh, it's got to be one of these two, right? Sapporo, Guinness, you know, classic German and Japanese beers. Kolsch, half of Eisen, those are all my favorite brands. I know the answer, Heineken is from
Starting point is 00:03:16 the Netherlands, Deutschland, as it's known. So learn some new things and maybe you'll learn that too, who knows? But yeah, everything with the move went well. We don't need to do a full recap. I'll say this, you know, last time I moved before this was a travesty of justice where my movers didn't arrive until approximately 11, 1130 p.m. in the evening. It was absolutely brutal. Really an unpleasant experience on the last day of my lease. Got out of the apartment with like 15 minutes to spare. Not a preferred experience. Wasn't a Starwood preferred member. What kind of
Starting point is 00:04:00 hotels does Starwood even have? Probably ones we don't even think about. Starwood, it's a private equity company. What else is new? Just like Bean Town Podcast. If you Google Starwood Hotels and Resorts, apparently it's been bought out by Marriott. Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc. was, key word there. One of the largest
Starting point is 00:04:25 companies that owned operated franchise managed hotels resorts spas residences and vacation ownership properties. It was acquired by Marriott in 2016. Okay, what are we like their key brands St. Regis, the luxury collection w hotels Sheraton Weston, Limeridian, Tribute Portfolio, Design Hotels, Four Points, Aloft, and Element. I feel like I've stayed in an Element before, definitely a Weston, certainly a Sheraton, and maybe W hotels, and I feel like I've seen St. Regis before, but I don't think I've ever stayed there. And now it's like, because if you would ask me what are the big hotel chains these days, I would have said Hilton, Marriott, and then my next guest
Starting point is 00:05:10 might have been like Sheraton. But Sheraton is part of Marriott now. It's the great monopoly, monopolization empire, like Rachel and her Monopoly Go, and Everyone's buying up properties. Big Eastern syndicates conglomerates. But yeah, no, the move was good. We're in the new apartment. Built a desk today. It was brutal, man. Everyone knows the horror stories about IKEA
Starting point is 00:05:37 and where does this piece go. And it's just, you know, just, I feel like I tend to be pretty good at these things. And I'll say this in hindsight. I think I did a pretty good job. There's only one point where I kind of jumped the gun on something and had to unscrew some screws. But it was a solid, it was like an hour 50 to build a desk. And it was just, it was tough.
Starting point is 00:06:00 But that's how it goes. You move into a new place, you get some new stuff. So we got a bookcase coming next, a TV stand bookcase. I'm not too worried about building wise TV stand I think could be brutal. I think there's gonna be a lot of screws nooks ridges It's always those ridges. You got to watch out for I'll keep you posted. I know everyone's kind of sitting there thinking well how is moving is one thing but can you build and kind of sitting there thinking, well, how is... Moving's one thing, but can you build?
Starting point is 00:06:26 And so one for one so far with the desk. Not drinking anything today. I needed a day off, especially with Memorial Day weekend. Did a little day drinking yesterday. Nothing crazy. Probably four drinks over the span of like four or five hours. But you know, just you got to give yourself a break. Speaking of food and beverage though, very dangerous situation over here.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Without revealing the exact location of our apartment, we live very close to a tortoriches, Torto riche. T-O-R-T-O-R-I-C-E apostrophe S. Pizza. It's not a one in done location. I think there's like two or three of them in the city. There might be one in Wicker Park, but Rachel and I got it for carry out or in Great Britain we'd call it takeaway. Mate. Blimey. Not me. Not in my name. Yeah. But we got it. We just got a thin, they're like regular thin crust pizza and gosh did we get a salad? I can't even remember. Must've gone. Oh yeah, Greek salad. That's right. Dude, I'm a sucker for a Greek salad. Quick side note. We're going to get, we're going to finish this story, and then the quick side note, and then we're going to jump into this week on the campaign trail.
Starting point is 00:07:49 But it was pretty delicious. Rachel treated us. Thanks to my lover for paying for supper. And we got it. We took it home. We continue on with Mad Men. We're almost done with season one. And it's dangerous, because that stuff was good, man.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And we didn't even scratch the surface. We just had a basic three topping medium pizza and a Greek salad. But very, very solid. That's the exact opposite of experience when I lived on diversity and was down the street from that Rosati's. And I got it so much, but that was because I would get drunk and then you could get like a small deep dish for 15 bucks or something and just go to town on that baby, a cheese explosion.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So tortorichis up in the quality. And it's not as much of a corporate conglomerate Eastern syndicate as the big fat cats over at Rosati's are. The side street was, anytime I have a Greek salad, I'm brought fond nostalgic memories upon myself. Every verb I'm doing now is a reflexive verb because I'm trying to get better at my Spanish duolingos with your me gustas, your le gustas, your te gustas, and don't get me started on un contar, me encanta, te encanta, all these reflexive verbs in Spanish are making my head spin, man. And then what was I learning, what was I learning today? I don't really know, but oh one of my favorite phrases I knew from college and is now coming back up in Duolingo de verdad,
Starting point is 00:09:26 meaning oh really or literally of truth. I love that. I learned to be afraid tengo miedo. I am afraid. Tengo mucho miedo. I have much fear. I sense great fear in you young Skywalker. Okay enough of that. The side street is when I was in grad school, living up on Farwell Ave, 1320 West Farwell, I would spend a lot of time eating alone in my bedroom. Because grad school, there was social to a certain extent. But a lot of the time, it's also just like you've got so much to do.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And I work like 35 hours a week and then go to school at night, especially on like Saturday nights, I recall, doing like a long run because I was during marathon training like right before and right after. But I would go out to Moore Street Market, which was just about probably quarter mile, half a mile away from our apartment. And back then, before inflation ruined our lives, if you went to the back of the Moore Street Market, they had a very small selection of pre-packaged foods by their
Starting point is 00:10:38 deli. And you could get a Greek salad, not large, but not small, kind of midsize, good single serving plus. Greek salad for like $3 and then a nice Italian sandwich on a really thick crusted bread for another like $4. You can get the whole thing and absolutely just go to town for like $7.50, $8, something like that. It was so good, man. Mmm, that Greek salad. The biggest chunks, there were like seven pieces in the entire salad because the chunks were so big. And it was, you know, classic Greek salad. Cucumber, red onion, olives,
Starting point is 00:11:20 and feta. Just the holy trinity, as we would call it back in the day. Good stuff. Good, good stuff. This week on the campaign trail, I had to actually look it up because I felt like it had been a little bit quiet and I was trying to figure out, oh what's what's going on? What's been happening? Well, closing arguments are still happening. The trial is still ongoing for the POTUS, former POTUS, Donald J. Trump. And I looked this up. This was interesting today.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Big press conference outside of the Manhattan courthouse. Guess who shows up? Robert De Niro doing a big anti Trump pro Biden press conference outside of Trump's courthouse while he was inside all sorts of counter protests. De Niro really went off on the guy talking about vote for Joe Biden. Trump could destroy the world. And wasn't there a who was it was a Bob Mueller that Robert DeNiro briefly played maybe like once or twice on SNL all the way back in the day?
Starting point is 00:12:30 Can you guys imagine, can you believe that 2016 is almost a full decade ago? I feel like we're still caught up in that whole turmoil. And that, all that was going on like almost a full 10 years ago. That's absolutely nuts. If you're curious, we are recording on the Samsung Q2U series today into the Microsoft dedicated voice recorder app. Same spiel as last week with the holding the phone for intro music and outro music.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It seemed to work. I thought last week was really a return to form, content-wise and quality-wise. But yeah, De Niro says, I hope this new ad campaign. Well, what's the new ad campaign? I don't know. This is from Fox News. They don't really explain.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Good writing. Who wrote this? Emma Colton. Where did she get her journalism degree from? Unclear. The quote that they basically start the article with. I hope this new ad campaign, this is from De Niro, reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives.
Starting point is 00:13:38 This is not a threat to this is our reality. That's why I've joined the Biden Harris campaign. Oh, De Niro is hitting the campaign trail. He's not just doing press conferences outside of courtrooms. He's going to be in Minnesota, North Dakota, all over Dallas. Because this is the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanities to vote for Joe Biden for president. Okay, he's joined by some campaign communication director, Michael Tyler, never heard of, Aerosmith's kid, called Trump a chaos agent. Some US Capitol January 6th police officers. All right, that's enough of that.
Starting point is 00:14:18 So hey, if you're out there and you're looking to go to a Biden rally, but you can't afford tickets, maybe you just go to a Biden rally, but you can't afford tickets. Maybe you just go to a Robert De Niro rally. Okay. He's going to bring all his friends. He's going to have Al Pacino right from the Oscars. Going to say, what if, what if we got Al Pacino? Okay. Big idea. So Al Pacino famously more or less botched the best picture announcement this past year at the Oscars. He says, my eyes see Oppenheimer. And it was just like, oh, are we supposed to clap now? Is that it? Was that the announcement? What if we get on NBC with John Kornick or whatever his name is and all those guys with their maps and they love it.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I don't know if that's CNN or NBC. I can't remember. I don't even know if the guy's name is John Kornick. That's just what's stuck in my head. Oh, we forgot to say listener discretion is advised when listening to this program. Number one location in some language. Number two, his podcast is objectively terrible. What if we got Al Pacino on there to read the state results as they come in. My eyes see, you know, it's like Ohio. And as my eyes see Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Obviously, I'm not winning an Oscar here for my portrayal of Mr. Pacino.
Starting point is 00:15:38 But you could, yeah, you could bring up Pacino. I bet Marty Scorsese would do some stuff. He's probably already in New York. Bring him to the courthouse. We would definitely need a female presence, but I feel like when I think of Robert De Niro movies, I don't think of females. Was he in a movie with Anna Hathaway or something?
Starting point is 00:16:03 I was going to suggest the lady from Meet the Parents, but she died, didn't she? Or am I thinking of Natasha Richardson? Terry Polo. Is she dead? No, she's not. I don't know why I thought that actress was dead, but she's not.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Born in Dover, Delaware. What a town. Been there. Went to see Jurassic World in Dover, Delaware once about eight years ago. And was thoroughly disappointed. And then I saw Jurassic World 2. I think also in theaters. And it was so bad I swore to myself I'm never going to go see another Jurassic movie in theaters certainly well Chris Pine no Chris Pratt is part of this nonsense because he's just so blah so vanilla our artists spotlight of the week it's Josh Groban you might be thinking yourself where on earth did that come from well I woke up this morning and Josh Groban. You might be thinking to yourself, where on earth did that come from? Well, I woke up this morning and Josh Groban, you raised me up.
Starting point is 00:17:08 It was in my head. And I finally, right before I started recording here, got around to listening to it. Man, that thing can touch your heartstrings. I tell you what. Rest in peace, Bill Walton. We are, I wasn't joking when I said we would be all over the place today. Basketball legend, iconic announcer.
Starting point is 00:17:27 There's a great clip I saw on Twitter where they didn't let him, because there's like a national broadcast of a college basketball game. So they kind of, the play-by-play guy kind of stopped him before he could really get into it. But it's a great Twitter clip. You can go look it up where Bill Walton really starts to lay into, or not even lay in,
Starting point is 00:17:47 but just take a good dig at Liberty University, who's made some significant strides in NCAA basketball and football last couple of years. They were in, what, Sweet 16 this past year, maybe. But it's something along the lines of, that's the most ironic name I've ever heard, Liberty University. And the Play-By-Play guy kind of cuts them off and they don't return to the subject. But the exact line is better, it's more entertaining, you've got to go find it. But good stuff there.
Starting point is 00:18:22 We're going to talk plants a little bit, and that's going to segue nicely into our trivia to wrap up this episode. And yes, it is going to be a quickie, as we would call it in the podcasting business. But I wanted to mention that, or I wanted to say thank you to our sponsors, first and foremost, Home Part Oregon.
Starting point is 00:18:44 When you need your home inspected in Central Oregon, don't call any Joe Schmo, Joe Six Pack, Sarah Palin style. Try this number on for size, 541-410-0316, or email Tell them Quinn sent you a Home Prior to Oregon inspection. Perfection. Speaking of Steve, Father's Day coming up here in, what is it, three weeks?
Starting point is 00:19:07 Something like that. It's creeping. It's creeping up quick. Now I got two dads to shop for. This is going to financially ruin me. I got to have a kid to kind of offset these costs. Father's Day is only two weeks from this Sunday. Well, once you have two dads, it's
Starting point is 00:19:24 kind of like you need to introduce a new dad into the picture. You got to have a kid to offset things, right? That's probably why most people have kids for the gifts. Los regalos. Soon and very soon, El Bean Town Podcast is going to be in all Espanol. Solo en Espanol. It's bilingual.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Press the, you know, SAP button on your podcast app to get this Bean Town podcast solo en Espanol. Of course, our good friends at, we already mentioned at Samson Q2U series. Rollin' with the punches here. We talked about this last week, but, you know, having a lot of technical issues, changing platforms daily, it seems. It's not a daily podcast. It doesn't really make sense, but weekly. But you know who's been a constant throughout, a source of strength, much like Samson's hair.
Starting point is 00:20:22 It's the Samson Q2U series. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. And of course, you're good friends at Cutts by Q. Got to do a little neck beard shave before I go down to Nashville. But I don't know, what's the Nashville style these days? Are we doing neck beards? 30-year-old white guys, cowboy hats, keep the neck beard. I don't know. I'm ready to dance in
Starting point is 00:20:48 a bar and dance on top of the bar and sobre la bar, debajo de la bar. That means under the bar. the bar. Whatever that is, uh, passando el bar. Crossing the bar. Alfred Lord Tennyson. Great poem. We say an Alfred Lord, Lord, Alfred Lord Tennyson or Lord Alfred Tennyson. I'm pretty sure it's Alfred Lord Tennyson. Why, why are we, why are we swift, swiffing, that's not really a word, is it? Smooching, smooching is not really the right word for that either. Smooching, smushing, smushing. Why are we smushing a Lord in between Alfred,
Starting point is 00:21:37 it's Alfred comma Lord Tennyson. Am I getting punked right now? Is Ashton Kutcher in the room? Am I the only one who just found out that Alfred Lord Tennyson, there's a comma, Alfred comma Lord Tennyson? Why did we even keep the Alfred? Could he had just been Lord Tennyson? Or were there multiple Lord Tennisons?
Starting point is 00:21:59 I don't know. What do we think crossing the bar is about? To compare death with crossing the sandbar between the river of life with its outgoing flood and the ocean that lies beyond death, the boundless deep to which we return. Well, that took a turn south on this joyous momentous podcast. something snappy or new called the experts at cuts by Q. OK, closing thoughts here. We went to Home Depot. And before you give me any shit, yes, I prefer Lowe's. I do not prefer Home Depot, but you take the stores that are close to you, right?
Starting point is 00:22:36 And as a show of solidarity for my favorite NASCAR driver of all time, Jimmy Johnson, as well as my own personal shopping preferences, I did wear my own personal shopping preferences. I did wear my Lowe's 48 hat inside of a Home Depot. I will say this though, Home Depot's got the hot dogs. I've never seen a hot dog inside of Lowe's before. So you gotta pick your battles. But Rachel picked out some excellent plants. If there's one good word to
Starting point is 00:23:06 good adjective to use to describe plants, it's excellent. So I think she got four. She got this little, what is that? It says a phelonia mini white. Oh now I got this phytonia. My eyes are not good. Phytoniaonia maybe it kind of looks like a leatherback turtle. It's like tiny little guy. Fittonia plant. Oh yeah, Fittonia with two t's. I just learned that right now. Fittonia. I didn't even know until I looked right now. Then another little kind of a flat leaf kind of leathery little guy. I don't know what type of plant that is. And then we got a money tree. Fortune's turning around, baby. I once had a money tree when I
Starting point is 00:23:52 seasons three, two and three of the Beantown podcast up in Rogers Park on Arthur Ave. But, uh, just didn't move it with me. Decided to put it out in the back patio and it lives out there, hopefully. Someone's taking care of it. So we got a new money tree. This thing's tall. I mean, this has got to be a solid, just like a full meter tall. It's got some size to it and then some ferns. I've never had a fern before. We got a fern to the left of the piano and now we just need another one and all of a sudden I'll be taking over Between Two Ferns. Man I missed that show. I wish Between Two Ferns was just still a thing. It's such a limited quantity, high quality endeavor. And I'm trying to think
Starting point is 00:24:37 of was Jerry Seinfeld and Cardi B, was that the last one that happened? They did a Between Two Ferns movie, which, like, plot-wise, completely weird, unnecessary, didn't make any sense, but there are so many additional, like, classic Between Two Ferns interviews that is worth a watch if you haven't seen it. The most recent episode, yeah, Jerry Seinfeld and Cardi B, 2018. We are six years past a Between Two Ferns episode. Absolutely brutal. What's your, hey, email us our listener engagement question. Then we're going to do trivia. What's your favorite Between Two Ferns episode?
Starting point is 00:25:22 Email us, Again, that's bean-town-podcast-at- at again it's Bean Town Bean and podcast at or you can tweet at us at Bean Town cast and check that like once every other month so that's pretty good. Man the I mean these are all good it's not like oh this one's good this one's bad I think the the Barack one is pretty classic. I do really like the Happy Holidays edition one, which is Toby McGuire, Samuel L. Jackson, and Arcade Fire. I mean, Justin Bieber is just unforgettable as well. And then, I mean, some of the old, I think out of the older ones, the one I like the most is the Conan one. And then, I mean, the Natalie
Starting point is 00:26:03 Portman one is pretty iconic as well. They're all iconic. So email us. Let me know what your favorite one is. I should go back and watch all of those. Finally, our Bean Tom podcast trivia question of the week. So I didn't have one little thing that I was inspired by. But I was thinking, I was on a walk. I was getting rained on, all sorts
Starting point is 00:26:22 of forestry and vegetation. And now we've got all these great plants at home here, I had the thought, well, state flowers, right? That's a thing. So I'm not gonna sit here and we're not gonna do 50 states, 50 flowers, but I'm going to go ahead and peruse this list here. I have the US States and Territories Official Flowers Wikipedia article, and I didn't prepare at all. I didn't like pick out five but let's let's go through this list. I'm going to give you the flower you give me the state and we'll just see if there's some interesting ones here. Did not vet this at all. We're off to a good start because Alabama actually has two and I don't know why a
Starting point is 00:27:04 state would have two. Oh, a state flower and state wildflower. Very interesting. If you're curious, this is not how the game is supposed to go. It just is a weird start. The state flower of Alabama is a Camellia. And the state wildflower is an Oakleaf Hydrangea. OK, and apologies, because there might be duplicates here.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I just have a list that I'm scrolling down. And so if I say, oh, what's the state flower? What is this flower the state flower of? And you give me an answer and it's incorrect. Well, maybe it shows up later and maybe you're right. I just won't know. Okay. That's the level of prep and research that goes into this program. The Forget Me Not. Now this Wikipedia says it was chosen in 1917. Here's your clue. This state was not a state in 1917. State number, it says state number divisible by 7. Who would have thought you'd be integrating math and state flowers? Coming together in harmony.
Starting point is 00:28:12 With all of these, I'm going to move pretty quick here, because no one wants to just sit here and listen to perusings and musings of different varieties. So if you ever want more time, just go ahead and pause. Or put it on 0.25x speed, which will just be an absolutely terrible listening experience. The state flower of Alaska is the forget-me-not. What a beautiful little blue flower. Oh, here's just a fun one. I mentioned that this was going to be states and territories, right? Oh, here's just a fun one. I mentioned that this was going to be states and territories, right?
Starting point is 00:28:48 And if you're using your brain, yes, we are going in numeric, or not numerical, alphabetical order for the states and territories here. So that can help you out quite a bit. That's your first clue. But the state flower is, or the territory flower, is the Pahogo, also known as the Ulafala. If you click on this, it is, it's huge. It's also known as the thatch screw pine, the Tahitian screw pine, the holotree, and the pandanus. The fruit is edible and sometimes known as the jala fruit. Jala, yes, if you're using your intuition alphabet to help you, it is American Samoa, the Pahogo. All right. Let's see here. Oh, here's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:29:31 California poppy. It's not a trick question. It's California. Same goes for Colorado blue Columbine. I didn't know Columbine was a flower. Now I learned. Oh, this is a very fun one. This state doesn't even doesn't just
Starting point is 00:29:46 have a state flower. It also has a children's state flower. The flower is Michaela Petit's four o' clocks. So it's a person's name Michaela Petit and then four o' clocks and it's gonna be a sad story isn't it? The Cheshire home invasion murders. Okay. So these two people invaded the residents of the Pettit or Petit family in Cheshire, Connecticut. They initially planned to rob the house, but they murdered Jennifer, the mom, and her two daughters, 17, Haley, and 11-year-old Michaela. Their father, Dr. William Pettit, escaped with severe injuries and he's still alive. Oh, he was a representative in the US House. It is at Connecticut, Michaela Petit's four o' clocks. Rest in peace to Michaela. That's sad. Here's one I never would have
Starting point is 00:30:39 guessed. The peach blossom. And no, we did not jump down to the G's here. The peach blossom. And no, we did not jump down to the G's here. The peach blossom is the state flower of Delaware, if you can believe it or not. Sticking with blossoms, orange blossom. Orange blossom is the state flower of Florida. And if you're curious, yes, the state wildflower of Florida is the tixeed. Not tipseed, tix seed. Not tip seed, tix seed.
Starting point is 00:31:07 We talked about Georgia. Their state Florida emblem is gonna be the first one on here that would be an excellent porn star name. Cherokee Rose. That could be Pornhub's number one indigenous female actress. Someone's gotta have that name, right? Cherokee Rose. Do some research later. Here is a hell of a name. It's the same as its genus and species. The Bougainvillea
Starting point is 00:31:36 Spectabilis. Here we go. B-A-Oh no. B-O-U-G-A-I-N V-I-L-L-E-A space S-P-E-C-T-A B-I-U-G-A-I-N-V-I-L-L-E-A-S-P-E-C-T-A-B-I-L-I-S. The bougainvillea spectabilis. It's a nice little purple flower and it is the territory or official flower of Guam. Okay, let's move through here. Oh, I learned something new today. State Flower of Illinois is the violet. This is not a very traditional trivia game. We're bouncing back and forth. I apologize. Here's a gimme the sunflower.
Starting point is 00:32:19 That is a state flower of Kansas. Oh, this is an interesting one. The white pine cone and tassel. So not, you're not just getting the cone here. It's a twofer. The white pine cone and tassel is the state flower of Maine. Anything else good here? Oh, pink and white lady's slipper. So it's pink and white, and it's a lady's slipper. That's up there in Minnesota. All right, looking for anything else crazy here. Oh, the yucca flower.
Starting point is 00:32:56 That's down Breaking Bad style in New Mexico. And oh, Flores mayo, of course. Where you get mayonnaise from. The Northern Mariana Islands. Let's see if there's anything else really fun here. Oh, this one is just really fun to look at. The State Wildflower of Oklahoma is the Indian blanket. Look at that, it's very pretty. Rachel's working on the money tree. How's the soil feel? Can't tell. You gotta stick your finger all the way in or use a meat thermometer and see what temperature it is. She stuck it in. Lomi? I don't know. Okay, I don't think you're gonna kill it.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Okay, I don't think you're gonna kill it. This one feels good. I think the palm was. Okay, was that a palm or a fern? Okay, I said fern earlier. That's embarrassing. Then I went into a whole big tangent on between two ferns. It's pretty embarrassing. All right, we got to finish this up. Pennsylvania has a state flower, the mountain laurel, also has a beautification and conservation plant, and that is the Pengrift Crown Vetch. Vetch. Who would have thought? Okay, anything else really fun here? This one is blue bonnet, SP period. What's the difference between a blue bonnet SP period and a blue bonnet? I don't know, but it's in Texas, which explains a lot. Okay. If you could believe this, there's, so there's, we're at the end of the list here.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Both these states start with the same letter. And one of their state flowers is a rhododendron, the other state flower is a coast rhododendron. And I'll give you a clue. One of them has a coastline, one of them doesn't, and they are W states. They're not close at all to each other. West Virginia is the rhododendron and Washington is the coast rhododendron. So there you go. So there was some trivia for you, everyone. Thanks for listening to my show. Thank you for supporting our program. Quindy with F presents the Bean Town podcast
Starting point is 00:35:06 thanks for sticking with us as our recording schedule is all out of whack but you got to do what you got to do that's what I got for you oh I got a I forgot we have our out your music on our phone now I'm used to doing all that in post all right let's go here let's cue it up and let's pause this everyone I hope that you're having a great Memorial Day weekend and wherever you're listening thanks for supporting our show let's cue up our outro music here my name is Quinn David Furness this is my show Quinn David Furness presents the Bean Town podcast stay safe stay sane I'll check in on you next time bye Okay. So so
Starting point is 00:36:33 yeah So Thank you.

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