Beantown Podcast - Summerfest Trivia and Dial of Destiny Review (07052023 Beantown)

Episode Date: July 5, 2023

Wristwatches. Disorderly Conduct. Karen Allen. This podcast had it all...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Wednesday, July 5, 2023. What's happening? What's going on? How are you? It is a special Wednesday night, 6 p.m. edition of Quinn David Fernos present The Bean Tom Podcast for this week. I am your host. I am the creator of this show, the best man, the maid of honor, even the little ring bearer. I always when I hear the term ring bearer, I think bear, like be a bear, like a cub, you know,
Starting point is 00:00:43 like a little earth sign contraption if you will maybe not even a real bear but like a mechanical bear kind of like Pinocchio But a bear walking down the eye with just a ring Or maybe the Pokemon Ersa Ring you are S-A-R-I-N-G If you had to imagine what an Ersa Ring looked like without ever having played Pokemon Gen 2 before, what do you think it'd be? If you answered a bear with a ring on it, you would be spot on. That's a Pokemon I'd never used before in my life. I think there's a Teddy Ersa is the first form of it and Erser
Starting point is 00:01:19 Ring is the second form. It's kind of like a spooky sleepy bear with some dark tendencies kind of like me. Anyways, my name is Quentin and this is my show. Thank you for making us one of the top 500 podcasts on the North Side of Chicago. And thank you for the Nation of Packy Stand for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the Great Nation of Packy Stand. Listen to our discretion, his advice, when we're really seeing this program, number one, we'll catch you in some language room to his podcast, subjectively, terrible. Yes, it is a Wednesday at the time of recording, not planning to mess around with any delayed recordings or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And also recognizing it's summer, you don't want to sit here, listen to a bloated podcast, so we're going to give it to you straight. We're going to be quick with it. We're going to talk a little. We're going to finish up the conversation. We started with a dial of destiny last week. We did see it. We're going to talk summer fest a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's why we're recording on a Wednesday here. And then we're going to let you shoot off to whatever your next adventure is, much like Indiana Jones. The reason, of course, we're doing it, Santa Wednesday is summer fest weekend, weekend three of three of summer fest, and we are going there tomorrow, Rachel and I,
Starting point is 00:02:38 and then also meeting some friends over the weekend up there, which will be a great time. This is maybe my fourth summer fest. I'm trying to remember how many it's been. This will be the second straight year that Rachel and I have gone together and done a full weekend, made a three-day weekend trip out of it. So we both took Wednesday off, but still got roped into doing work on Wednesday, which is just, that's how it goes sometimes. And I hate that about, I don't think that has anything to do with post-pandemic or work from home culture
Starting point is 00:03:10 or anything. That's just kind of life in general, but just where you're like, I guess if you work a job where you can zoom in and do stuff, then that's sort of what's going on for both of us. I guess if you my juxtaposition is if you're like a restaurant hostess or something and you have Friday off. Yeah, you're not gonna get called in to work. Now I'm not saying hey man, I wish I was a server at a restaurant making 285 living off of tips, but it is there is something so nice about just being off, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:46 and being unplugged, not having to like watch your clock or watch your watch, if you will, which I wore a watch for all of two months in my life. That's about it. When I was an orientation leader, summer of 2014 for DePaul University, one of the requirements in order to be timely and punctual, PUNCTUAL, was that you had to wear a wristwatch. So I think I just had like the cheapest little plastic wristwatch that I don't even think I bought. I think I just scrounged it up at home there in Cherry Valley and wore it and have never worn a watch since. There's just nothing that appealing to me about a watch. I'm not really a fashionista from an accessories perspective, although I'm always wearing hats. Pretty much year-round,
Starting point is 00:04:37 but they're not really fashion statements. They're more functional for me. But the watch never caught on, the toe ring never caught on, the dorsal piercings never caught on. I don't even know, are those the things that your hips, when I think dorsal, I think of like dolphins or something, but apparently,
Starting point is 00:04:59 dermal piercings, okay, dermal piercings, those are the, well, Google search dermal piercing and they can kind of go anywhere. So I guess Dermal, referring to skin, D-E-R-M, the Latin root, their Greek root, who knows. I don't know, I was semi-dated this girl in high school who had two piercings on her hips, well, one on each hip, and that just seemed like the worst thing of all time. I didn't, it wasn't very fashion forward in my perspective. And it just seemed like it was just a disaster way to happen
Starting point is 00:05:36 in terms of like catching your skin piercing. And literally anything you put on, it could be a shirt, it could be your underwear, it could be any other sort It could be your underwear. It could be any other sort of skirt shorts pants anything like that seemed like just one of the worst ideas of all time But yeah, the watch never caught on speaking of punctual. I think we forgot this last week and I apologize for those rabbit fans who you know everyone is kind of emailing
Starting point is 00:06:02 a bean-town podcast means being from podcast head saying like oh, man Like why didn't you do this? We where was it? We missed it? Paladrum of the day and in response to those fans. I'll I'll give you a punctual related Paladrum of the day. It is noon and O-N Nuno is maybe in a future episode. I was that doesn't really make sense though because I was about to say maybe we'll do noob and in a future episode. I was, that doesn't really make sense though, because I was about to say, maybe we'll do nub and it's not, it's not n o o b, it's n zero zero b. That's the best way to type nub. And then brilliant mind yours truly realized right after I came
Starting point is 00:06:35 up with this great idea that it's not a palindrome. Although who knows, maybe if, if Trump does the whole reelection thing and truth is kind of whatever we want it to be, maybe we could just say, newbies of Palendrome. And this just could be that way, just pretty exciting. Let's jump into dialogue destiny here. And then I want to just give a quick shout out to someone that I met, two people that I met on Sunday, out to someone that I met, two people that I met on Sunday, which was just absolutely amazing. Just really cool, like a total freak moment, freaking geek moment, if you will, me being both the freaking and the geek. But quickly, I did actually did a small amount of preparation for today's episode.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Actually, more than I often do, I went back and listened to a portion of last week's episodes, and I know we were talking in dialogue with Destiny Predictions, so I just went and listened to those, I wrote those down to see how I did. I think you're gonna be pretty pleased with the results, and then we're gonna talk summer fest a little bit, just a preview of what's going on this weekend, and a little summer fest trivia to wrap things up today.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Gold is like 25-ish minutes, something like that, which is about where we were last week, which I think is a nice, comfortable summer length. You know, it's kind of like going to work in the summer. You don't have to always get crazy with what you're wearing. You don't have to wear a wristwatch or a dorsal piercing. You can sort of just do a polo and khakis, which look, I personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal for me, tucked into the pants. I almost never tuck in anymore. If I look at from where I'm like a standard classic long sleeve button down dresser, then yeah, I'll tuck it in. But, and if you know we have an event or anything like that, then definitely but just your average day where I like don't really have in person meetings or it's just like a our little four-person staff meeting or just
Starting point is 00:08:44 one on one with my boss like I'm going on tuck all the way. Whether it's just like a, or a little four person staff meeting or just one on one with my boss, like I'm going on tuck all the way. Whether it's a polo or a short sleep button down or the best honestly is when you get to the winter because you can just throw on whatever, you know, bottom the khakis you want. And then just a little white t-shirt and then just like the quarters of sweater.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I live for that stuff. You could bump it up a little bit if you wanted to go button out sure then the quarter zip. But there's so many times in the winter where I don't even do that. So it's like, what's the point? I'm just hiding way in my little corner office all day.
Starting point is 00:09:14 No one's coming to see me. I'm not going to see anyone. Just kind of putting your head down and doing your work. I don't need to dress up for this. So that's really the tops. But I went back. So I guess first things first, let's, let's talk about dialogues that sneak very briefly. We're not going to do a full review or anything like that. If you're curious, hey, what happened to the bean town podcast movie
Starting point is 00:09:38 reviews, long time beanheads will know or recall that that was a big part of what we did in the first year-ish on the show You wanted two years just talk movies a lot and I just watch a lot more movies I had movie past back then back when movie past here's the thing the kids these days They know about movie past because it's made it's come back in the last six months or whatever Although I don't think it's that big of a cultural phenomenon the way it was During his first go-around. The pricing now is ridiculous, you barely save any money, it's just, obviously what they had to do from a business model perspective, but the OG movie pass, we talked about this many times in the show before, many fans of the show are familiar with the
Starting point is 00:10:21 history of movie pass, but it used to be just a flat rate and you can see one movie a day. Guys, it was that good. It's the ultimate, this is too good to be true sort of thing. And it 1,000% was, and then one day just, it was actually kind of gradual, but it went out of business. But I think during its heyday,
Starting point is 00:10:40 and I'm sure it was even cheaper than this before, but I think when I was really in on it it was like $10 a month or something which at the time was still less you know we're talking like 2017 something like that still less than the cost pretty much anywhere you wanted to go to to see a movie and so yeah in case you're thinking like that sounds that doesn't sound right that sounds like way to just good to be true. I guess the only way to put it. That was my exact sentiment. I first learned about movie pass from my cousin's wife,
Starting point is 00:11:14 who told me about it probably back in like 2016, 17 something like that, and I was like, that doesn't sound. Like I had to explain it to me two or three times because I was just thinking to myself that that's impossible. There's no way that that business model is sustainable for the company. You can't just bleed all that money and have nothing happen. And lo and behold, look what happened.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So we went inside dialogue destiny last Friday and I just like two hours after we recorded last week's show. Here are my predictions. Actually, you know, I said I was going to review it real quick. So all in all, here's my succinct way of talking about Dialo Destiny, Indiana Jones 5th and probably final installment in this series as we know it. It's at the very least the final Harrison Ford film. So it was the first Indiana Jones to not be directed by Steven Spielberg, although I'm sure he would like to have
Starting point is 00:12:12 Kingdom of the Christmas call back. So if memory serves me correctly, this is off the top, I had no googling. You have Raiders of the Lost Ark 1980, which I love because it wasn't, everyone knows it as Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. That movie is legit just called Raiders of the Lost Ark which I think is cool. There's not a lot of series that are like that where it
Starting point is 00:12:33 goes from, in fact I don't know if there are any. It's kind of like Star Wars in that you had Star Wars was just the original film. They have retconned and out Star Wars a new hope but it used to just be Star Wars. And then it was, I think, probably, how it was labeled with Star Wars episodes five, the Empire Strikes Back and so on, so forth. I think that's the labeling convention. Anyways, the sequel,
Starting point is 00:12:55 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom came out in 1984. It's actually a prequel, which I think a lot of casual people don't realize. The third one, Indiana Jones last crusade comes out in 1989. Fourth one, Indiana Jones came to the Crystal Skull 2008, I'm pretty sure, and then of course, Dile of Destiny 2023. My thing with Dile of Destiny is if you are just a casual movie person who wants to go sit in a cinema and have a great time or turn it on at home whatever and just like enjoy a very like cookie cutter Indiana Jones film that checks off the Indiana Jones slash action adventure film boxes.
Starting point is 00:13:37 You're going to you're going to get it and it's you're going to have a good time for the most part. I will say this though even as a casual fan you're going to notice that and this is kind of two things in one. The chase sequences get a little long and a little bit boring. They're really not that gripping or engaging. The very first one which is in a flashback, it's a train sequence in the Alps. It's pretty good. It's pretty solid. I was a little bit distracted by some of the CGI, the D aging, the voice stuff. Like, it was, but I still think it was solid.
Starting point is 00:14:14 As the film goes on, they continue to add more and more chase sequences. And the one in my mind that comes out in part, comes to mind in particular is when they're in Morocco. And this thing just keeps going and going. And the thing with the Indian adjones is it's known for its chase sequences, which is great. But oftentimes, there's usually some sort of cartunish action
Starting point is 00:14:37 or violence happening that kind of, you know, it's entertaining at the very least, if not not realistic or if it's not realistic. There's also usually some really good comedy or humor one-liners or just physical comedy thrown in. And Dialettes didn't have that. There's one thing about this movie that I notice more than almost anything else. It wasn't that funny, but it wasn't like, oh, it wasn't that funny because it was so like dark and gritty and raw, like a new superhero movie or something. No, it was just kind of, it didn't really know which way to go. It was kind of stuck in the middle. So the chase sequences ended up being too long in many instances and that led to maybe the
Starting point is 00:15:20 biggest problem with the movie or one of the biggest problems. It's like two hours and 20 some minutes and you feel it. It is it is bloated for sure. I wouldn't quite go all the way to say that in the theater I was like looking at my wristwatch saying oh man one is this thing gonna be over. I still felt relatively entertained throughout the whole thing which is good because you pay a pretty penny for it but it was just man, there were so many things they could have tined up. It really felt like they thought, hey, if we just add more action, more adventure, more basically national treasure
Starting point is 00:15:58 then people are gonna love it. And it's just, it was way too much. I don't know off the time I had obviously the runtimes of the previous four films, but I can guarantee that I don't speak for Kingdom of the Crystal School. I think I've only seen it once. I saw it in theaters. I don't think I've ever watched it again. But the original three, which is the bar that I'm holding this to, those are not films where you get bored at any point. Maybe if you're a little kid and you're trying to watch like Harrison Ford and Karen Allen make out in the tent or whatever then yeah that might be a
Starting point is 00:16:29 little bit of a drag for you as a seven-year-old but in hindsight those films do not drag at all and this one did. So I would say there's a lot of other issues, a lot of other things that I could go on and on about. I'm not going to, we don't need a full review. I will say this is a solid two stars out of four. I think I said this to someone earlier. The lowest to me aren't as low as Kenwa, the Crystal Skull, but it really just didn't have any moments where I was like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. Obviously the John Williams score fantastic, beyond that that nothing that I thought was that interesting. So very quickly just returning my predictions it looked like I had one two three four five six seven predictions and I pretty much nailed them. So the first prediction I'll make, and let's say this, spoilers, like if you don't want
Starting point is 00:17:27 to know something that's going to happen in dialogue, Destiny, I recognize it's only been out for a week and a half, or just a week, I guess. Like I am going to do very light spoilers because I saw the movie, okay? So if you don't want to listen to S.F. Word, literally two minutes and you'll be good. First one I said is that they were going to find a way to kill off or just erase Shia LaBuff's character from the universe. They did kill him off, not on screen or anything but in the past between four and five they did kill off Shia. So that's number one. I said Karen Elwin of a very small role. Yeah, she's literally in it for the last 30 to 45 seconds of the film.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It's a nice Charming scene. It's a callback to Raiders, but Not interesting at all to me personally and that ending just in general was such a I'm not talking just the third act which oh gosh good good whole other thing that I hated about that But just the last scene last sequence. Oh, man. What a just What a snoozer Really hated it. I said flea bag will be superficial. You'll be unsure for a leapsoth beginning. I think I nailed that one You definitely she's a she's a sleaze bag
Starting point is 00:18:44 For pretty much most of the films, she didn't have like a big redemption I thought. Not super likable. I don't think you ever really viewed her as a villain, but it's just kind of the whole character didn't work for me personally. I said, mad's, Mikkelsen will die. Yeah, that's a that's a that's a check down pass. He's the main villain. The main villains have always died in Indiana Jones films. And this was no different. Although easily out of the five main Indiana Jones villains, by far the worst death, one of the many problems with the third act.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I'll just say this very quickly. Indiana Jones villains always get some sort of like moral come up in. Like their death means some things because they're hubris of science. There was a little bit of hubris in this one, but really not like it just was a terrible death. Like what a what a waste of a great actor, great performance. I said there would be callbacks to previous films. Obviously there were, you don't have all of them off the top of my head, but they were small. they weren't like,
Starting point is 00:19:46 it wasn't like the Force Awakens where they just tried to remake a new hope, but there were callbacks, and then I said, two more, I said, there would be some sort of mind shaft like sequence, I don't really think there was, that's the one that I definitely don't think I earn any points on, and then last one, I just wrote down bugs, there was one scene,
Starting point is 00:20:03 it was about eight seconds worth of centipedes and millipedes. There were bugs. So there you go. It wasn't a home run hit or anything like that, but bugs did occur. So there you go. Dialodestiny, don't think you got to spend money to see it in theaters, but see it for John Williams.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Hear it for John Williams. And yeah, I thought it was just fine. I have a lot of issues, but I'm not trying to like bring anybody down. Let's give a quick shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon, when you need your home and expect an essential organ, you gotta call someone who's safe,
Starting point is 00:20:39 certified, someone you can trust, call the experts at Home Pride Oregon, that's 541-414-0316. Over at HomePride, ask for Steve. He'll take care of you. HomePride Of course, cuts by Q and E need a fresh tooth and something snappy or new, call the experts at cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And our good friends, the Samson Q2U series. If you want fresh, crisp, clean, and clear audio quality, go to I don't think they actually have a website. I don't really understand their whole thing. They're just like, Samsung is a brand or a line of products that are sold, but there isn't like a The whole thing is kind of weird. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I can't really explain it. I don't work in e-commerce. But yeah, and God speaks to use is at Samsung. And yes, we've got speaks to uses at Samson. And yes, we blew through the ad reads today because I promised you 25 minutes and we are running way behind here. It's gonna be longer than that, but no more fat, I promise.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I teased this a couple of minutes ago. I just did wanna say, Rachel and I, before going to celebrate her sister's birthday, which happy birthday to sister of the podcast. Amanda, future sister of the podcast, Amanda Raymo's happy birthday. And shout it to my lovely fiance, Rachel, who's been feeling under the weather,
Starting point is 00:21:54 but is making her come back. And she's looking lovelier than a bear. We went to a piece brewery, P-I-E-S-E, like a piece of pizza. It's a pizza-reas slash brewery in Wicker Park, right on North Ave, I think it's on. And we had never been there before. It was just close to where we were going to dinner, and it was raining cats and dogs. So we were just like, we just got a post up. We got to get out of this apartment, just, you know, have some drinks, hang out, try something new. And so we do, and we sit down, it's a, it's a perfectly pleasant place to get a flight of beer.
Starting point is 00:22:30 We just ate, we ate something. I don't remember, oh, just some like chips and dip. It was pretty good, whatever. We sit down, maybe five minutes into sitting down. I just see out of the corner, my, my left eye, we're sitting maybe, I don're sitting maybe 20 feet from the bathroom to 30 feet. We're pretty close. I see someone in a black t-shirt just walk in out of the corner of my eye. It took me a couple of seconds to all registered and process it in my head. I was like, I'm pretty sure that's Tim Robinson. If you don't know Tim Robinson was on SNL for a cup of coffee,
Starting point is 00:23:03 he also wrote for them. And he and I are as a very two very successful shows, one in the past called Detroiters, which was on Comedy Central with one of his good collaborators, Sam Richardson, who you would know from Curb, Veep, a number of other kind of just small projects, but a great comedian nonetheless. And then of course, I think you should leave, which season three just came out. Sam and Tim, who has been in every season of,
Starting point is 00:23:34 I think you should leave, or Tim and Sam rather. It's Tim's show, Sam plays roles in it. They did a, I think you should leave Riggly Field Cubs collaboration on Saturday night at Riggly. So they were there, we were not a big game, which explains what they were doing on the north side of Chicago. So I see someone walk in, I'm like, I had to internalize it for a second, I'm pretty sure that's Tim Robinson, which I don't even know if I would have internalize it for a second. I'm pretty sure that's Tim Robinson, which I don't even know if I would have thought of it
Starting point is 00:24:07 if I hadn't already known that they were in Chicago, but I was just like, I think that's him. And so I tell Rachel, now we're like, drinking our beers, but like, awkwardly watching the bat men's door, like waiting for it to open, and it does, and it's just like, yeah, that's definitely him. He's a very small guy, just wearing like a super,
Starting point is 00:24:29 like basic black t-shirt and jeans, I think. I have a picture I can go back and look, but I was like, yeah, that's definitely him. So I totally creeped, was following to see where he went back to sit. He sits down, and it's him, and there's probably, it's a big table, big long table kind of last supper-ish. And there are probably like 10 to 12 people at this table, but I see
Starting point is 00:24:50 him sit down. He has his back to us. He sits down to another gentleman and I'm like, I'm 90% sure just based off of the fact who he's sitting with that's Sam Richardson, who I just went through. There's a bunch of other people at this table, presumably family, because there's not little kids, but younger people, and a couple of people that were definitely at least in high school. And so I was just like, man, that's crazy. I'm definitely not gonna go up to him. He's having a nice Sunday afternoon,
Starting point is 00:25:20 probably pizza and beer with obviously friends and presumably family. I'm not gonna be that guy that goes up from behind taps on his shoulder and is like hey can I get a picture? But I will I will wait for him and wait it out and if I have to be here all night I will probably not. But so eventually after maybe like half an hour or something he gets up I he's getting ready to leave and I was was just like, and I wasn't sure exactly if I was gonna do it or not, but I was like, I gotta do this, like, I can't just tell everyone
Starting point is 00:25:49 that I saw Tim Robinson at a brewery, and then not go for the picture. And I was like, I was definitely nervous because I feel like, you know, if I was famous like him and just trying to have a chill Sunday afternoon drink with some friends and family, I don't know if I would wanna be approached, but I will say this. It wasn't like a paparazzi-selep kind of thing, like everyone's going up to him and stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:15 It seemed like most of the people there were either aware that he was there and didn't care or just like had never heard of Tim Robinson before. So he got up to go, I went up, I said, hey Tim, I love your stuff. Can I grab a picture? And Sam was starting to leave too. And I was like, Sam, like likewise, I think your stuff is absolutely brilliant.
Starting point is 00:26:34 And I truly believe that. Like you gotta go check out their stuff, either Detroiters or I think you should leave. And they were very kind about it. Sam shook my hand, I got a picture. I even woke up this morning and my picture just directly ripped. There was no message or anything from Peace Brewery, but they just used my picture as a post. So I posted on Instagram as a post and then this morning they posted it, which I'm not like upset about anything.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I don't care. But I was just like, okay just like okay like yeah that was their picture so anyways as we're to like see a picture that you initiated beyond someone else's like some businesses profile but anyways I thought that that was really cool they They were nice guys. I appreciate the fact that they took a picture with me. And so here's your official bean-ton podcast, collab slash plug, go check out. I think you should leave season three on Netflix. I think they're doing another collab night tonight in Detroit at America.
Starting point is 00:27:40 So if you are in the Detroit area listening to this and you wanna go maybe try to do the same thing I did go find a brewery like three miles away tomorrow afternoon and maybe Sam and Tim will just be hanging out there. All right, we're going to summer fest tomorrow. It's a three day. They do three weekends three three day weekends is the last one. Same thing we did the same thing last year. Go up Thursday night, catch some of those acts, and then just hang out there Friday Saturday, go to the shows, come back Sunday morning.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So some of the big ones that were excited to see it, we're not gonna do a full rundown here or anything, so we're past where I wanted to be on time. But some of the ones I'm really pumped about, war on drugs, I mean, let's be real, they're probably my favorite band right now. Seen them once, we saw them in Chicago about a year and a half ago.
Starting point is 00:28:31 This is a go around two for me, so they are tomorrow night, I am super pumped for that. Someone else is tomorrow that I don't really know her stuff at all, other than her collab with the Postal Service, but Jenny Lewis, so I don't know what time she's on it, or if it's even going to be a possibility, but I would love to see that if it was just like I could casually do it. A band that's going on at the same time's War on Drug, so we'll not be able to see Smashmouth with our all new singer. So rip there, Steve, whatever his name is, hope you're doing better. Then you have been the first
Starting point is 00:29:06 45 years, 50 years of your life. That's Thursday. That's tomorrow. Oh, also young gravy for the younger listeners of the Bean Tompuck as I'm not personally familiar. Let's see, who else? We got on July 7th, Friday, Tyler Hubbard, who's one of those names where it's like, I'm pretty sure that's a very famous musician that I just don't really know anything about. He's a country music star. So the country, the country folks will know him. Japanese breakfast is the big one on Saturday. I'm excited, or Friday, rather, I'm excited for. Unfortunately, they go up the exact same time as sticks, which is one of those where it's like, yeah, I don't really care about sticks, but I would absolutely watch a stick set, just if I had the opportunity.
Starting point is 00:29:49 So, I will not get to see them, but Japanese breakfast have never seen live, very excited to just like soak that one up because I think she's very, she's not only a great musician, but just like a great kind of all-around artist. Apparently she has a book that I haven't read yet. I would like to read that at some point. And then Saturday we have the big the big headliner that you got to pay extra for if you
Starting point is 00:30:13 want to see him as Imagine Dragons. Field of a Fonda. So I'm sure Rachel will want to do that. She's a big big dragon head. The ones that we could see Smokey Robinson who I would definitely be interested in checking out, Fleet Foxes, which is basically like, if a long winter's nap was a band, I'm pumped for that. Walk the moon, there's no time on yet. I'm sure that one's probably gonna be like the most popular out of all of these I would think.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I feel like they're just very like pop plugged in right now. And then Neo, who I don't really know but that got some got some attention when I told the friends and then Scott and McCreary all the all the idle heads out there will be pumped but that's at the same time as Fleet Foxes so we'll see we'll see what happens there and then apparently I Morgan Wade is a famous person she will be there and I'm just now learning because of the picture next to her that it's it is a sheet I think I was getting her confused with Morgan Wallin
Starting point is 00:31:10 So I was thinking that super racist homophobic Country guy was gonna be at summer fest this weekend, but that's not the case Okay, we have just one quick summer fest trivia question for you. I think it's a pretty solid one And so let's see do we have the year on this? Okay, it was so my question I did I did not write out But it will start big and we'll give you some clues as needed to narrow it down Okay, in 1972 at Summer Fest, this legendary comedian was arrested and charged with disorderly
Starting point is 00:31:50 conduct when he walked off the stage after finishing his set at Summer Fest. So this was a comedian, this was not a musician. Again, in 1972, this legendary comedian was arrested with disorderly conduct. And I will say this, it was because of his set. So there's your kind of big picture question. There's a little anecdote that apparently, he was able to stall long enough on stage when he learned that he was going to be arrested to dispose of some cocaine that he apparently
Starting point is 00:32:26 had on him. So again, this was 1972. Okay, so your clue, which will probably, if you didn't know it yet, because I guess that's still pretty broad, but this will give it away if you have any familiarity with the comic. The act that he performed that got him arrested is very well known, and it is called Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television. All right, so there you go. So again, I don't have any more clues. We'll just give it away here in a second.
Starting point is 00:32:54 But 1972, this legendary comic was arrested with this orderly conduct after walking or finishing his set and walking off the stage. And the set that he performed was called seven words you can never say on television. The answer is of course George Carlin. So there you go there's your bean-tongued podcast trivia question of the week. You can email us bean-tongued podcast again this bean-tongued podcast letting us know how you did. That's what I got for you. We went a little bit longer than I wanted to. I apologize, but sometimes you get talking about dialed destiny. You just can't stop. It's kind of our destiny
Starting point is 00:33:30 on the bean-tum podcast to talk longer than we thought we were going to want to talk. But there you go. There's a little early, little early, uh, Fourth of July Christmas present for you, early bean-tum podcast. It'll be another 10 days or so before we come back at you with our next installment. But there you go, it's a little mid-summer break for you. I hope everyone is having a great summer, a great July. I hope you didn't blow any fireworks or blow any fingers off with fireworks yesterday. I was asleep by about 9.15.
Starting point is 00:34:01 It was awesome. And pretty much slept right through all the fireworks, which was great. That's what I got for everyone. I hope that you have a great weekend. Stay safe, stay sane. I will check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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