Beantown Podcast - Super 8 in Carbondale Memories (12152023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: December 15, 2023

Arby's and wine. Fazoli's and Goose Island. New holiday memories are being made every year here on the Beantown Podcast!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Tom podcast for Friday December 15th, 2023. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? 10 days until Christmas There was ever a more perfect time to play minskies or all the trio's Christmas is coming from their Charlie Brown Christmas album. It would be now which actually I wasn't planning this but one of my show notes for today involved the Charlie Brown Christmas so I'll just let you know what it was. After I remind you that listen to your discretion and advise when you're listening to this program number one we'll catch you in
Starting point is 00:00:47 some language. Number two the podcast is objectively terrible and again my name is Quinn I'm the creator producer host etc etc etc at all. I always wanted to use at-all in writing. I pretty much did at-all when I was using APA format when I wrote my master's thesis and any papers I wrote in my graduate degree program. Because it's like basically the first time you cite something that has multiple authors, you got to list them all out. But then moving forward when it happens in the rest of your paper, you just have to write the first person's name alphabetically
Starting point is 00:01:25 and then at all, Al, not Al, ET, phone home, space, Al. Good stuff. And then, then, comma, and then the year, 1982 or whatever you cited. I don't know, it's not my paper. And shout out to our friends in Pakistan. Thank you for listening to this program and making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Karachi, Kiber Pass, wherever you're listening from. Thank you. So I was just reading, I think this was on one of my nights this week where I was sitting in my hotel room doing who knows what watching sports on TV. Listening to a Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack I
Starting point is 00:02:12 think. I also mentioned that I had this in my show notes. It's just legendary a couple of nights I was in. Oh there's gosh there's so much here. I'll try to let me talk about Charlie Brown first, then I'll just paint the, we'll do a rundown in my trip. I just got back last night from Southern Illinois, which was really cool, and I'll talk about it in a second here. Gonna be a little bit of a Hodgepodge episode, kind of all over the place.
Starting point is 00:02:37 We also got some archaic Christmas words and phrases we're gonna go through, ad reads, I just finished a Carrie Fisher memoir that we're going to have some trivia from. So there's just a little bit of everything going on here. But I was reading the Wikipedia article about the Charlie Brown Christmas television special. And I found it really interesting. I was reading about the music. Everyone knows, you know, Vince Garald, the Vince Garaldi trio. That's his most, you know, famous What he's known for nowadays line is Lucy all that fun stuff
Starting point is 00:03:12 Excuse me and I wanted to mention what I found it so there's controversy Nowadays regarding like That actual that music and basically the controversy was that you know everyone knew that Vince Rolly wrote it and it was all his idea that's not really the issue here the controversy is that There is a they are used different musicians for different things so it's a Vince Rolly trio But that trio consisted of Vince Rolly and two other people On the only other person I really know by name
Starting point is 00:03:45 that's involved in that is Jerry Grinnelli, who has since passed away a couple of years ago. He was the drummer. And essentially what I found is that there was one trio that did the music for the soundtrack, which is what we all listen to. There was another trio that did the music for the actual special and It's different groups of people and then there were other studio musicians who were involved in recording
Starting point is 00:04:12 I don't you know I don't have a full rundown of like how they were involved But they were like two other bassists and two other Drummers listed on this Wikipedia article who have claimed to fame essentially unknown student musicians, I don't know their names. So in totalists like Vince Garaldi and Vince Garaldi Trio, but there's like, I don't know, one, two, three, four,
Starting point is 00:04:36 five, six other guys involved. And people, these certain musicians are like, no, that's me on this song that they used to my instruments on, you know, this track and the soundtrack, but then it was different in the special. So it's, I don't know, it's kind of just wild to me. You think of it, and since like, well, the way I think of it, and I'm not into music production, but, or knowledgeable about it, I would just think like, hey, they record this soundtrack.
Starting point is 00:05:06 That's, you know, the official soundtrack, whatever, and then they just use those tracks, they recorded, you know, edited and spliced and stuff for the, for the television special, but that's not actually how it works. I don't know if that was more of an old school thing, or if that's still the way that things like that are done today, if you have, I don't know, just take, for example, I don't know, just take, for example, I don't know, the last Star Wars they made, right? Star Wars 9. John Williams' score is what you hear in the movie was that recorded separately from the official soundtrack that you can buy on Spotify or whatever. That's basically the equivalent that we're talking about. So
Starting point is 00:05:41 interesting stuff. But I also, I wanted to mention I was gone this week. I was traveling, took a road trip. I had, you know, a ton of PTO days, five to be exact that I had to take. Actually, six, I have another one this week that I had to take by the end of the year, use them or lose them days. So I waited and waited and waited and eventually decided, hey, I'm going to, yeah, it was a balance. I didn't want to just sit around here, for five days, it would be nice, R&R, read some books, good stuff. You can travel around the city and stuff,
Starting point is 00:06:15 but I was just like, I want to get out and explore a little bit. And so it was determining where to go as a balance between not wanting to spend a ton of money, was determining where to go as a balance between like not wanting to spend a ton of money, but also wanting to go somewhere that was new and interesting to me. So I settled on renting a car. I drove down to Southern Illinois, stayed in Carmandale. A super eight in Carmandale, which anytime that that like concept or phrase flashed in my mind, I was always like, this has got John candy in a John Hughes
Starting point is 00:06:46 Movie written all over whether it's playing strings and automobiles or home alone or Uncle Buck I think because that was that was John Hughes as well. I don't know if they have any other If they did any other work together besides those three films, but It was It was it was perfectly fine. It wasn't a very exciting super eight, and that's good, right? If you walk away from the super eight motel and Carmandale three nights at like $56, $56, $57 a night, and you don't have any wild crazy stories, that's a signature win in my book.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I didn't really hear of the neighbors and my TV worked and the bed was fine. It didn't have any big bed bugs in it. I did do a thorough inspection before I started. So just like imagine, imagine, you know, you drive down there. It's a start of your quick trip, three, four days, and you wake up and you got like bed bug issues. It's just gonna kinda dampen the whole experience. But yeah, it was a perfectly normal hotel room. I could see my car from my window, so, it's pretty safe and secure, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:03 super eight in Carmanell has just got kind of that 1980s feel good Christmas movie written all over, right? So I was staying out of Carmanellis where the main campus of Southern Illinois, Southern Illinois University is located. There's S I U C and S I U E, which is Edwardsville, which is near St. Louis, it's like a suburb southeast St. Louis, across the river. But I kind of chose it. It was just like, you know, the closest major town to the hikes I was doing.
Starting point is 00:08:34 The thing down there that was new to me, you know, I'd never really been down that area, basically the southern tip of Illinois. And what I learned, you know, I always thought in my mind, like, okay, it's the Shawnee National Forest, that's what's down there. And that's true. But that only covers a portion, the actual National Forest only covers a portion of what's going on down there. And there's just a lot of like his like national historic places, national historic forest, you know, protected, national historic forest,
Starting point is 00:09:05 you know, protected forest, state forest, state parks, there's all sorts of different destinations, but it's not like all part of the Shawnee National Forest. So I think that was what caught me off guard because when I committed to going down there, it wasn't like, okay, I'm definitely gonna see this. I'm gonna see that. I have to see this.
Starting point is 00:09:22 It was all just kind of like a lot of spur of the moment. I would plan out my hikes as best as I could the night before, but even then beyond that, I was like, I don't know where I'm going to drive after I finished my hike. So I drove down there Monday at the Car Monday morning. It's like a six hour drive down there. Actually first I went to the Garden of the Gods, which is South East, I'm Sleshe East, of Carbondale by like a full hour. So I went there first and that's probably the most like the famous picturesque place. Excuse me, down there, it's a really beautiful like rock bluff formation that has good views of, you know, the surrounding area. It's only probably, I don't know, five or six miles from the Ohio River across from Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I went down there, I did a, there's a couple of different things going on there. Garden of the gods, like the nature loop is only like half a mile, if that. It's very much like a touristy, go there, have a picnic, bring your little kids, it's not really a hike, it's more of just like a nice path. I did that second. First, I did the Indian Point Trail, which is more of just like a, you know, pretty standard forest walk, but with a nice like bluff outlook. A lot of bluffs, a lot of bluffs in Southern Illinois, bluff B, L, U, F, F. I could start a hiking podcast down there called Call My Bluff, where I just
Starting point is 00:10:51 Describe different bluffs and I I give them give them names remember that that book call me by your name with Two guys Timothy Shalame and army hammer whose careers have gone in drastically different directions since that film came out in Whatever it was 2017 excellent excellent film film bow, especially the peach scene. So I did the in need point trail and then garden of the gods, like nature walk, whatever they call it, then drove to the Kruger in East Carmandale. And I picked up, let's see, I got a six pack of beer. I was very disappointed by the Kruger beer selections.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I wanted something local and they just like didn't have it So I just got some goo salad and I had to get my pop tarts brown sugar and cinnamon best kind Not not you know no no contest Mike granola bars and then a nice little can of peanuts unsalted for the hikes every day and So they had I was Monday and then Tuesday. Tuesday was the big one. I was very proud of myself.
Starting point is 00:11:47 There's a state park just south of Carbneau called Giant City. What sounds like a discount grocery store, doesn't it? Is Giant? Is that a grocery store? I don't know, but Giant City. Maybe that's like the bodega version in Manhattan, something like that. It's like a tiny little version of it with self-checkout lanes and super narrow aisles
Starting point is 00:12:07 and it's called Giant City. And everything is supposed to be discount but it's actually super expensive because it's Manhattan. That's my vision for Giant City, the grocery chain. But I hiked, so there's this state park Giant City has a lot of like little ish hikes going on in like one mile two miles That sort of thing. There's all sorts of different like terrain and landscapes And I decided let's go for the big fish basically the longest day hike in southern Illinois because there's actually there's a couple different
Starting point is 00:12:41 Big trails down there. There's there's one that's river to river Which goes from the Mississippi to the Ohio. I think it's like 120 miles long, something like that. And so that's something that people occasionally do. You know, like a probably like two weeks, a week maybe. I guess a week, a week would be pretty gnarly. I think it's 120 miles. So a week you'd have to legit be doing 25,
Starting point is 00:13:04 like 15, 20 miles a day. Which it's like yeah, you can do that once or I could do that once But then I would not be able to like do that many days in a row So I guess probably like 10 days two weeks probably people take for that and then I also came across this that I think It's called tunnel hill state trail something like that and that one significant. It's why I think more like 50 miles long. But so you'll see some people like, or I didn't kind of a theme of this trip. I didn't see people, which was like nice because part of the trip was about like just disconnecting largely from just a lot of stuff going on and just kind of being alone with my thoughts.
Starting point is 00:13:41 But you're also just like never seeing people. Because it's, you know, middle of the week in December, not exactly like peak hiking time. Although, I will take hiking in these places in December over any other month because it was still warm. It was like mid fifties, but you don't have to worry about bugs really or you know ticks Anything like that even I think like the snakes which is kind of what these these parks down there are someone known for From an animal perspective. I think a lot of I don't actually know anything about the like hibernation of snakes is that a thing? Let's let's learn something here on the bean-tompog yesterday to snakes Hibernate because I didn't see any and there's a lot supposedly a lot of snakes down there Oh, I I've known this reptiles including snakes and amphibians brumate. There's a word for it
Starting point is 00:14:35 B.R.U.M.A.T.E over the winter. It's not hibernation and said snake stop eating us the temperature drops or metabolism slows down And they look for an underground place to hide from surface temperature changes. So I'm guessing most of the copperheads and the rattlesnakes, it's not like a classic rattlesnake, I think it's called like a Midwestern rattlesnake or something, but they have them there. You know, pythons, boas, king comas, whatever kind of snakes were in giant city in the surrounding areas, I think they were brumating, which is kind of scary because a lot of the hiking that was going on was just like walking through just completely covered forest beds,
Starting point is 00:15:15 covered in leaves and lots of holes and stuff. And it's like, there could have been a poisonous viper. And the copperheads are actually poisonous. Could have been a poisonous viper copperhead or that's in, that snake, Ka, KAA, what is that? KAA, KAA from Reddyard Kippling's Jungle Book. Could have been anywhere. I think it just got lucky that I didn't step on a broom-aiding snake at any point. But I think the only, so some, the animals I saw were largely squirrels,
Starting point is 00:15:50 couple birds here and there. I did on my second big hiking day. I did see what were either black vultures or turkey vultures, really cool, just huge wingspan flying above my head, which was kind of ominous, but it turned into nothing, so jokes on them. And then I saw a bald eagle one day and then a really nice hawk, as well. I don't know my different hawk types, but this was a big boy. So some good bird action. Nothing really in the reptile department, which is fine. If I had to choose between
Starting point is 00:16:27 encountering a poisonous copperhead six miles from my car and not even though it would have been a good photo, it's probably better than they did not encounter it. So my first day, there's a they call the Red Seater Trail which basically just goes around the entire giant City State Park. It's both supposedly 12 Ishmaels. I did that pros where that the whole trail is marked with red diamonds on the trees every, I don't know, sometimes it would be every 50 feet, sometimes it would be more like 100, 150 feet.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And for the most part, I succeeded in that trail. There's one point where you're crossing a stream, which happens many, many times, but where you basically do like, after you cross the stream, you essentially do like a 270-degree turn to keep going, and the diamonds are not really present in that area and you couldn't really see the trail because kind of a theme I mentioned I didn't really see people a theme of all this hiking I did this week was that it is not well marked at all. This is not like going to you know Shenandoah National Park or you know Glacier National
Starting point is 00:17:42 Park whatever and you get all these famous, or not famous, but well marked, well traveled hiking trails. These were literally like in the middle of a forest, haven't seen anyone for hours. I think the path is there, but there's also other paths that go here, that go there, whatever. So I got lost, that was the first time I got lost this week, first of many, but it was really the only time
Starting point is 00:18:03 on that trail, And yeah, it's about 12 miles. There's a campground halfway on the other side of the park. So about 6-7 miles in. Stopped there, had my peanuts and then kept going. It was good. It was nice, very sweaty because you have to start and you start 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock in the morning. It's pretty cold out. It's in the thirties. So you got to start with your winter coat on in your hat. And then by the time you finish, it's like early afternoon, the sun's been out.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It's like some days it got up to 60. And so you're just like sweating your balls off. But that's what you got to do. You got to be smart when you're hiking. So that was Red Seater, then drove to Cape Gerardo. I assume it's a French thing, it's Missouri. I don't know, is it Gerardo or Gerardo? I never actually asked anyone.
Starting point is 00:18:54 This is kind of embarrassing. Because I had a rental car that had the rental plate Missouri. So if they saw me roll up in my Nissan Altima with the Missouri plates and I had to ask how to say this city's name and you'd get laughed out of town Maybe even shot. I don't know what's Missouri. You got to be cautious Went down there had some drinks at a brewery and then took a nice little picture by the Mississippi River East Cape Gerardo Gerardo. How would you say Geridelli chocolate? East Cape Jerardo, Gerardo, however you say, Giri deli chocolate is on the other side
Starting point is 00:19:26 of the Mississippi in Illinois. I've never seen a town quite this, I mean, I've seen some very sad towns and my travels across the country, but this is literally just, it's a town of like 400 people, which is hard to believe because there are just like, aren't neighborhoods along this main road.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So you're driving along the state, you know, highway, whatever it is, about to cross, you know, this beautiful bridge over the Mississippi into Missouri. The whole town is just located along this one street. And I think I remember seeing a strip club that was clearly closed for about 20 years and maybe like a tractor supply thing. And then I don't know, like one or two mobile homes.
Starting point is 00:20:11 It would, I've seen some sad sad towns in this country, but let's see what it looks like when you Google East, Cape, Gerardo, G-I, damn French, hard to pronounce, how to spell these words. Gerardo GI, damn French, hard to pronounce, how to spell these words. G-I-R-A-R-D-E-A-U, then we'll go to images. We'll see exactly what we're seeing. Here's this one on Yelp with this building, but it's the best 10 best things to do
Starting point is 00:20:40 near East Cape Gerardo. Yeah, this is not actually in it. If you look at the Wikipedia image they use, that gives you a pretty good, yeah, you can see it. The pony, that's what it's called. Girls, girls, girls. The ultimate strip joint, some billboards. On the other side, it looks like a KFC that was closed.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I see carpet corner with two Ks, K, AR E T corner K O R and E R I guess there you know it's southern Illinois there's one K away a mobile station and some more billboards and you gotta just go to the Wikipedia entry for East K Gerardo and look at this image and you will see that it is yeah just one of the wildest things I've ever seen. But that bridge is nice. Here's another good image of the the pony, the ultimate strip joint. This their science says Xmas Party 1216, sexy Miss Clause and St. Nick Contest and they have a company car. It's a pig
Starting point is 00:21:47 Which reminds me I saw the I saw the Oscar Meyer winner Mobile and Southern Illinois when I was driving down there on Monday. So there you go East Cape, Jerrodo never forget To to cap things off your Wednesday. I went to oh I went to the swamp. That was kind of cool I had seen some pictures when I was researching online. So I went to oh I went to the swamp. That was kind of cool. I had seen some pictures when I was researching online so I went to let's see all I'm trying to remember it's a bunch of different things that are connected in a trail system. I saw the Heron pond, Heron pond boardwalk which I you know the whole time you're walking in this boardwalk above this this bright green swamp and I'm thinking monopoly like how how much would this this swamp this buy you in southern Illinois cost in original monopoly where you know it
Starting point is 00:22:33 wouldn't be like the last space in the board it would be more like those light blues where were they Connecticut oriental and something else. I always I always I think that was like the most popular monopoly that I ever got those light blues the second one on the board it goes dark purple you know Baltic Mediterranean and then the light blues and then the the the jail and then you got the other the start of the next side is like the oranges and the greens is that the furthest corner from go. And then you get free parking, which we always use as like the money jackpot. I don't think that's officially how you're supposed to play, but that's what we did.
Starting point is 00:23:17 You know, you're, that's where your luxury tax goes or your community chest payments. And then it goes the reds, which was like Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky. Then the yellows, Marvin Gardens, Atlantic, and I don't know, vet, nurse, something like that. And then the greens, Pacific, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, something like that. And then the blues, the light blues, boardwalk, and park place. So I think the hair and pond boardwalk, even though it was well maintained, I think this is more like a if they if they were going to introduce like a third dark purple or a fourth light blue, then I think this is where Heron pond boardwalk would go, but it was it was interesting, you know, there wasn't a lot of like life going on. I was hopeful,
Starting point is 00:24:01 I was hopeful, I would see like a muskrat or something or a beaver or one of those you know, venomous copperheads they got down there, but Tino Avail. And then ended up hiking around Boss Island, which is kind of just like surrounded by a river on one side and it swamped on the other. I don't think it's an official island, but Boss Island really, I couldn't get a good picture of it because of the location of the sun. I mean It just kind of drowned out everything else that you were looking at, but really just like the black, the little black, and I don't know how to say this word actually. I did some research online and I was trying to basically sound like there are different ways to say it. And from what I could tell, there wasn't an agreed upon pronunciation.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So the spelling is S-L-O-U-G-H. So it could be slew, slough, slough, slow, and I was doing like the YouTube thing, like how to pronounce this word. And I people were just like, oh, it's this, no, it's that. And I was watching a hiking channel and it's like pronounced dead. I think it pronounced it slew,
Starting point is 00:25:03 which seemed like the least common way I would think of it. So I don't know, little black slew. When I saw it, I first I was like this sluf, SLOUGH, but I don't know, it's all French stuff down there. So I hiked around there and then went up to Wildcat Bluff, didn't see any Wildcats, no links, no old copies, no Garfield, my favorite wild cat, no boo-boo-ee, North Western wild cats, vascular. Didn't they just lose to UIC or Chicago State? I
Starting point is 00:25:39 didn't know anyone could actually lose to Chicago State. That's crazy. But yeah, that whole thing was probably about 10 miles, something like that. And the only time I got lost there, I was hiking around Boss Island. And it's just like a loop. So in your mind, you're just like, follow this one trail. And this was, you know, this hike, everything, the whole trail was like very wide, you know, easy to see, whatever, not like not hard to follow. But you get to a point like the southwest end of the loop, like halfway through it, and the path diverge, and I'm just thinking, well, there's nothing on the map that mentions the path, two paths starting here and a branch, so I'm just going to stay to the far left, because you're just trying to go in a clockwise circle. Walk down that, and other
Starting point is 00:26:27 like quarter of a mile, third of a mile, and eventually the trail just turns up into the forest and just goes away, disappears. And so, this was a theme of my trip. I'm just kind of walking through down branches and stuff, making sure I know where I'm supposed to be in position to the sun, where I'm trying to go go and just be like, don't think there's really a trail here. So, turned around, took the other path, and yes, that was right. And it's just like, who, who even created this other spur? Where were they going? It just disappears in the forest, there's nothing there. So, only the other thing I saw on this trail, that was really cool. You cross the train tracks a couple times. I felt exactly like Stephen King's stand by me.
Starting point is 00:27:12 There's a clue for you. Stephen King, that's your trivia hint for today. And we'll get to our trivia question a little bit. Here we also have the palindrum of the day. We got ad reads. We got to keep this moving. But across the train tracks, and then there's this really cool cabin, I guess. Just a two-room cabin.
Starting point is 00:27:31 It's, the door is open. Some of the like windows are shuttered. Some of them are not. But it was like pretty spooky, right? Cabin in the woods kind of stuff. I hadn't read about this. I hadn't seen anything about it before I got there and so you're just like very Very cautiously poking around because I you know, I don't I haven't seen anyone on this trail any of my trails
Starting point is 00:27:55 Oh that I've hiked so far and it's just like there could be a you know Panther living in here or a bear or a crazy forest homeless man, I don't know. But no, there was no one who actually lived in there. Just a two room thing, except for some bats that flew out. That was a little bit spooky. I felt like a Christian Bale at the in the bottom of a well, if you will, like baby Jessica. But I was reading a little bit about it online and apparently it was like a 19th century kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And from what I read, at some point there were eight people, I don't know if it was one family, but eight people living in there, this is two-room thing. There was never, you know, like electricity connected, obviously, or anything like that, or gas, from what I could tell. And the other thing too, is like there was no outhouse or anything like that, or gas from what I could tell. And the other thing too is like there was no outhouse or anything like that. So I guess back when this was a thing, they just like went into the woods and did their
Starting point is 00:28:52 business. And I don't know, rubbed their booties with tree bark. They could have used those shaman bears if they were around back then to help. But it seems like from, again, from what I read online that it's been like fully abandoned since the 1950s. So kind of cool, this thing's been sitting there for like 70 years and it's in pretty bad disarray, but it was still there kind of between the river and the train track. So right on the path, kind of a cool thing to see. Excuse me, and then went to Jorodana Paduka.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And then went to, uh, Jorodon to Paduka. Excuse me, fun town to say. PA, D, U, C, A, H, uh, after that. But I'm way down there. I stumbled upon a town that I never, uh, never would have, uh, guest was, was there or had any knowledge of beforehand. I went through Metropolis, which is Superman's hometown. If you don't know, the Metropolis that was in the Superman cartoons was a fictional town. They just picked the name. I don't know if they were aware of a
Starting point is 00:29:51 Metropolis, Illinois or what, but it wasn't based on Metropolis, Illinois. But Metropolis, the town in Illinois, the real place actually then took it upon themselves to rebrand themselves as Superman's hometown rectal rectal. So there's a Superman statue there and also it's a Superman related stuff. They do the Superman annual convention there. So metropolis Illinois, who would have thought it's far south, far southern Illinois, kind of like Hyro. K-ro however they say it there. I went to Paduka and drank some beer there, had a blood orange
Starting point is 00:30:33 chocolate imperial stout. And it was sublime if I may be so bold. SUB L-I-M-E. And then yeah, yesterday was my last day and interesting thing yesterday. So I went to the Panthers Den Wilderness. No, there are not any Panthers that live in Southern Illinois, just venomous snakes. But they named it that because of these rock formations. And there's a lot of like not not full blown caves, but just, you know, things that were apparently look like they'd be good for a Panther to live in.
Starting point is 00:31:09 The interesting thing that happened to me, and I believe it's hard to remember all of the hikes in one's lifetimes, but I believe that this was the first time that I've ever gone so lost on a hike that I just had to wave the white flag and turn around. Basically at the 50% mark of this loop, the Panther Den loop, you're following along this river bed, which is partially dry, partially not. First you got to know where to cross, and I figured that out eventually. But then there's just like legit, like four different paths that go up into the hills, and you have to pick one of them. And I know from my map, I had that,
Starting point is 00:31:47 the contour map was like, yes, I need to be going uphill here. But I try it all of them. You would go up for a couple hundred yards. You lose the trail and you're like, I don't think this is right. I know this is a general correct direction. Then you're like, okay, well, if I'm not 100% sure because it doesn't look like there's any trail here,
Starting point is 00:32:08 you gotta just turn back and try another one, right? Because there are many different options. And after I exhausted all of them, I was just like, running out of time because I had to drive those six hours back home after that. And I just, I had to call it quits. If I had unlimited time, or if I just wasn't driving back the day, I would have gone back to the start basically and just gone the other way around.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And I'm guessing it's easier that way to actually navigate. But then I was reading on all trails afterwards and I was not. This, this may be a little bit better, although I'm still upset at myself. But I was definitely not the only one who could not figure it out. So Yeah, Panthers then will there. And I see if you ever go down there if you go clockwise, which is what I did good luck when you cross the river and you got to go up into the hills because could not figure it out and I consider myself to be and I consider myself to be a decently intelligent hiker.
Starting point is 00:33:09 So, and no phone service or anything like that. So, Panthers and Wilderness, I lost. Otherwise, had a good time. And I'll always have the memories of the super eight in Carmeldale. One night I got a bottle of wine, and I was eating arbees like a king next night drinking some goose islands eating some fizzollis Lasagna some of the worst lasagna I've ever had in my life just
Starting point is 00:33:34 Just garbage, but you got to do what you got to do when you're chilling at the super eight in carbon deal So that was my that was my trip down to Southern Illinois this week. And it's only 10 days till Christmas, so we'll do our Paladrum of the Day and then a little bit of trivia and we'll talk a little bit more Christmas or trivia and then we'll finish it up. But today's Paladrum of the Day is holiday themed.
Starting point is 00:34:00 So here we go. A Santa lived as a devil at NASA. Santa and Satan are always their prime for like a Palendromic activity, P-A-L-I-N-D-R-O-M-I-C Palendromic activity. Here it is one more time. A Santa lived as a devil at NASA. So there you go. That is today's Palendrom of the day. Brought to you by our good friends at Homebite Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what
Starting point is 00:34:28 it's worth? All because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. While Oregon listeners have got good news for you, Home Pride inspection services in Bandoorgan is central organs, this new home inspection provider. With inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more, home-part organ is both contractors certified and home-inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, a little more angle hold on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home-inspector that you can trust, you got to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or visit home-part
Starting point is 00:35:02 Again, that's 541-410-0316 or visit homepide Oregon dot com again. That's 541 410316 or visit homepide Oregon dot com homepide Oregon inspection perfection Speaking of perfection imperfection today as I Proofread a timeless classic Robert Schumann's fantasy shook Fantasy Stook. It's a fun word to say. F-A-N-T-A-S-I-E-S-T-U with some of those cool dots over them. C-K-E, Fantasy Stook.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I had played one or two of the pieces, like officially in high school, learned them, memorized them, that sort of thing. But it's a collection, I don't know. If you play it the way it's supposed to be played, it'll probably take you like 20 minutes. It took me like 40 minutes. But great little musical collection there. It's just like 48 pages long. Go give it a listen if you like.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I'm gonna do that later. And I can hear what it was actually supposed to sound like. It's tough. These romantic composers, 19th century stuff, and proposed Beethoven. They get into all sorts of double flats and you know key signatures changing at will and just gets a little bit tricky. Shuman Van Tyshe Stuck, also a good friends at Samson Q2U series. When you need crisp clear audio quality, trust the experts at Samson,
Starting point is 00:36:24 they'll give you first king, second king's, trust the experts at Samson. They'll give you first king, second king's chronicles as Renia Maya. I was reading the story of Esther the other day because it's Hanukkah. Hanukkah started on last Thursday. I think we talked about Hanukkah last week. So today the last day of Hanukkah, Hanukkah, eight days, is that right? Happy Hanukkah, Hanukkah, eight days, is that right? Happy Hanukkah, did those celebrate. But, you know, if you're gonna read, if you're gonna do a reading out loud of the book of Esther,
Starting point is 00:36:50 you're gonna wanna use a Samson Q2U series. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. I also had a holy Bible in my super eight in Carmandale. And so I was flipping through it a little bit. Mostly just how to curiosity is reading the four gospels just to try to jog my memory on how they deal with the birth of Christ. I feel like the whole birth of Christ thing gets so much
Starting point is 00:37:13 attention this time of year for obvious reason, but there's not actually that much going on in the Bible about it. Kind of interesting. One of the books, I think it's like Mark or something. The book's, the, the Mark starts and Jesus is like 47. We didn't, we skipped a lot. So it's kind of interesting. By the way, just drinking water here today. In early afternoon podcast, it is my last day of occasion. It's a two, two tending the afternoon here. Almost almost sundown. And then
Starting point is 00:37:46 finally Bob and we've we all know the narrative narrative. That's not what might know. Say well we all know how this adreads going to go. We all we all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago based in and pun barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter cuts by Q. It's a little like Enter Sandman only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barber shop operations serving Chicago Cook County, Chicago and in Northwest Indiana. From Bives to Banks, Full Hocs to Flat Top and everything in between, call cuts by Q8152987200 or email cutsby Q at Yahoo dot com again. That's cuts Q U T Z by Q at Yahoo dot com
Starting point is 00:38:35 Oh, and you need to fresh do some snappier news call the experts at cuts by Q My my my my my live my drive was so long yesterday found myself listening to a 90-minute concert recording of a Brian Setser Christmas, which is just too much. Brian Setser Christmas. It's fun for like half an hour, and then he'll play like the eighth song that is just some like blues progression of him singing about. I'm saying to the baby for you tonight or something like that, And it's like, I think I heard this song four times already. In fact, it's so extreme. There's a certain lick he does with his guitar. And I notice in two separate songs, and it's like, bro, you're doing the same lick.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I'm a big Brian Setser fan, by the way. But he does the same lick in multiple songs, just kind of, it really adds to the feeling of fear driving in Central Illinois and you see nothing but cornfields in the Effingham Cross. If you don't know what that is, Google search that. Things huge. I think it's the second largest cross in the world. And it's just like, I think I heard this look before. I think I saw that cornfield before,
Starting point is 00:39:41 and turns out sometimes it's true. So, there you go. But I made it. Let's jump into just a couple. We're going to wrap this quickly. But I was listening to, I think it's Jingle Bells that mentioned Bob Bobtail, right? Yeah, here we go. So I have a list of this from mental This is 10. I haven't vetted this at all. We're not going to read through the whole thing, but I'll just pick and choose what is interesting to me. And you can let us know if you've maybe as I get to something and you're like, Oh, no, I know what that means. When you're just weird, mental floss does make sense. Or mental
Starting point is 00:40:19 floss is behind the times on their knowledge. EmilMails, Bean Tom Podcast at and this bean Tom being podcast at And this article is from 2017. So hey, any of those newer Justin Bieber Christmas songs, maybe they have some archaic words I need explaining to. This isn't on the list, but I was always mesmerized by Gold, Franken's Ensen Mer. It's like, I know gold, pretty straightforward.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Franken's Ensen just makes me think of Frankenstein. Thinking of some like spice that was put together from the limbs of eight other spices, I don't know. And then Mer is the ultimate just. Mer sounds like something you would, we had this flash game growing up called Motherload, where you're like, it's like DigDug. Basically, you're like a minor, not a foreign moon or something, and you like, progress to get more and more valuable resources to further down your drill.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Mer could totally be like the third resource you come across. MYRRH, is that how you spell Mer? I don't even know, but let's proceed here. So the reason I thought of this was I was listening to Jingle Bells and they mentioned Bobtail. Bells on Bobtail is like, what the heck is a Bobtail? My first instinct was, well, it's a Bobcat with a tail and they strung a bell on it, but I don't really know, you know, there's not, it doesn't seem to be a lot of overlap
Starting point is 00:41:41 between Bobcats and Christmas. There's Bobcats and Charlotte, Mark Carolina, but not really Christmas so much. So, bells on Bobtail. Bobtail is the name of the horse. Rather, sorry, but Bobtail actually, first of the style of the horse is tail. A tail cut short or a tail gathered up and tied in a knot, which you sometimes see in your massage. Great word, D-R-E-S-S-A-G-E events these days. I don't know about you guys if I have a horse I'm never tying a knot with its tail. That'd be kind of Seems like a pretty shitty thing to do
Starting point is 00:42:17 Number two there we got upshot. No, upshot. Not upset upshot. U-P-S. What can Brown do for you, OT. Apparently this is from an often ignored verse, but the full lyric goes, this is from Jingle Bells. The horse was lean and lank, misfortune, it seemed a lot, I never heard this verse before. We ran into a drifted bank and there we got upset. Sounds like something mischievous
Starting point is 00:42:42 happening in that snow bank. It means upset or overturned. So you got why they just changed upset to upset to fit the rhyme. That's just lazy writing. Troll the ancient eul-tide carol. That's deck the hall is actually. Today's lingo this phrase gives us the visions of mean people on the internet. But in the 1800s, a word troll was often used
Starting point is 00:43:05 with one of its now little known meetings to sing loudly and clearly. So it's like toll, but troll. I'm finding a lot of these words if you just are like, oh, it sounds like this word. Like you're doing GRE, prep or something like that. It's actually right. Pray you doodifully prime your mat and chime e-ringers.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I don't know what song this is going to be from. Make you beautifully rhyme R-I-M-E, your e-time song e-singer, ding dong merrily and high. No one listens to ding dong merrily and high anymore. That's one of those I could have included in my list last week. It's not so much that I hate it. It's just like we're not pilgrims anymore, so we don't have to sing ding dong merrily and high. Still through the clothing skies they come from it came upon a midnight clear no one knows the the The second verse to it came upon a midnight clear
Starting point is 00:43:53 Even then it's like okay it came upon a midnight clear when Heavenly hosts percolate now. I don't even know the first verse. I know the title of it came upon a midnight clear That's pretty much where it stops for me. Let's move past it. The Holly Bears of Bark is bitter as any gale. GALL. I need my glasses, gosh. I don't have glasses. That's a bigger problem. From the Holly and the Ivy, no one's thought about that song since the Clinton administration, okay. How are they leave so verdant from Oak Christmas tree for verdant green French bird right there Vern Vern Troyer rest in peace. Vern is the name of Gary Shanling's turtle character and over the hedge a Lot of good Vern action And then pretend that he's partisan brown. All there's a classic from winter wonderland
Starting point is 00:44:41 Parsons can be a word for a member of the clergy, especially a Protestant pastor. So just like Father Brown, isn't he like a detective in a series of novels or something like that? I don't know, never read it. The cattle are lowing the poor baby wakes from weighing a manger. Who needs a knight?
Starting point is 00:44:58 This isn't archaic. Cattle are lowing. They're, you know, they're deep murmurs probably. Yeah, when a cattle goes mow it's lowing obviously. Everyone knows that. Um, last one here, this is from, this is from a poem. More rapid than eagles, his coarsers, they came and so up to the house top, the coarsers, they flew from visit from St. Nicholas. A corsair, okay, we're going to end on a positive note, actually learned something. Corsair is another word for a fast horse, and the author of a visit from St. Nicholas uses
Starting point is 00:45:35 it to refer to reindeer as well. So there you go. The next article here is how, have yourself a merry little Christmas went from morbid omen to holiday mainstay. There's a picture of Judy Garland meet me and see it Lewis. Okay, let's move past this stuff. Last thing here, our trivia question of the week, I've just finished reading called the Princess Diaries. One of, if not the last things that that Carrie Fisher every wrote, ever wrote.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And it was largely about her, just experiences on the set of Star Wars back in 1976. I filmed in London, and then in Tunisia as well, but I don't think she ever had to go there. But she was talking about, you know, this is basically like her first big thing and arguably her only big thing. But when she auditioned, I don't have the trivia question really built out here, but when she auditioned
Starting point is 00:46:33 for Star Wars, she simultaneously in the exact same like time and space more or less auditioned for another film. So that's my question for you, which other film, besides Star Wars, did Carrie Fisher audition for? And if you'll remember, the first hint that we dropped about 20 minutes ago was Stephen King. And the second hint I'll give you
Starting point is 00:46:59 is that when Carrie Fisher did her audition for Star Wars, it wasn't just for director George Lucas, there was another director in the room, Brian De Palma. So there you go. If you're a film buff like me, that'll make it pretty clear. Brian De Palma and 1976.
Starting point is 00:47:17 This film that she auditioned for came out in 1976. Star Wars was not until 1977, probably because there's just like a million post-production things you had to do for Star Wars. The last hand-tall to give you is that it would have been perfect for a carry Fisher to land this specific role. So there you go. Those are all your hints, email us, bean-tom podcast at there you go. Those are all your hints, emails, bean-tongued podcasts
Starting point is 00:47:46 at If you know the answer or you can tweet at us at bean-tonguedcast, I am at White Buns. I will have to mention something about Twitter or X as we wrap up here because it's crazy. I don't have an explanation for how it happened, but the answer, the role, the titular role, TITU LAR, that carry Fisher, simultaneously auditioned for carry. So, pretty simple answer. You've never seen carry, no spoilers, but Cissy Spacec got the role, and there's some some some prom associated with it. I what one of those films I watched, I was probably like 13, 14 or something, and I just got into a lot of older music albums and old rock and stuff, Eagles, Zeppelin and stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:37 But I would also watch a lot of older horror movies just because I wasn't allowed to see them when I was like six or seven for good reason. But as I got older, probably like into early high school, I was like, there's all these famous movies that I got to see. So that was one of them. I did see Carrie once and I ever saw the remake they did with what's her name? She, the Jack Donoghies nemesis. I'm gonna think of her name eventually, but I think it was just like a largely a shot for shot remake. So the last thing I'll say here, what happened to me on Twitter?
Starting point is 00:49:13 I was watching the, what was I even watching? Where was it here? This is good, good live air. Oh, I was watching Monday Night Football, so I got to my motel, which was the Super 8 in Carme d'Alene case you didn't know. And I will occasionally tweet about games or things I'm watching, but not that frequently.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Most of my Twitter is just reposts, like one or two a week, not super exciting. I don't, I have an explanation for why this blew up by my standards, but the tweet was just, because the so the Manning Cast did both Monday Night Football Games simultaneously, which was crazy. I don't know why they put two Monday Night Football Games on at the exact same time, but it happened. The Manning Cast did both of the, they were like jumping back and forth, you had to make a gut decision when to take commercial breaks. You had guests on.
Starting point is 00:50:06 It was chaotic. If you missed it, Nate Bergatzi came out and his dad is also a comedian slash magician. He brought his dad out on and his dad was doing magic tricks. All I said in my tweet was, Manning Cast with two games plus Nate Bergatzi's dad doing magic because the new level of chaos has shake Monday night, football has shake man and cast. This thing became my most liked tweet of all time, even compared to like some of the Vanderprumber rules,
Starting point is 00:50:34 live tweets I was doing, which by the way, new season out in January. This thing came, it's currently at 122 likes and 10 retweets and six comments. I don't, you know, I tweet about stuff all the time. I don't think that that particular tweet was anything like crazy. It was really just like a, you know, shooting from the hip kind of tweet that I do with some frequency.
Starting point is 00:50:58 But it kind of blew up. So interesting. Don't have an explanation for it. But it kind of blew up. So interesting. Don't have an explanation for it, but thank you for following me on Twitter. I'm at White Mons with a Z. And that just kind of unexpectedly happened this past week. So that's what I got for you guys.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Thank you so much for tuning into my show. 10 Days of Christmas. I hope everyone has their gifts in order. And I hope that everyone is staying warm wherever you are. And you know, go out and do something crazy this weekend. Stay safe, stay sane, get that outro music, queue it up, and we'll come at you next week with our Christmas special everyone
Starting point is 00:51:40 to have a great week. Talk you later, bye. Until everyone to have a great week, talk to you later, bye. nd nd Thank you.

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