Beantown Podcast - Thank God 4 Dry January (01012023 Beantown)

Episode Date: January 1, 2023

This was rough...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn-Dude Furnace. I don't know. I don't know what that was. Ten seconds into the show. And Graschban says, part of this track could not be played because he had too many instruments. It's the same two instruments. It's been for six years on this show. Mercy, hot start to 2023.
Starting point is 00:00:35 My name is Quinn David Furnace and this is my show Quinn David Furnace presents the Beentown podcast. This is Sunday, January 1st, 2023. Believe it or not, what's happened in Hauria? I always say things like I'm the caterer, the best boy, all that stuff, but I actually did some gaffing a couple days ago, getting ready for my brother's wedding, I was playing piano and I had to use gaffer's tape, is what they call that at the bar, to basically tape the the power cord along the
Starting point is 00:01:19 baseboard. So I am for a hot second there, I was the gaffer. But yeah, I do it all here. And you can be a blogger, a barber. You can check us out at, all that good stuff. Listen to discretion, advise, or listen to this show number one, location you some language,
Starting point is 00:01:41 number two, it's podcast subjectively terrible. It's gonna be a super short, because of just so many things I am exhausted. I am hungover. I really feel just bad, not good, frankly. It's just, it's absolutely crazy, man. Dry January is here. Thank God. Usually when January rolls are when dry January rolls around for me it's it's not like oh man I really needed this like time for a hard reset it's just kind of something
Starting point is 00:02:17 I do for fun but boy hard reset is the name of the game for January of 2023 four nights in a row of Lots of drinking three straight nights of open bar Just absolutely wild got to say congratulations To brother of the podcast Jack furnace on his big wedding two days ago. It was awesome. Great ceremony, great fun, great food, great dancing, great drinks. But, but man, I would be if I'm doing a conservative estimate here. So we had Wednesday bachelor party. And that was, I don't know, I didn't go crazy there, but that was probably like, I don't know, seven or eight drinks the entire day, which it could be worse. And it's about
Starting point is 00:03:12 to get worse. Thursday we had a rehearsal dinner, and that was, it was a two hour open bar window. And so I was moving fast, eating apps, playing ping pong, drinking real fast. That was probably another seven or eight drinks that day. And then wedding day between midday beers and dancing and stuff, probably, I don't know, 10 or 11. And then New Year's Eve party last night. Well, first a family brunch with mimosas and the New Year's Eve, probably, I don't know, 13, 14 drinks between brunch and then
Starting point is 00:03:58 kind of being sleepy in the afternoon and then getting ready and then pre-gaming and then an open bar and then I did stop myself at midnight. So the dry January is intact here, but we're moving slow. It's definitely one of those kind of delayed hangovers today. I don't know if anyone else gets these, but where you wake up and you actually feel okay and you're kind of like, oh, I guess I'm not going to be hung over and then it just gets progressively worse throughout the day. So chugging the water, got the carbs, like doing all that good stuff, but just one of those things.
Starting point is 00:04:38 But a happy new year, we've made it to 2023 and this will be our New Year's show, which will be extremely brief and uninteresting. And then we'll do our year five recap next week, I guess. And then we'll kick off year six. I guess in two weekends here, MLK Day weekend, is that right? Or is that the next one? It might be the next one. I can't remember. Or no, maybe it is not important. But man, what a weekend for love, what a weekend for celebrations, weekend for family, but very excited for dry January. And that's like all I have to say. Could we do a five minute show? Is that possible? No, it's we can't do it. We should say thank you to our our friends at home part of Oregon. We need your
Starting point is 00:05:42 home inspector in Central Oregon. You got to call someone who's safe, certified someone you can trust, call the experts, 541-410-0316, or go to Again, that's 541-410-0316, go to, call Steve, and he'll get you set up home pride, organ inspection, perfection. Of course, our good friends at cuts by Q Definitely gonna go for a cut Soonish year. I think I've had relatively long here for a while Over a year Probably like 15 months or so and I'm just kind of I'm ready to just get a fresh look You know here is just kind kinda like John Voidy right now.
Starting point is 00:06:29 J-O-N-O-H, space, V-O-I-G-H-T-Y. Don't let me forget I gotta play Quirtle later. I played World-O and I played Whirtle while we were waiting for our breakfast sandwiches this morning. But the sandwich came out before I got time to play Quirtle. So yeah, cuts by Q when you need to fresh do something snappy you knew called the experts at cuts by Q and of course, bringing in the new year with us as always are good friends at the Samson Q2U series. Lamentations, Song of Solomon, whatever it might be.
Starting point is 00:07:07 When God speaks, he uses a Samson. We have just, in the background, because I can hear it in the other room, started our fourth Yellowstone episode of the day. And I gotta tell you, I have been more of a detractor, a criticizer of this show than many. And that's not the, so the thing with Yellowstone
Starting point is 00:07:37 were end of season two right now. There are, it's a solid premise, and there's some good acting And stuff but man there's this last Maybe it's just because I'm hungover but some of the episodes we've watched today there've just been some acting choices some Really weird pacing And of course anytime anytime you bring
Starting point is 00:08:10 Neil McDonough and as your bad guy, I mean, how many times have we seen it, desperate housewives justified? I don't know. He always plays the same character, which is fine, but it's always this bad guy who's real bad, but he always gets schnucked at the end of the season. And it's just kind of, you're just sitting there. He's kind of a one trick pony, if you will. And so that's, we're at that point in the season now where he's about to get schnucked.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And they've spent this whole season trying to make us think it's going to be, he's going to be real gritty and hardcore and stuff, but I don't know. I just can't take the guy seriously. Hopefully he's a nice guy in real life. But yeah, we just watched this one scene where this lady, who's like the secondary female lead, which pains me to say, she takes her college students on a field trip apparently. And it's to some like bourbon street style concert. And it's quite literally of, I don't know, four minutes scene of them just playing the
Starting point is 00:09:21 full song on the stage and they keep panting back to her face and she's just looking. I would not be shocked if they just recycled the same five second shot of her face about 10 times, 15 times. It was that just weird. And so when something like that happens, you're trying to like dig into, you know, what are they really trying to say with the seeing like, what does it mean? But it was just a song with lyrics that were unintelligible. Like, they, you know, the way they mixed the sound it wasn't meant for you to be like focusing on the lyrics or like being able to hear the lyrics. And they just kept handing back to her face. It wasn't like anything else was changing. The lighting was changing, she wasn't like changing her emotions, she was just standing there watching a concert.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And apparently she brought her college students on a field trip. I don't, I didn't know that college kids went on field trips to rock concerts, but I don't know. This show is, I don't get it, man. I don't understand how it is so like popular that it's spawned all these spin-offs and prequels and stuff because it's terrible anyways.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Big game for the Vikings in about 30, 40 minutes here is about 2, 30 in the afternoon. They're going to be taking on the Packers in Lambo. Should be a tough game. Vikings get the opportunity to get more or less knocked the Packers out of playoff contention. Looks like the Bears are losing 38 to 10. So hot day for them. Justin Fields is 4 of 12 passing for 47 yards, 6 sex, lost a fumble. So he's having a just a banner day. Everyone keeps saying, oh, the bears got their
Starting point is 00:11:17 quarter back. Like, you know, we know we're not going to win this year. We're trying to get the good draft pick, but we definitely have our quarterback. And I fully recognize that everyone else on the Bears is absolute dog shit. And they traded away all their, you know, good defensive pieces and stuff. But I'm not sold at Justin feels being four for 12 and taking six acts is like, oh, we definitely have a quarterback. Now, I think he's better than you go out there and get, you know, Nathan Peterman or Derek Carr or something. But I think I think bears fans are a little bit over enamored with fields.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I don't particularly blame them because there's really nothing else for them to be pumped about. But I don't know. I think the, you know, kind of thought process, at least on Twitter from what I can tell is that everyone's like, oh, next year, finally get the pieces, but it's like, you can't, you can't just magically take your team from zero pieces to all the pieces in one off season. Yeah, they're going to get a good draft pick. And I think they have a lot of cap space. And, you know, definitely getting, oh, I'd receive her that someone's heard of will be helpful. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I think the bears are maybe going to be better just by default, because there's no nowhere for them to go but up. And I think the Vikings are about to get a lot worse. But who knows who knows what's going to happen. Finally, just on the theme of football, not to continually, believe or the point here, but just a shout out to brother of the podcast Walter Fernes and father of the podcast, Steve Fernes, who you might know from home pride Oregon, as they square off right now live in the great white north, season 17 championship.
Starting point is 00:13:28 season 17 championship. Looks like the live projection has Fumble Ruski, who Steve F 110 and Bicep Kissers who's Walthe 84. So currently projected to be a blowout and not good. A lot of waltz players are playing right now. And, boy, when you're starting, holy moly, look at this roster. Well, we already talked about Justin Fields. He's just been hot trash. Juju Smith Schuster as one point in the fourth quarter. James Conner's having a solid A 10 points, but not great. Chubah Hubbard is the backup running back for the Carolina Panthers. He has one point, DJ Shark,
Starting point is 00:14:11 what apparently has, I don't, didn't even know he was still playing. He has five points in the FlexSpot. And yeah, real bad, holy moly. So, let's basically crown Steve F on a big win. First title for Pope and Young, their division in seven years. It had been me and Walt for five straight years, and then my cousin Hunter last year. All from the same division.
Starting point is 00:14:46 But finally, the Boone and Crockett, reign of terror is about to take a little break. So congratulations, it's not completely over, but when we waltz at 27 points and after the new Nwindow ends, he's just gonna have a receiver, a tight end, a kicker and a defense. So even if everyone goes crazy, that's, I mean, that puts your cap about 90 or so.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So and that's if everyone, that's 15 points from everyone, including a kicker and a tight end. So yikes. Might not to say my team is that much better, but it wasn't last week. Anyways, we will certainly be back for our fantasy football special preview in September or late August, so it'd be on the lookout for that. That's about all I can literally handle, just the hangover things a bummer because I drank a lot yesterday But I was also really cognizant of it and it was doing good with water and stuff and
Starting point is 00:15:54 I woke up this morning. I was feeling Literally just fine and just the last three hours or so. It's just gotten rough so and just the last three hours or so it's just gone rough. So anyways, glad I got this out there, glad I got to say happy new year to the bean heads. I'll try to put together a more coherent year five recap next week. And then we gotta start planning for the
Starting point is 00:16:20 Pludge Drive special, man, it really sneaks up on you, it doesn't it? Where I ask for all of your money. Anyways, if you're doing a dry January, I hope the first 14 hours of it have been good for you. And only 30 days and 10 more hours to go, the days are getting longer. And apparently on yellowstone, spoiler alert, per the text they just got from H.O.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Jamie's having a kid, West Bentley, who you may know from American Beauty, he plays the creeper kid who takes pictures of the plastic bag, and now Jamie's GPA is dead. I didn't even know he was in school. So that's what I got for you guys. With the outro music, that's gonna put us right around 20 and that's perfectly okay.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Cause you don't wanna listen to me limp my way through being town podcast. I'm gonna get leaner, I'm gonna get slimmer and that can be as bloated for the next 30 days. It's gonna be great Not to mention my legs got a little bit of a rest. I haven't run since Monday Tuesday Whenever that was Monday, I think so Yeah, that's what I had for you. I hope that you had a fun and safe new year's Eve and
Starting point is 00:17:47 I hope that you had a fun and safe New Year's Eve and if you're off work tomorrow for the observed federal holiday, enjoy. I'm not, I guess the Catholics don't celebrate Happy New Years. That's what I had. Let's queue up some outroom music everyone. I hope that you're staying safe. I hope that you're staying sane. My name is Quinn David Fern. It's Happy New Year. I'll check in on you next time. Bye I'm just going to sit down and sit down. nd ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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